This is Kind of Depressing (Earthling Ed's Struggles w/ Veganism)

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Unnatural Vegan

Unnatural Vegan

2 ай бұрын

My thoughts on "My struggles with veganism" by Earthling Ed.
Ed's video
• My struggles with vega...
Global meat production
A Summary Of Faunalytics’ Study Of Current And Former Vegetarians And Vegans
Videos to watch next
• Vegan Restaurant Serve...
• What Happens When a Me...
• The Male Freelee? (raw...
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@UnnaturalVegan 2 ай бұрын
The next video is a goofy fun one! Editing it right now...while sweaty and disgusting, of course.
@zainsalazar3382 2 ай бұрын
You should look into the alien adbuctions that report aliens made them vegeterian.I think theres a couple. Ik you probably wont do it but figured itd be fun to give you the idea at least
@annala2956 2 ай бұрын
Definitely the hardest part is feeling alone in ones veganism. I have no vegan friends IRL. I'm single and can't imagine meeting an age appropriate man who is vegan (I'm 52). It can be awkward when you're in a group talking about a restaurant or type of food and they ask me something about it and I say "I don't eat that". I do think people think I feel morally superior but I don't. Just let me be!
@Toaster-v1z 2 ай бұрын
You are morally superior.
@jp7357 2 ай бұрын
I don't get it, I went plant based 6 years ago, I never asked my wife or kids to join me, my wife is now 80% because she kindly cooks plant based meals - but - if anything - I've found out that when I'm out, people want to talk about it and its always a conversation starter. I've even had 2 friends also go plant based, we just don't say "vegan"
@bakirev 2 ай бұрын
​@@Toaster-v1zmorality is subjective.
@animalsarebeautifulpeople3094 2 ай бұрын
​@bakirev to an extent. But not paying for hideous abuse of innocent animals for their flesh and secretions that we don't need is a clear open and shut case. Just like being a NAZI who supports the HOLOCAUST will always be ethically inferior to not being one.
@animalsarebeautifulpeople3094 2 ай бұрын
I wish everyone would stop eating flesh and secretions so I am NOT morally superior. Moral superiority is not a vegans goal AT ALL. Quite the opposite in fact.
@eek42 2 ай бұрын
The isolation is the hardest part for me. Prospective dating partners absolutely care if you eat animal products.
@polydex108 2 ай бұрын
It's always a question whether we should even date non-vegans, even if they are willing to date us. I've heard the compromise of not worrying about it until it turns serious.
@jp7357 2 ай бұрын
No we absolutely don’t. You’re dating losers.
@lexaray5 2 ай бұрын
Yep. I always assumed the vegans must be the snobby ones. Nope. I've had multiple prospective partners tell me they couldn't get into a relationship with a vegan. I swear we need the vegan version of church on Sundays just to build a community and end the isolation.
@TheVivaciousNerd 2 ай бұрын
⁠@@polydex108 My husband wasn’t vegan when we met, but I was very open with him about why I was vegan, and that I think eating animals cos you like the taste is like… immoral. And over time, seeing how I live and hearing my arguments, he became vegan himself, and we’re planning on raising our kids vegan too. I don’t blame him for not being vegan when we met, but if he had his eyes opened to the abuse and still chose to support it we would never have gotten married
@polydex108 2 ай бұрын
@@TheVivaciousNerd that is a great example of that story going right. Best outcome. It is unreasonable I know, but I would probably get too worked up and impatient from the beginning. We should know how it is by now, one gets used to carnism, but vystopia has swung me back around to being almost intolerant. Stories like yours should give us hope though, regardless.
@Hikari7775 2 ай бұрын
A "beautiful not sweaty boy" is a perfect description for Ed haha 😂
@PatriciaXX Ай бұрын
He’s absolutely beautiful and glowing!
@teainortakoy 2 ай бұрын
Ed's a really nice guy. I met him at his restaurant in London once and he achieved his aim of opening a sanctuary for farm animals.
@MadamoftheCatHouse 2 ай бұрын
Ed is fake nice. He is very condescending and holier-than-thou. In a way his 'nice and friendly' act is even worse than Tash Peterson's aggression.
@Larry_left_a_comment 2 ай бұрын
Tea I agree 💯.
@avartarjp 2 ай бұрын
@@MadamoftheCatHouseI don’t agree. I met him several times and he seems to be really down to earth and his friendliness is not fake at all.
@TheSnuffy1994 2 ай бұрын
​@MdoubleHB4Many people do babe. People with big B's just exist. Are you new to this world? Have you heard of genetic variation? Why are you so surprised
@teainortakoy 2 ай бұрын
@@MadamoftheCatHouse I'm not sure how well you know him but my ar friends used to demo with him years ago and he was very well liked.
@Lore86Ma 2 ай бұрын
Ed video was very relatable, and it was nice to know that i am not alone in this struggle. But it is so worth it.
@emmyrose233 2 ай бұрын
I am forever grateful that people like you and Ed exist online
@cryforthemoon 2 ай бұрын
It felt really weird to go 15 years without being bothered about not eating meat, then I moved to a new place and met my boyfriends family and his (2 year) carnivore brother cannot get over the fact that I don't eat meat. I don't care to argue I just say no thanks to everything he keeps trying to offer me. I just think it's funny he's 2 years into his diet and still thinks I'm going to have a health crisis nearly 20 years in. I'm willing to bet he wont be carnivore in 13 years. You just have to let some people F around and find out on their own. EDIT: My boyfriend's grandma is really sweet and heard I didn't eat meat so she put out some cut up carrot sticks for me. LOL that's not how I usually eat and if people think that's how vegans really eat no wonder they think we don't get calories, but I appreciate her at least trying???? I don't ever expect anyone to remember or care that I don't put meat in everything I eat.
@THeSID432hz 2 ай бұрын
U get a heart from meeeee ❤
@gman854 2 ай бұрын
Not literal raw carrot haha but that’s so sweet
@yahnservices1978 2 ай бұрын
You : "Me Me Me Me Me". It's true what they say, vegans are very likely to be narcissistic.
@Goodbyeeveryonehere 2 ай бұрын
He'll be lucky if he's alive in 13 years. One of the doctors on youtibe lost a friend aged 45 to a massive heart attack. He'd been on carnivore for 2 years.
@jacobsonjj Ай бұрын
Carnies are somehow worse than vegans. Easily more annoying than the most annoying vegans.
@cannonmartin365 2 ай бұрын
My cousin is the only known vegan I've identified in person. It really is sad living a life surrounded by family that not only doesn't understand your beliefs but flat out disrespects it. I still live with my parents and I'm usually the one that cleans up after their messes in the kitchen because they just don't do a good enough job maintaining a clean space and I'm stuck scrubbing and wiping meat grease off of door knobs and kitchenware. Luckily I'm moving out soon, but being the only male vegan in a mostly conservative family just brings too much unwanted attention.
@kaylalovespups3441 2 ай бұрын
Same mf issues my dude I hope you can move out soon and find peace and hopefully some friends who make up for the lack of respect from your fam :( and that your kitchen will be forever tidy
@cannonmartin365 2 ай бұрын
@@kaylalovespups3441 Funny enough the person I'm moving in with is my cousin and her bf and she's also a vegan clean freak like me so it doesn't get much better than that lol. I hope things work out for you too.
@oksanakaido8437 2 ай бұрын
Too relatable😂 I'm currently renting a room at my mom and her boyfriend's house. Mom is ovo-lacto vegetarian but the bf is a big meat eater so I get stuck wiping up grease from the stove and countertops every time I cook. I've developed a thicker skin about it after living here a few years but it still makes me cringe. Also most likely moving elsewhere later this year so I'm looking forward to having a nice clean kitchen😄
@carolsimpson4422 2 ай бұрын
That's my life too 😂 on top of that- though it's been years now, seeing me everyday, seeing what I eat- almost everyday one of my parents offers me non vegan food. And not just candies or cookies they might not realize have animal products in them. I'm talking shrimp, steak, roast chicken, etc 😭😂
@GarudaLegends 2 ай бұрын
Lol. Imagine crying like a Karen because your family is normal and eat real food. 😂
@happyhighlighter2726 2 ай бұрын
This really hit home. Last Christmas was so hard for me. One of my brothers doesn't understand my motives for being vegan and I always tried to give him the benefit od the doubt. But at some point I realized, that he actually, like several other people in my life, just lacks empathy and that he'll never feel what I feel. If not even the people closest to me, who grew up with animals, who are educated, who CARE about others, care that millions of innocent beings are tortured and killed every can we hope that it will get better? Theres a word in German, called "Weltschmerz", it even exists in English, I think. Thats what I feel sometimes. Being vegan in an unvegan world can be very painful.
@animalsarebeautifulpeople3094 2 ай бұрын
It's not that he is incapable of being empathic but he is easily manipulated by the culture to kill his empathy -- just like most Germans accepted Nazim and just went along with the HOLOCAUST. 😔. There must be a way to reawakened the dormant empathy.
@powderandpaint14 2 ай бұрын
You have to let go of the idea of changing anyone's mind, people come to understanding in their own time. You haven't always been vegan i'm sure? If someone pressured you before you were vegan and told you you lacked empathy it probably wouldn't have convinced you.
@CitrianSnailBY 2 ай бұрын
Just look how fast Humanity has progressed in this field within merely a few short years; not even one single generation yet! Very soon, we *shall* live in a Vegan World - perhaps not in places like uzbekistan or Yakutia, but *definitely* in most of the World's countries.🙂
@brightharbor_ 2 ай бұрын
@@CitrianSnailBYI wish I could have your level of hope.
@GarudaLegends 2 ай бұрын
Lol. You are a Karen. 😂
@alma2594 2 ай бұрын
About two or three years ago there was a fight in my extended family that led to no longer celebrating Xmas together. I’ve never been happier. My nuclear family is vegetarian and I’m vegan. I cook the whole Xmas dinner, including two desserts but I do it with a smile on my face and gratitude in my heart because seeing a vegan dinner table is the best. I don’t want to go back to celebrating with the whole family tbh😅 and I must add that my extended family accepts my choice (after 8 years) but they are not willing to make any changes on their eating patterns so it’s not like I could influence them that much either.
@GarudaLegends 2 ай бұрын
Lol. They definitely don't miss you and your horrible vegan food.
@Jedidine 2 ай бұрын
Thinking about those poor animals suffering can lead to a very depressing life. However, I do feel a little better knowing that I am not alone. Thank you.
@matiasmartinez720 2 ай бұрын
Ed described the exact way I used to feel, sadly I've become very apathetic regarding that topic. It's not that I don't care about animals, their suffering, their living conditions, etc; I still do, the thing is it doesn't make me sad or even upset anymore. I remember I used to cry when seeing footage of animal suffering, now when I happen to see some I feel nothing (years of activism without pauses can do this to someone I guess). I'm still vegan because I know I can, it's not a struggle for me, in fact is very easy, but it kinda sucks that I'm no longer "emotionally moved" as I used to be, it feels odd to think "The main reason I'm vegan is for the animals" but if I see animal suffering I don't feel upset, shocked or sad. That's the point where I an and have been for a while now.
@HannahBirzes 2 ай бұрын
Why do you think that is?!
@8erknoten 2 ай бұрын
I don't believe that it is necessary to actually feel pain when seeing animals suffer. You're still having an intellectual reaction to it, even if you're not having an emotional one, which could be a self-protecting mechanism of your brain. Being vegan without an emotional reaction is still valid. You're still doing it for the animals. There's no price to win for the vegan who cries the most about animal suffering.
@KalaPOSkoffer 2 ай бұрын
It's was the same for the photographer who documented the Bergen belsen concentration camp, the piles of wasted dead bodies. He stopped photographing anything after it for a while, because he got so scared of his own reaction of becoming numb to the horrors of massmurder, and just documenting it the best way possible to tell the world, to shock the world. So I think that such proximity to suffering is simply not sustainable emotionally, when ones nervous system realises that this is the reality of life, a constant never ending state which one simply can't change, the human body just shuts down direct emotions, blocks them inside, otherwise you just lose your mind and can't function in everyday life anymore.
@mayhu3282 2 ай бұрын
It's a well known feeling, I think it's called "empathy fatigue". It happens also for example with images of wars or natural disasters.
@annabeinglazy5580 2 ай бұрын
Tbh for me that was an important step towards normalizing being vegan. It's been almost 13 years and as an 18 year old i would get much more emotional than i do now. I am still vegan "for the animals" but instead of Emotion, i now have a proper philosophical backing that i can communicate to other people. And i think i need to be emotionally detached from it in Order to live more peacefully. I can say that i think factory Farming is a horrible system (for everyone involved) but i also Accept that i as an individual cannot end it or Change it in a meaningful way. Getting emotional about that doesnt serve me, it doesnt motivate me. It Just depresses me. In the Same way i dont watch animals welfare Docs anymore. I already know what they say. I dont have to Expose myself to more of that stuff, ive already Made the Changes i wanted to make. Still exposing myself to that footage at this point would Just be masochistic
@ozlemtuncel3032 2 ай бұрын
I feel less alone after this video but it doesn’t make me feel less sad. It can be so difficult sometimes to not respond to stupid questions and remarks with less than polite responses… again, thank you for this video ❤
@schmollilolli4147 2 ай бұрын
Idk I’ve been vegan for like 7? years at this point and I barely struggle with these social aspects. I used to be the „radical“ vegan who would argue with everyone but for me personally I’ve realized that I don’t feel this is the way you actually convince people, most people just become defensive. As you said you needcto grow a thick skin, or essentially regulate your emotions you have about animal products. It’s just like not getting depressed over world news bc of all the people suffering every single second… at the end of the day, it doesn’t help anyone. And without me ‚actively‘ doing anything, I do see change. My parents always refused to buy vegan milk for their coffee bc it „doesn’t taste good“. Recently my mum started trying out vegan milk alternatives even though my dad wasn’t very happy about it and she didn’t like it that much either. Gave them a tip for which milk to buy and boom they’re happy. My grandma, who would always be the type of person to question what „weird chemicals“ are in vegan cheese, sausage, etc didn’t bat an eye at eating the vegan stuff she bought for me. Just some anecdotes, but in my opinion at the end of the day you have the largest impact by not isolating yourself from non-vegans 🤷‍♀️
@kaylalovespups3441 2 ай бұрын
Aww sweet they're opening up there hearts and minds :") as long as it's truly tasty and nutritionally balanced what can they say? ♡♡
@lexaray5 2 ай бұрын
I think you might be misunderstanding what people are talking about. I'm coming up on 8 years now. I was never a pushy vegan because I have a bunch of friends and family members with a bunch of different views and I learned at a young age that being pushy doesn't change anyone's mind. Sometimes people will go a full year of knowing me without finding out I'm vegan. I'm also seeing the small, pro-vegan changes you're talking about with people close to me. It's not about vegans being pushy and ending up isolating themselves. It's about meat eaters feeling the need to make a snide remark at social gatherings when they find out you're getting the vegan option on the menu. It's not getting invited to certain social events because your friends know their won't be any food for you there. It's about having to cook full holiday feasts by yourself because your parents refuse to even make a single side dish vegan by just swapping out the butter. It's about hitting it off with someone on a dating app until they find out you're vegan because there's nothing to eat at the steakhouse they invited you to and they're sorry but they just can't imagine themselves ever being ok dating a vegan. It's isolating, man.
@PollyMcMan 2 ай бұрын
Yesssss I reason to stay up late. Love how timely your videos are in the UK. You have no idea how much you and your videos mean to me xxx it's kinda forgotten about? Or maybe I'm just older, but ten years ago I would wait for my favourites to realise new content, but now it's just you! X
@CitrianSnailBY 2 ай бұрын
The troll ​@MdoubleHB4has a very tiny brain. How is this possible??? 🙃😂
@noradevente2252 2 ай бұрын
Your partner sounds so principled in his veganism. It’s kind of aspirational for me.
@teainortakoy 2 ай бұрын
True, Swayze found a goodun.
@SeeNickView 2 ай бұрын
Great video Swazy. I always appreciate your skepticism, even when it comes to those champion activists in our community like Ed.
@snow-white593 2 ай бұрын
I faced the same struggles a few years ago when I first turned vegan. Not one of my then friends or family members understood my sadness and anger, actually they didn't take me or my actions seriously at all. But to any lonely vegan who might be reading this, I want you to know that it WILL get better. Figuring out who you are, what you stand for comes with a lot of challenges, rough patches and loneliness, but you do end up crossing path with people who made similar choices and have similar view. (If you DO live in the middle of nowhere or hate going out, you can still find and pour into online community, or force fate a little bit and go out of your way to make sure your jetstream crosses the right other ones ;)
@vegangreatlife 2 ай бұрын
My husband and I are in our early 60s, and many of our parents generation were pretty adamant about needing to eat your '4 squares' and getting animal protein. My husband especially had a lot of resistance and tension much of his life for his desire to be vegetarian at an early age. We experienced uncomfortable conflicts at family gatherings, tension or resistance from clients at our acupuncture clinic, and from online bloggers. We actually caved and became 'ex vegans' ~ likely one of the biggest regrets of our lives. Thankfully, we've come back around. I'm republishing a book I had published 10 years ago, with an updated 'preface' explaining our situation. I'd love to send you a copy if interested, even if just to read our story. LMK. ~Tracy
@polydex108 2 ай бұрын
That is so cool. I rarely hear of ex-vegans going back vegan.
@vegangreatlife 2 ай бұрын
@@polydex108 One of our biggest mistakes to give up being vegan, or should I say plant-based at this point, for which we paid dearly in many ways!
@TheNerdess 2 ай бұрын
I have this with so many movies and shows making it a point to have a whole roasted pig on a plate. It never fails.
@Sandra-pz8mu 2 ай бұрын
I’m not vegan, but this video made me really emotional. Thankyou for opening my eyes
@brightharbor_ 2 ай бұрын
Would you consider going vegan? If not, why not?
@GarudaLegends 2 ай бұрын
Lol. Meat eaters live longer than vegans, while most animals eat other animals. No reason to go vegan
@Moomoo_Mage 2 ай бұрын
This was a beautiful video. Thanks for sharing.
@trayas2272 2 ай бұрын
It’s sounds very isolating, not going to any family functions or being around people that are eating meat.
@choco1199 2 ай бұрын
I would still go. And just eat different food.
@abcefg4504 Ай бұрын
⁠@@choco1199usually people aren’t considerate for vegetarians or vegans and there aren’t many if any options for them. Some people don’t care if you bring your own food, but others get offended or it gets awkward. It is isolating, indeed.
@AnHourOfWolves 2 ай бұрын
I guess the issue is with single-use plastics. I wish that we could just change to sustainable packaging across the board. There's a lot of plastic in those deodorant applicators.
@traciayala5044 2 ай бұрын
I agree. I know what you mean. I say this to myself all the time.
@SeeNickView 2 ай бұрын
This was my point in my comment responding to Swazy on this. Removing our society from the dependence on fossil fuels needs to come at the same time we remove ourselves from animal exploitation.
@Callie1288 2 ай бұрын
TIL that deodorant may not be vegan, and also thankfully that the brand I use is vegan.
@trelynla 2 ай бұрын
lol!!! “I am a disgusting, sweaty hog.” 😂
@hopetherespudding 2 ай бұрын
'He is a beautiful not sweaty boy' hahah
@TheSnuffy1994 2 ай бұрын
​@MdoubleHB4are you okay my guy
@XanderL 2 ай бұрын
@@TheSnuffy1994 Probably not, considering they replied with that on every comment here. Either they're unhinged, or they REALLY want to know how this is possible.
@hopetherespudding 2 ай бұрын
@@TheSnuffy1994 they literally comment this kind of stuff on every one one of her videos... so no lol
@ardenalexa94 Ай бұрын
@MdoubleHB2 there’s this thing called genetics… In all seriousness, please stop with constantly commenting this and bullying her on all her videos.
@laserlotus5 2 ай бұрын
as a 33 year old vegan dude with the same mindset as your husband, I want to see him in a video or something so bad hahaha seems like a dope guy.
@shmindfulduck 2 ай бұрын
@MdoubleHB4what‘s your motive behind commenting this everywhere? i‘m curious. can we help you?
@laserlotus5 2 ай бұрын
@@shmindfulduck I'm sorry, what?! Everywhere?! I mean, if you asked what the motive was behind the comment in general.. okay, I get that.. but "everywhere"? I've only ever said this here, now, once. I'm just curious cause that guy must be awesome like this lady is awesome, sometimes you just like to see the chemistry between couples. I know this channel is not that kind channel, but the way she described him in that instance was like, damn, I want to be his friend lol. Check out Simnett Nutrition for the kind of vibe I'm talking about. Also, who the absolute fuck are "we"?! Are you some kind of gatekeeper to this community where you speak for anyone else but your self?! Yo, like. Worst case scenario is no one replies to the comment and it just goes away in an awkward fashion.. I think you just want to start shit, like you seem super eager to defend Unnatural Vegan... As if I had some kind of bad intention?!... "Can we help you"... Yeah, you can. Make having vegan friends easier lol. I'm just a fan.. relax.
@theshunnedBandersnatch 2 ай бұрын
​@@laserlotus5 Um...the poster above you was replying to a commenter that spams UV's channel. You can see the tag in their comment. They asked _him_ why he comments the same thing everywhere, not you.
@shmindfulduck 2 ай бұрын
@@theshunnedBandersnatch thank you for clarifying the situation 🤗
@shmindfulduck 2 ай бұрын
@@laserlotus5 hi, sorry for the confusion, I was indeed tagging another person, not you. I‘m a fan as well :)
@shaunnasworkshop 2 ай бұрын
My husband and I are finding it more and more difficult to sit in front of people eating animal food. We've contemplated missing holiday events because of it. Also, it's subjective, but just a regular meal isn't as triggering as holiday meals. There is just something about them. The dishes are more decadent, and people spend a lot of time fawning all over the recipes, and talking about it, so it's harder to sit there and just hear that.
@vikxy1 2 ай бұрын
thank you for another great video!!
@MaggieTrussell-fg2qy 2 ай бұрын
I enjoyed this video. It is hard some days. It is lonely a lot of the time so it helps to listen to you and Earthling Ed. Thank you ❤
@clarecurtis36 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing!
@oliviarose8916 2 ай бұрын
Totally unrelated to the video, but your hair looks so healthy and beautiful
@sophieh.2986 2 ай бұрын
I struggle with veganism too, sometimes. I am a hedonist, it is very much my personality. I have bad impulse control over all, and not giving into the urge to eat cheese is hard for me. I have been vegan for roughly 4 years now, and in this 4 years I had 3 incidents were I just said fuck it and ate a cheese pizza (all in the same month). I always felt bad afterwards, and I tried again. So yeah, relationships are hard to navigate, but for me, the hard part is holding myself accountable and stick to it. and still I think it is worth it, and I do my best abd try everyday anew. And I am still proud that I do not give up after a slip, but just get back to it.
@powderandpaint14 2 ай бұрын
More people struggle with that than you would probably think. It's ok! Just do the best you can, it matters more what you do the majority of the time rather than slip ups every so often.
@JA-xv3qp 2 ай бұрын
I just want to say here that Ed’s video was just… everything to me. It is THE tragedy of my life that I simultaneously love and hate my loved ones. I simultaneously respect and judge them. I simultaneously feel wounded and loved by them. How do I reconcile these feelings? How do I remind myself it is just a shade of grey? They’re not bad people they’re good people doing bad things ffs. Don’t get me started on occasions like birthdays and Christmas… the stress of sitting at the table surrounded by… dead animals, and foregoing saying anything in order to not be THAT vegan or in order to not start an argument that is now MY fault and ruined the day… I sobbed my little heart out watching his video because of the validation I felt and for feeling like I’m not alone and the fact it’s talked about and feeling seen
@Stormbringer005 2 ай бұрын
Yeah social events are the big bummer for me. Especially my family because they usually expect me to go to things but simultaneously refuse to make or provide something for us to eat. My wife's family and my friends always look out for us in those situations. Support is huge.
@ellabanker3862 2 ай бұрын
Kinda sucks but capitalism has forced me into having a pretty thick barrier, I’m a waitress at a restaurant with vegan options but they still serve meat. I’m quite literally taking corpses to peoples tables for them to gorge on daily, because it’s the only way I can afford to feed myself and my rescue animals. But I still can’t afford to live alone so I live with non vegan roommates, actually one of them manages at a steak restaurant and brings home “free” steaks to my other roommates. I’m forced to kinda turn off and convince myself it’s not animal meat (I obviously still don’t eat any of it)just to stay sane and get by.
@katelijnesommen 2 ай бұрын
That sounds rough. You're really doing a lot in the circumstances you're in. I really respect that. I hope in the future things will be a bit easier!
@GolDFish-if1ov Ай бұрын
Are you still working there?
@agreeablegraylife Ай бұрын
Eventually you will get to the point where it doesn't matter what is on the plates of others. Each eats according to their own reasons. To be at that point where what others choose has zero effect on me -- wow! That is true food freedom! 😋
@ellabanker3862 Ай бұрын
@@agreeablegraylife I’ve been vegan for 10 years and waitressing for 4 years… I feel like it would have happened by now
@kristen1664 2 ай бұрын
I remember early on in my vegetarian journey I really struggled with the social isolation and the turmoil of not really understanding how to feed myself (went vegetarian right after graduating high school before going off to college). I used to watch factory farm footage to remind myself why I was choosing not to eat meat anymore. I only needed to do that one or two times during my first semester of college before I figured out a meal plan that worked for me. I was mostly vegan during that time and later fully committed to a vegan diet (still vegan nearly 8 years later!). I no longer feel the need to consume media related to animal suffering because all vegans *know* what’s going on. We *know* how the animals are being treated. If I stop to think about it, I am deeply disturbed and disgusted by my family members and my boyfriend for consuming animal products. I feel very isolated at times because of the lack of understanding (e.g., graduate profs having dead deer on their office walls, coworkers bringing meaty chili to potlucks, family trying to persuade me to eat something with “just a little milk” at holidays, my boyfriend’s mother trying to feed me non-vegan foods without telling me what it is). Being vegan isn’t difficult from a dietary perspective, as Ed stated. Being vegan is difficult because we are constantly surrounded by people who aren’t vegan and don’t get why we’d live this way.
@ninksi 2 ай бұрын
Wieder ein spannendes Video 🤗 ich hatte lange das Problem, dass aluminiumfreie Deos bei mir zu üblem Schweissgeruch führten, und Wild ist das erste Deo, das so gut schützt und riecht, bin begeistert von Wild. Aber es ist natürlich eher teuer.
@blueberrymuffinsmix 2 ай бұрын
Wow Ed is beautiful
@chekhovsgun4554 2 ай бұрын
Haven't watched one of your videos in a while but I don't remember you being this sassy. I am here for it! Addressing Ed's points and some people in the comments--I can say that I am very fortunate to have been a part of a discord vegan community where I found my husband and had the means to meet him. I bet it can be quite lonely sometimes to not have one back you up on your lifestyle choices. It's also a huge gap in morals if you even want to date someone who isn't vegan because one of you would have to compromise. I hope people will have the courage to go to more vegan/vegetarian meetups and try their hand at meeting a big group of strangers who happen to have the same values as them. Wishing everyone luck with the social struggles! Side-note: Definitely going to be devouring the pregnancy/breastfeeding content from years back once I am at that stage ;)
@FlaviaSaplacan 2 ай бұрын
As a person that only used the super storng Dove that was the only thing that worked for me, I was actually surprised with Wild. Really good stuff, and actually keeps me dry and really smells very good. :)
@terezahendrychova8296 2 ай бұрын
enjoyed this video, thank you
@gman854 2 ай бұрын
Swayze may you ban ‘MdoubleHB’ they been a troll in your comment section for over a year and just replied to my comment with se gg ez you lising you for no reason.
@christineniering1233 Ай бұрын
Really appreciated this video from you. Keep doing your brilliant thing! You’re an inspiration!xx
@pattycarljackson 2 ай бұрын
I feel this, it can be really hard especially since people in my family or friends are literally obsessed with meat and will get mad saying it’s not necessary to eat it. I loved your response to the deodorant ad, I say try benzoyl peroxide washes in the pit area and other areas that tend to smell and it helps kill the bacteria that make your sweat smell, it’s helped me a ton and I still use antiperspirants.
@veganaktivisten 2 ай бұрын
Great video! Love your take on the deodorant thing. I agree. It would be really interesting to hear your view on lab grown meat. I listened to a debate recently on Carnism Debunked about it, and had never imagined vegans could be against it. It was very interesting!
@indiajaynemitchell 2 ай бұрын
On the deodorant thing - I am not a sweaty person and I wouldn’t go out my way to spend that much on a compostable product. However I do use a refillable stick deodorant which cost me £6 ($8) and the refills are plastic free and reasonably priced. I love it but I don’t think it makes too big a difference as a normal deodorant stick would last me 6-8 months🤷🏻‍♀️ I guess every little helps tho!
@AimeeColeman 2 ай бұрын
The videos you make and time you dedicate do make a difference to the animals right now. I went Vegan 12 years ago because you made videos that opened my eyes to factory farming, and if it weren't for that then... My meat-eating partner wouldn't have gone vegetarian then vegan My parents Wouldn't be eating much less meat and animal products Jack and Kitt from my uni wouldn't both be vegan after having done vegaunuary with me like 8 years ago The over 220 meals I made for essential workers in lockdown wouldn't have been all vegan The 20+ BBQs I've had with all my meat-eating friends wouldn't be all vegan, and then work Ed wouldn't be vegetarian now And that all happened cause you made videos 12 years ago, and knowing me, I wouldn't have listened unless it was specifically videos like yours that made me listen. And I can't say for sure that all of that has had an effect on the total number of animals in farms across the UK today, but I'm willing to bet it did.
@tobilemoine9604 2 ай бұрын
Your videos, Ed's, others' do help making the jump the veganism, I'm grateful for that. I agree with Ed a lot, once you are past it, the practical issues vanish, maybe some do appear when traveling abroad. But the relationship aspect is tough, I'm a sporty guy and people commend me for being vegan, but always equate it to a health diet. And I lack confidence in hammering the hard facts about what eating animals do to us and the planet. Besides, there is also this huge fear of, "what if a friend/family member goes vegan thanks to me but do not manage or get sick", meaning I'd be responsible for that...
@AstralAu 2 ай бұрын
Thank you Swayze! As a LOV vegetarian, I appreciate watching your videos for many reasons! Always interesting content in a sea of nonsensical "We cook vegan" style formats. I am so happy that I am able to incorporate more and more vegan friendly meals, and really minimise my use of eggs and dairy. ❤
@AstralAu 2 ай бұрын
@MdoubleHB2 Ahh so you are still stalking Swayze... no doubt with comments like that, you're still single.
@theresamnsota3925 2 ай бұрын
Yes, how Ed explained the relationships with non-vegan friends and family hits hard. I have to label myself as plant-based. I initially cut out animal products for health/medical reasons. I’ve been this way for a year, and the longer I keep to a plant-based diet, the more I explore the exploitation of the animals that feed so many. And even though in some people’s eyes would make me an ethical vegan, I cannot accept that label. My husband is an omnivore, and I cook all our meals. We do eat a lot of meals without animal products, there are nights he wants meat and cheese. He supports me 100%, because he witnessed how sick I would get after eating meat. Husband understands my dietary needs, but it’s harder for our parents to understand. They support me, but just don’t understand completely.
@kae2678 2 ай бұрын
6:51 I'm glad that as someone that grew up vegetarian from birth, born late 90s I would never be able to be normal even if I wanted to because I simply can't eat meat. I never developed a palate for it and I'll always find it gross like that one vegetable u want to avoid.
@GrungeGalactica 2 ай бұрын
Vegans are on the right side of history.
@ppowell1212 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the content
@theunicornrainbow363 2 ай бұрын
Now I'm crying over the story about your aunt. ❤
@BaristaWithADog 2 ай бұрын
This was a great video. Would you consider discussing the ban on lab-grown meat in red states (primarily Florida) more in depth?
@PitaPieBB 2 ай бұрын
Are you wearing something on your lips? Because I am going through a whole thing of trying to find a my lip color but better but everything is just slightly off either to pinkish or purpleish and I feel like whatever you have going on right now is perfect because I have watched this video pretty much to the end, not questioning if that was your lip color and just thinking you had like such a pretty color of lip
@Smulenify 2 ай бұрын
I think everyone has a limited amount of energy they can spend on caring about things. Some have more than others (some have other things that drains their energy), some spread it out, and some are really passionate about one or a few things. What's truly important is to spend that energy on something positive for yourself and for the world. Wasting energy on hate will only make you miserable, as well as make the world a worse place. Being passionate about something is the best thing in the world imo, but it can also be exhausting at times. So try your best, and when you feel like you've failed just try to focus on what good you have done.
@Rayaelle 2 ай бұрын
which dove deodorant is vegan? that might be helpful for me too...
@oliviabjerger8353 2 ай бұрын
Wild in fresh linen and ocean salt actually smells amazing! Plus less packaging than the deo sticks you mentioned, so a good alternative. I heard „fussy“ is also a nice brand
@oliviabjerger8353 2 ай бұрын
@MdoubleHB2 ok weirdo wtf
@tiffanyx8577 11 сағат бұрын
Just wanted to say thanks cause all of these are important things to bring up. I really learn so much from you. Thanks for all you do
@saraviegas2141 2 ай бұрын
I actually started using wild deodorant because I’m trying avoid the plastic waste that comes with everything, I really like it, the cover is durable and it really works well for me
@Hiiiiiiiiieeee 2 ай бұрын
And as much as I love our girl, aluminum has been shown to increase the risk of breast cancer and Alzheimer’s. And sweating is a natural function of your body. So allowing your body to function normally but still control odor is really the ideal situation. No aluminum necessary for that.
@tatiaa7206 10 күн бұрын
Omg thanks for an honest review!lol. Do you sweat a lot? I want to buy something with less chemicals but none of the natural deodorants you get at a drug store work for me. I’ve tried just about all of them.
@saraviegas2141 10 күн бұрын
@@tatiaa7206 hi!! I think I sweat a lot, but I guess it's all relative. This deodorant doesn't stop sweating like anti-perspirants, it just doesn't stink. Works way better than any store bought one for me
@rishikakedia2550 2 ай бұрын
Maybe you have already done this video but, would be really great to know more about how did you explain veganism to your children. They seem to understand it really well and don't feel like they are missing out.
@SSStofu008 2 ай бұрын
Alisia Demi also made one a day ago (though she is not as big off a vegan KZfaqr)
@SSStofu008 2 ай бұрын
@MdoubleHB4 WTF
@DrKJPalmer 7 күн бұрын
Great, very inspiring. Sometimes I despair, family and friends will never go vegetarian, let alone vegan. My 2 favourite vegan KZfaqrs keeping up the fight, love you both!
@mayhu3282 2 ай бұрын
I guess I'm lucky because I've found very little opposition from friends or family.
@aBirdAndHisBoy Ай бұрын
My parents are concerned that my bones are weaker due to my vegan diet since 2015 due to lack of nutritient absorption. Thoughts?
@Sophia048 2 ай бұрын
I eat a 75% plant-based diet. I started flirting with vegetarianism over 10 years ago and honestly, dating vegan people and aquiring vegan friends increased my plant-based intake. Conversely, my roommate is an omnivore. I am incredibly tempted by the cheese she buys and it's harder to make the right choice 😢 I think part of what I'm attracted to in vegans (didn't even know they were my 'type' until i dated 3 vegans in a row) is how firm they are in their convictions. I admire the willpower
@monemori 2 ай бұрын
Your husband sounds based af
@nisreenoxxx4826 Ай бұрын
Do you have research on the safety of aluminum in deodorant?
@tenaawii4571 2 ай бұрын
Hi, I am not sure if I got it right, but regarding the itchiness after using some deodorants, it might be caused by the sodium bicarbonate. Some people are alergic to that so they have to use deodorants without that substance. I think there are plenty natural and vegan deodorants, that work just great. Not sure if you heard about Salt & Stone? They are my personal favourite for now :)
@PollyMcMan 2 ай бұрын
Im not 100% vegan, i have an eating disorder, it hecame prombelmiatic after nearly 5 years. I teally think it should recognised as a deeply founded peronal belief in law. I work in the NHS and recenlty signed a commitment to begsn food as a standard in NHS. vegan as much as possible, and wish i could be better, and know ill get there one day
@sophieh.2986 2 ай бұрын
your health must be your no 1 priority. eating mostly vegan still is a huge benefit for the animals.
@sag3_v 2 ай бұрын
I love you still do your best, there are some people that even so don't change the slightest.
@melzymoomin888 2 ай бұрын
I have an ED also so I’m used to checking the calories in things but having to also check the ingredients constantly (if it isn’t obviously labelled vegan) is exhausting. I’ve been vegetarian for a decade but the hidden animal byproducts in things you wouldn’t even expect to have it in upsets me. The amount of stuff that has milk powder in when it isn’t even necessary is ridiculous.
@teainortakoy 2 ай бұрын
@@sophieh.2986 I completely agree 💜
@GarudaLegends 2 ай бұрын
Meat eaters live the longest. Vegans dont care about the animals that die in the trillions for their unhealthy vegan meals, while also most animals eat other animals. Veganism is a silly cult based on Hinduism. Eat meat and live a long happy life. Animals don't care about you and will always eat meat. Even cows eat other small animals like birds or rodents. Veganism is a cult, and unhealthy. Don't drink the cool aid.
@gillianconway2536 2 ай бұрын
I really like the point you made about the chicken being thrown on the ground. All the time, at work, around family and friends, I am surrounded by food waste of meat and other animals products. I sometimes feel like I’m the only person I know who sees that for what it is. It’s not just the thought of the animal suffering and dying, it’s the thought of how many thousands, millions even, die just for their meat to be thrown in the trash. And that kills me.
@David-zm7mi 2 ай бұрын
lmaooo the deodorant ad being bullshit is TEAAA
@Andre-qo5ek 2 ай бұрын
it would go a long way to get the meat and cheese and egg and dairy subsidies revoked. and instead get vegan and whole foods subsidized instead.
@dysprosium162 2 ай бұрын
Put the really thin period pads in the armpits of shirt is a good way to prevent sweat showing in pit area.
@hannahmoultrie6637 2 ай бұрын
I've never had any problem in my relationships because of my diet. I've been a vegetarian for 9 years, my husband is not but we have two kids and they're both vegetarian.
@feafea4463 2 ай бұрын
When you see it as a diet style is simpler. When you oppose non human animal exploitation relationships may get complicated.
@mayhu3282 2 ай бұрын
Probably because you're not doing it for ethical reasons (since you're vegetarian) and people don't feel threatened when it's only a dietary choices as so many others. Ethical veganism is a very different thing.
@marlyd 2 ай бұрын
It was a non issue when I was vegetarian. Because you can go pretty much anywhere to eat out and people will almost always have sth you can eat at their house. When you also take out anything with dairy or eggs (or honey), all of a sudden there are restaurants where all you can eat are the fries. And then you're the person who can't have any of the baked goods someone made fresh and put love and care into, all of a sudden you can't eat the crisps they serve with drinks because there's whey in the flavouring, the wine they bought isn't technically vegan, etc. It's a lot harder when people don't understand what they can offer you and you have to say no to everything they make, call in advance to restaurants to make sure they have 1 dish you can eat and have to explain over and over again that yes, mayo has egg, and yes brioche have dairy and yes most biscuits are out too.
@hannahmoultrie6637 2 ай бұрын
@mayhu3282 I actually am vegetarian for ethical reasons. Hence, my children also being vegetarian. However, I struggled with anorexia for many years, so the restrictive nature of veganism wasn't a healthy choice for me.
@katelijnesommen 2 ай бұрын
​@@mayhu3282 it's possible to be vegetarian for ethical reasons. Vegetarianism also reduces harm, less than veganism, but there might be other reasons for someone not cutting out animal products completely.
@nodoubtmisa 2 ай бұрын
I guess ive been really lucky that my family is 1 really open and 2 there is actually multiple people who are vegan or prefer mostly vegan food, my best friend and her partner are vegan and my bf loves vegan food, because he grew up with a vegetarian mother. I still know those struggles concerning other people in the past and had so many stupid discussions that i didnt start.
@cariiinen 2 ай бұрын
thank you for mentioning the (lack of) evidence on deodorants' supposed health risks!
@ambers. 2 ай бұрын
Native is great and I've noticed less smell from sweating since letting my skin breathe the last 2 years. Lots of factors tho.
@sammyd9270 Ай бұрын
I often get really discouraged with my food options and I’m only vegetarian! I live in a costal town in North Carolina and there is maybe… 3 food options locally that offer vegetarian options (that isn’t just a side salad.) If I was vegan I’d have no options at all to go out to eat with friend’s. I’ve been a veg for 10 years now so I usually just invite my friends over and cook for everyone. But man, it gets so frustrating having to eat prior to most events, parties or get togethers here.
@sharks2571 2 ай бұрын
Re wild deodorant- im a pretty sweaty person and i find that it works well and the scents ive tried have been very nice. I have stopped using them because they are so expensive, and because two of my cartridges randomly oxidised. But if you can afford it and are interested, i would give it a try
@rebeccamtb 2 ай бұрын
Wild is not great, the 'reusable' containers feel very low quality and mine broke after not too long (maybe 2 years), it leaves marks all over your clothes and the regular formula gave me underarm sores but the sensitive doesn't really work. Really don't recommend!
@Nayr747 2 ай бұрын
You should try Schmidt's charcoal magnesium deodorant. It's expensive but it works and doesn't itch at all.
@AsMr-km6ex 2 ай бұрын
He’s amazing xox
@chelseashurmantine8153 2 ай бұрын
Wow this video came at a good time.
@stephaniemccarthy5987 2 ай бұрын
I love you unnatural vegan and i love your viewers. Everyone just ignoring the idiot who is trying so hard to troll you and your viewers. You guys are the best. Classy as always.
@marzettik 2 ай бұрын
I appreciate this. ❤ I'm a sweaty mess too! 😂
@holisticmaya 2 ай бұрын
Can you do a video about aluminium deodorant? I am interested in that
@Guishan_Lingyou 2 ай бұрын
I can understand people have a hard time relating to people who do things that they find morally abhorrent. I also think it's important to try to relate to people who we don't agree with. And I have no doubt that if you want to spread veganism (or whatever cause) it is critical to be able to relate to people you don't agree with and to do so non-judgmentally. I'm not saying that is easy, but it is worth working towards.
@Catchmee24 8 күн бұрын
Your channel helps me feel less alone with my veganism
@marlyd 2 ай бұрын
As someone who sweats through her shirts just from putting a backpack on, not even moving, I really relate to the deodorant rant. Trying not to care about how damn sweaty I am all the time 😅
@minakoa7178 2 ай бұрын
@kimandreasheroy 2 ай бұрын
14:25 You state that you have to put up a barrier to protect yourself. Can you teach me how?
@jenniferlavoie2548 Ай бұрын
Lume works well...smells nice...has a sweat control option...expensive though...You can get a sample size at target.
@maddie2638 4 күн бұрын
I have been vegan for almost 10 years and found Ed's video really relatable. Appreciate his and your channel!
@starcatcher3691 13 күн бұрын
I think what is hard is dealing with a non caring world. So many people are just indifferent to the suffering and don't even make an effort to look deeper.
@allyg0210 2 ай бұрын
I love your videos and how informative and science based/backed they are. I’m interested in why you don’t like clean beauty. I thought (as I’ve used aluminum free deodorant for almost a decade now) that there were numerous studies about the aluminum buildup and toxicity in the brain and the link to Alzheimer’s and dementia. Have you not found this same info? Not coming from a place of judgement just genuinely interested in your thoughts because like I said I like your science based videos.
@foxwilliamulder 2 ай бұрын
Clean beauty is just another form of green washing. The only people you should be listening to for factual, science based information regarding skincare is a dermatologist.
@mariafos4554 Ай бұрын
I use Wild and I'm a sweaty gal too and it works. Haven't heard anything about alluminium from them (nor good nor bad) but it might be me not paying attention😅 They're not super expensive in the UK and available in some supermarkets
@ravensdreamsx 2 ай бұрын
about the deo thing, even most name brand companies are not adding aluminum anymore.
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