"They Had To Do It..." The Undertaker Talks Montreal Screwjob

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Six Feet Under with Mark Calaway

Six Feet Under with Mark Calaway

4 күн бұрын

What do you think WWE could've done differently with The Montreal Screwjob?

Пікірлер: 837
@peteharper3299 Күн бұрын
Imagine sitting in front of The Undertaker and say "I can hardly imagine anyone better than Bret and Shawn." Amazing.
@JRebels 2 күн бұрын
One of my favorite quotes is “don’t party like a rockstar if you can’t wake up for the concert”
@jpVari Күн бұрын
What's the connection to this event lmao
@murphylhunn Күн бұрын
As Ryan Locte says, "if youre gonna be a man at night, you gotta be a man in the morning"
@JRebels Күн бұрын
@@jpVari ha ha so funny, I guess you didn’t watch the entire clip, if you did it would make sense…
@kaineshigaraki5253 Күн бұрын
@@JRebelsI guess you just can’t explain it yourself.
@kaineshigaraki5253 Күн бұрын
@@jpVari​​⁠They ask Taker if he took wrestling as seriously as Bret did. Taker said yes. He then shared the idea that if you were going to be out all night, you better still perform the next day.
@TheRealBanner64 Күн бұрын
I'd give anything to just sit down and bring a bottle of Jack and just have a conversation with Mark Calaway.
@jarlwhiterun7478 4 сағат бұрын
God you sound dorky lol. He wouldn't want to talk to you, why would you think he would?
@MadMike1 2 күн бұрын
I don't think the Screwjob would've been as infamous as it was if Bret's WCW career wasn't such a colossal clown show. But thanks to Bischoff being a hack and Goldberg being... well Goldberg... the Montreal Screwjob has been tied to Bret as the moment that destroyed his career. It's a shame that he's mostly remembered for this and not all the legendary matches he had.
@shiningwizard202 2 күн бұрын
Came here to say this. If WCW cashes in on the Montreal screw job, the landscape of wrestling probably looks a lot different. Bischoff has given tons of conflicting excuses over the years but we all know it wasn’t gonna work for someone brother.
@linvol20 2 күн бұрын
He was the biggest baby face after that and they didn’t capitalize on it.
@jonbourgoin182 2 күн бұрын
Only filthy casuals have Montreal as the first thing they focus on whenever Bret's career is brought up.
@Davis84396 2 күн бұрын
What a load of shit! It’s the most infamous finish to a wrestling match in modern wrestling history. WWF were constantly referencing it pretty much straight after it happened. The whole Mr McMahon character was created by the screw job. Then there is the wrestling with shadows documentary, that made a lot of casual fans aware of the screw job. Those are the reasons why, nothing to do with brets wcw run
@shiningwizard202 2 күн бұрын
@@Davis84396 nothing you just said negates what OP is talking about. Everything you just said can still happen with WCW not mishandling Bret. In fact, they would’ve made even more money if he was still able to go after WWE bought WCW. Loud and wrong.
@dewiwilliams4821 2 күн бұрын
Bret didnt want to leave and in the contract Vince gave him Bret insisted on clause for last 30 days should vince want to terminate, which was mutual creative control, to avoid getting ruined on way out. Bret was 100% honest.
@mindyourbuisness8104 2 күн бұрын
Losing the belt to the guy you don't want to is not being ruined it was an egotistical move that WCW should of capitalized on like the wwf did
@dewiwilliams4821 2 күн бұрын
@mindyourbuisness8104 no, the clause was there as a safeguard against being ruined. Refusing to do business for Shawn, given his contractual right and Shawn's ridiculous behaviour, is understandable in my opinion. I always understood, and the more I heard from Shawn, vince Hunter, and other stooges since, has only made me more sympathetic.
@hiddensword9387 2 күн бұрын
@@dewiwilliams4821 Absolute crap. Bret was 40 and going off to get paid millions of dollars, he should of done business. His ego got in his way and he was a mark for himself. Nothing about getting beat would have ''ruined'' him, just an excuse to get one back at HBK. Not saying HBK wasn't being an arse but this is two grown men acting like children. Period.
@dewiwilliams4821 2 күн бұрын
@hiddensword9387 what I said was actually fact mate, except the part about what I sympathise with.
@nunyafuckinbizniz 2 күн бұрын
​@@hiddensword9387 you are a CLOWN
@monkeyboy6590 2 күн бұрын
It's a shame that Montreal overshadows their careers. A Master Gunnery Seargent once told me, "One thousand attaboys can be knocked out by one Oh Shit moment."
@herbythechef7624 2 күн бұрын
It doesnt really overshadow hbk becauae hbks career continued on a lot longer. People will always remember his wrestlemania matches
@mimoe7587 2 күн бұрын
I definitely feel his matches are as remembered as the screw job. Especially in more recent years the hype of the screw job has died down compared to his great performances.
@HurrikaneBEA5T 2 күн бұрын
Not really. He lasted maybe 4-5 months after. Karma came quick. He then gave us the best 8 years to finish his career and redeem himself. ​@@herbythechef7624
@TheSophisticatedSavage 2 күн бұрын
It doesn't
@wordonthestreetpodcast5472 2 күн бұрын
@@TheSophisticatedSavage😭at all they trying my to create a fake narrative
@hang1893 2 күн бұрын
And the fact that Bret was 40 when he left.... meaning.. if he stayed healthy. He could have easily gone til he was 50.we could have gotten ANOTHER 10 years of Bret Matches in WWE. I get mad just thinking about it.
@cliffjones9922 2 күн бұрын
Yeah, we'd of get more Bret v Austin. Could of had Bret V Rock. Even Bret V Angle, what a match that would of been!
@jaro4742 2 күн бұрын
Bret on Smackdown in 2002-2003 with Heyman booking and surrounded by talent like Angle, Rey, Eddie, Edge, Benoit, Brock, Taker, Rhyno, Tajiri, Prototype Cena, Orton, etc would have been incredible
@LordBarros 2 күн бұрын
to be honest, I don't think Bret had 10 years after 40 regardless of the injury. A good five? Sure.
@hang1893 Күн бұрын
@@LordBarros based on what ? He still had a lot left the only reason he didn't is cjz he got his head kicked off by Goldberg . He had every chance to last til he was 50...freakin Sting lasted til 60. Stop it.
@i2a7-of2ju Күн бұрын
​@@hang1893bret lost the passion in wcw some time before he got hit by goldberg he alr thought he would do it for some time more and then quit and he hated where wwf was going with sleazy storylines n stuff
@dashingdreww1185 2 күн бұрын
Remember Brett said he would have dropped the belt to Shawn but right after Brett told him that Shawn immediately said if the roles were reversed he wouldn’t drop it to him 😂
@jarlwhiterun7478 4 сағат бұрын
@joetamburello6292 4 сағат бұрын
Doesn’t sound like he wanted to drop it to anyone to be honest
@AB-ez4rm 2 күн бұрын
I would like to believe Bret would have done the right thing, but one can never know for sure. Plus I wasn't there and had no idea what the environment felt like.
@shiningwizard202 2 күн бұрын
I think Bret is a genuinely good and honorable dude but I can also see from a business standpoint why Vince, in his mind, couldn’t afford to test that out. When you couple that with pilled up Shawn and Hunter in his ear, feels inevitable.
@inviduallytwisted5423 2 күн бұрын
@@shiningwizard202 Also remember Nitro came on an hour before RAW, Vince didn't want Bischof starting off Nitro saying that WCW had signed the current WWF champ, even though Bischof gave Bret a verbal "I won't do that" but even to this day, Bischof remains very non-committal if he would have kept his word, Bischof usual response is "guess we'll never know"
@peterjones2834 2 күн бұрын
Shawn was meant to lose to Bret the following mania but Shawn refused. Bret put him over but he would return the favour.
@shiningwizard202 2 күн бұрын
@@peterjones2834 true. They talked about this in that documentary they did. Shawn owned up to mouthing off about “I would never put you over” and apologized. Bret acknowledged that he just wanted Michael’s respect. Shawn basically said the same thing. It’s a shame it took so long because another program with those two would’ve been stellar.
@TL2354 2 күн бұрын
Bret wouldn't even do the right thing at Survivor Series
@imaratspal 2 күн бұрын
The problem is that Bret never wanted to leave and had an agreement with Vince already to work for 1/5th of what WCW offered him on a per year basis, but Vince still didn't feel as if he could pay Bret, so he told Bret to get in contact with Bischoff for a deal to leave. Then he comes back after increasing the price on the In Your House PPV with more revenue to Bret that he has the money to stay but by then, Bret already made the deal with Bischoff (again, because Vince). Bret was also given creative control on how he left, and Bret said he'd lose to anyone BUT Shawn. There were so many other possibilities for how that all would end up and Vince just didn't adapt to the circumstances HE CREATED.
@Joreel 2 күн бұрын
Yeah I've heard interviews with Brett where he said he'd drop the belt to anyone but Shawn and Vince refused to do it that way. Vince just wanted to be in control no matter what. There were so many people who would have loved to get the belt, even if it was only temporary until Vince gave it to someone else.
@williamseneyjr.6277 2 күн бұрын
I'm sorry, that just clearly shows Bret valued himself over the business. You really think if 'Taker was on his way out to join another company, he'd resist doing what was asked of him in the meantime? Not a chance. If Vince asked Mark to drop the belt to D'Lo Brown or Bob Backlund, he would have.
@williamseneyjr.6277 2 күн бұрын
@@Joreel You don't put the belt on who you "like", you put the belt on the most consistent performer that is also making you money and that was Shawn Michaels at the time. Bret is the only performer to ever create serious problems for an entire company just because he wanted to cater to his ego over the actual business.
@crashpal 2 күн бұрын
​@Joreel actually Bret wanted to drop the very next night on raw because he didn't want to lose in front of the Canadian crow at survivor series while the raw that needed to take place was in u.s.
@Joreel 2 күн бұрын
@@williamseneyjr.6277 We all know that already, the issue was that Brett didn't think Shawn deserved the belt. He felt there were others who deserved it more. Vince wouldn't even consider anyone but Shawn which was the problem.
@jamescooper3324 2 күн бұрын
3 things that WWE has tried to re-write history. Bret did not show up in WCW the next night. That is false! That was never going to happen. Bret had creative control in his contract which is Vince’s fault for agreeing to that. And Vince gave Bret permission to negotiate with WCW, again, Vince’s fault. Bret didn’t debut on WCW tv until December 15th 1997… more than TWO WEEKS after the screwjob. They had time to have him drop the title… they chose to screw him instead… those are facts.
@PhenomsServant4 Күн бұрын
He didnt debut until a couple weeks later, but Vince feared that if they didnt get the title off Bret beforehand, Eric was going to announce that WCW had signed the WWE champion away from them. Not trying to defend WWE, but knowing Bischoff, he absolutely wouldve said that on Nitro.
@pikkon899 Күн бұрын
Bret refused to drop it to Shawn in Canada. He refused all of their ideas because they all invloved Shawn. Bret wanted to give it up the next night on Raw instead because he was a "Canadian Hero" & didn't want to lose in Canada. I'm sorry, but if you're told to drop it on the way out, just drop the damn belt. He was going to make more money in WCW anyway. What does it matter if it's in Canada? I love Bret but it's ridiculous how he handled it as well as Vince. Vince screwed up by giving Bret creative control. Undertaker made a good point when he told Vince that he could have had Bret take on Taker instead but no, Bret had to continue the nonsense with Shawn backstage, instead of being the bigger man. It's a work & you're leaving anyway. Everyone is at fault regardless of who's trying to change history, including Bret.
@jacobsaunders9264 Күн бұрын
The host has already failed us fans by not having the GodFather on. No one is promised tomorrow! Get it done!
@robertmartin6238 Күн бұрын
Brett screwed Brett. He should have drop the belt. Imagine if Americans say they won’t lost to a Canadian in America.
@jasongill5390 13 сағат бұрын
​@robertmartin6238 they both are North AMERICANS no big deal. Plus Bret Hart is half Canadian and half American. Mom was born in NY and married Stu Hart in NY.
@mexmexican8619 2 күн бұрын
It’s not like Bret was on WCW the next day or even the next week. There was plenty of time for Vince to work something out with him.
@shiningwizard202 2 күн бұрын
Bret already signed the contract.
@lunarianpaladin6980 2 күн бұрын
How does Bret signing the contract prevent Vince from working something out with Bret? He still had the rest of November and December to figure something out. Bret deserved better than he got. Vince was the one that broke legal contract with Bret. The SS97 ppv could’ve ended in multiple different ways. Instead Vince decided to treat a decade+ employee like trash. Vince actually thought people would take his side after the screwjob and tried to make himself look like the innocent party in all this but it failed when people responded negatively. He responded by creating the heel character Mr. McMahon.
@HarleyQuinnGoon 2 күн бұрын
​@@shiningwizard202his last date for WWF wasn't that night or even the following Raw. They legit could've figured something out before he showed up on Nitro
@pwnranger3496 2 күн бұрын
Jim Cornette broke it down better than any of us ever could. Vince trusted Bret but did not trust Eric Bischoff. The night after Survivor Series, Eric could legally say the current WWF Champion was signed to WCW, had Bret still had the title. The time for Vince to work it out with Bret was before he allowed Bret to negotiate a contract. If he was gonna let Bret leave, he shouldn't have put the belt on him so close to the end of his run
@HarleyQuinnGoon 2 күн бұрын
@@pwnranger3496 Eric couldn't even show the title on Nitro anyways because it'd be a legal issue they had legal fallout from Alundra Blaze/Medusa showing up with the WWF Women's Championship on Nitro
@ParodyPlanet 2 күн бұрын
Get Jim Cornette on the show and talk about his version of the story and aftermath. That would be some notes sharing!
@jvjustvibes9103 2 күн бұрын
@My19812011 2 күн бұрын
Jim Cornette has said himself that left the arena immediately and the only person that was out of there quicker than him was Earl Hebner
@wullagray Күн бұрын
Folks are truly scared of Cornette.....He deserves his flowers
@brucewhite360 17 сағат бұрын
Hell yeah we want Corny!!
@fredtott4684 6 сағат бұрын
Corny prolly would bitch about how Russo is a liar and that he can't wait to piss at his grave.
@Epsilonsama 2 күн бұрын
I respect Taker but he is completely wrong on this. Bret Hart still had dates in his contract and it wasn't a situation where he was showing up the next day on Nitro. Bret would have definitely put over anyone other than Shawn at Montreal btw. Also Bret had a creative control exit clause on his contract to prevent what ended up happening from well happening. Had Bret wanted he could have easily sued WWE for breach of contract. Vince was 100% in the wrong and he did this not because some worry about Bret going to the opposition with a belt but because he wanted to fuck over Bret.
@matsong5134 2 күн бұрын
I think everyone trusted Bret to do what he said he would do, but nobody trusted Eric Bischoff 😂
@matsong5134 2 күн бұрын
I heard that Bret’s WWF contract expired that night so they needed to get the belt off him before Monday because NYTRO goes live before Raw and Eric Biscoff would have said they’ve already sighted the WWF champion. That would make the WWF title worthless. Vince did what he had to do because Bret didn’t wanna do what every other champion who was leaving a territory did before him.
@mykoniichistorychannel 2 күн бұрын
@@matsong5134His contract didn’t expire until December.
@Thurs1t0 Күн бұрын
L take
@briantime9880 Күн бұрын
@@Thurs1t0so you hate the truth huh
@KamoMustafaWWE 2 күн бұрын
Without the Montreal Screwjob, there is no Attitude Era.
@MarcoNegrisEye 2 күн бұрын
Of course there would be! One man wasn't going to change the course of how the world and the business was at the time. And remember Shawn had to stop wrestling only months after Montreal so that would have removed much of the drama around them.
@lesterama6110 2 күн бұрын
@@MarcoNegrisEye Agreed, but at the same time it gave birth to the Mr. Macmahon character
@Leo-yn5fx 2 күн бұрын
They showed attitude before the match started
@brendanedwards6633 2 күн бұрын
There’d be no attitude era without wcw.
@MarcoNegrisEye 2 күн бұрын
@@lesterama6110 I don't know, that character was developing with Austin before Montreal. The way Austin was acting you could see it coming a mile off between them. It maybe sped up the persona but they would have got there with those two anyway. I reckon.
@JRAYDABEAST 2 күн бұрын
This podcast has been awesome hearing all these stories
@MikesGigDiary__ 2 күн бұрын
Bret was under contract with the Fed until 23:59 December 7th. Survivor Series was not considered by anyone involved to be Bret's last day with the company. Bret had told Vince he would lose to belt to literally anyone from Steve Austin all the way down the the Brooklyn Brawler. He initially had agreed to lose to Shawn until Shawn told him there was no way he would lose to Bret. There was literally no way Bret was going to appear on the Nitro after Survivor Series. The proof of this is thay he did not, in fact, appear on thr Nitro after Survivor Series when he clearly would have had no greater motivation to do so.
@alainsemaine9897 2 күн бұрын
Well said - finally, the facts ✅
@italianstallion389 Күн бұрын
Yea, taker could have been the transitional champion.
@dxtremecaliber Күн бұрын
lmao "fed" but ye its right
@joetamburello6292 4 сағат бұрын
@@alainsemaine9897 you do what your employer tells you to do that’s just life
@alainsemaine9897 4 сағат бұрын
@@joetamburello6292 Bret had “reasonable creative control” in the final 30 days of his contract so….NO.
@Gintello9 2 күн бұрын
0:25 I'd like to think that Bret was similar to yourself, Deadman... Regardless if he was bitter, upset and had those negative feelings towards the company, he respected the business and above all, respected his legacy of carrying himself with pride/integrity.
@TL2354 2 күн бұрын
Except doing what's right at Survivor Series
@Gintello9 2 күн бұрын
@@TL2354 We'll never know bc they did double cross Bret in the end. I doubt the planned ending all parties talked about was him tapping to the sharpshooter.
@tmthylthm 2 күн бұрын
@@TL2354 what was right at SS was not having him lose the belt in his hometown and letting him relinquish it the next night.
@williamseneyjr.6277 2 күн бұрын
​​@@tmthylthmMaybe "right"...but risky. If Bret decided to change his mind about being honorable, which realistically could have happened, Vince and his company take the hit. The honor system really isn't a sustainable concept in business.
@tmthylthm 2 күн бұрын
@@williamseneyjr.6277 what Bret could've done was nothing. He had more time left on his contract. The scare was that WCW (and more specifically Bischoff) would announce that they signed Bret since Nitro started an hour earlier. Bret couldn't have shown up on Nitro even if he wanted to because his current contract wasn't up yet.
@megadoomboy5412 2 күн бұрын
Shawn needed to be put in his place
@joetamburello6292 4 сағат бұрын
Sure but bret was in the wrong too
@ashtonthompson7154 2 күн бұрын
Huge fan taker ty so much for 30 years of the dead man...dead man ink was my favour tho
@thezerowulf2046 Күн бұрын
But not one night of the Dead man spinning
@MarcoNegrisEye 2 күн бұрын
I said on here a few days ago, Bret must be the next guest....after this title? We can forget that now 😂
@knowur10sand18s 2 күн бұрын
Why wasn't an angle with Hitman/Taker a thing up to Survivor Series and Bret could loose to Taker? Only reason Bret wouldn't drop it to HBK was because Shawn did he wouldn't drop it for him.
@irishviking383 2 күн бұрын
There've been a few times in the past where Taker has said he spoke to Vince in the lead-up to Survivor Series and offered to be the one Bret dropped the title to and then he could drop it to Shawn, but Vince was just too stubborn to do it that way.
@soul_Link12 2 күн бұрын
Man, every time I see Taker or hear him speak, I just respect him more and more. Mark is such a class act. Got through that entire career with his nose clean and his reputation intact, and anyone who knows anything about wrestling, that's really, REALLY saying something.
@Poppin023 Күн бұрын
July 31 is the anniversary of Roddy Piper's passing. Would love to hear some Piper stories from Taker in a future episode around that date.
@hotrock5834 2 күн бұрын
Why didn't they just make it a multi-person match at the last minute to get the belt off Bret without a screwing taking place?
@jonathansimmons6452 Күн бұрын
Yep a triple threat match or a fatal four way in a steel cage.
@cheesecakemousetrap 12 сағат бұрын
The draw is Bret vs. Shawn….not some ridiculous battle royal with everyone from the New Blackjacks and the hairy guy from Los Borriquas watering down the main event.
@hotrock5834 11 сағат бұрын
@@cheesecakemousetrap I didn't say anything about a battle royal.
@cheesecakemousetrap 9 сағат бұрын
@@hotrock5834 same difference. You’re talking about adding random men to a one on one match. Three ways, 4 ways, etc. weren’t even a regular thing back then anyway.
@ryukothesimp5034 2 күн бұрын
Bret said he would drop the belt to ANYONE but HBK. He definitely would have done the right thing.
@redrick8900 2 күн бұрын
Bret was a liar.
@Extreme4LYF 2 күн бұрын
They didn't have to do it. Vince literally could've put Bret in the ring with anyone else and he would've put them over clean in the middle, except Shawn, But Vince only wanted HBK with the belt. Could've thrown Taker in there and Bret would've done the honours, and Taker could've lost it to HBK further down the line, who then would've put Austin over at WM 14. There was no need for the screwjob, none.
@MusicGuyFK 2 күн бұрын
Then you diminish Taker or whoever else is going to lose to Shawn. The point of Bret doing the job is that since he is on his way out Shawn can win the title without burying any of WWF’s active wrestlers
@dinosaursnstuff4453 2 күн бұрын
Maybe you're right. But when the panic stress kicks in people don't always make the best decisions.
@Extreme4LYF 2 күн бұрын
@@MusicGuyFK Didn't diminish Mankind when he did the exact same thing for Austin after Summerslam '99 when he didn't want to lose the belt to HHH. Foley stepped in as the transition champ, but didn't cost him anything.
@Dom-si1mn 2 күн бұрын
Sorry, but when Undertaker himself said it had to be done, I'm gonna go with him over what any fan thinks.
@hotrock5834 2 күн бұрын
Exactly! Why didn't they just make it a multi-person match at the last minute to get the belt off Bret without a screwing taking place?
@redzzder7951 Күн бұрын
The best podcast out there I love Mark and Matt’s humor and chemistry
@fredbFU 2 күн бұрын
“Vince was only in the locker room because of Taker” @Undertaker pounded on Vince’s door and demanded that Vince go in there and explain himself” - Bret Hart from a podcast and his book. Also Mick Foley quit and Rick Rude left the company after both good friends of the Hitman.
@arthurmorgan7086 2 күн бұрын
Foley was back within hours 😂 and Rude was leaving anyway
@Gigadenza 2 күн бұрын
Mark is quite correct in his claim that Brett did not want to leave, according to a Storyville documentary. I saw some years ago, the negotiations were extremely protracted and even though Bishoff’s offer was for more money than Vince was able or prepared to match, Brett was willing to compromise with a set of stipulations in return for his commitment to the company he’d remained loyal to throughout his career. These included a reduction to his compulsory working hours and a specific number of reigns/or time as WWE champion (I think!) Vince initially accepted these terms only to then renege and suggest to Brett that it would be in his interest to reopen contractual discussions with WCW. After that, it became an acrimonious battle over whether Brett was going either to “surrender” or lose the belt before departing. Brett wished the latter, and I believe would have honoured such a pledge after his SSeries title bout, which could have just as easily ended in a DQ or count out victory for Michaels as a “clean win” for Brett. Though from Vince’s perspective, none of these scenarios would have avoided precipitating the promotionally damaging notion that Hart was voluntarily “resigning” as an undefeated champion and in so doing, affording “unearned lustre” to his arch rival brand. Personally, with or without hindsight and regardless of any subsequent legal developments, I’m still on Brett’s side, though purely from a business standpoint I can understand why Vince made the decision he did. Quite honestly, considering Brett’s consummate professionalism and passion for conveying his sport’s intricate story arcs and deep rooted drama, WCW must have felt like walking onto the set of a Starwars movie.. after Disney bought the franchise!
@benprewitt4600 2 күн бұрын
I'm glad this finally came up. Thanks for sharing!
@Eats1987 2 күн бұрын
Is there such a thing as to many stars ? Does managing so many great wrestler story lines get watered down if you're spread out? Or do you think its a good thing? Is it a good problem or a bad problem to have so many greats at once?
@Lord_Bibulous 2 күн бұрын
For me it can only be a great problem. Think back to '96-'97 and the WWF title scene. You had Bret, Undertaker, HBK & Sid all vying for the title. With Austin & Shamrock on the rise. And all this chaos didn't need all the over dramatic hoopla. It was simply surrounded by each man's desire to be WWF Champion.
@shoryadhameja8617 2 күн бұрын
The host is really nice and listens to the fans and knows his stuff ..can we have bret in person on the podcast..
@tomtalker2000 2 күн бұрын
The problem is Bret may have left for "greener pastures" so to speak. But i always felt they shit on him his entire time in WCW. Totally misused someone of his caliber. I also wish the screwjob didn't happen and something could have been worked out. It was a bad move on WWE's part "business wise". But they were also boxed into a corner at the same time.
@davass82 2 күн бұрын
When Bret went to WCW it felt like WCW didn't want Bret they wanted WWF to not have him.
@drea_the_warhammer 2 күн бұрын
@projectgraham414 2 күн бұрын
That's a great way to look at it
@devangpatel5227 2 күн бұрын
@KODELINER Күн бұрын
@jorgelugo9473 16 сағат бұрын
We waited almost 30 years for this man's thoughts on the Screwjob
@neosupreme7971 18 сағат бұрын
Bret was like royalty in the business. He was not only a top guy who helped many others, he was as serious and loyal as one can get.
@joetamburello6292 4 сағат бұрын
Not really
@thedragonchaser Күн бұрын
The Hart's were actively trying to sabotage WWE's success in 1997
@commanderjoj6426 2 күн бұрын
Bigger question: What if Shawn/Bret 2 happened at WM 13? What if Bret went over while turning heel to win? The butterfly effect with this would have been enormous.
@cheesecakemousetrap 12 сағат бұрын
Steve Austin might have been left out in the (stone) cold.
@db-jk8dl Күн бұрын
Having your champion give up the belt and leave to a different promotion would have killed wwf.
@williamsweeney3215 2 сағат бұрын
Wwe also remembered when Flair jumped to the “F” with the big gold so they knew what a bitch slap it could be.
@m.michaels 2 күн бұрын
The screw job was completely unnecessary. Bret had creative control over his character the same way Hulk Hogan did. "that doesn't work for me brother" was what Bret gave Vince and Bret earned it. No matter how you feel, and I feel Bret was being the biggest embarrassing baby, he still had creative control on his contract. Because of that.... The blame is put on Vince. And Vince has always been on the wrong for what he did. Especially with Bret saying he would have dropped it to someone else. Doesn't matter if it works for you or not.
@cfcdaviddcfc 2 күн бұрын
I could listen to this big dude talk wrestling all day everyday , legend dosen't cover him , he truly is one of a kind.
@stevemccullagh36 2 күн бұрын
Except Bret wasn't going to vacate the title the next day. He was booked to lose it at the December PPV and had been granted a one week contract extension by WCW to do so. This whole "Vince had to do it" fantasy is nothing but bullshit and WWE propaganda.
@edwardcorey1071 2 күн бұрын
I agree and Vince had ample time to get belt off bret
@Konformation07 2 күн бұрын
​@edwardcorey1071 I bet Bret would have dropped it to Taker but Vince insisted on Bret dropping it to Shawn.
@philwebb606 Күн бұрын
@@Konformation07worked out perfect for Vince, we’re still talking about it nearly 30yrs on
@tomeddie14 Күн бұрын
It worked ​@@philwebb606
@MiguelLopez-yc2rh 2 күн бұрын
So what would WWE have done if Bret suspected Vince was planning something dirty and refused to fight against Michaels or chose to lose by DQ or 10 count that night?
@thairie78 2 күн бұрын
During the Rivals DVD with Bret vs Shawn and JR was the interviewer, Bret knew after Summer of 97' that him and Shawn would be at Survivor Series 97'. He approached Shawn and told him despite their differences and beef, he had high respect for him as a talent, what we brought to the business and will always protect him in the ring and never has issues putting him over. And Bret Explained how Shawn looked at him and said thanks for saying that but I don't think I would do the same for you. And it left Bret feeling the way he did and telling Vince I'm not putting him over again until he shows that he respects me. And Vince was more on Shawn's side because he wasn't willing to pay Bret the reminder of his contract and also Bret being a family man wasn't for the adult theme storylines the attitude era were starting to produce, and Shawn was willing to go there with DX and ratings talked.
@dereklambert5145 2 күн бұрын
It's funny how there are no witnesses to that incident apart from Bret Hart himself. The simple fact is Shawn put Bret over in dozens of matches, but Bret only put Shawn over once and then spent the next quarter century whining and crying about it
@thairie78 2 күн бұрын
@dereklambert5145 sure it's a hard pill to swallow not being the top guy but Bret coming from a wrestling legacy understands the importance of doing business and protecting the business. And Bret seems like a straight shooter when it comes to explaining or talking. And he was sitting next to Shawn during that Rivals Sit-Down Interview and Shawn didn't really deny it and agreed how them not putting animosity aside lost out on more main events.
@dereklambert5145 2 күн бұрын
@@thairie78 yeah I saw the interview, and Shawn didn't seem to remember it, but gave Bret the benefit of the doubt. My guess would be that Shawn was pilled out of his head and forgot the whole thing. It was probably just a dumb comment made by Shawn in jest that Bret took too seriously. But I think at the end of the day, it's wrestlers actions in the ring that counts. I appreciate your reply though : )
@thairie78 2 күн бұрын
@dereklambert5145 Bret was serious about wrestling but it's definitely how OGs before him took it serious and yeah Shawn's demons were at a heavy low. Which also contributed to a lot of Brets hesitant too given Shawn's state and looking at Vince like you trust this guy as the Top guy and Face of the company ? I honestly loved the match in Montreal fr and the fact that the whole match up until the finish was agreed by them both speaks to the professionalism by both of them. And enjoy talking wrestling all the time too lol
@tyronpouncey5985 2 күн бұрын
I think the greatest moment in sports entertainment history
@videogamehunter820 2 күн бұрын
One thing that I’ve always wondered is why couldn’t WWE hold on to the title belt after the Bret & Shawn match? If they were concerned that Bret would take the belt to Nitro, then just don’t let him leave the building with it. Then let him have the belt the next night so he could vacate it. Is there a reason behind this?
@arthurmorgan7086 2 күн бұрын
It wasn't so much a but the belt it was the status. Bret had already signed with wcw before Montreal. And vince felt if he did that and left bret drop it the following night, which was a Monday. Same night as nitro, that bischoff could announce he had signed the WWF champion.
@Dmobley9901 2 күн бұрын
I feel like in hindsight, it became something special, but in the moment it's just awful. Without Montreal, Vince never would've came out as the owner, there would never have been the Austin and McMahon feuds, the attitude era would never have unfolded the same, and I think it broke kayfabe in a way that, again, in the long run was good for the wrestlers- As it meant that people became AWARE that wrestlers COULD get screwed over in the business, because if it could happen to Bret Hart, it could happen to ANYONE. And THAT in a way made fans want to support the wrestlers they loved more, because if there were EVER anything like Montreal again, all hell would break loose today, and there WOULD be repercussions because people are now more conscious of it. It became a story that was an irreplaceable, if dark, part of wrestling culture. There will never be another Bret Hart, in more ways than one.
@wootage8434 2 күн бұрын
One of the best rivalries in the WWF/e. They had some great matches before the screwjob but they don't get talked about because of how big the screwjob became.
@bigfootanon6896 2 күн бұрын
Start having more wrestlers on! You want success for the podcast and crave the content! Hopfully Matt or Mark see this!
@BlackyBlackerson 8 сағат бұрын
I’ve heard from a lot of industry veterans about Shawn Michaels, “I don’t like him personally, but he could put on a great match.” I know Mark and a few other prominent wrestling podcasters are too respectful to badmouth him, but it would be interesting to hear what Micheals was really like backstage. It seems he was rather disliked by a great many wrestlers.
@Numbfoot 2 күн бұрын
Man I miss Bret. Those matches that involved family were epic. Bulldog and then Owen. Then they all got together. There was only ever one match that I didn’t care for with Bret and that was against Bob Backlund where he lost the title. Never hear that match talked about.
@MNATrevor 2 күн бұрын
Question for the podcast. 1 thing I’d love to hear Undertaker discuss is the rumours that lead in into WM 8 there was an allege program with the returning Andre the Giant around Summerslam that was to set up Undertaker vs Andre at WM 8. Andre’s health was bad and Warrior got fired but I’ve seen an alleged card of Hogan v Flair, Warrior v Jake, Taker vs Andre, Savage vs HBK. Just wondering the truth
@user-nn4cr6xf9t 19 сағат бұрын
i love to see hulk hogan on here keep up the great work
@Lancun 15 сағат бұрын
Forget Bret and Shawn's matches. Bret being there means Owen's accident doesn't happen. Bret then has matches with Angle, Benoit, and Guerrero and so does Owen. That's the real legacy of this hypothetical.
@Jack-hd1zn 23 сағат бұрын
This is a bit of a stretch on my part, so I'd appreciate a little rope on this. But, you could consider that the idea of Money in the Bank was, in part, a result of the Montreal Screwjob. Money in the Bank (The ability to drop the belt when needed, at a moment's notice, and no one questioning it, and in such a way that all parties are satisfied), feels like it resulted from how messed up Montreal was. If someone like D'Lo Brown or Billy Gunn runs down to the ring as both Shawn and Bret are lying in the ring after an incredible match, cashes in MITB and goes 1-2-3 on either one to claim the belt works so well for all parties. Both Wrestlers maintain their character's status, neither has to "drop" the belt to the other and a young wrestler gets a bump that can be as long or as short as needed. But back in the day, this wasn't possible and forced the power-that-be into Lose-Lose situations. It also didn't help that a "Gentleman's Agreement" was understood that when you left a territory, you dropped it's belt as a gesture of good faith which provided a false sense of security on WWE's part, but still. It seems so obvious now that many of these "faux" accolades (Royal Rumble Winner, King and Queen of the Ring, MITB) are not just ways to sell a PLE or merch, but they are safety measures to pull in case something like this happens again.
@snoopaloop1219 2 күн бұрын
They didnt need to do it. Bret has always been straight up about the story and it hasnt wavered all this time. Said he would drop it to anyone but Shawn. Loyal company guy for 14 years. If there is anyone to blame for the entire situation it is Vince. He fumbled on the contract, he put the title on Bret at Summerslam. Bret had creative control on the last 30 days. If he didnt knockout vince he could have sued him for big money.
@edwardcorey1071 2 күн бұрын
Hell he would've to Shawn if hbk wouldn't been dick and told bret he wouldn't do the same on
@edwardcorey1071 2 күн бұрын
Vince never put his foot down on hbk and let him be a bastard although hbk is in my top 3 I still don't like how he was this times but I have been in addiction and do understand when your deep into using you don't give a shit
@Speedyreedy1218 2 күн бұрын
Bret didn't have complete creative control. He had "reasonable creative control." What he wanted, was not reasonable. And he was not loyal 14 years straight. He went behind Vince's back before 97 to talk to Bischoff just to get Vince to up his salary. That ticked HBK off as Vince promised him, no one besides Undertaker would make more than him. Bret tricked Vince to do that 20yr deal. Once things started to flip with Austin's momentum, there was no need to keep Bret around anymore for that figure. Especially for his boring character having zero place in the AE.
@zemox2534 2 күн бұрын
@Speedyreedy1218 Boring? Did you miss his fucking heel turn? Who the f are you to decide where he belong? You were not there so stop fucking talking like you know everything? A
@portugahbk 2 күн бұрын
He had "reasonable creative control" is the way I have always heard it being said. We don't know exactly how the contract phrased it, but I'm guessing getting to choose who he dropped the belt to wasn't 'reasonable' neither should it have been in my opinion. Bret went complaining to the press after the screwjob, I think that if he had a contractual leg to stand on, he would have sued. Bret and Michaels didn't like each other, I get that, but if you have the title you drop it to whoever the booker tells you to drop it to, that's what wrestlers get paid to do.
@XYang-jg6wu 14 сағат бұрын
Brett vs Taker and Brett vs Shawn were highlight moments for wwe
@BruceMichaelFilms Күн бұрын
There’s no way in hell you have Bret vacate the belt to go to another company. That’d be horrible for business.
@joetamburello6292 4 сағат бұрын
Exactly. The Bret hart fangirls can’t comprehend that
@RealAlphaDrum 8 сағат бұрын
Bret leaving likely caused HBK's back injury scenario and his early retirement which likely saved his life, which may have also affected Austin at Mania 14 going over if Bret had stayed...Steve Austin may have went over, but would have had Bret to face and likely no evil Vince McMahon. Very weird that Bret leaving caused a series of dominos that made WWF for the next 4 years.
@princeanubis7800 18 сағат бұрын
That Washington shot hurt lol
@2yLiteThaTitan 2 күн бұрын
I am really sick of people saying that the screwjob is what Bret is remembered for . To me that is more so what Shawn is remembered for. Bret's catalogue of wrestling speaks for itself.
@ImmortanDan 2 күн бұрын
So does Shawn's - and pretty objectively, more people saw those. Shawn came riding in on the tail end of the most lucrative and exposed period of the company's history and made himself known as somebody who - after years and years - could still go like hell. In the Montreal Screwjob, Bret was the one screwed. That mattered more than who screwed him - whether you hold HBK, Vince or both responsible for it. What exacerbated it was Bret's semi-work, semi-shoot "good guy who gets screwed" persona leading up to the event - and more recently, his length and vindicative hooks at anybody who'd ever wronged him in interviews with the likes of ITR. Bret is remembered as The Guy Who Got Screwed by anybody who wasn't a straight up core fan of his during his run, marking out about the excellence of execution style.
@redrick8900 2 күн бұрын
It speaks for itself but it says "This guy is boring. He only has good matches with his brother."
@Officialmryuck 2 күн бұрын
I remember watching this live and thinking "this doesn't feel right"
@anthonycomeaux3996 2 күн бұрын
my favorite
@JEFFKINGS 2 күн бұрын
Bret was great in the ring but dogshit on the mic up until he retired. Acting like Bret vs. Vince would've even come close to the Stone Cold rivalry is some smark ass revisionist history
@SmokeyP_NYC 2 күн бұрын
@kenny8378 23 сағат бұрын
Does anybody else think that either a Mick Foley or Edge guest appearance would be awesome? I mean some of the stories these guys must have would be phenomenal.
@reallymakesyouthink 19 сағат бұрын
Looking back it's a real shame Bret left WWF at the time. Shawn didn't want to give up the belt so put on a weak match at the following WM. I think Bret having a return match with Austin at WM, maybe even another I Quit match that Austin could have won. It would have been epic. Vince put a lot of work in putting the title on Shawn with very little reward.
@GayFishYe Күн бұрын
What I think the WWF should've done is have Bret drop the belt to Taker, and then Taker drop the belt to Shawn after interference from Kane, setting up Shawn/Austin & Kane/Taker for Mania 14 as it happened in the real timeline. That way, Montreal doesn't happen in the first place, HBK doesn't get hurt & both guys are still with the company. But revisionist history is often a boring thing to ponder.
@MentalChappie Күн бұрын
People say wrestling is fake but the screw job shows the sacrifices that 3 man had to make to keep the belt at its rightful home. And I personally think that Brett, Vince and Shawn should be shown the respect of that sacrifice rather than the industry trying to villainise those men.
@KdHinken 2 күн бұрын
i do wonder if that studio is in takers house
@FloridaManRacer 5 сағат бұрын
My two favorite wrestlers ever were Bret Hart and The Undertaker. And they both had that ultimate professional mindset. They both did matches that had a sensibility to them in that they wanted it to feel like a realistic fight was happening when they were in a ring. Not a bunch of flashy flippy BS, just good technical moves that told a story and had impact on the viewer. I don't think we'll ever see anyone again reach the lofty standards those two men set for this industry. There's a LOT of talented athletic people in wrestling, but no one that has the mental acumen, professionalism and psychological understanding that Bret and Taker had. No one.
@jdfenix7 2 күн бұрын
What does taker mean when he says he wishes they would have communicated with him better about it because he could have figured something out? Like he could have helped find a creative solution vs the screw job?
@stephenbrooks9509 Күн бұрын
every single theory of the Montreal Screwjob includes a he-said/she-said and people will cite books and documentaries ad nauseum the legs that angle had on it, the money it's generated, the legacy it will leave behind (and hopefully the interest in both men's careers) will be right there with Taker/Mankind in the cell.
@nooniecurry9248 Күн бұрын
Over the years when people have spoken on the Montreal screw job when Conversation comes up the people talking about the situation always hesitate to talk about it at the start of every conversation
@cipherfytone1108 21 сағат бұрын
One thing I never understood about was the people that sided with bret, you can’t take the keys to one job and take it to a new job
@ThunderRiffs87 Күн бұрын
Anyone else notice that the mic stands and urn look like handlebars and a headlight?
@daledez84 Күн бұрын
Was it true that wwe wanted abyss to face the undertaker at wrestlemania years ago?? I personally think this would of been great, he could of been a surprise entrant in rumble and set up a match with taker.. I've always liked abyss and would of loved the character in wwe.. What was the story behind this and what was the story going to be.. I think this would of been amazing... Also what was it like facing new jack in smoky mountain and did you get on with him etc I'm personally a fan of new jack and would of loved to see him in wwe,, what are takers memories of the match??
@andrewsimpson482 18 сағат бұрын
Vince should never of let Bret go in the first place!!! He was loyal and should of been paid what he deserved
@JaredWebbMusic Күн бұрын
Haven’t watched yet, does he do the blew chew plug in this one?
@QCS_AdamCole Күн бұрын
1:03 1000% yes, I believe Bret would've done the right thing. He's too old school to do something that shady.
@marioyungblood 2 күн бұрын
Can you ask Taker about the Boiler Room Matches? How dangerous was it? And was it a Real Boiler Room?
@JamesMock-dh4md 11 сағат бұрын
Did they ever show the case getting finalized?
@jasonbrand5762 2 күн бұрын
The cops in Bastrop are asking questions about the red corvette
@ChaneVazquez-rx2dy 2 күн бұрын
Maybe vince was afraid bret would take the title to WCW. I think Bret would do the right thing.Bret was my childhood hero. Best in ring worker in my opinion.
@98167 2 күн бұрын
MC, do you keep in touch with “The Hitman”?
@jonzlight 2 күн бұрын
Correct me if I’m wrong. I thought Bret said he would drop it the following night to Shawn
@veteransandsmokerings195 3 сағат бұрын
Washington catching random shots 🤣🤣🤣
@jb888888888 Күн бұрын
SummerSlam: Bret beats Shawn. Bret must leave the belt with a WWF official rather than taking it home with him. Next night on Raw: Bret loses a surprise match to Owen, says he quits the company. DONE.
@jamescalderon1309 Күн бұрын
They did it so Eric Biscoff couldn't say they had hired The WWF champion. They would have lessened the Belt, and been a blow to WWF business. BOTTOM LINE. It wasn't that they didn't trust Bret, the knew Biscoff to be an asshole.
@JazG.-po5mv Күн бұрын
Bret should have just lost his smile and bailed on the company and the fans like Shawn used to do and left the company scrambling for a new match. At least, Bret showed up. Bret has integrity and respect for the fans.
@oiulti6900 2 күн бұрын
Yo Taker…. What kind of boots are those?!
@kuveshgovender3115 2 күн бұрын
Bret the onion fart.
@Tubeman316 Күн бұрын
That moment cause a ripple effect in the pro wrestling business and almost cause a mass exodus in #WWE to #WCW!
@ordinarypete 2 күн бұрын
Michael’s was getting Diddy’d for that belt.
@newhere2419 2 күн бұрын
there's been the notion that Bret would have dropped it to someone else, but the night of the show he told Vince he wanted to give up the title the following night.
@shadycnetwork 2 күн бұрын
I would love to know if the Kevin Nash story is true. So supposedly Kevin Nash tells a story where tinker was supposed to come through the rain and pull Bret Hart in after a jackknife. Bret said something to the effect of he was okay with being pulled under but didn't want to take the jackknife beforehand. Something like that I can't remember exactly. And supposedly from what Nash said undertaker stands up and says MF'er not everything is about you to Bret heart. I could have completely butchered the story but the ending is basically what happened, according to nash. It would be cool to know if the story is actually true.
@kevinrowland7942 2 күн бұрын
I can't wait for Taker to write a book and do a speaking tour....like Bret..
@jpVari Күн бұрын
Bret had creative control in the final 30 days and said he'd drop it to anyone but Shawn in Canada. They had other choices. People think of hogan as an asshole but afaik no one ever screwed him out of a title he didn't want to drop. You basically make Bret leave and then punish him for doing so. I respect that anyone still working at wwe will say they had to do it. But I'll never ever believe that based on the facts we know. Posing it as 'screw him or he vacate' is also a false choice. He said he'd drop it to other people. And it still doesn't justify screwing him.
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