"The question is, how much of a liability has he become”: Andrew Coyne on latest Liberal scandal

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@robertlees6943 4 жыл бұрын
He's only sorry that he has been caught.
@robertlees6943 4 жыл бұрын
@John Forbes I was wondering about that too, he's the only one wearing blackface in the pictures and video. I'm in my 50's and blackface has never been acceptable in my time.
@PierreaSweedieCat 4 жыл бұрын
@John Forbes One lady was dressed as Jasmine. In all fairness, we have no idea about the other participants. ut what do you expect? He was a Part-time Drama teacher, and exhibited all his life. Poor little child nevvver grew out of the short pants.
@PierreaSweedieCat 4 жыл бұрын
But, of course, is that not the case when ANY public figure does something stupid, as they all do -- in short order?
@boogyjuggy 4 жыл бұрын
Bingo...Poor Canada, the damage the Trudeaus and all who have followed have done to this country is just sick, sick, sick...Just a little backgrounder, to gain some perspective... Liberals - This is the party of massive government growth and debt under Trudeau part 1 (daddy), Lalonde, changing our banking system, the way we borrow money and from whom, the party of forcing a new flag on the nation, forcing bilingualism (French) on the country while allowing English to be banned (allowing bills 22, 178, 101…) in Quebec, forcing multiculturalism, renaming our founding constitution the BNA act and forcing a french style charter upon the country signed only by people from Quebec (Trudeau, Ouellette, Chretien)… The party of adscam, the funneling of millions into Quebec, Shawingate, hotel burning, contracts on napkins, cash changing hands in brown paper envelopes in Quebec restaurants, the party of the most corrupt, slimy, sleazy province in the country ( see MacLean’s magazine, Quebec corruption), where mayors all across the province are being charged with corruption, fraud, money laundering, bribery… ongoing trials as we speak, the party of equalization (the stealing of your money and funneling 10’s of billions into Quebec, and other franco Nazis towns and companies all across the country...every year for over 50 years now with no change in sight …), the stealing of farm land (Read - The tragedy of Quebec)…I could go on for hours with facts…the Liberal party of Canada has a long , long history, a pattern of greed, slime, deception and corruption dating back to the 1940s...100’s of billions stolen out of Ottawa and funneled into quebec and other franco nazis towns, and companies, all across the country...all disguised as grants, subsides, equalization, bilingualism - only outside quebec (code for french) while quebec bans our language, a la bills 22, 178, 101... nice eh ? - all really legal theft, change the laws, steal more money, this is what they did...most people have no idea what happened to this country when Quebec, Trudeau, Lalonde... took over Ottawa = corruption, fraud, money laundering, every day, every way = government...follow the money folks, follow the money...french power $$$, follow the money...in all provinces. People really have no idea who took control of the country and what has been done to us over the last 60 years.....thanks Trudeau #1, and his crooked, corrupt quebec cronies, scary indeed...And until we repeal the very expensive laws/departments - the charter, equalization, bilingualism (code for french), multiculturalism, a dreadful immigration policy...the damage will continue...this did not begin overnight, decades of it...follow the money...
@rodhambleton2843 4 жыл бұрын
The Liberals are damaged goods
@charlespratt8663 4 жыл бұрын
The man has apologized so many times for so many things that its meaningless. He is a drama teacher not a politician.
@joeyjoejoejr5307 4 жыл бұрын
If a Conservative or any one of Trudeau's minions did what he did, there would be no excuses. I'm all for forgiving, but Justin has lost the right to lead our Country or be on the international stage in any capacity.
@bluetocop 4 жыл бұрын
this PM is just the actor playing a role. How many people in this country thought black face was ok . Just the unthinking uncaring dim wits
@charlottecreamer5942 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, not buying the argument that blackface is not fatal to a politician's career. In Trudeau's case, blackface is the proverbial back-breaking straw. Canadians have, in general, tolerated an awful lot of bull, embarrassment, incompetence, obstruction of justice and outright hypocrisy from Trudeau and his gang, but this blackface thing is what's sticking in their craw the most, along with the joke of an apology that turned into the joke of an apology 2.0 when the blackface video surfaced the next day. Canadians have had enough of Trudeau and his gender-(un)balanced "because it's 2015" ways. Maybe the media pundits have been paid to temper their analyses of him, but we out here in the cheap seats are free to speak our minds, and here's what's on them: Trudeau must go.
@catballou4919 4 жыл бұрын
Very well stated!
@redrose-wb4bw 4 жыл бұрын
Agreed, excellent analysis of how MOST of us really feel. This is the straw that has broken the camel’s back. Just one too many stunts.
@sausageslaps 4 жыл бұрын
the media party is suppressing the story and the real numbers, you are spot on, this will end his chances of re election, if all the other misdeeds didnt this will.
@charlottecreamer5942 4 жыл бұрын
@Christopher Merla There's a certain elegance in what you say, but I'm still not ready to believe that the majority of Canadians have thrown in the towel on Canada. I suspect we'll see in this election a resurgence in anti-Liberal voters who have perhaps been absent from voting booths for a while. One thing that most Canadians can't stand is the unequal application of laws and standards, an application that Trudeau and his minions have aptly demonstrated. We are either all equal before the law, and standards apply to us all equally, or that's just not Canadian. Most Canadians have a violently gut-level response to unequal application of laws and standards, which is why they are so appalled by the Liberals. It is this gut-level response that will drive them to vote against the Liberals on October 21st.
@heatherguse8982 4 жыл бұрын
@williambabe3032 4 жыл бұрын
The Telegraph of London (why not a Canadian paper ?) has revealed that it wasn't even a costume ball, the prescribed dress was black tie, and he was the only one of 500 guests in costume. What does that say about this "person" ?
@rickyrickardo8347 4 жыл бұрын
I couldn't imagine how uncomfortable the evening was to many people except Trudeau. He wouldn't even understand what he had done wrong because he is a Sociopath with Narcissistic tendancies.
@susanauger3758 4 жыл бұрын
And he cant say how many more times hes wore black face. Have you? I have never done it lol
@susanauger3758 4 жыл бұрын
@@rickyrickardo8347 oops I will just blame everyone
@rickyrickardo8347 4 жыл бұрын
@@susanauger3758 He wants us to feel guilty for what he has done. This guy needs help. Because of his financial and social privilege and low IQ he has no sense of reality.
@saintejeannedarc9460 4 жыл бұрын
I hate Trudeau and he's a hypocrite to be clear, but it's not true he was the only one in costume. The very picture of his turban costume shows an Asian chick w/ a veil on, also in costume. He was likely the only one in blackface, which I wouldn't care about, because it's a marxist buggaboo, but he's the smug king of woke so he's got to go.
@spyke123able 4 жыл бұрын
Trudeau has to go!!! P.P.C.for me!!!
@deanvall3784 4 жыл бұрын
any other politician would have had to resign over blackface ,not JT he;s wearing his teflon suit nothing sticks .this guy is totally shameless.
@chartliner 4 жыл бұрын
Oh but Trudeau said he is "pissed off" at himself! He is only upset because he finally got caught before this he kept it hidden to he could attain power. He is a disgrace and so is the Liberal party for letting this go on, they should oust him.
@saintejeannedarc9460 4 жыл бұрын
@@chartliner It's wishful thinking they would oust him a month before an election. I'm sure much of his party is furious, but they have to pretend they have a united front until he loses. Then all hell will break loose. I think they've had 5 women leave the party? That was well before the blackface. I might have lost count though.
@BLURAPTORBRO 4 жыл бұрын
That guy is dead wrong I hear people changing their mind all over Canada. Trudeau is ruined
@1jlavin 4 жыл бұрын
The question for the electorate is "do you want to hand your future to someone who by an accident of birth thinks he has the right to run your life and then constantly lie to you about his actions?"
@theroman5564 4 жыл бұрын
Lock him up! That's where mr dress up belongs.
@brianmcdonald9502 4 жыл бұрын
The whole world is seeing what a buffoon he is!
@smithwesson7765 4 жыл бұрын
For a guy who had a teaching degree he sure had a short career. If he was canned from his position at West Point Grey Academy after such a short time, it would be of interest to know why.
@user-ic1kb7qc6z 4 жыл бұрын
Vote PPC👍🏻🇨🇦
@daveyxe 4 жыл бұрын
A vote for max is a vote for trudolt
@d.j.tweets375 4 жыл бұрын
@@daveyxe: Only in the puny minds of SUZY SCHEER TROLLS!!
@mickwest7918 4 жыл бұрын
He's still a very corrupt man (person) I'm more concerned about the SNC - Admiral Norman - Jodi Wilson - Agah Khan incident, Pipeline Promises, Don't forget the peddling of Influence by way of very expensive diner parties - To the Chinese and his remarks about how he wishes that he had their Dictatorial Powers, The Boy has Nice Hair, but that's All he's got.
@arleneschneider1435 4 жыл бұрын
He's probably already grey but dyes it to look young. He's almost 50.
@dominicdurzo8995 4 жыл бұрын
I often wonder why the son of a prime minstrel was let go after a year of teaching. Privilege has nothing to do with this issue; upbringing does! This man has transferred his parental family unto Canadians from whom he expects the same forgiveness because he is a man of destiny
@kenvandeburgt1232 4 жыл бұрын
Will Trudeau dress up as Prime Minister for Halloween this year?
@williammgates7508 4 жыл бұрын
nope black face
@rascallyrabbit717 4 жыл бұрын
While I don't have a lot of choice in this election I will choose what will help Canada become stronger and it's not Justin
@saintejeannedarc9460 4 жыл бұрын
PPC is the only party that will make Canada stronger and edge us closer to keeping our sovereignty. I don't have illusions of winning this election, but the party must be grown and is already the fastest growing party we've seen.
@foxfur8327 4 жыл бұрын
@@saintejeannedarc9460 , can't guarantee the newly formed PPC People's Party of Canada) leader Maxime Bernier will be loyal to Canadians anymore than he was loyal to the Conservatives though. When you pretend to be a Conservative and then desert it and form your own Party because you are sore you lost the Conservative leadership vote, can you be loyal to anyone? This is what is preventing most of the country from voting PPC. Most of the PPC candidates themselves are posting on every website saying "vote PPC (People's Party of Canada) but despite that, most people seem to not be buying their sudden lack of loyalty to the Conservatives. Just like Trump, Scheer won leadership honestly whether Maxime likes it or not. Voting for Maxime, therefore is like voting for Liberal leader Trudeau, despite the fact that they are trying to make Conservative leader Andrew Scheer look like the Liberal supporter instead. If Conservative Leader Scheer were the same as the Liberals, he wouldn't be trying to force them to the trial they should be undergoing re the multiple SNC Lavalin scandals. Is PPC leader Maxime Bernier, leader of his own created Party, also trying to force the Liberals to undergo the same? Has he spoken on that at all?
@aluckyshot 4 жыл бұрын
@@foxfur8327 Why be loyal to the liberal-lite party? They have no plans to slow immigration or back out of treaties. Just the cults dance to keep the agenda moving the the sheep placated.
@autodidact537 4 жыл бұрын
Canadians must understand that Justin Trudeau is a "neo-aristocrat" & therefore he is not bound by the same rules as the "hoi polloi".
@string-bag 4 жыл бұрын
2015 Justin 2019 Justout
@benolsen1414 4 жыл бұрын
It’s amazing that Justin is not in jail. I guess as usual different rules for politicians than us lowly voters that the politicians work for. Corrupt government.
@richardwatson430 4 жыл бұрын
How many breach of ethics accusations have been laid on JT in the last 4 years? How many guilty conclusions have been reached? He's unethical, this new pathetic display really shouldn't surprise anyone.
@frankdevries6962 4 жыл бұрын
Turdeau had on ounce of integrity he never would have entered the political arena. He is past the point of becoming a liabilty,
@spyke123able 4 жыл бұрын
Black face is the least of our concerns! The million dollar question is what is Justin Trudeau's connection to the Clinton Foundation and pay to play where he donated $$$$250,000,000 and now with Joe Biden and his son's connection to the Ukraine deal which also has John Kerry and his step son involved as well. What was Justin's meeting with him/John Kerry on Aga Kahn's Island??? Trudeau is also known for his connection to George Soros and his Open Society Foundations which is responsible for funding the migration of millions of people world wide so as to destabilize those countries, thus the reason for Trumps wall! Trudeau is selling Canada out to the Globalist U.N. by signing the U.N. migration pact, which WILL change Canada as we know it, just as the open border policies of the E.U. has changed European culture as well!!! Who's asking what the ramification will be from these things?
@andrewleblanc2070 4 жыл бұрын
I didn’t know the NP would take money from Trudeau?
@thomasperez6856 4 жыл бұрын
The Devil is also Aristocratic and good looking fellows.
@sharonritchie7115 4 жыл бұрын
So many layers to explore First, the reason the idiots among us elected him: 1. Name recognition alone 2. His hair and shiny pony persona 3. Legalization of pot 4. Because Quebec and Ontario knew he would present maximum handouts to those two provinces 5. People who always vote liberal regardless of how unqualified and inept the candidate is. Justin had no business leading our country with zero experience, running on his fathers coattails. He virtue signals to the extent that he believes he is our “higher power” and anyone who disagrees with him is a racist, misogynist, bigot, etc,etc. He despises white males because he can never live up to the traditional male standard. And now the mask has slipped. His handler Gerald Butts turned his head for one minute and we get to see the real Justin Trudeau. The one many of us knew existed but until now, the media were able to mute. We finally went global with the fact that our Prime Minister is a fraud, a hypocrite, a spoiled child who never had to grow up because the NPCs would cover for him. The gig is up! 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦GO MAX GO!🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
@marilynnorthrup6961 4 ай бұрын
I agree with most of this except the last line. PPC is not going to lead after the next election.
@rgun12358 4 жыл бұрын
Don't overlook the grouping going on here
@mikethompson9859 4 жыл бұрын
This guy believes what he's saying holy crap
@TheFarCobra 4 жыл бұрын
I don’t think there has ever been a question of his character. He is utterly devoid of such encumbrances.
@doloresbeavan3266 4 жыл бұрын
He's a creep!!
@richardcohen2122 4 жыл бұрын
PPC all the way then bring Trudeau to criminal court
@julestremblay453 4 жыл бұрын
Kudos for Lurysa not bursting out in sarcastic laughter , bye bye Tater
@d.j.tweets375 4 жыл бұрын
Leaky Weeks: Agreed - Larysa is looking particularly FINE during this interview, btw!!
@julestremblay453 4 жыл бұрын
D.J. Tweets Difficult for her Not to , and asking the rt questions
@FalkunRazkull 4 жыл бұрын
He won in 2015 because he ran on legalizing weed. The kids voted him in. Now it's time for the kids to vote him out.
@hebber1961 4 жыл бұрын
"The most recent scandal" ...lol. Not A scandal or THE scandal... the most RECENT scandal. The scandal is that he was even elected PM.
@danielraj2868 4 жыл бұрын
All the federal leaders are hypocrites (if not outright liars)....all except Maxime Bernier. He's actually authentic. I'm voting PPC!
@Ruffway64 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent reporting
@colemancalgary5260 4 жыл бұрын
Harper was right “he just isn’t ready”
@marilynhaley7033 Жыл бұрын
Yes he was right
@jwboll 4 жыл бұрын
The problem is not within Canada, it is with the rest of the world. This is by far the most damaging occurrence to our Canadian identity as stable, reliable, reasonable people to do international business with.
@dbertrand2641 4 жыл бұрын
Seriously what’s their platform other than spending our $ and bragging about it like it’s good news. Good grief wake up people.
@stevehansen6552 4 жыл бұрын
There is a difference between sorry and ashamed
@Goatboy-xi2hr 4 жыл бұрын
Liberals .. Conservatives, ... same party, different names. I'm voting PPC.
@bruceposch1449 4 жыл бұрын
He apologizes every week for something...at a certain point we have to ask why would we elect this shyte show and go through the same thing for another four years?
@gboates 4 жыл бұрын
andrew coyne - love your subtle humour woven into your insights, thanks, so refreshing .
@Nikolebichon 4 жыл бұрын
Just wait for the debates, that is if he shows up to any!!!!
@waynegalvin4639 4 жыл бұрын
Good honest discussion re the matter and that is rare in the media. Andrew Coyne is an honest broker.
@georgeskinner4153 4 жыл бұрын
Ok all you pro Trudeau supporters. Tell me why you'd still vote for him.
@JustineBrownsBookshelf 4 жыл бұрын
He has a helluva nerve trying to drag the rest of us Europeans down with him.
@voxer99 4 жыл бұрын
Funny how the other people in the photo don't seem shocked and offended.
@KKnits Жыл бұрын
A pity he wasn’t charged 3 years ago at the t8me of this video. Look what he has gone on to do! Disgusting evil man.
@charsback 4 жыл бұрын
Shld be in Jail..Then this conversation is not needed...
@lennardmaillet3842 4 жыл бұрын
Coyne has a new suit! I guess he wore out the Blue blazer and tan slacks.
@saxytb 4 жыл бұрын
The latest exhibition of his stupidity does not surprise me. What is surprising is that majority of Canadians are accepting the concept of the federal government structure where scandals, controversy and even criminal activities are becoming a norm. A federal government structure that stimulates metastatic growth of media organizations and activist groups that consume so much of our time, money and attention.
@mtesc6516 4 жыл бұрын
I heard he dressed as a tree at his last announcement.
@fluffymuffin3487 4 жыл бұрын
Its time for the West to leave. This garbage has been going on for over 50 years and getting worse.
@The_Saxon_of_Riverstone 4 жыл бұрын
I hear there is more..... “La Press”
@charlottecollins4470 4 жыл бұрын
How is it that BEFORE election it is so impossible to investigate the Ethics Committee info and 9 witnesses who STILL NEED TO SPEAK THE TRUTH? Is it really so difficult in our Canadian law and government to make it possible for Canadians to be FULLY informed to vote for an ethical leader? 🇨🇦 Who Is the only one objecting ?
@td1385 4 жыл бұрын
Too many scandles, should spend his own money on somethings and too out of touch with real people.
@sanjaybakshi3901 4 жыл бұрын
Turn off the lights the party's over!
@benwitt6902 4 жыл бұрын
I notice no ever bring up his groping, which would have gotten anyone else canned.
@philmowatt3645 4 жыл бұрын
Is anyone from the National Post trying to follow-up this story by contacting former staff members at the school? I suspect there's more to the story if anyone is willing to go on the record. It's too bad this didn't come out in 2015.
@tommi52 4 жыл бұрын
I have talked to Quebec people and they all hate Trudeau
@litestuf 4 жыл бұрын
Right NOW 2020/04/04; Trudeau vs COVID19 AKA "The Kung Flu", is like a child caught alone in his first thunderstorm. He can't see, he can't act, he has no idea what is going on and Dady ain't there to tell him.
@dwern4322 4 жыл бұрын
"I'm a dude, playing a dude, disguised as another dude!" - Justin Trudeau 🤣🤣
@jameswesthaver4596 2 жыл бұрын
Same as CB C totally not representative of public opinion
@ednichol7419 4 жыл бұрын
Where are all of the pictures with other MPs standing with him and having a good time ? He is toxic.
@meMiner 4 жыл бұрын
There was nothing in Trudeau's background that demonstrated competency to lead Canada. The only surprising thing is that it took this long for people to notice/understand.
@rgt4848 4 жыл бұрын
The Liberals need to get rid of Trudeau as soon as possible.
@samslick9000 4 жыл бұрын
Coyne's cousin Is the mother of Jussie's half sibling
@AbeySampson-ow8pz 27 күн бұрын
How a woman from Ukraine name Freeland become Canada Finance Minister its beyond my imagination.
@judybailie9566 4 жыл бұрын
It's doable if it's Harper!
@donalddodge1 4 жыл бұрын
Good points Andrew, this is just the surface of Trudeau’s inequities of character. I’m pleased I’ve never had to meet him, my tolerance for arrogance combined with ineptitude, I’m afraid would be stretched to the limit...
@livefree987 Жыл бұрын
How can any common sense Canadian still vote for this clown ? He is just an actor , no integrity whatsoever to be a Canadian Prime Minister .He is as corrupted as any banana Republic dictator .
@deebbie2222 4 жыл бұрын
Non of the world leaders will give this guy the time of day at the world summits. It's hilarious to watch if not scary. Now what are they going to do with him?
@rickchase6990 4 жыл бұрын
He was a bad boy
@elaine1034 4 жыл бұрын
He's toast! And it isn't just the brown face, it's all the lies.
@saxytb 4 жыл бұрын
This is normal for many of the countries where most of the new immigrants come from, and they don’t see what is he doing wrong.
@colehara 4 жыл бұрын
Vote Sock Boy out.
@justincase4892 4 жыл бұрын
Vote PPC in 2019
@handzus19 Жыл бұрын
From the thumbnail, it looked like Shania Twain.
@JoeBlack1108 4 жыл бұрын
He isn't sorry about anything he does, he has some acting skills and that is what he is calling on. Not very good either.
@richardsummers7569 3 жыл бұрын
People just "perceive " blackface differently
@lumberdog198 4 жыл бұрын
Maybe Trudeau completely forgot about all these incidents and when he saw the pictures that jarred his memory. That s why he can't come up with an exact number.Anyways he shouldn't worry his pretty little head about such trivia he needs to concentrate on preparing for the debates. Picking out sensible yet meaningful socks can be all encompassing.
@bigboy7927 4 жыл бұрын
Trudeau just proved he`s a hypocrite and can`t be trusted .you can tell when he is lying ,his lips are moving.
@pamelamacneil1331 4 жыл бұрын
"If we can't trust him or believe him." And that's exactly how I think of him. He is a complete fraud!
@williamben9194 4 жыл бұрын
Do not trust him do not believe him
@kcuhc84 4 жыл бұрын
The world sees Canadians as "nice". How nice do you need to be to re-elect him.
@rodhambleton2843 4 жыл бұрын
I hope there is surprise news or findings to throw at him, not the regular like he gets the questions in advance, if so it's a farce, not a investigation, Trudopee is a true liar and manipulator of answers not concerning the Questions asked, Let's have surprise questions where he falls and becomes disorientated in replies
@shawnschechter7148 4 жыл бұрын
I dressed up as Blade (a black Marvel character) once. The thought never entered my mind to paint myself black. Normal people don't think like that. And why is it always rich aristocratic white guys that engage in such disturbing behavior? Trudeau knew exactly what he was doing..
@foxfur8327 4 жыл бұрын
The combined bananas on his T Shirt and black hand on the upper body of a white woman probably weren't meant to flatter blacks, nor do they suggest he was unaware of what he was doing.
@francineproulx2535 4 жыл бұрын
Good reporting. Justin needs to step down
@TheBearDenPhotography 4 жыл бұрын
I did NOT trust him in 2015, and still do NOT trust him in 2019. He's not authentic, has no integrity, is a hypocrite, and has no leadership skills and qualities whatsoever. He needs to go come Oct 21st!
@RoyStubbs 4 жыл бұрын
He wants play pmo but not Canadian's dime anymore he wasted money he fail lot of things.
@davidmeijer1645 4 жыл бұрын
VOTE Mad Max....for Canada's sake, people!! Just do it already!!
@misscndnwoman2177 4 жыл бұрын
It was a black tie affair,not a damn costume party. And the woman being groped was NOT friend with him.!!!!!!
@pierremichaud3102 4 жыл бұрын
Simple miss understanding, he thought it was a black face affair and not a black tie affair
@misscndnwoman2177 4 жыл бұрын
@@pierremichaud3102 😄😄
@susanauger3758 4 жыл бұрын
I've never done blackface, have you???????? Strange alright. Blames his whiteness so it's our fault AGAIN!!! POS
@JohnSmith-fy1uv 4 жыл бұрын
he was fired for following the law and now our blackface prime minister has fired another woman for not calling him a feminist, and since he has a sexual assault allegation and fires women for following the law, I don't blame her.
@ronwhitton8625 4 жыл бұрын
He is only rasist to English Canadians
@robertburns4887 4 жыл бұрын
My goodness he looks more like Fidel's son everyday
@jamzink 4 жыл бұрын
@DaGentlemanLOL 4 жыл бұрын
FROM THEO FLURY Someone just asked me “What did trudeau and the Liberals do that’s so bad?” I told them: The minister of defense is guilty of public perjury, gross negligence causing a threat to national security and should be in jail. The minister of finance is guilty of inside trading - a 10 year sentence. The minister of immigration actively and quietly attempted to remove protections of FGM from the Canadian citizenship guide, which HAD he succeeded would have provided a lawful excuse under current Canadian laws for practitioners of this crime on humanity to never face sentencing or punishment if they performed it here. DOMESTIC TERROR THE PRIME MINISTER IS GUILTY OF DOMESTIC TERRORISM AS WELL WHEREAS: 1/ according to sec 83:01-83:09 of the criminal code of Canada; any political leader in Canada who insights, endorses, supports or forces ANY IDEOLOGY upon the citizens of Canada is guilty of domestic terror. 2/any citizen who is actively sending money by donation or otherwise to any org that has KNOWN affiliations to terrorists is committing domestic terror He blew the Asia Pacific deal. He blew the helicopter deal with the Philippines. He blew the pipeline deal. He blew the deal with China. He blew the deal with Europe. He blew pot legalization. He‘s screwed up immigration. He’s now totally screwed up NAFTA. What more do people need to realize Trudeau is a complete failure at everything he does. Do we need to mention the fiasco at our Southern border? -At the G7 he pledged $400 Million to Education around the world along with another $180 Million to the Global Partnership for Education in Europe. None of it is going to fix our messed up school systems here at home. Meanwhile education cost are skyrocketing for our youth making university a mountain to high for many to climb. -He pledged $241 Million to Family Planning around the world including a $20 Million donation to the Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation (because they have integrity!). This all happened while he told vets that they were asking too much. -He pledged $2.65 Billion to climate change at the Commonwealth Leaders Summit and now he is trying to bully the provinces into new taxes to pay for this pledge. -He pledged $300 Million to the Rohingya Refugee crisis while we have a refugee crisis of our own flooding into Quebec that he won't address. -He pledged $125 Million to Caribbean Reconstruction while our own infrastructure in cities is falling apart. -He pledged $650 million to Sexual and Reproductive health in Haiti and around the globe wanting safer abortions for woman while many woman in our own country are left without a family doctor. -He has pledged $50 million to Palestine for flood relief when NB had some of the worst flooding in decades this past spring. -He pledged $840 million to Syria for Humanitarian Assistance when half the native reserves in our country don't have clean drinking water. -He gave $10.5 Million to a convicted...CONVICTED terrorist in a backroom deal that has lead to another $30.8 Million payed out for three other fellers who say they were wrongfully detained. -And just recently he spent $4.5 Billion on a pipeline, and now the courts have ruled it shut down. Good investment for Canada he said. Replaces Canada’s old F-18s with Australia’s old F-18s. Waves to an empty tarmac when boarding the government plane. Thinks we should thank muslim refugees for moving to Canada. His love of all things Castro and all things Red China. Imposes tough regulations and taxes on oil from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland but not oil from Saudi Arabia. Every new project has to undergo strict environmental assessments...except cement plants in Quebec. Says that a proposed pipeline must consider “the intersection of sex and gender with other identity factors” (what does that even mean???) Thinks older Canadians should be replaced. Chases foreign companies (and their investment capital) out of the country like they have the plague. Chases our WW1 soldiers out of our national anthem... lest we forget. Brings in 10s of thousands of unemployable “refugees”. Tweets out a welcome to 10s of thousands more fake refugees from the US (even gets the RCMP to be their bellhops). All his fake refugees get better healthcare than Canadians do, while they put a strain on all our public services and contribute little. Continuously uses identity politics...then complains about identity politics. Forgot Alberta was a province. Called small business owners “tax cheats” while he sucks at the teat of a family trust fund. Taxes cow farts. Ask questions about money spent on illegal immigrants and he calls them intolerant racists. We have an equalization program but he gives half of it to one province. Says “diversity is our greatest strength” but his divisiveness tears us apart. Screws up our trade relations with our most important trade partner because he failed to stop Chinese steel from flowing through to the states and he won’t give up supply management which hurts Canadian consumers. $8 million for a skating rink. $4.5 billion for a 65 year old pipeline (and KM uses that money to build a pipeline in Texas) Billions added to the national debt. Kokanee groper. Illegal migrants are just “irregular border crossers”. Gets India to invest $250 million in Canada but we have to invest $750 million in India first. Compared returning ISIS terrorists to Italian immigrants and says they will be an extraordinary powerful voice for Canada. Lets Terrorists keep their Canadian citizenship. Thinks Canada is 100 years old instead of 150. Generally making life less affordable for the average Canadian. Gave Canadian taxpayer’s money to the Clinton Foundation. Gave Canadian taxpayer’s money to Hamas. Still gives foreign aid to China????????? Increasing the number of personal pronouns to 50. Outrage over fake racist attacks, says nothing about real terrorist attacks. Spent a little over $1.5 million on the trip to India that did nothing but worsen ties. Plus paid over $17,000 to Vikram Vij, a chef from Vancouver to prepare a meal for a meeting in New Delhi. And the only PM convicted of ethics violations. That’s the short list,, Then I asked “What have they done for Canadians or Canada?”
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