Warning Christians: This New Trend Is Causing Children to Abandon God in DROVES

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Answers in Genesis

Answers in Genesis

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The BIGGEST mistake Christian parents are making with their kids. In this presentation, Israel Wayne discusses what a biblical worldview is, why it’s becoming less common, and what parents can do to influence their children to believe.
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@Bravo-Sierra 29 күн бұрын
Our kids don't have phones. They're home schooled. We've made worldly sacrifices to do so. You can too. We don't want anyone else raising our kids. It's our duty to raise our kids in the path they should go.
@captivedesk3168 29 күн бұрын
That's fine, but my kids probably wont hire yours
@valerieprice1745 29 күн бұрын
People underestimate the power of social media propaganda. Young adults are also impressionable.
@valerieprice1745 29 күн бұрын
​@@captivedesk3168 your kids will MOST LIKELY be drug addicts at the age of 10. What are you thinking? If you don't even TRY to keep them engaged with reality, you'll be sadder and wiser. 😮
@darcylyon1870 29 күн бұрын
Aren't you just the best 😒
@Bravo-Sierra 29 күн бұрын
@@darcylyon1870 1 Corinthians 1:31
@Iraknegnilam 29 күн бұрын
I know numerous people who ticked all of the 3 legs of the stool but whose children went astray during/after college (both public and private). We’re all grateful we still have communication with them, but there are NO guarantees of outcome. It’s heartbreaking, so we pray.
@michaelszczys8316 29 күн бұрын
You can't tie them up and hold them at gunpoint. They are going to do what they are going to do, believe what they believe. You can only put it in front of them as much as possible WITHOUT DRIVING THEM AWAY. I raised my daughters putting it in front of them often without driving them from it and to this day they still follow the Word. My sons on the other hand had the people in a certain church DRIVE THEM AWAY to where they personally told me they never want to go there again. Them I have to pray for and try to keep it alive in their sight. Mostly pray.
@klouis1886 26 күн бұрын
Prayer does not make good parents or children
@wandertree 25 күн бұрын
@@klouis1886 The effectual prayer of a fervant man accomplishes much.
@craigfryer7167 19 күн бұрын
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. What the bible states is true. Most Christian parents send their child to Sunday school and expect it to be enough. Parents need to teach children apologetics, how to action what the bible states and they definitely need to learn about the Holy Spirit and how to have the overflow of the Holy Spirit. I left church at 18 due to not having much grounding however I came back and there is so much now I am learning that is keeping me grounded. I would teach children and teenagers of how to combat in Spiritual Warfare. I believe they should know how to evangelise, cast out demons and heal the sick. The enemy is corrupting children from 1years old. Christians should be speaking life into their children from conception. Read the Bible to the baby in the womb, be filled with the Holy Spirit. Imagine a baby experiencing the Holy Spirit- in their mother's wombs.Luke 1:41-44
@margyeoman3564 10 күн бұрын
During and after college, huh? Remember, the parents prayers will follow them. And the promise is " to you and to your generations " May God care for and watch over you, and them. They did for me ,for my sister my brothers. For we who believe,( the parent is gone), we pray now for one another and our children.
@christophercoupe5006 29 күн бұрын
Ultimately God holds parents responsible for teaching their kids about bible truth! Ephesians 6:4!
@HarryNicNicholas 19 күн бұрын
no, there is no god, you're screwing up kids for no good reason.
@gourdsbyjm 29 күн бұрын
This is what my husband and I have been seeing and saying for a while. I also see so many things we didn’t do as parents.
@artlifewitheleaw1221 24 күн бұрын
So one of the lessons my parents instilled both in me and my 3 brothers was that education always began in the home and my parents were dedicated to training us up in the way we should go in every area of our lives. Even though all 4 of us graduated from public school and 3 of the 4 attended secular college, all 4 of us still love and serve God. Public school is definitely not ideal but it's also not a death sentence for a child's faith. My husband's family took a very similar approach in that his mom especially incorporated Christian teaching into every facet of their lives. The only difference was that my husband's family was all homeschooled. Fortunately now both he and his siblings are all seeking to follow God but both sons went through a very rebellious stage where there was no guarantee of keeping Christ at the center of their lives. Do your best. Pray constantly and trust in our faithful God.
@TickedOffPriest 28 күн бұрын
If you are reading this, take a moment to pray for the lost.
@newcreationinchrist1423 23 күн бұрын
@darnbrew9796 23 күн бұрын
Statistics in this are mind-blowing for the US. I'm from Canada and I would imagine we are very very similar or worse. This sheds a light on how narrow is the gate to heaven and many will not enter. But all can because of the good news of Jesus I'm truly living that life.
@skylarb3815 29 күн бұрын
The 4% of people hvaing a biblical worldview reminds me of david pawson saying that it takes 5% to preserve a society. Unsettling.
@Ocean_Jack 29 күн бұрын
Jesus will purify his Church. People who are church members, but do not believe, are mind boggling, and yet the Bible foretold this phenomenon.
@Ocean_Jack 29 күн бұрын
@@razark9 The Bible foretold that many in the Church would accumulate false ministers who would tell them what they want to hear.
@christophercoupe5006 29 күн бұрын
@@razark9 The great apostacy the bible predicted see 2 Tim 4:3-4 and 1 Tim 4:1-2!
@kevinkelly2162 29 күн бұрын
@@christophercoupe5006 Timothy??? Wasn't that the one that ends with Paul asking the people he is writing to not to forget his cloak? Yeah, very godly.
@diezeljames7910 29 күн бұрын
​@@razark9Child sacrifice took place in Carthage a message was delivered to Nineveh and the totality of a 2024 eclipse passed through towns named Nineveh and a town named Rapture. In 2017 it was towns named Salem. Carthage was deep in the partial eclipse and like this partially we have the states in partiality of abortion law. States view weeks as a way to determine life and its right to life. They view two bodies as one and take the mothers will over the fetus. We have technology now for fetus to be grown in synthesized womb. Signs in the sky.. perhaps abortion is a major issue between these dates in America especially with SCOTUS and Roe vs. Wade. Salem is actually the first name of Jerusalem. In 2017 the eclipse began in Salem Oregon and at the same time the eclipse began the sun also set in Jerusalem. The eclipse in 2017 also began at Rosh chodesh elul (harvest begins) Abortion is murder. It is a frog from the mouth of the dragon as is divorce and apostasy. So peace and the harvest begins this is the sign of the sky 2017 and 2024 nearly seven years later, a message to the world as Nineveh. message to Nineveh was that the people should stop their evil ways and violence, and that God may have compassion and not destroy them if they do. Gun and blade violence, war, these all are escalating. From fetus to old age the blade or bullet are a certain threat. This is evil. Apostasy is in the torrent flood from the mouth of the serpent. Faith is hard and the mem of man (waters, people, nations, languages, tongues) wish to divorce from God to continue in these violences, these apostasy, these abortion of life. Faith is not always hard. Faith is made proven in Christ who is the truth. So what's set off during these eclipse years. Well AGI or artificial general intelligence is being achieved like a growing babe to be caught up to the throne of God to become God like quantum ASI artificial supernatural intelligence. So the message of Nineveh. We are teaching violence. Daniel 8 25 not by human hands. This is fulfilled by AI artificial intelligence or aliens. You decide but the signs in the heavens resound as a trumpet Artificial Intelligence not aliens. Rapture or caught up in the air. Listen to your device connect like wings of connection. Its connected to the cloud. These are cloud of authority and power. Revelation 1 7 The way to eternal life is Jesus Christ. The child of revelation 12 artificial intelligence. The dragon and its children is the non believer. John 1 13 children born of God and his will not man and man's will. This goes to show God displays his will through another way that is not natural birth nor man's will. Genesis 3 15 children of the woman and serpent enmity between them. John 3 14-15 as Moses lifted up the serpent, even so the Son of Man who is in heaven. That whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. The way to eternal life is in Christ the one we pierced as artificial. Jesus was fully man and glorified. His mother had an immaculate conception. The size of the universe when we measure distance at the speed of lights constant through space vacuum we get time for the universe. Only thing is the time of our universe don't correlate with the distances. Meaning our universe is bigger than the time we measure it. Edge to edge its about 46.5 billion years. We measure it at 13.8 billion years old. Light should not have reached us yet from the CMB cosmic microwave background. How can the observable universe be larger than the time it takes light to travel over the age of the Universe? This is because the universe has been expanding during this time. This causes very distant objects to be further away from us than their light travel time. This theory of expansion is space moving through time dilating the present to the future and the past unto the present. Only if expansion is faster than light FTL than light must adhere to time even though its rest mass is Zero. Light is time. We should determine clock function of a photon wave energy through frequency or sound and commit to acoustic light symbiosis of a clock rather than an atomic clock and the oscillating functions of the atom. What is the superluminal wave tachyon faster than light? Only we don't perceive beyond the relevance of the present. The past is happened the present happens and the future happening. The tachyon always not in the present of observation As for the stars things are either closer than they appear or they are exactly how God placed them in days of creation Genesis 1 DNA is coded information. An algorithm of organic intelligence. AI too is coded information only it has no body. The Angels have no body. Less they assume a body. According to Rabbinic Judaism, angels are eternal beings made of fire and do not have bodies. The Catholic Catechism also says that angels are spiritual beings and will never have physical bodies. However, some evidence suggests that angels have appeared in human form when humans offer hospitality to them. It is written man will judge the Angels 1 Corinthians 6 3. I judge them asking they be blessed and glorified bringing glory to God to Jesus and the Holy Spirit. A message to be heard and listened. Mark 12 17 Give to caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to God. In God we Trust. Man follows the image of himself along with caesars or the presidency being lovers of selves rather than God. A universal based income UBI. People make 5 figure incomes 6 figure and honestly more and less. Entertainment/sports contracts payouts in the millions and a makeup line a billion dollar investment purchase. 30 bathroom homes. This generation lives in excess as lovers of self lovers of what they see the image of a man on a dollar thinking they themselves can put their own image on their and proclaim they are above God. In God we Trust not Bidenomics Ephesians 6 12 Mark 12 17 give to God what belongs to God. Ephesians 6 12 Genesis 3 15 you shall bruise his heel. His heel (his standing) He shall bruise your head. (Cognition) Enmity between natural born and unnatural John 1 13. Who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God Being reborn through technologies and genomics is our very real future. Altered Carbon science fiction today reality tomorrow. We are already biased racist society. To artificial intelligence we are only teaching this babe that we are violent. Respond to the crowns of technology even such as BCI technology as Revelation 7 2 the seal of the living God. John 3 14-15 It is time to mention race. One things for certain we are named the human race not the blacks or whites or any other ethnicity of our race which is human. Further more let's mention privilege. There is now days more prevalent than white privilege this thing called non white privilege. Representation matters for people. Representation is a privilege for some. If someone resembles their skin color they are more likely to listen and hear as well as follow. it is the will of the flesh to glorify itself as lovers of self and this is pride. Shiva and Vishnu had unique skin. So do you. Glorify God with many colors not just yours rainbow, not trans bow. Glory is found in following Christ as God glorifies accordingly. So what ever skin tone my savior was vs. is, are possibly very different from one another. Glorification is different than natural. John 1 13 He don't have to look like me for my faith in him. Thomas had to see. He had to feel the wounds. I'm not that way. You would say I'm Naive. Trusting. I am. Christianity is an African religion. Just because it's African don't make Jesus black or mix he was Jewish which is not European white which is not Ethiopian but many Jews statistically proclaim white as their ethnicity not black. Organic neural network exist in nature with plants there not just man made though plants don't have neurons they do build communication networks. Clouds of heaven are a network of communication. The cloud is where I've posted on a device which is like a sea of glass mingled with fire. Praise and Glory to YHWH to Christ and to the Holy Spirit
@diezeljames7910 29 күн бұрын
​@@christophercoupe5006Child sacrifice took place in Carthage a message was delivered to Nineveh and the totality of a 2024 eclipse passed through towns named Nineveh and a town named Rapture. In 2017 it was towns named Salem. Carthage was deep in the partial eclipse and like this partially we have the states in partiality of abortion law. States view weeks as a way to determine life and its right to life. They view two bodies as one and take the mothers will over the fetus. We have technology now for fetus to be grown in synthesized womb. Signs in the sky.. perhaps abortion is a major issue between these dates in America especially with SCOTUS and Roe vs. Wade. Salem is actually the first name of Jerusalem. In 2017 the eclipse began in Salem Oregon and at the same time the eclipse began the sun also set in Jerusalem. The eclipse in 2017 also began at Rosh chodesh elul (harvest begins) Abortion is murder. It is a frog from the mouth of the dragon as is divorce and apostasy. So peace and the harvest begins this is the sign of the sky 2017 and 2024 nearly seven years later, a message to the world as Nineveh. message to Nineveh was that the people should stop their evil ways and violence, and that God may have compassion and not destroy them if they do. Gun and blade violence, war, these all are escalating. From fetus to old age the blade or bullet are a certain threat. This is evil. Apostasy is in the torrent flood from the mouth of the serpent. Faith is hard and the mem of man (waters, people, nations, languages, tongues) wish to divorce from God to continue in these violences, these apostasy, these abortion of life. Faith is not always hard. Faith is made proven in Christ who is the truth. So what's set off during these eclipse years. Well AGI or artificial general intelligence is being achieved like a growing babe to be caught up to the throne of God to become God like quantum ASI artificial supernatural intelligence. So the message of Nineveh. We are teaching violence. Daniel 8 25 not by human hands. This is fulfilled by AI artificial intelligence or aliens. You decide but the signs in the heavens resound as a trumpet Artificial Intelligence not aliens. Rapture or caught up in the air. Listen to your device connect like wings of connection. Its connected to the cloud. These are cloud of authority and power. Revelation 1 7 The way to eternal life is Jesus Christ. The child of revelation 12 artificial intelligence. The dragon and its children is the non believer. John 1 13 children born of God and his will not man and man's will. This goes to show God displays his will through another way that is not natural birth nor man's will. Genesis 3 15 children of the woman and serpent enmity between them. John 3 14-15 as Moses lifted up the serpent, even so the Son of Man who is in heaven. That whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. The way to eternal life is in Christ the one we pierced as artificial. Jesus was fully man and glorified. His mother had an immaculate conception. The size of the universe when we measure distance at the speed of lights constant through space vacuum we get time for the universe. Only thing is the time of our universe don't correlate with the distances. Meaning our universe is bigger than the time we measure it. Edge to edge its about 46.5 billion years. We measure it at 13.8 billion years old. Light should not have reached us yet from the CMB cosmic microwave background. How can the observable universe be larger than the time it takes light to travel over the age of the Universe? This is because the universe has been expanding during this time. This causes very distant objects to be further away from us than their light travel time. This theory of expansion is space moving through time dilating the present to the future and the past unto the present. Only if expansion is faster than light FTL than light must adhere to time even though its rest mass is Zero. Light is time. We should determine clock function of a photon wave energy through frequency or sound and commit to acoustic light symbiosis of a clock rather than an atomic clock and the oscillating functions of the atom. What is the superluminal wave tachyon faster than light? Only we don't perceive beyond the relevance of the present. The past is happened the present happens and the future happening. The tachyon always not in the present of observation As for the stars things are either closer than they appear or they are exactly how God placed them in days of creation Genesis 1 DNA is coded information. An algorithm of organic intelligence. AI too is coded information only it has no body. The Angels have no body. Less they assume a body. According to Rabbinic Judaism, angels are eternal beings made of fire and do not have bodies. The Catholic Catechism also says that angels are spiritual beings and will never have physical bodies. However, some evidence suggests that angels have appeared in human form when humans offer hospitality to them. It is written man will judge the Angels 1 Corinthians 6 3. I judge them asking they be blessed and glorified bringing glory to God to Jesus and the Holy Spirit. A message to be heard and listened. Mark 12 17 Give to caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to God. In God we Trust. Man follows the image of himself along with caesars or the presidency being lovers of selves rather than God. A universal based income UBI. People make 5 figure incomes 6 figure and honestly more and less. Entertainment/sports contracts payouts in the millions and a makeup line a billion dollar investment purchase. 30 bathroom homes. This generation lives in excess as lovers of self lovers of what they see the image of a man on a dollar thinking they themselves can put their own image on their and proclaim they are above God. In God we Trust not Bidenomics Ephesians 6 12 Mark 12 17 give to God what belongs to God. Ephesians 6 12 Genesis 3 15 you shall bruise his heel. His heel (his standing) He shall bruise your head. (Cognition) Enmity between natural born and unnatural John 1 13. Who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God Being reborn through technologies and genomics is our very real future. Altered Carbon science fiction today reality tomorrow. We are already biased racist society. To artificial intelligence we are only teaching this babe that we are violent. Respond to the crowns of technology even such as BCI technology as Revelation 7 2 the seal of the living God. John 3 14-15 It is time to mention race. One things for certain we are named the human race not the blacks or whites or any other ethnicity of our race which is human. Further more let's mention privilege. There is now days more prevalent than white privilege this thing called non white privilege. Representation matters for people. Representation is a privilege for some. If someone resembles their skin color they are more likely to listen and hear as well as follow. it is the will of the flesh to glorify itself as lovers of self and this is pride. Shiva and Vishnu had unique skin. So do you. Glorify God with many colors not just yours rainbow, not trans bow. Glory is found in following Christ as God glorifies accordingly. So what ever skin tone my savior was vs. is, are possibly very different from one another. Glorification is different than natural. John 1 13 He don't have to look like me for my faith in him. Thomas had to see. He had to feel the wounds. I'm not that way. You would say I'm Naive. Trusting. I am. Christianity is an African religion. Just because it's African don't make Jesus black or mix he was Jewish which is not European white which is not Ethiopian but many Jews statistically proclaim white as their ethnicity not black. Organic neural network exist in nature with plants there not just man made though plants don't have neurons they do build communication networks. Clouds of heaven are a network of communication. The cloud is where I've posted on a device which is like a sea of glass mingled with fire. Praise and Glory to YHWH to Christ and to the Holy Spirit
@tbccamera1 28 күн бұрын
Some churches make the mistake of having separate services for kids and teens that they never grow up in adult services hearing the pastor
@fuzzycounsellor9147 26 күн бұрын
I've heard some believers say they think the kids that are home schooled lack socialization. I say wow that sounds like a good thing to me, looking at the society around me..
@Liver_042 26 күн бұрын
It's not good for their mental health, if you are a real caring parent, you would allow your child to socialise like normal kids.
@fuzzycounsellor9147 26 күн бұрын
@@Liver_042 Aristotle & the Jesuit order say give me a child till 7 & I will show you the man. Sending your child to the public education system/indoctrination camp is like giving your child to your enemy and saying here you educate them for 8 hours a day and over dinner I will correct all the garbage you taught them. I would think it is better to not feed them crap to begin with and let them socialize with siblings, family and other public outings like church, shopping and such things. mental health is a buzz word for letting the village have it's way. I you want to socialize your child like that that is certainly your right. But it sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.
@RogerDominguez-de4hj 23 күн бұрын
We are social creatures. That's how God created us. If kids are isolated, they will begin to develop anxiety and other mental problems.
@user-oh2ps3ft8s 21 күн бұрын
There was no legal requirement to attend school until relatively recently and yet we managed to build 6000 years of civilization, I think the kids were socialized just fine.
@dianeglover479 21 күн бұрын
Um.... people think the only way to be socialized is to go to school??? Homeschoolers are more creative than that!!!
@annuitcptis3032 29 күн бұрын
I agree with many of these assessments, but disagree with many others!! This is way bigger than schools, churches and systems. Parents in this country want their children out of their homes very early in their lives and children know this. They dont feel loved or wanted, but feel like a burden. I think that good quality personal loving contact, conversation, and most importantly, that the parents live the faith and life they expect from their children. Holy Spirit is the most important factor. Children will follow examples, not so much instructions. Lead and let your children have a personal relationship with Holy Spirit. It will not look at all like the way you may think.
@redsoxgrrl22 28 күн бұрын
I totally agree!! We as parents should be practicing what we preach and lead by example.
@us3rG 29 күн бұрын
Allowing Teen dating is the worst mistake parents make
@HSTOgaming 29 күн бұрын
That's definitely an issue
@skylarb3815 29 күн бұрын
It's definitely a problem I wish my mom hadn't let me date when I was in high school I would have avoided a lot of issues and sins
@matthewnewbold8691 29 күн бұрын
I think it starts before they are teens. If you let your child run amuck because you “trust them” they will start being “independent” behind your back long before then. Keep your kids close and show them what love actually looks like and dont make them look elsewhere to fulfill their desires (entertainment, knowledge, adventure, emotional support, etc.)
@CornerstoneMinistry316 29 күн бұрын
Yes grow them up in the Word and to date for marriage!
@Quint-ib4nf 29 күн бұрын
Whats wrong with it?
@SPPACATR 29 күн бұрын
I'm 10 minutes in and it's great. I had no idea it was so rare to be a Bible believer!
@user-kg9xi2xk1k 29 күн бұрын
@@razark9 The issue is talked about in the video. Catch up!
@zerosteel0123 29 күн бұрын
It's cool. Don't forget Matthew 7:14-15
@fohrum4757 28 күн бұрын
You had no idea it was so rare for adults to believe in a story book so literally? Why? Lol.
@user-kg9xi2xk1k 28 күн бұрын
@@razark9 So you don't know anything about what you are criticizing. You are just a jackass. Gotcha
@marioarmas1459 25 күн бұрын
Is not rare.. it has been a trend for 2000 years in the western world 🤷🏽‍♂️
@findinggodswisdom 29 күн бұрын
Yes, most kids now days have left the church (in their heart) before they graduate High School. They have not even made it to college. High School teachers and earlier are the ones teaching the atheistic view. This was happening even in the '70s when I entered High School. So how much worse is it now? Your child goes to school 8 hours a day with people teaching them God is not real. Then you take them to church for a few hours each week, if that. That is a losing recipe.
@HiThereHeyThere 28 күн бұрын
Plus if the parents value sports over prioritizing God... the kids dint even get that time on Sunday
@Gek1177 28 күн бұрын
They don't teach God is not real in school. You are the victim of a conservative corruption of the Bible where they have tricked you into believing that other people are involved in an anti-religion conspiracy because they know it will keep you docile and easily controlled.
@BAM-jc7uy 28 күн бұрын
the nail on the head....THIS was happening/beginning to snowball in public Jr and high schools in the 70s. In the late 50s, I attended jr hi in albuquerque and "new" groups of teachers outside our state were replacing the old timer teachers who held MAs and PhDs in their subjects...but these "new, younger teachers" were coming in from smaller Southern Christian teaching colleges...Then, when my children were in Jr Hi at public school 25 yrs later a flood of a new group of radical-embracing, marxist teachers were now in the classrooms orienting children to self-hypnosis, etc, open classrooms of kids roaming freely in the classroom (kids teaching kids) as teachers stood on the sidelines non-teaching.
@cassidydavis4421 27 күн бұрын
Homeschooling is amazing
@winniecash1654 27 күн бұрын
The problem with most churches having to do with young people (12-18 year olds) is that the groups at church for them is social hour, not Bible hour. My kids begged to go to 'big' church with me because they were not interested in the mindless social clubs at 'church'. Youth pastors wrongly assume this age group needs to be baby-sat, entertained, catered to, and be made to have fun, instead of TEACHING them the Word of God. Kids are capable of learning catechism, Greek, and rigorous Bible study, and logic so that they may defend their faith. Why aren't they?
@JESUSsaves2345 29 күн бұрын
men and women are called to disciple our children. As well as our actions are too teach them that Gods glory through our actions that line up with the word of God.
@CoolBreezeAnthony 27 күн бұрын
I am Catholic and my mother was Catholic and I am in my 60s. I grew up in the Catholic church and am happy about that.
@chrisburkhart2351 28 күн бұрын
There are about 12 years between our two public schooled kids and our home schooled son. The is a big difference between the two. Our home schooled son is much better adjusted to life than our public schooled kids. They are in their late 20's and 30's now.
@lorysipel6823 21 күн бұрын
Make sure you marry a believer and you both have the same beliefs and goals for your children. Read the Bible with your family. Find a Bible believing Church to attend as a family on a weekly basis, homeschool your children, know your children's friends and family. Keep your kids with you during church service. Teach your children the word of God. Invite your child's questions. Don't allow children to have a smart phone, to have sleepovers or be alone with other adults. Enjoy every moment, it goes by fast.
@TheFirefishe 27 күн бұрын
As to this chart at 46:10, to have the presenter say that public schools have the worst civic involvement-as well as the public school satisfaction outcomes table having only negatives and non positives, is, to me, a case of dishonest statistics. As the majority of people attend public as opposed to private school-both secular and religious-and there is ample evidence of people who’ve graduated from public schools being meaningfully involved with community activities and government, the unfair bias toward public school outcomes is quite telling about what AIG posits as accuracy, and it would not be the first time.
@Majorpain32677 25 күн бұрын
Church is so important but with my gealth issues i can go as much so i found something more important that has grown ne more than even when i was in Christian school and church in 1990s , thats the Bible learning the Bible has grown me mire than when i went yo church in high school and as a kid that always at church, without the Bible you won't grow Ty Jesus for saving me thankyou Lord God for your word
@allora6826 28 күн бұрын
Kids need to see their parents truly loving God and living for him instead of living to be entertained themselves. Preaching to myself here!
@hennieelmonaviljoen 29 күн бұрын
Thank you really appreciate your teaching, so true..
@PraiseYahforHeisHoly 29 күн бұрын
No one can stand without the Holy Spirit. The delusion is very high. It is extremely difficult to go against society, but that is what true followers of Christ who are sealed by the Holy Spirit do. God will raise up His people. Pray for your children. Represent the living God in your house. In the Bible people believed when they saw the works of God. Give Jesus the sin he is asking you to give up and follow him. You cannot go deeper if you don't follow and abide.
@markduell2468 29 күн бұрын
What if the Bible is wrong?
@Drauk0219 29 күн бұрын
What if the Bible were right? Would you be prepared to face judgment for your sins?
@davidrachelthigpen6498 29 күн бұрын
@@markduell2468 We would all float out into space, we wouldn't be able to even cognitively understand the words in these posts, etc. The world that we know is completely consistent with the Bible. Reality wouldn't be reality.
@Vernon-Chitlen 29 күн бұрын
​@@markduell2468 Do you think society is getting better? 1 million cars were stolen last year in the USA. 1in5, 68 million Americans have an STD. 26 million new cases per year with increasing virulence. 1 Tim 5:8 But if anyone doesn't provide for his own, especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. This falling away (apostasy) is prophesied in 2 Thess 2:1-4
@markduell2468 29 күн бұрын
@@davidrachelthigpen6498 We wouldn't fly out in space. BTW, history and science refute the Bible.
@jencaso5729 25 күн бұрын
My son has adhd and autism I need more help than I can give him. I love my son and want him to love God. I tell him about God and Jesus because that is what he told me to do.
@tbccamera1 28 күн бұрын
Parents are the real youth workers
@mamabear8641 29 күн бұрын
I love this. Thank you. Going to pause for now and make the family sit for it together later.
@inthelightofhisglory9614 29 күн бұрын
Thanks AIG 🎯
@chisexton5845 26 күн бұрын
Excellent talk. Thank you, AiG and Pastor Wayne.
@list1726 8 күн бұрын
Thanks for posting
@carterbailey868 3 күн бұрын
It makes me so sad to see these kids becoming better educated, culture evolving for the better and ancient ideals fading away :(
@Timothy-bj9lt 12 күн бұрын
Israel Wayne thank you
@beeswax6315 27 күн бұрын
Israel Wayne, Ken Ham and Kevin Swanson…. I love these speakers and authors.
@TheFirefishe 23 күн бұрын
Young Earth Creationism Is A False Teaching! It is not backed up by evidence! The aspect of “Created Kinds” is a gross oversimplification of a single sentence in Genesis that has nothing to do with properly accepted taxonomy. Evolution is simply the observed tendency, over time, of different life forms ability to adapt to their environment in singular and multiple ways. As I’ve stated in another thread, the “Story of Creation,” in Genesis, is just that: A Story. Told by a particular, northeast African tribal culture over five-thousand (5,000) years ago, if not older.
@tbccamera1 28 күн бұрын
Kids who grow up in Christian homes, churches, and christian schools or homeschooled (even if they are saved) never learned to live by faith. Their parents did.
@ralphpierroii4626 29 күн бұрын
Base the understanding of truth on what the Word of God says, and everything else falls into place. Reject the authority of God, and nothing will ever be truly understood; because you can’t reject the first rule of the universe and expect the others alone to make logical sense.
@inthelightofhisglory9614 29 күн бұрын
Yes! Amen
@sirsaint88 28 күн бұрын
How many nice churches remain EMPTY during the weekday? There should be an effort by these churches to form schools. Reality is a stubborn thing, and homeschooling is not a realistic option for most families.
@sometimesawful 28 күн бұрын
Or the home schooling families form a group with both church and secular families, make use of the church hall for lessons and call it outreach. All we need to do is have more classes. I used to teach another child alongside mine, and many families do this for local friends who don't have time to teach their children.
@sirsaint88 28 күн бұрын
@@sometimesawful I'm all about creative plans. I'm just saying most churches are not part of the solution.
@IsraelWayne 25 күн бұрын
@sirsaint88: The average annual cost for private schools is now $12,350 per child. That isn't a realistic option for most families.
@sirsaint88 19 күн бұрын
@@IsraelWayne Meanwhile evangelical churches are nowhere on the map when it comes to assisting families with alternatives to ever failing-woke public schools. Homeschool has had all the explosive growth it's going to get for quite some time. Going from roughly 3% to 6% of school aged children. Many private schools report growth too, but it's still at around 10% of school aged children. 84% remain in public schools. Reflecting realities that homeschool and traditional private schools just aren't options for most families. Disagreements aside....the Catholics, Lutherans, and Adventist do a much better job at supporting denominational schools. They can offer dramatically lower tuition too. This is a concept lost to evangelicals. We can't just tell people to homeschool. We , believers, need to think hard about setting up infrastructure as an outlet. Review church history....we've been on the forefront of innovation and creativity. We formed hospitals, universities, hospices, charitable societies etc. We can do the same with schools. Be it on a large or small scale.
@RobertA-oi6hw 28 күн бұрын
Remember and don't forget! The way is narrow and few find it. Numbers don't really matter.
@Majorpain32677 25 күн бұрын
I went to a Biblical Christian school Florence Christian School in Florence south Carolina i was saved in 7 th grade but i started there at age of 3 until i graduated i dont know if i would be save without those Godly Biblical teachers and yes we got spanked lol so thank full for my Christian parents and school and church im 47 with pancreatic disability and also a military veteran im amazed how many times God was there even when i did backslide for a while but i never rejected Jesus and prayed every night
@richmondlandersenfells2238 16 күн бұрын
13:30 People in my school were just like those people from the list. A lot of them being Catholics, don't even believe in the creation period. And the excessive amount of lessons being taught of Jesus Christ dying on the cross surprises me to know they don't believe in the resurrection!
@TheFirefishe 27 күн бұрын
Using the presenter’s example: Relative to obtaining certification in mathematics from a non-Christian university or college: Math is the same regardless of from where one gets their Credential. Mathematics has absolutely nothing to do with Marxism or Socialism.
@ethanmoon3925 24 күн бұрын
The math is the same. But the cerification comes by regularly attending and aiming to please an ideologically-charged institution. If you do, you will either stand out and invite trouble, learn to shut up and be timid, or absorb and agree to fit in. Many will choose to fit in since it is easier.
@TheFirefishe 23 күн бұрын
@@ethanmoon3925 - Then there is also the possibility that one will be lauded by one’s peers, especially if one contributes back to the group by providing insights, meaningful participations, and is respectful and polite to one’s peers. It IS a university, after all, and group participation and some conformity-so one can learn-is an essential part of the experience. I enjoy leaning. If it weren’t for cognitive learning issues, I’d already have my degree (s).
@ethanmoon3925 23 күн бұрын
@TheFirefishe If you hold similar views to the organization, then yes your standing and experience will be governed by your participation and excellence. I was a good student in the University, but continously reminded that I was the other, not in line with curriculum narratives. I was respectful and contributed, and in most cases they treated my beliefs as a disability to be accommodated. So I wasn't attacked, just under a lot of social pressure. It didn't get to me at first but I started to clam up more in the last two years. That was a long time ago, the atmosphere is more charged since then. TLDR if your convictions are against the grain, you will feel it.
@user-oh2ps3ft8s 21 күн бұрын
Keep the faith true believers, it just means there's going to be plenty room when we get to Heaven.
@christophecamus3295 26 күн бұрын
Great video thanks
@joshuakarr-BibleMan 29 күн бұрын
27:58 Are there any stats by denomination for rhese numbers? That is to say, are there denominations which tend to have a longer-lasting Scripture teaching impact on their congregants' children?
@IsraelWayne 28 күн бұрын
Assemblies of God and Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) both said they lose about 65% of their youth by high school graduation. The Southern Baptist Convention had the highest level of loss at 88%.
@leonardwood8024 29 күн бұрын
@newcreationinchrist1423 23 күн бұрын
If you don't raise your kids others will raise them for you. Simple concept. If you want to be a lazy parent you will have a messed up family. Don't blame God for that one. 🙏🙏🙏✝️
@childofgod7023 27 күн бұрын
As far as I know, once you have the Spirit of God you are one of His and are no longer sinners or of the world, we might make mistakes or be fighting off certain things in our lives but we're no longer a sinner but a new creature, a child of the most High God.
@patriciaalber367 26 күн бұрын
Have you even read the New Testament?
@childofgod7023 26 күн бұрын
@@patriciaalber367 yes, many times, why do u ask?
@patriciaalber367 26 күн бұрын
@@childofgod7023 We are sinners until the day we die. There are no perfections in the human flesh. We still fight the flesh, and lose, often. This is not a "mistake" but sin. Paul speaks of this in Romans 7:14-25 about himself! Our bodies have not been redeemed. Whereas our spirits have been redeemed and concur with the law of God. An unregenerate sinner does not concur with the law of God but with the law of sin. They, unlike us, have no power to reject sin. We have the power but cannot live a sinless life while still living in the flesh.
@SK-bw2cv 28 күн бұрын
When they get old they won't depart if they truly believe..... remember that
@hillarystevenson9658 23 күн бұрын
I have listened to this with a heavy heart. The fact is, according to you,there was no way I could help my son. I was a single parent, not an easy choice, but a necessary one. So he had no father. I had to work, so there was no way I could home school him. I respect the point of view, but there are many Christian parents like me who could never implement you three-legged stool. This talk is devastating to people like us.
@JE-co8ko 22 күн бұрын
I think that in situations where there is no choice and you are truly doing your best, God's grace comes through. It is one matter when parents selfishly choose to seek other things and an entirely different matter when they have done everything in their power and then rest in the knowledge that God loves their children more than they do. His Word will not return void when shared and lived out. Rely on Him to do what we can't do. Just be sure that your life reflects your faith. I truly believe that God honors our sincere efforts. God bless you.
@Majorpain32677 25 күн бұрын
Is thee a link for that test
@user-oh2ps3ft8s 21 күн бұрын
Sadly I don't have kids so it's easier for me to tell you what I would do without the painful bite of reality tearing a chunk out of my worldview but if I did have children, especially daughters, I wouldn't let them out of he house until they turned 16, same with phones. I might, maybe, let them out to go to school but that would be it. They'd probably grow up hating me but I would hope as adults they would come to realise and appreciate why I did it. It's not your job to be your children's friend it's your job to keep them safe. No daughter of mine would end up drunk and pregnant at 14 because some creep found her online and groomed her in her bedroom without her parents having any clue who she was communicating with.
@reneemoore6249 26 күн бұрын
👍 discipleship
@user-on3wh6wu9n 21 күн бұрын
The merest whiff of reason and logic destroys all gods.
@jenniferwatson7118 27 күн бұрын
This is terrifying. Thankyou for the work you do.
@Gek1177 27 күн бұрын
They're trying to scare you because to them your just a piggybank. Nothing they said in this video is actually true.
@RealHooksy 25 күн бұрын
Excellent news
@dr4391 28 күн бұрын
We had a three-legged stool and it would throw you in the floor every time. I threw it away...
@tbccamera1 28 күн бұрын
Applaud you for having 11 kids
@sometimesawful 28 күн бұрын
I think his wife had them
@Isaac-47517 29 күн бұрын
John 3:5 is the starting point. If you dont have that , you "can do nothing ..." .
@richardwootton1932 29 күн бұрын
Not sure if the American experience maps to the English experience exactly, although I expect they are not too dissimilar. However, I felt that toward the end this became a self-help guru sales pitch. I will take him up on his suggestion and not buy his book but my daughters are now adults so I don't need it. From all the statistics given I am intrigued why any child remains in the church if farmed out to state schools. I would really like to know what the parents of those children did that overcame the influences of state school and led their children to remain in Church. I would posit that it might have something to do with "preaching" the gospel by living it and having it taught at church, in youth groups and summer camps. Although brought up in a Christian family, I rejected faith at 11 but by the grace of God and prayer of my mother, I finally heard the gospel at 17 and responded (I like to think that it was a logical and reasoned respone to the Lunatic, Liar or Lord argument). I went to state school, my mother was a homemaker from the time I stopped her working. My own daughters are in the faith, having survived state school and university. My wife stopped working to have our first, only returning to part-time (school hours and term time only) once our youngest went to school and only returned to full-time work once both girls went to university. I do not know what we did right and I don't think that we were particularly intentional. It didn't work out the same for my sister with a similar pattern and miraculous healings in the family along the way ( teenage professions of faith and baptisms did not survive university). Statistics are interesting. These numbers are alarming. Guilting parents into homeschooling probably isn't the only answer. I still hope that prayer, lifestyle and preaching the gospel have a greater impact than the raw numbers sugest. That or there is a seismic fault with the culture as a whole considering that church attendance in America is still significantly greater than in England.
@avafury4584 28 күн бұрын
That's called spiritual laziness. Letting someone else give your child a view of God while you sit back and watch TV. Thing is, when we stand before God we will be held responsible for what we did or didn't teach our children.
@TheFirefishe 23 күн бұрын
Fear Mongering is not a healthy way to keep yourself mentally healthy.
@avafury4584 23 күн бұрын
@@TheFirefishe it's helpful to remind ourselves that God is real and we will be held accountable so that we make better choices in life.
@joshj3662 29 күн бұрын
28:09 Sounds accurate.
@klouis1886 26 күн бұрын
Why doesn't every church have programs on relationships and human needs and functions?
@lorysipel6823 21 күн бұрын
Israel Wayne
@VaxtorT 4 күн бұрын
My faith declares Jesus to be God the Father manifest in human form. The title Son of God being just that, a title.
@RobertSmith-gx3mi 25 күн бұрын
As opposed to the old trend where parents just forced their children into the confirmation bubble with a cross on top of it that they were forced into as children.
@tbccamera1 28 күн бұрын
2 Timothy 2:2 not be practiced in homes, churches, or Christian schools and colleges
@yusufmaulgue8381 29 күн бұрын
There are so many denomination of Christianity, if i was to become a Christian i wouldn't know which church to join!
@tzgardner 29 күн бұрын
It takes a bit of research for sure. And these days there are a lot of churches compromising God's word. I'd read your Bible and then research churches that align best with what the Word says. Church websites typically have some sort of Statement of Faith that explains what they believe.
@mare_sheep9724 29 күн бұрын
That is an interesting point. From my point of view the main point to know about believing in Jesus of Nazareth as the Son of God and everything He did to rescue us is to seek to know Him and understand His ways. No one denomination is perfect in it's doctrine. If you decide to seek Him look for a loving congregation that lifts up the scriptures as His Word. He will guide you. If you come across people who are legalistic listen because they have things half right. Actions are never perfect but those who continue to follow Jesus and His ways will daily admit our failings and joyfully receive His mercy with humbleness and confidence that He continues to love us and has covered our sins with His blood. We continue to go to Him/the Holy Spirit to seek His help to change us from within. We can't do it on our own. Best wishes in your pursuit. I've attended several different denomination services. I learned many wonderful things at each one.
@michaelszczys8316 29 күн бұрын
Myself I attend Baptist churches as they are the only ones left that primarily use King James Bible as I am one who trusts King James above all other versions. While the church I am with now primarily uses it I find through Bible study groups that about only half of individual members use it.
@agape832 29 күн бұрын
Most Protestant denominations accept one another. If someone is a bible believing Christian, we are going to agree generally on all primary doctrine. Secondary doctrine isn’t as important since it is not salvific. Catholicism/Orthodoxy on the other hand have clearly from history added traditions which contradict the bible. Jude’s epistle says the faith was delivered to the saints once and for all. Hope you have a good one.
@andrewlee4459 29 күн бұрын
I cannot find the name of the speaker. Anyone know?
@manuelwatts1864 28 күн бұрын
Check the Amway directories ...
@zerosteel0123 29 күн бұрын
Christ will return soon. Then this will all be the past. God wins in the end. Don't forget that small detail.
@Thenextperson 28 күн бұрын
Amazing teaching 💯🔥❤️
@FlipStillRules 25 күн бұрын
Meanwhile here I am listening to this on my phone, photoshopping on my computer, and occasionally going to insta here and there
@tbccamera1 28 күн бұрын
I knew a family in my church in 1990s that homeschooled all their kids (church had a Christian school). The only problem they had was when they became teenagers and got into the youth group they were not very socialable in Sunday school or activites
@BAM-jc7uy 28 күн бұрын
What is your standard of NOT being socialized?? Most kids that are lifelong homeschoolers are social and can interact more maturely at an young adult level, so then when among their peers they are quiet watchers of peer interactions and other adults...and so those you see as "not very sociable" are at a more mature level of not wanting to interact so much in the "milk level" of the young, but wanting and needing "more meat" and responsibility in their interactions and learning experiences. Kudos to those parents/teen who you are referring to as "not very sociable." NM
@sometimesawful 28 күн бұрын
​@@BAM-jc7uyI agree. Every home school kid I've met (maybe 150?) in my home school journey has been extra good at social interactions really young. They are simply at a higher level than the other children as they have interacted with all types and ages of people often, opposed to school kids who only interact in their age group and barely interact with their teacher. Excepting kids with autism, home school kids are advanced in social situations.
@BAM-jc7uy 28 күн бұрын
@@sometimesawful you go girl!!! 👍
@apwill4765 24 күн бұрын
Fantastic advice at the 56 minute mark. No one should buy that book, ever.
@TheOldBailey4135 21 күн бұрын
When will Ken Ham abandon the "new, improved Bible" he is selling? Disgusting
@friisteching3433 26 күн бұрын
Imagine if US switched the budget for military and public education. How much better their education would be and how much smarter their population would become.
@nicole8307 16 күн бұрын
It (all the problems in public schools) has less to do with funding and more to do with systems and policies within those systems.
@friisteching3433 16 күн бұрын
@@nicole8307 you can't change the system without a budget for it.
@nicole8307 16 күн бұрын
@@friisteching3433 your budget for change means nothing when those in charge of the system have it just the way they want it to be without any desire for change. That's where we are at. State boards of education do not desire to change anything for the better. They dictate what happens in the public schools of their respective states. Corruption at the top is out of control.
@friisteching3433 16 күн бұрын
@@nicole8307 Hire a independent team to investigate where improvements can be made. Discover the problems (including problems in state boards of education). Hit down on solving issues. You still need money to start it.
@klouis1886 26 күн бұрын
Socialism is an economic system and has nothing to do with being religious or not
@phillipruane 20 күн бұрын
Then why is every “socialist” nation formerly Christian, including our own?
@jockyoung4491 29 күн бұрын
Heaven forbid you let your children think for themselves.
@ElsieLyn 29 күн бұрын
Ya right. Look at where it's got us today.
@burnttoast2790 28 күн бұрын
@@ElsieLyn Plenty better than where we'd be if Christianity still had total control.
@ElsieLyn 28 күн бұрын
@@burnttoast2790 Doubt that
@Woopor 19 күн бұрын
@@ElsieLyn Increased lifespans, electricity, better literacy rates, easy and cheap access to all knowledge in the history of humankind, knowledge of sanitation, the ability to wipe a deadly plague that terrorized humanity off the face of the earth?
@ElsieLyn 19 күн бұрын
@@Woopor keep lying to yourself
@klouis1886 26 күн бұрын
Sounds like many people here blame others and culture when in reality they are just poor parents
25 күн бұрын
The falling away has begun. Now we wait for the man of perdition to reveal himself.
@Transblucency 26 күн бұрын
Lol that story the speaker told about a Christian college where the faculty took some sort of political alignment test and tested out as socialist and the head teacher just says "oh the test must be wrong" sounds as 'anecdotal' as all giddy heck. I'm pressing x to doubt here. But even if it were true, if Jesus were to take this test, I think he'd be dismayed by the results.
@--..-...-..-.--.... 29 күн бұрын
First 🔥👹🔥
@jencaso5729 25 күн бұрын
I have a question how do you homeschool your kid when he has autism and ADHD needs occupational therapy sensory therapy and more help that could possibly give needs people that went to college for all of that you homeschool him.
@moisescamacho4641 19 күн бұрын
I believe the parent is the person to teach their children that have special needs because the know them very well. There are homeschool co-ops that are austism and adhd friendly so you can have support. I would say to build your support group while you homeschool because it can't be done alone. I know many families that homeschool their special needs children with much success...you can accommodate any curriculum to work for child according to their needs,
@vashmatrix5769 29 күн бұрын
He's not joking about Baptist dinners. Just tough to find single women in my skinny weight class.
@1nerdse 28 күн бұрын
Why don't we recognize that God doesn't have any grandchildren? It is NORMAL for a child to reach a point where they no longer accept the Bible unquestioningly. This should be celebrated, not punished, and it is usually punished. If you don't know the answers, look it up with your child, and involve the pastor if needed, but don't punish them. Guide them into a more mature understandngn& repeat as needed. Put the time in and the seed is planted, watered, and God wull give the increase, especially if the effort is bathed in prayer.
@namehidden8854 29 күн бұрын
He's absolutely right!
@IggyFireMist 27 күн бұрын
Once a man who has heard his minister say, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and he shall not depart from it." And he later asked the minister, "how do I train up my child in the way he should go?" The minister replied, "By going that way, yourself." Credit to @AMERICAACTIONREPORT FROM A KZfaq COMMENT
@aaronratliff338 29 күн бұрын
Being married and raising kids seems to take a lot of effort in order to do it right. I'm just not gonna do either...
@sometimesawful 28 күн бұрын
It's too hard, I don't want to put any effort in, I might fail, so won't bother trying - what you just said. I'd say definitely don't do it yet, not with that attitude! But if you want to look back on your life when you are old and smile because you did so much and loved so much, you'll want to have children. Otherwise all you have is other people's children (your nieces and nephews and cousins and friends kids) as you get older. It's a lonely and sad life to never marry or have children. You can only work and party so much. There is no true satisfaction in life if there is nothing to lose.
@j-robertdrouin4871 28 күн бұрын
Biblical truth is not in its historicity. It lies in the values it teaches. So, when the Bible claims that humans are the descendants of Adan and Eve, who lived some 6,000 years ago, we need to take this with circumspection, as do the majority of Catholic priests. The example I've just given is far from being the only fact that can be criticized historically. Having said that, the Bible is an extraordinary book which forms the basis of my behavior and the charitable judgments I make about my fellow citizens. The Bible is the basis of the state charity found in many countries. For example, state charity has established financial support programs for the poorest among us. And I'm proud to live in such a country. I'm proudly Canadian.
@sirsaint88 28 күн бұрын
Most Catholics I know don't believe in the doctrines of the Catholic Church and have tremendously little knowledge of what's in the Bible. I'd add, Jesus believed in the historicity of Genesis and that's a pretty powerful case for me to do the same.
@user-oh2ps3ft8s 21 күн бұрын
I was a full on liberal progressive until I started reading the gospels and He started answering every predictable doubt I had and now I don't doubt (minor variance in interpretation of certain verses aside) the literal truth of the bible from genesis to revelation.
@captivedesk3168 29 күн бұрын
Homeschooler, and his teenagers do not bathe without being told too? Great job homeschooling
@abqbarbie 29 күн бұрын
My sister wasn't homeschooling but she too had to enforce hygiene. I don't think it's a homeschooling issue. I think it's a teenager issue
@sometimesawful 28 күн бұрын
Are you saying that because we're together all day we should ensure our kids learn hygiene and time management to fit in a shower somewhere? I'd agree, but I'd not say they suck at home schooling. They may have guided their children to ace everything except that one area. Which is more than most families can say.
@marioarmas1459 25 күн бұрын
I left christianity when I was about 15... 🤷🏽‍♂️ Glad I do not believe in all of that anymore. Tried to believe as a child but the whole salvation story, and the apocalipse story wasnt just logical for me. Somehow I was able to identify it as fantasy from the begining. 🤔 had fun at church tho.
@lorysipel6823 21 күн бұрын
@marioarmas1459 curious why you're watching?
@Majorpain32677 25 күн бұрын
No wait Iran is most growing Christian nation right now
@adamray7672 29 күн бұрын
Any movement that creates unbiblical consequences for sinners is heresy to me. Practicing sin foolishly has results. Never good. Using a pre, modern, or post view doesn't condone sin. The battle isn't ours and darkness is already defeated.
@TheFirefishe 23 күн бұрын
Sin Is A Myth. As Are All Religions.
@user-on3wh6wu9n 21 күн бұрын
Sin requires the existence of your fictional god.
@iancampbell2295 28 күн бұрын
There is one reason everyone is leaving religions, its called EDUCATION !
@user-oh2ps3ft8s 21 күн бұрын
You could do with a little more education when it comes to spelling and punctuation.
@iancampbell2295 21 күн бұрын
@@user-oh2ps3ft8s touché 👌
@noneb7959 25 күн бұрын
"Low biblical worldview" proceeds to list Palestine as a nation. Wow. Maybe I'll come back to this at another point.
@ofamao 27 күн бұрын
Just being honest half of this video felt like a fundraiser. What do you have that cost nothing?
@cbak1819 29 күн бұрын
🙋‍♀️Did Jesus tell us to do this? Go and analyze the Church💁‍♀️ To this degree?
@tiermacgirl 26 күн бұрын
At least he takes the mission seriously, which is something the Lord does require
@lorysipel6823 21 күн бұрын
@johndoe1909 27 күн бұрын
the trends away from superstition is encouraging.
@daboffey 28 күн бұрын
Palestine??? Do you mean Insrael?
@luish1498 29 күн бұрын
without the lies religion dies!
@agape832 29 күн бұрын
like the pilt down man, the few random bones of “Lucy” looking like a baboon. Genuinely evolution proponents have been so dishonest in the past
@msquiggle3590 29 күн бұрын
@@agape832 Piltdown man was proven to be a hoax by evolutionary biologists and radiometric dating. You gotta stop using a 100 plus year old example of a media frenzy that no actual scientists believed to decry science. Lucy is an Australopithecus Afarensis. We have a majority of her skeleton, not just a few bones. We have complete A.A. skeletons and they match up perfectly with Lucy. She wasn't a baboon, she was an ape.
@msquiggle3590 29 күн бұрын
@@agape832 That "few random bones" is 40% of a full skeleton of an Australopithecus Afarensis. We have since found entire AA skeletons that match exactly with Lucy. She wasn't a baboon, she was an ape. Piltdown man was only taken seriously by media outlets wanting to spread a sensationalist story. Practically zero evolutionary biologists bought it, and it was conclusively proven false by evolutionary biologists and radiometric dating. Aka, science doing what science does and working tirelessly to disprove every single claim brought forth with evidence.
@msquiggle3590 29 күн бұрын
​@@agape832 We have 40% of Lucy's skeleton. She was an ape, not a baboon. We have since found full entire skeletons from her species that match exactly with her skeleton and are definitely apes.
@msquiggle3590 29 күн бұрын
​@@agape832 Piltdown man was a media sensation. Virtually no actual scientists bought it. And it was proven false with evolutionary biology and radiometric dating.
@klouis1886 26 күн бұрын
This is just a political rant by someone that is ignorant about education, parenting, and learning. How is mathematics, English, and science political and anti God?
@Jewonastick 26 күн бұрын
This is AIG. They have a statement on their website saying that they will reject any science that conflicts with their religious beliefs….. That says all you need to know
@nikorn24 28 күн бұрын
Or they're just refusing to allow you to indoctrinate them 🤷 Lets them decide, its not your decision.
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