Welsh pro-Brexit town prepares for loss of EU investment | AFP

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AFP News Agency

3 жыл бұрын

The town of Ebbw Vale in south Wales has benefitted from hundreds of millions of euros in EU development money in the decades since its steelworks closed, but despite this it voted heavily in favour of Brexit. With the UK's Brexit transition period due to end on December 31, regions like this hope that British government funds will replace the European money. Since 2014, the UK has received 10.6 billion euros in EU Structural Funds.
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@ovidiuaka 2 жыл бұрын
They are blaming eu for the way their local authorities used the money? How is that not moronic?
@Nickbaldeagle02 2 жыл бұрын
This is what we're up against...
@realitycheckreally8412 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nickbaldeagle02 exactly people like you that can't and won't accept reality, the EU only give back money you put in the EU doesn't make money it only receives money from the member states take it that point passed you by and had a big say in who it was spent in them countries,but your blind the what the EU is, centralised state control their basically recreating a socialist federal state..
@Nickbaldeagle02 2 жыл бұрын
@@realitycheckreally8412 you're blind to the difference between your and you're and their and they're. If you can't understand basic grammar how can you possibly be expected to understand international relations? I'm dismissing you out of hand. Don't bother replying, I won't read it.
@realitycheckreally8412 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nickbaldeagle02 bet you will ....
@simonr_1 2 жыл бұрын
@@realitycheckreally8412 the point is that the UK government, and others, won’t invest in the same areas. The EU, believe it or not, is very socially focused. That is why many on the right wing don’t like it, tax and spend on a much larger scale being a complete anathema to many, the sad thing is they, you, have duped those who might benefit most.
@noodleppoodle 3 жыл бұрын
These people are unbelievable. Blaming the EU for a project that was “waste of money”. The EU doesn’t write your projects for you, local councils and similar bodies do. Should have asked them to come up with something better. Or if no funding was granted for the project that was proposed, would it have made locals any happier? Facepalm
@johnjames4681 3 жыл бұрын
THe EU help fund a new railway line for passengers to link the town to Cardiff and work. They funded a training college to learn skills. If the people have anything about them they will learn skils and travel to the workplace. A nice Dragon and some sparling new bridges to help people get out and about. Free health service throw in. Nothing to complain about really . Unemploymnt was 4% before the virus.
@harrymackintosh1874 3 жыл бұрын
@John James it is absolute insanity!! Totally agree mate. Ebbw Vale was an amazing industrial town with loads of high paid jobs until the 80s. The salaries in the steel work were incredibly high. Farage and Reece Mogg (both very wealthy men) were aloud to lie their heads off and talk about blue passports and the good old days and now the people of s Wales have to suffer. Are farage and co going to be held account for their toxic agenda spreading...... no!!!
@noodleppoodle 3 жыл бұрын
@@harrymackintosh1874 Wales would not be able to complete in heavy industry such as steel with the Koreas and Chinas of this world. Even the cheaper European locations, like Poland, are too expansive and not competitive enough. Something new is needed, something that cannot be so easily moved. Design, innovation...
@harrymackintosh1874 3 жыл бұрын
@@noodleppoodle couldn’t agree more. I just feel that leaving the EU has closed more doors than it has opened. Boris doesn’t give a toss about Wales. He’s just a power hungry freak who wanted to be PM!!! You read articles he wrote years ago in The guardian about European investment and job creation........ it just blows my mind. Steel has been going from Ebbw Vale for years and it just makes me so upset that we have created this culture of lazy, unmotivated workforce who hang out in con clubs and British legion s. Complaining no one is doing anything for them 😡
@MarkJones-gt2qd 3 жыл бұрын
"Waste of money" means "not given to us"
@JackDespero 2 жыл бұрын
Mate, your city hall decided to create that statue. The EU gives funds for projects, the EU does not micromanage everything. They give a part of the fund for arts, because arts is considered a part of the human experience and alll people should have access to it. If your city hall decides that they want a dragon statue, that is their fault, not the EU's.
@hughjohns9110 2 жыл бұрын
It doesn't really matter who decided to have the statue, the people of the town think it's a waste of money, ie British taxpayer's money. Wasting the money on it was facilitated by EU membership. Easy fix.
@hughjohns9110 2 жыл бұрын
@@steviesteveo1 I can't see the people of that town losing any sleep over that, or noticing any difference.
@nicksayajirao1730 2 жыл бұрын
@@hughjohns9110 right, so what you’re saying is it’s the EUs fault that the local council thought this was a good idea and applied to get it funded? You really think Home Counties Tories will look after Wales better?
@hughjohns9110 2 жыл бұрын
@@nicksayajirao1730 aha, the old "so what you're saying". Well you can see what Im saying, in my last comment. Im saying what I wrote, not what I didnt write.
@Importman2009 2 жыл бұрын
They are Welsh. They can't understand these types of complex subjects.
@annagilda1 2 жыл бұрын
"Boris Johnson has promised." Ohhhh, its all going to be ok then. Because he's so good at keeping promises.
@Jackmack365 2 жыл бұрын
He also promised 350 million for the NHS if everyone voted to leave, one wonders what happened to that promise?
@diceman199 2 жыл бұрын
@@Jackmack365 Literally the morning after the vote Farrage was on breakfast TV saying they had never promised that.....
@roxanaandrews2884 2 жыл бұрын
Hahahaha! Absolutely !
@TremereTT 2 жыл бұрын
Brexit might work out Northern England and Wales at the end only IF the EU shuts out the City of London from the EU marked. The traditional industries of UK suffered mainly becaue off the Dutch diseas effect created by the City of London when the "free movement of capital" was allowed in 1992. The City of London basically drained all brain and investment from industrial production and engineering. So if now more of the bright young adults or young adults with wealthy parents start to study medicine, engineering or economics and to work for industry instead of law firms and bank, the aereas that were bled dry might start to prosper again. All this could have been prevented off course if the City of London presented the rest of the UK a reason to allow the City of London to continue to be successfull. But as it looks like the banks and lawfirms only took took took and gave nothing or close to nothing back. All they left were carcasses of once profitable factories and entire regions in financial and social descent.
@enmodo 2 жыл бұрын
Indeed, I'm sure bob-a-job Boris will spare them a penny or two.
@casbot71 3 жыл бұрын
As an Australian (and therefore a outside observer to both nations) this seems to be exactly the same mindset as blue collar, poor and rural Americans that keep voting GOP and expect the wealth to _trickle down_ to them.
@E6hosting 3 жыл бұрын
little bit more complex than that, the centre left labour party has a hard time targeting it's traditional voters in small post industrial towns progressive social polices are kryptonite to these groups but if they pull those polices they will lose their urban vote, basically they are between a rock and a hard place, a traditional working class voter and a rural tory have a lot in common with each other when it comes to social attitudes and probably enjoy seeing the avocado on toast brigade suffer.
@kevinwillis6707 3 жыл бұрын
spot on.
@tumblefatboy 3 жыл бұрын
@@E6hosting You are perhaps correct but what's the answer? Brexit was funded by this lot... www.brexitshambles.com/brexit-scam-we-need-to-talk-about-tufton-street/ they had the funding to convince the public it was about sovereignty and fish when its about tax dodging and deregulation. I think a rude awakening will happen but frogs slowly getting boiled don't realize until its too late. UK is now set up to harm these people even worse... With top 10% getting richer.
@edmundbell-king4538 2 жыл бұрын
@@tumblefatboy Is it too much to ask the Welsh Government to take responsibility for its own affairs and stop blaming Westminster? Hold on, I forgot, the Welsh Assembly is controlled by Labour - so forget I just said that.
@tumblefatboy 2 жыл бұрын
@@edmundbell-king4538 You didn't read my post obviously! Funding by far right Think tanks and facebook caused brexit using propaganda. Wales voted in the same way Turkeys vote for Xmass.
@Threxis 3 жыл бұрын
The EU cared more about these regions than our own government ever did. the ERDF was basically a lifeline for places like this, and they voted that away because they didn't think things could get any worse. But it can get worse. MUCH worse. As they are about to find out. And no, the Tories won't replace the funding. They don't give a shit about places like this, they are the ones responsible for the decline in the "left behind" areas in the first place. Anyone who thinks that they'll suddenly do a U-turn on that and invest in areas that hate them is delusional beyond my comprehension.
@andrekoniger3020 3 жыл бұрын
To be fair Boris does a lot of U turns.
@shirleylangley6804 3 жыл бұрын
It beggars belief that these strong pro Brexit areas have the nerve to complain, our government don’t care about the little people their just money grabbing, pompous prat’s who are making a killing from Brexit and pro EU supporters were sore loser’s. Guess the last laugh 😂 is on you Brexiteers. Lol
@vinycrimbo8692 3 жыл бұрын
Just glad we are out the bloody EU myself.
@Threxis 3 жыл бұрын
@@vinycrimbo8692 why is that?
@edmundbell-king4538 3 жыл бұрын
ERDF has only ever kept unenviable projects going that should never have been funded. If they were viable, they wouldn't have needed ERDF funding, would they? The EU does not create wealth, it just taxes at the member nation level and then reallocates that wealth to those that can't create their own - the usual communist crap heads deciding what pet project they should fund without any real world business experience. What is needed is to put in place an environment that allows entrepreneurship to flourish.The EU never has, can't and never will create such environments. Thank GOD for Brexit.
@Bhethar 2 жыл бұрын
EU: Pays for rail, infrastructure, adult learning facility and finance a statue… Locals: eU iS wAsTiNg mOnEy !!1!1
@blethigg9320 2 жыл бұрын
Considering how they voted against their own interests... perhaps the education was wasted.
@jasonwatts3920 2 жыл бұрын
Well to be fair only one person said they were wasting money and she didn't really seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed.
@mogznwaz 2 жыл бұрын
It's not EU money, it's UK taxpayers money being allowed to come back to us
@Bhethar 2 жыл бұрын
@@mogznwaz incorrect, it’s all of EU citizens tax money. And guess what, EU has more citizens than UK hence it can afford bigger loans. That’s why the UK cannot afford to match what the EU invested for the local development fund.
@Bhethar 2 жыл бұрын
@Johann Sebastian Bach what money? We are talking of underdeveloped areas of wales where the UK gov never invested a dime. Your mental gimnastics can’t change the fact that the EU has a bigger budget and invest where London never cared to.
@elliewoodlock6296 2 жыл бұрын
That's a pretty bad ass looking Dragon Statue though...
@charlespirate1 3 жыл бұрын
“I want the UK government to change its way of thinking” yeah, good luck with that.
@edmundbell-king4538 3 жыл бұрын
Its their own thinking that needs to change. Stop blaming others for their own shortcomings would be a good start.
@priscillaroberts7945 2 жыл бұрын
Don't hold your breath. X
@bokhans 2 жыл бұрын
The Tory government that tell U.K. companies to set up operations in the EU if they have problems in the U.K. Good luck Wales, maybe you can do the same! 🤯
@casteretpollux 2 жыл бұрын
Thats actually a direct quote from Starmer.
@evelbsstudio 2 жыл бұрын
Remember Thatcher? Maybe your to young but she screwed the country as well, why the hell do people keep voting in this shower of shit and wonder why the poor and wealthy divide keeps growing...
@robertcatterall438 3 жыл бұрын
Reminds me of a Monty Python sketch: 'Yes, but what have the Romans done for us'?
@chingadapistolero 3 жыл бұрын
once on a long walk to the pub a freind regaled me with stuff he had learnt on a documentary about romans and half an hour i kept but apart from.... what have the romans ever done for us ! he never got the joke and voted leave! I'd never put the 2 together
@panzerkami2381 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, and the way brexit is described in the British tabloids reminds me of another MP sketch, the one with the dead parrot.
@lesleyrobertson5465 3 жыл бұрын
Crucifixion or freedom? Oh crucifixion please
@nicklaskowalski 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely spot on but they are too dumb to actually understand the joke and probably think The Life of Brian was some kind of edgy documentary.
@edmundbell-king4538 2 жыл бұрын
@@nicklaskowalski With the Welsh Labour Party still holding the line in the Welsh Assembly, things ain't going to get any better, either.
@VelcroKittie 2 жыл бұрын
I find it very difficult to believe that someone who wears a mask with their nose hanging out the top would be a reliable authority on anything.
@howardbull9001 2 жыл бұрын
Well spotted. She wasn't the smartest tool in the shed!
@paste5004 2 жыл бұрын
He thinks the masks actually do anything 😂
@VelcroKittie 2 жыл бұрын
@@paste5004 Back to your Qanon cave Paste
@paste5004 2 жыл бұрын
@@VelcroKittie it's the science pal
@VelcroKittie 2 жыл бұрын
@@paste5004 You should go try waste someone else's time "pal." A simple mute sorts you out. Tuda-loo matafackah
@solosunbeam 2 жыл бұрын
I love that the lady implied that it was the EU who wasted money on useless projects. The money came from the EU, but it was local government who chose the projects and spent the money.
@nabidisla.5086 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad that the eu now hired humans that check what the duck you are doing with Brussels cash
@operationgoldfish8331 3 жыл бұрын
This is what made me so sad even before the referendum. So many people in the so called 'left behind' areas were saying 'we have nothing to lose; let's get back at Cameron and those cushy southern bastards'. And me, who used to work for the civil service office that deals with ERDF allocations, was sat there virtually in tears because I _knew_ that they had something to lose. The EU Commission was pumping anything up to 75% funding into projects in areas that required more employment. Some of it went on roads, other portions went on job creating schemes, even something like the dragon statue that they complain about in this video would improve the appearance of the area and possibly encourage investment. The schemes that were accepted were in competition with other areas across Europe so something like the dragon might have seemed a possible good return for a small investment from the bottom the UK's allocation barrel. Someone from that area would have proposed it and put in a bid; it wouldn't have been the EU's idea. And no, the government won't 'step in'. Firstly, they would have to cover the full investment, instead of the 25-50% they had to pay when in the EU. But, more importantly, they couldn't give a shit about the 'left behind' areas and never did. It was the Tories that made them 'left behind' (or more accurately, thrown on the rubbish heap) in the first place; why would leaving the EU make them any different? This is the biggest mystery to me over the whole Brexit issue; why would any working person *ever* expect a Tory based project like the ERG's hard Brexit to turn out in their favour. You 'won', get over it; you're stuffed (unless you have the guts to organise and fight back).
@swanpride 3 жыл бұрын
Also, they thought they were "sticking it" to the "elite", but in reality they played right into the hands of those who didn't care about them.
@florianschneider8396 3 жыл бұрын
Thx, same in germany
@greeny202ab 3 жыл бұрын
The UK was a net contributor to the EU not a receiver. Any funds received by the UK were paid in by the UK in the first place. The remainers are to leftist and filled with self hatred that they are simply unable to see their bias. They have no problem with Canada for example being able to survive on its own or Australia but an economy bigger than both those cannot???????? Complete biased nonsense.
@nikoladd 3 жыл бұрын
@@greeny202ab about UK contribution - that is true, but the cost of management of such efforts is pretty high and if the UK was to do the same it would cost more and work worse. As it was before the EU. Cost of managing such efforts can exceed 80% if the management is as "efficient" as the UK government seems to be lately.. and the EU provides robust and transparent framework for a lot of other areas too. Every single one of the EU projects that UK withdrew since the referendum and tried by itself was either canceled or failed.
@greeny202ab 3 жыл бұрын
@@nikoladd Perhaps you are right but fortunately the UK has over a thousand years of experience in managing its own affairs without being controlled by any others apart from of course the 40 years we have been in the EU. I think the fifth largest economy on Earth can just about manage. Especially considering the FTA we have with the 3rd largest and the FTA that will be announced with the 6th largest in January and the 1st largest in March. Then again perhaps you are right and the British are the only ones that couldn't possibly achieve anything without the help of others.
@michaelmayo3127 3 жыл бұрын
Well, the adult education program didn't do much to enhance their ability to make informed decision.
@johnjames4681 3 жыл бұрын
Rupert Murchock owns they souls with the Sun.
@zico81 3 жыл бұрын
Lmao my thoughts exactly
@spiritualanarchist8162 3 жыл бұрын
😂Can't argue with that !
@panzerkami2381 3 жыл бұрын
You can't educate away stupidity, just ignorance.
@stephenweir9871 3 жыл бұрын
@@panzerkami2381 what EU funding it was just the EU giving back money that we gave to them in the first place, the EU don't have any money
@hovefactually7505 2 жыл бұрын
I doubt whether anyone in the Cabinet even knows where Ebbw Vale is.
@juangomezfuentes8825 2 жыл бұрын
I live 50 km away and I didnt know that it existed.
@stealthattack2209 2 жыл бұрын
@stealthattack2209 2 жыл бұрын
@@juangomezfuentes8825 HAHAHAHA
@kensimdall705 2 жыл бұрын
Do the Welsh Assembly ? As they are actually in charge of spending the money. Labour run I believe.
@johnholkham2420 2 жыл бұрын
Boris Johnson lays awake worrying about places like this , I think not . They won’t see a penny and it’s probably their own fault.
@kethughes8266 2 жыл бұрын
I doubt the EU lost much sleep over them they probably felt obliged to at least give some money back.
@patmcgee3061 2 жыл бұрын
It is their own fault.
@jukahri 2 жыл бұрын
@@kethughes8266 It's literally the EU's job to invest money in these poorer areas of Europe.
@kethughes8266 2 жыл бұрын
@@jukahri It's literally the UK governments job to invest money in the poorer areas of the UK and now they have little more to invest.
@marcosmartins7581 3 жыл бұрын
A small town, directly funded by the EU that votes pro Brexit 🤣🤣 unicorns are arriving, well done, Welsh
@GahMehGrrrr 3 жыл бұрын
@Saturnz Not all Welsh but a majority did. As did a majority of farmers and fishermen. So, a sarcastic well done is warranted
@ruialbuquerque 3 жыл бұрын
@Saturnz yes, majority of Welsh population voted for Brexit.
@panchovilla5940 2 жыл бұрын
Turkeys voted for christmas. Well donne, Wales...😁😄😂
@edmundbell-king4538 2 жыл бұрын
@@panchovilla5940 Calling the majority of Welsh people 'turkeys' just because they hold a different view to your own. Not so smart.
@panchovilla5940 2 жыл бұрын
@@edmundbell-king4538 Why not ??...A victory in elections don´t justify an idiotic decision of the electorate...Otherwise, democracy would be a dictatorship of the majority. Remember, Hitler was democraticaly elected...Reason and racionality were never synonymous of majority...
@harrykane1748 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t feel sorry for them. They were warned, they ignored those warnings and called them project fear and called remainers anti British. *YOU WON SO STOP MOANING ABOUT BREXIT AND ENJOY YOUR SOVEREIGNTY!!*
@kensimdall705 2 жыл бұрын
We are thanks !
@duncankowable 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah obviously
@boatman6865 2 жыл бұрын
They won’t be getting replacement cash, instead they will be told to pull themselves up by their bootlaces
@faelger9473 2 жыл бұрын
The EU only GREEN LIGHTS FUNDS, NOT PROJECTS! these utter POSTS! the dragon was THEIR TOWNS IDEA! the EU only says: " well...if THAT'S the PROJECT you REALLY WANT?? here are the Funds..." THE MORE i hear of this country the less i like it -.- stupidity is the only ruling monarchy in the UK. And it REIGNS.....ABSOLUTE! -.-
@mighty-roman 2 жыл бұрын
That's where you're wrong. When they ask for replacement cash - they'll be shown the dragon statue. And be told about how their town hall has a habit of wasting money, so why should they be given any?
@kentrosyt 2 жыл бұрын
An old German saying: Man sägt nicht an dem Ast auf dem man sitzt, or translated: You don't saw the branch ur sitting on.
@kethughes8266 2 жыл бұрын
Leaving the EU that takes our tax money and then gives back a fraction of it whilst we have an 80 billion trade deficit is hardley the same.
@TheEvertw 2 жыл бұрын
@@kethughes8266 The UK got far, far more out of the EU than it ever put in. If you still don't understand that, you fully deserve what is coming to you. As they say, don't bite the hand that feeds you.
@sallmandar1027 2 жыл бұрын
@@kethughes8266 the European market was the biggest in the world, UK benefited a lot from it by being part of the EU
@kethughes8266 2 жыл бұрын
@@sallmandar1027 Correct the UK did benefit from the EU but finanicial grants were not an area that they did benefit from. The UK was always a net contiributor to the EU and that is a fact.
@kethughes8266 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheEvertw Financialy the EU got more out of the UK than the UK got out of the EU.A large trade deficit and a net contributor to EU funds are just simply facts.In other areas the UK benefited from EU membership greatly.
@spiritualanarchist8162 3 жыл бұрын
Brexit voters: 'Why should we pay the E.U money ? .. It's our money !, etc ' ....After Brexit. No money from the E.U, and no money from Westminster. 😭
@JoButterwick 2 жыл бұрын
And less money in the Brexit voters’ pockets.
@Gibbo1 2 жыл бұрын
Apart from 80% furlough money
@genome616 2 жыл бұрын
Funny how the tide turns isn't it, EU investment shown to be on wasted projects that see little results, government is now injecting 2.5million into projects that actually work and already creating hundreds of jobs, prospects of new rail links etc, it seems it was the local council squandering EU money that was the issue here, the people never really benefitted from it so why no vote to leave.
@spiritualanarchist8162 2 жыл бұрын
​@@genome616 You sound as if you repeat things you have heard or read .Like : '' 'Shown to be wasted '. Shown how ? . There also is a difference between promising and delivering. Westminster is promising hundreds of jobs, Rail links.Tories promised this, that and the other. They have done so for over a decade. They just never do it.
@genome616 2 жыл бұрын
@@spiritualanarchist8162 I have family there, 2 of which just got employed in a new battery making plant, as much as it might be a bitter taste for you both labour ignored this community and the EU wasted millions on pointless projects, it is only in the last 10months and the governments help that we are seeing a promising outlook for once.
@Ian_Carolan 3 жыл бұрын
Turkeys voting for Christmas then expecting the butcher to not only spare the knife but to provide feed corn too. 🤔
@icarus877 3 жыл бұрын
What a complete joke of a post, also the farcical comments by the dullard rejoiners - there isnt a steel industry because we are not competitive. We are not competitive in the main because of the farcical environmental policy which means steel production is pushed away to countries like China who have no environmental policies so we lose jobs and the environment suffers - great the EU isnt it?
@sarank1809 3 жыл бұрын
@@icarus877 Are you just copy and pasting this on every post that doesn't sing the praises of Brexit. The environmental policies you are talking about were agreed on by the UK. We had the right to veto, we didn't. But can't expect a brexitor to understand facts
@peterw4338 3 жыл бұрын
@@sarank1809 Another Tory Party HQ Troll
@LAG09 3 жыл бұрын
​@@icarus877 That's a load of rubbish when there's still plenty of steel industry across the EU from Scandinavia (SSAB and Outokumpu) to southern Europe with Spain and Italy (Acerinox, Danieli, ILVA, etc.). As for losing to the Chinese that's just them dumping the resulting steel from their jobs programs where they keep unprofitable industry going.
@panzerkami2381 3 жыл бұрын
@@icarus877 It's hilarious to see how you brexiters are still angry, even though you have now got everything you said you wanted.
@christine6878 2 жыл бұрын
I’m sure I saw a longer news piece about this town and the upshot was that the local authorities decided how the EU money was spent, rather than using it in a long term beneficial way they flittered it away. Maybe the locals were angry at the wrong people.
@oldvlognewtricks 2 жыл бұрын
@IdiotPosterBoy 2 жыл бұрын
That's not how EU funding works, at least I can't think of a case like that. It's essentially always granted on a project basis: you have to submit a detailed plan to get funded. The EU doesn't just hand you money for you to use for whatever you like. Now, if could well be that stupid projects were given grants, or they were mismanaged. The locals definitely have a chance to waste a lot of the money if they try to....
@tonyb9735 2 жыл бұрын
You think?
@dennisklomp2361 2 жыл бұрын
@@IdiotPosterBoy EU funds work both ways. Project by project and directly applying to the EU is one avenue. The other one is indeed, allotting a certain amount of money to national/regional governments. Of course, it's not pile of cash just dumped In their lawn, the EU gives stipulations and guidelines to what those funds could and should be spent on. But in essence, national/local governments get freedom in how projects get selected. If one can steer on the how, they can steer on who gets it. But: it's still EU money, even though the national governments love to boast about it and members like spending it on their cousins company.
@Kevinacharles 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds like a typical Brexit voter.
@thecoderofyoutube 2 жыл бұрын
"Boris Johnson's government have promised to level up..." Well there's your problem, right there.
@wellardsmith3629 3 жыл бұрын
Why would they worried? They asked for this situation and now they got what they wanted.
@paulalderson7329 3 жыл бұрын
Sovereignty, big celebrations coming.
@panzerkami2381 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed, turkeys voting for x-mas shouldn't complain when the knifes come out.
@kanedNunable 3 жыл бұрын
@@paulalderson7329 we already had it. see how we can close our borders to other countries all of a sudden like they told you we could not? who would think serial conman farage was lying to you eh?
@visnamacpherson5109 3 жыл бұрын
They've got what they voted for, and they have to live with it. I would say they deserve it.
@candycandygirl7433 3 жыл бұрын
My thought exactly
@rickiericardo4374 3 жыл бұрын
Do you think ? Tell ye what don’t give the EU £2.30 for them to spend £1.00 on you.just spend £2.30 on yourself.Visna great welsh name .how much did the big daft dragon cost Wales and that big blue daft Badge on the wall
@operationgoldfish8331 3 жыл бұрын
@@rickiericardo4374 Nothing. At least half of the funding would have come from the EU and the rest from a central government allocation for Wales. And it would have been a local government proposal to put it there. The EU never imposes that kind of decision on localities; they would just have accepted a bid for funding on the basis of how the project was presented. Oh, and your £2.30 wasn't for the dragon; it was an investment that returned at least five times as much for the British economy. It was the Tories who arranged that you didn't get your share of the dividend, not the EU. The ERDF funding is a completely different arrangement designed to try to stimulate employment and investment in areas like this one.
@icarus877 3 жыл бұрын
What a complete joke of a post, also the farcical comments by the dullard rejoiners - there isnt a steel industry because we are not competitive. We are not competitive in the main because of the farcical environmental policy which means steel production is pushed away to countries like China who have no environmental policies so we lose jobs and the environment suffers - great the EU isnt it?
@operationgoldfish8331 3 жыл бұрын
@@icarus877 British Steel was in a mess by the late 70s. Nothing to do with EU environmental policy; it was a government subsidised business for a reason. Thatcher decided to trash it, like she did the mines, rather than keep them on as subsidised industries while fresh employment was phased in. This wasn't the EU, it was the bloody Tories, as per usual crashing industry and destroying lives for their own ends. Just like they're doing right now with the car industry and the farms. They're like locusts; they strip the nation of all its wealth and then leave it to Labour to fix it again so they can blag their way in again when we've recovered enough for themto do more harm. If you doubt me then take a look at recent government borrowing and where it's been squandered. Or even better take a look at the Tories' record on borrowing compared to Labour. They had us £1,876.8 trillion in debt and rapidly climbing by April this year, whereas it was £1.2 trillion in 2010. A decade of austerity and the incompetent Tories have got us a further £0.7 trillion in debt.
@acrobaticcripple8176 2 жыл бұрын
I live in Wales, although not Welsh by birth. I've seen some of the devastation caused by Thatcher etc. I've seen many projects EU funded. I've also seen the unbelievable stupidity of so many who were benefitting from those projects in voting leave. My flabber is totally ghasted. The gullibility and fear of the "stealing our jobs" prats. So many were led to believe that the REFUGEES in Calais were immigrants! I could go on and on. Too late now, and I get no satisfaction from their position. The referendum was madness!!
@adambaker4590 2 жыл бұрын
Uhh, to be fair, in order to be a refugee you must be a person who is fleeing political persecution in their home country and seeking asylum. Refugee and Immigrant literally go hand in hand...
@boldford 2 жыл бұрын
@@adambaker4590 Like me, you're here purely because of an accident of birth.
@JustAGameShow 2 жыл бұрын
I have friends in Milford Haven, three oil refineries surround that place and two of them are owned by EU companies, the British owned one is now struggling. Couldn't make it up.
@derek-press 2 жыл бұрын
@@JustAGameShow data show us the figures,do you have access to the accounts of all three companies?
@mogznwaz 2 жыл бұрын
The immigrants in Calais are not refugees. They are economic migrants.
@james64ibm 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sure Boris will discover his compassionate side soon. Right after he's done transferring 350 million pounds a week to the NHS.
@chriswarburtonbrown1566 2 жыл бұрын
Whats tragic about this on a personal level is how much I want to shout 'Serves you right, we told you this would happen' and then how much I hate myself for thinking that.
@AmazingDuckmeister 3 жыл бұрын
They voted to Leave and the EU has obliged.
@edmundbell-king4538 2 жыл бұрын
No, the EU didn't oblige at all. They fought tooth and nail to keep the English in the EU as they knew they had the money they needed. The EU is all about capturing national treasury wealth from its EU member states and then redistributing it on wasteful projects. The EU itself makes nothing and earns nothing. We don't need the EU to do that, we have our own incompetent national governments for that.
@denisphelan8987 2 жыл бұрын
@@edmundbell-king4538 What wasteful projects? Do you mean roads, a Nissan plant in Sunderland, schools, hospitals? What do you mean? If your talking about the dragon statue in the video, then I'll let you know it was local representatives who sold the idea to the EU. It could have been sold as a cultural funding requirement.
@ssm445 2 жыл бұрын
@@edmundbell-king4538 not at all. EU is happy about Brexit, as are the citizens. Brexiteers are economically short-sighted/blind. You don't mess with a market if you want to be part of it.
@succhiatoredelcazzo4689 2 жыл бұрын
@@edmundbell-king4538 To each their own, and it happens that ours is Scotland and North Ireland. Kind regards, a European citizen
@svenNL 2 жыл бұрын
@@edmundbell-king4538 the EU adds a lot of value in many areas as it decreases costs, both for production/trade as for government tasks. Here is just one example: UK leaving EASA and creating an own aviation safety regulator costs at least 10 times as much. But what am I talking about, you are brainwashed and no amount of evidence will convince you that costs can be lowered through cooperation.
@stevensteptoe682 Жыл бұрын
Six years on, and I have even more disdain for people in areas like that who voted for Brexit. I know those areas are suffering even more now, but that's their own fault.
@stephenbarden6121 Жыл бұрын
Disdain. And with that attitude, you wonder why you didn't win the vote in 2016!!
@Wishmaster787 Жыл бұрын
@@stephenbarden6121 Sometimes ridicule is necessary. Don't vote with your ego and emotions.
@andyoncam1 2 жыл бұрын
And I bet many were whining about a cruel EU being beastly in cutting off the money, without a shred of irony.
@faelger9473 2 жыл бұрын
The EU only GREEN LIGHTS FUNDS, NOT PROJECTS! these utter POSTS! the dragon was THEIR TOWNS IDEA! the EU only says: " well...if THAT'S the PROJECT you REALLY WANT?? here are the Funds..." THE MORE i hear of this country the less i like it -.- stupidity is the only ruling monarchy in the UK. And it REIGNS.....ABSOLUTE! -.-
@kfmscience 3 жыл бұрын
pissed myself laughing when they said "they hope the british government will step in to fill the vaccum"... lmao ....I doubt that very much. Peopl complaining about wastes of money.. erm that down to the people in your council's spending the money the EU give to you... blame your local counciland representatives not the EU. FFS.
@andik70 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. Isnt the money which went to the EU earmarked for the NHS....some red bus told me?
@kensimdall705 2 жыл бұрын
The money the EU give to you ??? The money that the UK gave to the EU that they are now giving back to you ... and not all of it. Some of it went to projects to buildfactories in eastern Europe to take work away from the UK. "Rejoiners" so sad !
@reggiegimmix9128 2 жыл бұрын
@@kensimdall705 someone who loves gettin shafted by the greedy tory crooks... good luck.
@kensimdall705 2 жыл бұрын
@@reggiegimmix9128 as opposed to being shafted by the EU for 40 years. At least we can vote the Tories out. EU leaders are appointed and not elected. I'll stick with self governance and elections thanks.
@reggiegimmix9128 2 жыл бұрын
@@kensimdall705 if were all so rich now why are the tories scrimping and scraping, taxes going up, farmers can't get workers, fishing can't sell their catches, hotels and restaurants are scaling back... the only people making money are big Tory funders...and tory frineds. they're crooks. oh and the UK got lots of mney back fro projects... where is that money now... We were told things would be cheaper, energy would be cheaper...everything they said has turned out the complete opposite...they don't even do cheack on goods coming into the UK from europe. Their so called trade deals are the same deals if not worse than we already had while members of the EU...there has been very few if any benefits since leaving . Everyone omplaining and blaming the EU for UK being a 3rd country and having to trade based on 3rd country rules. These are the same rules that we ourselves voted for when our European representatives actually had some voting power on EU rules... we voted for these 3rd party rules and now were out and are a 3rd party company they're trying to blame the EU....so we're now living by rules emposed on us by us.... it's frickin madness and the Tories are trying to blame this on the EU and dumb suckers who read the crap thats in the daily mail or on Sky are brainashed into thinking that they're being treated badly by the EU when it's the complete opposite. These same people are the ones who didn't do their homework and believed the bullshit they were told by Bozo and his clown troupe. Bozo is the UK version of Trump... now that's SAD. Tories are charlatans and common criminals, I mean they're even trying to stop independent committies scrutinising what they do and how they lobby on behalf of companies... it's as crooked as it gets... and people still unbelievably vote for them... I mean what are they thinking. The mind boggles... So yeah go on good luck to you and your family... enjoy the next few Christmas's, and good luck to your childrens future.
@ErrolHeywood 2 жыл бұрын
For those hoping the UKGovt will now step in to help underdeveloped areas I say this - past behaviour is the best predictor of future behaviour. What has our Govt done for you up until now?
@tonyb9735 2 жыл бұрын
They piss on our backs and tell us it's raining. And then raise taxes which they say they will use to buy an umbrella.....
@BlackThorus 2 жыл бұрын
@@tonyb9735 Considering the way they took action, the Welsh might actually enjoy the English piss.
@TheIsleofwighter 2 жыл бұрын
In recent years I have travelled extensively in the EU and witnessed the results of the EU Regional Development Fund. The Fund has successfully lifted so many previously depressed areas from relative poverty and misery into thriving communities. “Turkeys voting for Christmas” comes to mind. Still, never mind, there’s a lot more sovereignty for everyone in the UK now! (Anyone want to buy my sovereignty?)
@iainmarshall8093 2 жыл бұрын
"This hasn't worked out like we hoped" say slugs who voted for salt.
@firerocket7343 3 жыл бұрын
I will need an update for this a year from now, really want to know do they get what they vote for.
@ssm445 2 жыл бұрын
after 10 months: they got what they voted for.
@RBAWintrow 2 жыл бұрын
@@ssm445 indeed.
@10beanz 2 жыл бұрын
Ans: Tory. Otherwise, they'd have to accept they were wrong. And that ain't happening!
@789uknick 3 жыл бұрын
Two tings to say first they say the EU money was spent wrong and wasted but it was up to the local authorities to say what the money was spent on, ok there may have been a few restrictions on what the money could be spent on. Second what did you expect when the leavers voted to leave you would still get the same funding oh sorry project fear now project reality.
@jansix4287 3 жыл бұрын
It’s not wasteful, they got a dragon! I don’t foresee a unicorn being build of Brexit money.
@Crusty_Camper 3 жыл бұрын
Yes but they voted for a unicorn.
@789uknick 3 жыл бұрын
@@Crusty_Camper unfortunately the dragon eat the unicorns, wish people wold just admit that they were lied to and except what is coming and rent their frustration at were it is needed.
@shirleylangley6804 3 жыл бұрын
These people are complete idiots, did they think that money would roll in to help them when Brexit was done. In my area the EU funded flood defences and our government dragged its heels paying their portion of the cost. Our own government care less than EU about the run down areas. Get ready, there’s worse to come. If you voted for Brexit stop moaning it’s because of you were in a mess now.🤐🤐🤐
@bf2840 3 жыл бұрын
@Jack Jones Wales is maybe not giving the EU £10 and getting 5 back, London is. London gave the EU £10 and the EU gave Wales £5, what is London giving Wales? That is the question people are asking?
@NeverQuiteAlex 2 жыл бұрын
It's almost as if leavers didn't know what they were voting for...
@Kj16V 2 жыл бұрын
@Billy Bones Yeah well they've got all the sovereign tea they can drink now. Gulp it down, morons. lol.
@Kj16V 2 жыл бұрын
@Billy Bones Really? Damn, I'm running out of expletives to call stupid people! Maybe I'll just start using the word "Brexiter" as a general pejorative then!
@Kj16V 2 жыл бұрын
@Billy Bones How dare you, sir! I am no Brexiteer!
@DAVJULART 2 жыл бұрын
Bizarre to expect the Tories who almost a generation ago decimated heavy industries in the Welsh Valleys to step up now with regeneration funds. Good luck with that one, the Michael Heseltine wing of the party has been well and truly routed. Congratulations Ebbw you get precisely what you voted for🙄
@wellardsmith3629 3 жыл бұрын
If the uk government wasn't willing to spend money on this place before, why would they want to spent it on them now! They should be lucky the EU helped them.
@Porkcylinder 3 жыл бұрын
THEY helped US ??? WTF are you a complete moron? There is no such thing as Eu money it was OUR money propping up them! We were a net contributor and the Eu used to send back a pittance of OUR money with strings attached and their badge on it. My god you idiots are so brainwashed
@mcmustangno1567 3 жыл бұрын
@@Porkcylinder 🤣 UKs contribution, just like the other 27 countries contributions went to this community. The ‘english’ contribution to this community will be nil. As was pointed out, their local politicians/officials put forward business cases for EU investment and got it, they were voted in by this community, good luck getting investment from the ‘english’ parliament. They haven’t bothered in 100’s of years but it’s nice that the optimism, shown now, while misplaced is, well, misplaced.......
@Porkcylinder 3 жыл бұрын
And the BRITISH parliament didn’t contribute just like the other 27 it contributed a massive amount more unless in your broken little brain you think we were ALL taking money out of the mythical Eu money tree😂 I bet you actually did think that you total tool.
@justblairthompson 3 жыл бұрын
@@Porkcylinder But that Welsh town is getting SFA from now onwards. It will be left to rot. You don't think for a second the Tories or Labour care about some pissy wee town in Wales do you? Under the EU, impoverished towns got grants according to a formula, not according to how it's citizens voted or who it's citizens donate to, went to school with or whatever else. Wales, Cornwall, Yorkshire, :Lancashire... they are all stuffed now. They dont matter.
@Porkcylinder 3 жыл бұрын
@@justblairthompson maybe that small welsh town should stop thinking it’s entitled to free money and sort it’s shit out then, let me guess it’s a Labour run toilet who’ve run it into the ground pissing money away on diversity bs. Maybe next time they’ll think before voting for Marxist morons
@banagan4604 2 жыл бұрын
The E.U. should take their dragon back.
@philomelodia 2 жыл бұрын
Outside observer here from the states. This is baffling to me. I’ve read some history. It doesn’t seem as though the historical record is full of cases where the English fall all over themselves to help out the Welsh and make their life better. Why would the welsh be convinced that the English have changed and that things are going to get better now that the EU which actually appeared to care about them has left? Why would any sane, thinking person vote against a good thing like that? It’s like all those idiots here that vote Republican even though Republicans are always implementing programs that are against the interest of so much of their base.
@mogznwaz 2 жыл бұрын
You know nothing about UK history or politics then. Wales and England are virtually indistinguishable, nearly all laws are the same except those made by the devolved government on local spending. Most money is made in London (those pesky bankers) then distributed across the UK where it is spent by the elected local authority. In Wales it's Labour and Scotland the left wing SNP. Scotland particularly does very well out of this. Wales and Scotland spend all their money on vote winning freebies and pet projects to keep themselves in power. Then blame 'the Tories' or 'the English' for anything that goes wrong. Very convenient.
@faelger9473 2 жыл бұрын
The EU only GREEN LIGHTS FUNDS, NOT PROJECTS! these utter POSTS! the dragon was THEIR TOWNS IDEA! the EU only says: " well...if THAT'S the PROJECT you REALLY WANT?? here are the Funds..." THE MORE i hear of this country the less i like it -.- stupidity is the only ruling monarchy in the UK. And it REIGNS.....ABSOLUTE! -.-
@philomelodia 2 жыл бұрын
@@mogznwaz I think you’re quibbling. Regardless, their vote is still sheer and absolute insanity. Completely stupid.
@mogznwaz 2 жыл бұрын
@@philomelodia The Welsh are just spending the money the UK sends to the EU and then gets back. It's not EU money.. The UK was a NET contributor to the EU
@mikeclifford7740 2 жыл бұрын
@@mogznwaz what complete garbage
@brianfreeman8290 2 жыл бұрын
As an English long time resident of Wales, this is quite refreshing. English residents consistently get the blame in Wales for Brexit, although EVERY ONE of the many that I know, were fervent remainers. Wales as a whole was one of the biggest recipients of EU money. Leaving was utter madness.
@gytosas 2 жыл бұрын
there are about 27 countries with all the people that will never understand this. why?
@nickywest5529 2 жыл бұрын
Couldn’t agree more 😕
@michaelkeldsen9897 3 жыл бұрын
This is great news for the EU. We remove the funding, spend it inEurope, where the EU is much more appreciated, and the citizens in this Welsh villaga will not bother us, because their own Tory Government has secured, that no emigration/ immigration is allowed anylonger. A win-win situation for EU. Michael Keldsen, Denmark.
@lloydnaylor6113 2 жыл бұрын
Except for the £10 billion net contribution by the UK to the EU of course, maths perhaps wasn't a good subject for you at school?
@gwynwilliams4222 2 жыл бұрын
Denmark didn't the Welsh soldiers kick out nazi's in world war two there I think they did !
@markbriten6999 2 жыл бұрын
@@gwynwilliams4222 didn't Denmark have a resistance in ww2. Think it did. Also stop living in the f ING past. It's almost 70 years ago.
@Valkbg 2 жыл бұрын
@@lloydnaylor6113 I prefer less money over the incessant prattling of the English. Stay on your little xenophobic islands and dont bother us.
@lloydnaylor6113 2 жыл бұрын
@@Valkbg of course we'll not bother you, until of course the German army swarms over your borders again then you'll be bothering us. Strange how the migrants risk their lives to come to this "xenophobic island" rather than settle in the safe EU 🤣
@russellwaterhouse3457 3 жыл бұрын
Turkeys voting for Christmas springs to mind, When has Boris Johnson ever kept a promise
@cyanidepills1262 3 жыл бұрын
More like chickens for KFC.
@edmundbell-king4538 2 жыл бұрын
Nothing to do with Boris. The Welsh Assembly is controlled by Labour. Go ask them where those funds are.
@russellwaterhouse3457 2 жыл бұрын
The point is the funds are less .
@edmundbell-king4538 2 жыл бұрын
@@russellwaterhouse3457 Maybe not true for Wales. Ultimately, the UK as a whole, funded more than it got back from the EU pot - but Wales, Scotland and N.I. obviously got a better return than than did regions within England. However, it was English taxpayers that funded most of our contribution to the EU. If we look at this from a Brexit standpoint, overall, there is more money to go around within the UK regions - or, at least there was, until COVID came along.
@russellwaterhouse3457 2 жыл бұрын
@@edmundbell-king4538 Well I am not sure that is really a fair reflection of the impact of leaving the single market . The impact on business and Income is not just down to COVID, but Covid has not helped and probably has masked the situation. The tax take has been impacted in certain industries due to tariff and being a third country in relation to the single market. this reduced profits and tax take and earning etc. The office of national statistics has said that the impact is approx. 440 Million to the UK as a whole, this is more than was paid to the EU gross, the net figure was obviously much less to. This impacts all nations, and all all of us really.
@dadrumer 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know, but here in my town, the people ruling the city decide what they spend the money for ... it's not the EU that's wasting the money, it's their city council, isn't it?
@ftumschk 2 жыл бұрын
Correct. Besides, most of those projects weren't a waste of money anyway. Huge amounts of EU funds were put to good use in supporting major infrastructure projects throughout South Wales, including Ebbw Vale. These included improving telephony and internet connectivity, as well as building colleges, hospitals and roads. So not only were these people ignorant of how the system worked, they were also being highly selective in which projects they chose to criticise.
@dadrumer 2 жыл бұрын
@@ftumschk That's true, too. I meant the dragon statue. :D I bet it was not the EU saying. You must put that statue there. :D
@ftumschk 2 жыл бұрын
@@dadrumer Indeed, it definitely wasn't the EU. It was Ebbw Vale's council and Business Forum who decided that a new sculpture[*] would brighten up the town centre, and applied for EU financial support via the Welsh Government. [*] Not just a statue, either, but a whole area of derelict land was revamped with new walls and paving to make an attractive public space. So maybe it wasn't such a "waste of money" as the cynics claimed.
@dadrumer 2 жыл бұрын
@@ftumschk Yeah, that's how I know the process from here, too. :D It's so ridiculous, when people show stuff like that as examples for bad EU stuff. There is enough to critisize, but the money in Wales seems to be good use.
@martinbyrne6643 2 жыл бұрын
They don’t even know how to wear face masks in Wales , but they all knew about the benefits of Brexit , well done wales , another great victory , leveling up should follow shortly.
@michaeljames4444 2 жыл бұрын
@tylono9604 2 жыл бұрын
@TaffmanGuyo 2 жыл бұрын
The mask usage looks very similar to here in the South-East of England.
@Stettafire 2 жыл бұрын
The irony when masks aren't even required in shops in England anymore but they are a legal requirement in Wales
@harryvanrijn6366 2 жыл бұрын
It's easier to potty train a baby than making people wear a facemask properly. As a regular visitor to the UK during the last 30 years, I have been amazed by the poor state the entire country is in: potholed roads, delapidated buildings, flooding after every downpour, old diesel trains but also unhealthy looking people. Everything looks old and tired! In often stunning scenery. I wonder what will happen with the EU signs, but don't count on Boris and his cronies to step in. Tighten your belt Ebbw Vale!
@oliverseitz9215 3 жыл бұрын
Well, now you get what you voted for... Reality will hit quick and hard. Learning by pain...
@adamclay2284 3 жыл бұрын
I think all you remainders should sit and wait and let’s see . you need time to really evaluate weather it was a good decision I personally believe it will be
@scarfholdgraphicsmedia9501 3 жыл бұрын
@@adamclay2284 Wait and see for what? Businesses are going under or migrating to the EU. Scottish fishermen are losing 1 million pounds a day.
@lloydnaylor6113 2 жыл бұрын
@@scarfholdgraphicsmedia9501 business going under ,where do you get this information from? The UK is booming, the only problem UK businesses are suffering from (apart from energy costs, a worldwide problem) are labour shortages,caused by low unemployment and record job vacancies, unlike our European neighbours who have a higher level of unemployment.
@kensimdall705 2 жыл бұрын
@@scarfholdgraphicsmedia9501 no they aren't. Business start ups and foreign investment are actually higher in the last 18 month period in the UK that at any time in the last 14 years ..funny that ?!
@riveness 2 жыл бұрын
And 10 months later, UK replacement funding still hasn't been allocated and the promised money that will supposedly come (albot 10 months late) is a fraction of the EU funding.
@govr6771 2 жыл бұрын
Actually the funding for UKSPF alone (launching in April) has been commited to 'at least match' the equivalent EU funding (which is still being continued/distributed up until 2023 and beyond as it paid for out the the 'divorce settlement'). In the mean time, to make sure funding didn't see any gaps, they launched the CRF, which is currently getting bids reviewed (delayed mainly by covid). On top of that the government has launched additional UK-wide funds in the form of the Levelling Up Fund and the Community Ownership Fund and the City and Growth Deals programme. Added together these will far exceed the previous EU funding, be better directed and will be in place considerably before the EU funds cease (again, which we've already paid for) and so saying it's a 'fraction of' is just way off base.
@riveness 2 жыл бұрын
@@govr6771 wrong. If look at the specifics of individual counties. The funding was supposed to be paid out in April in love ght of covid. The projects have been approved but funding haasnt been released. Swansea region will lose 50 million with CRF and build back better funding not covering the full shortfall. Council taxes have and will rise further to bridge the gap still leaving large gaps. The problems our friends in Cornwall are similarly depressing and we'll documented. Councils in the UK plan to make £1.711 billion worth of cuts in the 2021-22 financial year. £434m of that (25%) is made up of savings from adult social care services in England and Wales as councils in Scotland and Northern Ireland do not have responsibility for social care. Out of the 171 councils in the study, 155 (91%) have budgeted to make cuts for 2021-22 Community renewal funding hasn't been issued either as also reported by Merthyr Tydfil council.
@riveness 2 жыл бұрын
Not that the UK scf wasn't ever but a joke. Further details of the UKSPF will be set out in a “UK-wide investment framework” to be published in spring 2021. This was change to a broad prospectus with pushback of the framework until May. Projects are still being reviewed. Included, surprisingly, are the Freeport's. Consultantation on these went out early last year supposedly lasting till July last year. Details have still not been released with them now disappearing from their original funding tranch to scf. The first free ports were due to be opened already. Further £300 million of the Towns Fund has already been diverted to the Levelling Up Fund. Peter to pay Paul. The government also never carried out it's 2017 promise and manifesto pledge to consult on the shared prosperity fund.
@marcusmaher-triskellionfil5158 2 жыл бұрын
@@govr6771 it's 30 million spread out between the 3 regions of NI/Sco/Wal over 3 years...compare that to 100 million for each individual country...turkey's coming home to roost...
@govr6771 2 жыл бұрын
​@@marcusmaher-triskellionfil5158 Announced yesterday : The chancellor Rishi Sunak has revealed the first details of the long-awaited UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). Initially worth over £2.6bn across three years, funding will rise to £1.5bn a year by 2024/25. The fund will at least match the European Union scheme it has replaced in each nation each year, and the Government has promised it will ‘better tailor funding to local needs across the UK’. The '100m' levelling up fund (actually 170 for scotland be be precise) only makes up a very small part of the 4.6bn per year extra (plus 1.2bn extra Barnett) that Scotland is getting. And Wales/NI the same. And the CAP system is being replaced - so that's another £500m per year as well. Not only has the NHS seen far, far more than was ever on the side of a bus, all countries in the union will be getting wayy more than they ever did in the EU. Not saying it's been a walk in the park (thanks 'allies!') but in many areas those turkeys are already starting to roost quite nicely thank you. The rest? Well worth it.
@howardbull9001 2 жыл бұрын
Talk about Turkeys voting for Christmas! The people who were talked into voting for Brexit were the one's that hadn't the first clue as to what the EU had done for them. Farmers, fishermen and others were all suckered I'm afraid.
@patrick_h_lauke 2 жыл бұрын
should do a "where are they now?" follow-up ...
@alexanderromanov737 2 жыл бұрын
While you Remoaners are complaining about every little hic-up of Brexit that comes up in the news, us patriotic Brexit supporting farmers, fishermen and us courageous Brexiteer carworkers in Swindon are reaping the benefits of the fantastic success of our glorious Brexit. Why can't you just let us true blue Brexiteers wallow in our delirious happiness that we won our Brexit and that you lost your freedom of movement, farms, factories, NHS, democracy and the enthusiastic European labour force to power our economy. Get over it Remoaners.
@pots_83 2 жыл бұрын
@@alexanderromanov737 hahaha...This comment has "what did the Romans ever do for us?" vibes!
@ShaneyElderberry 3 жыл бұрын
There you have it: they voted for perpetual economising. In the future, they will probably think fondly about the time in which that public art project was erected with EU funding.
@icarus877 3 жыл бұрын
What a complete joke of a post, also the farcical comments by the dullard rejoiners - there isnt a steel industry because we are not competitive. We are not competitive in the main because of the farcical environmental policy which means steel production is pushed away to countries like China who have no environmental policies so we lose jobs and the environment suffers - great the EU isnt it?
@wmd202 3 жыл бұрын
@@icarus877 Have you seen the Pollution in CHINA ? Iam sure UK Steel jobs will come back now that you left the EU and there are no longer EU regulations stopping you China produces steel at $10 per ton due to their scale and modern steel mills. The UK it cost $200 to produce one ton of steel. Iam sure that magical Unicorns will happen.
@icarus877 3 жыл бұрын
@@wmd202 Very well put.
@icarus877 3 жыл бұрын
@@wmd202 You explain the points very well and all you do is make my point. Have I seen the pollution in China - oh yes and you would be so appalled by the environmental impact that we cause by not controlling what we consume and where it is made that you would totally agree with me I am sure. Let's behave responsibly and not just raise tarrifs but stop this irresponsible trade.
@jansix4287 3 жыл бұрын
@@icarus877 There are different qualities of steel and if the German steel industry isn’t all gone, the British could’ve survived competition with innovation. Trumps tariffs showed that basically every EU country has a steel industry and exports at least a few tons to the US.
@skrahzgutstomp5584 2 жыл бұрын
"But locals hope the British government will step in to fill the vacuum" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHABAHAHA AAAAAAAH GOOD ONE LAD! 😂🤣
@jerryorange6983 2 жыл бұрын
if the EU funded fee booze and TVs instead of Education this town would have voted in.
@luke_fabis 2 жыл бұрын
I’m feeling a distinct sense of schadenfreude over this situation. I do hope there’s a followup video a year or two after the funding dries up. Really curious to see how hard this town stumbles.
@thelawenforcerhd9654 2 жыл бұрын
"I’m feeling a distinct sense of schadenfreude over this situation." You shouldn't because the people who get really hurt by this are vulnerable people and/or people who couldn't or didn't vote for Brexit.
@knusperkeks2748 Жыл бұрын
Don't care. Democracy did its job just fine. They get what they asked for. Greetings from Germany.
@gg-ps1vz Жыл бұрын
@@knusperkeks2748 Greetings Germany, hope you're doing OK. I heard you've recently replaced the UK as the worst performing economy in the G7, and have now entered a recession.
@Ohne_Silikone 3 жыл бұрын
So, „Bad Eu dragon“, but who really allocated the funds to build that Dragon? Was it the EU who demanded they build a Dragon with it? Who planned and signed off on it?
@HenriZwols 3 жыл бұрын
Local council.
@jeffcampbell1555 3 жыл бұрын
The locals don't seem to grasp how development schemes work: Some funds are allocated to businesses, some to infrastructure, some to education, some to civic improvements. The Welsh dragon was part of making a public square inviting, because attractive urban amenities stimulate investment. Tattered, coal stained urban wastelands are the legacy of the Thatcherite Tories. So, now that this city rejected the only government that gave a damn about them, I recommend they find the local bureaucrat who thought Welsh people would enjoy their special symbol...and beat the living crap out of him for good measure.
@snakedoc4960 2 жыл бұрын
Priti Patel
@keithd26 2 жыл бұрын
@@jeffcampbell1555 are you surprised? How much does does society try and push the importance of these things? When was the last time you heard young people outside of a university setting say "I don't like X. Lets go protest parliament this weekend". Or "I don't like Y, lets form a union to try and resolve it."
@mathiasbartl903 2 жыл бұрын
The dragon is dope
@007JHS 3 жыл бұрын
Well Ebbw Vale can look forward to rapid decline and be left to rot... The tories won't be interested in spending so much as a wooden groat in areas like this.
@edmundbell-king4538 2 жыл бұрын
Nor will the Labour government of Wales, who, you would think, would be on the side of their constituents.
@keithd26 2 жыл бұрын
@@edmundbell-king4538 labour have not been in power during brexit times. Last time Labour were in was precisely when Ebbw vale was being invested in by the EU. You have no idea what Labour would do. Assumption politics at its worst.
@edmundbell-king4538 2 жыл бұрын
@@keithd26 When was the last time Wales had a Conservative government? Labour have been in power in Wales for the entire 21st Century.
@keithd26 2 жыл бұрын
@@edmundbell-king4538 the labour gov't of wales only have limited powers. Most decisions are made in westminster.
@jwadaow 2 жыл бұрын
@@keithd26 you have no idea what anyone would do, because it's contingent on the international situation. At the moment the entire west is in free fall including the USA and EU so as long as those are the poles Britain is aligned to it will decline.
@mikehutchison4892 2 жыл бұрын
Rudyard Kipling poem If comes to mind;:- “ If you can dream and not make dreams your master.” What ignorance ! Even now,I doubt they have the ability to understand what they did to themselves.
@riverdonoghue9992 2 жыл бұрын
Do these people really believe that Westminster gives a damm. The couldn't care less about towns and villages.
@shanjanusman9974 2 жыл бұрын
Offices, retail and services is what EU membership offers. Not high skill engineering jobs. Leeds is remain and this is our jobs market with EU membership. I hate retail jobs so I'm glad membership is over.
@rowdogspeaks5900 3 жыл бұрын
They'll be waiting a very long time for that alternative funding...very sad.
@Cossfrack 3 жыл бұрын
@ThePixel1983 3 жыл бұрын
The Cinema Sins are strong in this one!
@MaximilienRobespierre1 3 жыл бұрын
Do you not trust a Boris Johnson promise?
@jerryorange6983 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, sure, If you are lucky, you get some offal like fisherman with ended with leftovers of British fishing quota that was sold abroad.
@jasoncooper9391 3 жыл бұрын
In your dreams the Tories will give nothing
@jasoncooper9391 3 жыл бұрын
@@MaximilienRobespierre1 Boris Johnson doesn't know how to tell the truth
@adrianwhyatt1425 2 жыл бұрын
I feel very sorry for the minority there sensible enough to have voted to remain, and who have been unable to get out and move to the rest of the EEA before the end of free movement. Ireland still remains open as a route out for everyone. I've been in Portugal since August 2020. But, the majority in this area are a bunch of ingrates getting their just deserts. I hope they repent!
@alfnoakes392 2 жыл бұрын
I do not think they are actually bright enough to realise they have anything to repent about. As an expatriate Briton now living abroad my own embarrassment at the Brexit vote has only been equalled by the embarrassment experienced by expatriate US colleagues when Trump was voted in.
@MrYorickJenkins 2 жыл бұрын
Repent for not grovelling to the EU crooks
@jck7986 2 жыл бұрын
That educational center was indeed a waste of money 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@skyknight1983 3 жыл бұрын
Too many people vote against their own interest.that is the real tragedy!
@richardlyon67 3 жыл бұрын
Perhaps Rees-Mogg can establish an office for managing one of his offshore tax evasion schemes in the town, now that he’s managed to get EU tax evasion regulation removed. That should be good for a security guard, receptionist, and tea boy.
@dukadarodear2176 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry. Too late. He has already moved his office here to Dublin. Edit to add; He has been warmly welcomed to Dublin and the EU tax zone.
@JustAGameShow 2 жыл бұрын
@@dukadarodear2176 .. Here's me thinking he'd moved it to Hong Kong for future planning of the VAT tax hike.. Best place for richest offshore accounts apparently. Can't see him opening it on EU soil, it's not even in the top ten most profitable.
@salkeld571 2 жыл бұрын
With John Redwood Dan Hannan and Paul Nutall.
@taffyducks544 2 жыл бұрын
I love and hate being Welsh. Amazing country with great country views and over 2500 years of history. Yet my fellow countrymen are so easily led astray. Always voting against your own interests. The problem with us Welsh is that the only concern many have is how the English see them. Its truly pathetic!!!
@Stettafire 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds like you're from Rhyl, might need to step out to a real Welsh town at some point. Not that shithole
@taffyducks544 2 жыл бұрын
@Johann Sebastian Bach Do you? Going by our respective names I know a few more than you do.
@taffyducks544 2 жыл бұрын
@@Stettafire what does it matter? South Wales if you really want to know.
@taffyducks544 2 жыл бұрын
@Johann Sebastian Bach as for being community minded, you're correct. Local community over your Country. Thats why Wales was such an easy target for the English down the centuries. History shows you can always find a Welshman who is willing to sell his country out. Divide and Conquere works in Wales and Scotland like no where else. The English love us for it.
@paulhennessy5627 2 жыл бұрын
@@taffyducks544 The Irish diminutive name for Wales is Sasnach beag... Little England...
@jamesms8351 2 жыл бұрын
"I suspect there may be less funding available to us".... I'd say you're fairly bang on there buddy 😬💯
@alexandrewilson5388 2 жыл бұрын
In the words of Nelson (the simpson's character): "Ha ha"
@MaximalChoppage 3 жыл бұрын
My kids are mad as hell they were too young to vote as they feel that old people saddled them with a future they didn't want. However, they picked up a phrase which they quote a lot: "Brexit means Brexit". Like most young people, they use it to mean "You made your bed and now you have to sleep in it".
@SlowfingerJC 2 жыл бұрын
I'm Welsh and old enough to have lived in Wales before Britain joined the EU. There was 0 money invested in Wales at that time. I somehow think that despite Boris Johnson's promise to replace the EU financial support in Wales, it ain't goin to happen, because there will be higher priorties east of the Welsh border. But they do say there are a lot of sheep in Wales, maybe more than we thought ;-)
@drewdavies3010 2 жыл бұрын
I was in placement at ebbw vale just before the vote. The town was dead. They had a really nice school, a nice college and a nice hospital. There is a train that goes direct to cardiff in an hour and fairly good infrastructure. It doesnt matter. They want the stealworks back. Anyone that builds on the stealworks is destroying that dream. They dont want to learn a trade because there is no work in that trade in ebbw vale once youve learnt it. They dont want to leave ebbw vale to work in cardiff or swansea or bridgend. They want the steal works back. And it aint ever coming back. And its a beautiful place. Anywhere else in the world it would be a community of people commuting to work and staying there for the scenary and the community and good school. People would fight hard to live there. But its not and i cant be too angry that they dont want to leave. Just sad.
@Trylobyte 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, this is the mindset. And they forget who brutally crushed the unions and closed the collieries and steelworks down. Suckers for punishment.
@j.obrien4990 3 жыл бұрын
Well in 10 or 20 years when England and Wales reenter the EU as separate countries their diminished economies will make them eligible for all sorts of EU funding, like Poland and Romania.
@willc1294 3 жыл бұрын
Hopefully England will never rejoin, with a population of over 50 million imagine how much EU funding they'd suck up.
@panzerkami2381 3 жыл бұрын
Don't be so sure England will ever re-join. By the time they apply Scotland will have a veto.
@j.obrien4990 3 жыл бұрын
@@panzerkami2381 Nah the Scottish don't hate the English, they've just lost interest being a junior partner in the UK.
@edmundbell-king4538 2 жыл бұрын
Lie the EU will be around then. The Paddy's will be out well before then as well.
@edmundbell-king4538 2 жыл бұрын
I think Poland is at the exit door.
@zendragallhauser5056 3 жыл бұрын
Leaving the EU costs a fuck load more money then staying in the EU Setting up your own rules and regulations just costs a lot of money, loosing excess to the single market costs a lot of money, making trade deals that don’t replace the EU costs a lot of money with no effect 😂
@ab-jx4qs 2 жыл бұрын
We can still trade with the EU, Zendra. We can also trade with a much bigger market, the WHOLE WORLD on terms we set. Now go and have quick look at how much the UK exported to the EU and vice versa. There you see we imported more than we exported to you and our EU imports will continue to shrink further year on year as we source goods from the big wide world. It's called economics. An adult will explain it to you.
@KarolusTemplareV 2 жыл бұрын
@@ab-jx4qs Like the new british post-brexit passports, made in Poland? :O About imports and exports, do you know the biggest culprit of the imbalance? Car manufacturing. And in a much lesser proportion, some vegetables and fruits. The thing is, all of those things will get more expensive in the UK because of tariffs. Though the balance/imbalance is not an excel zero sum game, there are many less direct benefits that without it are simply not there. About the WHOLE WORLD; no you are not gonna set deals alone, you have to get the other to cooperate, and this is achieved better on a regular basis if your trade capability is bigger, which means that being in the EU made deals better for it's members. EU structural funds where meant as equalizers so poorer areas in any country could recover, that money wasn't mean to be always over what a country gave to the EU. Funnily enough in many countries if those funds that are given from the EU disappear, the national central governments have 0 interest on taking charge of that, it's like money they have to spend on the poorer areas because the law say so but they would spent on kickbacks or a polished gold turd in the middle of the most rich areas of each respective country. EU has some fundamental flaws that need addresing but it is not the boogeyman that the brexit campaign tried and half accomplished to lie through into many in the UK. The end of line there, is that the EU was, on an itself and opportunity to access a way bigger open market as all countries inside play with the same rules and have not extra tariffs. The direct money moved around was a very small thing compared to the market availability thing. Now, what will happen probably, is that the UK will source the same or more on the WHOLE WORLD while having less to export because the only doors the UK can open that weren't open with the EU are of those countries with issues like Iran, Venezuela and co. In fact, be wary of any wide-market treaty UK can do with countries like China, because they will buy nearly zero shit and will inundate the UK of their cheaper(and probably of lesser quality) goods to a point where the UK might lose more industrial output capabiity. Even with all that I said I hope it turns out ok for the UK.
@deannilvalli6579 Жыл бұрын
I love these reports. The people in these towns voted overwhelmingly to leave the EU, despite being warned that it would harm them. They scoffed at these warnings, they insisted they knew better when in fact they did not even know how much money their town received from the EU, and in most cases for decades. The UK has some of the poorest regions in all of Europe, and all of these were heavily supported by the EU, and now their own government will not support them. That is the price of ignorance and arrogance.
@joeds3775 4 ай бұрын
This is the ( British) way.
@wleon4068 2 жыл бұрын
This is priceless. They voted for this. They got their wish. Yet they are moaning now when things do not go the way wanted.
@jarlehansson3127 3 жыл бұрын
If it where just cost in pund/euro and no reveneu, no one would have any form of interest to joining the EU in the first place! But, the dynamic advantages off belonging to the single market is justyfing for all off the netcontributor off the EU. We have al been making a fair deal and over the years being prosperous because of it...including Brittain. Just looking with one eye on this matter and only see the cost is a form off delusion, and you miss the big picture. What ever deal the britts do in the future with other nations they have to back down from their natonal hybris and understand that every deal have terms that have to be respected. Some of them would not even be likeable...but is it worth it? as you say in England "no pain no gain". Anyway...Good luck after 2020.
@edmundbell-king4538 2 жыл бұрын
Utter jibberish.
@edmundbell-king4538 2 жыл бұрын
We're do just fine, thanks.
@uk1simon1 3 жыл бұрын
You were prepared to take a short term hit anyway. If it turns out to be long term you can get accustomed to it during the short term. You'll be fine.
@tumblefatboy 3 жыл бұрын
boiling frogs....slowly.
@alanspeakman8554 2 жыл бұрын
Seem to have bitten off the hand that feeds you.
@jonathansimmons5353 2 жыл бұрын
@Alan speakman- their TAXES INDIRECTLY funded them, returned with a " FUNDED BY THE EU" sticker on it
@jukahri 2 жыл бұрын
@@jonathansimmons5353 It's taxes that actually returned to them, instead of going to the Tory donors.
@marksykes5434 Жыл бұрын
Awe I’m so glad they have got exactly what they voted for , bet they are chuffed !
@ybkseraph 3 жыл бұрын
Let’s talk in one year to see if these EU investments were replaced by U.K. and you’ll explain where your money is gone then hahahahah
@stevestewart6702 2 жыл бұрын
Still waiting!
@epincion 3 жыл бұрын
Turkeys, Christmas, etc. There are many areas of England and Wales like this - such as Cornwall which voted leave and then discovered that 20% of the county budget (basically all its development funds) come from the EU! Boy I'm glad I'm in NI and we have a foot out the door already staying in the EU customs union and single market and with a border down the Irish Sea. Plus everyone born in NI is automatically a citizen of both the UK and the ROI. Within a decade NI will have reunified with the ROI and Scotland will be independent and most probably in the EFTA along with Norway and Iceland as the first step.
@ab-ym3bf 3 жыл бұрын
You think it will take that long for NI?
@epincion 3 жыл бұрын
@@ab-ym3bf Yes I do, a decade is not that long for such a change.
@lloydnaylor6113 2 жыл бұрын
Doesn't come from the EU,it comes from British taxpayers who are huge net contributors to the EU.
@epincion 2 жыл бұрын
@@lloydnaylor6113 Ah that old canard. let's look at the 'but its our money' argument.' 1.) In 2019 after rebates the net UK contribution to the EU was 9.5 billion pounds and for that the UK was member of a single market giving full free trade in services (only possible in a single market with a common overarching law system) and for goods, seamless borderless trade. Plus the UK had full use of the >750 trade and trade related agreements (including 19 comprehensive FTA's with large economies) that the EU has with >150 nations. The net benefit to the UK from EU membership was huge way more than 9.5 billion and now much of that trade is already lost (eg share trading profits since Amsterdam now eclipses London in this area) and it will only get worse. 2.) As I pointed out in my initial comment the EU has long had a program whereby the poorest areas of the EU get targeted extra funding to help uplift them. When it comes to the top 10 poorest areas in northern Europe the UK has 6 of them. Some like Cornwall got 20% of their operating budget from this targeted EU funding - the area around Hull being another example. Do you seriously think the Westminster government is going to ring fence and provide the same funding, let alone increase it? As Daniel Hannan (a Tory Lord and former Tory MEP) said in an article in Conservative Home in Jan entitled 'Britain is Skint' - he called for a bonfire of regulations in that article as his answer. My point is though that these areas will never get the funding they used to - the Tory shires will not tolerate it. 3.) Lastly if you moan about the 9.5 billion to the EU think about the fact that the current net contribution to Northern Ireland is 11.5 billion pounds and much of it direct subsidies. During the decades of The Troubles the answer of successive GB governments was to throw money at NI. Per capita its residents get a far bigger share of the pot than other parts of the UK. may herself carried that tradition on giving the DUP an extra 1 billion bung to keep the Tories in office.
@markplain2555 2 жыл бұрын
Min 1:35 - Dan Coles states that with less funding "We are going to have to be a lot more focused at what we do and what those benefits will be...."...... really? So while you had free money being thrown at you, you were "Less focused on what you do and less interested in the benefits of the education you offered?" . I'm not pro-Brexit - but I think the irony here is that cutting EU funding may just be what the doctor ordered for this lot.
@clnetrooper 2 жыл бұрын
I think that's more of a politically correct way of saying that they'll close classes and the like. That's how i understand it at least.
@davesmith9844 2 жыл бұрын
I've been 25 years into the future ...they're still waiting for Boris's promised funds!
@grahamnettleton6175 3 жыл бұрын
Well if it was our money in the first place what's to fear it will continue. Oh dear let's wait and see. Think you'll be waiting a long time!!
@misterjei 3 жыл бұрын
0:24 Westminister's response........crickets.
@timcastle1844 3 жыл бұрын
Perhaps they will get a clap!
@edmundbell-king4538 2 жыл бұрын
Crickets, the sound of Welsh entrepreneurship
@Anita_Dick 2 жыл бұрын
To be fair that dragon looks dope. I would visit the place to see it
@eonadgm5416 2 жыл бұрын
Me too. I planned to visit Wales before Brexit went through (before Covid) and I would most likely have made a trip to that town just for the dragon. However with all that I'm hearing, I do not want to go to the UK anymore, even if I wanted to go through the process instead of remaining in Europe.
@Anita_Dick 2 жыл бұрын
@@eonadgm5416 agreed. If it's financed by the EU, maybe we could get it back😆 How cool would that look in any european old town...
@eonadgm5416 2 жыл бұрын
@@Anita_Dick Good idea, but I don't think the people will let the statue go to the "evil" EU, after all now it's "their" statue even if they didn't want it in the first place.
@walterrudich2175 2 жыл бұрын
Aren't you happy that there is no more money to waste?
@TheNefastor 3 жыл бұрын
The school guy seems to be saying that while they were receiving EU money they could spend it irresponsibly... But now they'll have to be more careful. Clearly you guys did the EU a favor by leaving.
@50043211 3 жыл бұрын
I find this comment section highly illuminating.
@malcolmwilkinson4449 2 жыл бұрын
If these people expect my sympathy then hell will freeze over before they get it!!! They were warned time and time again but willingly chose to ignore them!!! 😡😡😡😡
@hadrianbird8409 2 жыл бұрын
Being Welsh I found it almost unbelievable that Welsh people blamed the European Union for the lack of support from Westminster. Wales is the second poorest region of the UK and without European funding will remain so. The only good thing Brexit has brought about is the rise in Welsh independence, I just hope it comes sooner rather than later
@jyvben1520 3 жыл бұрын
and who really payed for that statue ? who decided on it, local council ? Many people wanted to go and see the dragon, a tourist attraction, so no, it is not lost money !
@flitsertheo 3 жыл бұрын
The town council was probably dreaming of something Eiffel Tower size wise and the EU curbed their expectations and funding. Hence the disappointment.
@tumblefatboy 3 жыл бұрын
@@flitsertheo Erm no, you are a troll. Stop it.
@flitsertheo 3 жыл бұрын
@@tumblefatboy Congratulations, replying 2 weeks late on a post nobody cares about anymore.
@tumblefatboy 3 жыл бұрын
@@flitsertheo Apart from you as you answered.
@vinycrimbo8692 3 жыл бұрын
Tourist attraction? Are you having a laugh? Who the f&@k would go to Ebbw Vale to see that?
@lordfarquaad1825 3 жыл бұрын
Hilarious, they had it coming... give it 5 years and it won’t be as depressing as it looks right now, instead it will be suicidal... 👋 👋
@icarus877 3 жыл бұрын
What a complete joke of a post, also the farcical comments by the dullard rejoiners - there isnt a steel industry because we are not competitive. We are not competitive in the main because of the farcical environmental policy which means steel production is pushed away to countries like China who have no environmental policies so we lose jobs and the environment suffers - great the EU isnt it?
@jansix4287 3 жыл бұрын
@@icarus877 He predicted suicide not rejoining. Learn to read!
@leighchapman935 3 жыл бұрын
@@icarus877 Copy and paste again I see🤦‍♂️
@petercook5563 2 жыл бұрын
Unbelievable choice from the people of Ebbw Vale to put their trust in the UK government .
@aonary5382 2 жыл бұрын
Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of their actions
@hihosilverlining9081 3 жыл бұрын
Never bite the hand that feeds you, and never trust a tory.
@malcolmrowe5031 3 жыл бұрын
Labour run, what do you expect, they couldn't run a bath! 😂😂😂
@JM-rl9yc 3 жыл бұрын
I didn’t think turkeys voted for Xmas but it appears that I was wrong!
@kanedNunable 3 жыл бұрын
'why do these lions keep eating our faces off' cried the member of the 'lions eating your face off' party.
@kanedNunable 3 жыл бұрын
its idiots like this who keep reopening jurassic park 😂
@robert12011 2 жыл бұрын
Oh dear. It’s almost funny that they actually expect Johnson’s Tories to give them something when we all know that sadly they will get nothing!
@LarsPallesen 2 жыл бұрын
So let me get this straight; the EU has been pumping millions of pounds into this small Welsh community to support them. And their response is to say 'it's a waste of money' and vote to leave the EU? And now they're hoping that Boris Johnson will 'step in to fill the void' after the money stream from the EU has stopped? I can't even .... What!?
@tonyves 2 жыл бұрын
Thing is, they don't want to be in the EU. They want sovereignty. You don't understand? Your loss.
@bartholomewdan 2 жыл бұрын
@@tonyves Sovereignty doesn't fix their crippled economy or useless infrastructure.
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