The Theory that Changes EVERYTHING | Kingdom Hearts

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8 ай бұрын

The Child of Destiny had Another Purpose
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@Kira1Lawliet 8 ай бұрын
I think the evidence is piling up that Xehanort did in fact stash away a 14th version of himself in Quadratum that we have yet to meet. The dialogue from Dark Road and Nomura's drawing of a never-before-seen version of Xehanort with street clothes and umbrella all but confirm this speculation. But I'm not sure it's all part of some ulterior motive. Part of me believes that, if Xehanort was aware of the existence of Quadratum and the other side, that he simply wanted a version of himself to live there, not as part of some 5D chess move to ensure the success of his ambitions, but merely to allow some version of himself an alternate chance at a simpler life. The Xehanort we know has always been a person adrift in his own life, consumed by his own curiosity and thirst for knowledge, afflicted by the trauma of his childhood-that Xehanort could never lead a normal life, and I think subconsciously he knew that. So he found a way to make a version of himself that could live apart from him, in unreality, a version of himself that could live a normal life without having to carry around the baggage of being Xehanort. Just a theory, but I hope that's the road they take with this, because that would actually be really interesting, and also sweet.
@ProdigyxCD 8 ай бұрын
I absolutely love this explanation and idea ❤❤
@KazeWolfen 8 ай бұрын
I would love for that to be the case. I'm not necessarily pro-Xehanort but I want to see more compassion and humanization for him. He's a victim of circumstances during his formative years and I am sure a lot of people have baggage themselves.
@adammorin2955 8 ай бұрын
Him having a 14th vessel is kinda of a stretch but it’s suspicious that he knew of the other side and what his plans are. He told kairi that they failed meaning either kairi agreed with xehanort to go to find the keyblade wielders or xehanort had the org ready. Either way the other side was something xehanort knew and was curious about. He could have sent someone before kairi and that was his 14th vessel so of speak
@Kira1Lawliet 8 ай бұрын
@@adammorin2955 It's actually not that much of a stretch. In Dark Road, there's a scene where young Xehanort and Eraqus are talking at the chess board, and Xehanort mentions that he would "at least 13 lifetimes to save the world...mmm, or maybe 14. 13 to fix the world, and one more to help rebuild it" (I'm paraphrasing). That plus the artwork that Nomura drew for the release of the ending of Dark Road featuring a version of young Xehanort dressed in modern-style street clothes with an umbrella both suggest this is a strong possibility, as Nomura is precisely the type of writer to put in a line like that as foreshadowing.
@adammorin2955 8 ай бұрын
@@Kira1Lawliet that is circumstantial at best only cause thats two instances of it ever appearing and one is concept art which never makes to the actual games. I do like the idea that he might have one there but it doesn’t seem likely. A 14th vessel would actually help explain to riku or sora or even kairi whoever is stepping to the other side to save sora what the heck is going on.
@raisercruise7408 8 ай бұрын
Maybe I’m missing a few things but I do feel like Xehanort’s true ambition was to change the course of certain fate by the book of prophecies. He believed that by playing into Mom’s game, he could hold the x blade and change the course of history because he’s “the chosen one”. However, Sora’s sacrifice was in a way prophecized where if he was sent to unreality, he would continue the fate of the world as said so by the book of prophecies by defeating Xehanort. Therefore, apprentice xehanort knew that if someone (Sora) had made it to unreality… he completely failed his goal of changing history. I feel like that was his entire purpose in life. To live up to his potential power to change fate, which mom encouraged because it meant that he would win either way. That’s my head cannon at least.
@ProdigyxCD 8 ай бұрын
Saving this comment, you single handedly made the "We have Failed" line make a LOT of sense!
@Numba003 8 ай бұрын
The idea of Xehanort trying to play mind-bending strategy against the MoM is a super cool one, but I honestly don't feel like this is where Nomura will take it. Xehanort is a fascinating character though, and I would be open to seeing him return to the story under the right circumstances. Thank you for this very cool theory video though! God be with you out there everybody. ✝️ :)
@GhettoTendencies 8 ай бұрын
HE JUST BLEW MY MIND What i knew: Xehanort - x = No Heart. What he just exposed: Xehanort- x=Another……. YOOOOOOOOO
@Carnagelolpvp 8 ай бұрын
Xehanort was smart enough to realize what was going on. He played the villain in order to save the light. The closer to the light you get the larger you shadow becomes so he took that role onto himself because eraquis hated darkness more than anything. I think young xehanort is in quadratum due to the artwork that was shown and he is waiting for sora.
@buttertoast1146 7 ай бұрын
No he went too far just to play a part
@motivationagent730 8 ай бұрын
The thing that trips me off is. If sora and a version of Xehonort did the same taboo. Shouldnt there be a version in Xehonort in Unreality too.
@TalysAlankil 8 ай бұрын
i think Melody of Memory and Dark Road make it clear that xehanort has an ulterior plan past his own defeat, yeah. there could be countless ways to bridge the end of kh3/remind into kh4 and the lost masters arc, but in both of these games, the connection was chosen to be Xehanort. the real question for me is to what *extent* he will be important moving forward. will he be a major player, or will he just be the way the protagonists get to catch up with the master of masters? but there's no doubt in my mind he planned something, and likely something to counter the master's plans to at least some degree.
@ZeranZeran 8 ай бұрын
Woah, good points! I wonder if Xehanort is the one who found Brain...
@MrScaryPasta 8 ай бұрын
Xehanort’s name has two meanings. Another because he has lived multiple different life times and has knowledge no other Keyblade Master has ever been close to unlocking. And No Heart because he is neither Light nor Dark; he is a blank vessel and seeker of knowledge who uses his experience to find the Key and its Master. His one true goal in life was to find Kingdom Hearts; which he achieved. All his hard work, all his training and past experiences led to this moment here and now. We also see when Xehanort passes his body fills with Light showing his heart has a little spark within him.
@KHdreadnought 8 ай бұрын
Xehanorts name without the X sigil is an anagram for “another” and “No Heart”.. interesting.. another no heart 😂
@sh4d0wfl4re 8 ай бұрын
I always thought that Ansem SoD was a grey villain. Someone whom had good intentions before becoming lost and jaded, I thoroughly expected Apprentice and/or Young Xehanort to have begun with a plan to do good… before doing much evil
@adammorin2955 8 ай бұрын
I don’t think he was jaded or lost. I think he knew that his plan will be messy no matter what happens. Due to dark road we know that he had first hand experience of darkness not the true darkness but darkness that is almost like true darkness and i feel he crossed out a box do whatever it takes no matter happened
@ctswag4204 8 ай бұрын
Somewhat related: I believe that Yozora was going through his "KH1 intro sequence" so to speak. I think the trials he mentioned were similar to what Sora went through just before he became a Keyblade weilder. I think he'll end up a weilder in the near future of the series.
@the1384 8 ай бұрын
You mean Yozora will get a Keyblade🤯
@KewlImp 8 ай бұрын
Kicking a dead horse at this point, but isn't funny how Apprentice Xehanort doesn't call it unreality or world of fiction, but describes it's properties scientifically. I'm pointing that out for two reasons. One, this gives the impression, he doesn't think of it as a separate reality, but simply another world with its own rules. Two, he doesn't give it a name. I agree that Xehanort knew he wasn't going to win. If he was able to get the information from his nobody and heartless, he would realize that Sora is a very defiant kid and short of killing him outright, and early, he would never accept the loss. The real question becomes, did Xehanort expect Sora to know how and have the power to change the rules of the current reality? I think Xehanort realized after the Demon Tide, something was off and that defiant kid from his home world had something to change the future through a past action.
@ultimateshadeofwar 8 ай бұрын
I don't think Xehanort knew Light would come out on top, i don't think so because it took Eraqus reminding him of that game where they talk about the profecy and Eraqus response for him to accept defeat (he did keep plans in case of his defeat, probably base on what we see) and give Sora the X-Blade something that people seen to forget *IT'S STILL IN SORA'S POSSESSION AND I DON'T THINK THE MASTER OF MASTERS IS UNAWARE OF THIS, NOT REALIZING THE BIG RED FLAG THIS CAN MEAN.*
@wonders8561 7 ай бұрын
Good catch!
@fieldsofgold2760 7 ай бұрын
Yeah. Young Xehanort always seemed to me to be a more mysterious and powerful character to me than Master xehanort himself. He seems to have a better understanding of everything that is going on (being unchained, dreams, time travel, the power of waking, etc.). My current theory is that Young Xehanort and MoM were working together to lead everyone to quadratum where they will be used to reshape quadratum into a world more pleasing for MoM and his apprentice young xehanort. Don't forget that Master xehanort gave sora the x-blade which may be used to summon kingdom hearts into quadratum and that could explain why Yozora was told to "save' sora.
@Naruto4995 6 ай бұрын
I believe you're on the mark with this. With Xehanort at this point being the most 'Complete' we can meet him too. A Xehanort post defeat witnessed in Re:Mind, and in Kairi's Heart and memories, a Xehanort that despite using part of Kairi's heart as a 'catalyst' for their visit, held ALL the memories of his entire life up to that point. To me, that scene in Melody of Memory was the 'Singularity' state of Xehanort. A heart being who could transform into his appearances and times all throughout history even through his negative connection with to Kairi's heart fragment. Someone who had the knowledge to even experiment here, pushing Kairi to a critical point knowing that her connection to Sora could go beyond Reality/Unreality border despite having some limitations. Lowkey find it interesting the rule of 'Being a product of her heart' from that scene made him feeling to abide as if it was a rule. None of his memories were hampered from the heart split at that time, Xehanort could vividly retell all of the experiences on top of giving Kairi critical advice. I think we need to reflect harder on just how much in a more encompassed scale, Xehanort formed the same technique of being a wanderer through time, the same ways the MoM had. Right now we're seeing an example of what could be, and just how much with 'finished' history at hand, can be altered. (Example being how Re:Mind Sora couldn't switch up Kairi's kidnapping, BUT, he could do side alterations like helping the Seasalt gang reclaim the X sigils that Xemnas branded their names with.) We've learned in KH DDD in how all memories and experiences are 'etched' into the Heart of a person when they handle this method of travel. I don't believe we could no longer look at his experiences in a strictly linear fashion. That expertise, the driven goals, a lot of it found itself now holding multiple meanings such as scientist Xehanort's pursuits. The new context of KH Dark Road I believe introduces a new way to view his journey and how as a figure who has a form of Heart 'above' history. (Such as Re:Mind Sora and that voice of Re:Mind Mickey who KNEW beyond his KH3 counterpart that Kairi was in a form of crystalized fragments.) A lot of this feels like new ground for the franchise that's gonna have a lot to take from the gathered concepts of the Dark Seeker Saga. So I don't believe this the end we'll see of Xehanort's involvement at all. Right now even the MoM holds him in a state of intrigue despite Xehanort's use as pursurer and forger of a new X-Blade. We may see the honest depth of how 'All is Connected' if it holds Heart in this new saga.
@Nevict 8 ай бұрын
Kairi did not resonate with Sora, she resonated with Riku. Riku got his power of keyblade wielder from Terra, while Sora just got his due to a matter of circumstances after Destiny Island was swallowed by the darkness. Sure, Sora had Ventus' heart, but it was deeply asleep when Kairi came around, so it is unlikely that it had any kind of effect on the matter.
@adammorin2955 8 ай бұрын
Unless desinty in destiny island had a whole another game to play. Considering that the islands are special and multiply times it was stared that they are knew sora will grow older with a keyblade but thats also assuming that worlds have souls like other games. But at this time it is suspicious that they didn’t mention a name considering that ansem went through time to talk to young xehanort and it was etched in his heart. We also don’t know if he talked to terranort or the other incarnations of himself
@TheDerrezalution 8 ай бұрын
Yes it makes sense for Xehanort to have planned for everything that happened even after his defeat, from Kairi, to hardening the Guardians of Light, and his awareness of the MoM, to having a counter plan against an all encompassing devastating plan from the MoM. I see what your saying, how he has probably realized since the get-go that the MoM is someone of upmost concern to the stability and balance of EVERYTHING. Xehanort will return as the 14th, reborn and renewed as one of the Light. And he will be Sora's ally and mentor. What are y'all thoughts, it's really interesting
@spiralkingxiii9496 8 ай бұрын
I definitely think the 14th xehanort will mentor sora assuming he has knowledge of his previous 13 lives plus at the end of 3 old man nort hands sora the literal x-blade which i saw as soras true bequeath from a true master and through the series he pretty much has taught sora all that he knows up till now since he was a wall sora needed to overcome in every situation
@senaikelati6744 8 ай бұрын
Could be why the MoM call him the singularity
@DarklightNamari 7 ай бұрын
This was actually one of the reasons why I felt like Xemnas had been built up to harbor more layers to him as a character, layers they could've explored had he been allowed to live on as his own person away from Xehanort. And then the extra scene of him going to a hidden room where Aqua's armor was and calling it "friend", in KH2. He had a lot of unexplored character that could've been used. Sure he was one of the main ones driving the plans of the Organization seriously, but he makes clear in his final dialogue at the climax of KH3 that he had been suppressing his regrown heart. And admitted that he was fearful that it was all just pain 🥺. Another thing I need to point out is that, he clearly regrets what he did and misses his "companions", which he could be referring to the KH2 Organization but I have a strong feeling he was also referring directly to UX Xehanort's friends when he was in keyblade training. He had such a sad send-off and I really wanted to hope that he would have a chance to be the piece of Xehanort that could live on and perhaps become a new ally (especially when he probably had some of Xehanort's memories of the latter's knowledge of Unreality, which could've been helpful to the group). I just feel like Xemnas had potential that was wasted as he could've become an anti-hero or similar. Maybe I'm a little biased cuz he was always my favorite of the Xehanorts 😅, but this is just my take on the matter. Absolutely awesome video btw dood, sorry if I was rambling 🤣.
@SetoShadowVT 8 ай бұрын
Even then, I did thought it weird that Xehanort not only gave Future Sora a hint, he also let things happen the way they did. Even if he didn't think The Master is "The True Villain" it could be a sound theory that like Kairi before, Xehanort lead Sora to Unreality for a purpose.
@kuricosmos 8 ай бұрын
I've been thinking this for quite some time and I couldn't remember the scenes that inspired this until I saw them in this video. So thanks Prodigy, I swore I was just mistaken or misremembering slightly. It seems I more just tripped up on the wording/phrasing and nothing else.
@xandardorf6365 8 ай бұрын
Yeah. I had a feeling that Xehanort planned for even the possibility that he would lose. I want to believe that while he and Eraqus are now dead, they still have a way of revealing their history to the good guys. I believe this could work very well in a Kairi game, after her Disney worlds. It could very easily reveal to them more secrets they seek, as well as information about the events of Union Cross and Dark Road. Another reason why I want this is because I want to have Kairi and Mickey have a boss fight against Baldr and his Hringhorn Heartless.
@Veritas_Quaesitor_IIV 8 ай бұрын
So basicly…. Sora was Xehanort’s True apprentice.
@venrossx 8 ай бұрын
So “Another side, Another story” is just the title of the life of Xehanort? cool
@Fragmentsinfractals488 8 ай бұрын
Interestingly, Apprentice Xehanort send Kairi to find Riku, the one Terra bequeathed. Because Apprentice Xehanort has Terra's body and Heart sealed in the Darkness Ansem the Wise accidently unlocked, The "Xehanorts" can sense this. Master Xehanort knows the Child of Destiny is a Dark Vessel because Young Xehanort read the Book of Prophecies, and he needs to possess a Chosen to become that Child of Destiny. About Xehanort knowing Sora performed forbidden action, He knows because he did it, too. By become Ansem, Seeker of Darkness and getting himself off the Island in his past, he creates a Paradox time loop, and made everything he does between KH3 and Dark Road Singular and Destined.
@adammorin2955 8 ай бұрын
Thats not how that works. Xehanort did not read that the child of destiny is a dark vessel at all. He was told that it was someone from the islands that can connect to other peoples hearts by player from union x. By the time kh is around ansem seeker of darkness already was a thing though. Just this time to fullfill what he saw and help riku get engulfed in darkness and sora the keyblade.
@Fragmentsinfractals488 8 ай бұрын
Remember in the scene where Master Xehanort is taking Ventus to Eraqus in Dark Road, he says Something about the Child of Destiny. He is standing in a Dark Corridor, without a Black Coat absorbing the Darkness on purpose. Hands out, he then says "Will I finally be found worthy?" Also, in the first Translation , Master Xehanort in the Dark Corridor with Ventus says "chosen to be a Dark Vessel" in place of "Child of Destiny", which fits with him intentionally absorbing the Darkness. Dark Vessels , one of them is the Child of Destiny, and Xehanort wants to be it. @@adammorin2955
@winterremindsmeofloneliness 8 ай бұрын
His plans failed successfully.
@kidleuk 8 ай бұрын
@zichithefox4781 8 күн бұрын
Voldemort, Xehanort, makes sense. Just Square-ified.
@dicsord-server 4 ай бұрын
It’s interesting you take rearranged the letters in Xehanort’s name as ‘Another’. I saw it as ‘No Heart’. I have a theory that Xehanort found eternal life by shedding himself of his heart completely, while not destroying it. In a way, we know certain characters are special, and while it already has justifications, I like to think Xehanort has an empty heart or got rid of his heart in such a way that made him integral to all of this.
@Official_MikeyT 8 ай бұрын
I expect that Xehanort will become Sora's strongest ally in the upcoming adventure.
@noahdean9685 8 ай бұрын
I think sora is the reincarnation of our player character in Union Cross and missing link!
@ryaku5 8 ай бұрын
But isn't it confirmed that Xehanort is the reincarnation of our character?
@xgaming6609 8 ай бұрын
@@ryaku5 No the player was the old man that raised Xehanort
@noahdean9685 8 ай бұрын
@@xgaming6609 yes you are right!
@naxionkryelight951 8 ай бұрын
Sora could be 3rd player Incarnation.. .since he has 3 incarnation as well . Roxas , Xion and Vanitas ?? 😮
@xgaming6609 8 ай бұрын
@@naxionkryelight951 Vanitas nope, he is one of the formless darkness
@frootpunchies6800 8 ай бұрын
Something interesting to note is that in the Ansem Report #9, Xehanort recalls a tale told by Mickey which seems somewhat unlikely to be true based on how it's written. To quote it, "We talked for countless hours, but one story in particular caught my interest: that of a key called the “Keyblade.” The Keyblade is said to hold phenomenal power. The legend says its wielder saved the world, while another says that he wrought chaos and ruin upon it. I must know what this Keyblade is." Though with new information that Xehanort probably didn't fully understand what Mickey was actually telling Ansem W. I think he was remembering stories in his past, and proven by khdr he can see the dreams of other people, so much so that I'm pretty sure by kh3d he thinks he is the third reincarnation of his Mentor the player character from khux and khml. I also think that we're gonna get more information on the other side and unreality in khml since it is a global positioning game and talks about the astral plane in the newest trailer.
@spiralkingxiii9496 8 ай бұрын
Not only is ML a GPS game its layering scala (and maybe other disney worlds) on to our own kinda like how in remind yozora digitized (or layered) quadratum on the night final world. So just like chi and ux this game will drop some truly never imagined stuff on us... never imagined?... unreality???
@johanstenfelt1206 8 ай бұрын
Hm, a very interesting Theory, honestly the one aspect of Xehanort that has stuck with me is his intellect, it’s one of the things that makes me like Xehanort as a Character, so as far as we know, this could be possible and honestly, i would like it to be the case, ‘cause i feel like Xehanort didn’t really get to Show-off his Smarts in KH3, so this Theory would be a good way to make up for that. To be honest, I kind of like the idea of Xehanort outsmarting MoM beyond the Grave, so I really hope this will be true.
@BlackSheepEntertainment9009 8 ай бұрын
So xeranort was really the vader to the master of masters sidious. Damn that is an interesting conclusion
@iceclkeyheart3060 8 ай бұрын
Xehanort, what a man you are
@ZeranZeran 8 ай бұрын
I think you're definitely on the right track, and I never considered it this way. Awesome video.
@ProdigyxCD 8 ай бұрын
@nickelbackisokay 8 ай бұрын
Seeing as bloodlines are beginning to play a part in KH, I am wondering if Xehanort (being a resident of Destiny Islands) might have known Soras grandfather, or some sort of older family member, and that’s why he selected Sora per this theory.
@Captain_Char 6 ай бұрын
well to be fair old man did say "I prepared for all eventualities" what if he meant this literally
@JustinW332 7 ай бұрын
Well we know that he had dove down into the abyss and committed the same nature taboo that Sora did. But I still think his main goal was simply to see the war through, summon kingdom hearts and wipe out all hearts because hearts made darkness. If Xehanort was a pawn for a greater scheme, I don't think he was aware of it, just like Maleficent wasn't really aware that she was being used by Xehanort.
@jman518192 8 ай бұрын
I really like your videos though this time I have to disagree and say I don’t think Xehanort was going that far, I don’t think he predicted Sora because he tells us….well the Young Version of him tells us that his plans were for Riku and only followed the Keyblades example when Riku conquered his darkness and that didn’t happen until DDD. What I will say is that I am starting to think that seeing Sora go to the lengths that he did to save Kairi influenced him to give him the X-blade because he was aware of unreality (somehow) and will need the X-Blade (eventually because you and I both know Sora is going to get reset to Lv. 1 AGAIN) to be on par with the Lost Masters. Because if I see our tiny (have we all noticed it’s getting smaller as we get older?) Kingdom Key going against those behemoth keys the Foretellers have and bodying them?! Idk if my suspension of disbelief can handle that. The X-blade or a X-Blade enhanced Kingdom Key? Ok now we’re back on track. I’m just saying! 😂
@spiralkingxiii9496 8 ай бұрын
Maybe soras kingdom key hasnt gotten smaller with each release but its that sora and us have been growing so the once massive key will just be sized like a normal sword
@fisthound0027 6 ай бұрын
Well theres about 60-70 years between YX and Master Xehanort, and he could have somehow discovered Quadratum within that time and known about it since. If there is indeed a 14th Xehanort I dont see how it could be done while he was Apprentice Xehanort, as he looks a lot different. Apprentice Xehanort also knew it would be difficult to return possibly meaning he’s been there before and knows how. Which could indicate the 14th Xehanort guiding Sora back to reality
@felinefancy9233 8 ай бұрын
Just when I thought I was getting close to finishing edits on my KH notes I'm going to have to go back through because this is a really good theory.
@BrennySpain 8 ай бұрын
Xehanort’s name without the X is another? I never knew that at all. I didn’t think there was a word with that letter removed at all. Go figure.
@bertcarroll1243 7 ай бұрын
I’m guessing he was part of the big puzzle trying to tell us who is the real villain, that we really don’t know who that is actually a great theory😅
@GKLechuguilla 8 ай бұрын
Xehanort. The one who plans for everything. And yet all his plans fails. 😂
@TylerBR97 7 ай бұрын
I’m so glad you brought up Xehanort in Remind. I always thought that scene was SO strange but I couldn’t put my finger on why I thought so until this video
@AloeBoy265 8 ай бұрын
the dedication to this series truly pays off on certain days 😮‍💨
@casyaaa1895 6 ай бұрын
Yesss it’s a beautiful thing, minds in discussions
@the1384 8 ай бұрын
I also have a interesting Theory about Xion being from Qudratum. When Yozora met Sora he said,' how do recognize me as Yozora, this is not what I usually look like. And he asked Sora why is he using Soras Name. Now get this, what if there was a Girl named Sora in Qudratum who looks like Xion and Yozora is searching for her probably because she is his Sister. Basically Strelitzia and Xion swapped Worldlines. Think about it Xions creation is "unreal" and why does she look like the way she does (Black Hair). Somehow Xion is Another Sora extracted from an unreal World, who was used to create a Link to Sora unbeknownst to Xemnas of her True Origins so to speak. Xion is not a Nobody so her true Origins of her TRUE Model has yet to be revealed. It's similar to Luxord and Demyx, we still have to find out there World of Origins. Now to Yozora, he or she is in a similar spot like Sora. Meaning, you look like someone that other people wouldn't recognize but you're still connected trough the strong bond of your Hearts. P.S. Roxas looking like Ventus and Sora looking like Vanitas, means to me that Ava will look like Namine, because.. 🤯
@devereauxrobxyahoo 7 ай бұрын
Xehanort wanted 14 lives. 13 to forge the X-blade and one to explore the world that comes after...
@OrganizationXIII 6 ай бұрын
Is Yozora the other Xehanort ?
@shiyu_oddsekai 19 күн бұрын
the "clue" you're telling about, kairi ending up in the sky world is just that the teleportation would have failed and she would have went to that world
@lightyearpig12 8 ай бұрын
This sounds exactly like something Xehanort would do.
@casyaaa1895 6 ай бұрын
Don’t forget that watery dark side so many lil things dam
@misfit1422 8 ай бұрын
It may be the end of the Xehanort saga, but I am for sure, this isn’t the last we’ve seen of them
Glad to see you back in action Prodigy!
@wingnutlp2002 8 ай бұрын
and here I thought Xehanort without the X meant NO HEART. *SHRUGS*
@TheLemonsims 8 ай бұрын
Outro music is DOPE
@zadimi_GoingCommando 8 ай бұрын
wow great theory, sounds like xehanort is trying to outplay the master and stop is plan, would be so cool if xehanort came back to lead the guardians of light in the final batlle against the master of masters
@lukasruston8618 8 ай бұрын
I don't get why people are thinking that MoM is the big bad guy who's got some evil plan in mind when his only stated motivation so far in the series is that he hates the darkness and so he'll do anything he can to either destroy it or at least bring the war between light and darkness to a permanent stalemate. Like, sure I bet it'll end up being a thing that the MoM will have some giant, absurd plan to destroy the Darknesses that Sora and other protagonists will disagree with saying that it has too much collateral damage and stuff like that but I don't get why people are trying to paint MoM as an evil guy when his intentions are purely beneficial for the realm of light.
@zadimi_GoingCommando 8 ай бұрын
@@lukasruston8618 you already answered your own question, if you want to set the world on fire to save it, are you really saving anything? it is never said that the master is evil, that's just the vibe i'm getting
@lukasruston8618 8 ай бұрын
@@zadimi_GoingCommando He has established that he has a way to save everyone and that's the whole reason he does anything in the franchise even if it is morally questionable. That makes him a morally grey character, not evil.
@zadimi_GoingCommando 8 ай бұрын
@@lukasruston8618 sure that's what he says but i don't buy it. if there is evidence show me, xehanort thought he was the good guy... and that's the thing with evil people, they are always the hero in their own story. I will believe in the master when i can confirm with my own eyes what he wants to do, untill that he a sussy baka
@DeafSavage 8 ай бұрын
​@@lukasruston8618 Did he not reveal his plan to Luxu..?
@Wesley_Smothermon 7 ай бұрын
Sora and gang is the new organization build by the nort.....
@jojothermidor 8 күн бұрын
When I think about it, Xehanort probably isn't THAT old. Eraqus still had black hair and looked to be in his late forties or early fifties. Xehanort is bald and seemingly has gray hair, but his hair was always gray to begin with.
@zichithefox4781 8 күн бұрын
I've been saying it, everything surrounding Subject X is going to unlock the mystery of the Lost Master arc. Which I am convinced is gling to have a lot to do with Ava.
@DemiTrusdale3 8 ай бұрын
I guess that would explain “the 14th Xehanort to see the new world” stuff he was talking about… 🤔 Then there’s the stuff Hezu neutral theorized. The nobodies are imbalanced. There should be a few more. And now I’m theorizing. Xehanort tried to start a purge. A reboot of the world. What would that entail??? Would he end all life? Or reset the chess board to play a new game? Oh, oh… what if… noting your vid now. Apprentice Xehanort, was really apprentice Xehanort? Maybe he had a plan in birth by sleep, but he deviated after studying under Ansem? He went from wanting to recreate the keyblade war to know what happened, to wanting to recreate the war, for a chance to do a purge. 🤔
@randysangarr 7 ай бұрын
love videos like this, u got a subscriber
@OrganizationXIII 6 ай бұрын
I want to use the keyblade master Xehanort gave Sora in KH3 in kingdom hearts 4 !
@vivifox3402 8 ай бұрын
Wait. Wasn't Xehanort without the x "No heart"?
@CarlyDayDay 8 ай бұрын
I figured that much, but I suspected that maybe he just needed Sora out of the way. I do think it was his goal to have Sora disappear from reality.
@mtsama01 7 ай бұрын
Amazing theory...
@TheFroman11 8 ай бұрын
Love this theory thanks for the vid
@Riinseru 8 ай бұрын
here from discord hehe
@saxtonhale6029 8 ай бұрын
So what you're saying is... Xehanort is Dumbledore
@RomainBX101 8 ай бұрын
This video be interesting, very good and mysterious details about theories on xehanort along his plans since dark road until reaching kingdom hearts 3, reminds and etc.
@ZakFerguson 8 ай бұрын
This is sick
@moodypessimist5375 8 ай бұрын
So sich of this Goat Cosplayer
@oscarcamey8 8 ай бұрын
Man, I still need to beat remind, but it's so hard on critical, I might have to do another playthrough in easy haha but maybe when we get more news on kh4
@oblivioustouch9012 8 ай бұрын
Oww, this one gets you thinking.
@TeeKeeps 8 ай бұрын
I've been waiting on this...
@nealfinocchiaro8010 8 ай бұрын
I don't know he could be an emperor palpatine
@BuscatiJones 2 ай бұрын
It began with a letter
@ChristopherMSFish 7 ай бұрын
What if everything is in a computer simulation?
@Thesuperduperbooster 8 ай бұрын
I’ve gotta wonder if Xehanort perhaps found a book of prophecy and used that to foresee certain events hmm
@subculturevulturepodcast2184 6 ай бұрын
What if MOM is just silly billy xehanort
@magicvalgirl2309 8 ай бұрын
I'm calling it now: If Xehanort isn't one of the 7 Crowns, I' gonna be broken. What is true and what isn't is out my mind know because of this!!!
@tsmith906 7 ай бұрын
Yen Sid is MoM
@Japhox45 4 ай бұрын
The darkness kairi grandma speak of, is the same darkness Caius released in ff13 when lighting take the souls (hearts) of the people to other world. The vessel left behind become the childern kairi grandma speaks on. We know nobodys can regrow new hearts. This game will be the begin of the convergance between the KH series and the Fabula Nova Crystallis Final fantasy games. Why else did sora in the secert ending crystalize like they do in FF13? Why else is the Arc from FF13 seems so similar to the Arcs from the mobile games? The Master of Masters is simple whats left of Caius. Trying to destroy kingdom hearts (Lighting) and finally end there dance.
@15Andrewill 8 ай бұрын
Xehanort reminds me of thanos
@adammorin2955 8 ай бұрын
What if master xehanort sent kairi to destiny island knowing his future ansem self will do what he did. It seemly is suspicious that sora was never meant for the keyblade and if riku became a version of himself it would’ve made sora and riku stronger fully knowing sora will receive rikus keyblade. 4d chess style but considering that he wouldn’t know because it was etched in his heart but also interestingly he studied the heart so what if he knew he had to do something when he finally got memories back? My point being he knew sora is special and that played into the masters hand.
@gracekim25 7 ай бұрын
Oooo this is fun 😊 5.12.23
@captianbacon 8 ай бұрын
1 thing i dont see ppl mention is in kh1 riku has a prominent X on his design and in kh2 sora and kairi have Xs in there designs which later is revealed to be the reclusive sigil. In DDD and is relevent.
@spiralkingxiii9496 8 ай бұрын
This also parallels the wayfinder trio as all of them have an x on their chest
@SirBradford012 7 ай бұрын
You ever stop and think if I post this theory and it’s spot on to their plans they’ll change it? What if this was the right course but because you guessed it were now gonna get KH 10 and never get a conclusion? lol high thoughts
@kimaniwhite9151 4 ай бұрын
My theory is that goku got the heart virus during the fight against frieza on the destruction of planet namek.
@lilsp2647 8 ай бұрын
@dragon92ize 8 ай бұрын
Well there is another ditels we don't know like Xeanorth eye change and the knwolage about the ohter side and that maybe has a theory of mine that silver eyed and yellow eyed one is a diffrent Xeanorth
@xgaming6609 8 ай бұрын
Or could just be the interference of Darkness
@NN-ge2wf 8 ай бұрын
Nah mate. I hate theories like this where it tries to add even more onto Xehanort with shit like "oh he lost on purpose, it was all part of the plan". A lot of Xehanort's plans throughout the series do end in at least partial Ws for him, which is what generally made him so imposing. But if any of his main campaigns against Sora had succeeded it would've been vastly preferable to him. He didn't plan for Ansem SoD and Xemnas to be defeated. It is one thing to suggest that he had contingencies in place in case he lost, backups to continue advancing his cause. But to suggest that getting his ass kicked every other time a form of his showed up was all part of the plan is ridiculous. He isn't perfect, far from it. He is 'allowed' to lose without it being a part of a master plan. And he can be manipulated just like any other as the MoM did. Xehanort seemed to be aware of the book of prophecies, or at least the ending of it, and thought he could 'cheat' destiny by being the darkness that prevails and expires the light, fulfilling what 'had' to happen but with him still being there to right the ship afterwards, when he thought there would be no more predetermined events to fuck things up again. Started off with relatively good intentions, and hella lost his way. I believe the story isn't necessarily done with Xehanort, and I believe it likely a 14th vessel is chilling in quadratum somewhere. But not as 'part of the plan', but just because he found a way to this new world and wanted some aspect of himself to experience it, seperate from all the other shit he had going on.
@Xahnel 8 ай бұрын
This is an interesting theory, but the people making KH4 have definitely said that the story of the Seeker Saga is over, Xehanort's story is done and finished.
@Nhoadkoko 8 ай бұрын
So basically Xehanort pulled an Eren Jaeger. That would be crazy but knowing Xehanort it's not far fetched at all. It's already implied in Remind and Melody of Memory that Xehanort planned Sora's disapearance, so the fact he planned way back when he was Ansem's apprentice is plausible.
@EChacon 4 ай бұрын
Said the fool who says that KHIV will come out in early 2026.
@TheDiamondCore 7 ай бұрын
I don’t know why im watching this, I’ve never played a single KH game lmao
@jadap1789 8 ай бұрын
I miss when the KH story was actually good
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