tracker calls kristen and ruins my valentine’s day

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4 ай бұрын

Fantasy High: Junior Year, Season 3, Dimension 20, Dropout
Episode 6
Brennan Lee Mulligan, Ally Beardsley, Lou Wilson, Emily Axford, Brian Murphy, Siobhan Thompson, Zac Oyama
Dungeons and Dragons

Пікірлер: 152
@Tales-of-the-Many-World-lk1cu 4 ай бұрын
I'm getting the feeling that this season is more about the Bad Kids confronting their flaws that have been slowly bubbling up in the past seasons, namely Fig no longer being able to rely on her frankly insane luck, her pathological need to just lie at any given moment, or her self image, Kristen's tendency to run away from her problems at the drop of a hat, Riz taking pretty much everything onto himself as 'The Ball', Fabian's tendency to rub people the wrong way without thinking (while also just not thinking in general before doing something very stupid and impulsive), Gorgug's self-identity and, at times, inability to stand up for himself, and Adaine still being almost chronically unsure of what she wants out of life (though I may be incorrect on a few things), which will, in turn, be reflected with the Rat Grinders.
@glenndallas7171 4 ай бұрын
I think this is a spot-on breakdown!
@Sabbathtage 4 ай бұрын
They've said on Adventuring Party that Junior Year of highschool is when "not caring stops being cool"
@Drekromancer 4 ай бұрын
Brilliant analysis. That's what makes this plot so compelling - it's literally all focused on the character dramas that have been unfolding in the background this whole time! So it feels very justified that this arc would happen now. It's all been building up to this point. More for some of the bad kids than others. (Kristen in particular was always frustrating to me, so I love seeing her face her unreliability. I also love the idea of Fig not being able to lie her way out of things as much.) It's just like real life: they're getting older, and the margin of error is getting thinner. Now they have to learn how to keep up!
@timothyflynn2738 4 ай бұрын
The villain of the season… AITA?, Bad Kids addition.
@ryanpayne4401 4 ай бұрын
@@timothyflynn2738love that 😂😂😂
@JadedKid47 4 ай бұрын
Man, I wish “here’s a pause you can read with an insight check” was something we can use in daily conversation.
@eldritchtourist 4 ай бұрын
You can. You might just not be rolling well on your insight checks.
@Drekromancer 4 ай бұрын
@@eldritchtourist Sooooo true. Getting good at reading those moments is life-changing. Highly recommended.
@TrueRomancer04 4 ай бұрын
Holy crap, Brennan and Ally going all-in on addressing Deconstruction through D&D. "You never dealt with Helio. You said 'This is bullshit' and walked away, but you never addressed the parts of that that worked for you." Gah. Can't just walk out of the church and automatically be fine; there's a ton of self-work required to fill in the gaps that leaving opens up, particularly if you don't have a replacement community.
@gabrielbjornursidae Ай бұрын
And also, something interesting to think about, Helio never wronged Kristen. Her first time meeting him, she immediately asked him a question that is impossible to answer. Hell (pun intended), even later when she got an answer from the Devil (whatever that being was, that's what he called himself) she complained about that too. But back to Helio. Her first time meeting him, she immediately began making assumptions that were wild based off his appearance. Such as, "He looks like he date rapes," based purely off of his appearance. And his lack of answering a question wasn't directly his fault as Aguefort *kinda* pulled her back out of the realm she was in via the phoenix egg. Even after she immediately renounced her god, he continued to give her all of the powers he could. Even when she did nothing but badmouth him, he gave her the spells necessary to fight off the Harvestmen. Now, you can't blame Helio on the Harvestmen. Brennan has made it very clear that they were a deranged cult that just wanted the apocalypse now, whereas Helio is a god of corn. Corn. AND, given the information of season 2 and season 3, we now know that your followers (even if you don't like them) can adjust your teachings and literally change you to how THEY want you to be. Helio gets a bad rep for next to nothing. We aren't hating on Cassandra, even though her followers ended up turning her into the Nightmare King where she tortured countless people and killed many more.
@EllieC130 4 ай бұрын
“That’s really nice.” That was so fucking real holy shit.
@breakdanceinghobo 4 ай бұрын
I feel for Kristen. Put yourself in her shoes. Religiously traumatized, and when you finally break out, you're told during prom of your freshman year "create a god on the fly RIGHT NOW or all your friends die" Cut to Junior Year, you're getting haunted for a snap decision you made as a 14 year old. Kristen could be handling things better, sure. But Kristen has a VERY fraught relationship with all three of her gods at this point.
@zacharybosley1935 4 ай бұрын
Putting myself in the shoes of a level 11 adventurer, a powerful cleric who can literally summon divine intervention, is a little tricky. The gap between what she's capable of and what she's doing is too much sometimes.
@batfurs3001 4 ай бұрын
​@@zacharybosley1935 I believe she doesn't have her spells anymore at this point, just her Staff of Doubt so she's still a useful member of the party. So it's not as bad as it seems with the disconnect between her skills and story
@MrZazzles94 4 ай бұрын
"Fraught relationship with 3 of her gods right now". She literally doesn't? One got left by the roadside and the other two are dead. Like saying a child has a very fraught relationship with the three successive hamsters it forgot to feed.
@alearnedman 4 ай бұрын
While it makes for very good drama, how Kristen has treated Cassandra is pretty inexcusable. Her utter lack of motivation in gaining new followers is frankly infuriating when you remember that Kristen has known since the end of Freshman year that gods can die if they lose all their believers, and she has even been to the graveyard of dead gods when they visited the college.
@alearnedman 4 ай бұрын
​@batfurs3001 Technically the case. But in-universe, that's only been true for like one day. And the last time that happened it wasn't even for that long, since she resurrected Cassandra. It would honestly be surprising if at least that aspect didn't get sorted out fairly quickly once again
@aleeysaurasrex 4 ай бұрын
As a queer ex-fundie with ADHD, Ally is killing the "Junior Year has hit" vibes for the avoidant, confused, teen who was handed too much with no tools. She is FAR from perfect but her flaws are where she's growing and woof is it intense.
@robbyrabago1437 4 ай бұрын
pun intended
@aleeysaurasrex 4 ай бұрын
@@robbyrabago1437 aWOOOO
@frankie9754 4 ай бұрын
i get why it’s frustrating to see kristen keep struggling. but like… jesus the amount of vitriol towards allys really excellent and honest portrayal of a character whose struggles are based on their own experiences is. sheesh!!! i hope they aren’t reading any of it lol
@frankie9754 4 ай бұрын
feel like part of it is narrative frustration. you see kristen get these nice endings at the end of each season and then you see her kinda blow them off between seasons. so it feels like the story is breaking a promise. but idk like…. in real life people backslide all the time and thats gotta be a part of our stories too. of course it’s gotta be handled rlly well to avoid feeling like meaningless retcon. personally i like the way ally and brennan are handling it, ymmv
@bumblerbree 3 ай бұрын
@@frankie9754 kristen is too personal of a character to so much of the fandom that really no matter what she does the people who really relate to her that much will always have strong opinions about what she should be doing. which is sad because at the end of the day she's a personal character of ally's that they also just have fun with rping with their friends, kristen shouldn't be held to such a rigid standard that her fuck-ups are seen as personal attacks because why tf should she she's ally's character
@bananabanana484 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, I did feel a similar way during the first half of the Night Yorb fight. But by the end of that, Kristen had clearly regained her footing as a character. After a bit of comedic jockiness, Ally really brought the character to life. I think they’ve done a good job of making Kristen’s story a believable one. And honestly, as someone who left the church but can still feel that desire for something easy in the morality department, I feel more connected to Kristen than ever. And not talking to someone for a while and realizing you fucked up after they were already hurt? Almost too close to home
@carolynv8979 2 ай бұрын
Honestly I struggle with Kristen because she reminds me of several of my bullies, and I don’t mean early awkward evangelistic Kristen, I mean nothing-matters-anymore-starting-with-everyone-else’s-boundaries Kristen who shoves herself into her friends parents/her employees sex life and ignores her friend’s traumatized pleas to not seek out chungle-down bim, and cried “it’s just a body” while throwing her near naked self at her non-consenting friends and laughing at their discomfort.
@gabrielbjornursidae Ай бұрын
@@carolynv8979 Careful. The d20 community doesn't like it when you point out these inappropriate things as it would put Ally/Kristen (depending on your perspective) in a negative light.
@catherineelmore2004 4 ай бұрын
…This… really hurt… but she wouldn’t say it if she didn’t care. Like… there’s still affection there even if Tracker’s moved on.
@kalipassion04 4 ай бұрын
I really like this push back from Tracker. Well done Brennan.
@faith-4059 4 ай бұрын
The fact that this episode came out on Valentine's Day is criminal
@zachkelly4078 4 ай бұрын
Gods damn. That was more closure than any of my ex's gave me. I feel bad for Kristen but at least Tracker was decent enough to respect thier past relationship. Or at least respect it more than Kristen. Great RP.
@Birthday888 4 ай бұрын
I dunno if Kirsten necessarily disrespected their past relationship? It's just that Kirsten avoids and deflects from dealing with her issues in a way that seems both positive and understanding, while also feeling dismissive.
@thiefpotato2759 4 ай бұрын
​@@Birthday888Idk, I would say "thing up a loose end" is pretty disrespectful when refering to getting over a relationship.
@mtdfs5147 4 ай бұрын
​​@@thiefpotato2759well that's what it was... A part of her emotional life she didn't have closure for. Given the context of how it's used more broadly, it makes sense why some would see it as disrespectful, however id say the tone is a little ambiguous.
@chiefster11 4 ай бұрын
@@thiefpotato2759I mean it’s also kind of weird to call up your ex asking for permission to post your new person. Shit is just weird and disrespectful in its own case
@zachkelly4078 4 ай бұрын
@@Birthday888 I don't think Kristen disrespected it either. Just that Tracker did a lot of work to make sure that she gave closure to her ex that she def didn't have to do.
@gatfatf 4 ай бұрын
I feel like I walked away a more complete person having watched this. There is no joke.
@AGuyWithAChannel 4 ай бұрын
God, Tracker has the patience of- well, a saint.
@CleverPsuedonym1 4 ай бұрын
Tracker felt pretty snippy and rude to me in this whole conversation
@Drekromancer 4 ай бұрын
@@CleverPsuedonym1 She was, but I feel like that was all in retaliation for Kristen coming into a very serious conversation and basically acting like a child. Even though the premise of the conversation was kinda weird - and that's something we should hold Tracker responsible for - I think Tracker tried to bring decorum and sensitivity to this important conversation. And I think she got justifiably mad when Kristen spat on her peace offering. But I'm excited to see this character arc progress. Kristen was always my least favorite Bad Kid, but this season is really making me appreciate her in a new way. Who knew that watching someone deal with the consequences of their behavior would make me appreciate them more? 😅
@alearnedman 4 ай бұрын
​@@CleverPsuedonym1Kristen has been so immensely self centered throughout their entire relationship. If you focus on the minor selfish elements of Tracker in this interaction, that says a lot more about you than it does Tracker. Bear in mind, that even though Brennan acknowledges aspects of Tracker that aren't cool in the Adventuring Party, he's a kind DM that is trying to be caring of his players feelings, whereas you as a complete outsider are choosing to side with the player over the NPC. Stop and consider everything Tracker said and realize that there is at most, 20% that is talking down to her, and everything else is legitimate heartfelt advice to try and help Kristen grow as a person and Cleric. If you don't realize that Kristen hasn't deserved Tracker ever since Sophomore Year, that says a lot more about you than it does Tracker
@kj-raven2041 4 ай бұрын
⁠@@alearnedmanKristen being self centered mostly comes from her upbringing. Being made Helios chosen one she was taught that she was literally the most important mortal in an entire religion. She wasn’t treally self centered in their relationship she just made bad choices out of love for her friends and girlfriend. She lost her entire family so she didn’t want it happen again. As a healer she has this mentality to help everyone else before herself which also a good way for her to avoid her own problems.
@edadankmemes 4 ай бұрын
Tracker is speaking the goddamned truth, and it is so refreshing to hear her say exactly what Kristen’s issues are. And even when Kristen falls back to being avoidant and dismissive, Tracker still tells her exactly what she needs to hear; Tracker still cares about Kristen immensely and it’s so bittersweet. Like, Kristen created YES!?, a BRAND NEW GOD during her FRESHMAN YEAR, then restored the Nightmare King into Cassandra a year later. Kristen, out of everyone in her party, has done the most impressive shit PERIOD, and yet her constant self-sabotage and lack of commitment is so frustrating. I’ve never felt so invested in a D&D character’s arc, and I genuinely cannot wait to continue seeing Kristen’s arc develop.
@anarionelendili8961 4 ай бұрын
Fully agreed on the first two paragraphs. Kristen is still not my favorite character, but this did go a long way into making me more invested in her arc and wanting to see what comes of it.
@edadankmemes 4 ай бұрын
@@anarionelendili8961Ally’s intentionally bringing out Kristen’s flaws this season. The reason I’m excited for Kristen’s character is because of how we are seeing a character who previously utilized chaos and aloofness to cope with her trauma has snowballed into something that is detrimental to her growth as a person; what was once a valid way to process her stress and anxieties has now become something she is over-reliant on, becoming something that is doing more harm than good. It’s fascinating to see unfold on a weekly basis, despite how frustrating it is to see her refuse to take some time to think introspectively about the consequences of said chaos.
@Birthday888 4 ай бұрын
​@@edadankmemes People have been increasingly mentioning that Kirsten comes off as someone with undiagnosed ADHD, and every episode, I'm more and more inclined to agree with them.
@carmacksanderson3937 4 ай бұрын
Yeah Tracker came in with the hard truths this episode. I'm excited to see where things go from here
@drummerhere 4 ай бұрын
I'm actually not invested anymore
@oofbih6397 4 ай бұрын
This was a great arc of dialogue that gave great growth to both parties even if it wasnt the nicest who cares they needed to talk
@SuicideforDummies101 4 ай бұрын
“Tough but fair, have a great life” I’ve never seen Lou laugh at anything like that Fucking hell
@LDIndustries 4 ай бұрын
Ok, to all of the people who are being very weird about Kristen right now. I'm not sure if you've been through a break up of a serious relationship before, but calling up your ex and putting it ON THEM whether you go public with your new partner or not is not actually respectful. It's shunting responsibility in the same way that all of these comments say Kristen does. And Kristen responding with her honest feelings as well as the most mature response of "you don't need my permission, do what makes you happy and I'll find a way to do the same" actually shows she's more level headed about this interaction than Tracker is. What Tracker has to say is very valid and Kristen needed to hear it, but the impetus for Tracker reading Kristen the riot act is her feeling defensive about being implicitly called out for an unfair and immature ask. The group even addresses it in the adventuring party (which I'm guessing a lot of these comments were made before that adventuring party was released) and said "Yeah Tracker's in the wrong, Kristen needed to hear what was said, but that doesn't give Tracker the right to have asked that". Like Siobhan says in the AP, it's a question you CAN'T say no to so it's not really a question.
@ttt5020 4 ай бұрын
Yep, the 'You don't mind if I do X, right?' non-question that's more about making yourself feel like a good person than the other person.
@victoriadarke 4 ай бұрын
Tracker was so in the wrong for this conversation. Even if Kristen was avoiding speaking to Tracker post-breakup: they broke up (presumably) while Kristen was trying to defeat the NY, or immediately before. (Trying to figure out the timeline w/the previous one shots hurts my brain). Obviously, Kristen had a lot to focus on instead of trying to pretend everything was fine while hearing about how great Tracker's life post-breakup was. As far as I remember, it's not like Kristen blocked Tracker's number to then also be sending messages through Ragh. It's been a few months since the breakup (I think 4 at most if that's how long it took to defeat the NY iirc?) Tracker at the absolute MOST just owed Kristen a heads up that she was going to post her relationship publicly. And she could have done that through Ragh. Instead, Tracker doesn't get what she wants, and her reaction is to say that this is more evidence of Kristen's refusal of doing hard work and leaning into her avoidant behavior. While valid criticism of Kristen in other situations, it is definitely not what's happening here. Also, D20, I am in your walls for releasing this on Valentine's Day
@ttt5020 4 ай бұрын
@@victoriadarke Yeah, Kristen said she had a lot on her plate and thats totally true
@Birthday888 4 ай бұрын
​​@@victoriadarke I thought the implication was that Kirsten had blocked Tracker's number. Hence why Tracker was calling from an unknown number, nd why she initially reached out through Ragh to ask if it was okay if she reached out to Kirsten. Also, while I get that I was wrong about whether Tracker was in the right to ask Kirsten if she could make her new relationship public, Tracker saying the hard truth to Kirsten wasn't because Kirsten refused to give her an answer. It was after learning that Kirsten had killed the second god she had worshipped and had decided to become Class President as a result. Which seems like a valid thing to criticize.
@misti-step 4 ай бұрын
as someone who is also adhd, i relate so so much to kristen. but ive gotten a lot better at finding ways to deal with the uncool shit, so hopefully kristsn can too
@Drekromancer 4 ай бұрын
Same here. I think this is why Kristen has bothered me way more than the other Bad Kids up to this point - and I think it's why this new arc is making me appreciate her WAY more. She's finally interrogating the things I've watched her not deal with for the last 2 seasons! And when you know how much it hurts you to avoid dealing with these kinds of things, seeing someone actually start dealing with them is an unbelievable relief. I can't wait to see where she goes from here. 🙂
@Padfoot-ji9qb 4 ай бұрын
I think at the very start Kristen did nothing wrong. "I want to say no but you don't need my permission" I feel like is the correct response, but that isn't what Tracker wants. Frankly that's Trackers problem, sorry you feel bad for dumping Kristen that's on you. It's nice for you to check in but also you knew she wouldn't be ok so why ask the question just tell her and apologize. That being said Kristen really fell apart towards the end lol.
@glenndallas7171 4 ай бұрын
I agree that Kristen's reply was kind, but Tracker was trying to consider the feelings of both Kristen AND her new partner, which I think is super-respectful.
@DreamersOfReality 4 ай бұрын
Respectful? Eh. Tracker made it Kristen's problem, instead of dealing with it themself. That's kind of sleazy, even if they did speak some truths. Tracker's problem never needed Kristen's input, and calling them up and asking THAT question puts anyone in a tough spot. It's not even a question. Regardless of how Kristen felt, saying "no" can only make them out to be the villain. Hence, sleazy.
@ttt5020 4 ай бұрын
Yeah they mention in the AP, it was more like Tracker wanted her to say it was ok to feel like a good person, compared it to 'It doesn't bother you if I do X, right?' in a way that doesn't really allow the person to do anything but assure them its okay at their own emotional expense.
@Drekromancer 4 ай бұрын
I'm inclined to agree with this thread, but I do have to point out one thing: Kristen said she'd stay in touch with Tracker and then basically ghosted her for months. This is their first conversation since the breakup. So to me, that implies that there's still a part of both of them that kinda hasn't caught up to the reality that they're no longer together. I still think what Tracker's doing here is wrong. I mean, checking in and having a conversation about this would be really respectful, and putting it all on Kristen would be wrong. But when they haven't had time to readjust the dynamic, I can see why Tracker would still instinctively feel the need to consult Kristen on an issue like this. Because in her mind, she still thinks of herself and Kristen as a team that works together - so she's not gonna make this important move without getting permission from Kristen. Look at how Tracker acted when they were together - it was always just this considerate. So as much as that's not appropriate to this situation, I kinda can't blame Tracker for falling back into her old habits here. It still has negative consequences that put Kristen in an unfair position, and Tracker is still responsible for that, but I don't think it's as intentional as some people are making it seem. I think the tragic thing is that it's a misguided effort born out of genuine residual affection for Kristen, and a genuine desire not to hurt her.
@HenriqueErzinger 4 ай бұрын
They talked about it in adventuring party. Even Brennan confirmed it was a selfish thing, more about feeling good about herself.
@kamillakilambayeva3819 4 ай бұрын
my favourite part of the episode. very bittersweet and touching bit of rp
@radicaladz Ай бұрын
I gotta be honest, Ally's energy going into Junior Year kinda threw me - not saying it was bad, but it definitely felt like doubling down on wacky Kristen shenanigans - and then the realisation that she and Tracker never did get back together hit, and then this moment came, and it was like "oh. oooooooh. it's not wacky hijinks - this is avoidance, this is denial. oof." Hit a little close to home in some ways, but it at least makes sense.
@radicaladz Ай бұрын
Jesus, if I knew then what I know now...
@notelliot8457 4 ай бұрын
God this is...hitting too close to home... Just hearing your faults be laid out cold to you from someone who you value (or even just realizing them yourself after hearing it from a third person perspective -which is what this clip is currently doing to me- ) can be so unbearable. Truely the uncoolest part of life, but so so necessary for self improvement and growth, and getting yourself out of the rut you've, knowingly or unknowingly, let yourself spiral into. .....uhmm.. talking completely about Kristen here..of course (sweats) I'm gonna go do some self reflecting now.......good shit!!!!
@hexedcrab 3 ай бұрын
god this scene made my heart feel so heavy I wasn't expecting dimension 20 to make me feel so emotional
@Tantalus308 4 ай бұрын
I appreciate that Kristen's absolute inability to take anything seriously has some consequences.
@gabrielbjornursidae Ай бұрын
@MelDSnow 4 ай бұрын
They touch on this with the Adventuring Party episode, but Tracker was kind of in bad faith "asking for permission" just to justify all the actions she's taken up to now. And there is a point to respecting your previous partner in that way, I suppose, but just like Kristen said, "We're broken up." and that is exactly what it is. Tracker, in this way, is bringing herself back into Kristen's life just to get permission to do something that she's going to do anyway? And then criticized her about how much she's messed up her religions? I mean, don't get me wrong. It's rather constructive (also critical, but constructive still), and that's good, but she's piggy-backing it off of a tough conversation that *she* initiated when Kristen has so much other stuff on her plate that, if I was in Kristen's shoes, I'd be putting myself through to specifically *not* think about my bad relationship. It just kinda feels sour and a bit selfish for Tracker to even open the door to "It's your call if I make my new relationship public" when Kristen AND Tracker have other things to worry about. Not to mention how disrespected Tracker's new girlfriend could feel. "Hey babe, I know I've been putting off going public with you. Let me call my ex and make sure she's ok with it." It shouldn't matter, and if Tracker had really moved on, she shouldn't need to be blowing up Ragh and Kristen just to get an answer. Through Kristen's insight check, we know this is just a formality and that Tracker has no intention of holding any feeling for Kristen anymore. Some may find it a bit endearing that Tracker gave that respect to Kristen but it's a type of pity that Kristen probably doesn't want. It's Tracker on her high horse looking down and being like, "Oh you must be so hurt I have to make space to ensure your comfort." I realize I have a lot of feelings about this, and yea, I'm probably projecting a BUNCH but I really liked Tracker as a character and while it makes sense for Kristen and Tracker to split, much for good reason as Kristen is a traumatized and damaged person who is trying their damndest to figure themselves out, I just think Tracker could have been more graceful about it. She split up with her serious relationship over long distance, and there's speculation that she knew about this princess character *while* she was still with Kristen, and then she has the gall to demand Kristen's permission to go public with her new relationship. It just doesn't sit right in my stomach.
@ProperlyGaming 2 ай бұрын
Lmao if an ex called me and asked me if its ok she goes public with her new relationship id proceed to laugh into the phone and say "are you serious? Get off my line and stay off it" and then hang tf up. Like in what world do you call an ex to get permission in a new relationship?
@egguu69 Ай бұрын
i wish i could like a comment more than once!! Kristen is obviously extremely traumatized from her upbringing and ofc Tracker knows that but it feels like she was using it to be intentionally hurtful after Kristen didn't say exactly what she wanted to her to feel better about herself. which leads me to believe that the only option she had left to keep her mental moral high ground was to make Kristen upset and look like the antagonist in the conversation. Tracker may have been right about Kristen's cleric stuff but it's downright cruel to pull that out as a retort for relationship drama. I really think that Tracker just looks at Kristen's failures with YES and Cassandra as full failures of faith or devotion since Kristen obviously CAN be devout like with Helio and comes to the conclusion that Kristen doesn't care. which isn't fair at all, while they were both raised religious they were VERY different kinds of religion!! Kristen was born (and chosen! everyone acts like this was a boon for her but like she was forced into it) into the stifling bigotry of the Helioic Church + so many peoples expectations and Tracker essentially grew up as a punk werewolf who dropped out of school with nothing but constant love and support from Jawbone. plus her worship of Galicaea was strongly tied to her lycanthropy, which feels like a more literal physical tether to a form of worship than Kristen ever had? Galicaea was, at the very least, a CHOICE Tracker made. Kristen's only religious experience prior was so rigid it was a cage. AND Galicaea is a goddess people know already, even if Tracker worshiped a slightly older incarnation! Kristen has had to scrape and claw a space for an entirely new god in the public consciousness. while Tracker left on a sabbatical to Fallinel with nothing but time to preach to a preexisting congregation of Galicaea AND get a new elven princess girlfriend, Kristen had to spend her entire summer saving the world AGAIN chasing the Night Yorb!! which also undoubtedly helped Tracker since constant night has the moon out for 3 months. Kristen def could've been doing more to help reassure Cassandra's fears of being forgotten again but C *was* reaching out at like the worst possible moments with so many plates spinning. it's understandable on both of them yk
@NuglessMacArthur 4 ай бұрын
bless you for these
@odessawild7798 4 ай бұрын
Tracker said some real shit about responsibility and all that but tracker is fucked up for putting Kristen in that position do decide if she announces her relationship, like duh she doesn't like that tracker is dating someone else,
@ChKnoGo 4 ай бұрын
Bro why’d I click on this video I know what I’m getting myself into already, and now I’m sad
@ronaldmackillop1561 4 ай бұрын
I’ve never been in a romantic relationship, but as someone who was forced to cut ties with those I’ve loved more than anyone and couldn’t give or receive the closure that any of us really deserved, I wish I had someone as honest as Tracker who was willing to tell the hard truths to me. Everyone at the table constantly blows me away.
@NateJ6 4 ай бұрын
Amazing title
@bruh-uo7yk 4 ай бұрын
shit that bit was really good fuck i need to watch the new eps IMMEDIATELY
@joanaduarte1255 4 ай бұрын
this made me cry so much
@squwuid 4 ай бұрын
oh my god that did happen on valentines day i'm ruined
@peter_parkour 4 ай бұрын
This is an amazing convoluted plot made by Brennan and I loved it. Here's the thing, tracker doesn't really care about how Kristen is doing. She never called her until she needed something from her, which is absolution and permission to something she needs to do. She wanted to be able to post that thing with a clear conscience, which is something a religious person would absolutely do. But that doesn't mean what she said here about Kristen isn't valid though, she was there when it all went down.
@IrisGlowingBlue 4 ай бұрын
I have like maybe 65% of the context here, but Still Ouch. Tracker's being really kind! The melancholy acoustic guitar backing track was a nice touch. Ow 😂
@oscarsandoval9075 Ай бұрын
Idk, this felt like Tracker was fishing for a confrontation. Or maybe meant well and tried to get closure but subconsciously wanted to say the hurtful things. It feels like Tracker was too supportive and almost infantized Kristen and enabled her bad habits. Even here, she has a new girlfriend and she wants to go public but Tracker hesitates and thinks "How will this affect Kristen?"
@devtibbs1988 4 ай бұрын
am i the only one whos not okay with the Gorgug Zelda split I neeeed answers
@gabrielbjornursidae Ай бұрын
Same. Shit doesn't add up. Doubt it can happen, but maybe him and Mary Ann can work out somehow.
@sleepychickadee4087 Ай бұрын
I’m equally confused about that. And with how much focus there was on Gorgug fixing their relationship throughout season 2, having that relationship end offscreen with little explanation is pretty frustrating as a viewer.
@WaxierWarrior 4 ай бұрын
Tbh Kristen navigated it as best she could. And Tracker needs to get over Kristen and not need their permission post breakup?
@andromeda0707 3 ай бұрын
This maked me scared but SO excited to watch junior year ‼️
@wuftchan8299 4 ай бұрын
Honestly, grown adults cant even get a good grasp or understanding of religion unless they are hardcore-cult-like into it till death. Most have that existential "what is happening?" "I'm so confused and scared." So, Kristen being a literal teenager- basically a child who hasn't even taken her first philosophy class- did about as well as anyone else in her shoes on average.
@gabrielbjornursidae Ай бұрын
Nawh, that's not fair. Kristen has literally created a god, is a chosen of another god she unfairly dumped, and then made a new god that she blatantly and rudely ignored.
@Nemisionn 8 күн бұрын
She's a _child_ ​@@gabrielbjornursidae
@chiefster11 4 ай бұрын
Does it rub anyone else the wrong way that tracker is calling up her ex to ask permission to post her new girl????? It’s so weird and also disrespectful to your new person. Red flag fr
@Birthday888 4 ай бұрын
Her new girlfriend was the one who insisted, and it's only become an issue because Tracker was adamant about waiting until she was sure that doing so wouldn't hurt Kirsten, which was only compounded by Kirsten basically ghosting Tracker until Tracker forced a confrontation by calling from an unknown number. It's just a messy situation in general.
@oofbih6397 4 ай бұрын
Theyre both 16 and feel guilty
@GoldnDusty 4 ай бұрын
@@Birthday888 Thing is, Rahg pitched it as Tracker being reticent to commit to their whole deal, even outside of hurting Kristen. What rubs me up the wrong way is essentially using an ex as an excuse not to commit to a relationship. Equally, when that relationship is tied into a political arrangement, the entire situation makes me uneasy.
@Birthday888 4 ай бұрын
@@GoldnDusty Hm? I don't think Rahg said anything about Tracker being afraid to commit. He just said that she was reluctant to announce her new relationship publicly on social media, which resulted in the social media post where her new GF was sitting on her lap as a form of compromise. Like, Rahg was very clear that Tracker wanted to know if Kirsten was fine with her moving on and wanted to talk to her about the whole deal in case it hurt her. Which, given Kirsten's reaction of "Who's that bitch on her lap", it very clearly did.
@chiefster11 4 ай бұрын
@@Birthday888 Except tracker doesn't need permission and shouldn't be calling her ex up to do it. Imagine you get a call from your ex asking if they can post their SO and then claim it's so they could spare your feelings. It is disrespectful not only to you but their SO. But honestly I guess that's just because theyre young and dumb and they don't really know any better so I get it. It just rubbed me in a bad light lol
@ankylo5550 4 ай бұрын
Yeah I will say I hope Emily isn't right and Tracker's new partner is not plot relevant, because their breakup is killing me. Idk why it hits so close to home but it's just so painful and I would love to not see Tracker again
@Sowono 4 ай бұрын
Tracker and Kristen, gorgug and Zelda, Fabian and aelwyn. All that hardship and they’re not even together anymore 😭
@lucas56sdd 4 ай бұрын
Dude please grow up.
@DreamersOfReality 4 ай бұрын
Dunno what to tell ya? Some people have enpathy.
@lucas56sdd 3 ай бұрын
@@DreamersOfReality Empathy is when you're so pathetic you can't handle a fictional breakup between teenagers
@queenidragon4489 3 ай бұрын
Ngl the only thing more painful than these scenes is rewatching Mirror Madness right after
@nyansound7468 2 ай бұрын
This episode came out a week after my ex started posting about her new girlfriend literally less than a day after we broke up. So tracker talking about how she cares about Kristen's feelings and doesn't want to disrespect her by posting about her new gf BROKE ME
@lanceelliott2504 4 ай бұрын
One of the only scenes in dimension 20 history that triggered me so bad I had to skip through it
@timothyflynn2738 4 ай бұрын
From what I remember, Tracker dodged a bullet. Yes, Kristen did the right thing getting away from the cult, but her god brought her back from certain death and she accused him of having date-rapey vibes and ditched everything about him, created a new god out of whole cloth and promptly forgot about it and it died, and then the fiasco that was Cassandra that initially started with such promise… It’s stopped being funny this year: I’m not sure I care what Kristen believes, but she better pick something soon.
@gabrielbjornursidae Ай бұрын
YES! EXACTLY! She accused him of 'he looks like he date rapes' based purely off of his appearance, and then after she abandoned him after asking an unfair and impossible to answer question, he CONTINUED to give her the abilities she needed to keep her friends alive and safe, defeat the harvestmen who twisted his domain, and overall come to acceptance of herself. But nobody wants to talk about that, they just want to hate on Helio who has, actually, done nothing wrong.
@sleepychickadee4087 Ай бұрын
I couldn’t agree more. Kristen has been a very frustrating character for me, especially this season. Which is a shame, because I usually really like Ally’s characters.
@marcykiger9899 4 ай бұрын
The way I’d be ready to stop by Falenel to give Tracker a middle finger while yelling, “Well aren’t you SO NICE.” and then simply leave. Kristen is far from faultless and yes l, they are both teens but damn. Our chaos president was given a shit hand of cards and was expected to make a royal flush out of it.
@eagleHatchling 3 ай бұрын
This moment killed trackerbees for me. This isnt closure. Nah... this is my take: Tracker isnt that into her new boo and is looking to make Kristen the bad guy/ excuse why she wont publically commit in her new relationship (she cant reject it because the new relationship is a beneficial political move). Shes hesitating and projecting that onto her care for Kristen. What ex calls you to ASK for permission to be in a new relationship??? This is a powerplay. Tracker doesnt want to be "the bad guy" and I wont be suprised if at one point a "crazy girlfriend" elf princess comes after Kristen for being "everything wrong in her relationship" if Tracker is pulling her out as an excuse
@BingleFlimp 4 ай бұрын
I honestly can't tell whether Kristen being irresponsible, dismissive and lazy is a part of her character or just Beardsley not taking the character seriously. She's the most non-committal, just do it for the LOLs cleric I've ever seen. It's pretty frustrating.
@NoMADnecro 4 ай бұрын
kristen has always been irresponsible dismissive and lazy it's just not cute any more and that's the point
@EL-jq1sq 4 ай бұрын
Nah if you watch the Adventuring Parties and other supplemental materials its very clear just how much thought Ally is putting into Kristin's spiral, and how personal a place its coming from. Even while playing Ally sometimes does explain Kristin's thought process, and it all feels so real. Ally is a comedian and tends to do some really wild, out of pocket stuff but I think it just reinforces Kristin's deflective, avoidant personality
@zacharybosley1935 4 ай бұрын
I truly respect Ally for putting her whole ass into this spiral That does not make it any less of an absolute agony to witness in real time.
@EL-jq1sq 4 ай бұрын
@@zacharybosley1935 Ally actually uses they/them pronouns, fyi!
@zacharybosley1935 4 ай бұрын
@@EL-jq1sq ah shit, I knew that and totally spaced. Thanks for keeping me honest dawg
@ChibiGeeBee 4 ай бұрын
Honestly, I’ve grown to really dislike Kirsten. She’s become a rather terrible person.
@oofbih6397 4 ай бұрын
Shes a teenager
@chronosclaimsall 4 ай бұрын
That's the point of her character this season. Ally said they're trying to explore what happens "when the chaos isn't cute anymore" so I'd say if you dislike Kristen then they're doing a good job
@ThatGuyOnFireKnownAsAndrew 4 ай бұрын
@@oofbih6397so teenagers can’t be terrible people?
@Sashakawaiicat 4 ай бұрын
​​@@ThatGuyOnFireKnownAsAndrew they're saying that she's making alot of bad decisions because she's very young. Her decisions aren't based on her being some sort of terrible person, she's just being irresponsible because she's a dumb teenager who isn't fully capable of managing the difficulties of being the only person responsible for a litteral god. Alot of these characters had their own flaws that they had to work through, some are currently still working through those flaws and that's OK.
@oofbih6397 4 ай бұрын
@@ThatGuyOnFireKnownAsAndrew writing off a teenager as a terrible person is a deeply flawed understanding of growth and mistakes. None of it is malicious and without care. She just makes bad decisions because she doesnt know anything else. Ally broke it down nicely when they said she was working with all the tools shes got. She has two coping mechanisms. And one is unhealthy
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