The story of my life/ It all feel down || William’s Point of View

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@daytheoracle 2 ай бұрын
Imagine this: You are born into a very happy family: Your Mom, Dad and Baby Sister. Your family moved to the US when you were 6 and settled for a better life. You grew up with very conservative and religious values as well as shaped into what society deemed correct. “Be brave, boys don’t cry.” “Your job is to marry and provide for your family” “Women are the ones to take care of the house and the kids.” You really didn’t think much of these roles but listen to them very attentively. The older you grew, the more those values were engraved into you. Your mom takes care of the house and you, your father works hard and provides. Skipping ahead, you are a teenager. You always make sure to look after your little sister, Willow and at the same time work hard to be top of the class. In this period you have two best friends, Henry and Vincent. While you and Henry share the same passion for creating, Vincent is the closest to you. He makes you laugh, smile and makes your day better if you are feeling down. You have this feeling for him that you can’t quite describe… some would consider it love. However, Willow had feelings for him and it made you feel jealous…. You asked your mom and dad about it and they immediately freak out: because you liking a boy as considered wrong and demonic, a sin. For the sake of Willow’s happiness and those ideals you become scared of those feelings and suppressed them. You watched as the boy you love, falls in love with someone else: The painful confusion is very clear. Years pass and you meet Rosemary. She was able to fit the emptiness Vincent left behind and helped your move on. You marry her and start your own business with Henry, looking to create something revolutionary. With time, your business is growing and you are at an all time high. A year later Vincent and Willow got married and life seemed to be great at that time. But then: tragedy struck. Your beloved little sister, beaten to death in a ally way. The loss hit hard, specially for Vincent. You tried to be there for him but you couldn’t save him: Vincent took his life a month after Willows death by hanging himself in the woods near his house. You try to move on but it’s hard… so you then sumerge yourself into your work to come, neglecting your wife and family. Things took a turn for the worse when your wife decided to divorce you… you begged for her to stay but the damage is done. Not wanting to lose something else, you decide to give your children all the chances they can get at success. The twins were priority since they were older: One was a brilliant mind, capable and intelligent for his age… the other was artistic and creatively talented with music. You didn’t want your kids to end up as starving artists… so you tried your best to persuade them into working for the company or something better. They didn’t listen and the only way you knew to make them listen was strict parenting and tough love. That didn’t work, If anything it backfired horribly wrong. 1983, this year sucked. Your daughter died thanks to your creation and if that wasn’t bad enough, just a few months later your youngest son died in accident thanks to the negligence of your oldest son. Freadber’s shut down and to top it all of: the yearly celebration of fall fest ended in a fire with your parents dying to the tragedy. You’ve lost all hope and that made you snap. You did something horrible: you killed your business partner and best friend’s daughter, Charlie. The years went by: and you changed for the worst. Your son, Micheal… he fell into insanity and you never even realized it. You were so caught up into your own madness to even notice. You resented him for what he did to his own brother… At this point, you were playing with the idea of immortality. You killed 5 kids and used them for your experiments… all to stop death at it’s core. Death took everything you loved away from you. After that, you really thought things couldn’t get worse, but they did. Micheal’s insanity was deeper than you could have imagined and one day when you got home,the front of your house was surrounded by ambulances and your other son, Terrance, was crying uncontrollably: Micheal committed suicide by hanging. That felt like a punch in the gut. Despite your differences, you did care for him… and seeing him die the same way Vincent did was a low blow. In a desperate attempt to save him, you try to make remnant work… but nothing. You questioned yourself, and wondered what the point of anything was, however there was no turning back for you. By now, you’ve killed a bunch of innocent people, which resulted in your death and karma. You realize your negligence as a parent but again don’t know how to fix it and you are too prideful to let go of your ideals. It doesn’t help that your kids grew distrust and animosity towards you, specially with one of the twins. The only way you knew how to parent him was strictly and he despises your guts more than anything. The question now is: What CAN you do actually if you can’t even change your own ideals? Or is there any hope that you could fix this? Edit: I had to mute the last bit due to copyright issues 😅
@raxboi8529 2 ай бұрын
Well damn that puts a new layer on top of things.
@Madzixuwu 2 ай бұрын
This is so sad 😢😢😢
@witheredjr2887 2 ай бұрын
Wow that’s deep
@thebackdragon7983 2 ай бұрын
Well, if I was being honest I will not kill because I don’t want to end up in hellfire burning for eternity and honestly I was in love with someone as teenager and we broke up and I am happy as I continue living that life without depression, or anything, because I lost him and it’s my best friend. Die says I will be sad for him. I will cry for him, and I will start to pray for him in my prayers for him to go to Paradise so I can meet him there and if my children are not treating me good because I want what’s best for them I will try again and again and again and I will pray to God to guide them through their life and lead them to Paradise and I will definitely be kind to my wife and children because that’s my duty as a man to protect my wife and children not neglecting them that’s also what does orders us to do to take care of our family is also life is a test for us eventually all of us will die and as we Muslim say that is not for us it’s for the whole mankind we say the following ( we truly belong to God and tell him we shall return ) and we will be judged based on our sins and good deeds that we’ve done in this life and if Mike has goes into a depression, I will help him but if I can’t and didn’t notice that he is going bad mentally and committed suicide then I will feel very bad I will feel like the whole world is closing on me but that doesn’t mean that we’ll kill or do anything bad because I know that’s a test for me by God to test my faith in him and for my son, I will continue to pray for him in my prayers and I will tell god and ask him. Beg for him to get my son into paradise because I know how much of a sin the suicide is God tells us that if a person kills himself or killed someone without right which means that he must have the authority to do it like if he’s a soldier in the war that he can the enemy only if the enemy was Armed it’s not, as he turns a civilian then the person whoever it is will burn for eternity is the hellfire where his skin will burn until he can’t feel the pain because he has no skin feel with it and God shall replace him with another one, so he may continue to feel the pain and for the suicide person he will live eternity as well and not only that if he had hang himself, he was hurt himself for eternity in hell if he stabbed himself, he will stab himself with the same metal, that his tabs himself in the real life it’s also God tells us in the Quran that’s a person kills someone it’s just lunch if he killed the whole mankind and if someone saves one person It’s like he said the whole mankind and also I want to also add that we all say God please choose for us, and do not let us choose because you only know what’s good for me, and what’s bad and that’s my answer. How do you feel about my answer?
@Swiftmakesrandomstuff 2 ай бұрын
Dude this lore is getting juicy
@XoxiiKaylaxoxii 2 ай бұрын
Makes sense why William doesn’t want mike and Terrence to date guys because he wasn’t able to I guess they got that from him would cause so much drama if they found out about his past..
@Junnneee 2 ай бұрын
Hm. I can't feel bad for someone who refuses to try and move forward and change themself. Perhaps if he accepts Terrance's sexuality, then I'll start to feel a little empathy.
@Will._.trapyourfriend 2 ай бұрын
*Same tbh*
@نوووووور 2 ай бұрын
or if he accepts Terrance, Michael, or just anyone, for being themselves in general, because I think that's something he has trouble with since he WANTS them to be what HE wants them to be
@Will._.trapyourfriend 2 ай бұрын
@@نوووووور *yep- you're right*
@RemyThecat-pu9fw 2 ай бұрын
I also feel like he should know how Terrance felt because he felt it too, along with that fact that he should know the pain and suffering of not being able to be with someone they love because of what there parents think is right or wrong. If he wants his family to start seeing him as a parent he should at least respect their decisions of what and who they choose to be.
@mr.nobody2858 2 ай бұрын
It sucks because people from back then are shit on for this old school mentality on who you are allowed to be with. I don’t blame the people for shitting on them, just understand these people also don’t know any better since they were raised that way. The older you get with this type of mindset and mentality, the harder it is to actually break out of it even when it comes to the person they might care about a lot. William is not being excused by any means though, his ways don’t work and he needs to love his kids as they are. Just remember that you are expecting a lot from someone who was taught all these stupid things at a young age and can’t break out of it as fast as you might believe it to be.
@jazzyyyy1005 2 ай бұрын
I feel bad, what a person goes through reflects how they may or may not view their future in this case Williams parents didn't care much for his sexuality so I think that deep down William is afraid Terrance will end up going through the same thing
@Animefan24 2 ай бұрын
It is sad what william went through but I can't see myself feeling bad for William. Perhaps if he changes I might feel bad for him but clearly he isn't planning on changing anytime soon.
@Will._.trapyourfriend 2 ай бұрын
*dam.. I feel bad for william after reading you comment..... The aftons needs to react to this to try and understand William a bit- even if I know, William cannot be forgiven and isn't a saint at all :')-*
@sofiacabrera239 2 ай бұрын
I’d love to see a video where Vincent come back and the Aftons get (at least) closer to seeing Williams dark side, Micheal and him could also bond over their shared death (possibly) Or William is once again ashamed of his feelings and locks himself in his office/room maybe Micheal or Terrence understand what this is?
@XoxiiKaylaxoxii 2 ай бұрын
Right like a reunion with rosemary and Henry and Vincent and William
@Aquee_101 2 ай бұрын
Aaaa your William characterisation is so damn good I can't 😭
@نوووووور 2 ай бұрын
Now seeing his point of view is honestly so sad, I probably would've never imagined his life was this tragic, and that's heartbreaking, but honestly, now that all of that is in the past, I think it's time for him to move forward and to change for the better, because as much as he tried to admit that he's trying to change, it really doesn't look like it'll happen anytime soon if William is stuck to the past. Hopefully he realizes his mistakes soon and changes for the better.
@jerri6007 2 ай бұрын
I still think William needs to take time away from the family to get a better understanding of who he is on his own rather than as a father as a husband as a son as a brother. If that includes going out and learning to love himself first, sexuality included, then it’ll take a long while but it’d be worth it.
@imherebutimnot3144 2 ай бұрын
Sexuality is not needed anymore he love Rosemary
@justsomebodyexsiting7192 2 ай бұрын
“Having it rough in the past doesn’t mean you will be forgiven for your wrong doings just explains them”-Just Somebody Existing 2024
@-GachaMeH_ 2 ай бұрын
@XxwastralxX 2 ай бұрын
@GlinxyLunar 2 ай бұрын
Damn.. On one hand, i want to feel bad for William, and i sorta do, but on the other..he had his chances and he lost them. He let his greif and ideals cloud his judgment which affected his way of parenting, he parented his kids the way he was taught to and the way he thought would give them the best life, because despite all his wrongs he did still care. But his past and his losses don't excuse his actions, he let his grief affect his actions and harm those he loved, kind of like how Michael allowed his insecurities and own issues affect his treatment of Evan- Like Father like son huh? William isn't deep down an evil person (or he at least didn't start as one-), i don't think anyone in the family really is even if they aren't exactly good people either, life just played cruel and they each followed along in their own ways. From what I can tell William's biggest obstacle to solving things as of right now is his pride, ideals, and ego, hopefully, he'll somehow manage to see it but we can only hope 🤷‍♀️
@IceFireMoroki 2 ай бұрын
It's all of matter of Perspective. Nothing Can Justify William's action, But we can see the reasons on how he was grown to be this way, even if it's on his own accord their can be catalyst and all. I was pissed at William in the last video too. But If I remember I think the vids timeline is taking place probably months after the reunion, so It's not like they can be "happy" and get it right on the spot. all the aftons including William needs time to heal from their years of Trauma and improve themselves. it's not something you can get in days, months, heck even one year. Years of Trauma Just to Remember people. The Aftons, Emilies, The Missing Children aka William's Victims & ETC. They just need Time. But William did gain abit of empathy from me when seeing this.
@Rubyblue2001 2 ай бұрын
Poor William and the designs are so beautiful and it was so sad wholesome moment and amazing video 😊😮🎉❤^^
@Darkglich-fnafgacha 2 ай бұрын
Poor william although some things he did are a little unforgivable i hope he can still change! The aftons should probably react to this to understand him better
@Ihavenohandle665 2 ай бұрын
I think if the aftons learn about this they may find a way to connect, William’s life is horrible, and not justifying anything, but grieving over and over again kind of does make some flip evil. Also this is rlly interesting , I always imagine William had a background in the military, maybe that would have reasoned his strict and tight nature, but either way this is rlly cool.
@moonlightafton 2 ай бұрын
I feel so bad for Will. I understand why he acts the way he does & it’s sad. I hope he can finally let go of his pride
@bluepikachu13 2 ай бұрын
Sad 😢 but amazing ✨️
@animepudding03 2 ай бұрын
I feel bad for William, not only he lost his beloved to his sister because of his parents, but then watched them all die one by one and he couldn't save any of them. Still, that doesn't justify his big ego and the choices he made. Sure, they(his choices) were influenced by his parents/the times he was living in, but when he became an adult, with children of his own, he couldn't not have seen other parents who were different then him. He could've used them as an example. His business partner, Henry, for example. He has a daughter(idk if he has a son, the Sammy theory) and he's always treated her and taught her way differently than William did to his kids. I understand grief and depression hit him hard, but that's not an excuse to neglect and hurt your family for your own sake. He could've chosen to act differently, seeing how much it hurt him when his parents treated him the same, yet he didn't. He stuck to those morals as if anything else would've killed him. I can't feel any sympathy towards him knowing fully well what he's done to not only his family, but lots of other families(missing children's families, Henry's), but now i understand a bit more why he acted the way he did, why he chose to do what he did. Still, his past doesn't excuse him for hurting other people and ruining their lives. That's all i had to say about this video, still an amazing video and i can't wait for the next one! Keep up the amazing work! 💜
@Aquee_101 2 ай бұрын
This hit hard, but I still think he's past the point of redemption. He caused so much suffering and has done so little to make up for it, nothing he's endured or his reasoning for it excuses that. I feel like he has to make things right with the missing children before he can make things right with his family. Not as in they forgive him, as in he fully genuinely owns up to what he did, feels remorse and acts like it. Consistently. Otherwise the family are forgiving someone who's just a terrible person because he learnt to be less terrible *to them*, which makes them shitty people for condoning him.
@yurisstuff1983 2 ай бұрын
@Nrmeenmt 2 ай бұрын
Well that was like a shoke to me, i didn't know that he has been through things like these. In my opinion... The problem started from where we born and live, it gets more complicated when we grew up to have wrong thoughts, feelings and facts that we want everyone to believe, I don't know why your videos remind me of so many things that happened to me when i was younger. Maybe the salutation is to try to change our thoughts and give the others the chance to reveal their true identity to us and leave some of our ideals thought that didn't help us at all. It may be hard at the first but it all worth when we see the consequences that we want. William's personality could be great one if the surrounding give him the chance to shine. Thanks for your time and have a nice day
@bloodrain1709 2 ай бұрын
;v; sad video. poor William
@Aquee_101 2 ай бұрын
I'd like something like this about Evan's perspective. We don't know a whole lot about his suffering & it's hard to empathise with his actions... What even are the nightmares in your AU?
@shuichikisser07 2 ай бұрын
AND ILLL BE GONE GONE TONIGHT One direction fan here 💪
@vijayadhanala4459 2 ай бұрын
I wonder what would happen if William saw Vincent again, or his family. Is there gonna be a reunion? And if he does meet Vincent what about Rosemary?
@ItzBarbie234 2 ай бұрын
@miia0036 2 ай бұрын
Woah. This is a lot to take in at once. We can't deny it: William had a horrible life. And he also has too much pride. Like too much, bro can't even see what he is doing wrong. It may be the way he sees the world. It may be everything that happened and make it work as a trauma response. But, the thing is, most of the things he did were unnecessary (example: neglecting Mike for his passion). But also, so many things went wrong in his life, no wonder he acted the way he did. William is misunderstood. He was living his life with grief, his: sister, ex-crush, parents and children, all of them died. One after one, some of them even in the same year. Of course his first reaction was shutting himself away from the world, of course it was hard for him to be there for his kids. But he should have never treated them unequally. And just like Terrance, he carried the weight of being the perfect kid. Being there for his sister, getting good grades/being successful, etc. . The difference is that, at least William's parents may have freaked out, but never made William feel different for what was actually being different back then (liking the same gender). If William really wants to change, he should start to actually change instead of just talking about changing. ”Actions speak louder than words”.
@ItzFlameyFazbear 2 ай бұрын
Very sad, but still amazing. 😔❤️✨
@Donatas-rp5yf 2 ай бұрын
Very sad😢
@katiefiorella6371 2 ай бұрын
You should do a video with Terrance to the song The Contortionist, basically a song about bending over backwards for someone for so long and just snapping.
@nemnetti4461 2 ай бұрын
@witheredjr2887 2 ай бұрын
Very interesting so this is where or at least some of his actions come from but dang that’s deep so this could be why will is homophobia or at least what I think but it’s sad to see will being broken by loss of the people he loved this is interesting and curious to what William will do now🤔
@lilangel-thing2315 2 ай бұрын
Anyone else not here the It All Fell Down music part or is it just me😢
@BonFlamery206 2 ай бұрын
that was emotional sad, I could imagine that.
@JillInTheBox 2 ай бұрын
William: Homophobic. Also William: In love with a boy.
@Toxicghost444 2 ай бұрын
love it (:
@Dav458 2 ай бұрын
Everyone else here is adding their two cents in so here's mine,William might have a somewhat tragic past due to his parents and sister's death,as well as watching a boy he loved fall in love with someone else. However,William is a monster who doesn't deserve anything but pain. He had a part in Michael's suicide,left Elizabeth in the fire,killed children,and betrayed his best friend,and the worst thing is he hasn't learned anything. And even now,told his daughter he's a disappointment and constantly fights with Michael due to how William treated him in the past. William Afton is a interesting character,but a terrible person all round. Much like PJ Heywood said in his interview with dawko. That statement is true here as well. He shouldn't even be able to live with his "family" to be honest. Well,that's my thoughts on William,and honestly,he should disappear forever because nobody will miss him.
@katiefiorella6371 2 ай бұрын
I agree, he crossed so many lines and still is. It might be uncomfortable for Terrance to live him after how badly he reacted, and I think Terrance needs time away from him to find out who he is beyond William's "perfect" son because I doubt, he experimented with things as a teen for fear of disappointing William.
@ImJustTiredo7 2 ай бұрын
Ngl kinda wanna see william move out or go away and see how the family would be and how he would be without him and him without their presence
@Davebrogaminganimet235 2 ай бұрын
They said they would be better without him
@Jurassickindgom 2 ай бұрын
@@Davebrogaminganimet235Yea & look in the past how that went? William was barely present & everything fell apart.
@Davebrogaminganimet235 2 ай бұрын
True but they all hate him jeez I don’t know what to say about say there is just to much negativity in the family with the friends also
@grimmwarrior7379 2 ай бұрын
One day William will tell them the truth and maybe they will forgive him or give him a second chance who knows
@gg_gamer47 2 ай бұрын
God i wish willam has a redeption arc because man i have seen to many aus of willam being a dick
@Jurassickindgom 2 ай бұрын
@aliciaparker9142 2 ай бұрын
Damn l do feel bad for William but l would like if he focuses less on the past and just move forward with the present for his family sake as l do want him be better person despite what he been through when he was alive and younger that made him resentful of his oldest son having a boyfriend due to his bad experience
@user-ji9if9to9e 2 ай бұрын
Me before : William sucks Me after : William still sucks..?
@Star-la 2 ай бұрын
Just cause William didn't get what he wanted/who he loved doesn't mean he can take it out on Terrance and Michael
@Solarballsfanharu 2 ай бұрын
So reading this I have gotten triggered literally, like I teared up. I should've seen the the full video before actually reading. I've gotten a mixed feeling for William. What he has done isnt right. But seeing someone you have loved commit su1c1d3 is a hard thing to adjust to. Thats actually what triggered me. I dont feel like sharing what my past holds but I've lost a lot to su1c1d3 I wont go on detail about this but reading that bit made a bit of tears coming out of my eyes. I honestly was not suspecting Williams backstory to be like this. Also I get Wills point on parenting as well. Sometimes (actually a lot of time) the child does what they have been taught. He may have grown in a family which was good but it was religious as well, and William did what he was taught But abusing his own; that does not change it as well. What he did was pretty bad and cruel. But honestly if he just stops his pride of himself I think he can be at least much better.
@CanadianFarmerGT 2 ай бұрын
@zerosorigin8387 2 ай бұрын
So William was also gay for another male or at least bi but due to the time period he couldn’t go with those feelings. Terrence is more the lucky one to being born later in life but yeah, would be interesting when William admits that he had those feelings once.
@neighborhoodsoiocpath7063 2 ай бұрын
Womp Womp
@Bunnyboi.713 2 ай бұрын
Me watching this after the latest video and actually kind of understanding it 😑
@TanjinaIslam-kc6my 2 ай бұрын
Wow am 1st😂
@KindnessKitty 2 ай бұрын
I'm a bit confused, because You imply that he cares for his kids, while a vid with Elizabeth implied he never cared for them. Did I miss a detail?
@meenalavander3741 2 ай бұрын
Im startung to understand William's mindset a bit more now. He was a victim in hos own story. Yea he's really harsh and rude but the fact is he was brought up like that. While LGBT+ was somewhat accepted during 1980s in the early 1900s people were hyperfixated on religion and some queer people were even killed for thier sexuality. Wiliam grew up in that mindset. He was forced into a box he never wanted to be in. I agree not everything he did was good but to be fair everyone thinks of themselves as a victim in their own story. Yes he was mean to Michael but he loved him very much. He was doing his best to love them. He unintentionally let his parents "perfect ideals" take over him. The reason he did this particularly to the twins is because they were the oldest. He wanted them to be supports for the younger two, just as he had been for his sister. Alas Michael didnt exactly fall into the box William had made for him. So he did what his parents did to him. He hurt him emotionally and on occasions physically. ( once again people this is 1970-80. Physical punishment was a normal at this time) He loved his kids but his fatal flaw is that he cannot change. He is not flexible. He never tried nor has he ever though of bending his mindset to accommodate others. Saying that you dont feel sympathy for William but you do for the rest is a bit extreme in my opinion. The rest also have their flaws. For example Michael was an asshole to Evan and he did drugs and what not. Elizabeth hurt night guards intentionally and even killed Terrance. Evan purposely hurt and tortured Michael to insanity and still refuses to accept that he was in the wrong. He has a terrible victim complex. Rose was neglectful toward Michael especially after Evan and Elizabeth's death. She ignored the repercussion of hidding her illness from her kids which as a mother she should have realized would leave a horrible scar on them. Terrance tried to maintain an image of himself that even he hated. Even whenit hurt others or himself he continued to keep up a facade which made him jealous of Michael. Not to mention his words were what pushed Michael to off himself. None of these people are innocent. They are well developed and traumatised characters who need a good therapy session and a hug
@gowraiden3326 2 ай бұрын
THIS! THIS WAS THE ANSWER I WAS LOOKING FOR!! For some reason looking at how your William is acting it didn’t feel so….fully him for some reason I’m not saying he’s justified for his actions, he’s a dick but it’s not like he’s just an ass for no reason your William to me felt like someone who was behind broken but never actually saw himself as that he knew he had problems but didn’t think they were big and look at where it has him now.
@TanjinaIslam-kc6my 2 ай бұрын
I don blame him tbh 😶
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