What black market did kids run at your school?

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8 ай бұрын

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Пікірлер: 77
@DrgnLdyLizzie2001 8 ай бұрын
My brother-in-law used to sell pieces of adult magazines. He would cut out pics and sell them for $1. He made bank for a bit, until the school caught on and gave him 3 days of ISS.
@MCWayet 7 ай бұрын
Where did he get them anyway? Like maybe he bought them, but i would like to know
@DrgnLdyLizzie2001 7 ай бұрын
His older brother.
@ComaToastOfficial 3 ай бұрын
my brother got that 2 years ago just for being on deviantart for no reason, he wasnt even on anything
@PhoneDestroyer1997 19 күн бұрын
3 days on the international Space Station? That's not a punishment, it's a reward!
@BSRaven 6 ай бұрын
That "Season your food, people." put a chill down my spine.
@Billy35924 6 ай бұрын
12:45 bro had the AUDACITY to call tajin "ta-gin"
@angelic_cat_for_life 3 ай бұрын
Real I had to pause
@beinggreenandunseen3171 3 ай бұрын
I’m not sure if he is aware that the j in Spanish is pronounced like an h and i as “ee” so it is pronounced “ta-heen”.
@rhondaflesher8313 7 ай бұрын
My ex back when he was in collage noted that the store on campus was a lot higher on prices for stuff like soda and such. So, he would go off campus and stock up big time on stuff then sell it cheaper than the campus store, still making a decent profit.
@AcidicStablesStudio-uh8iq 6 ай бұрын
We've had a complicated system at primary, revolving around white bread. There were only two lunch breaks - long one lasted 25mins and the second 15mins. Everybody wanted to eat on the first one, however the canteen had a limited capacity and if you haven't been fast to get there - you had to wait in the queue - LONG one at that. The older classes had the third floor and the canteen was on the ground level. Not everybody ate in the canteen but still about half of each class. As soon as the bell rings - you had to be RUNNING like there's no tomorrow. Now - there were variables on which your success depended, like some teachers ended their lectures quicker so that you could line up at the door and some didn't. So what about the white bread? The backpack. The backpack would significantly slow you down (among other things like hauling it up the stairs again, or how you'd have to place it in specific spot at canteen and potentially loose time). What you had to do is ask a classmate to carry your backpack to your next class - and they demanded a payment in... slices of white bread. You see - white bread is good in Poland. Insanely good, actually. So if you limit it - it becomes a luxury. The canteen had a number of sliced white and dark bread loafs to serve daily. If you wanted to grab the white one, you had to be one of the first people to get it. The longer you took, the less slices were there and you had to pay up, at the stakes of being a nuissance to the person who takes care of your backpack, potentially refusing to deal with you, or worse - choosing somebody more reliable (a.k.a faster) on the bread matter. Bringing only dark bread was a truly dishonouring experience.
@endersdragon34 6 ай бұрын
As for your question as to the adult content, yes he would definitely end up in juvie if he was caught, but they don't really do the felony misdemeanor thing as much with children.
@MsDesignDiva 7 ай бұрын
So my brother did something similar to this in middle school but for him it wasn't selling things, but providing a service, simply put there were quite a few students in his class who were rather rich (or at least their parents were) so they would always eat the school provided food that you had to pay for (majority of students brought their own food from home) thing was these rich kids were rather lazy and didn't want to go wait in line to go buy their food, so my brother made a deal with them that if say the pizza they wanted was $10, they'd pay him $20 and he'd get to keep the $10 in change, he did this daily and they were willing to pay so yea, little bro made bank.
@thoughtfuldevil6069 8 ай бұрын
Literally anything. Wade could get you drugs, but he got me hard liquor (Rum and Absinthe) Cigars (Camachos are still my favorites, ten years later) and vintage TurOk Video games, comics, and the N64 I still have and that still works. God bless you Wade. The God in question probably being Dionysus, but still.
@MarkofScotland82 6 ай бұрын
"The god in question probably being Dionysus," that cracked me up 😂😂😂 I've been reading about the Greek gods recently and that is just too good
@nicholascauton9648 6 ай бұрын
My brother once told me he ran a spam musubi black market when he was in high school. For those that don't know, spam musubis are this block of rice and slice of spam wrapped in Japanese seaweed. This stuff was and still is extremely popular in Hawaii. Just about every convenience store has these. Anyway my brother would wake up early in the morning and his girlfriend would stop by to help him cook a good batch of this stuff and sell them for five bucks a pop. Keep in mind in high school, competing with the lunch system is a big no-no and could get you in trouble. But my brother was slick about this stuff. He even had his own distribution staff from other grade levels to sell the stuff for him. And in return, they get to keep half of what they made in profit. Apparently he made within the hundreds on a good day. He kept this up and never once got caught. Even when there were other competitors around.
@MarkofScotland82 6 ай бұрын
If my school banned books, i swear, i would throw a tantrum. Me and my bff are bookworms, and one of the things we enjoy doing is reading in utter silence together. At school we just walk into the playground with our books, find a wall, and read for the whole break time. I think it has something to do with reading the same book series. When we finish a task in class our teacher lets us play chess at the side of the class or read a book. If that was banned i would die. Seriously, reading is such a big part of my life. It could also affect how good youre doing in school, because i enjoy writing stories, but if i didnt read all the time, i know i wouldnt be very good at it. I know this because i stopped reading for a while (god knows why) and my writing got significantly worse. My point is, books are awesome and they should never be banned. Especially if youre reading the Percy Jackson saga or the Warrior Cats saga. Those are the best books EVER.
@RXCVR 8 ай бұрын
At my school, a kid would give people a usb that blocked the things that the school had on the pcs. It had stuff like VPNs, Roblox, Mincraft, etc. They all got a 2 week ban on there computers at school and a detention.
@christianduncan3801 7 ай бұрын
Story 3: Inflation. Games cost about $60 then, but that's about $170 in today money. The kid sold them for $15 then. Due to inflation, that $15 then had the buying power of about $43 today. When you scale it, no wonder the kid made bank.
@cassandramaedelcoamon2935 6 ай бұрын
Going off what you said, that would mean that the Dad probably spent a shit ton on those games and got nothing out of it even if his kid were to share the profits (which I doubt).
@phileascurtil5605 3 ай бұрын
I have a good one I think. So when my younger brother was around 3-4 (so I think 1st grade in the US?), he ran a paper plane black market. Kids had a limited amount of paper they could use to draw on it each day to avoid someone using 500 sheets in one day. It was a pretty large limit but still a limit. To avoid that he was trading planes for sheets. He was doing that during the whole day, preparing more planes for planned (or even created lol) demand spikes. Even if other kids were trying to do the same, he was known as the finest paperplane maker of his class. Obviously, paperplanes are most of the time not single use things. So when there was no demands, price was crashing down and no one wanted to buy them. So he was hinding the one he fabricated somewhere (usually under the trashcan) waiting for the demand to spike. He was also creating competition to create demand. He developped new types of planes such as the bombers. Our schoolyard was under the normal level so you had to go up to get out. This was the perfect place to launch the planes on the innocents child under. By coincidence, the dust on the ground in that place was very very light and volatile. So you could put some on central part of the plane and make the plane rotate after a certain time (I still don't know how he did that and he don't remember) to blind the peoples under. Perfect for changing the result of a football competition. He also created a system of subcontractors to draw on planes or fulfill special requests. He "hired" some people to make lower quality planes and charge full price. The school tried to fight against that by imposing regulations, such as no dust on planes but we replaced it with other things. Then they took the example of a girl who received a plane in the eye (she had glasses it was absolutely fake, she even told me it was fake as she was older and in my class) to ban pointy plane noses. Then they banned big planes that were my brother's top product. etc etc. At the end they moved location but the business was already falling down. It was the final blow but hell, I don't know how much paper sheets we got from that but sometimes I still write on them at home. It was more than 15 years ago. At 4, he had learned the basis of capitalism: market manipulation, shaming opponents about the lower quality products, charging full price for lower quality products (but his owns now!), creating demands, violating regulations or going around, keepings stocks, delegating work but keeping the benefits etc.
@silverriku12 6 ай бұрын
I ran a Twilight ring in my middle school. Our librarian refused to get the series because it was inappropriate (it 100% was) and I had the series and would loan my copies out in this weird form of defiance. Stopped when someone managed to rip the hardcover off my copy of Breaking Dawn
@NBM9163 5 ай бұрын
“the children yearn for the mines, send them back” BRO WHAT THAT CAUGHT ME SO OFF GUARD ( 15:58 a few seconds before)
@A0normal0person 5 ай бұрын
I yearn for the mines send me back with the minor miners
@Ape-El 6 ай бұрын
When I was in elementary school, there was one of those in-class currencies you could use to “buy” little fidgets at whatnot. My friends used get rich on this class currency from selling small pieces of paper with hand sanitizer on them as fire starters.
@NorfcydeNox 12 күн бұрын
Freshmen year in high school, it was the first year of the laptop program where every student had a laptop where we did 95% of our work. The program was so new that the school didn’t think to put any blocks on the computers for the first year so students could access any website or app at any point. Students began selling copies of PC games on flash drives. You’d pay 15 bucks and would get handed a flash drive, where we’d then download the games we wanted and returned the flash drive. Most popular games being passed around was GTA San Andreas, NFS Most Wanted, Deadspace 3, and a Slenderman game
@blackgemstone801 4 ай бұрын
3:47 Yup. Rural American here and kids have been legit arrested for vutting paper into gun shapes and one kid for playfully pointing a finger and saying bang.... elementary school kids man...Theres a pretty eye opening doc about it called "The War on Kids"
@DezAmmySel 7 ай бұрын
3:46 Oh BOY would you be surprised. In first grade, we were learning how to count to seven. Keep in mind, we were ALL doing this, sat in a circle on a round carpet. Now, if you don't know, most people count with their fingers in a certain way. Me being autistic, the order of fingers used to count was different. I used my index finger and my THUMB to count on the second hand, and this little _brat,_ Ben, shouted "Ms Teacher, Dez is using the gun sign!!!" "I'm just counting to seven..." Apparently they decided I should tell that to the principal, because that's where I was sent. Still mad that I lost out on recess that day just for doing as I was told. You suck, Ben.
@leoorduna2199 4 ай бұрын
Story 15 sounds like Ed, Edd, n Eddy but with a black market economy solely based on rock collection rather than scams that backfire.
@miss.dazzle.05 5 ай бұрын
My best friend in the fourth grade sold complicated Rainbow Loom bracelets. The more complicated, the more expensive. I think most expensive bracelet was probably $5. I bought a bracelet but she made me give it back and I don’t think I ever got a refund. Ioana, if you’re out there, I miss you.
@jenlignell 8 ай бұрын
I was never involved with it , but the first year my school got computers with access to the internet kids would steal their parents credit cards and buy stuff from Amazon then have trades at the playground. It was stuff like Pokémon cards to books then to I think a PlayStation. When it was stopped i think they spent 120 dollars on it. Now Amazon is blocked on the computers.
@jaycooper2812 4 ай бұрын
I ran a black market in trade school. The mess hall was gross and the food was barely edible. I would go up to Bellingham on Fridays and was bringing top ramen back and keep it in my locker along with several other snacks. Depending on what the cafeteria was serving that night i would have several people come to me and want to get Ramen or snacks. I would pay $1.50 for a 24 pack of Ramen and depending on whether or not they had cash I would sell them a pack of Ramen for 50 cents if they had cash or if they didn't at the time I would front it and get $1 when we got paid every 2 weeks. I would buy eight 24 packs for $12 and make between $100 and $180 a week. I sold Twinkies and Ding Dongs for $1 each and could buy a 10 count box for $2.25 so between the Ramen and the Hostess I was bringing in close to $1,200 a month for 16 of the 18 months I was there. Other students sold cigarettes but I never did that because of the age restrictions and ifvyou got caught giving smokes to another student you would be kicked out of the school and the Sheriff would be called. Some of the students selling cigarettes were selling them for $1 each and a pack was only $2.25 at the time (1987).
@podunkfunk 3 ай бұрын
Okay, this one is really strange but, I live in a southern Baptist town and was kinda made fun of for not being a Christian back in high school, was known by even the teachers as a resident witch. I sold love potions (snake oil scam) to my fellow students. Sales were super big before homecoming and prom lol!
@redballet7611 Ай бұрын
Story 2 is fucking great!!!
@7232_yoyo 5 ай бұрын
My school black market sold sus blue lollipops
@EmGoesM000 3 ай бұрын
Kid at my school sold beef jerky for money or “other things” but that was a rumor i think.
@JairoTakan_ 2 ай бұрын
14:20 Guys legit created a currency system using rocks😅😅
@johnathanfunk6745 8 ай бұрын
Their was a kid that would sell Rockstars and Monster out of his locker.
@Shaiden-Rogun 8 ай бұрын
thats nuts
@diamonddead8162 6 ай бұрын
I sold cigarettes at school started with re rolled mums ash tray to re rolling packs of 20s into 30 cigarettes a buck a piece $10 original price (loved the local dairy) then there was the half moonshine half fizzy drink in 200 ml bottle $10 ea plus $2 for me to bring you a mixer, then there was the herb, I needed to eat at school sadly glad that’s not my life as an adult to other adults if ya get it
@retrotellurical1947 6 ай бұрын
12:47 there is no way this guy actually called TAJIN ITS PRONOUNCED AS TAHIN
@nontrashfire2 7 ай бұрын
Slammers got stupid expensive back in the day.
@cademorris7592 6 ай бұрын
In 1st to 2nd grade my school had girl mafias.
@EradicatorX 6 ай бұрын
well i was actually the like the head honcho of mine i gave out candy like jolly ranchers and more (i mainly gave out jolly ranchers) for overpriced amounts the other kids didnt know it was overpriced im talking 25 cents for 1 jolly rancher
@Westernyan 7 ай бұрын
“We were Boys and you had breasts” Bruh 😅🤣
@UNITSP-nn3xh 6 ай бұрын
The school canteen would sell all sorts of stuff but would drive the prices up so high it's not even funny, so i then started selling Coca-cola regualr cans for 1 buck each where the school would sell the skinny cans for 5 bucks each, never got caught but had a few close calls
@tokiyohh 8 ай бұрын
Hey! For future reference, im mostly sure that "Takin" is pronounced "ta-heen" :)
@T.Gonz1216 7 ай бұрын
J in Spanish is pronounced the same as h, so yeah
@pandoravex4791 8 ай бұрын
I used to sell pirated Pokémon games for 5 dollars per floppy disk. 😂 IIRC it was gold and silver.
@adaralevine781 5 ай бұрын
My little brother ran a Pokémon card black market in his elementary school
@madsli 2 ай бұрын
0:50 Semen!
@griffinroblox73 6 ай бұрын
In 3rd grade we did this thing where we used erasors as cash (we still do) and we would make paper things and trade it for _ erasors Not really a black market, just wanted to share it
@SeptemberMeadows 8 ай бұрын
Story 13: Did the same thing as an 8th grader.
@DoctorAlright 6 ай бұрын
Nintendo would sue that kid no
@a_cool_bottle 8 ай бұрын
@cheese_walker 8 ай бұрын
I mean it was about 9:30pm today for me
@NobodyisAnybody 8 ай бұрын
@a_cool_bottle 8 ай бұрын
@@NobodyisAnybody true
@unwoundsteak17 28 күн бұрын
my school is lame as fuck so the only black market item you can get is gum, and even then I don't think anyone's ever bought any (based on the fact that the instagram account for it has 12 followers)
@anjachan 6 ай бұрын
if you are not cooking your own food then there is to much salt in the (fast-) food very often, that´s true. But if the food don´t taste good at all. What will you do? It should be ok to put a little bit salt in the food 😅
@tchftg 5 ай бұрын
@CJO-no1 6 ай бұрын
To story 13, yes it is but you cant convict a child so its irrelevant
@Kagtalso 8 ай бұрын
is any one else feel like they have seen this exact same video already when you clearly haven't. because i feel that right now and i dont like it.
@Ariento 8 ай бұрын
He definitely did a previous video on the same theme with different stories. Been binging his channel lately.
@Kagtalso 8 ай бұрын
@RolandKnight-oq3os 6 ай бұрын
Paper wasps.
@ComaToastOfficial 3 ай бұрын
tajin isnt tah-jinn its ta-heen, yw
@redjoker365 8 ай бұрын
Also if the porn dealer kid stole at least $3000 or whatever it was in the 80s, it was a felony then And what kind of shit mom is too proud to sign up for reduced lunch to make sure her kid is fed?
@hernanleyva964 8 ай бұрын
13:57 child labour much???
@thehoundofthegamingvilles2012 29 күн бұрын
Pokemon cards
@izumi2165 3 ай бұрын
did you seriously pronounce tajin as tashin? lmao
@FurnzSaysStuff 8 ай бұрын
second :3
@Codm22712 8 ай бұрын
First 7 seconds yay
@Codm22712 8 ай бұрын
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