Gjurmë Shqiptare - Viti i përgjakshem 1914

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Top Channel Albania

Top Channel Albania

5 жыл бұрын

Si u masakruan nga andartet greke në 1914 zonat e Labërisë, Kolonjës, Përmetit, Korçës, Këlcyrës, Skraparit, Leskovikut, Tepelenës, Devollit e deri Beratit e më tej. Dëshmi të frikshme, dokumenta të dhimbshme të vrasjeve e përdhunimeve masive. Ndiqni të plotë dokumentarin e gazetarit Marin Mema.

Пікірлер: 206
@mendjelire8392 5 жыл бұрын
@ottiska5554 5 жыл бұрын
Bravo per kto misione Marin. I shof me shume vemendje dhe ndjehem shume krenar qe me ne fund e verteta po del ne drite pak nga pak.Pershendetje nga Boston USA.
@azizziza5945 5 жыл бұрын
Vjen me qajt. Bravo marin qe keto histori nuk i len te harrohen.
@sanijehodo2838 Жыл бұрын
Bravo Marin pershendetje nga Kanadoja
@albarmy7253 5 жыл бұрын
une jam nga devolli,keto istori i kam degjuar nga gjyshja jane te verteta te gjitha
@emanuelmuca525 2 жыл бұрын
Jane te dikumentuara un jam nga nje fshat i tepelens nja ato fshat qe u dogj nga rp greke
@lelajeshili2889 5 жыл бұрын
Se kuptoj kush mund te jen kto "Shqipe" qe bejn dislike ne te verteten e historis qe i madhi Marin Mema e sjell per te mesuar te kaluaren e erret te te pareve tane .
@muharrembinishi4438 5 жыл бұрын
Lela Jeshili jane shqiptar me trurin e shperlar dhe quajn vehten jo shqiptar 🐀🐀
@eligersgjoza4534 5 жыл бұрын
Do Jen ca kopila grek me siguri ose antishqiptar te shitur se jan shtuar shum fatkeqsisht
@asi7487 5 жыл бұрын
jane grekofonet e dropullit e thjeshte,ata kete dite e festojne si dita e autonomise se epirit te veriut
@francylika7562 5 жыл бұрын
Jan serb ose grek qe shiten per dy cent
@lazerqehaja598 5 жыл бұрын
Lela Jeshili duhet te jene sigurisht vorio epirotsa se kuptojne shqip
@sevdijepireci801 Жыл бұрын
Zoti Marin Mema te pershendes, E kam ni pyetje (sygjerim) a ke ndigju per Gjem simnicen apo Gjem gostivari , te beh ni dokumentar???.....
@nicovolongo5931 5 жыл бұрын
Pse nuk futen te librat e shkolles mirsi te sjellt zoti marin mema
@redchechens8837 5 жыл бұрын
E kuptuat .Dele kemi qene edhe prape mos ndodhte me. Vetem Enveri krijovi ushtri dinjitet bravo Marin po kush te degjon
@bigman8260 5 жыл бұрын
Dhe una jam njeri prej permeti 😊😊 bravo mema👏
@tomacat1234 Жыл бұрын
Te njejtat politika ndjekin dhe sote Greqia.
@selimshurdhi 5 жыл бұрын
Zoti i denofte me denimet me te renda
@TheBoss-nc7fz 5 жыл бұрын
@JamesBond-hi3yu 5 жыл бұрын
Ne ekemi kuptuar ju se keni kuptuar akoma masakrat qe keni bere ndaj minoritetit Grek ne vitet 1912-14 dhe vazhdoni e dhe sot eksaj dite me vjedh me plackitje me vrasje prandaj rini urte se folene e kini te qelmbur
@tetovari5148 4 жыл бұрын
@@JamesBond-hi3yu o po te djek o bond shko ne Çameri sa varre çam ka ne 1944 ushtri fashiste greke ka vra mbi 100000mij Çam, mbi 300000 mij ika shperngul ne Turqie opis mos fol se akoma ne kushtetut ekagjendje luft me Shqiprin por tash ska shans se edhe Kosova sa do e varfer por esht shtet Shqiptar te gjith per 24 0rë jem ne athin. Psh.
@hloi4545 Жыл бұрын
​@@JamesBond-hi3yu kur I kemi masakruar "minoritetin " ? Apo e ke par ne enderr
@sokolhajdari7077 Жыл бұрын
@@JamesBond-hi3yu ku i ke minoritaret ne Epir ti? Te gjithe historianet europiane, te vjeter e te rinj (François Pouqeville, William Martin Leake, Miranda Vickers, Niku Zhagu,Spyros Melas, Robert D'Angely, Mathiew Aref, Louis Beonley, Kostas Biris, Aravantinoi,Jean Claude Faveyrial etj) deshmojn me fakte e dokumenta qe Greqia u be shtet fale Kishes ortodokse dhe luftes se shqiptareve ne 1821. Greqia eshte shtet fallco, multi etnik. Vtm ju greket e Gjirokastres dhe te Himares na dilni me te zgjuar na europianet e na thoni qe jugu shqiptar eshte vorioepir🤣🤣. Ku e ke ti epirin grek? Tek Herodoti qe thot se epirotet jane me rrenje e me dege pellazg? Tek kronikanet romake qe thone se iliret dhe epirotet flisnin te njejten gjuhe dhe ishin etnikisht te njejte? Tek kronikanet bizantine qe thone se Epiri ishte i banuar vtm nga shqiptarët dhe ishte i ndare ne principata te medha ortodokse shqiptare? Tek Evlija çelebiu qe thot se gjeti vtm shqiptar qe nga Berati e deri ne Etoli? Veç ktyre, lexo dokumentat e Ali Pashe Tepelenes qe thone se vllehet ortodokse te Thesalise erdhen ne kohen e Aliut si argat ne tokat e bejlerve te Gjirokastres dhe Delvines,te cilet kishin te ndare midis tyre zonen e Dropullit dhe Vurgun. A e di se ç'jane dropullitet dhe greket e Finiqit e Vurgut? Vlleh ortodoks(ta thot dokumenti turk dhe regjistri i peshkopates se Pogonit) qe u bene grek me bindje te plote sepse Greqia i ndihmoj te dilnin nga skllaveria e bejlerve shqiptare. Deri ne 1945 dropullitet kane qene argate te tokave te bejlereve gjirokastrite dhe delvinjote ne Dropull. Kan arritur te marrin prona vtm ne vitin 1945 nga Enver Hoxha dhe ne pluralizem nga ligji 7501 dhe nuk kan pasur kurre prone sepse jane ardhacake nga thesalia, vlleh , farë e trazuar. Tn me thuaj ti mua ku e gjete jugun grek? Poshte veladonit te kozma etolosit?🤣🤣🤣🤣 A e di ca domethenie ka flamuri grek? 9 vijat jane 9 popujt qe e formojne greqine tende si komb 😂 arvanitas, vlleh, serb, bullgar, turq, kurd, hebrenj, romë, egjiptiane dhe me kryqin lart sepse i bashkon ortodoksia😂 Kaq greker jeni. Edhe vet Kacifa qe beri heroizem duke ia mbajtur vetes me breshëri ishte vlleh nga Dropulli, po i greqizuar, dmth si puna jote. Ik tn dhe mos harxho kohen kot me komente kunder shqiptareve po shko gjej rrenjet e gjyshit, ne pyjet e Indis apo Rumanis😜
@mirtonmirt205 5 жыл бұрын
**** THE PLACE CALLED GREECE NEVER EXISTED BEFORE AS WE KNOW IT TODAY ****** The place called Greece never existed before as we know it today. The people who live in the so-called Greece today used to be called "Romej" during Byzantine Empire and "Raja" during Ottoman Empire times (except the Arvanites and Chams who used to be called always by their name like "Albani", "Albanoi", etc.) and the name "Greece" never existed during Byzantine times. The people who live in the so-called Greece today are NOT the descendants of ancient Greece (as the world history knows it). That ancient culture and civilization (which is in fact an Illyrian-Pelasgian civilization, wrongly and deliberately named and misrepresented as "Greek" in modern times), unfortunately went extinct about 2000 yrs ago, like many other ancient civilizations (such as Latin civilization as well, language of which is spoken in the certain official religious ceremonies in Vatican today and for international medical terminology only). During Ottoman times in the Balkans, after the great powers pushed for an uprising in the region that today is artificially called "Greece", an independent country was formed during 1821-1832. The majority of the population there (about 92%) was of Arvanite and Cham stock - both of Albanian ethnicity. They also were the backbone of the uprising for independence from the Ottoman Empire - with 100% of the all senior leading commanders of the uprising for independence being of Albanian stock (Arvanites and Chams). The rest of the minority population (around of 8%) was of Aromanian, Slav, Turks, and Roma stock. There were no "Greeks" whatsoever, they did not exist as ethnicity, population or language at all, up until 1821-1832 period in that region. The Arvanite (Albanian) Republic was the initial nucleus independent country established in the Morea/Peloponnese region by 1821. After the gain of independence, the region was so divided, and with a prolonged civil war that a real country could not be formed on the entire region. Fearing the disintegration of the region after Ottomans left (and the possibility of a return of the Ottomans), Prince Otto of Germany was installed in by European powers and the Russian Empire, in order to clear the mess and initiate nation - building there. He was proclaimed King of the region by great European powers and the Russian Empire of that time and given, at the same time, plenipotentiary powers to rule. The Prince Otto royal family in Germany (Bavarian dynasty) happen to be an admirer of the ancient civilizations, one of them being the extinct ancient “Greek” civilization, traces and archeological findings of which are also seen in that region called today "Greece" as well. Being an ancient history romantic and buff, "living in a bubble" and being completely out of touch with the realities of the Illyrian Peninsula at that time, Otto came up with the idea (in collusion also with the then Russian Empire and an anti-Christian dangerous religious cult in that region at that time - some self-proclaimed "Orthodox" Church), that the only way to keep the place together and for a chance to build a country there, was to adopt/impose some kind of neutral/foreign ancient language and culture for all people living in that place, that will make possible for the people to stick together under one language and culture imposed on them. Therefore, with a special royal decree, Otto proclaimed a version of the ancient artificial “Greek"/Koine language (the easier one to be taught and learned by people there in those times) as an official language of the place, and also came up with the new name for the place, calling it with a special royal decree "Greece" (a name without any historical and factual meaning). Everything else was banned, and the new "country" formed, was ordered to be rebuild anew in resemblance of the old romantic view of the ancient extinct "Greek" civilization, starting with the buildings, names of people, places, cities and villages, regions, mountains, fields and all were changed to made-up names borrowed from the ancient literature of an imaginary ancient “Greek” civilization. This of course was accompanied with money brought in by European powers to rebuild. The more people in that region agreed with the change of their true national and ethnic identity and declared themselves artificially "Greeks/Helenes" and adopted to the new order, the more money was to be pouring in. Naturally, the strongest resistance to this artificial and made-up solution, was made by the Arvanites (who consider themselves to be pure Albanians at the same time - contrary to the today's Greek governments laughable, nonsense, and desperate lying propaganda that falsely declares that "Arvanites of Greece speak Albanian but are not Albanians but Greeks") and Chams, but at no avail. It is legendary, the loss by one vote (the illegal vote of then French Ambassador) in the Price Otto's rigged Parliament of that time, of Arvanite and Chams proposal to have the Albanian (Arvanite) language as an official language of the place called 'Greece" today, and to name and call the new country "Arvanoi (Albania)" (instead of "Greece"). There is overwhelming scientific and factual evidence, archival and historical documents, as well as studies and publications by major world-renowned authors and authorities in the field, about all of the above. One interesting fact here, is that one of the earlier German/Austrian well known historians and scientists of that time, Fallmerayer, alerted Prince Otto and others to this nonsense, of declaring a whole people and place by a name not belonging to them (so experimenting with them as they were guinea pigs), and injecting an extinct artificial language, culture and civilization on people who had no idea about it and did not belong to it at all. Well, Fallmerayer may have proven to be right. By the way, Fallmerayer, is a banned figure and historian by the dictatorial klepto-theocracy regime in what is called "Greece" today. Through a thorough fact finding mission and field observations during the same time (of Prince Otto's installation to power in the region called "Greece" today), another world-renowned German historian, subject-matter expert and scientist of that time, Prof. Hans Heidenauer, came to the conclusion and reported back to German royal authorities that - “there are no ‘Greeks’ whatsoever in the region, they don't exist - there are only people and a population who speak a language called Arvanite/Albanian and the people call themselves Arvanites/Albanians”. Another earlier government fact-finding mission about the Albanian inhabited regions in Europe, commissioned by Napoleon Bonaparte (Emperor of France) around the year 1800, confirmed that, Albanian regions extended from Mediterranean Sea and Peloponnese up to Dalmatia and Danube river, and eastward beyond Vardar (Dardhar) river bordering Aegean Sea. By the way, Germany is still paying for the Otto's racist and ignorance blunder, even today. It has gotten stuck with the country so called "Greece". It is now forced to pour free money, even today, out of Germany's pocket (through European Union as well) year after year to keep it alive and going, as this "Greece" cannot stand on its own. It is an artificial creation of Prince Otto's ill-conceived fantasy and the malevolent aims of then Russian Empire and the dangerous religious cult/sect called "Orthodox" Church - a "zombie", “fake”, “scam” and a “plagiarized” country so to speak, and the new generations of the Germans and Europeans are continuing to pay the price for it. Moreover, what Prince Otto did back then, is tantamount to a silent ethnic cleansing by alteration (followed later on by mass murder, pogroms, holocaust, and ethnocide by succeeding "Greek" governments). He forced inhabitants of a whole region/place (called "Greece" today) to change by force their culture, language, national and ethnic identity to something else that those people were not, so they could artificially change in order to look modern and civilized (like artificial ancient "Greeks" in Otto's personal view) and possibly be united. And of course, Arvanites and Chams (as the majority population in the region) suffered mostly from this ethnic cleansing - which was later on followed even with mass killings, ethnocide, holocaust, and mass expulsions of Arvanites and Chams (who refused to change and trade their Arvanite/Albanian language for a Koine "zombie" language), by zombie and dwarf “Greek” governments and regimes that followed into the 20th century. All this revelation, informs another major and mission critical nodal point: history taught about what is called “Greece” today, it appears to be taught wrong. People are wrongly taught in schools that today's “Greece” and its people are the direct descendants of “ancient Greeks”. “Greece and Greeks” of today, to some extend, also falsely think they are superior to others just because they are called "Greeks" and their country "Greece" by decree (not by the virtue of the truth). They also seem to falsely believe for some reason, they are entitled to the German and European money being handed out to them - as, it seems, they are unable to create any value-added contribution to the European economy, culture, art, business, science and technology. The school textbooks and historiography should change, telling people the truth as it is. And with this, will come many other changes, in the way we see relations with the country called "Greece" today. Shkencëtarët e Rinj Shqiptaro-Amerikanë (Young Albanian-American Scientists) New York, Qershor 2018 (June 2018) ====================================================================================
@user-vh9qp3dn8o 5 жыл бұрын
και εζησαν αυτοι καλα και ΄μεις καλυτερα
@epirotan 5 жыл бұрын
Ψέματα ............
@TheodosiosTziomakas 5 жыл бұрын
Italy didn't exist before 1869. So according to you before that date people there were speaking another language. How about Israel that was created 1948? Does it mean that Jews never existed before that date? We are not "Greeks". We are Hellenes. If we weren't Hellenes we wouldn't had been fighting the Turks for our independence. We wouldn't had been speaking an ancient language which is more than 3000 years old. We wouldn't have been Orthodox Christians. Instead we would had been Turks like you. Erdogan has built a massive mosque in Tirana, didn't he? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Mosque_of_Tirana. Many Albanians have Turkish names too like Mustafa, Enver etc. Your ancestors were working for the Turks by killing Hellenes. Also in case you didn't know the Hellenic Airforce is protecting your airspace from any threat. www.telegraf.rs/english/2964209-nato-is-guarding-the-airspace-above-montenegro-starting-from-today. So if you hate us so much why you are asking for our help? Ask help from your Turkish brothers...
@ddpmk355 5 жыл бұрын
Mirton Mirt Says who?
@leka4136 3 жыл бұрын
O Marin Mema,.kur po me tregon kesi ngjarje,.prej inatit te madhe,po me vlon gjaku, nuk po munden me shiqu keso ngjarje te t,merreshme.
@liloianis4303 3 жыл бұрын
Prandaj o vëllezër shqiptar duhet të mësojmë që historitë dhe ngjarjet e atëhershme të mos përsëriten pësimi të bëhet mësim ekonomia duhet të ngrihet të kemi një ushtri moderne arsimi i brezit të ri të jetë në nivel të lartë ta duam njëri tjetrin që të kemi një të ardhme të sigurt
@xhiljolashala420 5 жыл бұрын
Dhurat nga "mema "europe!!!
@kanantafilitafili1142 5 жыл бұрын
Marin vllai...
@unitaox447 5 жыл бұрын
greku me i mire me varje ne sheshe te flamurite
@albanian7552 5 жыл бұрын
A thu a i ndjekin kto emisonet e tua kta politikanet tane ooooo MARIN 😣😣😣
@aniledasiena7906 5 жыл бұрын
Nin Halili @ Sa pyetje te drejte ke bere👍, politikanet i dine keto gjera por, nuk besoj se u intereson o vella, greku vazhdon akoma te masakroj shqipetarin.
@albanian7552 5 жыл бұрын
@@aniledasiena7906 po mbase ''ju dhemb shpirti'' edhe skan zemer ti shohin 😏😞🤦‍♂️
@manolprillo 5 жыл бұрын
Pershendetje Marin! Kjo ishte shume e goditur e e bukur. Nje mendim Vuajtja e Hormoves eshte shume e madhe dhe e ndare ne 3 pjese kryesore u sugjeroj te beni nje emision ku ta tregoni te gjithe historine e plote dhe gjakun qe eshte derdhur nder vite. Shpresoj te kem nje pergjigje e ta realizoni. Flm😉
@benitocapobianco7424 3 жыл бұрын
Kjo èshtè istori evèrtet se etregonte gjyshia ime shpesh thosh greku ne ormovè bèri kerdin itheri ter burrat dhe i ithte nè nje grope tè madhe ne ormovè. gjyshja asaj kohe ishte reth 15 viece banuse nè tepelen.sa erè etregonte kète ngjarie idridhesh buza.
@visahoxha625 3 жыл бұрын
Bashkoheni vellezer shqiptar behuni me njeri tjetri mos tallen me nev.poshte greku janina eshte e jona .gjysma e deri jane toka tona
@lab328 5 жыл бұрын
Greku me i mir do rjepur si kec kerthi, dhe grekofonet sjan gje tjeter por interesaxhinj me pesqind fytyra.
@user-lt1um6fh7l Жыл бұрын
Te pshursha te vdekmit ne varr rop shkerdhym
@afrimhoxha807 5 жыл бұрын
E di qe sesht tema por edhe shqipria duhet me i vu taksen greqis 100 %100 se gjitmon na ka luftuar dhe vazhdon te na luftojn e te na vejn kushte.ne nuk duhet te blejm mallra kreke.
@babalesopot9510 5 жыл бұрын
Edhe ne kerkojme BE ne union me nje shtet si greku jemi ne NATO me nje shtete qe ka ligj lufte sa apsurde vk ku jan dhe kan qen ketu qe nga krijimi i Be ...
@tosygjeta977 4 жыл бұрын
Si ka munci qe me par sjan degjuar keto istori😪 ky shtet duhet ti kerkoij dem shperblim shtetin grek per keto krime qe kan ber .nje jet te pa mbrojtur e te reptuar e te uritur e te masakruhar ky vatan sa me shum ta kerkoke aq me shum istori rrengjedhse paska 😢😢
@dds5936 5 жыл бұрын
Po si shkojn shqyptart ne greqi me punua e jetua nuk e kuptoj te shohin cka grekt kan ba ne shqypni
@kosovaisalbania3720 5 жыл бұрын
Skan faj . Halli. Po ne kosove pse blejn njerzit ushqime serbi? Ne shqiptart jemi pa rruz kurrizore sjemi njerz!
@UndercutgirlsAL 5 жыл бұрын
Pse nuk i beni me perkethim anglisht keto emisione bre . Me titra
@Arber-4673 Жыл бұрын
E kan massakru popullin shqiptar 😢 e sot lypin autonomi ne shqiperi, kta fshatrat i kan bër Grek sot
@skenderbegrocky826 5 жыл бұрын
Ooo i dalt flaka greqis . Qysh i pat dal e i pat bo hi
@noshim308 5 жыл бұрын
perse nuk e beni me perkthim anglisht
@agronselami2898 5 жыл бұрын
Pse nuk jan te shkruara.ne librat e historis pse nuk i le greku historis ET tan
@marenglenhoxha6038 4 жыл бұрын
@user-lt1um6fh7l Жыл бұрын
@antonchekhov5576 5 жыл бұрын
Po fjala andarte cdo me thene se nuk e kuptoj mire
@fortnitechallenges4523 5 жыл бұрын
Ushtar ilegal
@SIGSAUER_P320 5 жыл бұрын
Andartis_αντάρτης ~ Rebel/ kaçak malesh......gogol
@antonchekhov5576 5 жыл бұрын
Shum flm
@marckazzaro1586 5 жыл бұрын
Pse nuk Jan bashkur gjith bashk se kuptoj
@aidaberisha9606 5 жыл бұрын
ndersa keta politikan qe kemi e kane katandisur shqiperine te vetmin vend ne bote pa ushtrine e saj ,,,,,po sikur nje dite te rrotullohet historia ca do behet ?
@reohoti2743 3 жыл бұрын
do i vjen dita edhe atyre
@xhiljolashala420 5 жыл бұрын
Ky wshte greku qe eshte ne U E mendoj kjo eshte EUROPA???!!!.Prsndaj ndoshta nk ma """prsnon"""
@Mof007 5 жыл бұрын
Per fat te keq ka akoma forca politike ne te ashtuquajturin shtet te civilizuar evropian me emrin greqi qe ne rast se do ju jepej mundesia krejt shqiptarizmin do e ksebenin
@xhiljolashala420 5 жыл бұрын
@gameridontknow5565 4 жыл бұрын
Prandaj mos e kruani me vorin epirin
@ddpmk355 5 жыл бұрын
Ό,τι και να λέτε, η Βόρεια Ήπειρος είναι γη ελληνική.
@nikcalamari1218 4 жыл бұрын
Ναι Αργύρη στα όνειρά σου ναι κάθε μέρα δικό σου είναι κάτσε περίμενε ακόμα και λίγο θα γίνει μία η Αλβανία με το Κόσοβο και θα τα πάρεις τα αρχίδια μου τα δύο
@kleantpane8528 3 жыл бұрын
Nuk keni vend ne Ballkan o rrop qira do zhdukeni si rrace nje dite sado te kushtoje
@ddpmk355 3 жыл бұрын
@@nikcalamari1218 Κάτσε να δεις τι έχει να γίνει όταν σταματήσει η Αμερική να προστατεύει το Κόσοβο. Οι Σέρβοι θα κατέβουν για πικ-νικ 😜
@ddpmk355 3 жыл бұрын
@@kleantpane8528 Εσύ Αλμπάνι γύρνα γρήγορα στο χωράφι, εκεί που είναι η θέση σου. Πρρρρ!!
@nikcalamari1218 3 жыл бұрын
DD PMK Η Αμερική ποτέ δεν θα σταματήσει να υποστηρίξει την Αλβανία γιατί είναι με το δίκιο του κάτσε περίμενε εσύ να γίνει η μεγάλη Αλβανία και θα δεις μετά τι θα κάνουνε οι σέρβοι ετοιμάσου να δίνεις και Τσαμουριά πίσω που το πήρες σαν κλέφτης.Σκοτώνοντας μικρά παιδιά και γυναίκες ψευτο παλικάρια
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Рет қаралды 72 М.
Matt Kills Dexter's Deer | Dexter: New Blood S1E1 | #Shorts
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My wife said she wants to show me her true skills
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Stay on your way 🛤️✨
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СЕМЬЯ СТАРОВОЙТОВЫХ 💖 Starovoitov.family
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