To be ALONE is worse than HELL

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Tsem Rinpoche

Tsem Rinpoche

7 жыл бұрын

What were we taught and conditioned by our culture and society? How is it totally different in the monastic world? As we gain a deeper understanding of the preconceived ideas and conditions of our culture and society, we are able to see clearly the source of most of our problems. With this new-found understanding and clear insight, we will then be able to make better choices to lead a life that is free of expectations and fear.
This video gives in-depth explanations presented in an easy to understand manner with applicable examples to help us understand the core of our issues and the methods through which we can eliminate them.
Please watch and enjoy.
Places like America where everything is provided for you physically, you know how you end up? You end up coddled, you end up with higher expectations, you end up with perceiving your body would be the same at 70, 80 and 90 as it would’ve been when you were 20. You dress like you are still young, you act like you are still young, but you are not. You think like you can do everything, but you can’t.
Diseases take over, depression takes over, unhappiness takes over, loneliness takes over, your partner dies, you are aging, your mortality is very strong. All that comes on, and what do you have left? You have death. And when you have death, you are not prepared, you don’t want to let go, you have unfinished work, you don’t want to let go of your partner, your kids. And it is all these dramas that go on your life as you die and then you die.
But it is not like that in the monasteries, it’s a total polar opposite. People in a monastery are not afraid of death. They don’t experience the fear of death before, during, at all, ever! I have never seen a monk died or heard of a monk died in fear. We are not talking about a small community of 15 people, 1,300!
I will say about 20% of the population are very old monks, 15-20% very old, and you don’t see monks trying to regain their youth, you don’t see people trying to be happy with plastic surgery, you don’t see people running around trying to put on pounds of makeup to look good, you don’t see people trying to pick up a girl, you don’t see people trying to get a husband.
Do you know America? You are 50, you’ve been married 50 years, your partner dies, you’re lonely, you’re sad, your solution to be happy is to find another girlfriend, and then, “Oh wow! I get married again”. And see she is 70 and I am 75, and we are so happy, and we are going to go on a cruise, and we have our pension, and we wake up in the morning we are alive together, we are holding hands. I watch these programs. And we have breakfast together, and we have lunch together, and we sleep together, and we watch TV together, and we are so happy because we can do all these together. And you hear, this is the American life.
One thing about America is even when you are 70, your goal in life is to find a partner and that’s it. That’s it. That is your goal in life: to have a partner and not to be alone, because being alone is worse than hell; because that is the way you are raised.
But in the monastery, to be alone is not worse than hell. To be alone is a time to meditate, to develop, to improve, to gain higher states in your mind. There is no such thing as loneliness in the monastery. I’ve never heard of a monk who’ve said I am lonely. No, I have never. It is funny because these are not things you realise when you are in the States.
When I was younger, I think “What’s the big deal?” But it is a big deal because for half your life you are young, for half your life you are old, and it is 30, 40 years of being old and everything you fear when you were young, comes true when you are old. You know why? Because you see that when you were young. “Oh, I don’t want to be like that”.
There are horror stories we hear all the time on the news about how they found people who died in their apartment and their bodies have decomposed for the last 3 weeks. Their bodies decomposing is pretty sad, but they’ve been alone that long that when they died no one discovered them. And to me, if I die alone and I decompose it is not a big deal to me but to those people, it is.
But in the monastery, nobody dies alone. Nobody is lonely. Nobody is trying to regain their youth. Nobody is trying to pick on somebody because their partner died. Nobody is worried about their insurance or having a place to stay or not being cared about. Nobody is worried about loneliness and that’s a stark difference.
Not only are you free, you are not encumbered in any way, I don’t want to say happy because it gives a different kind of… it’s more like you are always light.
I watched a program on the old people in Hong Kong that are not rich.
To read the rest of the transcript, click here
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@briankerr4512 6 жыл бұрын
I'm 100% alone and it is more like heaven than hell.
@christineso231 6 жыл бұрын
If you are used to be `alone`, and you are happy with that. Why not? :)
@candy5742 5 жыл бұрын
😹😹😹 I know except for Holidays
@walkinginnature9502 3 жыл бұрын
@sexymary 2 жыл бұрын
Living alone is hell when a person doesn't know how to handle themselves when they're alone - I think this is the meaning of Tsem's message.
@johnjones99124 2 жыл бұрын
@@sexymary correct 👍🙂
@MgtowRubicon 6 жыл бұрын
"I used to think that the worst thing in life was to be alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone." -- Comedian Robin Williams recently before his death.
@wanwaimeng 6 жыл бұрын
Interesting. Do you realize that in our minds we are always alone :)
@28105wsking 5 жыл бұрын
Mr. Williams behavior cut him off from people and made it impossible for them to be close to him. He used his humor to keep them at a distance and afraid of his witty sharp tongue. He pushed people away ...with his tongue.
@Cleo2706 5 жыл бұрын
so true, and Im so sorry for Robin Williams
@mariusbaltazarrozenberg-ho9367 4 жыл бұрын
@@wanwaimeng I have Manjushri in my mind - he lives there, always accessible merely a thought away . . . my mind is Manjushri's palace, my body is his vehicle . . .
@univuniveral9713 3 жыл бұрын
Or ending up with people that drag you down.
@NetSkillNavigator 2 жыл бұрын
I love this guy's intelligence.. Really wise man.
@portcitypersona 2 жыл бұрын
It's so sad he died in 2019. He is great.
@ljessel6612 6 жыл бұрын
better to be alone than stuck with someone who makes you wish you were alone.
@wanwaimeng 6 жыл бұрын
In our minds, we are alone all the time.
@timothygeorge2530 4 жыл бұрын
Even if you're stuck with someone u don't like is a teaching in itself
@sebee555 5 жыл бұрын
This is why I love Rinpoche's videos. He hits the core of the issue each time, and then explains it. You come alone, you go alone. In essence, you are and will be alone. In this samsaric world, companionship is a gift; yet all interactions [no matter how beautiful] are temporary as their nature is subject to change. You cannot control the world - it was not meant to be controlled - , you can only control yourself. You cannot impose or possess anything material as that will not last. The one thing we can do is practice the truth, and see to it that we can so what we can to help others. If we can gain control over our mind and practice Dharma; the conditions of samsara become easier to navigate through and the negative parts lose their bindings on us. Knowledge alone, and its rightful application with the intent of bodhisattva is what we should embody. Monasteries are ideal for those who want to devote themselves to knowing and practicing the dharma - they don't live 'easy' lives [as some people are saying] but its because those who wish to practice brahamacharya cannot live easily in a materially driven society. Monasteries are places where one is able to exist mainly practice Dharma. Plus, they aren't 'fun' places, most are super, super strict with very precise rules. Yet, at the same time, they are a different type of society which is not driven on the traditional familial bonds, but spiritual ones. The 'traditional' roles/rules don't apply as the basis and aspiration is completely different. At the same time, you have the chance to choose not to suffer from what most suffer from - the bindings of marriage, children, and samsaric attachments in general. You have the chance to learn what can help YOU. [no offense intended in context of marriage/kids etc - as I am speaking of a monastic existence and what it means.] In this manner - you can focus on yourself, and the path. We suffer from 'loneliness' due to social conditioning. We are taught that if we are alone its the worst thing. the societal interpretation. But NOT in the spiritual one. But what if we don't think it's 'bad' or unfortunate to not have someone to love? Its perfectly 'perfect' to be at peace with yourself - its actually the ideal. What is wrong if we don't want to marry? If we don't want kids? What if all that actually feels wrong or strange to us just as being an monk/nun feels wrong or strange to you? What is wrong with that? What is wrong with wanting to focus on the spiritual path? Simply put - nothing. It's simply perceptions and misperceptions, and the freedom to choose. Rinpoche is perfectly right; most of us chase the 'idea' of happiness, when what we know as happiness is temporary and subject to change - just like everything else. As long as you are subject to that; suffering shall always be there. Again, it's all about choice. So, please respect the choices people make for themselves.
@sebee555 4 жыл бұрын
@@MPeaches1958 sorry for seeing this comment so late :) Thank you for sharing your thoughts :) In response to your comment: in the end all forms of suffering we experience come from our imprints and projections, and the karma which those created and are still creating. And as this shall continue until we can understand how our mind works, it's better to study and analyse. I invite you to check out rinpoche's teachings on tendencies (complete), you and your imprints, and any teaching on lorik (mind and it's functions) if you are interested. Also bhikku bodhi's teaching of rebirth and karma. From my humble experience, it really does change the way you view the world as its based on valid cognition. Ultimately, we can taste everything in the world, but it's best (and safest) to have the awareness first :) Real happiness = valid striving for equilibrium which works to benifit others through bodhicitta.
@NetSkillNavigator 2 жыл бұрын
@@MPeaches1958 That's also aligned with the teachings of "be in the moment, enjoy the moment, don't live in the past.."
@GodisallIneedPlantsareallIeat 4 жыл бұрын
I'm a introvert so being alone is awesome.
@gohjacinta28 4 жыл бұрын
I'm glad that you enjoyed being alone. Many are just afraid of loneliness. However, I do believe if being alone can help us to accomplish a higher purpose in benefitting others such through intense meditation, that will be the best for our spirituality. Otherwise, being alone can increase self-absorption and worst still, being stuck with our own ego!
@opheliadd 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly how my mother is. She is 80 years old now, alone and miserable. After her second husband passed, she had a couple of short lived relationships. She never learned how to be comfortable being alone with herself. I feel very sad for her. Thank you for your wisdom, Rinpoche
@univuniveral9713 3 жыл бұрын
To be alone is not bad. To be lonely is sad, but if you are alone and happy then you are not lonely.
@justinryo76 7 жыл бұрын
A great teaching of Tsem Rinpoche who have witnessed with his own eyes during His time in USA before going to India to be ordained. Rinpoche is bringing to us the scenario in the outside world which is sad lonely and die compared to the heavenly peaceful life in the monastery.
@b.bailey8244 6 жыл бұрын
i love his message; the lady who kept talking was kind of annoying for interrupting him.
@gohjacinta28 6 жыл бұрын
B. Bailey Yea.. I like this msg also. Although I do not who she was but Actually we should thank her. Because of her, we have this conversation that we get to listen to Rinpoche’s teachings.
@univuniveral9713 3 жыл бұрын
I love this message more than you do.
@ramcesgaston5319 4 жыл бұрын
I am alone because at 48 I have no children or child on the planet. I am a proud Buddhist by Tibetan tradition am Tibetan name is chumpa chogong. I love it !!! Take refuge in Lord Buddha take refuge in the Dharma take refuge in the Sangha before it is too late.
@gohjacinta28 4 жыл бұрын
Glad to hear that you've found your happiness.. Just practice all the way and hope you are always in your best health. 🙏
@aleck156 6 жыл бұрын
"Their goal in life is to get a grand-son. Is that it?". Made me think deeply about the meaning of life.
@wanwaimeng 6 жыл бұрын
Please check out Rinpoche's blog at
@christineso231 6 жыл бұрын
Hello Aleksander, thank you very much for watching. If this is one of our goal in life, what do you think? Please do check out Tsem Rinpoche`s blog regularly for more inspiring spiritual articles. :)
@NetSkillNavigator 2 жыл бұрын
So that the rich people can pass their fortunes and inheritance..
@chewmingwen2030 7 жыл бұрын
Great teaching from Tsem Rinpoche! ●Incorrect perceptions on how life suppose to be have been forced into our brains once we are born etc., boy has to wear blue, girl has to wear pink. Someone set it and all of us just followe blindly. Why? Because it’s a social norm, when we don’t follow what the others are doing, we are going to be outgroup and alienated. We have been chasing things like kites which lead us to nowhere and random places. These kites are also play by someone else and we are happily and blindly chasing them. I’ve to laugh at myself because I did the same like the others. ● Are we living for ourselves for true happiness or are we living to fulfill others ‘ secular expectations etc., own a luxury life and become the others’ ‘admiration’. All things that we can think of in the secular world are like illusions, they will eventually fade off when we firgured the tricks after some times. Etc., When we are becoming old and weak Hence, we are going to be too old amd weak to reroute back to the right track. ● Guru, Buddha, Dharma and Sangha are who and what that we can fully rely on without doubt.
@440SPN 2 жыл бұрын
@donseah9419 5 жыл бұрын
We are born alone and we die alone . So that is the natural way of life . What is there to be worst than hell? Being alone is better than being with others that drain your energy dry!
@gohjacinta28 5 жыл бұрын
So, what’s the purpose of living then?
@hell5457 Жыл бұрын
@@gohjacinta28 that's the question that provokes for an ultimate answer from god
@kengtan3940 7 жыл бұрын
Truly profound and I can relate to this as I have a friend in his old age and he has many 'senior' moments that he even is embarrassed to admit to. The nightmares come uncontrollably and pretty only a nightmare now feels scary...can you imagine the bardo? I thank Rinpoche for sharing this and truly wise ones will get the message unlike those that are still ignorantly living in this world, have nothing better to do than to troll cyberspace creating nuisance for others and for self. Trolls are nuisance and they do not contribute to the well being of people's sufferings. They are generally of low IQ and comment they make debase themselves and make them look like fools....
@christineso231 7 жыл бұрын
Yes I totally agree with you . Why do those people waste their time to criticize others whom they are not agreeing with ? This does not help and just behavioral like some naive idiots.
@sssanl6096 6 жыл бұрын
My goal in life is to stay alone. No drama no bullshit the only people u going to deal is yourself .Take care of yourself no one will.
@christineso231 6 жыл бұрын
Hello SssanL, we all do take care of ourselves without a doubt. We can choose which lifestyle is better for us, to stay alone or not, no others would understand what we want but ourselves, right ? But this is only for this life! How about your next life ? Do you believe it ?
@univuniveral9713 3 жыл бұрын
Rinpo, I love this speach. My brother, life without this kind of Buddhist spirituality is really sad.
@ParisLopezMarron 4 жыл бұрын
Such a great lost the Rinpoche's death! May you come back soon dear Rinpochela🙏 Om Ami Dewa Hri🙏
@SeonTanPhoto 4 жыл бұрын
thank you for your message. Please visit if you are keen to find out more interesting stuffs on buddhism, Rinpoche etc.
@lillysnet9345 3 жыл бұрын
When you think about that... how he going to come back... probably by someone hoping to have grandchild... Be careful when comparing philosophies of life. If you have family be aware of the one that not support family unit...
@hell5457 Жыл бұрын
Better for him to go up and away from this hell down here
@BrandonS-lk2qc 6 жыл бұрын
Sandman brought me here! A red pill a day... Excellent wisdom here. Thank you for sharing! I will strive to think upon this and then act accordingly.
@wanwaimeng 6 жыл бұрын
Do check out Rinpoche's blog
@christineso231 6 жыл бұрын
Hello Brandon, thank you very much for watching. So glad to hear that you have found helpful from this video. Please do check out Tsem Rinpoche`s blog regularly for more inspiring dharma teaching articles. :) __ / \ __
@univuniveral9713 3 жыл бұрын
please paste links to similar videos here. This speak is so nice.
@adamheap4 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been a follower of HE Tsem Rinpoche for a good while. His videos help me not feel alone haha
@440SPN 2 жыл бұрын
He is one person I can listen to for hours and not feel bored because it's truth. I feel very lucky to have found this channel. 🙏 RIP dear Tsem Rinpoche
@dodgeballface3663 3 жыл бұрын
A lot of people in America suffer from pollution that creates an underdevelopment. There is a lot of mentally ill people or narcissist who are going through the motion.
@mindtwister1984 5 жыл бұрын
It is good that Buddhism teaches you to be comfortable being with yourself for introspection and soul searching. However, humans are wired as as social creatures like primates. We are not polar bears who prefer a life of solitude. All of life and its beauties and desires should be cherished and appreciated but not to be indulged. The middle path, neither too left or right, is the Tao of life.
@songliqin 4 жыл бұрын
having the partner doesnt mean you are not lonely again.only love can save you from the loneliness.people finds the love all life ,not the partner.
@duktshering2962 3 жыл бұрын
I m 100 percent alone
@adrielb.520 5 жыл бұрын
Such a short and powerful speech. Rinpoche always speak very directly, hit to the core of issue and has no fear offending others, because it;s true. Those who condemned and criticised Rinpoche are some ignorant dudes who is unhappy with their lives but after listening to Rinpoche's talk, find it true but hard to accept the truth hence the negative talks. poor thing
@sebee555 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment :) it's true, the people who speak the truth are rarely liked by the masses as it forces them to acknowledge reality.
@GodlyOddity 6 жыл бұрын
I was quite skeptical seeing the title of this video but I'm glad your point is that that is clearly not the case.
@christineso231 5 жыл бұрын
Hello Jack of Cups, thank you for your comment. It`s quite eye-catching `title`? :) Please do visit Tsem Rinpoche`s blog regular for more interesting spiritual teachings.
@skywiseobservations7118 6 жыл бұрын
Major difference between being alone and loneliness. Single and alone for five years, but rarely lonely.
@gohjacinta28 6 жыл бұрын
morgan weaver Looks like you’ve realised something here. 😉 interesting Do go to for more ya
@pledgestone 6 жыл бұрын
I feel all alone and it is pretty unbearable.
@christineso231 6 жыл бұрын
Hello Captain Bob Smiley, thank you for watching. Why do you feel alone ? Family, friends?
@briankerr4512 2 жыл бұрын
not for me.
@maxwellmoseley9812 6 жыл бұрын
Love this video
@christineso231 6 жыл бұрын
Hello Maxwell, thank you very much for watching and your comment. Please do check out Rinpoche`s blog for more spiritual teachings and also some interesting articles sharing there.
@pinchoothoudam7875 2 жыл бұрын
Spot on 🙏🌹
@shree9647 2 жыл бұрын
Iam alone but sometimes I feel unhappy 😭. Give some good friends
@emiliacole9074 5 жыл бұрын
Loved your message I think more spiritual aspirants should speak up so more and more people are exposed to a different perspective.
@choosookfun 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Emilia, Glad that you love the video. Do check H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche's blog https :// for more dharma teaching.
@butterfly2604 2 жыл бұрын
Very different Cultures the East and the Western World...both are good and necessary and we can learn and share from each doctrine,medicines, technology etc..In the West however a poor person without a home is considered a bum,and shunned not respected as a wandering Sadhu.There's an expression called "crowded lonliness",very common among the urban cities with millions of people packed into apartments and cities yet live lonley sad existences.May Our Beautiful Teacher reincarnate smack in the City to help the West and East integrate with these Teachings.Random acts of kindness wherever you live and brighten Someones day.Yes living alone vrs being lonely is radically different.We are born to live in Tribes for sheer survival .The Covid epidemic has forced Us all to be more introspective and appreciate our human connections much more.
@ramoesgaston9966 2 жыл бұрын
It is bliss being to yourself and the more you allow Dharma in the lawlessness goes out the heart. The faith is restored and guess what happens in the human life. Love shows up again believe me I practice this. Sigartha ghutuama shakyumuni never lied to us those other folks on the other side of mountain did.
@crankycorvusgaming5045 6 жыл бұрын
As a 36 year old American, I agree, and its pretty embarrassing this is our culture. Egocentric superficial disconnected way of life, yet everyone is running around wondering why school shootings and suicides are so common.
@wanwaimeng 6 жыл бұрын
Do check out Rinpoche's other content on
@gohjacinta28 5 жыл бұрын
keith thunders Or maybe we can take one step further by recognising them. Through this we can help oneself and another. Perhaps we can start through opening up ourselves more and also aware of others. I prefer solution rather than keep hovering around for the causes
@burtamor 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Rinpoche , this is very true, I live in California, USA. I am now 74 years old, live alone and can'not fit in your story. I have friends relatives and Social services that will cater to my needs, in a limited manner. I gave up my car, no cell phone, no microwave oven but managed to get around to survive.. By the way, a got a TV about a year and a half ago, given by a friend. I prefer a radio and listen to classical music. I watched documentaries, news and musical shows. For now I am taking only one medication for my BP, which is under control.I never look forward for having a room mate, got to this age with no problem. ON and on, Spiritually, I 've studied/read some religion and Buddhism is my favorite, the next one is Hinduism. By the way I was born and raised Catholic, scrutinized everything including the Bible. Now I know why I questioned everything about this religion. I have a feeling that I was born with monastic life and attitude . I have traveled all over the world, visited india three times, Tibet, Nepal 2 times, South America 3 times, Went on a Safari in Africa, Have seen Europes 4 seasons. About 100 countries now. countries that will interest me . I don't have much money but I can travel whenever/wherever I want. I've been following you for years and some monks . My favorites are, Tenzin Puntsok Rinpoche, Pong Re Rinpoche, Jamgon Kontrul, Ling Rinpoche, Yangsi Tenzin Rinoche, the young Penor Rinpoche and of course; The Dalai Lama, HH 17 Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje and you. I know you have a Temple in California, where is this place ? No time for loneliness .
@wanwaimeng 5 жыл бұрын
I think the temple that Rinpoche went to after leaving his home is called Thubten Dhargye Ling, but it is not part of Kechara.
@usergoodbye 2 жыл бұрын
You sound like you have had a very interesting life!
@ongmulepcha2036 3 жыл бұрын
You gave me new life dear dear Rimphuchi...
@bluesky6028 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@wanwaimeng 6 жыл бұрын
Dear CC, Do check out Tsem Rinpoche's blog
@keishahenderson8731 2 жыл бұрын
@sexymary 2 жыл бұрын
Hell yeah.. :'(
@xxxtion 6 жыл бұрын
he really knows what he is saying because he sees it from both sides. so please pay attention people.
@gohjacinta28 6 жыл бұрын
D Leong Because before being a monk, His Eminence is just a normal person just like you and me. He was born in Taiwan and take to America during His growing years. Do read more about Him here
@thinkcat01 6 жыл бұрын
Of course monks in the monastery is not lonely because there are so many other monks around and people going to the temple. They see each other everyday, greet each other, talk to each other and also eat together. Also they have duty to perform. They also listen to preaching and they preach as well to devotees and monks. So, how to be lonely, unlike those old people or retirees at home with nothing to do. How to compare?
@wanwaimeng 6 жыл бұрын
There are practitioners or monks, who spend 3 -12 years in solitary retreat. They don't see anyone or meet anyone during that retreat period.
@thinkcat01 6 жыл бұрын
Wai Meng Wan Monks do not just spent time in solitary retreat. If you are not a monk, how would you know. They spent a certain amount of time in solitary, but they come out for mealtime and sit together. They also learn about Buddhism and its precepts in a class together with other monks. The teacher is not going to teach the monk one by one. It has to be in a group setting. They also have to learn the rules of the monastery, otherwise, a newcomer will not know what to do. Go and watch chinese movie on monks and you will know. Monks also learn kungfu, and have duty to perform. They don't just sit in solitary confinement.
@Liveonpoint99 2 жыл бұрын
It is also European life, however I still resonate with the honesty of this message. Thank you.
@Cittamatra 4 жыл бұрын
MGTOW and Sandman brought me to this video. Thank you so much. Mr. J.
@kmtan6582 4 жыл бұрын
Hi, please do visit Tsem Tulku Rinpoche's blog at for more teaching.
@timothygeorge2530 4 жыл бұрын
Tsem Thank u
@kulwant747 2 жыл бұрын
@wallaceclark7050 6 жыл бұрын
Would like to come and have your teachings and be ordained.
@gohjacinta28 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Wallace Clark.Great to hear that! Do browse here more Be familiar with it, seek some answers here or just have a look. When you're more than ready, perhaps you wanna personally email to the admin and see how they can assist you further.
@ramcesgaston5319 4 жыл бұрын
Yes call me (646)953-2993
@xxxtion 6 жыл бұрын
i can personally vouch what he said are true. If you come from that western world he described it can be hard to fathom because those attitudes towards death and old age is simply not comprehended in the west.
@wanwaimeng 6 жыл бұрын
I do wonder where does this fear of death started in the West? Do they mainly just avoid the issue despite, mortality is something people are aware of.
@artdam2258 5 жыл бұрын
now ppl like to be alone with their phone
@wanwaimeng 5 жыл бұрын
Please carry on then.
@sebee555 4 жыл бұрын
Or stranger things. #asianboss
@funsovlogondudjomdharma5876 5 жыл бұрын
@gohjacinta28 5 жыл бұрын
funsoo draki ommm thamchen khadro ommm Hi ~ thanks for the comment and I agree with it too. Check out
@aljapeterka370 3 жыл бұрын
🙏 Buddhiset wow Buddha super 🙂 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️ ❤ 🇸🇮
@jeffreyphan1 2 жыл бұрын
I am presently living in Hong Kong and what he said about the grannies are absolutely true. It’s sad to be at old age living at meager means just to live in caged homes. What I don’t understand on last sentence he said there is lack of spirituality. I see HK is full of churches, temples …. Religious area. Or does that mean people care about their own wealth ?
@kphamcao 2 жыл бұрын
Spirituality according to Rinpoche begins with the motivation to attain nirvana aka renunciation of worldly desires. If you go to the temple to ask for romance, nicer house, nieces and nephews then that doesn't count because they are worldly desires.
@legaleagleandpaws8198 6 жыл бұрын
First off you are never alone:) When you are by yourself, it is a time to be in Father's presence and where you will be someday forever anyway if you seek it. It has nothing to do with organized religion which can itself in many ways be just another distraction from being in Father's presence. We all come into this world by ourselves and leave it the same way:) The body is merely a limitation. The spirit is forever and ever in the presence of Father. You are right about what has sadly become the American way of life. It wan't always like that nor is every American like that:) When you glorify the golden calf what else can you expect?
@wanwaimeng 6 жыл бұрын
I think you are alone in your minds at all times.
@legaleagleandpaws8198 6 жыл бұрын
@Jsmithyy 6 жыл бұрын
cobbled as in chained he means
@GonG108 7 жыл бұрын
by quantum computing we can process the human DNA and optimize the future being , what about that ? ( i am just asking and hope to get a respond on these topics from Rinpoche or someone else with profound knowledge )
@wanwaimeng 7 жыл бұрын
Creating Human beings via superior technology?
@patriciorecalde4291 5 жыл бұрын
You are right but please plase it is not only in America USA it is all over the world.
@wanwaimeng 5 жыл бұрын
True, not only just the US.
@rafaelrq3 7 жыл бұрын
@gohjacinta28 7 жыл бұрын
Enlightened by this talk?
@andresf491 6 жыл бұрын
Sandman brought me here
@dollydearest1306 6 жыл бұрын
Same here.
@DEREKinNYC 6 жыл бұрын
@Splatterpunk_OldNewYork 6 жыл бұрын
@christineso231 6 жыл бұрын
Who is Sandman?
@andrewgarcia6021 5 жыл бұрын
@karlinguk 4 жыл бұрын
Contemplate: Monk.. Solitude... But part of a Sangha Vs True loneliness, isolation, non belonging
@kelleytm57 6 жыл бұрын
To be alone is to be 1 with the source. The kingdom of "god" is within
@christineso231 6 жыл бұрын
Hello the smegbahelix, thank you for watching. Would you mind to explain more about your comment? I am interested. :)
@kelleytm57 6 жыл бұрын
Christine So Hello Christine, How does one encapsulate decades of reading and Living into a few paragraphs? Growing up "poor" in america in a home that had much more love and understanding than money. I did however have a library card. It more then made up for the lack of a television. TV was and is crap. Having read the Tao, I ching, Confucius and triune of mid eastern religions, was born into a catholic family. I feel sorry for those who don't enjoy reading. 30 years of solo over the road trucking with the belief that a stranger was simply a friend i had not met. Until they proved otherwise! I have spent many hours in various streams of consciousness. Have seen firsthand that i could make manifest into my life. Curiosity led me to read about Geology, Geography, Anatomy, psychology, etc... How can i explain the synchronicity of finishing a book on Plate Tectonics and finding myself the next week on an airplane sitting next to a professor Of the same at UC Davis. Enjoying a 2 hour flight being shown out the window the west coast geology from San Jose to Seattle? This kind of thing happens all the time to me. Too often i believe those people that try to think positively end up worrying about the exact opposite of that which they wish in their lives. Again how can i without the luxury of many hours tell you that we are the Universe? Quantum physics is showing that what we perceive is not true at the sub atomic level. I would have to run off through a thousand tangents? to try and explain how i have created my sense of self. Your journey begins within yourself. About the only thing i could tell you to try and achieve is a complete lack of animosity towards everyone and everything. Sorry if this has spun out of any singular path. I didn't think you wanted the usual platitudes... like As a man thinketh in his heart so shall he be. As above so below... Anyway, i hope your journey is filled with only the pain, that teaches Appreciation for the lack thereof.
@gavinharris1659 5 жыл бұрын
If you cannot experience suffering fully, in real life, how can you experience enlightenment? If you are already dead you will not fear death, by hiding in a monastery you die a mini death, you hide from what you are afraid of. Relationships, jobs, bosses, employees, money, sex, all of life's up and downs are there to be danced on, like guru Rinpoche meditating in the chanel grounds. I'm sure you can learn alot being in a monastery, but don't run away from life. Without suffering there is no enlightenment, it's that simple. Better to be an urban buddha. Use circumstance and environment as Guru. I like you Tsem, exactly because you are familiar with the western culture situation. Not because of the fancy robe. Keep your channel going, people (like me) need this.
@kmtan6582 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Gavin Harris, glad that you like this Video. Do check out H.E Tsem Tulku Rinpoche’s blog for more teaching and sharing. You can look for Rinpoche’s biography, “The Promise” where you can see how Rinpoche using his life telling us to be patient, forgiving and caring to others. You can also follow Rinpoche on his facebook, H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche
@nivak11 4 жыл бұрын
How long was he out of America before making this lecture? So much of this is untrue
@carynwong73 4 жыл бұрын
The sharing was based on Rinpoche's experience at that time. The main point of this Dharma teaching is our attachment. When someone closed to us left us and we are alone, that is the time when fear comes in.
@IamSpiritful 6 жыл бұрын
Tsem Rinpoche: "May I never be born in America. Never. In my future lives may I never be born in America or Europe. May I always be born in the situation where I can be near spiritual practice." I have the same aspiration, but my wish is to be reborn in Amitabha's pure land, and to be near Dharma always and forever be away from evil conditions. I live in Canada and I understand how difficult it is to practice the Dharma in this kind of environment.
@gohjacinta28 6 жыл бұрын
John F It’s very good that you have such an aspiration as mentioned above. Keep practising Dharma wherever you’re now. I hope you are having centre or Dharma Teacher near you? Involve more in Dharma, volunteer yourself and etc. My point: to create causes to be near Dharma in future or perhaps even in this lifetime.
@IamSpiritful 6 жыл бұрын
Jacinta Goh Yes! I keep practising no matter what the conditions. I feel to have a human birth is very rare and to meet the Dharma is very very difficult, even much more rare than to be born a human or the highest of gods. Yes, there is a centre near me, I've been going for about 7 years. Yes, you are right, while we have this human body we are to create as many causes to be near the Dharma now and in the future. I heard one Tibetan Lama said: "I want the result of my efforts to create and leave an indelible imprint on my mind-stream that I can forever carry forward". It is very encouraging to hear him say that. Namo Amitabha Buddha
@Srinathji_Das 7 жыл бұрын
Great video, but I need to say America isn't "spiritual" because nobody tries to make it so. I tell you,If one has the resources to spread the Dharma instead of just sitting in one place preaching to the choir, then go and make the the world a better place. Praise be to Setrap!
@eemun5035 7 жыл бұрын
Hello Evan, thanks for your comment. It reminds of His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche who once said this: "Find hope where there is none because no one is going to give it to you". May spirituality spread far and wide for a better world.
@mariusbaltazarrozenberg-ho9367 6 жыл бұрын
Angels only fly because they take things lightly. ;o)
@elenakhong 6 жыл бұрын
LOL! That's so funny, I'm going to remember that!
@sebee555 5 жыл бұрын
This is one teaching all those 'you need rooommmmaaaaance ~' people seriously need to watch. Rinpoche tells you as it is. I never got the concept of love in the romantic sense. I mean nothing in the world is permanent everything is ever changing. If someone can see that and wants to follow dharma them why do you judge? And who are you to judge what they want? Basically people who propound you NEED to and MUST have relationships and biologically produce kids(when you don't want to) are essentially telling you to suffer. And the thing in society is that they enforce these nonsensical rules of asking people to shack up and produce kids in the name of social obligations (ahem*) and anything not supporting that is deemed strange or funny...and the thing is, the same society turns a blind eye to your troubles :/ I mean, if we were doing things right, then wouldn't the world already be a perfect place? LMAO and you want to have kids when you can't even handle yourself xD The irony is, that people follow it and then end up regretting like hell. I look at people i know very well and feel so, so bad for them. Some people who were never satisfied in life - they get even more unstable as they get older. They lash out. Others just get depressed. Many just suffer and continue to suffer because they still are unable to see past the conditioning. And for women, it's even worse. There are so many kids in the world many without any parents. A true parent is one who sees all kids as their own. If you really want to be a parent, then why not adopt? Everyone needs to watch Instant Family. That's one of the few decent movies.
@hell5457 Жыл бұрын
I agree with what you are saying for the most part. But what's wrong with romance or desires? How else were you or anything brought into this world? Even plants do it. Have you ever read or seen The Crow?
@sebee555 Жыл бұрын
@@hell5457 I never said there is something wrong with it, only that people who have a certain idea about life needlessly try to impose it on others. Imagine telling a monastic what is wrong wrong them and their choices lol. My point is that not everyone thinks or feels that way :)
@hell5457 Жыл бұрын
@@sebee555 all i wanted to ask your opinion on both pros & cons of love/sex. It can feel great & terrible. Never lasts forever. In non buddhist & jain religions, love & sex are rewards. It always seems there are costs & consequences to everything in life no matter how little.
@sebee555 Жыл бұрын
@@hell5457 well there is something called the Two truths, which are conventional and the ultimate realities. There is actually no difference between samsara amd nirvana, it's only our conceptualizing mind which makes both limits and frees us from that limited idea of conceptuality. Love and sex are not profane, it is the attitude towards them which makes them so, these can also be highly spiritual. Buddhism talks of Bodhisattvas and bodhicitta, of prajna and upaya, wisdom and compassion, skillfully means etc. What is to be understood is hiw we actually conceptualise and how to see past the process. In layman's terms, you understand Love and sex generically, and attach to them some values and limitations. That is not exactly the same from the point of view of the Dharma practioner. The idea of normalcy itself is a subjective concept, after all.
@hell5457 Жыл бұрын
@@sebee555 nicely put. In life we are told as children indoctrinated by our parents first to become something in society status, then bureaucrat teachers-professors, we are told now that we can do and be anything in life as we desire to. We influence ourselves from different inspirations. It can even be a personal vengeance just to prove ourselves in others eyes or just to make a change and difference in the world we live in for the better. Buddhism is tough and too vague sometimes to learn and only best taught by monks/priests or shamans.
@rushwill 6 жыл бұрын
I kept wondering why a monk would speak on a topic that most people can find for themselves through their experience. His opinion and his right. Yes 👍 I've learned any walk of life can tell you truth. How many walks of life can truly say they can be alone without any human interaction whatsoever?? I understand his opinion. I really wonder if he realizes the human condition is that we all face loneliness and helplessness to spear us toward acceptance of self and acceptance of what we control and not control.
@gohjacinta28 6 жыл бұрын
rushwill If you examine carefully, most of the truth can be realised when we are alone. It is through self-examine that we can find the truth. However, the sad thing is, many of us can’t even face being alone even for few hours, let alone few days, years or even a decade. You’re right that human are by nature a social specie. Hence, when there’s exceptional, that few human beings will be frowned upon! See this video and you will understand why Rinpoche talked about monks being alone which is actually a good thing. She is a nun who spent 45 years being ALONE and yet she has accomplished more than anyone of us You’re right again when you said that any walk of life can tell us the truth but wouldn’t it easier when we are being taught? Just like children. You can see for yourself that those who have learnt from school will particularly excel better then those who don’t ( judging through academics ) Hence, when there people to point out the truth, we can realise it faster and in this case, Rinpoche is a teacher who teaches many things particularly about Buddha’s teachings. Just for your info, Rinpoche has vast knowledges in many other thing such as paranormal, Bigfoot or Sasquatch, psychology and many others. Check this website out and let’s see if He has got something that you don’t even see for yourself! 😝
@rushwill 6 жыл бұрын
Jacinta Goh you lost sight that I clearly said that I understand his opinion. Some people learn better by doing and not being taught. My words were said with an outlook on our current society. I never professed with my words that I hold or have more truth then this monk or this nun you are speaking of. I only pointed out that learning self truths or life truths comes more by suffering. Hence me saying loneliness and helplessness helps individuals come to truth. I can listen to someone all day but I won’t really grasp truth or learning unless I do or become. Actions are what define us more than our words. Thank you for your comment. 🙏🏾✌🏾
@gohjacinta28 5 жыл бұрын
rennysaaance I see~ looks like I need to learn not being judgemental. It’s good that you’ve cleared up what’s in your mind.
@Cittamatra 4 жыл бұрын
@@rushwill A lot of us spend a long time floundering around, gaining experiences but not moving in the right direction. I think that most of us need to absorb skillful teachings and then put them into practice. Then we change for the better.
@rushwill 4 жыл бұрын
Mr J I agree. To add I would say most do not attempt to learn from their experience. Hence the fluttering around you mentioned. I do see that when we are stuck that learning from another or stepping away from the issue can prove beneficial.
@suryadas6987 6 жыл бұрын
@freshbeanne 7 жыл бұрын
Been wanting to be in monestary for years.
@christineso231 7 жыл бұрын
Hello Jay Kay, thank you for watching the video and your commenting. Could you mind to tell more why do you want to be in monastery? Please do visit His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche's blog at to have more information regarding Tibetan Buddhism if you have time :)
@freshbeanne 7 жыл бұрын
I have explored the blog! Everything teacher said in this video about the American Golden Life I know deeply that it is empty. I have lived it and am in constant awareness of the impermanence. I want to develop true peace and I know I need instruction and support to learn freedom from suffering through awareness and acceptance of this present life. Thank you for replying to me!
@christineso231 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Jay, I am so glad to hear you are very keen to learn Dharma and liberate yourself from suffering in this samsara. Do you have time ? If you do have some spare time, would you mind to visit His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche's blog at Or you can go to, there are many senior dharma students and Pastors to answer your questions. You could express your concerns to them and see if you can find any help or they may give you some hints promptly as this is the live chat session. Thank you for letting us know about your situation. :)
@freshbeanne 7 жыл бұрын
As I said I have visited the blog and have read material for years and now watch these videos. I just feel yearning for the monestary life with more intense, more immersed instruction. I am not sure what to even ask but thank you for the chat link! And yes being alone is hell even when I am with family there is aloneness feelings, it is temporary. I was responding to the content of the video.
@christineso231 7 жыл бұрын
jay kay Thank you very much for sharing your feelings here. I hope you would find help in the near future. Feel free to share your feelings or discuss what you would like to do with some senior students or pastors in this online chat room. I am sure you will find the light there. 😊
@user-un6sb4kn2z 5 жыл бұрын
I thought David So had become a monk
@wanwaimeng 5 жыл бұрын
Who is David So?
@MikeTheMGTOWMonk 6 жыл бұрын
Sandman sent me here
@gohjacinta28 6 жыл бұрын
MikeTheMGTOW Monk sandman?
@28105wsking 5 жыл бұрын
RImpoche, I have said this before but I have to say it again, your weight is a serious concern. Please go on the KETO diet for your health. It will protect you from diabetes and obesity. You will feel so much better. Please, please take care of your health. You are so precious to so many people. Live long and be healthy and happy. Watch good youtube videos about it, learn about it, join some Facebook groups to guide and encourage you and get your weight down to a healthy level for your height and BMI, Body Mass Index. I have been successful too on this diet. Please Rimpoche, with my hands folded at my heart, take me seriously and get help and do the KETO diet. I met you years ago in LA when Venerable Tsong Rimpoche came, so I am concerned for the welfare of an old Dharma brother. Cut all starches, carbs, and sugars out of your diet completely. High protein and veggies, high fat. Lots of ghee and cream. No rice or bread.
@walkaway3202 6 жыл бұрын
I don't want to be mean but I think he couldn't handel life in the world as a man learning his lessons and walking the path of enlightenment so he ran to the monistary where it would be easier for him. I think he took the easy road. But that is just my opinion, and it's only worth a fleeting breath.
@elenakhong 6 жыл бұрын
Rinpoche worked three jobs in Los Angeles as a teenager to support himself. Later in the monastery, Rinpoche raised millions of rupees and became one of the monastery's main sponsors for 1500 monks. In 1992,, Rinpoche's teachers asked him to travel and teach, to raise funds for monastic accommodation to house an influx of monk refugees from Tibet. So Rinpoche travelled to Malaysia and did so. Since that time, Rinpoche has been in Malaysia and in that time has also established one of Malaysia's largest soup kitchens and food banks which serves 10,000 homeless clients a month ( So what is this "life in the world as a man learning his lessons" are you talking about? :)
@Cittamatra 4 жыл бұрын
That's not right, dude.
@AnnaIsokoski 2 жыл бұрын
@Snaaaked 6 жыл бұрын
Lol watch a documentary about solitary confinement and you'll understand importance of society and why people are willing to do anything to be a part of it. It's nature
@wanwaimeng 6 жыл бұрын
Yes as humans we are social animals like what Ermac mentioned, people can go into individual retreats, some go into retreats for 3years, 3 months and 3 days. Are these people masochists who want to torture themselves. Definitelyy not, people go into retreats to develop their wisdom and compassion and insight into the nature of reality. Time is needed to do that, going on retreat you truly face yourself. Actually we are alone in our minds, always alone in our minds.
@wanwaimeng 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing, you are spot on.
@elenakhong 6 жыл бұрын
That's right @Ermac Reddik!
@candy5742 5 жыл бұрын
Or about the same
@alexthegreat270496 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Candy 5742. Thank you for watching HE Tsem Rinpoche's many inspiring and insightful teachings on Dharma. The context that HE Tsem Rinpoche mentioned is a comparison between life in the monastery versus secular life. The analogy is that to be alone in secular life is worse than hell. The situation of being alone is shared here of being alone in America. In America, where everything is available, one tends to end up with higher and higher expectations. So,when a person ages, they expect that their bodies will be similar to when tthey were 20 years old. This is not possible. And in America, when a person becomes old, they tend to end up in nursing homes, etc. This environment will lead the individual to being alone, although he is amongst a group of elderly people. Please visit HE Tsem Rinpoche's blog at https// for more insightful teachings.
@ACEMFG1 5 жыл бұрын
Man was never meant to be alone. This message is not so good.
@gohjacinta28 5 жыл бұрын
ACEMFG1 When you were born, isn’t it you came alone? How about death? We can bring our friend or family for our next journey of life? Take time to think. You don’t have to accept but keep an open mind. Even everytime when we sleep, isn’t that we have to sleep on our own? Put aside that, may I ask further.. Where do you think your mind is? Is your brain =mind? Do you know that there are people with brain and yet can still survive. Google that. In Buddhism, the mind is said to be separated from our body and it resides mainly in heart area and can move up and down. Maybe you wanna listen to this
@Cittamatra 4 жыл бұрын
The problem is that most of us *can't* be alone. Because we suffer when we are. We always look for another partner. More friends. I can honestly say this is true from my own experience of watching people and of myself.
@deepaklamsal6707 4 жыл бұрын
Title is misleading!
@gohjacinta28 4 жыл бұрын
Expecting something else?
@translinearlight6132 6 жыл бұрын
too much criticism
@christineso231 6 жыл бұрын
Why would you think this way? Too much criticism on what aspect ?
@translinearlight6132 6 жыл бұрын
Of USA, but the wrong type of analysis. He is not analyzing the gap between the rich and the poor, the everyday survival of the "working poor" class where people have to work 2-3 jobs just to pay the rent. In end of the day they are tired for anything, let alone spiritual life. Just klishes against technology making us slower, lazier, more alone. Nothing inventive nor new. One can see that he is not involved with everyday concerns nor pain of working class people, that's why he is judging so carelessly. One could say the same about Japan, Singapur, China, etc.
@IamSpiritful 6 жыл бұрын
Tsem Rinpoche: "The people who are stuck in that trap, they are not bad. They are not guilty. They are born into it. That's all they know. So when that's all they know, you can't put them down and say well, they are unhappy, we are in the monastery and we are superior. You are not superior. They are not in the situation where they can find that help, so they are stuck in that system... in America, in Europe, in London or whatever it is."
@IamSpiritful 6 жыл бұрын
Tsem Rinpoche is not judging the American way of life. He is just pointing out the flaws with American way of life, and how inconducive it is to the spiritual way of life.
@translinearlight6132 6 жыл бұрын
People are "in that trap" not because they are "born into it", but many of the people find themselves in difficult situations due to their economic struggles. Paying the bills, the rent, working many type of exhausting jobs, not being able to learn psychopatic skills to be cruel enough (or as they say "climb the ladder of success") - this can take a lot of time. At the end of the day, people come home from work, cannot go to temple, exhaused to meditate, so it affects their life on the deeper level. How about some boddhisattvic solidarity? PS. To be alone is not worse than hell. Some would say that being alone is bliss comparing to a bad marriage.
@salamanco968 6 жыл бұрын
We don't all live in a fuckin monastery
@wanwaimeng 6 жыл бұрын
You are alone in your minds actually. You can always choose to be a lay practitioners.
@hugol648 6 жыл бұрын
Of course life is easier in monastery ... they do not pay taxes and live off charity ... easy to judge when the rest of society does the hard work ... also he needs to lose weight ... who is going to pay for his insulin ...
@aleck156 6 жыл бұрын
The grass is always greener on the other side.
@crushsatan 6 жыл бұрын
I think you kind of have a point about how much easier it would be if we could all live in a Monastery; but we can't. I wonder what this particular monk really contributes to the world besides staying out of the way and not causing problems. I know some monks bake bread and sell it, for example. I guess it's a kind of service. Isn't it supposed to be all about serving others and contributing something to the world? Or is it all about shunning the world? Or maybe both. Do monks really live of charity? Seems to me they could be self sufficient through gardening and what not. If you're living off charity you have no right to lecture people unless you're offering some kind of service in exchange. 13 hundred able bodied men living off charity?
@wanwaimeng 6 жыл бұрын
Rinpoche is not judging please don't get it wrong. In typical Buddhist situations, the Lamas, monks who teach they focus mainly on disseminating the dharma or truth to others, and as lay people, we support the monks with material and resources. The dharma or truth they teach is the highest knowledge as the monks are bringing us the Buddha's teachings hence they are precious, especially if we encounter teaching lamas.
@crushsatan 6 жыл бұрын
Perhaps his teaching would be more helpful if he suggested how people who do not live in a monastery could pull off his same level of transcendence. Is it or is it not easier to achieve peace by living in a monastery? Is he suggesting that all people should move into a monastery?
@crushsatan 6 жыл бұрын
so you're saying he's "special" and should be taken care because how valuable his teachings are?
@alcarowisdom3508 5 жыл бұрын
You are still instilling fear in humans.Stop this nonsense .
@alexthegreat270496 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Gate Watchers. I would urge you to be respectful to others. HE Tsem Rinpoche is a high Lama. How could a Lama instill fear in people? They would neve do that. What Rinpoche shares in his website, videos, etc. are the teachings of Buddha who passed into clear light 2,600 years ago. All Buddha teachings are to generate wisdom, compassion and provide the key to anyone who wants to be liberated from this suffering life. It is our delusional and unawakened mind that keeps driving us back to enjoy this present life which is impermanent. You may also visit this web like for more teachings about Buddhism. Instilling fear is not our intential at all.
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