Voddie Baucham on Homosexuality - Argument#3 - The Beatles Theology; All you need is love.

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Sakayo Wambua

Sakayo Wambua

5 жыл бұрын

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@deonperumal649 2 жыл бұрын
"Love does not rejoice in inequity, but rejoices in Truth" Amen
@kylemcmurry1408 2 жыл бұрын
Voddie is such a bank of knowledge and a very articulate and succinct man. I wish more people could see his stuff
@aletheamallory9674 Жыл бұрын
I do agree in all humility that love does not condone sin....Thank you LORD JESUS👑
@philipmeyer445 2 жыл бұрын
I enjoy you so much!!!! Excellent once again
@malamuteaerospace6333 2 жыл бұрын
Thank You. Amen to that..
@TennRides 2 жыл бұрын
Another AMEN.
@lonniebaines1720 Жыл бұрын
@apocalypto2011 2 жыл бұрын
Sadly, true christians like this preacher are already being persecuted, and in many cases and countries they're even encarcelated for preachins this message.
@queent3343 2 жыл бұрын
I think you have that backwards. This kind of narrow idea is celebrated throughout the world. It's the homosexuals that get incarcerated and sentenced to death.
@Grokford 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, human rights to personal conviction is crucial for a healthy society. Which is why Queer rights are so important.
@apocalypto2011 2 жыл бұрын
@@Grokford So important that, nowadays, the homosexual community it's even better protected than the children's rights.
@nelsonmcatee3721 2 жыл бұрын
Ungodly lust is not the love of God 😤!
@Mavors1099 2 жыл бұрын
What's the love of God?
@Grokford 2 жыл бұрын
Perhaps not, but I'm afraid that's not relevant because if you think homosexuality is pure lust, then you haven't been paying attention. People, don't fight for the right to visit their former sex object on their deathbed.
@queent3343 2 жыл бұрын
What is ungodly lust?
@stephenmerritt5750 2 жыл бұрын
The idea that, love is all we need, makes more sense when, love, is defined by 1st Corinthians 13.
@EE-qn4ks 2 жыл бұрын
Love is an action. Condoning sin is not loving.
@godlymike1070 2 жыл бұрын
@@EE-qn4ks Yep.
@EE-qn4ks 2 жыл бұрын
Love doesn’t condone sin. That’s not loving.
@veritastriumphantchurch776 2 жыл бұрын
This is what it's all about- or at least what it used to be about Yes there was a time when everyone had a sense of revulsion and uneasiness at mention of homosexuality, and nobody had to have it explained to them Always repulsive to God, always condemned by society, even if it was tacitly tolerated It is confusion, and psychological impairment, a state of arrested development Yes we all know some homosexuals with positive traits- the only loving thing to do is to explain to them what they are doing, and show them the way to wholeness and true freedom
@lilchristuten7568 2 жыл бұрын
No it wasn't always condemned by society. Sometimes society accepted and encouraged it. And those societies were destroyed.
@Grokford 2 жыл бұрын
Oh boy, that's something. Once upon a time not so very long ago it was tacitly understood that interracial relationships were disgusting and condemned, but then we asked the very fair question of why. Why? Because it's outside the norm? That's never been a good reason. Christ was not the man of maintaining norms without reason, even the Roman empire which Jesus acknowledged was not propped up just because it was already there. Christians have no obligation to protect norms, frequently they are obligated to do the opposite. Mental illness is matter of perspective. Is Dyslexia a mental illness, or it just a mental capability with inconvenient effects. After all dyslexia comes from a heightened ability for mental three-dimensional modeling. Which really only becomes a problem when letters look like mirrored or twisted versions of one another: b,d,p - u,n Similarly a same-sex attraction is only really a problem when a society makes that difficult. I imagine that it must be frustrating to see, but the less persecution that Queer people receive, better off they become. And I'm sure that it's too complex for you to care but current research seems to show that queer men in particular have higher emotional intelligence, and communicative abilities, which might explain why boys gestated by a mother in distress are more likely to be gay.
@veritastriumphantchurch776 2 жыл бұрын
@@Grokford Quite a collection of sophistry and half truths there Let's break them down one by one Interracial relationships was mostly a problem in America, the most racist country on earth, and never reflected the norms of the world's normal thinking countries Moses, after all, married an Ethiopian woman To make a parallel l between than and homosexuality is ridiculous, because Jesus never saw any man's ethnic background, even the Samaritans, who the Jews thought of as a mongrel race However He did condemn homosexuality inadvertently when He spoke of the judgement of two cities being worse than that of Sodom and Gomorrah He also specified that a man shall leave his mother and father and cleave to one woman, his wife Hypocrisy was His enemy, not tradition, and He was very big on what was considered normal. And sin was the most abnormal thing He addressed In the book of Daniel, he speaks of the times of the end as being a time when, "knowledge shall be increased" Knowledge of all kinds, not just scientific and technological knowledge- but also knowledge of ourselves through psychology The study of psychoanalysis revealed the study of the subconscious and explained a great deal about human behavior, which revealed hidden motives, and suppressed desires and their origins. Up until 1973, the AMA defined homosexuality as a mental illness or mental aberration Freud defined it as as result of a psychological condition called infantilism The explanation is that young boys become convinced that their father doesn't love them and they feel distant from them, so they refuse to address the problem, and have a little temper tantrum and act out They seek the attention of other men to replace the father's love they never had. Elton John is a perfect example of this. Most homosexuals today are very insecure people and have to constantly show off and be the center of attention, much like a spoiled child They are really victims of their own pride and self centeredness, which we know as just plain old sin They are in a state of arrested development. In the Jewish tradition, a boy has a bar mitzfa at the age of 12 and enters manhood, with all its responsibilities. Homosexuals just refused to make the transition With lesbians, it's mostly hatred of men based on previous relationships, or, like the homosexual, bad relations with their father. It is certainly nothing like dyslexia, which is a real physical problem, like being color blind or something Yes, modern medicine has revealed a lot of things we didn't understand about ourselves and helped understand many things about the mind that were never understood before Things like Alzheimer's and bi polar depression have lost some of the stigma attached to them They are real, and many who had them in the past suffered discrimination and isolation because of their condition. Lincoln and Churchill are two famous examples of those with bi polar depression But homosexuality? Hell, I never saw any discrimination against them, even in the prudish 1950s People knew they were queer and they left them alone, and they were accepted, just so long as they kept it to themselves, because it went against natural law and was a sin against nature So really it's time for gays and lesbians to just get over themselves and get the counseling they need for their condition The answers have always been there But "I can't change, I was made this way" Really? Can an alcoholic change and get sober? Can a drug addict kick the habit? Can anyone with a strong determination and desire to change, do so? Sure the withdrawals can be murder to overcome, but the desire to be whole, combined with the power of the Holy Spirit can transform anyone's life That's what Christ means by being born again- transformed into a new life with a new birth
@queent3343 2 жыл бұрын
You need a history lesson that goes beyond the Bible. British colonialism and their injection of Victorian morals outlawed many ancient societies who weren't hetero. And yes, these societies existed during biblical times. Hating homosexuals is a Christian choice and they do with an amazing efficiency.
@Grokford 2 жыл бұрын
@@veritastriumphantchurch776 Racism is not an American phenomenon, certainly not the worst. China springs immediately to mind in the modern era, Brazil, the Congo and the Spanish Colonies in the colonial era. But the comparison is immaterial. You were making an argument from instinct and culture. Which I've shown isn't valid because it would apply to things you don't agree with. Because as we all should know, culture is not a reliable guide for morality and citing culture is unhelpful. ... Sodom & Gomorrah are completely unapplicable in the question of Homosexuality, because if you replaced an attempted homosexual gang rape motivated by xenophobia with an attempted heterosexual gang rape motivated by Xenophobia. It wouldn't be any more moral. There is also the fact that the Angels weren't men in the traditional sense(unless you believe in gender performativity) so homosexuality might not even be possible. Or the biggest issue, which is that this event took place in one of the two cities after both were already condemned. We have no idea what other sins were present before Genesis 19 and every man who's relationship status is described(Lot & his son-in-laws) is married to a woman. So whatever sin or sins led to condemnation of the cities it couldn't have been homosexuality exclusively & any claim that it was is based on speculation not biblical scripture. ... Matthew 19:4 is descriptive not prescriptive. It is describing what already is, not deciding what should be. Much like a dictionary describes what already exists and it not a rulebook for language. But, to your point Jesus was perfectly comfortable violating norms when it was morally correct to do so. The rampage at the temple, the Samaritan woman, the prostitutes, the tax collectors, the leprous , the poor. Certainly there were some norms that were upheld, but that just means that you have to justify an action with moral logic instead of social logic; because not all norms are moral & not all morals are norms. ... The increase of knowledge is not a valid argument for end-times belief; because knowledge has been increasing for millennia, and every major shift felt like the biggest change the world had ever seen, because it often was. Name a time period and there was usually some major advancement in knowledge that changed society: horses, domestication, farming, metal smelting, written language, empires, international libraries, paper, currency, universities, the steam engine, cars, planes, factories, the radio, the television, the internet. Every one of those changes felt like the most monumental thing to ever happen and oftentimes it was. To have historical perspective you must also consider the future. The scripture says that no man knows the day or the hour and speculation is next to useless. ... I'm not going to address all of your examples of historical psychology but to put it lightly most historical psychology is worse than worthless. (Look up the history of lunacy and hysteria if you want to learn more). Freud believed that heterosexuality in women was as a result of penis envy so it should be very clear that psychology is a little more complicated than a 19th century crack-heaf could conceptualize. ... Your view of gay men and women isn't informed by historical context or personal interaction. As you said there was a large period of time where Queer people weren't accepted, which means the vast majority were in hiding. Which means the vast majority were very comfortable not being the center of attention. What you seem to be describing is the trend(not norm) of increased visibility and breaking down of societal norms. This is largely attributable to the AIDS crisis, which demanded greater visibility for Queer people as a matter of safety. Clearly enhanced visibility is still necessary considering how out of touch your conceptions of Queer people are. Though to be clear much of what I imagine you're calling self-centeredness and pride is just the natural result of being freed from some societal expectations. So many social norms can be ignored by virtue of having different concerns and priorities. You call it self-centeredness but the reality is that it's not about you, so maybe you should stop imagining Queer people as doing things just to provoke you. Queer people existing out of hiding is not a social statement, your preferences are irrelevant. ... I realize that I'm asking a lot here but I will repeat. Having a problem doesn't mean that something is inherently wrong. Human diversity is such that mental abilities and habits can have beneficial effects in one environment and negative effects in others, just as in physical traits(being tall in a fight versus being tall on a plane). Dyslexia is a diagnosis describing a problem, but the problem is created by a heightened ability for three-dimensional spatial thinking. So calling a pure disability is not accurate. Mental illness is real but it's not a black & white category. ... As I have already mentioned you are very clearly unaware of what life is and has been like for queer people. There is active discrimination and violence being done today, currently, now; even after decades of civil rights progress. I know people who have been disowned, faced employment & housing discrimination, been attacked, harassed, goaded, been spat on in the street & more. The fact that things seemed so peaceful to you seventy years ago is because you had the good fortune to be ignorant of it. And then there's the rest of the world, execution of Queer people is still actively practiced across the world. Anti-Queer sentiment is such that Non-Queer people are caught in the crossfire. I've had an attempt on my life just for being near a few blocks away from a Gay club so if you are under any delusions of a safe and cheery world for Queer people you should dispel that quickly. ... Apart from the obvious, that queerness is not a chemical addiction, there is no evidence that sexuality is changeable. Gender dysphoria is not curable. People have been certainly trying for centuries but it just doesn't work. I'd suggest the Netflix documentary "Pray Away" which follows up with members of the Ex-Gay movement because it's very enlightening as to what happens during and after the process of conversion therapy. But here's a question for you: what does it matter if Queer people could change? You cite natural law but you have no basis to make that claim. Your personal preference and misunderstood scripture has no bearing on the lives of others. You call me a sophist but your the one using one fallacy after the next: appeal to authority, personal incredulity, compositional fallacy, appeal to nature, false cause. and on and on it goes. Your understanding of the scripture is suspect, your psychology is bogus, your social awareness is nil and you have no idea what you're talking about.
@ddrse 5 жыл бұрын
trusting God is righteous judgement. Knowing good and evil is your temptation. Those who know what good and evil is are cast out in shame.
@marciadiehl5733 2 жыл бұрын
Lost video at 4:23.
@toddmiller7876 2 жыл бұрын
Has Voddie ever preached on all the sins that are abomination to God. If so, could someone please post the video.
@Grokford 2 жыл бұрын
I doubt he has, he does not seem like a person who is morally opposed to pork.
@abelflores3752 2 жыл бұрын
Sodom and Gomorrah
@Grokford 2 жыл бұрын
The only sin described was an attempted gang rape of genderless beings based on xenophobia in one of the cities after both were condemned to destruction. Try again.
@gabrielhernandez-sg5iz 2 жыл бұрын
All You Need is Love = God is Love
@Mavors1099 2 жыл бұрын
Which god?
@gabrielhernandez-sg5iz 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mavors1099 The Only God
@Mavors1099 2 жыл бұрын
@@gabrielhernandez-sg5iz Which is....
@gabrielhernandez-sg5iz 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mavors1099 Yours.
@Mavors1099 2 жыл бұрын
@@gabrielhernandez-sg5iz My god is not love.. my god is not a human emotion
@chriszablocki2460 2 жыл бұрын
@chriszablocki2460 2 жыл бұрын
This is church. Not a nightclub.
@user-bw7mv3mq8v 2 жыл бұрын
The Orthodox Church has preserved its undistorted teaching and its continuity from the apostles, if you want to be in the Church of Christ, then this is the only way to salvation. God save us all!!!
@Gm-ok1zb 2 жыл бұрын
I have respect for the Orthodox Church but it won’t save only Jesus will
@Grokford 2 жыл бұрын
Apostolic line of succession is meaningless. Corruption can happen anywhere, legacy is just the time for it to grow.
@Grokford 2 жыл бұрын
That was a lot of buildup just to get to the conclusion that Homosexuality is wrong because it is. Good sir, you actually have to defend your interpretations, otherwise they're just assumptions.
@MountCarmel007 2 жыл бұрын
Watch "The Antichrist" by Hope Through Prophecy
@jvo3777 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus Christ is coming back friends, all the signs are here! Repent today, choose heaven. Romans 10:9-10, you are loved!
@Mavors1099 2 жыл бұрын
2000 years repeating the same bullshit
@queent3343 2 жыл бұрын
Where is he coming from and where is going to? Is he landing on the Moon, in a little town in Italy, on my driveway. Where, exactly?
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