Nobody Likes The Rules, So Why Won't They Fix Them?

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@CloningIsTooGoodForSheep Ай бұрын
The answer is: They don't care. They won't care until it is too late.
@CTA12356 Ай бұрын
Then they’ll blame us the fans for not supporting the faction/system hence why they cut it
@AlphaLegionTacticoolShitposts Ай бұрын
If Solar Aux didn't suck so much they would be a cool army
@maxmagnus3793 Ай бұрын
The problem IMO is that GW is still selling physical copies of the rules. This presents a block towards rewriting rules that have been printed, published and sold. If the rules were digital, updates could be more comprehensive. I thought GW was going that route with 40k 10th edition. But no, they are still wanting to sell those stupid codexes We already pay enough for the models themselves. Why are they gouging us for rules that are broken on top of everything I recently got into Warmachine and started playing games of Dropfleet Commander as well. Those systems give you the rules for free and also make regular updates. Just makes GW's issues stand out even more to my eyes
@sonicwingnut Ай бұрын
Absolutely this - I mean the PDFs for 30K all got points updates yet the main books didn't? Madness
@jamesespinosa690 Ай бұрын
Ideally, they'd move towards a system where they spend 5 or 6 years 'working on' and edition. Giving us all the rules for free. Then what they do is print the rules into a bespoke super awesome looking rulebook, and market that as 'the edition' for the next half decade. They would have two different groups of hobbyists. The long beards, and the noobs/meta chasers.
@Providence315 Ай бұрын
I'd agree with this except for the fact that 40k is getting codexes that are invalid before they even become available for purchase. Points changes and rules changes need to happen whether they're in print or pdf, if the games broken then they should fix it.
@paulyg405 Ай бұрын
I get your point, but I don't see this happening until 40k and AoS transition away from codexes. I feel like something like a system wide subscription where you could access all the faction rules in realtime, ongoing, and could download an print PDFs if you wanted to - or just print, plus maybe an army list generator or other features would be the best. I'd still buy the campaign books but wouldn't bother with the faction rules. There's not much in them lore, painting, conversion wise anyway so you're really just paying for the rules.
@lordmalal Ай бұрын
it's this 100%. GW's publishing model is stuck in the last century.
@Connordaboss45 Ай бұрын
Think the problem is leadership. There is no way there is a leader with an envisioned plan. Feels like a committee is just figuring out what will get the most preorders and thats it. Look at Old world which we know is basically being Spearheaded by a small team with both hands tied behind their back and cement blocks strapped to their feet, but they still have put out what is it like 3 Sizeable FAQs and rules for all factions. It's nonsense.
@superork26 Ай бұрын
I agree, its a lack of leadership and probably the designers don't have enough freedom to become passionate about the system.
@BittermanAndy Ай бұрын
Yup. Alan Bligh carried a lot of what they did with Heresy. In his absence, it's a committee. And a part-time, apparently-uninterested one at that.
@EditingComby Ай бұрын
I think ultimately GW is not concerned with the people playing their games. They haven't been since the Kirby years when he decided that modellers and painters are their core group - but while he picked the wrong time, Rountree just happens to be correct about the current market. As a marketer, it really seems like the company is mostly run by marketing and is trying to appeal to modellers - the miniatures are almost all made for display rather than to actually play with, they're bigger and look nicer on social media, and ultimately it comes down to making new stuff, pushing it into customer's eyesight and going 'isn't this cool?'. The problem of talent is quite a complex one. I think a lot of it is that the company's focus is on production rather than utility, and since their target demographic isn't gamers, it matters less, and their leadership has always been a bit of a joke in regards to giving good directions. They seem to rarely do things of their own volition anymore - it's almost always in response to some complaint or something that someone wants, but it usually isn't solved in the best or obvious way, and sometimes it feels like there are directives to make newer stuff better while older stuff gets worse and then gets dumped into legends. I think a big part, though, is something that afflicts almost every industry - in pursuit of profit over stability, a lot of companies just hire more cheap talent that either has little interest or little technical experience or no history with the brand and then just leave them to do whatever thinking that it'll work out somehow because they're more in touch with what modern consumers want. It robs them of the knowledge and the ideas that the original creators of the property had and others carried through in their work, and without oversight and interest in the quality of the product itself rather than the numbers it generates, there's nothing to reel them in when they make changes and then they make more and more changes and it becomes a mess. Matt Ward's work at times is a very good example of the favoritism that almost every product now radiates. Without respect and deep enough knowledge of what came before, you can't build on it, you can only create something that wears its skin and that's a bit what 40K has become and 30K and TOW be, and probably AOS if it lives long enough to see multiple generations of creators. Unfortunately, most of GW's best have long since left and with no coherent leadership, 40K and AOS and all their other properties will plateau eventually and then steadily decline because there will be a point where the shine wears off and people will see that a lot of the modern product is hollow and generic epicness instead of the punky, pulpy, counterculture, heavy metal space fantasy and regular fantasy. Properties can't run on 'this is cool' forever, they have to have something deeper within them that speaks to the popular zeitgeist.
@khamul64 Ай бұрын
I tried to get into 30k mechanicus. Ended up with Separatist forces for Star Wars Legion
@Ullari91 Ай бұрын
ITs weird because the a similar thing happened with the guard in 40k: nerf the tanks and arty tooo hard and it rapidly becomes apparent that, next to roided out marines in power armor or psychotic xeno armies...basic human stat line just doesnt have a lot of staying power. For solar aux litterally to fix them let the battle cannon be AP3, medusa AP2, executioner be AP2 can stay large blast an ya otherwise give the big guns their 1e rules damnit then they could at least play (better) with the legions
@chaoscarl8414 Ай бұрын
They don't fix anything because they don't need to. No matter how bad the rules are, players will still rush out to buy the newest plastic bling. Think of it this way: if they truly wanted to improve their games, edition-by-edition, 40K ought to be one of the greatest tabletop games ever. But it's a messy mess because Games Workshop can't write rules, even if their lives depended on it, and players don't seem to care. The only way to fix this is to vote with your wallet. Get a 3D printer and use One Page Rules. That might eventually get their attention.
@RazielLordOfSecrets Ай бұрын
its ego. the same reason they always double down on any mistake they make and delete negative comments from their streams.
@dominicgibson3010 Ай бұрын
What GW don't realise is that Warhammer, 40k, and Horus Heresy don't need GW, the community owns it.
@zeekree4596 Ай бұрын
GW won't fix anything unless and until it hurts their bottom line. They've failed to keep pace with the advancements within the rest of the tabletop gaming industry, and they can actually do that because they are simply so profitable and have such a large market share that they don't have to give a crap about nowadays-sensible things like free / digital rules, regular balancing updates, free army builders, etc. The only other popular game publisher that I can think of that comes close in how nonchalant they are towards consumers is probably Battlefront (aka. Flames of War). Their online army builder remains locked behind a paywall and they only seem to ever publish hard copy rulebooks, with a rules design team that feels highly unreceptive to gamer feedback on game balance and IRL equipment/unit performance.
@jakubgodlewski9104 Ай бұрын
It already is affecting their bottom line. They have one of the best IPs in the world and they haven't done *anything* good to it in a long while. They could be making so much money, the company could be thriving. Instead, they appease shareholders with temporary growth in profit only, losing on every other front.
@jeffers1985 Ай бұрын
Whst we need is a outer circle faq. Me and my mate have been using you salamanders fix from another video and it's improve our game considerably. We are trying mournival fixes atm and blend thrm ontop if needed
@chitzkoi Ай бұрын
This was a well argued, well evidenced take Macca. Great work
@Rothgar59 Ай бұрын
The problem GW has with listening to customer feedback and correcting the system is if the current version of the rules becomes close to flawless, they won't be able to sell us HH3 in a few years where they correct HH2's flaws and at the same time mess up other rules that were previously working.
@xaphaniariel2797 Ай бұрын
Much prefer HH1. The rending power sword is nice tho
@reversegoat3260 Ай бұрын
The same thing happened years ago with D&D. People didn't like the rules. So people took it into their own hands and made their own thing. I did the same thing for 40k; I made a version for my group based after the 3rd, 4th, and 5th editions that took ideas we liked from the past, mixed a little from the modern games, then sprinkled some new ideas. Bam, Spikes and Skulls. The reactions seem good, and I look forward to testing it out soon.
@BittermanAndy Ай бұрын
Please tell me that "Bam, Spikes, and Skulls" is the name of your game. 🤣
@reversegoat3260 Ай бұрын
@@BittermanAndy I might have to change it to that now.
@malefic5254 Ай бұрын
Ok, you have my attention. I've been thinking on this heavily and I'd really like to see where you are on this.
@reversegoat3260 Ай бұрын
@@malefic5254 Sure: I have a Q&A, Core rules, and 25 factions plus two "meta factions"; allowing players to create chaos/genestealer versions of most armies at a cost. It is in the vein of projects like 9th Age or Conquest for Warhammer Fantasy, where the names, rules, and background are re-written, but the spirit is kept the same, rather than a project like Prohammer which clarifies/unites the rules but keeps all the 3rd-7th codices unchanged and usable.
@reversegoat3260 Ай бұрын
@@malefic5254 Forgot the link:
@Alex-yg5uh Ай бұрын
2.0 rules have almost destroyed 30K, every army is now stacked with ELITE infantry and dreadnoughts, there are almost zero viable list building options. No one runs anything interesting because ALL vehicles suck( no ceramite and sunder las cannons!), knights and super heavies suck, flyers are trash as they enter the board to crash and burn and completely waste their points, weapon skill changes make anything with WS4 useless, game flow is dog shit now because of how reserves and deep strike etc. work, night fight forced in every fkn mission for multiple turns, blast weapons suck so no arty, anything that isn't marines are not worth putting on the table, loyalist are over tuned for the most part, the outcome of almost every engagement is known before you start rolling dice, reactions are complete idiocy, the list goes on........ The clown writers at GW must have been high on their own shit to come up with this slop.
@sagacity1071 Ай бұрын
Or you could come play community rules and discover the game is alive and well?
@richardgreen364 Ай бұрын
They will not change it until Heresy 3.0 in a year or so !!!!!
@uwesca6263 Ай бұрын
Heresy 3 is probably 3 years away. They will have a year focussing on Solar auxilia, a year for Admech and one for custodes. After thst they will focus on the scourring to create new models.
@BittermanAndy Ай бұрын
I wish Heresy 3.0 was only in a year or so. 5+ years easy, surely. If ever.
@Krullio Ай бұрын
Maybe any of the following options: 1. They didn’t organise towards support, but in project-org ways where they only deliver new stuff. That way everything is sunk cost and requires no permanent support costs to a product range other that making stuff. Seems weird but we are taking GW. 2. They really don’t care about the future of HH. They want to move towards smaller game systems and this is just in it for the mean time for us to chew on 3. They just don’t want to spend more on a single project- no more multi years production. It is done and gone. In that light maybe it didn’t deliver what they hoped. 4. Just not give it any priority. 5. The entire project HH2.0 was just a quick win to save what they could from 1.0, I.e. draw as much money from us as they could manage. Wrap it up from there while it dies. 6. Some high up manager promised someone HH2.0 would be an improvement over HH1.0 and any evidence/metric (like the number of FAQ’s) is being buried that might even slightly point to anything different.
@knoxminis1211 Ай бұрын
It's simple to me; they do not see the financial upside in updating the rules here. If it will make them a lot of money, they might consider updating things. But they just don't see this as making them a lot of money, so this is of no priority for them.
@grahamroden8897 Ай бұрын
The imperial fist bolter and auto gun rule desperately needs fixing.
@Scott-cy1ce Ай бұрын
Everyone just revert to 1.0. Why does everyone jump on the new band wagon every single time and act like they can never go back to editions they have sitting on their shelves? I play 6th ed fantasy (in a big local scene) 40k 4th ed and Heresy 1st ed. If they make a model I like then I'll by it but why would I want to play an edition I dont enjoy when I own books for one that I do.
@jamesespinosa690 Ай бұрын
Where you based homie?? I've got a small group here in London, England!!! We still play 1.0, and just got a new guy to join us last year!! Literally played a game of 1.0 earlier today!!!! :D His Custodes vs my Iron Warriors. Took another loss, but learned a lot!!!
@BittermanAndy Ай бұрын
Yeah, that works for regular groups, but groups need new blood, and new blood doesn't want to play a game they can't buy the rules for. In our group, it's a little while since we played Heresy, but we did discuss the possibility of going back to 1.0 after our last game. To be decided.
@jamesespinosa690 Ай бұрын
@@BittermanAndy Where are you based?? I live in London, England. I'll give you and your friends 1.0 games anytime!!!
@BittermanAndy Ай бұрын
@@jamesespinosa690 Leicestershire... a little far from London to make it worthwhile I'm afraid! But thanks for the offer!
@DoddyIshamel Ай бұрын
They should have different shell options in these vehicle. Battle cannon should have a small blast s8 ap3 profile and a large blast s6 ap5 pinning profile. Medusa should have a small blast s10 ap2 profile and a large blast s8 ap3 profile. So much of the trouble is nerfing it against one thing overnerfs it against another. Ammo options gets round that.
@willsham45 Ай бұрын
The rules are bad gw but we are a miniature company. The models are bad gw but we made the rules amazing op...
@MC-el2us Ай бұрын
It’s budget They would only allocate X every 6-12 months And the goofs writing this edition are incompetent and blow through their allotted budget quickly. They want to spend the least and maximise their gains on minimum spend. They don’t have a genius like Alan there to do it, and the ‘team’ probably one or two guys and an assistant if they’re lucky), are just not good at their job
@calebbarnhouse496 Ай бұрын
I don't ever blame workers in mass for being bad, the people to blame are ALWAYS management, or above, they will add requirements from above on what they want regardless of what makes sense or works, just so long as the tick checkboxes
@MC-el2us Ай бұрын
@@calebbarnhouse496 yeah I can get behind this, my point being whatever budget they’re being fed. Y management isn’t enough, and their talent is just not on the level of the previous team 🤷🏻‍♂️
@olsonusmaximus Ай бұрын
GW is making a solution to a problem you need to buy. If they came out with one set of core rules that worked 99% of the time, no one would have the incentive to buy different editions of rules.
@f4lenwarrior Ай бұрын
The answer is: They think they are right, if they concede on one thing, they will have to concede on other bad choices.... They will never admit they are wrong. That old store manager i spoke too was right "When GW release primarchs in 40k its the game in its death throws"
@superork26 Ай бұрын
I play both Horus heresy and Old world, and the contrast is quite pronounced.I never really started enjoying HH2.0, my gaming group could never even agree to switch over from 1.0. for old world we didn't have that problem, everyone was happy switching over from 8th and it's really a lot of fun. So GW can create fun rules, but it really feels like there was no passion behind creating the new HH edition, just a top down decision with some changes for the sake of change. And nobody is really putting in any effort.
@marcusflutist1230 Ай бұрын
Old World is such an anomaly, everything has been done to sink it, they offer 20-year old models for modern prices, and yet community keeps it alive and well (and doesn't mass 3d-print everything)
@paulyg405 Ай бұрын
I have a feeling that this is more because it's a small team and they're focused on getting the core faction releases out in plastic. I'd say once that has been finished, they might release a Chapter Approved or something to address a few of the issues with the core game.
@vladimirpugh194 Ай бұрын
I like the idea of assigning an offensive and a defensive points efficiency against things like MEQ and TEQ as a control mechanism to points cost, kind of like an extension and balancing of more complex combinations to your excel sheet of points costs. I'm just not sure, how time consuming it would be to set up and maintain
@pennypenland2390 Ай бұрын
Solar Auxilia: Written by Space Marine players for Space Marine players.
@Xii.legionary Ай бұрын
Are you going to reupload the livestream?
@Coproquim Ай бұрын
My guess, is that they're trying to slide out of the actual gaming side of the hobby and become more media focussed, and one of the ways they're doing that is by putting people off of the actual ttg side of it
@mikemcvey7660 Ай бұрын
alot of those nonsensical, and obvious FAQs exist because your average player dumb enough were its needed, or its "RAW or gtfo" Obviously they should support heresy more.
@BittermanAndy Ай бұрын
For Contemptors, I don't think even a 50 point price raise is enough. They'd still be worth taking. I'm not sure if I can remember seeing one die in this edition (maybe a couple I've forgotten, but it's usually Contemptors left at the end of the game), how much is something worth if it never dies?
@darko-man8549 Ай бұрын
If GW improved the game between editions the game would be great. Instead each edition is a bunch of arbitrary, shit-at-the-fan changes just cos they need an excuse to sell a new edition.
@Balevolt Ай бұрын
It's easy, it's a "main line game" so new edition next year.
@Surfishin5 Ай бұрын
Macca, can you please release an outer circle FAQ? A solid unbiased 3rd party with passion for the game like you would be enough for at least my group to try it out.
@darko-man8549 Ай бұрын
Helldivers 2 has shown that with enough pressure, a company can back down
@lordalpharius5928 Ай бұрын
Sorry, they’re going to be used in 40K- they’re a bit more effective there
@mikediamond1234 Ай бұрын
Yeah I checked out of Warhammer I think. I got rid of my armies 8 months ago and forgot about this game entirely. Lifelong Warhammer fan here. I wanna get back into the game but the rules are so bad lmao and I have no faith in the company anymore
@CaptinCrofty Ай бұрын
Maca please do a five minute salt piece about the price of boss snikrot that little orc must be the most expensive plastic per size
@bear4278 Ай бұрын
My guess is GW is intentionally leaving Heresy broken. My theory is that they are hoping that people can’t gatekeep / self police their lists with the bad rules they have written and it ends up completely breaking the game. That way they can sweep in next edition and state some BS like “the 30K player base was upset with such varied rules and army rules so we have simplified everything and all factions are basically identical now, etc. etc.” To be clear, I’m not saying we should have to tailor or lists for every game and GW could just write some balanced bloody rules. Just that I always fear there is, at least partially, some corporate fuckery happening in the background that influences these decisions. Or maybe I am giving GW too much credit and they are just simply kinda bad at their jobs 🤣
@SteelStorm33 Ай бұрын
they are just bad. someone who doesnt need to do anything for their money will get worse with every day, degradation.
@BittermanAndy Ай бұрын
I don't see why they would make a bad edition deliberately so that they can replace it with a different kind of bad edition 5, 7, or 10 years from now. Why wouldn't they just release the bad version they really wanted to release immediately?
@jakubgodlewski9104 Ай бұрын
​@@BittermanAndy I think the idea is they keep releasing bad, broken editions and then advertising the next edition as a fix, like they've been doing with 40k
@bear4278 Ай бұрын
@@BittermanAndy so they can do less work later 😝 If they write copious amounts of complex rules once, wait for everyone to complain that the rules are broken, come out saying the issues were due to the amount of complex rules, then the next time they have to write the rules they can remove everything dramatically reducing the amount of work they need to do 😝 It’s the classic lazy office worker way of doing things as it means you only need to put real effort in once. Edit: fixing a typo 😊 Also, I would be pretty surprised if they let the edition live for 10 years again. I hope they do, but I think it is more likely they start trying to push it to 3-4 year cycles like the other games. More short term profit for them that way see!
@TeutonicKnight92 Ай бұрын
My entire gaming group still plays heresy 1
@rashidabdul3215 Ай бұрын
Its one thing to do with paper cards as in WOTC and MTG but over-priced plastic model toys?
@falnazor0001 Ай бұрын
One Page Rules: Grimdark Future has rules for every single Heresy model. And it makes me very happy.
@someirishguy1662 Ай бұрын
OPR is the Pathfinder of TWG its so fucking efficient
@elijah260 Ай бұрын
I’d want to play 1.0 just because I like Thousand Sons and wanna see how they were then. But fan rules are better than no rules. I plan on making tons of rules for 40k myself because it’s dumb how’s much “simplifying” GW did to the game. Or maybe just play 3rd or 5th edition instead
@OzymandiasRex Ай бұрын
Because people don't have standards and GW has no shame. #CLAIMWARHAMMER
@Professor_Skinky Ай бұрын
To be that one guy: I play Solar Auxilia regularly and even take my army to Heresy events here in Germany. I lose most games that I play and sometimes I achieve a draw. I think so far I've only won one single game and that is despite me fielding a decent number of LR Vanquishers. However, I don't really mind because I think of the rules as a storytelling device and not as a handbook for competetive wargaming. I do understand that people are pissed about the rules being written the way they are but looking at the game from the perspective of a roleplayer or a storyteller, I don't really mind. The rules are an imperfect and, yes, expensive sandbox to me and I can do with them whatever I want because I play my games the way I want them to be played. People who complain about the rules online seem to me like they approach warhammer rule books like sacred religious texts which can only be changed by a legitimate extrinsic authority. As you correctly point out in your video, after two years of Heresy 2.0, everybody who plays the game or reads about the game's meta knows about its many, many weaknesses. Still, Liber Panoptica already adresses many of those issues and ultimately, it is the players who can decide which kind of game they want to play.
@paulyg405 Ай бұрын
Agree, I believe that the rules decisions come from a desire to make a narrative game rooted in the style of old 40k and Rogue Trader. The rules writers aren't dumb, they know Solar Aux aren't going to be 1:1 competitive against marines. I think they want to go for a more oldhammer 'do as you feel' style with the rules. They used to specifically state in the old 90s rulebooks that you should feel free to change and add to the game as you see fit, including getting rid of points, playing deliberately unbalanced scenarios, etc. Heresy 2.0 isn't designed as a 'casual pick up game' ruleset, so of course approaching it wanting that to be the case will lead to disappointment. I'm honestly reasonably happy with it. There are definitely some points costings and other rules that are 'wtf' but that's gonna happen in any game.
@buckethead5454 Ай бұрын
because their eyes are too close together
@jaegerbomb269 Ай бұрын
I was really hoping to get into 30k. This isn't a good sign.
@marcusflutist1230 Ай бұрын
I've seen Auspex's video on the matter of bad 40k units, and it struck me: both design teams nerf same things: artillery, fortifications and flyers. Quess it's just GW mojo now. Oh, and I'm pretty sure they think blast weapons slow the game down, so they nerfed them to the ground
@someirishguy1662 Ай бұрын
The long and convuluted one, I believe there is only one person writing the rules, and thus and echo chamber forms, sometimes individual writers are great, I have tried myself, I wanna pull my hair out trying to balance it on The Painting Phase Podcast they brought on a tonne of ex gw to talk about their experiences. Eavy Metal team are paid £17'000 a year, (24'000 roughly in AUS) That is your answer, they are paying staff like shit, so the staff get fed up and jaded and so quiet quit, and thats not even going into the weird work culture there.
@BittermanAndy Ай бұрын
That sounds very unlikely. As of 2023 (it's gone up for 2024) the UK minimum wage for people aged 21+ was £10.42/hour, at 7.5 hour days and 260 working days a year (including paid vacation) that's over £20,000. So either everyone in 'Eavy Metal is younger than 21, or they all work part time, or your quoted salary is out of date or simply wrong. I don't expect 'Eavy Metal painters (or army painters) are paid well, but I would be extremely surprised to find they're paid less than the legal minimum.
@Sommeill Ай бұрын
The faster people snap out of the "It's a narrative game so balance doesn't matter" the better. Also I think one of the senior devs for HH2.0 has said on his social media that they owe nothing to the players. Fun non HH fact: One of the most oppressive cards in mtg that was printed modern times managed to get printed the way it is because it did not occur to a dev that players would use one said card's ablities to disrupt the opponent instead of the original intended use.
@paulyg405 Ай бұрын
I think there's a lot of internal turf war type stuff with GW. I don't have a problem with it being a narrative first game. But I get the feeling their attitude would be, if you want a balanced game for points or tournament play, we already have 40k and AoS for that. I'm sure the drive behind Heresy, apart from selling models, was to offer something to Oldhammer fans, and (rightly or wrongly) they must assume that most oldhammer fans want a more narrative game.
@Sommeill Ай бұрын
@@paulyg405 HH1.0 had better balance while still doing the narrative stuff.
@jacktbc3947 Ай бұрын
They should make new generic rites of war, a demios rhino company rite of war would be a dream. Full on mechanised assault!
@karisvenner3892 15 күн бұрын
Abolish IP. if people have better Star Wars, Warhammer, Marvel, ... stories to tell than the OG creators, then the world should not be denied those stories merely to protect lazy, abusive and anti-consumer rent-seeking behaviors.
@WindlordRyu Ай бұрын
It's probably that guy who forced PL and Tempest of War into 10th Edition because people were playing his game wrong. Releasing FAQs is admitting fault in that kind of stuck up person's eyes, and all of their games are flawless masterpieces. I also have a feeling GWs upper club doesn't like specialist design studio.
@JudasBrennan Ай бұрын
Heresy 1.0 is far better. 2.0 is terrible.
@sagacity1071 Ай бұрын
Play community rules GW doesnt card after hype sales.
@punec Ай бұрын
Hey guys makka was talking about an faq from the Mournival guys about HH1 that fixed its issues. Could anyone tell me where to find it since i started heresy at the end of hh1 and I think HH2 sucks rules wise. Thqnks and sorry for being stupid
@Grombrindal Ай бұрын
"Bro you should totally play tabletop and stop playing TW:Warhammer" "Oh yeah bro you'll be spending $2000 on a game nobody actually enjoys playing."
@margaretwood152 Ай бұрын
_"§here...fu¢king.... _*_HUBRIS."_*
@margaretwood152 Ай бұрын
(God 🙏 I miss Alan Blighe 📚📖 -&- the pre 2017 Heresy days. ). 🪦 R I.P. Alan
@margaretwood152 Ай бұрын
The 2.0 grace period was over *_yesterday._* (no more 💵🤑 excuses *-GW-*- )
@Hurricanelive Ай бұрын
It's like all technology and good will, companies have incompetents, peter principle morons who have no clue about how the game runs or how it use to run, they simply just throw out some mechanicus patchwork rules patching or as I say, what they "feel" the rules should be or what the buddy biddy tourney kings demand. And as to" good will," good and great companies will allow fans leeway to create and encourage house rules and will even take fan creations and house rules when they are extremely popular. Even if they made good rules and gave good will, I still would never care to buy in because I'm still priced out by their stupid price gouging hole they dug themselves into. GW are trying to make a VHS tape deck play DVDs and they get to the point where as long as it "loads" who cares if it plays.
@jusztinnemeti6380 Ай бұрын
And the Horus Heresy train wreck keeps on chugging along...
@paulyg405 Ай бұрын
I think people are being too harsh with Heresy 2.0. Maybe GW's best days are behind them, but I can see that a lot of love is continuing to be put into this project. Maybe it's not great? but my feeling is the creators wanted something more narrative, less balanced and aimed at older/oldhammer gamers, and they believe this approach is the best to achieve that. I guess TLDR this is the best we're gonna get from current era GW. I mostly play 2nd ed 40k, 5th ed fantasy and dip my toe into Heresy from time to time and I'm happy with that. The campaign books have been fun and the fluff sections in both are an enjoyable read. We can criticise, but I don't see this game as the unmitigated disaster that some seem to.
@jusztinnemeti6380 Ай бұрын
@@paulyg405 okay, so the problem with what you are saying is: A product should always improve over the previous iteration - NOT be worse. Think about that. What if a car company put out a new model that was crappier than the last model? Would people buy it? Would the automotive press give it a positive review? Nope. That's what I'm doing and others. We are giving it a negative review - and we aren't buying it.
@paulyg405 Ай бұрын
@@jusztinnemeti6380 OK, I take your point. For my 2 cents, I never played 1.0 although I've read the rules in depth and thought they were fine. There are elements I prefer, but I'm enjoying Heresy 2.0 especially the multi part kits. I'm going to reserve judgement until the system is a bit more complete. I feel heartened by how much enthusiasm there is in the Heresy and oldhammer communities at the moment though, so if this ends up a flaming wreck, we know it's in good hands
@jusztinnemeti6380 Ай бұрын
@@paulyg405 If you are enjoying the system, I'm honestly happy for you. I hope myself and other people aren't ruining that experience for you either. I just want them to release a thoroughly play tested product for once. Just an observation, it seems people who enjoy GW games have only played GW games and therefore have no basis for comparison. I've played many different wargames from other companies. Unfortunately, this makes me realize just how bad GW rules are compared to contemporary games from rival companies. Even older rules like battlegroup are way better playing and sorted than anything I've played from GW in years. If you are going to charge premium prices for your product, it better be the best product on the market. Rules wise, GW has the worst products on the market. That is not acceptable.
@toooldfortwowheels2048 Ай бұрын
I love Solar Aux, i xouldnt wait to get aome in plastic and i usually 3d print my own stuff. The rulea for Solar Aux are so poor theyre even go against the lore in my opinion. I'd go so far to say thwyre almost unusable against any Astartes force.
@paulyg405 Ай бұрын
answer is: we're overthinking this. The most obvious solution is that the creators wanted a narrative game - if you look at the rules and supplements that have come out, they are all clearly pointing in this direction - eg Legiones Hereticus, these rules are about how the creators thought corrupted Emperor's Children should 'feel' on the table, not balancing them for competitive play. I believe they wanted Militia and Solar Aux to better sit narratively vs the marines than they did gameplay wise in Heresy 1.0. No marines being overwhelmed by large blast AP2 and hordes of roided up stubborn peasants swinging axes. They wanted more the cowering transhuman dread harvested like wheat humans you see in the novels. This isn't going to please everyone and to be honest from my experience playing Militia, they're pretty well not competitive at all and it's hard work, but I do have some sympathy for their take. Also, I think it's unfair to attack the integrity of the designers. I don't know, of course, but from what I've heard it's the older types who were around during the golden years who are in this team and the other specialist teams. They know what they're doing. You can see the influence of Rogue Trader and old editions of 40k at work in the way the Heresy rules are being written. These are deliberate stylistic choices balanced with what resources they have available in terms of time, model release schedules and internal politics. They're probably just not releasing a comprehensive FAQ due to lack of resources or because it's not a priority for a narrative game system that's going to be around for years.
@BittermanAndy Ай бұрын
I don't know how much resources are really needed for an FAQ. An hour of work for the rules writer(s)? A couple of hours for the digital team to organise and upload the PDFs? Half an hour for Warhammer Community to write an article saying "hey everyone, new FAQ"? If it took more than a half-day to get a basic FAQ out, there's something horribly wrong. (Granted - a complete rebalance and considered redevelopment of the rules would take way more than that, weeks or months including full playtesting. But a basic FAQ? No). I also reject the idea that bad rules can be justified by calling them "narrative". It's possible to write good, narrative rules that function - not necessarily perfectly balanced (whatever that even means), but that they basically work. Or bad narrative rules that don't work but you give them away for free. If they're charging £50+ a book, they need to be putting effort in. And no-one can tell me that the Legiones Hereticus Emperor's Children rules (you picked a really good example there) had any effort put into them at all, they're awful and I knew that immediately from the first time I read them. If we're to accept "it's narrative!!!!" as an excuse, we don't need rules at all - just sit down and tell a shared story about how "my Space Marines rush your humans and all the Black Library books say immortal shock will beat any normal human so I win". So narrative! Very fluffy! And absolutely no fun at all as a game.
@paulyg405 Ай бұрын
@@BittermanAndy Do you think that maybe they haven't done a more comprehensive FAQ because they don't want to invalidate the books? or are waiting for a new print run? Because like Macca said in previous videos they seem to have been more ambitious with the PDFs. There's got to be some logical reason, that's why I said 'resources', honestly have no idea but it does feel deliberate to me. It must just not be a priority or they feel the game is fine the way it is. I take your points but I still think narrative is the reason, I'm not wanting to use that to justify bad rules though. The rules currently lean a bit too far towards one person's subjective idea about what narrative should look like in Heresy. I agree Legiones Hereticus EC rules are a bit... baffling. They seem a bit 'wouldn't it be cool if...' to me. There would have been a better way to represent their change into chaos marines without a weird straight nerf that makes them not fun to play. I've got more experience with loyalist marines and militia so my beefs are around that, I feel like the narrative has been cherry picked to give marines an edge - so the whole 'transhuman dread' thing is weighted more heavily than other aspects of the lore - such as battlecannons and earthshaker cannons that now feel bad and don't function like they should. All those big guns should be either breaching or rending, 4+ breaching, 5+ rending at the minimum, and other aspects of the militia list, like removing dedicated transports just feels like punishment for militia players rather than representing anything narrative. My fan theory with this last part, is that they weren't allowed to use any of the plastic 40k vehicles, and there's nothing in Necromunda that really fits the bill, and the Aurox doesn't have a plastic kit yet.. so we get cargo 8 haulers in fast attack - the weirdest rule choice I've seen for a long time. And not a good one either
@BittermanAndy Ай бұрын
@@paulyg405 I'm not really sure why they're so reluctant. Not wanting to invalidate printed books may be it, but they don't mind that for 40K! Tau have just had all their points values changed and they've only been out a week or two. But maybe HH is different. They do seem a little more adventurous with stuff that's PDF-only in the first place... but "a little" is the operative word. They're still basically providing the game with almost no support at this point. Ultimately they just don't want to spend time and money on it, I guess. Even the tiny, tiny amount it would take actually answers the Q's they get FA'd. Why this is, or any of the other weirdness you mention, I have absolutely no idea. I honestly would have done nearly everything different for HH 2.0. What can I say... GW never asked my advice. 🤣
@Adventurerblitz Ай бұрын
It's fair to call out designers who suck at making games for being terrible.
@paulyg405 Ай бұрын
@@BittermanAndy I think they are supporting the game, but it's with models and new books, not FAQs and errata and gameplay stuff. I could be cynical and say, well FAQs cost time but don't bring in any income, but like you say, they still do them for 40k and don't care about invalidating the printed books. I have a new theory, which is that they are focused on getting all the factions out, or the bulk of them, and the only stuff that is getting love at the moment in terms of models AND rules is what fits in with that. You can see it in the recent book. EG, it was more important to them to get rules out for new Solar models, and faction support for Blackshields and Shattered Legions than it was to say, do a Raven Guard praetor or fix Solar's boring rules. Maybe they'll revisit the rules next time there's a lull in releases. I've heard people say in the past that the models come first and the writers have to fit in with that. This would make sense to me, so perhaps there's only a couple of them and they're so flat out writing the next campaign book to add in X Y Z rules (I heard a rumour re Saturnine termies) that rules corrections just aren't important enough.
@clanorangechicken6648 Ай бұрын
OPR One Page Rules...its a free 40k rip laugh at 40k
@Tartersauce101 Ай бұрын
Everyone likes TOWs rules. Great game. Nice that you declared it dead after like a week 😂👌
@jakubgodlewski9104 Ай бұрын
There's barely anyone that plays it. Half the models for it don't exist anymore. The game was dead before release and it still is.
@Tartersauce101 Ай бұрын
@@jakubgodlewski9104 Tons of people are playing it. Most AoS models are TOW models. Seriously the tournaments have been huge, sold out spots immediately. Also when I'm at my local GW playing nothing else is being played, seems like the other systems are having problems.
@bigcoliber4864 Ай бұрын
You dont have to play night fight if you dont want to
@Traven158 Ай бұрын
Isn't the rule that if one player doesn't want night fighting and another does, it's night fighting on a 3+?
@bigcoliber4864 Ай бұрын
@@Traven158 i mean its just a Rules you can ignore them as a gentleman agreement
@Traven158 Ай бұрын
@bigcoliber4864 At that point, I'd rather be playing a fan ruleset or 1st ed.
@purgejmi Ай бұрын
This is my free to play build for my barbarian. Open with Wrath of the Berserker, then trigger Chain Spear & Ground Stomp and channel Cleave's full charge. Mid rotation is to then use Chain Spear & Ground Stomp again and then use Lacerate until Cleave and Wrath of the Berserker are ready again, then repeat rotation. After a lot of trial and error making builds this one has the best single target and area damage I've come up with so far and is a great jack of all trades master of all combo build for the barbarian class. 9 months of playing Diablo Immortal report: At paragon level 950 as a Barbarian I am super strong and have a badass, powerful custom build. I have spent $0.00 on this game. I can kill an Elder Rift boss in 18-20 seconds. Comparing myself to other players who after questioning and interviews have spent between $500 to $1,000 in the game on microtransaction gems they take between 10-8 seconds to kill the same boss. Where microtransaction gems really matter are in infernal raids (paragon 800-1,300) in which a group of 8 whale players can kill a boss with 100,000,000 health in a matter of seconds. However, saying "really matter" is up for debate because when the boss dies in this scenario there's 8 minutes & 30 seconds out of 9 minutes remaining on the raid boss timer. A group of none microtransaction free to play players would probably spend 4 to 6 minutes to defeat the boss as long as it went smoothly and everyone knew the fight. The conclusion is that Diablo Immortal's microtransaction gems aren't necessary to fully play and enjoy the endgame and earlier sections of the game where they start pushing the microtransactions on you. All they do is save you time and make the levels faster and the enemies die quicker. I play this game on my tablet when I'm taking a ****** or watching a meh movie with my family. If you're playing on PC there's so many better ftp and ptp games in this genre. I play Path of Exile and will switch to Path of Exile 2 later this year. Path of Exile mobile is also still in development so that'll be a competitor to D8ablo Immortal when it comes out. There's supposed to be a new class coming out in June or July 2024, so I'd like either a witch doctor, Shaman/druid or some kind of dash/teleporting assassin with knives. Maybe a badass juggernaut class with a huge warhammer that hits slow but super hard. Most insiders are saying it's gonna be a Tempest which would be an elementalest with a sword or something. miss piggy9 months of playing Diablo Immortal report: At paragon level 950 as a Barbarian I am super strong and have a badass, powerful custom build. I have spent $0.00 on this game. I can kill an Elder Rift boss in 18-20 seconds. Comparing myself to other players who after questioning and interviews have spent between $500 to $1,000 in the game on microtransaction gems they take between 10-8 seconds to kill the same boss. Where microtransaction gems really matter are in infernal raids (paragon 800-1,300) in which a group of 8 whale players can kill a boss with 100,000,000 health in a matter of seconds. However, saying "really matter" is up for debate because when the boss dies in this scenario there's 8 minutes & 30 seconds out of 9 minutes remaining on the raid boss timer. A group of none microtransaction free to play players would probably spend 4 to 6 minutes to defeat the boss as long as it went smoothly and everyone knew the fight. The conclusion is that Diablo Immortal's microtransaction gems aren't necessary to fully play and enjoy the endgame and earlier sections of the game where they start pushing the microtransactions on you. All they do is save you time and make the levels faster and the enemies die quicker. I play this game on my tablet when I'm taking a ****** or watching a meh movie with my family. If you're playing on PC there's so many better ftp and ptp games in this genre. I play Path of Exile and will switch to Path of Exile 2 later this year. Path of Exile mobile is also still in development so that'll be a competitor to D8ablo Immortal when it comes out. There's supposed to be a new class coming out in June or July 2024, so I'd like either a witch doctor, Shaman/druid or some kind of dash/teleporting assassin with knives. Maybe a badass juggernaut class with a huge warhammer that hits slow but super hard. Most insiders are saying it's gonna be a Tempest which would be an elementalest with a sword or something.I'd like either a witch doctor, Shaman/druid or some kind of dash/teleporting assassin with knives.One thing no one's mentioned so far is that way before all of this even started there were female and male space marines in Age of Sigmar. Because of that I figured GW would try and make female space marines or Custodes in 40K. If they didn't want them in 40K then they wouldn't have tested them out in Age of Sigmar. Because of this I've made my peace with the eventual lore changes a long time ago, I just didn’t expect Games Workshop to mess up this simple change, gaslight people and piss off their community. I just hope that when they do add female space marines to 40K they don't say "there's always been female space marines" and get everyone worked up again lol. My guess is the reason why they added females to ths Custodes is because the Amazon show'll have a scene of a Custodes fighting and being badass and then they'll take off their helmet and it'll be a woman and the expected audience reaction will be "whoooo! It's a woman doing and being badass!" But I don't really get why they couldn't have a Sister of Battle do the exact same thing and get the same crowd reaction. In the lore the Sisters of Battle are the counterparts to the Custodes. When Magnus oppened a portal into The Emperor's throne room both the Sisters of Battle and the Custodes were sent into the portal to hold off the demons. I don't think The Emperor just grabbed whoever was available at the time, he sent his best to fight the endless legions of Chaos. I just gotta say one more thing. The 10th Edition Custodes Codex nerfed the faction and made them less fun to play. At the same time they changed the lore and added woman to the 10,000. Doesn't that imply that Games Workshop thinks that adding woman to a faction makes said faction weaker? I'm kinda shocked no one else has seen those dots and connected them lol.Apparently the whole road map was a purposeful lie. They never intended on releasing the new class in April. According fo community representatives it's gonna come out in late June.Let's be honest, the reason most people might be upset or dislike this is because they're changing stuff, not because they don't want woman to be represented as space marines. I think they should remake it so 5,000 Custodes are female and 5,000 Custodes are male. I think it's a good push for more woman characters and tabletop models. We'll probably have female Space Marines a few years from now. I think they should put b*obs on Skarbrand and make the Emperor an Empress. I hope they do, I really hope they do.... I want Rogal Dorn to come back to the galaxy and he's a she now. Female Rogal Dorn. Change all Space Marines into females. Now only females can become Space Marines, so in the lore, one day male Space Marines will be rare because you can't make more. 3D print b*ob armor for the Space Marines and Custodes. I think this is only a good thing because it will make females fell safe and have more then 6-10 factions to play as if they only want to play as females. I think having female Custodes now in the lore and retconning so they were always there in the 10,000 is only a good thing for the fanbase. The fanbase needs to chill out, okay? Because all the people who are newly joining the hobby and love of Warhammer or just hearing and learning about it are gonna think it's full of intolerant pigs. No matter how explained or what the argument against having female Custodes is presented, that's how most people will probaboly view it.I'd like either a witch doctor, Shaman/druid or some kind of dash/teleporting assassin with knives.
@endlessphantasy14 Ай бұрын
Easy. Stop playing Warhammer. It's 2024. You should be more aware about things happening around the world. Stop wasting your life and money on this garbage company.
@CustomLime Ай бұрын
Why do people complain about always on nightfighting? It's called the Age of DARKNESS after all ;)
@NapoleonicWargaming Ай бұрын
Honestly, I like that SA are dogshit. Sorry, but HH is an epic story of a war of brother against power armoured brother. SA take away from that imo. You want a hipster army? Fine. But it ain't gonna compete
@necrometicsonofthelion Ай бұрын
Tf. Horus Heresy is all about Horus and him taking on the Imperium. SA, Mechanicum, Custodes, Militia all of them play a significant role. Also they add variety and allows more people to get interested in the game. And hey slaughtering 100 solar aux is kinda fun and kinda shows what marines can do.
@NapoleonicWargaming Ай бұрын
@@necrometicsonofthelion yeah, I get it. But ultimately it takes away from the main protagonists. Imo, a marine should basically kill a SA on a 2+. It should be like sending in babies to fight gorillas.
@Dust_in Ай бұрын
From a pointed and balanced game you would then have a single 5 man unit fighting an entire army. This isn't a story, though. It is a game.
@sagacity1071 Ай бұрын
No.... it really isn't only about power armor.
@Adventurerblitz Ай бұрын
@@NapoleonicWargaming Ogryns kill astartes with ease and thats ig ones, not the roided up cyborg ogryns used by sa.
@ja37d-34 Ай бұрын
Play older editioons! They are often better, all is availble online.. You bought your models for them. Fuck the new shit
@PortocaliusMaximus Ай бұрын
have you heard of tg's /fourk/ project? some guys are remastering 4th edition and backporting the new stuff
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