Was Paul a True Apostle? Dr. Shabir Ally answers James White - Must Watch

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The following excerpt is taken from a debate took place in Toronto, Canada between Shabir Ally and Rev. Clifford Forward
The Topic was Did Paul invent Christianity?
Click here to watch the full debate
• Did Paul invent Christ...
Dr. Shabir Ally holds a B.A. in Religious Studies from Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, with a specialization in Biblical Literature, an M.A. in Religious Studies from the University of Toronto with a specialization in Quranic Exegesis and a PhD studies in Quranic Exegesis at the University of Toronto.
Dr. Shabir is the founder of the Islamic Information and Da'wah Centre in Toronto, Canada.
He currently teaches Arabic at the University of Toronto.
イエス・キリスト 耶稣 Jésus 예수 기독교 يسوع Jesús христианском キリスト教 Христианство Cristianismo Christianisme 基督教 聖書 성경 Biblia Bibbia Misqouting Jesus debate Bart Ehrman Misquoting Interrupted new testament resurrection gospels Christianity Bible History Atheism Apostle Paul Gnostics William Lane Craig Gospels Christ Corruption Authenticity Contradiction Contradictions Scripture Revelation God Forged Darrell Bock Debate New Testament Peter Scholar Apologetics Premier Christianity Bible Scripture False Apostle Apostleship God Allah Islam Anti Christ True Prophet Monotheist Monotheism Founder New Old Testament Scriptures Yahweh Elohim Jehovah Pagan Paganism Jesus Paul Dialogue George Revelation Revelations Dr. James White Bassam Zawadi Christianity Bible Jesus Christ Resurrection Crucifixion Death Dead Bart Ehrman God Islam Qur'an Debate Koran Quran Allah Muhammad authorship Salvation Sins Sin Revelation Gospels New Old Testament Atonement Forgiveness Justice YAHWEH Jehovah Messiah Paul Divine Conflict Godhead Sonship Trinity Faith Science Lecture Forum Atlanta Georgia The Great Reverend Dr James White Shabir Ally
#ShabirAlly #Quran #Islam #Bible #Christianity #Paul #JesusChrist #False #Apostle @MuslimByChoice ​

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@vicachcoup 10 жыл бұрын
Strange how muslims have to teach Chrstianity to Christians [who in fact are Paulians].
@vicachcoup 9 жыл бұрын
***** Of course it wasn't *'invented'* by Paul. What we mean is that Paul had a huge influence on the shape of Christianity today. Moreso than Jesus. Jesus preached the Law. Paul said the Law was no longer relevant. Paul brings ideas that go on to shape up into the trinity. Jesus taught monotheism [Mark 12 28-29] So in effect Paul has a greater influence on doctrine than Jesus. Of course he claims that God sanctioned him to make these changes. But we only have his word for it. The 2 accounts of his epiphany are contradictory. He was anti-christian and anti-christ when Jesus was alive. We have no guarantee, other than his words, that he didn't change after Jesus died. He also admits to lying or being deceptive to gain influence. Even many christians have grave doubts about Paul. There is one very sincere christian brother who has a video called 'why paul is an apostle of satan' and he makes a strong and unemotive case based on many parts of the scripture. Watch it.
@vicachcoup 9 жыл бұрын
***** _Paul was a companion of the Apostle Peter. They both had identical teachings with some slight differences._ Paul was met with suspicion by several of the apostles. You cangather the combative tone when he disparagingly talks about the 'super apostles' which he protests he is not inferior to. _Now obviously Paul did preach more than the other Apostles, but that doesn't mean he is a false Apostle._ Of course there is no logical link between how much someone preaches and whether they are false. That sentence doesn't make sense. He is a false apostle because he overturns the teachings of Jesus. _Paul didn't just abrogate the law, you might get that impression from some of his letters, but again he discussed this with Peter,James, and John. All the early Church leaders came into agreement about the issue of the Law._ Let's not be disingenuous or deceptive. The friction and the controversy regarding these issues is recorded in the NT. Paul did champion the abrogation of the Law and indeed the breaking of it. He champions abandoning circumcision and the eating of swine. Hence this is what Christians now do. I take it you do know what Jesus said about the Law? Matthew 5: 17-20 The Law *17"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18"For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19"Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20"For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.* _There is nothing about Paul that suggests he was a liar, he didn't gain anything, no fame, no power, no money, no women._ There is a lovely little cathedral named after him in London. You may have heard of it :) And countless numbers of churches and schools. We have several around here. I would call that fame. Please tell me if you disagree. _Instead, his reward for preaching was multiple beatings, being thrown in prison, and eventually got beheaded for his faith. Usually when people lie they do it to gain some sort of advantage. Paul got the complete opposite of that, so why would he go through so much pain to spread a lie?_ History has innumerable people who are willing to die for their faiths and egos. Of every faith and of every perversion. That is not a relevant argument.
@vicachcoup 9 жыл бұрын
***** Fair enough. I think I understand your position. Of course debating this will most likely be futile. I'll just give you 2 verses from the quran and bible ========================= COMMON WORD Qur'an 3-64 Say: 'People of the Book! Come now to a word common between us and you, that we serve none but God, and that we associate not aught with Him, and do not some of us take others as Lords, apart from God.' And if they turn their backs, say: 'Bear witness that we are Muslims.' ========================== TRINITY Qur'an 4-171 People of the Book, go not beyond the bounds in your religion, and say not as to God but the truth. The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only the Messenger of God, and His Word that He committed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His Messengers, and say not, 'Three.' Refrain; better is it for you. God is only One God. Glory be to Him -- That He should have a son! To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth; God suffices for a guardian. ========================= Mark 12 28-29 The Greatest Commandment *28 One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”* *29 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord OUR God, the Lord is one.* ======================= Matthew 5: 17-20 The Law *17"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18"For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19"Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20"For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.* =======================
@vicachcoup 9 жыл бұрын
***** Many people don't achieve great fame when alive but they still campaign. Perhaps they enjoy the small fame. I'm not sure why you find so special. There have been people who campaign for what they believe in every ideology. There are those who campaign against Chrstianity like Richard Dawkins. He claims he does it because he wants to get rid of ignorance, not for fame. Bieng commited to a cause and perhaps even believing it to be true doesn't make it correct. That is an unconvincing argument. I don't see how you can't see that.
@vicachcoup 9 жыл бұрын
***** It's a long story and I don't think you'll be impressed. So let's just simplify it and say that it is what I see to be the miracle of the Qur'an that sits in the middle of a belief that Islam is correct.
@shakeosm 11 жыл бұрын
fantastic! Brilliant, oraganised and well spoken and to the point! May Allah bless him and guide all the human on Earth the right Path!
@julio14335 10 жыл бұрын
The Almighty, All Seeing, All Knowing is our eye witness. The Bible is not altered? You need to speak from the bottom of your heart. 1. Where was Jesus born? Bethlehem or Nazareth depend on which gospel you read. 2. What was his last words on the Cross? depends on which gospel you read. 3. Who carries the Cross of Jesus? depends on which gospel you read. It takes more courage than sincerity for any Christian to admite the errows, contradictions, and conflicting reports in the Bibles.
@breakfastbuddy5 4 жыл бұрын
i think you need to check this out for yourself since you mix things together , it just shows ignorance about the Bible , the errows, contradictions, are in your head ,
@faisalsiraj9423 4 жыл бұрын
@breakfastbuddy5 You point at other "ignorance" BUT you couldn't even touch what he put forth. You just made a comment in thin air and pointed "ignorance" at him. Let's see if you heed this warning. It's a very serious warning on lack of knowledge and on rejecting knowledge. You must heed this warning. It's from the very scripture which you profess to uphold. Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for LACK OF KNOWLEDGE: because thou hast REJECTED KNOWLEDGE, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. ************************ He gave the actual points in his comment whereas you have just made a comment labelling him of "ignorance" so until the time you actually refute those points right here on this thread you in fact made an allegation against him. So until the time you prove his "ignorance", it is you who have forged a lie against him and it is you who have accused him falsely. So if you fail to refute his claims right here or if you evade and do not respond then it will demonstrate publicly that you made a false accusation and it is you who in actuality went against the scriptures and concocted a lie towards him.
@servantofthemostmerciful7985 3 жыл бұрын
I love how you copied Bart Ehrman word for word. Love that guy.
@AdorIslam 10 жыл бұрын
1. Paul, who never saw Jesus, also admitted that the resurrection was his gospel (Timothy II 2:8): Remember the Jesus Christ of seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel." He was also the first who declared Jesus as Son of God (Act 9:20): "And straight way he [Paul] preached Christ in the synagogue, that he is the Son of God." So Christianity is not a teaching of Jesus but of Paul.
@jyyadali 9 жыл бұрын
***** This believe was of pagenism. Abraham, Moses or David never had this beleive, so did Jesus and that is why he said: Matthew 5:17 New International Version (NIV) “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
@breakfastbuddy5 4 жыл бұрын
well youre wrong Jesus was under the old coveant and was ending that one, hebrews 8:13 , so is the old like the new ? NO , why does it say that you should not fill the new wine in old wineskins ? or that you should not be luke warm mixing law and grace ,
@patrickfoley6215 2 жыл бұрын
I am a Christian. I follow the Gospels and Revelations. Jesus fulfilled the law. He did not abolished it. Jesus tells us to follow the commandments and references them often in friendly discussion. Jesus' words are sharper than any sword
@julio14335 10 жыл бұрын
Jesus never wrote the Bible neither did he mis-interprete verses that Mark, Mathew, Luke, John, Paul etc. wrote on his behalf... No! he was not a liar nor was he a fraud, he was the true Messiah and a Prophet of God. I love him more than words can say. Those who mis-interprete and claim divinity for him are the biggest liars on earth. I choose to believe in his true teachings LoL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@fightnightchampionpeekaboo 10 ай бұрын
He is more than a prophet. Jesus Christ Is Lord, The Son of God.
@julio14335 10 жыл бұрын
Nice way to explain the discrepencies of the Bibles. Thanks for ur precious time no1hoopsman. It was a pleasure meeting you:)
@bilalsayed201 2 жыл бұрын
walahi what a great video answers every question going through your mind after reading the bible and becoming baffled because of its complexity
@tawfiqzulu225 6 жыл бұрын
Christianity is a Paul invented religion & there's nothing close to Jesus teachings
@julio14335 10 жыл бұрын
If your statement is true why do we need to have a `RED LETTER BIBLE` (the supposed words of Jesus) which is only 10% of the gospels? The supposed eye witness that you are claiming had all gone (dead), we believe in the eye witness that lives forever.
@breakfastbuddy5 4 жыл бұрын
@MojarrangoRosa 11 жыл бұрын
PART 6: .....He told them not to cry for Him but for the coming times of suffering when Yerushalayim was going to be destroyed. Please read Luke 23:28: Yehoshua turned and said to them, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children...". The event of destroying and killing the inhabitants of Yerushalayim was HORRIBLE!. Since then my ex-people have never been able to build the Temple again. Would the Apostles miss to mention something so terryfying?
@faisaldiron4574 10 жыл бұрын
Paul was not an Apostle he is an Antichrist... In John 8:31-32, Jesus is quoted as saying: "If you continue in my word, then you are my disciples indeed, and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." But Paul had somewhat different view. In Romans 3:7, he poses the questions: "For if the truth of God has more abounded through my lie unto His glory, why yet am I also judged as a sinner?" If Paul had been a sincere servant of God, there would have been no need to lie. How can truth increase through untruth? Could these be words of someone who received his "commission" directly from Jesus? Today, Christians are under pressure to clarify those "lies unto his glory" propagated by Paul and his followers. In order to do so, they must return to the pure teachings of Prophet Jesus which are based on truth and submission to the laws and command of God the Almighty.
@jakejonmul 9 жыл бұрын
You are mis-quoting Paul. It is an entire conversation. He is showing example of different extreme thinkings.
@jyyadali 9 жыл бұрын
***** Let's see who is John? My christian friends think that he was one of the apostle of Jesus. In fact he was not. The apostle John, as per the bible, was an illiterate Aramaic speaking fisherman. He could not write in his own language let alone to write in Greek, a different language a different culture. It is a consensus amongst christian scholar that JOHN the author of gospel of John was a disciple of Paul and not of Jesus. Obliviously, John will write what his master had been teaching. Interestingly, the gospel of John is the only gospel where we can find the following Pauline doctrine of trinity. like.... In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...... I am the way the truth..... I was before Abraham was...... ete. These verses are the founding blocks of trinity, but can not be found in any other gospels.
@jyyadali 9 жыл бұрын
***** If you do not open your eys its up to you. Jhon 1 1 1 is copy of greek philosipher Philo of Alexandria,s Logas. The idea of son of god and paying for the sin of world ete was pagenism beliefs amongst gagens of that region well before jesus came on seen. Abrahamic faith never had this belief, Jewish never thought of trinity. As far as Paus'l vision regarding seening Jesus, is his own personal claim and he appointed himself apostle of Jesus.Non of Jesus apostle confirms this claim. Do not you think if Jesus had to appoint Paul as an apostle of him he would have told to his any of 12 disciples. What if instead of Jesus devil appeared to Paul in his vision?
@jyyadali 9 жыл бұрын
My dear Friend, Before and after resurrection phenomena, is created by Paul. Jesus was plain and clear in his teaching, Paul made it confused. Take some examples: Jesus taught Old Testament Law; Paul negated it. Jesus preached orthodox Jewish creed; Paul preached mysteries of faith. Jesus spoke of accountability; Paul proposed justification by faith. Jesus described himself as an ethnic prophet; Paul defined him as a universal prophet.[1] Jesus taught prayer to God, Paul set Jesus up as intercessor. Jesus taught divine unity, Pauline theologians constructed the Trinity. For these reasons, many scholars consider Paul the main corrupter.... John 17: 4 I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do. This event of Jesus Prays is well before the Crucifixion of Jesus and Jesus claims that he has completed the work he was given, but Paul made fuss of Crucifixion and resurrection and deviated from plain teaching of Jesus. The common sense is that why would Jesus appoint Paul his disciple after end of his earthly ministry whereas he already had disciples during his life time whom he trained and taught. Moreover what is the proof that Paul saw Jesus in his vision and not Satan.
@jyyadali 9 жыл бұрын
***** Take the example of Mark chapter 16 which ends with verse no 8 but for centuries verse 9 onwards regarded as word of God. Now these verses have been discarded as fabrication. So who are they playing with the word of God. If you want to know listen to Dr Bart Erhman. Misqouting Jesus. Open your eyes and mind and see for yourself.
@no1hoopsman 10 жыл бұрын
The other way to affirm this is to go to a civil court case and listen to the witness statements. The ones exactly the same are usually set ups, the ones with differences but certain facts remain the same are the most genuine.
@34craigjan 11 жыл бұрын
If Muslims believe that Jesus is the Messiah, then they would believe He is divine. All of the major prophets in the OT tell us that He is from everlasting and possesses an eternal kingdom, one which cannot be destroyed and has no end. (Isaiah 9:6,7 Micah 5:2 Daniel 7:13,14 Psalm 110:1 Zechariah 6:12,13 Zechariah 9:9,10)Besides, Jesus shared qualities that were only applied to Yahweh in the OT, and we see they are applied to Jesus in the NT.
@rizaanjappie 4 жыл бұрын
Still relevant in 2020
@ademjrad9994 9 ай бұрын
In October 2023
@wathiqh 11 жыл бұрын
Many Say YHVH or YHWH but they themselves dont know what it means. Islam is religion which is so true and logical after doing deep studies into religion idealogies
@MojarrangoRosa 11 жыл бұрын
PART 4: .... way before he could ever start discerning about WHY these things happened, and RE-STUDYING the Tanakh to understand finally that there were TWO appearances to happen for the Messiah: first as a humble priestly Messiah to atone for sins, and the next appearance as a powerful king to establish His everlasting kingdom. I am a Jew and historically my people have been the worst to understand the Scriptures, so I left Judaism. So, it does not make any sense that Shaul wrote anything....
@34craigjan 11 жыл бұрын
The fact is Paul never started a new "religion" as Muslims claim but received his calling by the revelation of Jesus Christ. (Galations 1:11,12). Paul and Jesus were never on different pages nor did Paul contradict Jesus. Shabir loves to misrepresent verses in their context. He quotes Ephesians 2 but fails to keep reading. Paul speaks much on justification. Why would he say this in Romans 3:31?"Do we then make void the law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law."
@no1hoopsman 10 жыл бұрын
All are relevant in some way whether literal or implied or connected to the OT. Taken fully and in context, the NT is affirmation of Jesus as God coming to his creation.
@Erfan 10 ай бұрын
wth - i guess you havent heard a word from dr. Ally or any other scholar on the modern bible - it is fabricated !! Paul was a madman who wanted power and whatever else - and his followers killed off the followers of James and John and Peter. His work is crap. By following his crap, you show that you prefer to be misguided and ignorant. Not a good idea …
@MojarrangoRosa 11 жыл бұрын
PART 7: With all due respect, ask the scholars of your reference WHY would the apostles miss something so terrible like the massacre of Yerushalayim? , the prophesied destruction of the temple?. SINCE THEN LIKE NEVER, EVER BEFORE, the Jewish people went errand. Who to blame? THEMSELVES FOR THEIR DISSOBEDIENCE. I have to admit this although I am a Jew, a Sephardic Jew who now has opened her eyes to understand WHY all this happened. Sorry I took too much of your time. May the Lord bless you.
@ukaragen 10 жыл бұрын
Surely different eyewitness will say a slightly difereent viev of an event...example witnesses in road accident involving a car and a lorry...there might be some different view as how the accident occured or how many person injured but surely all eyewitnesses will say its between a car and a lorry...can u accept if suddenly this one paul person say its between a motorcycle and lorry?
@maximusalexander5930 2 жыл бұрын
Should think why new testament is introduced when the old testament in itself is the teachings of Jesus(Pbuh) Peace be upon u my brothers n sisters 🌹
@34craigjan 11 жыл бұрын
The Koran is the only ancient document that denies that Jesus was crucified. It is a false statement that is simply inaccurate that is verified by history and every other ancient text. Not only this, but it denies the Son and the deity of Christ which is clearly evident in all of Scripture, even in the OT. Muslims believe in the virgin birth but say He isn't divine. That's quite the internal contradiction there.
@MojarrangoRosa 11 жыл бұрын
Very good point!.
@evanspeprah1996 5 жыл бұрын
So Dr Shabbir if you are doubting the credibility of Paul’s encounter with Jesus Christ owing to the fact that he was the only one who had that encounter without evidence or a third.how do you explain that of Mohammed? One man doctrine!! How do you also explain his alleged encounter with the Angel Gabriel? Please tell us something
@kyewbie8646 3 жыл бұрын
The difference between Prophet Muhammad pbuh and Paul is that the Prophet Muhammad pbuh since childhood he is called As Sadiqul Ameen(Trustworthy), he is known for his honesty, unlike Paul who use to lie
@yasinozkan 10 жыл бұрын
You don't THINK ? You have to be SURE, and be able to PROVE it. Just assuming is not enough.
@no1hoopsman 10 жыл бұрын
Jesus made the claim of "I AM", the term given by God to Moses; you have to now call Moses a liar if you wish to deny this term. It is apparent throughout the NT and the synoptic Gospels Jesus is who he claims and the disciples are coming to terms with this great revelation. The time Jesus makes the real claim of I AM is all recorded in the NT, his disciples acknowledge it, they worship him as such, he makes new commandments, gives new meaning to the Beatitudes and is the "beginning and the end"
@no1hoopsman 10 жыл бұрын
For example if we stick to John initially since he it was who proclaimed the word (God) became Flesh (Jesus) we have some such as John 4:26, John 6:20, John 6:35, John 6:41,John 6:48, John 6:51, John 8:12, John 8:18, John 8:23, John 8:28, John 8:58, John 10:7, John 10:9, John 10:11, John 10:14, John 11:25, John 13:19, John 14:6, John 15:1, John 18:5, John 18:6 , John 18:8
@ibnuadam7247 10 жыл бұрын
Is there any records on how the apostles appointed by Jesus interacted with the new claimant of apostleship - St. Paul. When we think of what would have happened then, there must have been severe confrontation between the two sides. It is quite natural and something that could be expected. But most most astonishingly we do not get a good idea about it from the writings in the New Testament. Would anybody tell me.
@kenomy66 10 жыл бұрын
Heres great evidence "Then after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to get acquainted with Cephas[b] and stayed with him fifteen days. 19 I saw none of the other apostles-only James, the Lord’s brother. 20 I assure you before God that what I am writing you is no lie" Galatians 1:18-20 "James, Cephas[c] and John, those esteemed as pillars, gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship when they recognized the grace given to me. They agreed that we should go to the Gentiles, and they to the circumcised. 10 All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had been eager to do all along." Galatians 2:9-10 Also Paul quoted creeds that he received from the closest companions of jesus 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 "For what I RECEIVED I passed on to you as of first importance[a]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, 5 and that he appeared to Cephas,[b] and then to the Twelve. 6 After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. 7 Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, 8 and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born.
@vicachcoup 10 жыл бұрын
The victor writes history. That which disagreed with the chosen view at the council of Nicea was destroyed or called apocrypha. There are allusions to conflict in the letters of Paul
@kenomy66 10 жыл бұрын
This is false history nothing of the sort happened at the council of Nicea and the apocrypha were never in the canon in the first place because they were 2nd century writings which were not written by any of jesus's apostles and had no connection to the eyewitnesses of jesus. Oh and the council of Nicea had NOTHING to do with the canon
@Erfan 10 ай бұрын
its was destroyed by the Romans or purposefully neglected, lost to history - its a cover up tbh.
@Erfan 10 ай бұрын
@@kenomy66 none of todays gospels were written by eye witness accounts, or have they been verified. And by 380 or 381 - trinitarianism became official Roman state religion by edict, and the unitarians were killed or persecuted. The obvious fact is that trinity belief was forced on the people, whereas the truth was suppressed.
@chauhan1505 7 ай бұрын
Lord Jesus is tbe Christ.....peace be unto Him.....He is surely The Way....The Truth and The Life.......Amen.
@pfarquharson1 5 жыл бұрын
Dr Shabir Ally: i have a question for you? IS St PAUL MENTIONED IN THE QUR'AN, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY? Please tell us. Thank you.j
@tasdad2116 5 жыл бұрын
Not sure of you'll get a response from S. Ally.... I'm not sure of the answer, but certainly the Quran states 'woe on to those who wrote scripture with their own hands' (in other words fabricated scripture from their own desires)
@pfarquharson1 5 жыл бұрын
@@tasdad2116 thank you for a very descent and honest reply. I would love Dr Shabir Ally, or one of his associates in his organisation, to respond to my question. But like you i don't think he will. Anyway, here's hoping.
@anaskpalmalaki8804 3 жыл бұрын
Google it...No I cannot found Paul, Saul in Quran
@pfarquharson1 3 жыл бұрын
@@anaskpalmalaki8804 See Surah Ya Sin. What town did the two messengers go to? Who was the Third messenger? What do most Islamic/commentators say about which city/towm or the three messengers went to? And i am not talking about Habib, the carpenter, who was martyred and whse tomb is still in the city they believe is mention in this Surah.
@Erfan 10 ай бұрын
@@pfarquharson1 if you actually read surah YaSin, it starts with a painful warning to the disbelievers, who when the truth is recited, refuse, deflect, deny, or mock, and remain indignant. I would reflect on that, not so much the the narration of the 2 + 1 that follows.
@thepossessor 9 жыл бұрын
the idea that the council of nicaea removed and replaced books of the bible is a very common theory, but there simply isn't any evidence to support it. The council had nothing to do with the canon process, they weren't tackling the issue of the books but rather the issue of the Deity of Jesus, The first “canon” was the Muratorian Canon, which was compiled in A.D. 170. The Muratorian Canon included all of the New Testament books except Hebrews, James, and 3 John. In A.D. 363, the Council of Laodicea stated that only the Old Testament (along with the Apocrypha) and the 27 books of the New Testament were to be read in the churches. The Council of Hippo (A.D. 393) and the Council of Carthage (A.D. 397) also affirmed the same 27 books as authoritative. Now with the issue of the "Apocryphal books" such as The Book of Enoch, if I remember correctly they were removed sometime in the 5th century by pope gelasius
@julio14335 10 жыл бұрын
Who is reading Genesis? The question is not whether Adams means earth but the facts is non was and is created like him (in his own image), in the sense he was not born. I believe no one besides you can deny this facts!! Thanks for ur time and God bless you..
@no1hoopsman 10 жыл бұрын
Absolutely, Jesus clearly affirms God as a loving Father, if he is to teach his creation it can only be by the perfection of humanity (Jesus) and of course only God is perfection. We are also made in the "image and likeness" of God; what do you think that means?
@no1hoopsman 10 жыл бұрын
Of course these issues were all known and addressed long before Ilsam came to be, any decent Bible study class covers these very points. For example with the woman who is bleeding and touches the hem of Jesus garment to be healed, one Gospel refers to the crowd all around her while another just mentions what Jesus does and makes no reference to the crowd, two views of the same event that tell us as much about the writer as the event. Simple really and standard.
@ziadkhan5721 5 жыл бұрын
1john c 2 v 4 he who claims to know his lord yet doesn't keep the commandments is a liar and truth is not in him.paul admitted to his lies in Romans 3 v 7 saying that his lied bring people to the lord.wake up no one can rescue u or pay to GOD a ransom for u Psalms 49 v 7.
@wajihsayehart3199 4 жыл бұрын
ما شاء الله عليك يا أستاذنا علي 😃
@no1hoopsman 10 жыл бұрын
Jesus undoubtedly called himself God, he used the term that the Hebrews knew, the one given by God to Moses when God appeared as a burning bush.By using the term "I AM" in the particular way he did, he was questioned throughout the Gospel as to "who he really was". He was affirmed as God by his disciples and was crucified for that reason as well.
@MojarrangoRosa 11 жыл бұрын
Part 1: Shaul (which you call Paul) was a Judaic zealot rather wealthy Pharisee with Roman citizenship, who persecuted the followers of Yeshoshua. He never met Him in person, and he was present when Stephen was stoned to death, and agreed with it. In one of his travels to Syriam Damascus to arrest Yehosua's followers he was blinded and a voice commanded to do certain things. He LEARNED from Yehoshua's life FROM THE REST OF THE APOSTLES. Now, anyone can say anything he wants, about Paul's.....
@breakfastbuddy5 4 жыл бұрын
just continue , from Saul to Paul , the jews belived in the babylonian way , they were in babylon and took it with them , they have the Babylonian Talmud , and thats infiltrates Islam and the catholics , but not christianty ,
@nanadelamer6277 8 жыл бұрын
do muslims keep friday as holy?+why?anyone knows?
@user-rv9ob6fs4i 8 жыл бұрын
Friday was chosen to Muslims by Muhammad pbuh, On Friday we go to mosque and the imam tells us about a subject in Islam then we pray and leave.
@lloydrees8370 5 жыл бұрын
But Saturday is the sabbath
@JarodGlass 2 жыл бұрын
Amen good message,Allahu Akbar
@twelve_thirteen 2 жыл бұрын
Paul was considered a heretic? Why am I not surprised.
@MojarrangoRosa 11 жыл бұрын
..... conversion, so anyone can say that Shaul wrote about Yeshua first than anyone else. With the same token anyone can say that Shaul's conversion experience was "an attack of [temporal lobe epilepsy], perhaps ending in a convulsion ... The blindness which followed may have been post-ictal" as D. Landsborough published in an article ( Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry), so anyone can say anything just for the sake of publishing something "new". Recently some guy "found".....
@MojarrangoRosa 11 жыл бұрын
If you doubt (WITH NO PROOFS) about Paul's words (you say: "Paul's faith was fuelled by a vision, and this vision is questionable for many reasons if you read the NT, no one could positively identify that Paul had seen Jesus") same could be said of Moshe, Isaiah, etc. "We do not have proper testimony that Jesus appeared to Paul", with the same token, anyone could say that no one can believe in the followers of YHWH in the Tanakh, or in Brit Hadasha, or in the Q'ram. Get the point?.
@julio14335 10 жыл бұрын
If this verse proves Three-nity THEN muslims will also have something call Six-nity cause its an obligation for all Muslims to believe in the Six article of faith. The only difference is, Muslims understand the importance to seperate Creation from the Creator, which you Christians combine all together.
@yasinozkan 10 жыл бұрын
Now if you go back to their book, it has some statement like "I have made Satan a God" or "I have made you a God to Pharao (God telling Moses)". So if we use your logic, then satan and Moses are Gods too. And when you propose your thoughts, bring proof. I give you an example about Jesus and Paul, you claim I misinterpreteded it, yet you don't proof is, you just claim.
@julio14335 10 жыл бұрын
1.By saying `I AM`.. does that qualify a man to be God? 2. Can the Creator of heavens and earth be CRUCIFIED (Die) a discraceful dead on a cross? No Intelligents minds accepts this ideas, but of course doctrines do. Once you start asking important questions like: 1. Can God be perfect & imperfects at the same time? 2. Can God have followers (disciples or helpers)? May you live long so tha in the near future you will start to think for yourself. God bless you..
@mahmoudkhalifa4309 3 жыл бұрын
Can one has alimited and unlimited power at the same time?
@ZakariahSH 3 жыл бұрын
Read tanak again and again
@ash99513 9 жыл бұрын
@AmraniSharif 11 жыл бұрын
jesus never claimed divinity, either in the gospel there such a statement, in the contrary , jesus said "my father is bigger than I". , "my father is bigger than all", "me and my self I can do nothing", "this words are not my words"
@breakfastbuddy5 4 жыл бұрын
but in Him i can do all things , so you should say the same , and belive the same thats were the power lies ,
@MojarrangoRosa 11 жыл бұрын
PART 5: ....about Yehoshua and His teachings if he did not learn firs from the accounts (written accounts) from the Apostles. Again: the writings of the apostles (Gospels) were written way before 38 years after the crucifixion and rising of the Messiah. Otherwise they would have written about one extremely important prophesy: the destruction of Jerusalem "...WITHIN THIS GENERATION..." (the generation living at that time) as Yeshua prophesied, and again when women cried seeing Him tortured.....
@no1hoopsman 10 жыл бұрын
Of course this is the way one would speak in the 3rd person,just as he teaches us how to pray, he says Our Father the inclusive prayer for all mankind with those two words. There is no contradiction in what Jesus taught, he affirms the requirement we all have which is dependence on God. It was Jesus who commanded the Apostles (filled with the Holy Spirit-the real helper) to baptise in the name (singular) of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, a clear Trinitarian command
@cruzefrank 3 жыл бұрын
This Scripture shows that Paul was a true Apostle and had the Apostle Peter's backing 2 Peter 3:15-16 "and regard the patience of our Lord as salvation; just as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you, 16 as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which there are some things that are hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction."
@ggggggg7675 2 жыл бұрын
Thet was later addiction , written by Paul follower it’s author are anonymous.
@cruzefrank 2 жыл бұрын
@@ggggggg7675 7 months later after researching I'm beginning to see that, plus the major variants of the New Testament
@34craigjan 11 жыл бұрын
Another thing, Jesus received worship and never once rebuked anyone for doing so. Could a man/prophet allow this? Muslims have a false Jesus, and one of their own imagination."He who has the Son has life, he who has not the Son has not life but has come into condemnation." John 3:36, Romans 8:1
@harry-qy2fz 5 жыл бұрын
Looks like Pauls statement is being back up only by saying Jesus appeared to him after Jesus was no more around.. eehmm.. and after that he changes Jesus teachings.. sounds like if something did appeared to him it could not have been Jesus.. it would have been something thats in nature likes to diviate people..n u know who that is.... ..
@34craigjan 11 жыл бұрын
Sorry but the scripture speaks for itself. Just read those verses I mentioned and tell me if Messiah is just a man/prophet. Jesus said and did things that no man/prophet could. Why do you think the Jews sought to stone Him? All the fullness of God was manifested in the person of Christ. "Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father." When Jesus revealed Himself to Paul, Paul says, "What shall you have me to do Lord?(Acts 9) Psalm 2 also speaks of Messiah/Son as being divine and eternal.
@no1hoopsman 10 жыл бұрын
That doesn't work, there are other places where the Jews try to trip Jesus up, where they are always asking him who he is; why would that be if he were only a carpenters son ? No he is asking them if the Messiah coming is not in their book; which of course it is
@julio14335 10 жыл бұрын
Jesus was God incarnate according to Christians but not according to the Bibles.Buddha was also God incarnate according to Buddhists. The only differents is Christians rely highly on interpretations of verses. Jesus in his own words never said I AM GOD INCARNATE. The LORDS PRAYER was his true mission on earth, directing you to OUR FATHER who is the only true God.
@fightnightchampionpeekaboo 10 ай бұрын
Jesus did say I and my Father are one, they picked up stones to throw at him because of them feeling offended by Jesus professed truth.
@MojarrangoRosa 11 жыл бұрын
PART 3: ....."The tomb of Jesus" with names such as Mary and others next to the tomb, but there have been so far ELEVEN tombs of guys called Jesus found with others names such as Mary, Jacob, etc., as family tombs. A book that was written much later was REVELATION which is attributed to John, the youngest Apostle. Shaul had no way to know about Yeshua's intimate life but after His followers finally trusted him, and Paul probably read Yeshua's accounts either in Aramaic or in Hebrew.......
@no1hoopsman 10 жыл бұрын
Everything attributed to Jesus in the Gospels is according to his acts as well as his words, his deeds as well as what he said. I think you love the Islamic version of Isa, not Jesus as they are diametrically opposed to each other in what they do, say and believe. Jesus is absolutely defined by the Gospel writers, the people who walked and talked with him, all known long before Islam came to be
@julio14335 10 жыл бұрын
God does Godly things. God never thinks He is a man and any man that thinks he is God is a mad man. To be God means infellible and to be human means Fallible. You cannot be fallible and Infallible at the same time. Its like saying i say a Tall Short man which is non-sense. Jews has been reading the O Testament long before the N Testament was writing and they understand exactly the message that is repeated in the N Testament__`Hear O Isreal the Lord Thee God Is One`. Where do you get the 3 from?
@zahiromare 7 жыл бұрын
Paul was given a devil by the voice, a spirit being whom he called Lord 2 Cor 12:7, Does this not scare you away?
@breakfastbuddy5 4 жыл бұрын
you need to read what it says , not what you think it says
@nanadelamer6277 8 жыл бұрын
3.24 nope,the observence of Sabbath+other jewish laws were first challenged+some changed by Jesus NOT IN PAUL S writings but in the gospels, the idea being that laws are not set on stone forever but given to serve the people +create the best conduct possible Also there is no higher law than love god above all+love one another,Any law drops in front of those hence dor ex you can break the sabbath to save someone,+youshouldnt give divorce paper but better try not to divorce
@sultanofsomaliland9332 8 жыл бұрын
no in Mark 12 v29 it says the most important rule is that God is one.
@nanadelamer6277 8 жыл бұрын
+Khalid Said sais exactly The most important is, Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, is one Lord ;Andyou shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ThATS THE 1ST Commandment The second is SIMILAR(equal) TO this You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these "ThATS THE 1ST Commandment" + "SIMILAR TO' =before modern translation/old greek text(I GUARRANTY+you can find it2) notice it sais "There is no other commandment greater than THESE'
@sultanofsomaliland9332 8 жыл бұрын
Oh OK.
@breakfastbuddy5 4 жыл бұрын
@@sultanofsomaliland9332 God is still one God , is anything imposible for God ? so who is Saul and who is Paul , so the old books tells you that it will be born a son that will save the world , it was for us , so we could get a new chance , Jesus is God , or God is Jesus , for a little while God took a human form ,
@sgma4m 5 жыл бұрын
The same question is ... whether or not Moh was a true prophet? and the Quran author is the true Allah ????
@Abubakar-yt1sh 5 жыл бұрын
But quran gives u challange that, if it is not from Allah it would have so many contradictions. And it also gives challenge to the mankind that none can write just a single Surah like Quran. But your bible gives no challange
@Abubakar-yt1sh 5 жыл бұрын
if you read your bible honestly,rationally, logically and not being biased and blind faith,,, i am sure u will find so many scientific errors, mathematical errors, contradictions and also u will get incest and some hot spoked pornography.....
@julio14335 10 жыл бұрын
Was Buddha also God in the flesh_ if not, why not..
@julio14335 10 жыл бұрын
Even if i agree with you for the sake of arguments that Jesus was perfect and that he came to know how we feel, what are you going to do with verses like___1. ´The Father is greater than i` which contradicts ur beliefs in the Trinity.. 2. I can`t of my own self do nothing, i seek not my will but the will of the Father who sent me. If he was God was he reffering to the Father in heaven as himself considering your belief that God has already incarnate in him on earth?
@dtntnw 8 жыл бұрын
What is the mission statement of Christianity, essentially to Baptize all Nations in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Matt 28:20. Even if you descredit Paul. It is understood that, Paul was just repeating the Gospel. Ali Shabir is hung up on Hebrews 9:22 i.e. the shedding of blood for the forgiveness of Sin. One only needs to look at the last supper narrative where the symbol of Communion equates to the remembrance and atonement of the Cross...
@emrek1944 3 жыл бұрын
Matthew 28:20 is not found in the oldest scriptures and is a fabrication .
@dtntnw 3 жыл бұрын
@@emrek1944 You mean 28:19 is fragmented ? I can show u the trinity in the first two verses of gen 1:1~2. I will give u my whole Bible. Secondly, there are multiple other verses. What about John 8:24. I can go real deep into the Tanakh. Are u ready ?
@no1hoopsman 10 жыл бұрын
It is in Genesis we get this phrase "image and likeness" as well as Adam & Eve......So either Jesus is who he claimed to be OR he is a liar and a fraud...which do you choose?
@no1hoopsman 10 жыл бұрын
Nonsense, the Gospels were written well within the time period of the Apostles, there are many versions of the Bible but the message is the same, it has not altered since it was founded, you have no eye witness
@dannyrodriguez8606 8 жыл бұрын
Peter also said that Jesus was the Christ the Son of God
@davidaguilar6517 8 жыл бұрын
in today copyright laws the Koran with be copy of torah and new testament at least on those two books there where many people and prophet's that back there stories but in the Korean there only one person ..and even worse it has more mistakes then bible. .
@Sbuddhacharya1 8 жыл бұрын
+David Aguilar can you show any mistakes?
@davidaguilar6517 8 жыл бұрын
+S_Islam ok will point to about 1000 mistakes but remember your is Devine inspired so that so that means it should not have any mistake and if there there mistakes that means is not gd inspired. .they should not any scientific errors ,history errors, biology mistakes and any contradictions on your holy book do we agree on this .
@thekdy 8 жыл бұрын
Is this your way of proving there are mistakes in the Qur'an? You must be under weed's influence.
@thekdy 8 жыл бұрын
Is this your way of proving there are mistakes in the Qur'an? You must be under weed's influence.
@yasinozkan 10 жыл бұрын
OR your book is corrupted. Preforming miracles does not make him devine, all prophets preformed miracles in their time. Yes He did use the Hebrews terms by saying "Ye are Gods", then the jews try to stone him because they said he tried to claim to be God (which they certainly knew He was not, they were only looking for trouble), So Jesus replied "Is it not in your book?" meaning; is the meaning of this word not in your book?
@zubairskazi Жыл бұрын
if paul changed the words of God, so did mohammed. the concept of abrogation is just ungodly. God’s words never contradict what came before. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is the true vine. all believers must be grafted in to Him and follow His torah to gain everlasting life with the Father.
@ImAShyPerson Жыл бұрын
Jesus pbuh teaching is to worship the Father, your God and my God (John 20:17). The Father is the only true God according to Jesus pbuh (John 17:3). You only pray to the Father, not to Jesus pbuh (Matthew 6:9-10). Prophet Muhammad pbuh doesn't change the teaching of Jesus pbuh. Prophet Muhammad pbuh teaching is about the oneness of Allah, the only true God. Pray only to Allah not to Muhammad or Jesus pbuta. Even the Jew worship one God. Moses teaching is to worship the only true God. "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." (Exodus 20:3). Paul definitely is the one who change the teaching of Jesus and also Moses pbuta.
@kaishazabengesi2971 5 жыл бұрын
Faith and academy are two parallels, therefore you are arguing about something which is unfathomable. It is written God's ways are not like humans do. If you are out to seek grandeurs it is O.K. but this cacophonous hullabaloo has no Godly shine.
@julio14335 10 жыл бұрын
That means Adam together with his wife was the first and the only humans that were Created in their own Image. They were not born, neither were they breast fead. They never had the opportunity to grow up as children in wisdom and in status.They were taught everything by God at once. All other humans without exception comes to this world through birth and will be given the opportunity to grow up in wisdom and in status. God is not like us in anyway, form or shape. There is nothing like Him.
@QAK_0088 11 жыл бұрын
Jesus did not know the last hour = not God.
@no1hoopsman 10 жыл бұрын
Jesus is perfect, he is known as perfect and divine so he is infallible. But of course he came to teach man how to be and in this he can only do it as a human. The Trinity is one God, it is the same "esse" in all three, and the Jewish word echad as used in the text you quote is not a singular one, but a multiple, used in the wedding ceremony for example where two become one
@no1hoopsman 10 жыл бұрын
So Jesus is either who he claimed to be OR he is a liar and a fraud...if he is a liar why call him a Prophet ? If he is not a liar then he is clearly who he claimed to be. He certainly acted as such; new commandments, giving new life, bringing people back from the dead, promising people they would be in heaven with him...all these are from God and all within the context of Jesus life and works as recorded by those who walked and talked with him
@no1hoopsman 10 жыл бұрын
They are not contradictory at all, you misunderstand what is being said and the manner it is said in as you've clearly shown by how you misinterpreted how I proposed my thought and then called it an assumption; all you claimed was clearly incorrect. Paul incorporates all the teaching of Jesus, Jesus also died on the cross and gave of himself for humanity; all of this is in the Bible if read in context and it's entirety, just as Jesus claim to be God is littered throughout the NT
@StefanTravis 9 жыл бұрын
Ally seems to believe that Jesus said A, Paul corrupted it to B, and the gospels and acts further corrupted it to C. But there is no Gospel of Jesus - there's no original for Paul to corrupt.
@rightpathpeace4701 9 жыл бұрын
***** Very good logic, since there is no original Gospel of Jesus, how can Paul corrupt the Gospel. Paul was not a disciple of Jesus, neither he met Jesus. Where from Paul got the Gospels, it is to be noted that Paul disagreed with the disciples of Jesus. On the other hand whatever Jesus told, Paul changed to just opposite. Jesus said to keep the commandments, Paul said no need to keep the commandments,
@nanadelamer6277 8 жыл бұрын
+Right Path & Peace Jesus said to keep the commandments,,, which ones?pls quote scripture! Divine revelation is accepted in Christianity+all other religions,thus Paul didnt meet Jesus is most ridiculous argument if they disagreed means nothing,your issue is wether jewish customs should or not b kept, in the gospels Jesus explains it when asked+even changes some,+Those are not Pauls writings, Preaching love of God was important not convincing ppl that cutting part of your body is holy while they could never b able to proove it anyway nor the why they should not eat pork you say Paul changed to just opposite.Which opposite is that ?
@barrackdovahkhiin3394 8 жыл бұрын
+nana delamer a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 18 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good -except God alone. 19 You know the commandments: ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, you shall not defraud, honor your father and mother.’ there means all commandment in the bible.. including hijab, about wine about pork etc etc etc if you want to inherit life.. you should follow jesus.. if you dont want it.. follow paul
@barrackdovahkhiin3394 8 жыл бұрын
+nana delamer eternal life*.. i think this is one of the reason why christian shouldnt believe Paul
@barrackdovahkhiin3394 8 жыл бұрын
+nana delamer +nana delamer paul said that Jesus died for our sins.. if we believe in him.. then our sin will be erased.. and we'll go to heaven jesus said you shall follow the commandments to enter the eternal life.. and paul said you dont have to keep it did jesus ever claim he died for our sins? or paul? does Jesus want people to carry cross around them? does jesus want people to worship him? jesus even reject of being called good.. and this is worship?.. what do you think if the verse 10:18 a man came and worship him? prophecies that prove Muhammad was a true prophet Sign of the last day The Almighty said: we build the sky and still expanding. Idk about it The sun will rise from the west where repentance, where tauba (forgiveness) will no longer be granted.. Is it possible for sun to rise from the west? Idk.. myb science can explain 1. Children filled with rage 2.rain becomes burning or acidic. Acid rain 3.you'll see evil people spreading widely 4.people will trust trecherous people and they will be consider trustworthy people treacherous 5. The truthful one will be called a liar. And the one telling lie will become truthful 6.the dishes will be communicating continously and the prophet used the very word that used for satelite communication. And people will sever their families ties.. in other words people will stay in their home and watch television on satelite dish and they wont go visit their neigbours 7. You will see hypocrites ruling 8. You will see worst people controlling the marketplace 9. You will see ornemental mosques but the hearts will be ugly. So people praying in the mosque theyve done no takziyah But the mosque is beautiful (many today) 10. The believer will be more humiliated than the ugly goat 11. You will see homosexuality and lesbianism widespread 12. You will see young people having massive wealth.. like zuckerberg.. he was multibillionaire before he was 30.. popstar etc etc 13. You will see movement to corrupt the women 14. You will see the destruction of civilisation, you will see the civilision of the destruction of the world 15.the musical instrument will be on their heads.. (how did Muhammad (pbuh) know that?) "On their heads will be musical instrument (headphones)". We see these kind of people everywhere 16. You will see many police and also people mocking and making fun. Its everywhere 17. You will see many children born out of wed-lock 18.the prophet said that trials will be shown to the hearts like a mat. It has two lines of horizontal and vertical line. (This the tv set) 19.you will see people with whips like a cow tails and they'll hit people with it 20.women that were clothed and naked at the same time.. theyll sway in their walk, (this is nightclub) 21. Prophet said their head would be like the bartrician camels hair, (idk what its look like maybe pomade?) 22. People will drink intoxicant from my ummah many more.. if you like to hear.. then i will tell you. these are all words and from Muhammad (pbuh) 1400 years ago only God know about future.. now if Muhammad spoke about this.. he mustve got it from God.. JazakAllah
@no1hoopsman 10 жыл бұрын
You obviously don't understand written English; this term "I THINK" is just a term for my belief. It is not just an assumption, it is based on what Jesus said and did, what is right and good, what is equal for all and the message of a loving Father God as opposed to the retributive killing one you obviously worship; your profit needed an army just like Assad and Obama I suggest
@MojarrangoRosa 11 жыл бұрын
He presents statements without any proofs. The Gospels were NOT written after Paul's writings, but so obviously were written before the destruction of Yerushalayim (ירושלים), which occurred about 38 years after the Messiah's crucifixion. Remember that the destruction of that city was an important prophesy from Yeshua, and the fulfillment of that prophesy would have been recorded by those Apostles who wrote the Brit Hadasha (NT) if the Gospels were written after the destruction of Yerushalayim.
@thesweatypro8133 3 жыл бұрын
Jesus fulfilled the law with his death, burial and resurrection. Paul AFFIRMS THIS in Ephesians and every other letter he wrote. I.e., "Christ Jesus is the end of the law for righteousness to those who BELIEVE " Romans 10:4 Not "abolished"--"FULFILLED" Fork-tongued snake in pajamas Galatians 1:8 You are accursed. Gakatians 1:9 You are anathema.
@apostateprophet9933 3 жыл бұрын
Is that James? Who ate all the pies? lol
@no1hoopsman 10 жыл бұрын
Of course you fall into the same trap as the rest of the Muslims, the term "I AM" as used by Jesus was the same term God applied to himself, this is why the Jews were so upset as they undoubtedly were throughout the Gospels. The creator of Heaven and Earth can do what he likes, the rules applied to man are not applied to God, Islam needs a limited God and the God of the Christians is just as Jesus proposed, a forgiving loving father figure, all known long before Islam came to be
@jakejonmul 9 жыл бұрын
Paul was the perfect person to write Christian Theology. He was a Jewish Theologian and would be able to connect the Old Testament to Jesus' teachings. Yes, Paul and Peter didn't see perfectly eye to eye, but He wasn't Peter's enemy or counterpart. Yet God used him to bring the message of redemption to the world...not just the Jews...and not Judaism. He infact reinforced the teachings of Jesus. Jesus was the fulfillment of the Law...He was the Law in the form of Man. Jesus Taught greater than Moses. Moses taught that Murder was wrong, Jesus said that Hate was Murder. Moses taught adultery was wrong, Jesus taught that Lust was Adultery. Sin was deeper than the outside. The written Law of Moses can only Judge and condemn the outward. Jesus', and thus Paul's, idea of the Law was greater. It begins in the Heart. The same Law, but fulfilled in Christ and now written in our hearts. And Dr Shabir's arguments are very circular. He's saying that the Gospels cant be trusted, yet he's using passages from the Book of Acts to prove his argument. Acts is commonly known as the Book of Luke 2. Luke, the same that wrote the Gospel of Luke, wrote Acts...and wrote it even later. So, I guess, Luke wrote a book that would disprove the whole conspiracy? ..I don't think so. And Matthew focused more on the Law because he was writing to a Jewish audience. Although, like previously mentioned, (Matt 6) the sermon on the mount was almost completely displaying that the Law in itself was not enough. Jesus' ways are even higher than the Law...a perfect fulfillment of that Law, in Him. If you read Paul's writings through, it's plain to see his respect for the law. Yet he recognizes were the power of the written law ends, and where ONLY Christ and his Grace can take over. It's actually really beautiful, if you read it and give it a chance to speak for itself. Rather than just trying to find inerrant because you want to. You must also read the entire bible like this. It is one big story...One Word of God. If you see something that may seem like a contradiction, dig deeper and ask... why does this seem different? or...how come one account says one boy and the other two? I think if someone would sit with a reasonable Christian who has good logic...one could see It's validity.
@mohammadasghar4215 8 жыл бұрын
jakejon mul Gospel of Luke? The Gospel according to Luke!! The Gospel according to Mark!! The Gospel according to Matthew!! The Gospels have been written by anonymous writers.
@reformedcatholic457 8 жыл бұрын
+Mohammad Asghar You are wrong on that, but whatever helps you sleep at night.
@nuux1560 6 жыл бұрын
Nonsense. The perfect person to write Christian theology was James The Just - Jesus brother. Not Paul, a deluded convert who used Greaco-Roman paganism as an influence. That's why James refutes Paul's abrogation of law in his epistles 2:14-24. That epistle contains theology that is NO WHERE to be found in Paul. How can someone who did not ever met Jesus, be more of an authority than his brother? The glaring gap and corruption in teachings are obvious. And to think that 14 books of Paul which he himself didn't consider to be sacred were canonised is so toxic. He's anything but perfect; would Jews trust Hitler if he saw Yahweh in a dream Jesus taught that lust was adultery - does that mean that someone who merely feels lust should then be stone? Jesus says nothing about the abolishing of the law, and thus because it sounds more severe the Mosaic Law from that perspective. But i don't think Jesus was literal - it was a metaphor meaning, wouldn't should feel lust and rather avoid it as a gateway to breaking the law. The point you're trying to make is Jesus and Paul were both spiritual - but that does not make them equal since they're theologies are different. The Christian creed jumps from the virgin birth - to his death and resurrection - because Paul tied everything around the crucifixion event, rendering his teachings mostly redundant. And no point in time does Jesus say anything about sacrificing himself for the atonement of humanity. Jesus taught and believed in the repentance of sin, that's why he says nothing as such. Jesus did not come for the world either; you seem to be okay with a former Christian persecutor asserting so much on behalf of someone he did NOT know. That's the issue. He contradicted SO many doctrines of the Old Testament by drawing from paganism. The argument is not circular - the Gospel reports and likely other writings on Jesus went through an editorial process using Paul's narrative as a filter since his teachings dominated. This clear when assessed against the Codex Sinaticus, Papyrus 75 etc. Jesus did no more than bring an interpretation of Judaism. Pauline and later developments: 1.Jesus as God inside a trinity (Greaco-Roman paganism) 2.Jesus as Word incarnation (Greek philosophy) 3.Jesus as the literal son of God (Greaco-Roman paganism) 4.Jesus voluntary sacrifice on the cross (refuted by Jesus/Gospel reports in Luke 22:44) 5.Jesus teaching of sacrificial atonement of sin (refuted by Codex Sinaticus version of the Lord's prayer & Papyrus 75 version of Luke 23:34) 6.Jesus came for mankind (refuted by Jesus/Gospel reports Matthew 10:5, 15:24-27) 7.Jesus abolished law (refuted by James The Just in Epistles of James 2:14-24) 8.Jesus resurrection (refuted by Codex Sinaticus version of the resurrection; Mark 16:9-20 is absent & Luke 24:36-48 suggests Jesus appeared as human rather than spirit)
@yasinozkan 10 жыл бұрын
Sorry but saying "I think" is not a proof at all, it is an assumption. So you claim your belief is right ? Why not back it up with real proof? For example Paul says Jesus died and resurrected, Jesus himself said He will not die like Jonah did not die in the belly of the fish. and on and on.. These are clearly contradictions, and shows that Paul has been teaching other then Jesus did. When you reply me, pls bring your proof to back up your claims.
@mrafiyasin 10 жыл бұрын
@mohammadasghar4215 8 жыл бұрын
***** No one dies for anyone else, least of all an innocent honorable MAN like Jesus (pbuh). Everyone will be held accountable for his own doings, good, bad or indifferent. Someone steals something from you and you forgive him by sacrificing your own flesh and blood. Is that reasonable or even intelligent? Jesus (pbuh) will come back and straighten out everything concerning himself, but by then a large number of his "followers" will already have put in the line of people that will be fuel for Hell,
@mohammadasghar4215 8 жыл бұрын
The Glorious Quran is the word of Allah (swt) Ahadith were written by fallible men. A rule of thumb is that anything that contradicts the GQ is to be discarded.
@jennymcewen8066 Жыл бұрын
You say that Muslims agree with the teachings of Jesus? Well, Jesus taught that He is God, He said If you've seen me, you've seen the Father. Jesus taught the Trinity, that God is One, and yet 3 persons (I don't even understand the Trinity, but I believe it). Jesus prayed to His Father in heaven, and He promised to send us the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Helper, who would lead us into all truth. Jesus accepted Thomas's statement in the upper room "My Lord and my God!". Do Muslims agree that Jesus is God? I know He taught many other good things, but, a good teacher doesn't call Himself God if he is not God. C S Lewis said Jesus is either a liar, a lunatic, or Lord. I believe that He is Lord. I pray you see that Jesus is our only Lord and Savior, and even God Almighty. Jesus said to the Pharasees: Before Abraham was, I AM. This is what God said to Moses at the burning bush. "I AM" refers to God Almighty.
@Iammram 10 ай бұрын
No he didn't. He meant it in purpose. The Trinity used to have a verse which was 1 John 5:7 and that was thrown out of the bible as a fabrication by bible scholars. The problem with the comforter Holy spirit thing is, Jesus said HE will guide you to all truth, etc. Spirits don't have a sex. To go even further, the holy spirit was already around, how could he send something that was already here? To go even further than that, You have Orthodox, Catholics & Protestants, none of which agree with each other, who has the truth amongst them? They all have the spirit don't they? Thomas statement was a shock statement. It was the first time he saw Jesus again after the alleged crucifixion, he thought he died. CS Lewis's comment is assuming the bible to be true and not manipulated, you can tell that he didn't even mention the notion that people could have change texts. Jesus said that in the same way God said to Moses when Moses asked for his name over and over. The same way Jesus was being pestered, he replied to them in the same manner.
@rickybanks9024 4 ай бұрын
Galatians 1.16 To reveal his Son in me that I might preach him among the heathen immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood. Paul proves Jesus was not God. 1 Timothy 1.15 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus come into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief. Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all long-suffering for a pattern to them which should here after believe on him to life everlasting. Now unto the King eternal immoral invisible the only wise God be honor and glory for ever and ever Amen. Isaiah 44.6 Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel and he redeemer the Lord of hosts I am the first and the last and besides me there is no God. Jesus said for if they say lo christ over here lo christ over there believe them not and follow not after them the kingdom of God is within you. God is a eternal spirit within you. You will die a natural death growing old or if they don't stop the war we will die getting blown up. I believe Israel is spiritual not natural.
@jafar6959 3 жыл бұрын
So Paul use to lie ?? I can never believe the person who lie why should I believe because he is Lair
@jakejonmul 9 жыл бұрын
how do Jesus' teachings = Islam??? Jesus calls for no divorce...Islam allows it. Jesus consumed alcohol..Islam forbids it. Jesus says Love your enemy...Islam does not. Islam scholars try to say Jesus promotes eye for an eye justice because he says one should cut off their hand to avoid sin, yet Jesus is saying that One should do it to themselves..and speaking in illustrative purposes, despite it may be true.
@jyyadali 9 жыл бұрын
I think you did not listen it carefully or may be does not want to. Matthew 5:17-24New International Version (NIV) 17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven. On what authority Paul can abolish the law.
@jakejonmul 9 жыл бұрын
Paul never abolished the law. In fact...he carried on with the teachings of Jesus. Just like you quoted, Jesus came to fulfill the Law. Jesus taught that sin was an inward problem...not just the physical sin. Jesus taught that hatred = murder and that lust = adultery. Paul taught along the same lines. The law is now written on the heart. No one abolished any law...they took it to the next level. Adams disobedience brought death, the law actually brought more death and with it condemnation. Jesus said in John 3:17 that he didn't come to condemn the world, but that through him the world might be saved. No one could possibly fulfill the highest expectation of the Law...no one but Jesus the Christ. Jesus fulfilled it. And because of that sacrifice, our debt is PAID! If we try to live by the Law alone...we'll die. If we accept the sacrifice made and honor God with our lives, our sins and mistakes are not held against us. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. No one is righteous, no not one. There is nothing you or I alone could do to earn heaven. But Jesus paid the way. I (Jesus) am the way, the truth, and the life, no one can come to the father but by me.
@rpk1878 9 жыл бұрын
jakejon mul JESUS CONSUMED ALCOHOL ? please read you bible carrefuly Alchohol is forbiden in christiannity jesus did not drink alcohol Wine the english translation from greek wasnt correct .
@nanadelamer6277 8 жыл бұрын
+Emmanuel G Wine the english translation from greek wasnt correct really? no it was correct,it sais wine
@nanadelamer6277 8 жыл бұрын
+jakejon mul very good explanation, The law was always written in the heart.written laws were ment to help ppl keep it the most they could
@timsmith3475 6 жыл бұрын
People are so dumb, and ignorant, Jesus Christ is the one that called the Apostle Paul to preach the gospel.. Acts 9 chapter
@timsmith3475 6 жыл бұрын
marwanmohd1 Only a fool would not take what the Apostle's said in the New Testament. Acts 9:15 But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles and kings, and the children of Israel: Now you tell me is Jesus Christ a liar?
@timsmith3475 6 жыл бұрын
marwanmohd1 So you do not believe the Word of God? Do you believe all of the New Testament or some of it?
@timsmith3475 6 жыл бұрын
marwanmohd1 The Apostle's preached it, and it was recorded later in the book of Acts, The Bible says all scripture is given by the inspiration of God.. 2 Timothy 3:16
@nanadelamer6277 8 жыл бұрын
3.45EPHESSIANS2,14-15 doessnt say JESUS CAME TO ABOLISH,but to unite+abolish that part of the law which consisted of dictates-commands-orders.. GALATIANS2>PETER JAMES_JOHN??,,,,PLS QUOTE, i only see Peter+Barnabas there How do we know who Paul saw?how do we know who Mohammed saw? Jesus son of God is not only in Paul but everywhere,,,Jesus CALED HIMSELF SON OF GOD+SON OF MAN why is this man considered a scholar? anyway muslims shouldnt be concerned abt that since in every gospel,all other writinngs of aposttes except Paul,Jesus words have nothing 2do with Islam,condemning Paul does you no good,
@aishaarshadalam3412 5 жыл бұрын
The difference between Paul and any other person who claimed to be a prophet is the proof that comes with that claim. Moses pbuh claimed he was sent by God and his proof were the miracles he performed. Jesus pbuh claimed he came from God, his proof was his miracles. Muhammad pbuh claimed he came from God and his PROOF was the Quran. The Quran is his miracle. It is something that is tangible and canbe seen and studied and checked. Now compare that to Paul. Paul who claims he saw Jesus pbuh but Where's his proof? All his teachings are in direct contradiction with what Jesus pbuh taught. He says he was a student of the Rabbi Gamliel and yet there's no record of him being his student. Not to mention his understanding of Hebrew scripture is abysmal and embarrassing for someone who claims he was a brilliant practicing Jew. Ask any jew about Paul and see what they say. You are free to follow whatever you like.
@no1hoopsman 10 жыл бұрын
Rubbish, the image and likeness of God is the fact that we have the capacity to love; where do you get that nonsense from? Adam comes from the word Adama which means earth, Genesis is not to be taken literally, you suffer from this reductive literalism which brings about a killing vengeful God
@AdorIslam 10 жыл бұрын
(John 4:24): "God is a spirit..." and (John 5:37):"... ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape,” so there is no way God can be seen or heard and also Paul said (I Timothy 6:16)...whom no man hath seen, nor can see..."
@reformedcatholic457 8 жыл бұрын
+AdorIslam Man is wicked and his thoughts and intentions are continually evil (Genesis 6:5) The heart of every human is deceitful and desperately sick (Jeremiah 17:9) All have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) There is none who does good, no not one (Psalm 14:1) Because man is a sinner and have broken God's law he is guilty and needs to be punished. God made the way for us by sending His Son in Jesus Christ (John 3:16) We broke God's law (1 John 3:4) Jesus paid the fine (Col 2:14, Eph 1:7) and on the third day He rose from the dead conquering death (1 Cor 15:55-57) So God commands men and women everywhere to repent (Luke 13:5,Acts 17:30) turn from sin and put their faith in Jesus Christ alone ( Mark 1:15, Acts 16:30-31, Acts 20:21) and the evidence of salvation is a changed life (2 Cor 5:17) and bearing good fruit (Matt 7:16-17 John 15)
@breakfastbuddy5 4 жыл бұрын
so what about healings and visions ? if not then fairytall books is good enough because they are without any power ,
@no1hoopsman 11 жыл бұрын
I don't think there is any contradiction between what Paul teaches and what Jesus preaches; taken one line out of context is not proof but a falsehood, a deception. Paul is devoted to Jesus the Christ and his mission was to promote the words and teaching of Jesus to the world; simple and all in accordance with Jesus teaching
@faisaldiron4574 10 жыл бұрын
Quoted from the Gospel of Barnabas : After Jesus departed, the disciples scattered through the different parts of Israel and of the world, and the truth, hated Satan, was persecuted, as it always is, falsehood. For certain evil men, pretending to be disciples, preached that Jesus died and rose not again. Others preached, and yet preach, that JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD, among whom is Paul deceived. But we, as much as I have, that we preach we to those who fear God, that they may be saved in the last of God's Judgement. Amen
@kenomy66 10 жыл бұрын
LOL youre quoting from the gospel of Barnabas recognised by virtually all scholars as a medieval fraud a medieval fraud!!! LOL it quotes Dante, a 13th century writer!!!
@no1hoopsman 10 жыл бұрын
Did Buddha claim to be God? Jesus most certainly did
@mitchellrose2940 6 жыл бұрын
I can see how Paul distorted the story, but I cannot see how the muslim faith has done any different. The religions are filled with some good and some ridiculous assertions.
@randyw.8781 5 жыл бұрын
So you don't believe Paul is a apostles even though Paul states Jesus is the Son and speaks of a Jesus who was crucified and resurrected. A Jesus who is Lord and Christ and the Glory of our great God. A image of the invisible God. Well we don't believe that Mohammad was a prophet sent by God. We believe in the Jesus Paul taught about. And while we have freedom in Christ we are not free to sin. Which Paul upheld. Jesus=>You know the commandments: 'You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, you shall not defraud, honor your father and mother.'" And also obtain from sexual immorality. The Fathers promise the gift of God, The Spirit of God sent in Jesus's name can't be bought with money or earned by works it is freely given by God through Faith in Jesus for it is Jesus who baptizes with the Holy Spirit. No one enters the Kingdom of God apart from Him.
@EvenStarMN 6 жыл бұрын
Paul was a great man.
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