Twin Witches & Zelda's Revelation - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time | Blind Playthrough [Part 18]

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3 күн бұрын

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@dalmaskadeadtrash3592 2 күн бұрын
Any female: I think I'm in love with you Link Link: Get Sage-zone'd
@wesley3300 2 күн бұрын
Link: I like you too, but I guess I just see you as more of a temple guardian.
@cleverman383 2 күн бұрын
sage goes in all fields
@ghoulie11 Күн бұрын
Minus Malon.
@AquaMaryn. Күн бұрын
@@ghoulie11 Never did she know that not recognising Link straight away and instead focusing on Epona, was what saved her life. 🙃
@IkeyIlex Күн бұрын
At least there's Malon.
@Sweetguy1821 9 күн бұрын
I admire this mans dedication to using those hover boots at all times 😂
@Retro_Rainer 9 күн бұрын
I remember, as a kid, I saw them as a straight upgrade. not a tool for certain situations, no no no. I wore them the whole.damn.time. maybe mapo sees them that way, too.
@YellowBirdOfParadise 9 күн бұрын
It stresses me so much. 😂
@PackZTerrible 2 күн бұрын
I remember i did the same as a child, also they looked cooler😅
@Doudoussin 2 күн бұрын
@@Retro_Rainer I mean if he sees them that way it probably means he's used to their slipperiness and isn't too bothered by how they control. So good on him I guess but yeah that's rare to see, I never put them on longer than the few seconds I need to cross a gap
@moonshinedinosaur 2 күн бұрын
self imposed hard mode 😂
@lermrodgers3082 2 күн бұрын
Mapo! Lock on all the time! Mapo! What are you doing locking on to the boss, do it in free cam! Sheesh just let the man have his struggles and successes. This playthru is great!
@Scyth0r 2 күн бұрын
I know this is a bizarre thought, but why not....try both? Anyone getting upset at Mapo doing it the 'wrong' way is silly, none of us had a clue how to do this the first time. He would have no idea what would be correct. But if one approach is clearly not working well, why not adapt and test a variation on the approach, or try one of the other tools at your disposal, instead of persisting doing the same thing in exactly the same way, then being annoyed that way is 'bad'? That's the bit that doesn't make sense to me.
@crust5909 Күн бұрын
@@Scyth0r Zelda fans can be a bit obnoxious sometimes.
@jordancooney6817 Күн бұрын
​@@crust5909that's literally any fandom though. It's not exclusive to Zelda.
@Hallonbot 6 күн бұрын
All of the games in the Zelda series are usually so polished that the player never have to struggle with the core game mechanics (there are some exceptions, but I won't list them here so as not to spoil other titles). If the player do struggle, that tends to be because they misunderstood or missed an important mechanic. This happens to us all the first time through a new game. But it's worth to think about and remember this when playing future titles: "This seems frustratingly difficult and not by design - could I do this in a different way?" That will usually show you the way forward. All that said, I've been so impressed with how you've solved the temples, Mapo. I don't think I ever studied the maps as you've done, in general you've been playing very methodically and that's beautiful to watch.
@boogabuga7657 2 күн бұрын
This. OoT is still an extremely smooth game, so long as you know how to use it's mechanics properly.
@Hallonbot 2 күн бұрын
@@boogabuga7657 Measured against other games of their times, old Zelda (or just Nintendo) titles are pretty much always top-tier for being well-polished and mechanically sound. Again, there are a few exceptions, but in general you never see the sort of horrid controls and game mechanics you might encounter in other games of the same era. But measured against modern games there'll always be a lot of jank to find. Modern games have almost 30 years of console 3D game development to learn from, whereas these old titles had to invent it all from scratch. What I love about watching Mapo play this game (and other games for that matter) is that he rarely seems to do that comparison, instead he treats the games based on their own merits. I love seeing him appreciating the games of my childhood like this.
@mr_yoru5834 2 күн бұрын
To be fair, phase 1 of Twinrova, you are meant to redirect their attacks without Z targeting, similar to the light puzzles in the dungeon. Phase 2 allows Z targeting more. You can simply stand in the center of the platform the whole time, face the one who is charging an attack, defend, then redirect. You do sometimes have to wait for the other sister to get in front of you, but it doesn't take long. Also, I don't think Koume and Kotake literally carried Ganondorf. Surrogate just means replacement. I think it just means they raised him.
@tinyguy9398 2 күн бұрын
+mr_yoru5834 Lol. I always thought the combined form ‘Twinrova’ birthed Ganondorf and that they were only his ‘surrogate’ mothers in their split up form 😅
@JeremyBarbell 2 күн бұрын
Yes! Most people think of surrogate as the one who gave birth. But that’s not necessarily true. Like you said a lot of times it’s just used as like a “mother figure”
@Jikkuryuu Күн бұрын
@@JeremyBarbell Yeah, it's a bit awkward that there isn't a clear distinction between a "parenting surrogate" and a "pregnancy surrogate." They're both just surrogates.
@Henrik-bi7mc 9 күн бұрын
I'm pretty Sure its intended to not use the z-targeting in the first phase, you can freely move the reflected Beam and Hit the other witch, you dont have to rely on the camera and enemy AI at all
@andrewlamb456 9 күн бұрын
Yep, I always manually target the shield for the first phase of the fight. The key is to move to a spot on the platform that will put both of them in front of you, and manually target instead of z-targeting. Obviously, there will be times when they just don't line up in a way where that's possible. Also, there is one last secret in the Desert Colossus.
@Gregethor 2 күн бұрын
The temple even conditions the player toward this mechanic by having you manually target sun emblems with the mirror shield - I understand the desire to use z-targeting, even the intuitive logic to arrive at this conclusion... but when using it has you fully facing the opposite way from whichever witch is firing their energy beam at you, at some point you gotta wonder if you're taking the right tact 😂
@tinyguy9398 2 күн бұрын
+andrewlamb456 They don’t even need to be lined up. The sisters can be on totally opposite sides of the room, as long as both are in front of you, you can use the control stick to manually redirect the beam at the other witch, so long as you are not z-targeting.
@tsirachel Күн бұрын
I actually always z-target them and it works fine. You target the one attacking, then switch as the other one enters the frame. I hadn't ever considered not using z-targeting on them in who knows how many playthroughs.
@yozarian86 Күн бұрын
@@GregethorI think that at least for myself, while I was only a mediocre gamer even as a kid, I was able to figure out how to best use the shield easily because I was a kid. It’s harder to be so open minded as an adult.
@dsilvermane_ 8 күн бұрын
The Twin Witches fight was SO COOL. What an incredible concept for its time. This game was really something else.
@Doudoussin 2 күн бұрын
Fun fact, for most Nintendo players, even those who don't particularly know the Zelda series, this plot twist is universally known. A bit like Vader being Luke's father if you will. One of the main reasons being that in Super Smash Bros Melee, you could fight as Zelda and Sheik and they were one and the same character, with a move that turned them into each other. Hence why it's a particularly rare opportunity to see a blind LP of this game by someone who wasn't aware of that. So it was interesting to see in the last episode that you were pretty much able to piece it together !
@vini_97 2 күн бұрын
It's funny cuz I never knew! I played this game for the first time a few months ago and I was so shocked by that reveal lol
@jfm5864 2 күн бұрын
It's probably a lot more common for people to experience this plot twist blind nowadays since the last Smash game where Zelda could transform into Sheik came out 16 years ago.
@BJGvideos 2 күн бұрын
@@jfm5864 Yeah but then Hyrule Warriors used the same "twist". Though I figure the nature of that game is such that you're generally going to want to have a vague understanding of the games it draws from. What's interesting is that they *don't* spoil a certain Wind Waker figure. It'd be great to see Sheik show up in the future but actually be someone else. Especially if the game makes you THINK it's Zelda going into the reveal.
@cleverman383 2 күн бұрын
I've seen streams where people spoil it in the chat because "how can it be a spoiler? its literally in smash bro"
@BJGvideos 2 күн бұрын
@@cleverman383 It's always satisfying when someone doesn't know. Saw one where the streamer had wondered where Sheik was in the past, but also theorized when asked what they thought "he" would be like in that era "he was probably like, some fat kid, really nerdy" I saw another who figured that Sheik was a woman, but that she was ZELDA was still a shock.
@Lunareste 2 күн бұрын
Mapo, just wanted to let you know that this series introduced me to your channel, and it's brought me a lot of joy and happiness to revisit Ocarina of Time with you at the helm. I'm looking forward to seeing what you play next (Majora's Mask, hopefully!) but also excited to look through your VOD catalog to see what I may have already missed! I hope you greatly enjoy the finale of OoT, an ending that's stuck with me for all these years.
@moonshinedinosaur 2 күн бұрын
the sheik reveal!! no words for how 10 year old little girl me lost her mind the first time i played throught the game. zelda is so cool!!
@jordanbridges Күн бұрын
I thought it was supposed to be Zelda the whole time... Not because I'm smart, but because I'm dumb... Didn't think there would be any other characters and thought it was future Zelda.
@crust5909 Күн бұрын
@@jordanbridges based
@jordanbridges Күн бұрын
@@crust5909 don't know what that means but I'll take it babe
@GugureSux 22 сағат бұрын
@@jordanbridges Ditto. Was like 10 at the time, was like "yo Zelda! looking pretty cool". They really should've at least bleached her hair or something.
@ladnil 9 күн бұрын
Yeah, the reflect works a lot better without the lock on. Just crouching and tilting the shield from across the room. But like everything else, I can't remember ever not knowing that. Maybe I struggled as a kid, or maybe a friend who'd already beaten it or had the strategy guide told me.
@Scyth0r 2 күн бұрын
All you need to do is actually try it to see, though. After this many episodes, I was hoping he'd realise that when something seems awkward it's nearly always because you're not understanding a mechanic. But no, he's still blaming the 'old game' for it. It's a little frustrating, I admit.
@mendronesg 2 күн бұрын
@@Scyth0r I just press fast forward. but I don't blame him, nor get annoyed by it for real. I know how much I struggled with Zelda when I was growing up. Who's to say that we only struggled because we were kids? Maybe the game is really confusing XD
@Mapocolops 2 күн бұрын
@Scyth0r there is always old game jank, even in some of the best old games. But yes there are many times I say it's me, even in these videos. But selective hearing I suppose
@Scyth0r 2 күн бұрын
@@Mapocolops Very true. I'm replaying Planescape Torment right now, and the jank is definitely present. I hope my comments don't come across as overly critical, my social skills have never been the smoothest. 🙂 This has been tremendous fun to watch, and us old-timers appreciate your love for the games of our youth.
@teusry 2 күн бұрын
@@Mapocolops 🤣 lmao come on bro you are CONSTANTLY bitching about "the mechanics" of this game when its just you making up rules for yourself. "I have to lock on" --- "The game allows me to aim the mirror shield in this room, not that room" (no, just put your weapon away) You blame the game for so much when it's just you doing it the hard way.
@YellowBirdOfParadise 9 күн бұрын
"Imagine if I could reflect light myself?" he says. "That would be pretty crazy." 😂 I love the mirror shield so much, it makes me sad we get it so late in the game.
@Ichthyodactyl 13 сағат бұрын
There's always that 1 item in every Zelda game that is incredibly useful and fun and you get super late in the game. Kind of unavoidable in these kinds of games I think, at least with the old format.
@RedRupeeless 2 күн бұрын
New Zelda lore per Mapo: There's only one Gerudo male because Ganon eats all the men.
@carljohansson3512 Күн бұрын
When he is the ruler of the Gerudo he probably would get rid of other men/use them as bodies for resurrection since they can threaten his rule but as a demon king he is no longer a part of the Gerudo, so that joke is kind of close to the truth. Because Ganondorf became a demon(a Maō, king of evil/demon king specifically) he himself can be revived in a new body that can house his soul, I think this also possible before he becomes a demon king due to his evil soul and his mastery of dark magic probably allowing him to live as long as the witches. Interestingly in ALTTP there is an enemy called Geldman in the desert, one translation of the Japanese name is Gerudoman so it is possible that some evil spirits of ancient Gerudo men have come back to life as sand demons due to their negative emotions, thoughts and desires granting them a cursed state. Could also just be that some spirits of men from other races who died in the desert returned as demons since the desert shares the same name as the Gerudo people. ``` ゲルドアーム (Gerudoāmu)→Geldarm ゲルドマン (Gerudoman)→Geldman ゲルドーガ (Gerudōga)→Geldorg (Localized as "Vitreous") ゲルド族 (Gerudo zoku)→Geld(o)/Gerudo tribe ゲルドの盗賊 (Gerudo no Tōzoku)→Gerudo Thief ゲルド砂漠 (Gerudo Sabaku)→Gerudo Desert ```
@jordancooney6817 Күн бұрын
Okay, here's a fun fact about Sheik I've been waiting to reveal until this episode. If you listen closely to Sheik's theme, you can actually hear the 6 notes you play of Zelda's Lullaby hidden in the song. Almost nobody, even veterans of the game, notice that. But if one were to notice it, they could put together that Sheik was Zelda from the very first time you meet Sheik.
@dorkandproudofit 2 күн бұрын
Ganondorf, if you think about it, is an INSANELY smart bad guy. Every single move he makes in this game up till this point is incredibly clever: 1.) He wanted the Triforce, but it was locked within an alternate dimension that could only be opened by pulling out a sword that only one person on the planet can pull, and that he can't physically touch (blade of evil's bane and all that)--and before he can even get to THAT, four other keys to unlock the Door of Time. So he just makes himself super-obviously evil to get you to open up everything for him in a vain attempt to stop him. 2.) Darn, didn't get all three pieces. Oh well, logic dictates that those pieces wouldn't go to just ANYONE, so obviously they'd go to Zelda and that kid who pulled the sword out. But Zelda is missing and being a pain to find. Solution? Let the hero do the work for you. Either he'll get killed in the temples (one headache solved!), or he'll be the perfect tool to draw Zelda out of hiding. Then just use her as a hostage to bring the hero to his evil lair, filled with monsters for days to wear him down... and then you have both pieces you didn't get right at your feet, and all you have to do is kill the hero (again, hopefully the final dungeon that is your evil castle will wear him down and make him easier), then the Princess, and you've got everything you ever wanted. That's a smart villain there.
@mirkoruhl9324 2 күн бұрын
I don't think Ganon knew that Link was a potential piece of the triforce. If so he would've tried to capture him after phantom Ganon was defeated.
@tarnw3301 2 күн бұрын
I think Ganondorf's plans were: 1- Destroying three races to get their spiritual stones, raze the palace and then use his magic to force the path to the Sacred Realm. When Link got the three spiritual stones, Ganondorf moved ahead with his plan and attacked the Royal Family. It was sheer luck that he followed Link (perhaps he was planning to use him as a hostage?) In the adult timeline, I think he only wanted to get rid of Zelda because she was the legitimate Queen.
@jfm5864 2 күн бұрын
I wish we had more info on what the King was thinking, because what I never understood is how he doesn't see Ganondorf's treachery coming. Like Ganondorf has already been causing trouble in other parts of Hyrule in not so subtle ways. Like sure I guess the Zora plot was fairly subtle, and the Gorons are too proud to ask for outside help, but he killed the Composer Brothers right? And you would think if a kid from the forest comes by and is says that the Deku Tree is dead and Ganondorf killed him that would raise some alarm bells right? Although in game the King seems to have a pretty good reputation since the Deku Tree Sprout says he unified the land after/during the war and we know the Gorons think very highly of him so I doubt he's just incompetent. Maybe he was just playing along with what Ganondorf was doing but ultimately underestimated just what he was capable of. Would be interesting to know how exactly Ganondorf managed to assassinate the king but at this point we will probably never know. Since we are talking about this I would be interested to hear how exactly people think the sequence of events of Ganondorf's reign played out. Moderate spoilers for the rest of the series: So we see him escape the castle in pursuit of Zelda and he has already killed the King at this point. I guess he then comes back a little later to properly lay siege to Castle Town which he succeeds in. He doesn't have the Triforce of Power yet at this point but presumably the confusion after the Kings death allowed him to take the Castle without too much trouble. Then he goes into the Temple of Time and enters the Sacred Realm but I've always been confused how he actually does this. After Link pulls the Master Sword maybe that blue ring functions like a end of dungeon blue warp and will take whoever steps into it to the Sacred Realm. I would think this is when the characters we see in the Dark World in A Link to the Past get in there, such as Blind's gang and the flute boy. Link and the Chamber of Sages are stuck in the Temple of Light (which I assume is a non corrupted version of the Pyramid of Power from ALttP) and Ganondorf gets the Triforce from the Temple of Light. That's my understanding anyway.
@tarnw3301 2 күн бұрын
@@jfm5864 I think the King would have believed Link if he talked with him directly. He has the Forest Emerald, a fairy and word from the Deku Tree. But because Zelda has already been dismissed, she didn't think about that. If the King would have gone to war over the Deku Tree's death is also a toss up.
@onetom2222 2 күн бұрын
​@@jfm5864I didn't think it was so much of a reverence for the king of Hyrule, but for the royal family as a whole. They hold the triforce of wisdom after all, or at least one does. For them to always name the princess Zelda, and her inevitable, advisory role in what still seems a patriarchal house, the king was wrong to not go with the prophetic dreams of his daughter. It'd be crazy if he had, but he was wrong in not doing it
@Triforce9426 2 күн бұрын
Mapo keeps the hover boots on because he knows it's triggering everyone.
@MumboJ 2 күн бұрын
The one time Mapo uses Z-targeting, and it's during the boss fight that becomes harder when you target them. :P
@EvelynMadisonFaust Күн бұрын
Mapo choosing to fight Twinrova the hard way is very on brand. lol
@peterpeladon 2 күн бұрын
As to people praising the targetting system: Remember that this game practically invented the system, this is the first iteration of a key system in modern adventure games. Even modern games have some jank to this system...this one has more I will say, the number of times you commented specifically about the lock-on being unreliable in that phase, you were kinda setting up people who love the game; setting them up to point out the tunnel visioning involved with that.
@crust5909 2 күн бұрын
It didn't invented the 3D targetting system, but it definitely refined it and popularized that iteration. Games like Virtual-On, Nightmare Creatures and Megaman Legends had that targetting system before OoT came out.
@jesusramirezromo2037 2 күн бұрын
I mean, he also wasn't supposed to Z target
@123goofyking Күн бұрын
But what even is the jank that you're both talking about??? Far as I can see it's always worked perfectly except when he panics and just spams the button turning it on and off. And for clarity's sake, the targeting focuses on the object Navi is currently hovering over. And Navi will only hover over things you can actually see. So when Mapo complains that pressing Z didn't work it's because he tries to target something he can't even see, so the game just moves the camera around instead.
@tinyguy9398 2 күн бұрын
The point of Twinrova’s first phase is to always face the witch that is currently attacking you with your shield. Once your shield is reflecting the witches spell you can reposition the shield while standing in place toward the other witch. You were doing the first phase totally opposite the intended solution which made it a lot harder.
@tinyguy9398 2 күн бұрын
Once you start reflecting their magic you can move your shield around pretty liberally with the control stick so the sisters don’t need to be lined up at all. As long as there both in front of you they can be on opposite sides of the screen and you can still redirect the beam towards the sister that is not attacking. The key is NOT to lock on to the sister that is not attacking and ALWAYS face the sister that is actively attacking.
@Blat223 2 күн бұрын
The negative comments make me sad. You don't deserve them, Mapo. Keep up ignoring the trolls and haters; they are small-minded people deserving only of pity. My wife and I love your content. I am constantly impressed with your attention to lore detail and puzzle perception. Moreover, we love your general attitude, jokes, and approach to these videos. OoT holds a special, nostalgic place in my heart, and I am beyond pleased you're playing and enjoying it. Just wanted to leave a quick comment and affirmation, because it shouldn't only be the complainers who speak up. Looking forward to more! :)
@victor555132 Күн бұрын
most of them are banned users who are butthurt came back with an alt account 😅
@Retro_Rainer 9 күн бұрын
mapo, the statue puzzle is super simple in concept. the funny thing is, I was in the same situation as you. not as a kid, mind you. when I replayed the game after more than a decade, I was looking for a permanent way. after doing what I felt was cheese, namely let them hop on the switch and quickly go through the door, memories flooded my brain and I remembered that as a kid, I stepped into the room and knew exactly what to do, right away. maybe adult brains are worse at some kind of puzzles haha.
@ShadowSkyX 2 күн бұрын
I mean if you don't exercise it and reinforce the process, you will inevitably forget the thought process in how you used to solve the puzzles. Critical thinking can work against you and i remember the constellation shrine from botw was like this. It was literally just how many of each constellation on the wall? A 6 year old would have guessed to try the solution. I was 100% overthinking it and eventually had to look it up; fortunately i wasn't a complete idiot and was starting to get on the right track. Also reminded me of those questions teachers asked that had very easy answers but because we were to taught to overthink, barely anyone was able to guess the correct answers. I wish the teachers had done that a lot more with us, so we'd never forget some answers really are that simple. Sure it would make you feel dumb, but that's because you know you were capable of answering but overthinking it messed you up.
@niceparker8401 Күн бұрын
I really hope this isn’t the only Zelda game you play on your channel. This content keeps me going dude
@KSilverlode Күн бұрын
I'm enjoying this series so much. Sure, there are things that you don't catch onto immediately, but that's the nature of a first playthrough, and there are plenty of other things that you do get very quickly. I'm glad you're loving the game! It's fun to replay and revisit too, to find more secrets and do more sidequests, etc. 🙂
@EvelynMadisonFaust Күн бұрын
I wouldn't be mad if next episode is just him finishing up side quests, getting the fairy fountain he missed, and beating the optional Gerudo dungeon. We can save the final dungeon for part 20 if that's what he chooses to do.
@YetiUprising 2 күн бұрын
Mapo failing to hit anything but the Like Like's mouth is comedy gold.
@dheu 2 күн бұрын
The timing was so unfortunate there, lol. Every time his sword swung, the like like was leaning over towards him… I was trying to coach him through the screen “swing now!” lol
@DekuDude Күн бұрын
@@dheu Exactly! :D
@Old_Gil_Gunderson 9 күн бұрын
23:22 fun fact you where so close but you can actually hookshot onto the goddess statues nipple's for whatever reason. It doesn't do anything though 😅
@Potatezone 2 күн бұрын
It's crazy that it's specifically the nipples- either some game dev was REALLY funny or the statue texture has the most unfortunate coincidence ever.
@Tustin2121 2 күн бұрын
@@Potatezone- It’s definitely not the latter, because if you look at the statue using a collision viewer, there’s actually extra hidden geometry, very small squares, right at the points of the nipple that make them hookshot-able. Also, if Link touches these, it causes him knock back and damage. They’re very pointy, lol.
@kevinbell5674 2 күн бұрын
Malon, Ruto, Nabooru, OOT Link is the rizz master of Links.
@lordkilljoy9652 2 күн бұрын
Hey, Twilight Princess Link does pretty damn good too
@ParalyzedQueen Күн бұрын
"Of course now all you're gonna do is ice." Literally every time, to every one of us. 😂
@Scyth0r 2 күн бұрын
13:00 - HE FIGURED IT OUT! And it only took 18 episodes. 😆 The Green Navi Mystery is solved!!
@mirkoruhl9324 2 күн бұрын
Such a shame he only figured it out this late
@wizardwor511 2 күн бұрын
I've beaten this game at least a dozen times and never noticed the secret big fairy in this room 😅
@tinyguy9398 2 күн бұрын
+Scyth0r Well. He figured out all but one of the green Navi songs (he still has not used a certain song on green Navi to make things appear) and he also has figured out the secret of the out of place cows yet. I’m waiting until that finally clicks.
@crust5909 Күн бұрын
im glad he did because i've never did in any of my playthroughs and now i finally know :D
@CherryVTGaming 2 күн бұрын
24:16 - No longer am I a man who says wtf. and we wont say wtf ever again.. 27:45 - wtf is this -- Mapo 2024
@DerOrk 2 күн бұрын
Hope you'll take a shot at Majoras Mask after this. Would love to see that.
@willsONfireBeats 2 күн бұрын
YT recommended one of your earlier OoT videos to me, and i was pleasantly surprised to see you started your playthrough recently. I have got caught up over the past week and now im happy to watch along in "real time", its been cool seeing your progress and enjoyment of the game grow. It would be cool to see your impression of other N64 games, Majoras Mask of course the obvious choice but also Perfect Dark, Paper Mario, Turok 3 Shadow of Oblivion, WWF No Mercy/Wrestlemania2k and others I'm forgetting right now
@omrmajeed 2 күн бұрын
Im sure you have beaten the game by now. I hope you are planning to do Majoras Mask playthrough right after. I really enjoyed OOT lets play. Would love to see you continue with MM.
@SoverineSR Күн бұрын
The funny thing is, if you had gotten as stuck in the water temple as you were with Twinrova, people would have been begging you to look past it and not let it sour the game for you. Even returning players often mess up the water level cycles pretty frequently, and you breezed through it pretty well. You win some, you lose some. Unfortunately, the one you lost was one long time fans don't give a second thought to, so the usual understanding falls short this time.
@saintcathedral6107 2 күн бұрын
After all these years, the Zelda reveal still makes me tear up. She always stays so strong for her people. She is so brave, and will put herself in the face of evil to do what is right, every time. Love her!
@ceruleanvoice3538 Күн бұрын
Zelda was always a badass. Hard to name a single fictional hero who hasn't both been through her adversity, over and over again through thousands of years and multiple reincarnations, while retaining an unshakable resolve in the face of minimal odds of success. No other character exudes stronger "trust the process" energy.
@SarokII 8 күн бұрын
The boss work, you can direct the reflection of the beams with the joystick as like u did in the puzzles
@Blackbaldrik 2 күн бұрын
I'm so happy that you somehow managed to go all this time without being spoiled on the Zelda/Sheik reveal! Even when people are blind on OoT, they tend to still know that. It's almost ubiquitous knowledge in the gaming sphere. And it's also really cool that you managed to figure it out from the clues the game gives you, too! :D Probably my favourite scene in the entire game. Big reveal, massive lore drop that has implications for the entire series, and then you're given a direct drive to go face Ganondorf immediately. Also, if you pay close attention it's not removing the disguise that tips Ganondorf off, he only notices and captures her after she summons the Light Arrows. That sudden huge burst of holy power was like a homing beacon to her exact location. I'm so hyped for the coming finale!
@cleverman383 2 күн бұрын
Super Smash Bros is to blame for ruining the Sheik reveal for SO MANY people
@Chris-qr8ng 8 күн бұрын
1:14:40 Ok but this is a 1998 game, 2 days after the release of half-life 1 actually. But just like in souls games some bosses are much easier by not using lock on.
@SideQuestStories 2 күн бұрын
The reason you were having issues with the first phase of Twinrova was using lock-on made Link move. It's much easier if you don't lock on.
@tomrees82 2 күн бұрын
- Finish the Gerudo training - Explore the desert as Young Link - See if the old potion seller at Kakariko sells anything now that the trading quest is done with - Get 50 Skulltula tokens
@MumboJ 2 күн бұрын
53:57 You can use the shield with a 2-handed item equipped (sword, hammer, stick, etc), but only when it's not currently in Link's hand. If you stand still for a moment and press A, he puts his weapon away. He also puts his weapon away automatically when you use a different item, such as the hookshot, bottle, or ocarina.
@TercesGarret Күн бұрын
Dude, I'm having the best time looking at your playthrough. I look forward to it every day. It's so interesting. I'll even check other games you play that I don't know. It's kind of amazing at this point. You always somehow move past the simplified gameplay and end up playing hardcor moves by accident.
@jesusramirezromo2037 2 күн бұрын
Twin Roba was actually one of my favorite bosses, i loved absorbing their attacks with the mirror shield
@AzarathMetreon 2 күн бұрын
I honestly never even tried fire arrows on those floating fireball mummy things lmao. They mirror your movements, so the intended solution is to maneuver them into the fire circle. It makes sense that the arrows would work, I just never thought to try.
@rocwelledwards8942 Күн бұрын
i gotta admit it was hilarious to hear mapo get mad at the lock on targeting mechanic when we were all screaming "stop using the lock on!!"
@TheGameVerse 9 күн бұрын
Been waiting for this reveal!
@TheGameVerse 9 күн бұрын
Oh god, that fight was painful LMAO. I feel like you did mostly what I do run to the opposite end and deflect. Not sure what went wrong, think you got unlucky
@zaekulia 9 күн бұрын
​@@TheGameVerseI feel like for phase 1 manual aiming is the go to, at least with 3DS controls Not sure how smooth the old controllers are to do that consistently
@TheGameVerse 9 күн бұрын
@@zaekulia you knoe what, your right, I think I always try to do the targetting and then quickly give up and switch to manual. Just replayed it a couple weeks ago but Im old and have a bad memory 🤣
@Retro_Rainer 9 күн бұрын
@@TheGameVerse I don't know what you mean. this is how every fight with them looks for me. every goddamn time even without lock-on.
@ZenJestr 2 күн бұрын
yea the first phase of the Twinrova fight is infinitely easier if you're NOT locking on to them. you can aim the shield freely when you're out of Z-targeting mode. honestly, your brain is so huge for figuring out Sheik is Zelda before the official reveal and it's especially impressive that this wasn't spoiled for you after 2 decades. although I shouldn't be surprised that the man who clocked who Flemeth and Solas were in your Inquisition run was also able to use your innate Eyes of Truth to figure out the Sheik thing.
@VandalHeart26 2 күн бұрын
I'm really enjoying your playthrough and hope that you'll continue with Zelda in the future at some point.
@wizardwor511 2 күн бұрын
1:04:00 gandandorfs surrogate mother Twinrova... Did you guys ever stip to imagine what Ganondorfs childhood was like?
@frostbyte4544 2 күн бұрын
The dungeon already taught you with the light puzzles that you can freely aim the shield's reflection when you're not locked on! Maybe you just wanted an extra challenge? :'D Well done, anyway
@jordanbridges Күн бұрын
The game teaches you how to reflect light with the little suns in the game with sunlight coming through, no need to lock on. It shows you how to beat the twins.
@Divector8 Күн бұрын
After I completed the game as a kid I'd load up my save and replay the end of the game over and over, it's just so good. I can't wait for the next episode.
@thembill8246 2 күн бұрын
That blue switch with the Armos is tough to work out because it's not like anything else in the game. I felt your pain. Also, fun fact: according to the manga of this game, Zelda didn't just disguise herself, but actually underwent a magical transformation to become a male Sheika.
@boogabuga7657 2 күн бұрын
god i love the spirit temple music
@tinyguy9398 2 күн бұрын
The Anubis enemies don’t need to be in the center of the fire for you to kill them. You can activate the fire using the switch then mirror their movements to lure them into the fire after hitting the switch. That would’ve been the intended method.
@dheu 2 күн бұрын
I’m really enjoying this series. I love your methodical approach and your dry wit. It is so much fun and so rare seeing a completely blind playthrough of this game. I hope you will continue the series with Majora’s Mask! I hope those people who are too negative and judgy don’t put you off from playing more.
@kendokindura2506 Күн бұрын
Back in episode 14 when you were speaking to Shiek infront of the well of Kakariko and you said "but where the hell is Zelda" while the camera was focused on Shiek, I couldn't help but laugh...😉
@AlexanderCole-dz6jd Сағат бұрын
Thanks for showing me a new way to kill the bad guys in the desert and you for got to look all around the desert
@carljohansson3512 Күн бұрын
Some trivia: The reason why Nabooru was called Ganondorf's second-in command in the future was because of the witches' brainwashing, this is also likely something Ganondorf has done to have a stronger control over the Gerudo in case they see him for who he truly is as a person and decide to turn on him. The witches both bear a resemblance to their son the Great demon king/Great king of evil(Daimaō) and are likely the ones who taught him dark magic.
@randychristensen1028 2 күн бұрын
Fun fact Mapo: the wall climbing bit at 48:00 can be cheesed by hookshotting up to the top part
@spacefacecadet 2 күн бұрын
Your thought process is next level, and you're right a lot. It's so cool you guessed who Shiek is! I'm impressed by your play style. Sorry you had such a rough time on that first Twinrova phase my brother. It's kind funny that you were so mad at the targeting but didn't think to manually aim. "I hate you! No, I will not stop using you!" 😂 Excellent as always.
@exceldamage1861 2 күн бұрын
31:00 well that works too i guess.... still trying to figure out what you thought you had to do though, haha. assuming you intended to get them into place and THEN activate the fire? but you can just activate the fire and then move them into it whilst its on... or just fire arrow them xD
@roberthardy9255 6 сағат бұрын
When you're standing still, you can push A to sheath your sword. If your Biggoron Sword is sheathed, you can use the Mirror Shield normally.
@nickmiller1840 2 күн бұрын
Babe wake up, mapo is in the spirit temple.
@xephon3000 2 күн бұрын
I had been so looking forward to this episode! Congrats on rescuing all the sages and meeting Zelda! Just a bit more until the end!
@123goofyking 2 күн бұрын
😂😂😂😂 The pots in the spirit temple made me think of those hour-long videos of silence randomly interrupted by loud sounds
@SalvableRuin 2 күн бұрын
You'll have an easier time with Twinrova if you don't target. The boss isn't badly designed; you are just doing it wrong. This game is beautifully designed. If something doesn't work, that's probably because it isn't intended to be done that way.
@kura-pika 5 күн бұрын
just used din's fire as a kid to deal with the Anubis...i couldnt be bothered with all that manouvering lol i just let them burn EDIT: ohhhh just saw Mapo ended up using fire arrows LMAO thats the spirit
@bendecidospr Күн бұрын
"No more what the f***" Very next room: "What the f***?"
@XFS540 2 күн бұрын
When you realize on the second playthrough that you can just longshot past the shifting wall puzzle 😑
@Francescojg 7 сағат бұрын
There’s at least 3 or 4 torturous moments in every episode where he does things the hardest way possible… that was one of them
@loowisk1113 2 күн бұрын
His power level… its over 9000!!!!!
@topazmutiny Күн бұрын
Apologies for this being long... I didn't expect to write so much! Been loving your journey through the game! ❤ 3:23 Funny, I always confuse Nocturne of Shadow and Requiem of Spirit myself. 11:25 You can hit it with the big sword, but you've always attacked it when it's in its "eating" animation which blocks attacks. TBH I'm not sure how a blob can block attacks... 37:23 I figure since the game is in the "endgame", it is starting to subvert things learned previously. 44:10 I'm so sad we get the Mirror Shield so late in the game because it looks SO COOL. 57:47 I love the theming of the witches. Ganondorf's surrogate (as in guardian/caretaker, not womb) mothers, brainwashing with dark magic, amazing themesong, fire/ice aesthetic, menacing over-the-shoulder glance, hilarious death scene (why the halos and ray of light????)... but... (by the way nice on discovering the power of the jump-attack -> backflip combo on the Iron Knuckle at 59:50) ... 1:03:00 Their Phase 1 boss fight is probably the most jank in the game. Yes, it's better with a real (and non-buggy) N64 controller (or a really good Analog controller), but no matter which strategy is used (Z-targeting or free-aim), sometimes I'll find the witches just don't play nice with one strat and I have to switch to the other strat. Because both are valid! Sometimes it's easier to stand still and use Z-targeting on the attacking witch then Swap Target to her twin (can be done reliably if Z-targeting is set to Switch and not Hold) and then move Link a tiny bit to adjust the beam, and other times it feels easier to face the witch aiming at Link, crouch-shield, and free-aim the beam towards the other witch. No matter what though, both are dependent on the witches getting into a position where we can see both at the same time... bit of an annoying waiting game if the witch we want to hit is hiding behind our POV. All in all I both love and hate Twinrova. 1:14:42 Well... see... Previously, you decided on using Hold for Z-targeting's options and not Switch, correct? I think because you were finding it difficult to un-target things. The options are nice, but Hold (which in all fairness most players use) has a glaring weakness comparatively - instead of being hard to un-target something, it is now hard to *keep* targeting (if your hand slips or you have a faulty button) as well as hard to target something else in the room (if the system fails to realize what you want to target) instead. I get your frustration. It's probably a bit too late for this run of the game, but if you decide to play Ocarina of Time (or another similar Zelda) again, maybe try out Switch Z-Targeting. In this game in particular I found un-targeting worked better if I slammed the control stick back (so Link starts running towards the screen) before tapping the button. Maybe it's not just me and it'll work for you too. 1:27:10 👀 Oho? Prrrrrobably for the best Nabooru got Sage-Zoned, lol. 1:28:33 It's such a short animation, but I love seeing Link crack his knuckles before lifting rocks. They could've just made him pick up the rock quickly like a plant or a bomb flower, but they decided to make him look cool. 1:34:27 Surpriiiise :D Welcome to the most well-known twist in Zelda lore (I'm very surprised it was not spoiled to you through Smash Bros or other paraphernalia) - Sheik was secretly Zelda the whole time! I love that this game shows it as a full magical transformation. Little child me was kind of blown away that the princess magically changed into a male Sheikah to hide from Ganondorf (and do cool stuff) and seemed perfectly okay with it. That's probably not the canon interpretation (I believe recent-ish interviews stated it's just a wardrobe change... meh) but for me it just kind of seared into my brain that this Sheik in particular is physically different from Zelda. Funnily enough in the old days of the internet, fandom wars were waged over this subject. It was very dumb. Now they wage wars over whether there should be a female Link (the fighting's equally dumb lol) 1:40:41 Man used magic Wi-Fi speakers just to laugh at you. What a villain. And yeah, it's a good laugh. Probably better than Link's screams!
@Mattiasthesecond Күн бұрын
It the last temple and Mapo is still suprised the boss battle is taking place "of the grid" when every single boss battle hasnt been on map :)
@ThurimHammer-op3xd Күн бұрын
Can't wait to see him lose his mind on Majora's mask.
@lewstherintelamon244 2 күн бұрын
Perhaps a better translation for the Twinrova's relationship to Ganondorf would be "foster mothers", seeing as most women over the age of 380 have left their child baring days behind...
@jons_7402 Күн бұрын
The Song of Time block in the room with the three Anubis was not optional. In fact it was the solution to the puzzle. All you have to do there is press the switch to light the fire up and move to the block, which will put the Anubis in place to get burned. But the magic items do solve it all quicker.
@MartinGiadrosich 2 күн бұрын
If you hang out in the Twinrova boss chamber for a long time after they're gone, you can fight them again, but they'll be invisible.
@Jormunguandr 2 күн бұрын
Spirit temple, gives me the spiritual feels, soon we reaches the end game. Been a nice ride 😊
@kano7784 2 күн бұрын
Woo! Getting close to the end 😢 I've been loving this playthrough man! Keep at it and go show Ganondork who's boss! 🎉
@Arthamus Күн бұрын
Mapocolops your disregard for your health hurts my gaming soul 😂
@BodegaBoy757 2 күн бұрын
Been following this whole journey 😅 loving every video lol
@Senfree Күн бұрын
All Iron Knuckles have a Gerudo inside their armor, that's the sad thing. She's just the only one you don't kill.
@Razardos 2 күн бұрын
That feeling watching you solve something after a bit of struggle in this game, I kind of understand GLaDOS. At least a little bit ;) And yeah, the first Twinrova phase is slightly janky, even if one doesn't use Z-targetting. But hey, at least they only need a hit each. Silver lining and all that. And now we're so close to the end, sadly. Looking forward to seeing you tackle the last parts :)
@sloporion Күн бұрын
You don't have to hit the gemstone in their foreheads. If you notice the last time you fought them, you got the one's feet. Also, I didn't want to say it last episode as to not spoil it for any first viewers, but I'm surprised you didn't guess the Shiek/Zelda thing right away. I feel like you said early on that you knew some of the characters from Smash Brothers. In the most recent one you can play as Zelda and one of her moves turns her into Shiek and gives her another moveset (and vice-versa).
@Roxfox 2 күн бұрын
Oh *man* what a plotline you invented with the musing "maybe Ganondorf is really old and eats the other men." That's absolutely the sort of thing he'd do! I'm imagining a thousand year old Ganondorf's minions making the rounds around the desert, demanding that all the Gerudo show their newborn so they can capture and kill any would-be-competitor males. But one family manages to secret away their male baby, finding a surrogate family far away for him to grow up with while keeping his roots a secret, raising him as a Hylian and giving him a decidedly un-Gerudo name. Eventually he would come to realize he's not like the other kids (red hair, yellow eyes and all (although maybe there's a spell in place to disguise even that until later)) and venturing out into the world to find his origins, he would eventually find kinship with the Gerudo, only to learn there's a big bad immortal evil man that would kill him if he finds him. That's how you can end up with a Link with a completely different background that still leads him toward the same destiny! Raised a Hylian instead of a Kokiri, turned out to be a Gerudo instead of a Hylian, but still needing to defend himself from and eventually defeat Ganondorf. Only, this time, he would eventually take his rightful place as king! Fan artists, where are you? I'm gonna need someone to draw Gerudo Link!
@blackcherrypaw307 Күн бұрын
I can't wait for the final to happen!!! Keep it up!!! ❤❤❤
@yozarian86 Күн бұрын
Woah. Potions sold right outside the witches “house”. I never made the connection to another game. A couple notes for the witches. It’s easier if you don’t use Z targeting for that fight. Targeting was revolutionary, but not perfected. Also I get FF6 flashbacks in that scene with Zelda. Not as tragic as FF, but still.
@ODDERZPlays 2 күн бұрын
He's right about the Twinrova fight, the room needs infinite lock on and bigger hurt boxes on those enemies. He had the right strategy but it took ages because the mechanics were fighting him all the way. Very funny tho.
@joshuadehler5039 Күн бұрын
@DontMockMySmock 21 сағат бұрын
Regarding the armos switch: yeah, that's intended, basically. You can stand by the door and hit them with arrows or hookshot to activate them remotely, then you're already by the door and ready to go
@DragonofDarkness13 18 сағат бұрын
The Like-Like's mouth blocks your sword, use stabs or horizontal swings to hit the body
@Senfree 23 сағат бұрын
It only kinda, sorta hints for you to use the mirror shield shield without lock on when you use the light reflecting mechanic, but that doesn't necessarily indicate that's what you have to do for the boss, so for anyone to think you should get it when the rest of the game constantly has you lock on to enemies is fooling themselves. There's so many runners and people who know the game like the back of their hand that people can get the wrong idea and think this stuff is just instinct. They're honestly practicing bad theory of mind in this case.
@Jikkuryuu Күн бұрын
For all that manual targeting makes the first stage eas _ier,_ you still have to juggle the camera, track both witches, and just accept that sometimes the angle won't work. All the jank he ran into is there, he merely added one more challenge to the pile. Goodness knows how many things I did the long/hard/wrong way my first time. I feel like my vague memories of this sacred realm and Triforce piece exposition make more sense than what's actually in the game :D Of course that's not true, it's just hard to slot the sacred realm into all of this when what we see of it is some disc you get summoned to by other people. :P
@AquaMaryn. 2 күн бұрын
My initial suspicion about Sheik was maybe they were a future/parallel version of Link time-travelling, especially after the weird Windmill Song, but Sheik being Zelda became more obvious with those odd longing looks and talks of love. I did chuckle when Zelda said she was going to become the seventh Sage. A real miracle Malon didn't become one. 😄
@Alex-uh9us 8 күн бұрын
Thursday is gonna be lit!
@MerabuHalcyon 2 күн бұрын
Great job so far Mapo, cannot wait for you to complete this game! Once the finale is out we can be sure to fill the comments with all the things you missed out on or didn't find, but don't worry, from where you are at now, the overworld stuff is all optional. Nothing major missed that would prevent you from finishing the game.
@syd.xander Күн бұрын
AAAH i forgot about zelda dropping the true force lore, remember it because it is SO IMPORTANT in the classic zelda games. In BOTW/TOTK...not so much. Smh. In this, and later games, whenever you see one of three chosen ones with a triforce piece burning on their hand ,as with sheik, i find that moment is usually soo epic and/or poignant in some way, its like, the SOUL of classic zelda for me. Just remembering those moments make me a little emotional 🥲 Cant wait for the finale 🎉🎉
@VaiSeiya 2 күн бұрын
My favorite Temple!
@Berek71182 8 сағат бұрын
1:07:56 They dont have to stay together. Jump to the platfroms and move around more. Slightly move toward the Witch once she target you to not trigger the blast zone. And stop usiing Navy all the time! There are several Situation/Bossphases where the player is better of without using Navi.
@SalvableRuin 2 күн бұрын
People praise the targeting because this game invented targeting. The first telephone wasn't as good as a modern telephone either haha.
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