The Ultimate Method For Overcoming Hindrances

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Hillside Hermitage

Hillside Hermitage

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-"Technique" for overcoming the five hindrances
- Entering jhana on account of verbal thinking and pondering
- Diligence as the supreme factor that lead to Awakening
- How not to get distracted by your own thinking
- How not to fall from the practice
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@HillsideHermitage Жыл бұрын
New book "The Only Way to Jhana" is available for free download and order:
@FRED-gx2qk Жыл бұрын
Frustration and unsolvable problems 🤔 can they be removed 😊
@FRED-gx2qk Жыл бұрын
I am at the stage where I'm totally disenchanted with this life 😳
@User-kjxklyntrw Жыл бұрын
@@FRED-gx2qk frustation feeling is not yours
@cajuputoil3468 Жыл бұрын
@@FRED-gx2qk They just made the video out of this topic, do watch "when to stop practicing"
@patriks2358 Жыл бұрын
I’m trying to buy the paperback but your website doesn’t seem to function.
@bkhpanigha Жыл бұрын
Regarding the point made around 26:40, I've personally found it to be probably the most useful reflection to direct my efforts along the right lines. It's only too natural to think that the hindrances (or unwholesome states in general) are _the thoughts themselves_ that are present in the mind, for example random memories about the past or thoughts about "beautiful objects in the world". This leads to the very widespread meditation practices of forcefully controlling the _content_ of thoughts, believing that if one just _replaces_ those bad things with "better" ones, such as visualizations of asubha, smarmy loving thoughts, or sensations at the nostrils, one is purifying the citta from _liability_ to hindrances simply through that mechanical "replacement". But truly, the hindrances are on the level of _how_ the mind reacts to ANY thoughts or memories that might arise, regardless of what they might be. So freedom from the hindrances is when the mind CANNOT become agitated and make you suffer no matter what thoughts come up, even if they were the exact same things and memories that used to wind you up so much before the mind was free from hindrances. And _that_ is the pleasure of the first jhāna: when nothing whatsoever that you _think and ponder about_ can possibly make you burn with sense desire, aversion, etc. the way it used to. It's NOT, as many people expect today, when you stop thinking and pondering about _Anything_ for a while (yet still somehow call it 1st jhāna), but eventually when the same old thoughts return the hindrances do so too-for you they are one and the same. This is why that kind of meditation cannot possibly produce _understanding_ of the gratification, danger and escape from the beautiful things in the world, from the hindrances (the entire point of jhāna meditation). You literally end up believing that you need to temporarily destroy the world (even the awareness of your senses altogether) in order to be at peace. ...But of course, these wrong views are not accidental. By omitting the Gradual Training of virtue and restraint, and putting all the emphasis on finding the perfect meditation method, one has no basis to even recognize any difference between: 1) the arising of thoughts about enticing/annoying THINGS, and 2) ME being attracted/annoyed on account of them. Because whenever those thoughts and options arise, one acts out of them by default-basic lack of restraint.
@dassavilokantara439 Жыл бұрын
Very nice. 🙏
@MassMultiplayer Жыл бұрын
a wording i use is positive nihilism, bha im dead in 100 year why worry so much about everything how im a special insect amongst 10 billion people rice bean corn potato banana air water .. stable temperature and stable radioactivity. oh and maybe gravity lol
@Danny-no5dx Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing! In light of this how would you regard MN20 ('Removal of distracting thoughts-sutta). The first thing listed is: _"Here, bhikkhus, when a bhikkhu is giving attention to some sign, and owing to that sign there arise in him evil unwholesome thoughts connected with desire, with hate, and with delusion, then he should give attention to some other sign connected with what is wholesome. When he gives attention to some other sign connected with what is wholesome, then any evil unwholesome thoughts connected with desire, with hate, and with delusion are abandoned in him and subside."_ It seems like replacing a thought by switching to another sign? Thank you for the clarification!
@saxy1player Жыл бұрын
What is meant by the sign is not a particular thought or sight/sound etc. but what is often referred to as 'context' or 'significance'. It says "... owing to that sign there arise in him evil unwholesome thoughts connected with desire, with hate, and with delusion". So an example of the sign would be attending the beautiful aspect of a body of the (usually) opposite sex that would give rise to lustful thoughts in regard to that perception. At the same time (!) the same body is made up of factually repulsive things like the suttas mention; bones, muscles, tendons, fat, hairs, fluids etc. So *while* there is the perception of beautiful shape, color, voice or whatever else recognize that there is *at the same time* (but not at the expense in the sense that you deny the beautiful perception as not being there) the repulsive aspect of that same thing. All that being said, what cannot be stressed enough is that for any of this to be done rightly (with the right intention, with the right basis), one must take the precepts and sense restraint seriously and not as something observed when I feel like doing so.
@courage146 Жыл бұрын
As Danny mentioned, thought replacement is a viable option, though not the only one. The point you make about the gradual training is definitely crucial. And if loving thoughts are smarmy…then that’s not metta, but I get your point. Genuine metta is not to be underestimated though, as pointed out in several suttas-practicing (true) metta as long as a fingersnap and so on…
@bkhpanigha Жыл бұрын
40:52- The fact that even the anticipation of jhāna or enlightenment still involves the first hindrance is exemplified by its alternative Pāli names: kāmacchanda is what is translated as sensuality, which has the usual connotation of coarse indulgence in food, etc. But the Buddha also calls it "abhijjhā", which is "wishing, wanting, longing" much more generally. So its when there is a mental _state_ of wanting in regard to anything at all, which is measured by the pressure and sense of uneasiness associated with it, regardless of _what_ its aimed at, be it sexual engagement or meditative bliss. However, the solution to that longing is _not_ to make a determination like "I shall never aim to attain anything and instead pretend like there is no goal", which is not an uncommon view and does nothing to address the actual longing. It only covers it up and leaves it lurking there somewhere. The solution is to tame the mind as described here, so that it becomes _unable_ to get excited about anything in the first place. Those thoughts of expecting a jhāna or whatever would then arise (or not, doesn't matter anymore) without any possibility for a hindrance of longing or restlessness/anxiety underlying them. That's the true seclusion from hindrances.
@HillsideHermitage Жыл бұрын
Exactly. Very well said.
@dassavilokantara439 Жыл бұрын
Excellent. 🧘‍♂️
@hz7988 6 ай бұрын
Well said indeed
@hz7988 6 ай бұрын
This creature. Indeed it's a creature that is not even aware of us nor cares about us. Excellent. Fabulous .💡
@j.m.kocsis2557 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Venerables. For me, this excellent teaching was very much needed.
@hz7988 6 ай бұрын
Worry=lack of dispassion for the world. Brilliant. Thank you. You can only fall off the 1st.jhana by acting out , going back to sensuality, falling back to the gratification of the senses. Marvelous dhamma sakaccha ! Bhante Nanamoli is my dhamma hero!
@dassavilokantara439 Жыл бұрын
Practice jhana with correct wisdom. Don't be negligent! The potential of the humanoid creatures is an open field for the production of meritorious and demeritorious actions. Quite the unique position. Every other is radially limited or essentially abesnt. A humanoid can choose to occupy the head space of a hell creature, an animal, a deva, or a brahma(embody the mental qualities). This choice consequently dicates the long term fequency of the personalities' trajectories within the harmonizing echo chambers that default towards homeostasis. The simple mechanism behind kammavipāka. While the baseline for humanoids is animalistic the scope is broad. Jhana is a humanoid entering the mental spaces of the rupadhatu and arupadhatu. Simple. Mundane. All-be-it rare. To occupy the space one must emulate and embody the requisite qualities. Ultimately it is a tool for the disciple. Use it with correct instruction and a creature will reach the unconditioned goal. Conversely, travels to the various kamadhatu spaces can only inform one of the futility of its offerings. Lol. It's interesting, but a fruitless curiosity for a skilled personality to persue. Humanoid cycling dictates the life cycles of the entire kamadhatu and rupadhatu. Once the humanoid cycle ends both the kamadhatu and rupadhatu collapse. The small number of beings already occupying the arupadhatu when the kamadhatu and rupadhatu collapse will emerge once their terms are up and restart the causes and conditions for the humanoid cycle to restart whilst the discombobulated personalities languish in dark confusion awaiting opportunity to amass an individuated escape out into the new realms and worlds. The long dark epoch is the only period in conditioned existence devoid of the potential for noble disciples. 🤔 Buddha Kakusandha was the progenitor of the causal chain of rediscovery after the last dark epoch. Buddha Gotama and all other noble disciples link directly back to Kakusandha.🌳🧘‍♂️🌳 Practice jhana with correct wisdom!
@TomGovernale Жыл бұрын
This is a gem!!! Thank you
@courage146 Жыл бұрын
Creature = Māra 2:00
@cajuputoil3468 Жыл бұрын
sadhu sadhu sadhu Bhante.... 🙏
@Danny-no5dx Жыл бұрын
In the Bojjhaṅgasaṁyutta (SN46) the hindrances are frequently contrasted with the awakening factors. For example in SN46.2 you can find 'ayoniso' is the attention to the things which give rise to the hindrances and 'yoniso' is to give attention to the things which are the ground for the awakening factors. In that sense we should feed (āhāra in the sutta) the awakening factors and starve the hindrances. Would you agree Ajahn on this contrast between the hindrances and awakening factors? Because in a previous talk it was said that the awakening factors only come in after stream entry. Thank you for sharing all these reflections and discussions! 🙏
@hariharry391 4 ай бұрын
@houmous942 Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much Bhante for this new book which meets a real need. I would have one question, and I don’t know where else to post it. It is said that if we don’t restrain ourselves in our youth, the suffering will be even worse in old age when the senses become blunted. But when we look at our grandparents, most of us seem to perceive a sense of peace and letting go, and satisfaction with the little things in life. So it’s hard (for me at least) to see around me this increased suffering in old age compared with youth. Overall they seem happier and more serene than their children and grandchildren. Why is that? Thanks.
@karrimzz Жыл бұрын
@houmous There is a difference with being satisfied because of acceptance of dukkha and eradication of dukkha. There is a difference with being at peace due to low energy and due to insight. Older people in general has a stronger habit in their way of thinking. You have to spend continuous time or live with them to observe this, which I can see in my old parents. This is because their habits become stronger the more they give in to them throughout their lives. In this respect they have a harder time to change their view and perceive ultimate reality as it really is.
@northstrider9863 Жыл бұрын
What an excellent teaching, thank you so much for this! I would like to delve deeper into the suttas, do you have any recommendations about which translation I should read (Bhikku Bodhi, Bhikku Thanissaro etc.) ?
@HillsideHermitage Жыл бұрын
Read both. Keep in mind that Bhikkhu Bodhi's are more true to the Pali; Ajahn Thanissaro's can be quite misleading. Also, familiarizing yourself with Pali is always a good idea.
@SriLestari-px9lg 6 ай бұрын
@@HillsideHermitage Thank you for the warning as I have been reading Thanissaro Bhikkhu's books on his website.
@jaredlangson3038 Жыл бұрын
Bhante, Is the hindrance of sloth and torpor affected by physical fatigue? Is sloth & torpor purely mental or is there also a bodily connection?
@proto-pseudo-monk 3 ай бұрын
Has this been answered elsewhere? I've always wondered about this regarding this hindrance. The others, there's a sense that they can be overcome purely through mental development, and are mental habits. But if it's assumed that everything is mental, then one whom has rid himself from the sloth and torpor hindrance, would theoretically be able to function without sleeping - we sleep when we are tired. Does the body get tired or the mind?
@atozdhamma4248 Жыл бұрын
Cannot we avoid sensuality by staying focus on there is nothing retaining unless we hold it? On the other hand, discerning the Dhamma each and every moment of life? Basically, staying focused in rise and cease of thought is the whole me and mine and the world then no point for sensuality.
@kzantal Жыл бұрын
Bhante, in your last video, you talked about the cessation of perception and feeling. It's not the same as complete unconsciousness, is it? I know many teachers in the Mahasi tradition equate nibbana with this unconsciousness and its first experience with entering the stream (sotapatti), but I've always struggled to accept that view. In fact, I had abandoned it and your videos had strengthened that opinion, but your last video left me a bit confused again as to the definition and purpose of that attainment of cessation of perception and feeling. Thank you!
@HillsideHermitage Жыл бұрын
It's not. There is no such thing as "complete unconsciousness" without the other four aggregates breaking apart too. Perception and feeling are activity of the mind. It's the cessation of this subtle activity which makes the mind (citta) subside. The five aggregates remain intact in that experience (though externally one might look as if dead).
@kzantal Жыл бұрын
And so this is also not how to measure whether one has reached the sotapana stage? It's a very common view in some circles. But I've always failed to see how this experience they describe, which is similar to deep sleep, loss of consciousness or coma, could possibly result in any wisdom being developed. Whereas sense restraint and enduring feelings or contemplating 'when this is, that is' would in fact develop wisdom. Also this sudden 'blip' of unconsciousness would do nothing to purify the mind. But it's such a common view!!
@HillsideHermitage Жыл бұрын
Correct, that has nothing to do with sotapatti (or with samadhi either, for that matter). It's indeed a common and very wrong view probably originating from the later Commentaries and Abhidhammas in Burma, Thailand and Sri Lanka.
@kzantal Жыл бұрын
I am so glad to hear you say that without any ambiguity. You're a worthy teacher who's taught me more in a few months than 17 years a prior magical Buddhism. Sadu sadu sadu!
@Nathan-bi7dc Жыл бұрын
The river in the beginning has very clear water.
@FRED-gx2qk Жыл бұрын
Must be cold there 🤔?
@dhanikaponnamperuma9145 Жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same, does Ajahn Nyanamoli not feel the cold??
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