Abilities That Were DELETED From League Of Legends (4)

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8 ай бұрын

Continuing with my new favorite series here is part 4 of Removed Abilities :D Part 5 will be coming soon; we have no shortage of old stuff to reminisce about.
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#LoL #Abilities #leagueoflegends

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@aisushitai2680 7 ай бұрын
Galio's old ultimate was my favorite ability in all of League of Legend's history. I have countless memories of playing Galio support, shoving the enemy under their tower, comboing my W and Ult and watching as the poor enemy ADC could do nothing as I Oppenheimer'd their entire quadrant.
@vost2916 7 ай бұрын
I mained him because of his ult.
@joshuacoleman8814 7 ай бұрын
I would run TP and Fortify back in the day as Galio. With the old mysteries system you could make fortify splash damage. Anytime 3+ enemies would push a tower I would tp in and click the ult and fortify, got many cheeky triple and quad kills. Also got one of my first Pentas this way
@Seachained_Ghost 7 ай бұрын
I just miss old galio as a whole. Favorite counter pick into Fizz.
@MangaGamified 7 ай бұрын
It had like 200 average CD too.
@melovil9199 6 ай бұрын
Thats old AP poppy got him. God that shit was fun. Chasing the adc, popping ghost and w running at them at 900 ms and bonking them into nothingness
@aetherian7376 8 ай бұрын
speaking of deleted abilities, I'd love to see something about old asol and maybe what could have been done to keep his stars. I miss my old dragon :(
@yoisakikanade_ 7 ай бұрын
not sure how balanced it would be but i keep thinking that maybe one day they'll add his stars back as an item or something. sucks to lose that whole playstyle
@decidueyezealot8611 7 ай бұрын
Issue was it wasn't very good on a ranged champ that isn't a battle mage. Anyone with a dash killed you because his damage was easy to avoid
@mete8901 7 ай бұрын
Make them do dmg
@aetherian7376 7 ай бұрын
@@decidueyezealot8611 I would know, he was one of my favorite champs back then and even though it freaking sucked to loose to anyone who has any form of movement, I still think it was one of the most unique designs ever created and I hate that they removed that entirely
@ViktorLoR_Mainu 7 ай бұрын
​@@yoisakikanade_yo thats actually a sick idea, putting old abilities on item actives i mean
@bramt2000 7 ай бұрын
Oh I miss old Talon, he felt so fast and flashy compared to how he is nowadays.
@citrineconjurer 7 ай бұрын
I miss old Talon for a lot of reasons actually. His current design is so incredibly slow in dealing its damage without his ult. You need to W, wait for the W to return without the enemy just walking out of it, then Q the enemy (and it better not be a melee Q or they can just walk out of your auto range during the animation), then land an auto to apply a dot that will hopefully kill them. With ult it happens a lot quicker, but it's still just such a slow combo for an assassin. Plus it was so cool jumping into the enemy team, ulting and throwing W to apply solid aoe damage plus 4 stacks of Black Cleaver (5 with tiamat active too). Now his abilities don't really do enough damage to be an aoe threat. His old E was brutal design though.
@JackTR21 7 ай бұрын
That feeling of jumping onto someone with e then insta double casting R is still written into my fingers
@BigBait12 7 ай бұрын
I don't like how his W feels, caused me to drop him despite liking the new E.
@jet047 7 ай бұрын
yeah, he wasa menace especailly with the silence, and i remember around august of 2013 is when his E was nerf. it is also the same reason why they remove the silence of leblanc, yes leblance has silence back on the day.
@Eisenthorn4179 7 ай бұрын
I still prefer old Talon. His combos were much faster and the W and R sound when passing through minions/champions was so satisfying
@NotaFrom99 7 ай бұрын
The other thing that was removed with Rek’sai’s old ult was the animation of her riding a jet ski to the ulted tunnel The only way to see it now is to home guard out of base unburrowed
@strongerthanever2039 7 ай бұрын
Enemy: walks up Old Galio: Do you want to explode?
@miguelsanchez825 7 ай бұрын
Let's remember Old Galio's ult used to be countered by tenacity, in the way that you could just walk out of it and it worked that way for a long time. I was so happy when they made him constantly taunt enemies in the area to fix that (as it should've been due to how it looked) old Galio was super fun to play every now and then but was weird.
@Dracon350 7 ай бұрын
i remember going Will of the Ancients and Hextech Gunblade for the spell vamp and walking into massive minion waves and turning W on and watching all of my HP come back. urf was also a blast. just spammed Q and E in the enemies' general direction.
@maxxe2108 5 ай бұрын
@@Dracon350spellvsmp didnt increase your w healing :/
@janstraka8674 7 ай бұрын
One thing that I think could have worked, but was scrapped due to overwhelming backlash was LeBlanc assassin update passive and ult. You know, the ult where she could have spawned her clone everywhere? It sucked because she would have to press R and then other abilities to actually cast them, which was clunky but it was super fun to play her.
@looneymar9153 7 ай бұрын
Call me boosted all you want but i liked when she had unnerfed W waveclear in her reworked form
@charalacuchara9765 7 ай бұрын
I honestly really liked S7 LeBlanc, but on her last days couldnt bear with the clunkiness due to all the nerfs
@sidneyw.mathiasdeoliveira8621 7 ай бұрын
There are other themes you could explore for series like this: Old league personalities - streamers, rioters, casters, pros and any other stand out people who were famous and now are off the scene Old metas - markable metas the rift witnessed, like the ad carry ban occurred in season 6, i think, where any mage would fit the bottom lane better than any marksman could, due to overnerf Worlds Wars - a series telling the history and remarkable facts of all the world championships till present: the game state, the meta, the favorites, the run of winner, even the estimated size of the player base at that time and how watched the events were
@fluffy_fluffinity 8 ай бұрын
You really have a lot of fun creating these videos. Happy to see this
@Step43099 7 ай бұрын
I miss Syndra's old W where she could pick up 3 things at once as well as ally minions. Though its understandable why they changed it cause it was so easy to get full team stuns into 7 sphere ult. Also mannnnnn I miss Kha'zix Adaptive Cloaking that shit was so busted but so fun
@gabrielcornejo682 8 ай бұрын
2:08 It also had a unique animation with the pool party skin
@GentlyUsedFrog 7 ай бұрын
Old Fiddlesticks' E, Akali's R or even her Q, Corki passive, Cassiopeia's passive (second iteration), Draven's passive, Ezreal W (Not only attack speed but healing his allies too), Warwick's ult. I wanna say old Xerath's W or E but at this point you'd have to mention his entire kit I feel like. Same for old Swain.
@gustavohunter7483 7 ай бұрын
You forgot to talk about how the old void rush animation was about rek'sai going bonkers on a floating board 2:08
@mal9369 7 ай бұрын
I miss old talon. He was my first main. I liked to rush youmuus and then go crit, as yomuus had 15% crit back then. Between the damage amp and the ad scaling on his q, you could one-shot someone with two autos and then have ult to get away or reengage. Hilarious champ
@AlryFireBlade 7 ай бұрын
Oh man Talons old E... As someone who started playing at Talons release and became a Talon main a few weeks later I really miss his entire old kit. This new one feels so bad compared to the old one. He was an Assassin even I could play,. It felt so good to blink behind the enemy and use R to reposition and throw the W to his way. Now he is so slow, W takes ages to come back, gone is this funny fast movement. And the new Dash feels so bad. Many people say now the Dash is on Q what's the matter? I can tell you. An instant blink behind an enemy and a Slow Dash in front of him is a big difference, especially for an assassin.
@misterantonis1231 7 ай бұрын
I can't express how much I miss old Galio
@henrynguyen9182 7 ай бұрын
You know your a veteran player when you recognize all the deleted abilities in this video
@monarkev 7 ай бұрын
The editing this video was really nice! Props :D
@hyperN1337 7 ай бұрын
The thing to contextualize old Rek'sai R as well is that in true riot fashion when a champion has a button that doesn't do damage, the rest of their kit is really strong. Old Rek'sai could stat check the ever living heck out of anyone back then while building bruiser/tank, with her ult changing, did the rest of her kit lose some of the flat damage in favour of needing to build actual damage to do damage in the same way that Riot touched Hecarim kinda. As for the old Rengar Q, the biggest reason it got slapped was that it did way way waaaay too much damage. At rank one it was a 4 second CD quick cast 30 + 20% bonus AD x2 hit, with each hit adding 1 to his passive so he would stack it fast, that also was an auto reset. The empowered version at level 1 did 60 + 110% bonus ad x2. And because of all of this, on top of the aoe aspect of it, came the extreme prevalence of top Rengar. Nobody could fight top Rengar at any point unless they got a gank. At level 1 he would just passive jump on you, Q you, be at 3 stacks and deal about 216 + 40% bonus ad, and if you insisted on extending the trade, you would die in 4 seconds with him double Qing you for a total of 180 + 260% bonus ad at level 1 with 3 autos weaved in at start and after each Q doing another 234. So in the span of about 4 seconds at level 1, just for wanting to start to cs, you would have taken 630 + 300% bonus ad + any rune damage.
@worldiefeard8396 7 ай бұрын
I'm quite sure it was a combination of both. Players hated it cause of the clunkiness AND it did too much damage on top of it, so they didn't have much issue in saying "yknow what, screw it, we put back the old one". If it was just one of the two, they would likely just have tweaked the numbers instead.
@MateusPistori 8 ай бұрын
Was just watching the part 3 when the part 4 released, keep the great content man!
@xdustinwoldtx 8 ай бұрын
Back in the day. I hated Galios ult so much that I'd pick Udyr or Braum against him no matter where I was on the map cause Bear stance and braum passive were a galios nightmare.
@amagicion5130 7 ай бұрын
Anyone who has experienced a Garen Q-E-R oneshot during the Q silence understands the pains of old Talon E. At least Garen isn't designed to do that, it just a symptom of damage creep.
@owo4470 7 ай бұрын
I remember when lb and kassadin silenced you while they deletedyyouuu
@doncagape5409 7 ай бұрын
Soraka used to give mana to teammates
@tobias97erdt 7 ай бұрын
And? It's not like it was that amazing of an ability
@allentayoto7387 7 ай бұрын
I will never forget the Rengar change HAHAHAHAH I remember how scary that Q was. The best counter to Rengar was to stick together but Riot decided to give her an AoE one shot.
@Celmondas 7 ай бұрын
I love how reksais old R used her tunnels, giving them a lot more meaning when placed somewhere. Nowadays they basically just feel like every other dash
@Dracon350 7 ай бұрын
definitely hope Riot revisits Rek'Sai at some point and gives her more interactions with her tunnel system.
@yagonagos 7 ай бұрын
4:04 ayyy less goooo. smallcat what r u doin!?
@TheRevivist 6 ай бұрын
I remember Talons old E. Felt like a fever dream ngl.
@SpongeAndLeo 7 ай бұрын
I really miss old talon. The removal of the silence was needed but as a talon main back then it was op. I just miss the quick w and r blades.
@manhattan550 7 ай бұрын
I used to love the old fiddle E. The bouncing crow. Played it as support just spam e'ed the wave and watched them lose health while they can't trade back
@BigBait12 7 ай бұрын
Support fiddle kinda got left in the dust with the removal of it too. I miss playing it and wish it still felt strong post rework but the new E is so bad for poke that you're just a fear bot.
@manhattan550 7 ай бұрын
@@BigBait12 lol yes. Also support kayle I used to love. The heal and ult worked really well but now they made the manacost on the heal to high and u get poked to death before u even can do damage
@pointlessfeather5830 7 ай бұрын
When I saw this video I thought "Oh I wonder if he'll cover the old Rek'sai R" I was not disappointed Thanks for your videos Vars, they're very in-depth and always cheer me up
@soulsemblance3163 7 ай бұрын
I honestly miss old galio ultimate and w. It was so fun to use. Unless the enemy team had a braum
@chuggaaconroyfanish 7 ай бұрын
love the fire emblem fates music! i miss road taken
@IhateU43 7 ай бұрын
Talon used to be SO MUCH more annoying with his old E. Are you squishy? He'll just oneshot you, no counterplay. Are you tanky? He'll silence you and make an escape or even win an extended fight if he gets to use it a couple times. Bruiser Talon used to be a thing for a hot minute just before he got the rework and that build was the most obnoxious because he rushes a Cleaver, so he's already half capped for CDR, he gets a Hydra, gets a ton of health and then he can just silence you, beat you up and if you're not already dead, he can live through your damage an lifesteal back BEFORE SILENCING YOU AGAIN!!! That build still haunts my dreams and it was the reason I used to ban Talon every game.
@lynnnl 3 ай бұрын
Old Talon was perfect with just little snare on E no silence needed, he was extremely fun to play with fast combos
@ozmcsween 5 ай бұрын
8:30 if ur 3 levels up in any season on rengar you kill them from your leap unless they zhonya
@MAJmufin 8 ай бұрын
Dang, Seeing SivHD is a throwback for me.
@Madboy-sd7nj 4 ай бұрын
I loved kha'zix r passif. It was so fun going around fast and invisible
@H1nted 4 ай бұрын
I just miss old talon..and old irelia once my mains in top/mid now I can't even pilot them
@jankoshalloway6639 4 ай бұрын
Not to mention that old galio's 2nd skill combo well with his ult. Imagine that he has taunt, and he has 2nd skill on. Every attack since you are taunted, heals him. Yes heals him. It is like a rammus with built in soraka :)
@jorne6863 6 ай бұрын
5:10 And renekton w is 0.75 stun. 1.5 if he have fury (which you can predict). Irelia was 2 sec flat rank 5 with 8 s while renekton was 13-9 (lvl 1-5). Renekton didn't had the same mobility and his w range his lower than irelia stun, so yeah... This spell was fun tho, but the new irelia stun is way more hard/balanced IMO. The only thing that make irelia "too strong" is her passive and bork abuse.
@MuunChua 7 ай бұрын
if you haven't already i'd love to see a vid about the failure of the assassin rework so many things got reverted or straight up deleted
@nihil_est_divinum 7 ай бұрын
Rek'sai got a little motorboat when she ulted across the map while on Pool Party Skin. I miss that the most :c
@pusheenhat 7 ай бұрын
for every ability you said was too good and couldn't come back/ shouldn't have been here in the first place, i though to myself "i loved playing with this ability. especially khazix bush invis
@zodrien2428 7 ай бұрын
i almost cried when i saw the old 3 vs 3 map for a split second, dam i wish they put it back like a special mode with the old grafics.
@epicshorts6721 7 ай бұрын
u cover 2 abilty of sion but not he's old R, i played him back in the days just for the R it was crazy
@UrAwsome55 7 ай бұрын
Oh god the memories of me playing AP sion and stunning people with no counterplay.
@MAMAJUGO 7 ай бұрын
I miss old Sion, braindead kit and all And with the amount of mobility creep the game has gotten, I feel like reliable lockdown is more needed than ever
@Underworlder5 7 ай бұрын
agreed. the more ubiquitous dashes get, the more we need countermeasures for them. no one likes getting CCd, but it exists for a reason, and assassins have been getting out of hand for a while now
@beigaming8403 7 ай бұрын
@@Underworlder5 If you pick poppy it will be impossible for you to play as a assasin
@bullettime1116 7 ай бұрын
we dont need point and click 1-2 second long insta stuns that are ranged, theres a reason tf needs to wait to get his gold card and malzahar has to cc himself along with it being an ultimate ability
@MAMAJUGO 7 ай бұрын
@@bullettime1116 we also don't need every other champ to have spammable omnidirectional mobility, there's a reason Kassadin's ult eats his entire manapool if you try to spam it, yet here we are
@bullettime1116 7 ай бұрын
@@MAMAJUGO I don't remember other champs having omega low cd dashes that have massive range and do massive dmg, riftwalker is what makes kassadin and takes 90% of his power budget. Other champions with dashes either have vastly shorter range, can't go over walls, have higher cds or don't do dmg. I'm sorry you decided to main a champ with zero mobility but don't drag the rest of us down because of your mistake.
@Zesmos 7 ай бұрын
I dont know if it's been over, but I used to play Zyra on release just because her old passive
@IfYouNeedAnEdge 3 ай бұрын
Support Sion back in the day was hilarious cause it meantthey automatically got cait trapped for instance, just a fun side note
@Salgo96 7 ай бұрын
11:00 in all fairness fiddle q was nerfed just after alpha from 1-4 seconds to 1.5-3.5 seconds... Yes, 4 seconds of fear on a point and click.
@iampingthepenguin 7 ай бұрын
old Talon was the bane of my existence in my midlane days and I was so glad when they changed his E
@cicatox6345 5 ай бұрын
For the rengar Q, the actual reason of revert to the good old auto attack was the community. They hated what it called " Swimgar " for its clunkyness and how bad it felt, and started a cursade against riot for them to revert it on the forum, Yes, I was there to spectate this xd
@lawsonsimon8400 5 ай бұрын
I used to main talon before the rework in season 2 and yes the silence is such a deal breaker, there’s a reason why kass also lost His silence on the Q
@proactive5537 5 ай бұрын
You should do a video over the full history of yone
@Scudmaster11 7 ай бұрын
Hay Vars Could you please do a video about control mages "the most forgotten mage subclass"
@zandermercury3262 7 ай бұрын
Old Galio& old Graves bot lane was absolute solid. With Graves old passieve and galio's w Graves has 100+ armor at lvl 1 and keep healing Galio. Making them the tankiest duo off all time 🤣
@SrGundisalvus 7 ай бұрын
I miss the old Sion so much! It was super fun to play and really busted in more than one way, also people never expected the potential of the champion hahaha
@Blood_monk 7 ай бұрын
I used to main old talon, I miss him everyday :(
@last_dutch_hero258 7 ай бұрын
I remember from WAAAAAAY back in the day that Graves had a difrent passive? I don’t remember clearly if it was didrent but i’d did love to hear bout Graves
@riven4121 7 ай бұрын
Graves got resistances for dealing or taking damage.
@RobTibbetts92 7 ай бұрын
I agree 2015/2016 Qtpie was so insanely good/peak and his streams would bring in much more viewers than nowadays.
@user-nn9zh3bn3q 7 ай бұрын
They changed rengar q back because the rengar mains all went suicidal.
@DavidGlendaleArdenaso 7 ай бұрын
I'd love a necromancer champ with old Mordekaiser ult passive as innate passive, old Yorick QWE and Zz'rot as ultimate
@prostagma6055 7 ай бұрын
league players feeble minds would melt at just reading bane or riki's abilty descriptions
@Dezekiel_Ferguson 5 ай бұрын
I started playing league back in 2012 and I forgot about a lot of these abilities. People complain about broken and unbalanced champs now but there has been way worse. I remember you couldn't go a game without playing against a kha'zix or rengar
@Jumooo 7 ай бұрын
I hate that Talon Silence.. I'm having nightmares just remembering it. Anybspellcaster matchup is always a win for him once he reaches lvl 6
@MangaGamified 7 ай бұрын
They basically went the lazy route of balancing by making most if not all skillshots, like Bloodline Champions
@sin7933 7 ай бұрын
i would like to nominate old jax R you could dodge the fountain damage yes you heard that right it was so unskilled and broken
@Dirovex 7 ай бұрын
@Valllefor 7 ай бұрын
Can someone tell me the name of the outro music ? Or from where it comes?
@satriahadi1893 7 ай бұрын
the ability (technically a part of an ability) i miss is that pantheon E can hold turret shots.
@redred351 7 ай бұрын
I miss the old Rek'Sai Ult i mained her when she got released and i always get easy ganks with her ult being global and ppl just ignore her tunnels back then Also her old W knock-up is AoE not a single target and displace nearby enemies like right now so you knock-up all 5 enemies if they're all bunched up
@KindredLamby 7 ай бұрын
What is that music playing in the video? So familiar...
@werewolf74 7 ай бұрын
Basically, Rek'sai ult was given to Briar I miss fiddles bouncing silencing crow. I wish they wild offer a Galio legacy skin.
@tempermen6032 7 ай бұрын
That oddessy intro was really cute
@Philosophy-Gaming 7 ай бұрын
@actual_sapenzki 7 ай бұрын
Rengars kit makes so much more sense as a bruiser, besides the ultimate. The swim q fit that premise perfectly. As a since release Rengar main, I actually preferred the swim q. Ofc it looks clunky if your example is redmercy instead of dekar.
@feris3410 7 ай бұрын
League Boomer (playing since season 1, Kayle skin and all) here to add a little bit of context and a small correction to the Sion and Talon parts. AP Sion was actually the more common build overall basically until he got reworked. AD Sion was basically just worst master Yi, and thus was really only seen in low elo. Somewhere there's a clip of I think Scarra talking about how absolutely busted AP Sion was when he had 1:1 AP ratios and how people used the term "dirty sion abuser" back in the day because his W would negate all poke while you oneshot the wave, and if your laner tried to contest it they got shot with Q and bursted. Once dfg become OP it only got even stronger despite the fact his AP ratios were nerfed by then. And Talon was even scarier with the Silence because at the time (and even for a while after it was removed) Talon's full combo had the highest AD scaling in the game. And you were Silenced. Armor pen was also much stronger than Lethality's ever been so there were very few people outside of pure tanks that could survive him. It wasn't uncommon for bruisers to survive his burst while silenced only to die to ignite and a few autos afterwards if he had any kind of kill lead. Which, considering he had the highest first blood percentage at the time as well (upwards of 53% of all first bloods going to Talon if he was in the game) he often did.
@aakirax 7 ай бұрын
God I feel so old, I've been playing this fucking game since season 1 I remember everything....
@twxfive76 7 ай бұрын
i still think about talon old e thats when i picked him up
@CyQuelin 7 ай бұрын
I’m pretty sure at one point they made old talon e reset on kills too
@LliterallyTheMoon 7 ай бұрын
almost at 200k subs!
@brbdogking7643 4 ай бұрын
Never saw Rek'si's old ult and now I'm disappointed, she has such a cool animation and it got replaced by that...
@XIKaMuIX 7 ай бұрын
Man the old reksai R with the poolparty skin was the shit ❤
@ragemeee9194 7 ай бұрын
Laning against old talon was painfull. He would just blink on you and do his combo all game and if you were a dashless mellee champ or just a slow range champ you could retaliate with an auto at best.
@Shockblast103 7 ай бұрын
Ngl i miss kindreds old stacking passive, idk something about it made her feel complete and I miss it tk this day
@lolshattered 7 ай бұрын
started playing in s11 and i cannot believe that kha zix mechanic was in the game. so broken
@vungocanh3712 7 ай бұрын
I missed galio old W. Teemo shroom became my healing potion.
@TheNoblood12 7 ай бұрын
I have (not so fond) memories of "Nerf Irelia" memes and instantly typing "Ban Rengo" after joining queue.
@GlaciexWasTaken 7 ай бұрын
I will never not miss old Talon, bro was my main
@ultr0shot440 7 ай бұрын
The kha R evolve could return, I'd like that if instead of getting a third R when you evolve it, you rather get the old passive. So you need to choose, 2 invisibility procs OR invis on brush.
@sagiott 7 ай бұрын
I remember the assassin's preseason like probabably the best one i experienced
@caligiuricallidus967 2 ай бұрын
Can you make a Video about the old Karma? I really miss her
@2211mati 7 ай бұрын
Irelia E and passive, and Karma passive was incredible abilities, all of them make them stronger on disadvantage
@spykeex69 7 ай бұрын
Old Taric ult was pure stat buffing and it was amazing
@zarekodynski9077 7 ай бұрын
Honestly I don’t think most of the abilities would be viewed as so broken in this day and age. Old Galio Ult isn’t too different from Amumu’s, Amumu ult only used to root, now it stuns. The duration is a bit shorter and it’s not instant, but it doesn’t leave him sitting still or taking any damage while it’s effects are active. All that to say, no one complains that Amumu’s ult is broken/OP. AND Galio didn’t have any mobility or engage abilities like amumu does. Also I always laugh when Irelia’s old E gets marked as “Super OP”. I mean unless the reasoning is simply “point and click stuns are OP” I don’t see why it is considered so broken, now Irelia can stun multiple people at a distance and it’s not conditional, though it is a skill shot. Just seems like a trade off to me, but I think the new one is better. Especially considering her kit too lol, she could only dash to champs once, so if she dashed to you to land her melee stun she was SOL on escaping. Now she can safely stun from range, if she hits she can dash in and still have the opportunity to dash back out if there are minions, if she misses no harm no foul. I think there is just a weird mentality due to how different the game was. Like yes those abilities were broken for their time, but if you put them back in the game no one would bat an eye, and they might even be thankful to get rid of the new replacements in a lot of cases.
@fish-kt4iq 7 ай бұрын
Vars has some very bad takes and most of it just boils down to if it's point and click it's bad it's unfair. He is vying for the homogeneous champs poster boy.
@gustavohunter7483 7 ай бұрын
Sorry but a point and click 1.5 second stun is a bad thing when it's placed in the same kit as true damage + health on hit and an almost instant gap closer, directly to your face to beat yo ass. I mean, in a vacuum the ability is meh but you can't ignore context
@zarekodynski9077 7 ай бұрын
@@gustavohunter7483 I played way back in the day. The context does matter, and the huge part of the context is that it isn’t a guaranteed stun, especially if she dashed on you because it only stunned if she had less % health than the target. And compare her entire kit now to her old one… she could dash once for measly damage, didn’t have an AS steroid, and a pretty weak ult. The context that you are missing is that my point is this ability and her kit were pretty good in old-school league, but if it were to exist now it would seem terrible. I mean you realize that was why Irelia got a rework in the first place right? She was awful and “outdated” with simple abilities, so they added tons of power and skill into her kit so she would be a more modern champion. She’s been a balance nightmare ever since her rework. If you want to talk about broken abilities from old league, irelias E would never have come up in the conversation. You had 60 second invisibility with stacking sunfire capes, infinite knock-ups on Xin Zhao, Jax with permanent >60% dodge rate and and instant cast stun on a short cd. Like seriously old Irelia stun is not OP and you are so blind if you think it is or ever was. Yes it was a good ability, but good is different than broken. I’d fight old Irelia over the new one any day.
@gustavohunter7483 7 ай бұрын
@@zarekodynski9077 I played through every op shit that you listed, even if there was more op stuff, you can't deny that Irelia stun was op, she only had to have 1% less total hp than her objective and that was already enough to stun and destroy whichever carry she jumped on.
@zarekodynski9077 7 ай бұрын
@@gustavohunter7483 you are missing the entire point. Irelia’s stun isn’t OP as an ability. Irelia having a stun is what was OP. Pantheon has always had a ranged dash stun as one ability, with no conditional nature to it. Why is pantheon’s not considered more OP than Irelia’s old E? Because Irelia was and still is OP, not her old E.
@flemlius3507 7 ай бұрын
Have you talked about old Evelynn ult (well more like her entire existence depending on how far back you want to go lol) yet? That definitely was an old champion design. I did main her before the big assassin rework, I actually played her with E max just cause I hate ADCs back then! xD
@AlryFireBlade 7 ай бұрын
As someone who liked to play Galio from time to time, when he had this Ultimate, I can say the worst thing was that it was broken, but not in a balance way, it was broken in a Bug way. Nearly any Ult had a delay, when it comes to the Taunt. I had so many people still running for abut 0.5 sec after the Ult acitvated. They were taunted, but often they went out of the circle, so even when taunted they didn't receive the damage, because of it.
@kioken101 7 ай бұрын
Old Galio Ult was effected by tenacity so if the character had any source of it they could walk out before the full channel of the ability completes. They changed this to having his ultimate taunt not be reduced at all, but then his rework came through.
@EmptyTenementSpirit 6 ай бұрын
Rengar's swim Q was funny, I remember really liking it but disliking how it made his lategame assassination potential worse on a champion that's nearly always scaled really well due to how he builds. The longer the game went on that Q cast time became a bigger and bigger weakness window, which I just find funny on the champion most infamous for absolutely deleting you from existence. Tradeoff I guess, it's also logically why Bruiser Rengar became his main build, way more reliable to be a DPS beefcake than a squishy assassin with that kind of ability.
@Flashstrike4 4 ай бұрын
When he said that he wasn’t around when talon’s e was a silence made me realize that: 1)im old now 2)i’ve played this game for too long Also would be fun to talk about ryze when his r was like brand’s r and his e was an auto attack steroid what a fun time beta league was
@GubbiGap 7 ай бұрын
So they had Cryptic Gaze on old Sion and reworked it but Taric's E was fine despite being basically the same thing xD