Toxic Slugging | Dream Witch PC Rank Gameplay | Identity V

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The Onryhōe

The Onryhōe

Күн бұрын

I thought it would be silly to post some mid game play with text to speech over it and some survivors being...interesting on post game chat.
As always don't be mean to anybody in the video including me, I'm still learning.
I almost did a real voice over but that's too much effort atm. Maybe in the future if I stop being anxious abt my voice
0:00 Match 1
7:49 Match 2

Пікірлер: 31
@kyuubisgirl3232 27 күн бұрын
I only care about slugging if it's for the 4k in qm or it's intentional toxicity. Otherwise it's just smart. I had a game keeper put in me in the corner of moonlit to bled out in front of him because I dared to block hook one time with owl. He was a pissbaby like most gk mains but I was actually maddest that the other survivors wouldn't leave instead of standing at the gate for 2 full minutes.
@onryhoe 27 күн бұрын
yeah in qm it's definitely excessive to leave anyone on the ground for like 3 mins theyre just tryna have fun and it makes it a drag
@kyuubisgirl3232 27 күн бұрын
@@onryhoe exactly! When I play survivor I’m more upset with teammates than the hunter lol that’s dbd crybaby behaviour imo
@onryhoe 27 күн бұрын
@@kyuubisgirl3232 definitely 100% accurate. I played dbd before I started playing idv so it definitely reminds me of the cry babies in end game chat ☠️
@ILoveYidhra 28 күн бұрын
I also get really bad hunter anxiety 😭 Whenever I plan to hunter rank, it takes me like 30 mins before rank, then 30 after it started to actually start matching 😣 but the thumbnail 💔 like I kinda understand complaining if you were being fully bled out in qm cuz that’s just silly, but I think it’s fine in rank??? To me it’s fine at least 😢 and I had a match where I was slugging too and someone called me a “f*king tryhard” and asked me if I was going to coa 💀 Like for starters no I’m not cuz I’m a pc player, but like, WHATS THE POINT 😭 You can always surrender so don’t complain. Survs love to complain about slugging but I know for a fact they would push for a 4 escape if they could, it’s just the hunter doing their job 🫤
@onryhoe 27 күн бұрын
omg the hour before hunter rank I am like kinda freaking out like "oh no rank is soon" 😭, and yeah i get being upset if u get slugged out for 3 minutes in qm, cause its qm, but in rank???? to win?? that's the to try to rank winning..also I cannot imagine calling someone a try hard over rank. like yes, I am trying! ur right! it's rank if i wanted to mess around id play qm!!! I had a survivor in my lobby the other day call our hunter a try hard and i was so confused cuz it's literally rank. And yeah, they do push for a 4 man escape when they can. They'll make the match 20 minutes long just to try for a 4 man out, but god forbid u try for a 4k, it's the same as like, yeah, them getting mad at the hunter for slugging cause they want the extra point for the 4k, and also hunters who get mad at survs for trying for dungeon. Both of those things are fine! ur both trying for the extra point so u cant be mad at either faction, u cant be mad for being slugged or for survs trying for dungeon. People have been acting crazy!!the hour before hunter rank I am likeyeah i
@ILoveYidhra 27 күн бұрын
@@onryhoe The double standards are actually insane 😭 And I really don’t understand why people think calling someone a try hard is an insult and why they say it in the first place.. Like we aren’t playing to lose!?? It’s gotta be one of the dumbest “insults” I’ve had while playing hunter but it did make me laugh lol
@onryhoe 27 күн бұрын
@@ILoveYidhra the people who say it are from DBD most the time since dbd has no rank or qm it’s all the same, so if u actually try and play to win they freak out and call u a try hard a lot. And yeah the double standards are crazy it’s the same argument where it’s like. Some survivors freak out if u slug for the 4k but also some hunters will freak out if u even try for dungeon instead of just insta surrendering. I’ve had hunters bleed me out then complain about how I wasted their time. Like??u bled me out?? I think every hunter has the right to slug and do whatever they want but u can’t also then blame the survivors for “wasting your time” when ur the one who slugged them and when they’re playing the same, fighting for the extra point from the 1 man escape. Both factions have the right to try and it’s so crazy how entitled people are where they either, as survivor feel like they’re owed dungeon and think slugging for the 4k is evil, or hunters who get mad when the survivors don’t just instantly give up and surrender for them so they don’t have to try
@ILoveYidhra 27 күн бұрын
@@onryhoe Ohh I see, I’ve never played DBD but I do want to try it someday!!! That’s still so silly to me tho, I don’t understand why people get mad at others for playing the game and trying to win 🫤 I will never understand it.. I remember having a hunter sending some sort of displeased emoji in pm when someone got dungeon quite a while ago, like dude? 😭 IT DOESNT EVEN MATTER WHO GAF
@onryhoe 26 күн бұрын
@@ILoveYidhra it's usually just cause theyre mad and they don't have a better excuse to talk shit LOL also i used to play dbd a ton its fun but its disorienting going back after idv and playing killer in first person
@SpookyKeith 27 күн бұрын
honestly getting mad over slugging is just dumb, it's a strategy and it's useful because by doing that the survivors need to come and heal the survivor and stop decoding, it's not for a toxic reason (ofc depends on the situation like, if i'm slugging the only two survivor remaining and let them die on the floor then ofc that's not a good reason to slug and it's considered toxic) and it's just embarassing for them to get mad over that ngl(cuz how can you not know that hunters use that as a strategy?? lol)'s just funny to see people getting mad over it. btw nice gameplay!💜 it's so hard to play dream witch on PC :') ggs!
@onryhoe 27 күн бұрын
omg thank you!! yeah i dont think its toxic either it reminded me of when dbd players are new to idv and call camping toxic and freak out over it. and yeah i wanted pressure and dream witch, if someone heals like thats really punishing for her, and then the one who did nothing but decode in a corner and not help them up is the one who was so mad at me. yeah she is hard on pc but im trying my best! thank you🥰
@mlsborderland6647 27 күн бұрын
I would accept this if huntets didnt complain about survs using plallets + area stuff and their ability Like i got called toxic for kitting naiad end game and escapeing??? Are some people fr TvT??? Also decided stop ranking bcs too much stress for nothing I used be 73 A wild and B with pros + emb and C with pris
@onryhoe 27 күн бұрын
@@mlsborderland6647 I'm a survivor main I've been S badge Weepy, A badge ento main, toy merchant A badge, a lot of B and C badges, and I HAVE gotten very few hunters that do complain like me kiting as mech and the hunter complains about me using pallets. or truealphawolf who adds me to tell me to k word myself because i was bodyblocking. But I feel like hunters like that are very rare. and it IS lame to complain about a survivor using their recourses or getting out. it definitely goes both ways. There are very toxic people out there no matter what faction you play. I had survivors that mass reported my account name for being inappropriate and idv always listens if its mass report. So ive had to change my name from that like 4 times, and I know other hunter players who are constantly mass reported like this as well and it didnt start happening til they were playing hunter. My point is that neither complaint is valid there shouldnt be complaining about pallets or slugging or camping or dungeon or anything
@SpookyKeith 26 күн бұрын
in that case the hunter is just mad that they got kited and it's not toxic to use pallets ecc but slugging is still not something to be considered toxic, same thing with using pallets and everything, idv players just complain abt everything and blame anything to save themselves (also, quitting rank is the best decision's very stressful so i totally understand you!)
@onryhoe 26 күн бұрын
@@SpookyKeith this!!!
@Hydroelectirc 26 күн бұрын
Omg you have a youtube channel 😭 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ luv you
@onryhoe 26 күн бұрын
@@Hydroelectirc LMFAOOOO yes I don’t promo myself much 🥴 ily ily ily 💕💕💕
@CharlesHoltbestcharacter 27 күн бұрын
Slugging is only bad if there are still four survs remaining. When there are two survs you fan slug cuz its a strat to not let them get the dungeon
@ivix_77 27 күн бұрын
Slugging is never bad despite how many survivors are remaining. For example, if the hunter gets a double down; you slug the rescuer so that the decoders have to be forced to rescue or they heal. Either way, it favours the hunter since they lose decoding time. If ever the rescuer heals themselves, then you can slug them for end/mid game to get a 4 or 3k.
@onryhoe 27 күн бұрын
yeah I don't think slugging is ever bad. It's a strategy the same way rushing ciphers is a strategy, gotta take pressure where u can get it!
@onryhoe 27 күн бұрын
@@ivix_77 yes!!! I can usually also chair rescuer since, dream witch, but if im anyone else i leave them for pressure :3💝
@havocfiles 26 күн бұрын
DREAM WITCH STATS MATCH 1 game sense: 5/10 cipher pressure: 8/10 leech placement/usage: 3/10 trait usage: 1/10 (only saw you used patroller once..?) mind games: 4/10 OVERALL: 42/100 MATCH 2 game sense: 7/10 cipher pressure: 10/10 leech placement/usage: 5/10 trait usage: 0/10 sorrry i literally could not find when you used your trait um mind games: 8/10 you jumped that lawyer OVERALL: 60/100 note: wake up bro have some coffee or an energy drink or something but otherwise you did great! maybe prioritize your targets more to avoid having everyone close to dead but not actually eliminating anyone. also slugging is a strategy its not inherently toxic LOL. "toxic slugging" is not chairing anyone at all
@onryhoe 26 күн бұрын
@@havocfiles but if I wake up then I’ll be anxious!!!!😭 also yeah I don’t even think slugging is toxic at all tbh I was just joking around cause I thought the survivors were silly 🥰
@onryhoe 26 күн бұрын
If you have any suggestions for when I should have used trait and why, or where I should have put my leeches instead and why, or how I could have done anything better I’d love to know btw I’m always willing to take constructive criticism and get help to be better 🥰
@havocfiles 25 күн бұрын
@@onryhoe (as an also dream witch main btw) Patroller is very very good when helping stuff rescues, using patroller on main body is faster and can help get survivors down quicker, as well as prevent harassers from bothering you when you're trying to chair someone. Leech placement is situational tbh but I like to place my leeches further away from the chair so that way I can try and catch survivors on their way to rescue and hopefully get them down with spawn follower before they can make it. Placing leeches towards wiggling ciphers or in general directions survivors come from is helpful, example being on arms when you had a survivor chaired between mid and lockers, placing the leech towards middle would be optimal because that would be the most probable direction a survivor would come from. Basically just patrolling the area and trying to catch them off guard with a leech so they can't rescue. Switching to blink or warp can also be helpful if a survivor is kiting for a while end game, especially if they're leaving your follower radius or they're looping pallets. I could definitely see that you being tired was slightly affecting your reaction time and motor skills so there's not much to say on that LOL but otherwise you did pretty good! I love watching dream witch gameplay, seeing how other people play her is fun 💞💞 hope this helps/makes sense! stay winning edit: forgot to mention that placing leech away from chair also gets the leech to start following the survivor automatically quicker which can help with sandwiching and preventing a redemption kite or even a farm
@onryhoe 25 күн бұрын
@@havocfiles i prefer to put the leech in harder farther areas where its harder for rescuer to get deleech mark then i put the leech where i want it after the leeching, or i set them near a cipher that's being worked on, i do usually use patroller on rescuer or to secure a down but most the rescues in this were instant rescues like the enchantress where im not getting a lot of time to do much of anything and theyre going down before i need trait. This definitely isn't my normal everyday gameplay, and I appreciate the feedback!🥰
@terraxgaming4117 27 күн бұрын
whats a slugger
@Vionnea 27 күн бұрын
when you down everyone (or the remaining survs left) in the game to push for a 4 kill game or a win in general
@onryhoe 27 күн бұрын
@@terraxgaming4117 when u down someone and don’t chair basically
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