Walter Rodney - Tanzanian Ujamaa and Scientific Socialism

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#WalterRodney #Ujamaa #ScientificSocialism
coco is a class conscious New Afrikan Citizen-Worker supporting the PG-RNA, as well as organizer with Community Movement Builders and Black Alliance for Peace. they are a self-sustaining working mother, who spends their time in service to the liberation of Afrikan people. their goal is to confront contemporary contradictions from a Revolutionary New Afrikan Nationalist and Pan-Afrikan perspective-working in struggle to free political prisoners, toward self-determination, land and independence, and in resistance to the popularly supported neoliberal, euro-supremacist fascism.
A discussion of Tanzanian Ujamaa and Scientific Socialism by Walter Rodney
The Arusha Declaration Ten Years After
Jared A. Ball is a Professor of Communication and Africana Studies at Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD. and author of The Myth and Propaganda of Black Buying Power (Palgrave, 2020, 2nd Edition Coming Spring 2023). Ball is also host of the podcast “iMiXWHATiLiKE!”, co-founder of Black Power Media which can be found at, and his decades of journalism, media, writing, and political work can be found at
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@august_3rd Жыл бұрын
Our New Afrikan (Black) nation seeks solidarity with the Native American (Indian) nation, the Puerto Rican nation, the Chicano-Mexican nation, and all other subjugated nations within the United States which seek land & independence. Any conflicting claims will be resolved in the spirit of justice and equality for all.
@august_3rd Жыл бұрын
@@principledstruggle BAMN
@joshuanewman7725 Жыл бұрын
Right on!!
@Xara_K1 Жыл бұрын
good luck lol
@mhvichy Жыл бұрын
COCO is a GEM!! Her answer on Pan Africanism shows that she's not afraid to think outside of archaic boundaries as well as demonstrates that she understands that skipping steps does not create a solid foundation. BRAVO!
@unuser40 Жыл бұрын
Grateful for this conversation, and only 35 minutes in so far, so maybe i'll bite my tongue but... I'm continuously confused as to why the theory and organizing work of Zanzibari brother Abdul Rahman Mohamed Babu is not prominently featured in the various critiques of Nyerere and Ujamaa.... Babu was an adamant scientific socialist and prominent actor in the revolutionary push in Zanzibar that was happening simultaneously as the push on mainland Tanganyika, and both of these struggles precipitated the formation of the nation-state of Tanzania. There's documentation that western powers specifically pushed for Nyerere to assume leadership opposed to Babu or others, particularly because they viewed Nyerere as less radical, regardless of his rhetoric. (I'm definitely paraphrasing but my main reference for that point is Amrit Wilson's book - 'The Threat of Liberation: Imperialism and Revolution in Zanzibar') After the formation of the new nation-state of Tanzania, Babu and other revolutionaries were integrated into Nyerere's government and essentially neutralized (Babu continuously tried to persuade Nyerere to adjust his economic plans, the same plans that resulted in continued violence in the country side and a total reliance on outside aid...) Eventually Babu was imprisoned by Nyerere's government, not for being a reactionary like we've seen in so many other utopian socialist experiments, but for being framed for a death. If i'm remembering correctly, Walter Rodney was a central figure in the campaign that eventually resulted in Babu's release. Babu's book 'African Socialism or Socialist Africa' was mostly written during his imprisonment. I personally don't agree with every single point in that book but I do think it's just as, if not more, important of an analysis as Walter Rodney's essay. There's a collection of Babu's writings called 'The Future that Works' (i dont love the title either) thats spans from 1958 to 1996 that i think is some of the most potent and easy to engage scientific socialist analysis i've come across. Also I think Babu's visit to Harlem and various link ups with Malcolm have alot to offer us about the practice of Pan-Africanism in our time... Ok i really am interested if anyone else feels similar about Babu or totally disagrees with me or whatever the case may be...
@unuser40 Жыл бұрын
@@principledstruggle Glad to share it, asante for all your work and the reply
@yolianogbu47 Жыл бұрын
Clarification: certain stratification and class formations existed prior to colonialism. This is important to note because it's easy to ignore the fact that empires existed already and class struggle was imminent...all colonialism did was interrupt and pause the inevitable class struggle Africans would have engaged in regardless. it's even worth noting that primitive communism or "communalism" existed on the continent already. Marx observed and recorded this findings in the same way that Nkrumah did which is how they both came to the same conclusions shows you the conditions faced by either social groups were not entirely different
@yolianogbu47 Жыл бұрын
@@principledstruggle Thank you for this though! Very important analysis :)
@alunique2627 Жыл бұрын
Real sharp, appreciated her breakdown the difference between Scientific Socialism and African Socialism. Learned something
@MacAutomationTips Жыл бұрын
Another good rich discussion. I’ve only read Rodney's "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa" (years ago), so you both have me wanting to read some of his other Verso-published books on my iPad. When I was a member of the AAPRP, we had discussions of "Afrikan nation-building" in the US, and we took a position that the goal would be futile without the emergence of Pan-African unity. Even the struggles to overthrow capitalism in this country would require too much of our energy, resources, and efforts. Coco calls for building a New African nation in unison with independent African nations, but I still think that's a waste of our energy and resources. A Pan-Africanist objective should remain primary because the American empire itself is corrupt to the core. Though I can't entirely agree with her, it's great that you're bringing Coco to the show. I look forward to many more discussions. I look to get back into a Pan-African study group to discuss and do activist work around fundamental ideas.
@richardsheffield2823 Жыл бұрын
I love where our ppl are going
@byronmerritt831 10 ай бұрын
Great conversation thank you. Ujamaa as an economic model is based on the notion of familyhood and attendant social values. Our path to a healthy society is based on Ma'at, an African philosophical system that promotes Ubuntu - "I am because we are and because we are therefore I am."
@deborahrodriguez7605 Жыл бұрын
this was one of the best episodes on BPM. look forward to convos with coco. by far BPM does have the best chat. pa'lante mi gente!
@AbibiSol13 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the lesson Sis 🙏🏿 @11:11
@ynotlearn4190 Жыл бұрын
She spoke of Tanzania relying on foreign capital. Where did this capital come from? If it was from the west, why did they choose the west? Was it a rejection of Marx that made them not side with or choose the USSR? Please correct me and clarify things for me if you have the time. Also it’s my personal opinion that many African leaders made a grave mistake by playing both sides as far as accepting help from the USA and the USSR. In stead of choosing a side (I know some African countries did). For example Kwame Nkrumah engaged in the aforementioned behavior and ultimately was overthrown by the people (USA) who he was supposedly receiving support from. I truly believe the USSR would not have attempted to remove him from office.
@anji_j Жыл бұрын
I think we have to take into account that the African Decolonialism occurred during the time of the Cold War. The US was supposedly the top hegemon. Refusal of help would cause severe repercussions.
@Yourismouter Жыл бұрын
Dr. Ball can you forward me Coco's e-mail, I'd love to interview her about....anything and everything. please forward my e-mail to her. and thanks for all you and the team at Black Power Media do. soo happy I discovered you all, a year after the deaths of Glen Ford the Peter Tosh of real journalism, Bruce Dixon the Donny Hathway/Marvin Gaye of journalism, and to me Dr. Ball your the Fela Kuti of journalism. and Black Power Media is the best hip hop/rnb/black music mix. all my best and thanks for all you do
@MrSuperGamerz Жыл бұрын
49:00 "anti-soda" LMAO, first time i heard that one
@LaLasta Жыл бұрын
Thank you JB and Coco for these moments with Rodney!!🙌🏽❤️
@joshuanewman7725 Жыл бұрын
I wonder how this impacts Huey’s Intercommunalism argument. Would this argument by Nyerere & Rodney make Newton’s theory moot or would it advance Newton’s argument?
@michaeltee4275 Жыл бұрын
Great question. Imo, Newton's intercommunalism theory is much more relevant at this point in time than either Rodney or Nyerere. This is NOT to say that their views aren't important. They are. However, as Africans in the 'cranium', i.e., headquarters (U.S.) of the Beast, DISMANTLING the U.S. ruling class and establishing socialist rule must be our PRIMARY, longtime objective. . .in alliance with other social forces here. What can 'nation building' possibly mean for us, living in the nation state which dominates the world??
@joshuanewman7725 Жыл бұрын
I’m conflicted because Huey argues that nation states cannot exist but liberated territories can. In the New Afrikan struggle, though they refer to it as a nation within a nation, the black belt would represent a liberated territory for New Afrikans. That’s no contradiction. I see the RNA as a protracted step towards pan-Africanism, it’s a direct blow to the empire, forcing them to war internally and allows other “nations” outside of the U.S. to rally for their liberated territory while we hold the imperial forces *somewhat* at bey. Huey is right but Coco is also correct imo
@dolphinking1417 Жыл бұрын
Interesting show overall but nah the mark was really missed here with respect to the indigenous question. The discussion showed a lack of understanding of the politics of indigeneity and the challenges faced by those subject to and resiliently defiant of settler-colonialism's logic of elimination. Black and Native American solidarity is the way
@philipm3173 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. The Red Deal is the most advanced anti-imperialist struggle. ((
@dolphinking1417 Жыл бұрын
@@philipm3173 💯💯
@Ron841000 Жыл бұрын
What does acronym SODA stand for?
@235WorldWide Жыл бұрын
Solidarity of Dispersed/Diasporic Africans
@hollitheexaltedempress6957 Жыл бұрын
Commune living sounds like what the U.S calls homesteading. Are the concepts comparable in the forms when you break down the parameter s these people are choosing to live by?
@philipm3173 Жыл бұрын
No they are very very different. Homesteading was how colonization was expanded and is intrinsically tied to a utopian settler ideology where you can steal some land and scatter your white spawn to go pollute a whole country. Homesteading was very anarchic and unplanned. The only reason it worked in most cases was that native folks taught settlers how to grow and collect food and medicine and in return they were gifted a bunch of deadly diseases. The communities that formed thereafter were patriarchal and took their political instructions from a 2500 year old Aryan tribesman who wandered through the desert allegedly guided by god. Ujamaa on the other hand was a supported collectivized agriculture in which a group of families live, work, and make decisions together and share the costs and benefits of farming the land.
@hollitheexaltedempress6957 Жыл бұрын
Hi, Coco should run for VP and replace K. I will vote for her.
@EmHotep4520 Жыл бұрын
A controversial subject(s): -Speak on the aspects of MLK, swept under the historical rug. -The truth about black wall street a demonstrated by myth busters -Myth of black buying power -Something stemming off of Margret Kimberly's "Prejudicial" -The Pentagon Papers -The Kerner Report -Indian Schools -School of the Americas - Truth behind Russia/Ukraine proxy war
@philipm3173 Жыл бұрын
30:00 the most dialectical way of understanding it is that they influence each other, so rather than getting caught in a dualistic chicken and egg conundrum, it's better to agree that both must be leveraged at the same time. Where I will have to agree is in the aspect of Marxist orthodoxy that addressing material issues make people more interested and accepting of ideological work. And that you can't just do ideological work on its own and expect to mobilize anyone. This is where most American leftists continue to go awry. They think their trot newspaper and pamphlets are going to get people up in arms and ready to attack capital. Or they engage in reckless, disordered and united action that misses all the scientific practice that has been most developed in the mass line. What makes socialism scientific is that (1) knowledge is subordinate to practice; (2) the prescriptive theory is tied to its principles and the knowledge that ends are achieved by the correct means; (3) the theory (in theory!) welcomes changes in the description of what it knows are evolving phenomena. So I think it's very wrong to call capitalism scientific because it has no way to deal with antagonistic contradictions and it can't examine itself and its methods in a critical and self-consistent way. When capital changes its methodology, it is really accidental if it works. Hence, why capital repeats very similar crises over and over again. It just happens that enough capitalists can keep benefiting from a rigged system that they see no need to fix. Capitalism has a much lower bar as its very founding principle is the flimsy idea of an undirected, 'perfectly imperfect' unprincipled compromise achieved by the almighty market. It's the perfect system for power addicts because they always have a convenient scapegoat to offload the burden of intelligent management.
@mansurx26 Жыл бұрын
Rodney's critique that you displayed on the screen at 33:41 can literally be extrapolated to apply to contemporary notions of "co-operative economics." Black people engaged in either practice, communalism or co-operative economics, don’t have the production capacity to generate enough resources to satisfy the needs of the entire community/nation. Which ties into your larger argument around buying power and the ultimate conclusion being that we need assume political power as Huey P. Newton defined it. Only then will we have the capacity to produce enough capital, and more importantly direct its distribution. But this entire process must be collective, otherwise stratification will continue.
@mansurx26 Жыл бұрын
Free The Land!
@august_3rd Жыл бұрын
The Term new afrikan isn't like ados and it's meaning is you are Inherently different from the African on the continent of Africa being that you were displaced from the continent for so long while still being genetically connected to the people from the continent. So this includes the entire Diaspora.
@bAkra60 Жыл бұрын
That’s not the correct definition of New Afrikan. It is simply that we in the Americas have a different history than our people on the continent as a result of our ancestors enslavement and the cultures that emerged from our environment/history.
@Xara_K1 Жыл бұрын
@@bAkra60 yall are saying the same thing in different ways
@bAkra60 Жыл бұрын
@Xara K his statement was defining New Afrikan as a USA phenomena, whereas I am saying it is an Americas and Caribbean phenomena.
@august_3rd Жыл бұрын
@Xara K exactly the same thing
@august_3rd Жыл бұрын
@Basil Butcher you do know the America's encompasses the whole of da Caribbeans and South America as well right? But thanks
@michaeltee4275 Жыл бұрын
I agree with pretty much everything the sister said EXCEPT this notion about "building a nation." I think leftists and revolutionaries, especially Africans, need to seriously consider what Huey P. Newton said about nations becoming irrelevant in the era of global imperialism. Revisit 'intercommunalism'.
@richardsheffield2823 Жыл бұрын
I am listening to our Sistah and I can hear that she hasn't spent time speaking with or reading the ideas of our Elders and Ancestors on a broad basis. She appears to think Culture isn't a necessary component to UHURU. All things are Cultural. We must understand the Epistemology of the European has made an understanding of our Indigenous identity and freedom a labyrinth of misinformation.
@richardsheffield2823 Жыл бұрын
@Coco.. Greetings. "UHURU" is freedom. As for the cultural question, I ask that you consider how any society exists. Consider how Axiology informs all activities of society and underwrites its social characteristics and goals. "We have to remember that it's not enough to produce, to have a full stomach, to practice sound politics, and to make war. If a man, a woman, a human being does all of this without advancing as an intelligent being, as the foremost being in nature; w/out truly feeling every day that knowledge of the environment and of the world in general increases in one's head; w/out, that is, advancing in the CULTURAL sphe; then all that one does-- producing, practicing sound politics, fighting-- hasn't worked at all." RESISTANCE AND DECOLONIZATION, By Amilcar Cabral Reinventing Critcal Theory.
@richardsheffield2823 Жыл бұрын
The quote is from page 115, Chapter 5, "Cultural Resistance". Just consider what a Nation is and how the Ontological identity of Afrikan ppl especially is that of shared relationships. And when you consider this, please see the part culture plays in it all. Madahsee!!!
@richardsheffield2823 Жыл бұрын
There is much that goes into a person, a ppl and a Nation. Identity is foundational and sets the course of an individual to a Nation of groups of individuals. Culture informs everything. That's the importance of Culture.
@richardsheffield2823 Жыл бұрын
"...The Eurocentrism of Marx's conceptual framework for defining liberationist theory and action has grave consequences for Afrikan ppl and other cultural groups. Marx failed to highlight the significance of CULTURE as a basis for developing resistance theory. His belief in the progressive nature of capitalism as a stepping stone towards an idealized future for humanity invalidates the humanity of those whose resources and energies were exploited in the process. p32 "An African-Centered Critique of Marx Logic" Dr Nah Dove A contribution to: The Living Legacy of Marx, Durkheim and Weber, Edited by Richard Altschuler
@anji_j Жыл бұрын
@@richardsheffield2823 - I think you misunderstood her to say culture is not necessary. What she said was culture is not sufficient to overthrow capitalism. What is necessary is African Scientific Socialism which includes African Culture.
@ThexAristotle 10 ай бұрын
That white people have influenced indigenous tribes is true but also true of black people in the US so none of that stuff is going to get you far with indigenous peoples tbh that black people built this country doesn't mean much to them as this isn't their country either and its not like they benefitted from that (save for like a small percentage, no different than black people.) I think a more coherent answer would be common ownership of the land for all working classes of RNA and indigenous tribes within the territory possibly with autonomous zones.
@jneroo226 Жыл бұрын
She's throwing around the term "nation-building" like it's this easy step-by-step program that anyone can do. Maybe she needs to research American history to see just how difficult of a process "nation-building" can be. I appreciate where she's coming from but we're so fractured as a people that only a small group of Blacks could ever approach this subject matter seriously. I doubt you could ever get more than a few thousand to participate.
@EmHotep4520 Жыл бұрын
"When they [The Continental Afrikan], come over here, they are now called colonized" Okay, but do 'they' know that? If you told them that they were colonized, would they accept that?
@diversetribe231 Жыл бұрын
@51:45 Respectfully Dr.Ball, the root cause of our problems on full display…you can’t control your vitriol for the ADOS movement/group/classification because you had some sort of falling out with its leadership…
@anji_j Жыл бұрын
I think one can disagree with the tenets of ADOS without having a personal falling out with the leadership. I think their stance on Pan Africanism is the main reason for me.
@michaeltee4275 Жыл бұрын
ADOS is a fraud, consisting of politically right-wing African Americans who are anti-socialist.
@diversetribe231 Жыл бұрын
@@michaeltee4275 there is nothing right wing about the ADOS organization. You’re either lying or misinformed, and too lazy to research.
@Xara_K1 Жыл бұрын
he clearly disagrees with their ideology. YOU make it personal coz u wanna support both sides
@diversetribe231 Жыл бұрын
@@Xara_K1 sounds quite accusatory my Christian friend, as per usual, not very Christlike from “a believer”. But in response, I made a statement about his behavior and the possible cause of it (there was no bad blood apparent before their interaction), so how is that me making it personal? Also, stating facts in defense of a position does not mean I have to agree with it genius.
@LaLasta Жыл бұрын
With the disclaimer that I know nothing about it, the statement on white Europeans infiltrating First Nations hence they may not be entitled to the land sits mighty funny with me. Especially coming from a very light skinned person 🤷🏻‍♀️
@philipm3173 Жыл бұрын
May I suggest you listen to the Red Deal series by Marx Madness.
@LaLasta Жыл бұрын
@@principledstruggle well, it has something to do with it, as it implies some amount of european heritage, but if you want to end it there i have no problem with that. peace!
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