Turns Out The Sheikah Were LYING To Us...

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This video is subject to speculation.
In this video, we're going to discuss the Sheikah tribe, their theories within Breath of the Wild, and the implications it has for Tears of the Kingdom.
It turns out the Sheikah were lying to us... and there might be more hints of Tears of the Kingdom than we initially thought.
Thumbnail Artist: eloi.artstation.com/
Music by:
Ruven Wegner - Water Temple & BotW 2 Main Theme
0:00 Intro
0:52 10,000 Years Ago
4:52 Wisdom is Power
7:20 Sheikah Technology
9:43 Hyrule Castle's Secret
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Romans 10:9 - If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
#tearsofthekingdom #breathofthewild

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@charlodynatimberheart4860 Жыл бұрын
One thing to keep in mind is how nintendo likes to color code things: Power is red, ganon is most associated with the colors reds and browns, and the malice takes on the color of red and black. Wisdom is the power of zelda and the sheikah, all of their technology uses blue. And then in the trailer for tears of the kingdom, we seen a green sort of spiral, and green goo that glues things together. Given the links to the zonai race in the trailers of tears of the kingdom, and the zonai races capital being at the shrine of courage, my guess is what we're seeing are the actions of the zonai, and not the sheikah.
@BigAutisticDaddy Жыл бұрын
malice in botw was purple though, so maybe the sheikha were using Zelda as a battery alongside the angry jerkey.
@sarialue Жыл бұрын
I always assumed the Zonai were up to something before the Sheikah, and the Sheikah merely just used what was the aftermath of their tech. ahh, cannot wait for TotK!
@lannahuxel98 Жыл бұрын
What if Zeldas mother was the latest battery for the tech along with Ganondorf
@lloydgush Жыл бұрын
I think it's both. Actually, I think the zonai are just ex-pat sheikah that developed into another culture. And I suspect this was initially done with gannondorf's consent. But what ever "nice gannondorf" was, it was completely eroded with time.
@_AshB45_ Жыл бұрын
@@BigAutisticDaddy this might explain why Zelda couldn't awaken her power before the calamity.
@mgg2387 Жыл бұрын
I really hate how TOTK acts like none of the sheikah stuff ever happened, this was SUCH a HUGE plot
@sykune Жыл бұрын
In one kas' songs it explain they sealed it away underground to protect the people. So ganon Bing sealed underground is already hinted at in BOTW plus calamity ganon appears from beneath hyrule castle, the evidence has been staring us in the face the whole time
@tumultuousv Жыл бұрын
I meannn yeah, they had go dig up the divine beasts too. And the sheikah towers had go emerge from underground. As did some shrines. It really has been staring at us in the face.
@Arlothar Жыл бұрын
You for real didn't notice it literally in 2017? It was not in our face it was LITERALLY SPECIFIC LMAO
@Frozen_Bubbles 11 ай бұрын
They like sealing the ugly history underground. Like they did in ocarina of time under Kakariko village…
@peepysprite Жыл бұрын
Unless we're wrong about when Ganon's corpse got down there I'm not sure this theory works. There are, however, also a _shitload_ of luminous stones under the castle, which could mean the Shiekah are being completely on-brand with sacrilegiously using the dead to defend the royal family again.
@ailoriarayne5086 Жыл бұрын
That's the only thing that wasn't touched on in this theory. The luminous stones glow a blue hue. So the power of the dead/ Ganon are most likely being used in tandem
@katnguyen9746 Жыл бұрын
Under this theory, completing a Shrine also empowers Ganon See when you defeat a Blight, all the enemies get stronger. Because the malice used is no longer occupying a Blight No when you complete a Shrine, there's no power going to preserving a Sheikah monk...
@sewoh100 Жыл бұрын
Anyone else notice a rock, paper, scissors, thing going on with the different sources of energy in BotW and TotK? Zonai Magic > Ganon Malice > Sheikah Tech. Hyrule needed an entire army of Sheikah tech guardians just to stop the mere vestige of Ganondorfs power in the form of Calamity Ganon but a SINGLE MAGIC ZONAI HAND can hold back all that power for over 10,000 years. If the pattern I'm noticing is correct then that would mean Sheikah Tech > Zonai Magic. What if the Sheikah are responsible for the disappearance of the Zonai?
@WolforNuva Жыл бұрын
I think it may be more reflective of the Triforce; Link serves Zelda, Zelda gets captured by Ganon and Link eventually defeats Ganon, the series does love its cycles. It follows the same pattern you mentioned when you match up the colouring of Sheikah's blue, Malice's red and Zonai's green - though admittedly these power sources are all a bit off colour (both Sheikah tech and Zonai magic lean towards teal rather than being pure blue or green, and malice leans towards purple).
@Seraph.G Жыл бұрын
They may have even done so in service of the royal family.
@CarlosSaulRodriguezA Жыл бұрын
@@WolforNuva *pink/magenta, not purple, also sheikah tech is clearly blue, not teal. but yeah, agree anyways
@Jenny_Johnson Жыл бұрын
I think the Zonai and the "dark Interlopers" who tried to steal the power from the sacred realm (mentioned in TP) and were banished to the twilight realm are one in the same. The dark interlopers were known as "great magic wielders" and the similarities between them and the Twili are pretty uncanny. I'm not far into TOTK yet, but I'm hoping that's where this is going.
@CarlosSaulRodriguezA Жыл бұрын
@@Jenny_Johnson Th edissapointing thing to me from TotK is that it has only some minor references here and there, but most of the story seems like a retcon. Also, Zonai means "mystery"... makes sense some actual civilitation to name something unknown like that... but why would zonai call themselves zonai?
@wunder4402 Жыл бұрын
I love that, in believing wisdom is power, not only are they opening themselves up to ganon's true power, but they are also trying to look for a cowardly way out, the antithesis of courage. Duing so makes their view very unwise in turn, and leaves them with none of the core values, hence why the shiekah tech is ultimately crushed.
@sul_9999 Жыл бұрын
Maybe they tried to use the infinite power of the triforce as an energy source, they had the WISDOM to create technology and the POWER to support it but in the end they lacked COURAGE. And as we know if anyone who doesnt have a balance of courage, wisdom, and power the triforce will ultimately destroy them
@wunder4402 Жыл бұрын
@sul_9999 No, probably not. That isn't really how the triforce works, and pulling a stunt like that would DEFINITELY require courage. Shiekah tech seems more like standard magic based stuff anyways.
@sul_9999 Жыл бұрын
@@wunder4402 the triforce has been shown to cause calamity whenever used by an inbalamced force, thats how the great sea was formed. By coardly, foolish, and weak people. Also in a way you can say that the shiekah crossed the line of wisdom and COWARDICE where they saught the more guaranteed success but worst aftermath. Making divine beasts, guardian, ect. All that ended up worstening the situation.
@ZeldaLore Жыл бұрын
Wow, this was an excellent video! The editing was so well done! Zeltik had a similar idea a while back, where Ganon's malice was somehow transformed into the blue energy of the guardians. However, I don't think that's the case. Throughout the series, we see automations that glow with blue energy, with Skyward Sword going as far as showing that energy's source was Time Shift Stones, and not only does it seem that the Sheikah also created that technology back in Skyward Sword (as we can see a symbol reminiscent of the Sheikah eye on the timeshift stones), but both the technology of Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild are inspired by pottery of the Jomon Period. All these automations that glow blue have something in common: they all have artificial intelligence, aka, artificial *Wisdom.* There is three types of energy in the series, which ties to the three virtues of the Triforce: 1) Blue energy, used to give intelligence to automations. (This is seen primarily with robots, such as those in Skyward Sword, the golems guarding the Master Sword in Twilight Princess and enemies such as Armos and Beamos, the automations in the tower of the gods which include Armos, Beamos and Gohdan himself, and many more examples). 2) Green energy, spiritual power seen when a spirit takes over an inanimate object or automation (Seen in the wind waker with the command melody, in twilight princess with the dominion rod, and now in Tears of the Kingdom as well) 3) Red energy, Malice. Less common in the series, but can be seen in Twilight Princess with the corrupt Twili technology and magic (caused by Ganon's magic/malice handed down to Zant), as well as Breath of the wild itself.
@sarialue Жыл бұрын
hey, I appreciate that, thank you! i agree that the blue energy has to do w/ mostly the element of wisdom, and a big part of it is similar to the timestones in SS (just didn't know how to delve into that further) this was a cool and fun theory to delve into since I saw it a lot on r/zeldaconspiracies, so I thought hey why not!
@ace_of_hearts1504 Жыл бұрын
Yes! this is exactly what i thought when i saw the first totk trailer, the sheikah tried to trap Ganondorf physically to stop his reincarnation, but that just screwed up the cycle and made things worse. We've seen the torture chamber under the well in Oot that the sheikah operated for the kingdom. Neither they nor hyrule are perfect beacons of good.
@ailoriarayne5086 Жыл бұрын
Well ..thing in OoT is that the Shiekah worked for the royal family of Hyrule so the well underneath Kakariki village was one of the places that prisoners of war was taken to be questioned or executed - just like in the Shadow temple. "Here lies Hyrules bloody history" or some sort like that
@chill0wan Жыл бұрын
Winston Churchill once said - history is often written by the victors. I believe this applies here. I never thought about sheka this way before
@mrmcgee6026 Жыл бұрын
History is not written by the victors, nor is it written by the losers. it is written by those who write things down.
@tumultuousv Жыл бұрын
​@@mrmcgee6026 which is usually able to be done by the Victors. Which can also delete anything written down by the losers. Afterwards. Or during.
@Stupidfaes Жыл бұрын
Here's a fun thought: The Shiekah probably created and used Re-deads in Ocarina of Time to guard their locations. Think about it; the Bottom of the Well, the Shadow Temple and the Royal Tomb, all housing important Shiekah artefacts/songs are all guarded by redeads. There's even a poem making direct reference to the living dead in the royal tomb. They were the CIA of Hyrule in the worst way lol
@randywilliams6248 Жыл бұрын
I've wondered about this since after playing BotW, if the Sheikah were actually the bad guys. Basically siphoning energy from Ganondorf in combination with keeping him barely alive, but immobile preventing his eminent return in the future. The malice is the curse/prophecy fullfilling itself seeping and finding its way. They thought they could prevent it, but it just decided it didn't need a physical host to continue on.
@TarsonTalon Жыл бұрын
It'd be nice if Ganondorf got a redemption arch. What he's having to endure more than pays for what he has done, and perhaps after being locked away and tortured so long, they no longer want to rule anything, they just want their freedom. Of course, that might mean destroying everything, but he might chill out when he realizes Link and himself are on the same side when dealing with the rouge Sheikah technology. Besides, the seat of the throne is now empty...
@aleksandramakari Жыл бұрын
It would be nice. There's a fan comic called Growing Up Gerudo, and it's got wholesome Ganon who adopted Link. I love it.
@htsunmiku Жыл бұрын
​​@@TarsonTalon yeah. It would be cool...but LoZ entirely, as we all know. Is a never ending cycle. So, for their to be a "redemption" or anything different at all....I guess they'd have to realise it's a cycle and decided to act differently to break it. Would be interesting to see.
@BigGoronSword Жыл бұрын
I think the mysterious person we see in the stone murals has to have a connection with the Sheikah. My guess is that they started the Sheikah tribe and are the first follower of Goddess Hylia.
@geek2621 Жыл бұрын
I had a similar theory, but the difference in mine is that Calamity Ganon is an artificial entity the Shiekah made on purpose, designed with weaknesses their divine beasts and guardians could exploit, as a failsafe. The purpose was that it would endlessly siphon Ganondorf’s power away from him. While they kept it contained, it would power their tech, while also keeping Ganondorf too weak to escape. Therefore with the Calamity destroyed, the Shiekah tech designed to contain and control it no longer had a purpose, explaining why they would shut down despite the continued presence of Malice and Ganondorf himself. It also explains why the calamity was so capable of corrupting the tech, since it was also a piece of Shiekah tech itself. This leads to why the Yiga came to be, as well. Because the Shiekah kept their plans secret even from the kingdom, the king as well as the people of Hyrule grew suspicious of how easily the Shiekah stopped a frightening new version of Ganon unlike anything seen before, as if they knew it would happen and had something to do with it. The Yiga were those who didn’t accept Hyrule’s punishment, believing they made the hard choices needed to keep Hyrule safe. Whatever the purpose of modern day Yiga is, ancient Yiga were obsessed with regaining control over the calamity to keep it as a power source and ensure it would not escape again. This also implies that 10,000 years ago was the first and only public appearance of Calamity Ganon as an entity. If any part of history was revised, it was to imply that this Calamity entity existed in a cycle, when in fact it did not. It was no more Ganon than any of the blights, simply an artificial creation based on Malice. Tangentially, I believe the timing of the calamity 100 years ago was not random. It happened because as shown in the King’s diary, he felt guilt over how he treated Zelda, so perhaps while she was away, he had been continuing her research, hoping to surprise her. Perhaps it was he who discovered the control unit under the castle and accidentally activated it. This being consumed into the machine by malice as the champions also were. His appearance on the great plateau may be due to the tech being networked, and the King’s spirit having escaped to the control unit under the plateau that powered Maz Koshia’s divine beast.
@EnriqueCruz-zs4zq Жыл бұрын
Look go to sleep, this is just a videogame and developers will put qhategerthe heck they come up to
@ZAND4TSU Жыл бұрын
​@@EnriqueCruz-zs4zq nah bruh,he may be crazy,but he is right
@colinsmith1495 Жыл бұрын
With what we're seeing from Tears of the Kingdom so far (haven't played it yet) I think you're close, but not quite right. I think Gannon is someone who stole some crucial piece of Zonia tech/power and used it to make himself what he is (maybe he stole the very Triforce of Power from them), and after the Zonai collapse, the Sheika salvaged what they could from the Zonai and made imperfect replicas of them powered by syphoning Gannon's suppressed power, which may have also served to weaken the seal and allow Gannon's spirit to become Calamity Gannon and run rampant, even while his full power was still sealed.
@blesr9022 Жыл бұрын
@@colinsmith1495 yeah you’re right with the stealing smth from the Zonai thing! (I’ve played it)
@PinkiemachineStudios Жыл бұрын
Hands down, best theory I’ve heard in a while
@barbecueshoes9212 Жыл бұрын
This idea of the ancient Sheikah containing and using Ganondorf’s immense power as a sort of living battery is incredibly cool. I imagine while his life force is what powers the ancient tech, his hatred and willpower creates the malice we see in the world. It also makes his hatred of the kingdom as a whole justified in a way! Would be amazing if Tears Of The Kingdom explored this.
@nehpets216 11 ай бұрын
Justified? That happened years if not centuries after he was sealed, he attacked them out of Pride and Greed.
@barbecueshoes9212 11 ай бұрын
Bear in mind I sent this comment before the release of TOTK, meaning none of that information was available yet.
@nehpets216 11 ай бұрын
@@barbecueshoes9212 Fair, I was browsing while my switch charged as I finally have time to try and get all of the shrines
@barbecueshoes9212 11 ай бұрын
@@nehpets216 Oh yeah, I’ve done that. The reward is super interesting.
@Krice-9-07 Жыл бұрын
This theory makes even more sense when you think about how there seems to be an absence of shieka tech in the trailers because Ganondorf is free therefor no power
@wanderlust1282 Жыл бұрын
The banishment of the Sheikah and abandoning the ancient tech never made sense to me until this theory. Thank you so much for this.
@zerothis23 Жыл бұрын
I'd like to add something to this. Ganondorf, from the very beginning has use the tactic of being a puppet master. Zant and Agahnim are later examples. But we mustn't forget his first two puppets, Link and Zelda. He uses them in OoT to open the Door of Time. He also has a Phantom guarding the Forest Temple. There's lots of examples, I won't list them all. But my point is, that the Sheikah technology may have been from the very beginning, completely Ganon's idea.
@MegaLpso Жыл бұрын
I remember the first theory for botw2 I watched it was about how the sheikah or the hyrule kingdom using their technology being from ganon. It blew me away and I so badly want it to be real cause it's so messed up and it makes ganon more sympathetic. Ganons story is already sad, a friend of the hero and hylia that was cursed to be reincarnated as hatred and malice forever.
@VictorJulioHurtado 11 ай бұрын
Found this video while searching for more information about this subject. Some of the speculation is debunked now by what we know of TotK, but it still has good observations. I wonder what we can find in the Depths where the furnaces used to be🤔
@jamestheviking983 Ай бұрын
The structure above Ganon is referred to as a "purification unit" in the game files
@celtrive8996 Жыл бұрын
Honestly your theory might have better ground to stand on if you consider the fact that Shiekah and their habits of keeping the dead are well consistent over multiple games. The temple Arbiter's Grounds had s Shiekah ties, the ones who helped Hyrule banish criminals and send the Twili into the other realm, and it was not the first time in history this sort of thing happened. The Shadow Temple in Ocarina of Time is a place built by the Shiekah, and who other than the cursed spirit Bongo to be bound there? Death and mummification have always been to them, heck Shiek, who was Zelda, wore bindings akin to the way mummies are wrapped, as did the OOT version of Impa. I would say that this could be very well the theory that makes the most sense.
@Mahablast Жыл бұрын
Something interesting to note is that yes, Wisdom is power. And it’s separate from the Power you receive from that piece of the Tri-Force. In even the name Tri-Force you can see that it is just that, FORCE. The combination of the three is what gives you overwhelming control over everything. The balance helps you to succeed without fail. To be wise without courage means you aren’t brave enough to share the Truth and therefore the Wisdom is wasted on you, and in the same way without Power, your wisdom can’t save you from those powerful enough to eliminate you. Making your Wisdom useless once again. The reason they say Wisdom is power is because to know Wisdom (the truth) you are willing to go to war against those who wish to hide the truth. (As is always the case, there’s always going to be those who deny the truth) And usually they hide the truth by destroying it. So in order to have wisdom, you must be prepared for battle. Which requires much strength on its own. This is also why Athena is the goddess of Wisdom AND war. They go hand in hand. Power in the Force part of the triforce is simply pure domination. It works to control your enemies but it is just one way. If anything it forces you onto a one way path to destruction of yourself in the process. Even Courage is a way of control, even if it’s just over yourself, courage forces you to face your problems head on. And without wisdom it is easy to fail, even for the bravest warrior. Likewise without the passions of Power, it would be hard to understand why you’d even need to ‘stand up’ to anything. So Courage only gets you so far. But Wisdom is the key to connecting the dots. So in a way, it is almost the most powerful piece of the triforce. But also the most powerful force over all.
@tamclam Жыл бұрын
​@Nick Nick You clearly didn't read the comment 💀
@samuelbarrett5701 Жыл бұрын
I like to think the Sheikah take up after the zonai, the sheikah possessing their own magic and technology, perhaos even incorporating some of the zonai magic as well. Overall the sheikah have been involved in hyrule way longer than the zonai so technically theyre not wrong when they say theyve saved hyrule or aided in its salvation multiple times. Keep in mind that, just like real life, various civilizations and cultures have legitamte history of themselves, but is not always accurate as no one has the whole picture kf whats going on, we as the player have the luxury of looking at every single game / time periods and be able to create timelines, and see how things give rise to another.
@anythingyoucando1546 Жыл бұрын
It is interesting to note that bye the end of the war all three barers of the triforce became contained. It seems too coincindental now that I realize that. Maybe that is the actual reason why the Sheikah/Yiga lost much of the knowledge they once had. They stopped the cycle, at least temporarily. They became double agents as a tribe.
@NamebeDale_592 Жыл бұрын
A group of Ninjas lying? What no they would never
@gregorygan2077 9 ай бұрын
Clamity Ganon is a thousand year old legend about clams
@mikelapine1 Жыл бұрын
I think that the ones truly at fault here for the entire situation with the Calamity is the Hyrule Royal Family, who had the goal of creating an eternal kingdom. How else do you explain the continued existence of a kingdom that persisted for ten-thousand years with essentially no change? That isn’t normal or natural.
@Marksgaming0684 11 ай бұрын
One thought could be that they could have been pulling from Rauru. This would cause it to weaken over time.
@omnizen1085 Жыл бұрын
Super interesting. And I just noticed that the Sheikah symbol on the monk’s face covering is red, representing power. Seems the Sheikah may have brought this upon themselves, and now in TOTK we need the force of courage (green) to return balance to the kingdom.
@Futaba_Fan4444 Жыл бұрын
Loved the video! May I add this idea is visually supported by the fact the shrines and towers have two primary colors
@user-yj6kl1xs8k Жыл бұрын
the truth is Nintendo doesn't care about continuity
@Foxr- Жыл бұрын
Holy cow, after going back to hyrule castle there's even a text supporting this In totk that says the castle was built on top of Ganon to imprison him
@triplerrrboss Жыл бұрын
Ganon got turned into a literal battery bro became a Duracell involuntarily 😂
@triplerrrboss Жыл бұрын
Also you should watch majorlink the have great videos telling a story about link
@austin374 Жыл бұрын
I think it would be cool that the original hero was Ganondorf that consumed the power of the calamity and was sealed away to prevent a full scale calamity.
@nickcarroll8565 Жыл бұрын
I will say in the ancient depictions of “link” it looks like a dude with red hair and a red beard, makes me wonder if it was NOT link.
@austin374 Жыл бұрын
@@nickcarroll8565 that what I thought too.
@austin374 Жыл бұрын
Also, if you look at totk trailer the figure sealed has red hair. So I think calamity ganon was not the cause of it just a victim of it.
@nickcarroll8565 Жыл бұрын
@@austin374 oooh imagine if they sacrificed the original hero, how deliciously dark
@austin374 Жыл бұрын
@@RenSako let's keep rehashing the same story over and over again that's good story telling
@junkjingle5190 Жыл бұрын
It’s kinda funny how Nintendo called the zonai “barbarian warlike tribe”
@PenguinLotion522 Жыл бұрын
AHHHHH cool theory!! and it tracks with what we know about the sheikah in past iterations like the shadow temple! using torturous methods underground to ensure the prosperity of the kingdom is like, their job lmao
@doom4067 9 ай бұрын
Impa is in the first and second games. We just didn't know that she was a Sheikah yet.
@fmpentertainmentmedley3338 Жыл бұрын
Glad i happened across this channel... subbed 😊
@xcaedes Жыл бұрын
Very nice content! It is very well put together.
@sarialue Жыл бұрын
Glad you liked it!
@CarxV_one 11 ай бұрын
Wow! Never thought it that way, there's so much hidden lore
@UnluckySuperstition Жыл бұрын
I think a fatal flaw -with the best of intentions for Hyrule as a whole- with the Sheikah is that they truly believed that they could find and maintain a perfect solution to counter act the malevolence plaguing Hyrule indefinitely. Mind that this comment is before Tears of the Kingdoms release, so we still can't confirm or deny most anything yet, but if we are to assume that whatever it is holding Ganon's decayed body in the position it's frozen in, is a utilization of some form of ancient Sheikah or Zonai technology, then I personally believe that it was intended to be some type of longform scientific 'task'. A job if you will, that likely required the highest and most educated/skilled individuals of that society working together constantly to uphold and do maintenance on whatever technology it is that was sealing Ganon and the malicious energy away. Perhaps we could equate it to something in reality- like a nuclear reactor; where people all work together to maintain the systems that produce energy, and to also keep the structure from melting down and causing a huge radioactive disaster. A job that requires tremendous safety protocols, working well as a unit and consistant vigilance to prevent a catastrophe- but also a job with high risks by the very nature of being present; a high risk of radioactive contamination and/or a higher risk of getting cancer. This little theory hinges on the fact that if this was some form of highly advanced job to keep Ganon sealed away indefinitely- then the reason that it all fell apart after the first war 10k years in the past was because of the Shiekah tribes persecution by the royal family suddenly distrusting then due to their technological advances- and the subsequent splitting and warring between the newly formed Yiga. This destabilization and sudden war among themselves would inevitably cause a social and societal collapse, and the fracturing into separate groups and polaraizing ideologies (the Yiga turning on Hylia and the royal family, and the Sheikah staying true) would suddenly lead to a tremendous struggle with information and trust. Remember all Sheikah are highly advanced warriors and ninjas- they have many skills and can easily hide or disguise themselves as anyone they want to to either search for information; stalk, steal, or kill. We actually see this happen in real time with the memory of Urbosa and Zelda walking together and Urbosa exposing the two Yiga disguised as travelers; it even happens on Links journey in game with all the Yiga pretending to be travelers and normal Hyrulians. If this new Yiga tribe suddenly decided it hated Hyrule and the royal family and wanted everyone destroyed; they would have every reason under the sun to destroy Fanons little imprisonment experiment and release him once again to cause havoc. So the Shiekah did what they had to, they killed every single member involved and associated with the project in anyway so that no one could every derive the information of Ganon's location (and the advanced sealing technology used on him) and let it be a secret lost to time. With anyone left that knew of this secret Likely praying it would hold up forever, or at least until one faction could overcame the other and attempt to fix the tremendous mess that had been created .. Obviously, the problem was never addressed again... Until our Link and Zelda happened upon the horrible little secret below their kingdom.
@andrewcurcillo Жыл бұрын
Wonderful video Saria. I can finally learn about Zelda lore :)
@jefferyferraro2390 Жыл бұрын
Great video! I like this theory alot, as it makes a lot of sense.
@ralphforbes5807 Жыл бұрын
A zelda video 👀 given the channel name I shouldn't be shocked but I am not gonna complain, great video!
@ghoulie11 9 ай бұрын
Interesting watching this video after seeing Tears of the Kingdom's story. Turns out the Sheikah were probably harnessing Rauru's energy to power their technology. That would explain why the Sheikah tech disappeared in the time between Ganondorf waking up and Link recovering on the sky islands. It's possible that all of the Guardians and the Divine Beasts waking up weakened the seal enough allow Ganondorf to take it all over.
@scitech6773 Жыл бұрын
Makes sense because the place under hyrule castle where we fight ganon for the boss fight is called a laboratory
@roblo2526 Жыл бұрын
I love it! Keep it up!👌
@Rune_Scholar Жыл бұрын
Sheikah blue is wisdom, Malice red is power, and Zonai green is courage. It's pretty obvious. These are just three natural energies that exist within the world, that comprise the world, and can be manipulated by those who know how. The three forms of energy are concentrated states of that energy. Malice is concentrated power. The green energy and luminous stone are concentrated lifeforce/courage, and the blue flame is concentrated wisdom.
@andresrivera9834 Жыл бұрын
I think that the Royal family figured out the cycle and tried to stop it by imprisoning Gannondorf against his will (meaning that he may not have been evil yet) the shika opposed that decision and lost their rank and got banished which is why half of them turned into the yiga clan. And now gannondorf is trapped underneath gathering energy and about to escape
@saint-g7449 Жыл бұрын
That saying in the beginning doesn't mention anything about courage. Guessing they weren't TRYing.😅
@mrjooxmanallah Жыл бұрын
Tri-ing 😂
@Kyrinson Жыл бұрын
Given that the ancient energy that the Sheikah are using to power their tech appears to be filtered from power given off by Ganon... Perhaps the reason the Calamity occurred 10k years ago and 100 years ago was because some Sheikah technician forgot to change the malice filters on the Ganon power transformer. It would explain the mess of malice all over the place after that "transformer" exploded. 😄
@the-dark-side. Жыл бұрын
IDK what the Sheikah are but I am glad to see you branch out into other fandoms. .
@Broockle Жыл бұрын
I really like the theory that Zelda is wielding the whole triforce. That wouldn't really work if the triforce of power is locked in Ganon's decrepit remains.
@slightlyembittered Жыл бұрын
Hmm. I do think your theory that Gannon is being used as a battery is very interesting. If true, then it would make perfect sense if Sheikah tech stopped working in “Tears of the Kingdom” with Gannon’s awakening.
@danielwomer Жыл бұрын
AWESOME theory!!! You connected so many otherwise-mysterious dots!
@thenamelessnpc1000 Жыл бұрын
This kind of plays into my theory that botw is a re-imaging of zelda 1 and totk will be kind of like a re-imagining of zelda 2. In zelda 1, you collect the pieces of the triforce of wisdom and take the triforce of power when you kill Ganon. However, in zelda 2, you're collecting the pieces of the triforce of courage. Also sub theory, I think dark link might show up, just due to the possible zelda 2 connection
@SuperPuzzler Жыл бұрын
A couple of things you said got me thinking about some things. 1) Ghosts can be destroyed in past Zelda games. This tells me that their energy is not infinite. 2) It's said that the glow given off by luminous stones is a result of the souls of the dead. I believe this is reinforced by the legends surrounding the Lord of the Mountain, as well as the green color of the spiritual flames surrounding the ghosts of the king and fallen champions. 3) If I remember correctly, you can see a green glow in the eyes of several Zonai statues at night, which implies that the Zonai used luminous stones in their construction. 4) If a mortal's spiritual energy is not infinite, then that means it must dissipate when it becomes unstable. But if that mortal possessed a piece of the Triforce, their own spiritual energy could be supplemented indefinitely. I believe the Sheikah discovered ancient Zonai tech and studied them for a long time before coming to the conclusion that they could trap Ganon in a new cycle which they could control. So long as Ganondorf possessed the Triforce of Power, his spirit could never be destroyed from overuse as the battery for this technology. However, using it would also transform it into something unusable: Malice. Think of it as a Zeldaverse version of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. Malice, however, is a kind of demonic energy, and if one can control it, one could potentially use it to overpower mortal energy. Ganondorf is the reincarnation of Demon King Demise, so he's not FULL demon, but his life force CAN transform into malice under the right circumstances. I believe the Sheikah's plan was to imprison Ganondorf in the core of the power plant they would build beneath Hyrule Castle and drain his life force to fuel their tech. If it's drained at the right speed, he would have to use the Triforce of Power to supplement it in order to keep himself alive, but it would be too fast for him to build up the power he would need to escape in a timely fashion. Over time, use of Ganondorf's life force would cause it to turn into Malice, which the demonic side of Ganondorf could control, but it would take a long time before he could begin to break free. This gave the Sheikah enough time to build Guardians and the Divine Beasts, and to prepare the princess of legend and the hero of old for battle. Calamities are essentially nuclear meltdowns. The plan to use the four Divine Beasts, the army of Guardians, and the power of the Hero and the Princess was put in place to control the crisis. Malice is still spiritual energy and can thus be damaged so that it loses cohesion and dissipates. Damage it enough and the Calamity ends, allowing for another 10,000 years before it comes back. It worked the first time, but then something happened which caused the people of Hyrule to mistrust the Sheikah and their technology. We don't know what that was, but if I had to guess, it was an information leak. Either they learned the truth about the source of energy for the Sheikah tech, or the Sheikah learned that Malice could override normal spiritual energy in that technology and word of this got out. Whatever the case may be, I'm sure we'll learn (more of) the truth in Tears of the Kingdom.
@marleystar3 10 ай бұрын
1:04 The Calamity from 10.000 years ago is the second one (Botw ones being the third) 20.000 years ago was the first one (about 10.000 years after ganondorf was sealed away)
@DevilFruitZero Жыл бұрын
They, the Sheikah, think in their Wisdom that they can control Power because they are smart, clever, and think they are doing the right thing. It's short sighted and arrogant. I could see this being true, and not just a theory.
@1shogunate696 Жыл бұрын
All I know is, after seeing the final trailer, I know I’m going to be in tears throughout all the way into the end
@1shogunate696 Жыл бұрын
Tears of the fans
@TheRoomforImprovement Жыл бұрын
A thought occurred. It always seemed odd to me that the Sheikah dedicated their vast power to serving the Hyrule royal family. What if some wanted to be independent from them?
@garsrandom4358 Жыл бұрын
I thought ganondorf’s seal was built by the zonai
@omad611 Жыл бұрын
Now that tears of the kingdom is out thi theory kinda doesn't work but still good
@hotauce2420 Жыл бұрын
Great content. I love you
@iShadowBEAST Жыл бұрын
Great video,thank you.
@mariocorona961 Жыл бұрын
For gosh sakes. Separate ganon from Ganondorf. So confusing
@shermanthebear963 Жыл бұрын
I checked the date the video came out to know it was not Tears of the Kingdom spoiler but instead a breath of the wild theory
@tannerpoulis3156 Жыл бұрын
Take a shot every time “Wisdom” and “Power” are used in tandem
@nana7318 Жыл бұрын
Makes sense Love The vídeo
@trevorkohan505 Жыл бұрын
Even 3 weeks ago we knew the green hand was Zonai in origin
@Solegate Жыл бұрын
As a little bit of a deeper dive into Hyrule Castle signaling the re-awakening of the Shrines and other towers; the four massive pillars surrounding Hyrule Castle may be like antennas! They rose from deep underground 10,000 years ago, and stayed in their upward position until Ganon was defeated by the resurrected hero. I believe the Sheikah created these four towers to aid Ganon in communicating with the four Divine Beasts due to how far away they are from Ganons resting place (inside Hyrule Castle)! BUT HEY, THATS JUST A THEORY, A G-
@chrisshorten4406 Жыл бұрын
This is a fascinating theory. It makes me think.
@rogue_sorcerer1239 Жыл бұрын
Another thing to point out is that each virtue of the tri orce is associated with a colour. Most sheikah technology is of blue colouration, thee colour of wisdom, however this is complimented by the use of an orange energy as well. Orange is the opposite of blue which could mean that it represents the inverse of wisdom, folly. As for its inclusion is still a bit foggy, however it should also be noted that the other virtues are the opposites of each other in terms of colour. One could argue that cowardice, the inverse of courage, is coloured purple is relation to Ravio’s colour scheme in link between worlds, leaving weakness with yellow. I just realised that this information is not going anywhere lol, there is no point to this comment.😅
@KEHflipMEDIA Жыл бұрын
okay, that was really good...really good..
@alexburn4014 Жыл бұрын
What if the sheikahs meddling with the cyclic and trying to control Ganon disrupted the reincarnation cycle and the high goddesses authority. The two tribes could have worked together to contain Ganon but the sheikah stopped the Zonai from destroying him out of fear of starting the cycle again. The zonai in tears of the kingdom could be their inheritance for those who will finially have the courage to destroy Ganon. Due to Ganons containment the new Zelda wasn’t able to awaken to her true potential and because she was not able to awaken they drew more from power, relying less on courage and thus sabotaging the hero. So when ganons power took control the other two in the trinity were not ready to face him.
@vallisobstance8197 Жыл бұрын
the way those islands appear in the sky again i think the cycle is trying to start over again and sending the people there is the final failsafe to ensure some people survive when theres no ensured victory
@rhysgraves8792 Жыл бұрын
This is a cool theory, however I do have just one thing to add. Ganon "giving up on his reincarnation" is actually a mistranslation. In the og Japanese version of BoTW, it instead says that Calamity Ganon is him COMPLETING his reincarnation. So that part is wrong, but everything else could very well be true!
@rodolfoleon4538 Жыл бұрын
this actually makes sense.it would also explain why the shieka technology isnt in the new but rather replaced by something else.
@almisami Жыл бұрын
''Wisdom is Power'' could be a reference in how the technology of Wisdom was able to be subverted by Malice's Power.
@xenomorpher5458 Жыл бұрын
The courage to seek wisdom. The wisdom to wield power and The power to embrace courage.
@rinforthewin-ks1vk Жыл бұрын
I agree with a few people in the comments that with the green energy in the TotK trailers and media, we are dealing with something related to courage and the Zonai as part of the puzzle. That being said, the tapestry and its story always seemed…off to me: The champions of 10,000 years ago not looking like a race in Hyrule we’ve seen before; the hero of that era not really looking like Link; and the sudden banishment of Sheikah technology seemingly out of no where. It would be so compelling in TotK we find out what we were led to believe about the Sheikah was false. So pumped for the new game!
@phantomkeeper1055 Жыл бұрын
Any one else notice that Links arm is similar to midnas in twilight princess?
@LockeCousland Жыл бұрын
Blue Flame? Same as the ice caverns in Ocarina of Time?
@SOLIDShift_VI Жыл бұрын
when the voice over uses the same vocal cadence as illuminaughty xD
@brobasticbroham446 9 ай бұрын
Comparing Zonai laser and Sheika laser I think their tech is superior to Zonai tech.
@kauemoura Жыл бұрын
I still think that the games aren't necessarily related, Nintendo recycles elements to make a new product and then the fans fill in the gaps.
@rantnvdm Жыл бұрын
Actually that would explain the disappearance of sheikah teck after Ganondorf revival in TotK!
@davidconlee2196 Жыл бұрын
I knew them Sheikahs was lying to us!
@WeissM89 Жыл бұрын
I'm digging this theory. I dislike the direction BotW took the Sheikah from a tribe of spies doing unspeakable things for the royal family, possibly delving into dark magic, to a technologically advanced civilisation. If they imprisoned Ganon and used malice to develop and power machines that would be more in line with the Sheikah as we know them.
@rollernkg68 Жыл бұрын
I should check the time totk videos were posted before watching them nice vid tho
@TranceCore3 Жыл бұрын
this was an earful for 12 minutes
@johnlucas1543 Жыл бұрын
YES! Another one who understands the consistent SUBVERSION of the Sheikah Tribe. Goddess Hylia, the Goddess of Light & the Goddess of Time, took a select set of Humans & enhanced them with her power. The Sheikah Monks say they were Blessed By The SIGHT Of Goddess Hylia. You gain SIGHT when you see the LIGHT, Right? You gain iNSIGHT & FORESIGHT alongside the common HINDSIGHT, Right? When you SEE the LIGHT & gain the SIGHT, you are able to SEE things in your Mind's EYE, Right? And that's why the Sheikah Symbol is an EYE. These select set of Humans were enhanced by the Goddess of LIGHT. And these Humans become the Goddess's Chosen Guardians when she sheds her Divinity to become Mortal. They become her Right Hands. They become The Goddess of Light's SHADOW & that's why Sheikah are the Shadow Folk. But there's a problem with this enhancement. It makes the Shiekah Smart. TOO Smart. Then they try to OUTSMART. And a lot of the problem in Hyrule's history has something to do with the Sheikah becoming corrupt. That's why split over & over between their loyalty to Goddess Hylia AKA Princess Zelda & the Royal Family of Hyrule... ...and their own personal motivations whatever they may be at the time-good or bad. The Gerudo Witch Twinrova AKA Koume & Kotake with their adopted son Ganondorf knew all the secrets of accessing the Sacred Realm BECAUSE OF THE SHEIKAH!! The Sheikah are closest to the Royal Family & they know the inside track. The Sheikah/Gerudo relationship stems back all the way to Groose & Granny Impa of Skyward Sword. Yes, Groose is the ancestor of the Gerudo & he was one of the heroes of that fight against the Demise. I believe the Timeshift Stones no longer working in the Lanayru Desert area where Groose made his Grooseland-now Gerudo Desert-is what caused the falling out of the Gerudo & the Hylians. Desert can no longer turn to Grasslands. I think the desire to use the Triforce to fix the permanent desert situation led to the Interloper War & the Sheikah splitting from loyalty to Zelda's descendants & loyalty to the Gerudo who descend from Groose. The Fused Shadow has a Sheikah Eye on it for a reason. When Zelda's descendants denied the Gerudo access to the Triforce, the scramble for the Triforce broke out & eventually led to the creation of the Temple of Time & the Kingdom of Hyrule itself. That's why the Twili, descendants of the various Interlopers, have connections to both the Sheikah & the Gerudo. Breath of the Wild showing the existence of the Yiga Clan & one Sheikah who defected from the Yiga Clan but still leaks them information shows the consistent subversive nature of these Humans once enhanced by Goddess Hylia. I'm glad you picked up on this hidden detail about that group.
@sykune Жыл бұрын
This makes since as the interlopers were just people in hyrule who mastered a type of magic, at least japene translations state such, interloper is only found in the American translations making them seem like an invading people. When they were in fact just people from different groups that were present in hyrule. It was once said the tear on the sheikah once represented a betrayal of the sheikah to the royal family, it they retconed that sometime later, so I believe you maybe right.
@vexzel5550 Жыл бұрын
In Breath of the wild, even the weapons [Like Royal Guard Sword] is made by sheikah people A Sheikah-made replica of the sword that seals the darkness. It was made with ancient technology to oppose the Great Calamity, but its low durability made it inefficient. While on the surface it's great to have weapons to stand against the calamity... but where are the sheikah getting these technology from and what are they really up to
@JD-xd4sy Жыл бұрын
Wagwan man!
@johnlucas1543 Жыл бұрын
@@sykune Thank you. Nintendo loves to bury key details in Zelda Lore yet play it off as if they're not trying to hard to think about it. That's nonsense when you understand how interconnected this lore gets with every new game made. There's so much lore in the period before the Kingdom of Hyrule was built. And I wonder if the Zonai are a part of this period. So much more room to tell juicy stories in Zelda lore!
@Skuttleskull Жыл бұрын
holly shit. this video has been extremely enlightening. thanks for the vid
@lloydgush Жыл бұрын
I think this was a joint effort between the sheikah, gerudo, zonai, hylians and a "nice gannondorf". And that the zonai are just ex-pat sheikah which developed into a different culture. Also, remember that the sheikah aren't native to hyrule, but were summoned by the goddess. But the gambit didn't pay off.
@Aabergm Жыл бұрын
I always thought the Gannon was a type of AI.
@surllaw3249 3 ай бұрын
"That's all well and good but, Zonia 💯"
@Azraile Жыл бұрын
The trifoce of power has always been a corupting force if you don't have curage and wisdom both first.
@jonas_sickler Жыл бұрын
I love this theory!
@graham9371 Жыл бұрын
so malice is ganons magical power energy, the zonai green energy is links magical courage energy and the Sheikha blue flame is Zelda's magical wisdom energy
@alixsprallix Жыл бұрын
great video
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