What happened to the Late Roman Army?

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The Historian's Craft

The Historian's Craft

2 жыл бұрын

By about 500, or 510, the Late Roman Army had vanished both physically and from primary sources, in the territory which once comprised the Western Roman Empire. It would make sense to see the army as disappearing due to the end of the Western Empire, but the reality is much more murky, because in more ways than once, the Late Roman Army didn't disappear at all.
Warfare & Society in the Barbarian West, Guy Halsall
Barbarian Migrations & the Roman Empire: A counter-intuitive view, Guy Halsall
Barbarian Migrations & the Roman West, Halsall
The Late Roman Army, Southern & Dixon

Пікірлер: 61
@tedarcher9120 2 жыл бұрын
Basically, local administrators thought "Hang on, why do we send 2/3 our taxes to Rome, exactly? We have to pay for our defence to local barbarians anyway"
@cyrilchui2811 2 жыл бұрын
I think this is not what he meant. Barbarians were not keeping 1/3 and uploading 2/3 to Rome. It was local farmers had to surrender 1/3 of whatever they produce to the Franks etc. Was 1/3 too high, well probably not if the protection they received was adequate, and the code of conduct of the Franks soldier was good. Would Rome came to the Franks and asked them to contribute / upload portion of their "tax revenue" to Rome. Fat chance but they might. Which meant the tax code and administration of the tax system, was all handled by the Franks anyway. So when Rome disappeared, there was no change locally, only that the tribal chief of Franks has no-one to answer to, so called himself King of Franks.
@tedarcher9120 2 жыл бұрын
@@cyrilchui2811 taxes often exceeded that 1/3 and a big part of these local taxes went to Rome, which did not provide enough protection anyway, so local rulers had to pay barbarians for protection. And then it just didn't make sense to send taxes to rome anymore
@frankmitchell3594 Жыл бұрын
Maybe this is what was meant when the late Roman administration told the Romano-British they had to look to their own defence?
@alanmountain5804 2 жыл бұрын
This channel has become my favourite history channel. No fancy graphics or sensationalism. Just straightforward facts and common sense analysis. 10/10
@danomar101 2 жыл бұрын
From the polybian legion, to the Marian, to this late army and all the intermediate periods between these like the army of Rome in the crisis of the third century really shows how Rome specialized over a 1000 years. It’s one of the most easy ways to see how amazing Rome is.
@stephenfoster8047 2 жыл бұрын
@Bob-jf1tb 2 жыл бұрын
Working on my masters degree on the Late Roman army in the East. Good stuff you're doing.
@qboxer 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing! I am a bit envious, I would love to study that officially
@apersonontheinternet595 2 жыл бұрын
Are you studying the whole of the eastern roman army or just the late eastern roman army? One question I always had is how the Eastern Roman army fought against the germanic/slavic tribes in the Balkans and the Sassanids in the east considering their fighting styles are very different and how to counter each while dealing with each other at the same time.
@qboxer 2 жыл бұрын
@@apersonontheinternet595 I haven't read Maurice's Strategikon but I bet it covers just that. It would be nice to have a summary of that combined with all archaeological findings.
@wajutiem08 2 жыл бұрын
Can you give a date of the LATE ROMAN EMPIRE in the EAST? Because the EAST ROMAN EMPIRE existed until the middle ages.
@becherbecher 2 жыл бұрын
Afaik the Romans actively promoted the ethnic cohesion of their units, allegedly including creation of national myths etc. If this is true, it seems to me logical that after some time, the barbarian nations have actually been created in the Roman army.
@alexanderrudawski7802 2 жыл бұрын
This is a very niche question, but I always wondered what happened to the traditional aquilla eagle standards. The old Imperial army had that pseudo-religious connection to them, but I don't see them in literature regarding the late christianized roman army. Was it replace by the Chi-Rho and gradually phased out or was there a decree that ended their use. I've seen late roman vexillum's bearing the Chi-Rho on it, but no eagle.
@MrCount84 Жыл бұрын
I think that is a culturual redundancy. Like American soldiers no longer have a flag bearer. Roman armies now relied on the basic christian fastings and praying before the conflict.
@coryhirsh4119 Ай бұрын
The late army favored warrior themes. Mithras,etc. NOT some ( it's hereafter, so you better be good? Theology!) Martial, Manliness, Stoicism. It got so bad average Roman, became a WIMP!? I think Christianity basically fucked the Empire! Christians were just as Envious, lying,powe
@coryhirsh4119 Ай бұрын
Power Mad, two faced ,and VERY INTOLERANT of Any Other Beliefs! ( My crummy Chinese phone jumped ahead in my reply?) This is continuation. All meek will inherit is 6 ft.Earth,if they even bury you?! Anyway, Everyone avoided Military Service, Soldiers need💰! It became cheaper to hire Barbarians, taxes were getting harder& harder to collect, Rich avoided any gov.service, taxes, etc.lived lives basically removed from Empire, ( until something happened , like Barbarians at your door! This they couldn't ignore!) Crap about prayer,fasting?! YOU don't know Soldiers!😂 Gov.ran out of💰! The Barbarians took less in taxes, than late Empire, Poor sold themselves into Servitude to some Rich guy, who had,power,his own muscle, kept gov.off your back! No incentive , No stack in Empire. BARBARIANS figured out, hey?! We're Muscle, WE got Power, Don't need AEMPEROR!! SIMPLE!! The Guys like AETIUS,STILICHO,MAJORIAN, I REALLY RESPECT& ADMIRE! They Gave A DAMN! Fought Good Fight to Preserve Empire! Few& far between. Plus East had More Cities,Commerce,💰💰!!! Better Shape!!1 of big Ifs of History!?🤔
@coryhirsh4119 Ай бұрын
Stake in Empire! ( Chinese phone does it again?!)
@Seth9809 Ай бұрын
@@coryhirsh4119crazy person
@kingbeauregard 2 жыл бұрын
"What happened to the Late Roman Army?" The usual: got married, had a bunch of kids, put on a ton of weight. ... okay, I'll watch the video now.
@TheFallofRome 2 жыл бұрын
This did actually make me chuckle. As it is, I need to start lifting again so THAT doesn’t happen to me!
@kingbeauregard 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheFallofRome I put on weight for decades trying to follow the Food Pyramid, which tells you that you can eat all the bread you want but God help you if you overdo meat and other protein sources. I have since come to realize that the Food Pyramid was making me unhealthy. The RDA on protein is 1g for every 3 lbs body weight (technically 0.8g for every kg of body weight, but who thinks like that?) and it has been for decades. Once I realized I wasn't getting enough protein, and I started counting my protein and making sure I was getting enough, the pounds started coming off, easily. I think the American diet is flawed not only in its overemphasis on bread, but its de-emphasis on beans, lentils, and the like. It's a lot easier to not put the pounds on in the first place, if your diet doesn't skew towards empty calories. This is not to say that carbs are inherently bad; there's an RDA on carbs too, 130g (520 calories). So a person needs at least some carbs to remain healthy, but not as much as is pretty common. To put it in perspective, seven slices of white bread will give a person their RDA of carbs.
@TheFallofRome 2 жыл бұрын
@@kingbeauregard oh it’s absolutely horrible for you! I used to be a bodybuilder (wouldn’t guess from the size of me now haha) so nutrition was something I was very keen on. Having lived in different parts of the country, yeah we don’t really understand nutrition in the states. It doesn’t help that the food supply is skewed. Chicago is one of the main meat processing and packing centers, and when I lived in Iowa for a year, pork and beef were probably twice as expensive as when I lived/live in New York. Which to me was bizarre considering that Iowa was in the Midwest and was the heartland of so much food production like corn. It was expensive there. In the Midwest! All of which pushes people to unhealthy, cheap foods I always tried to look at it like: if civilization fell and we had to hunt and forage again, what would you actually eat? That’s what evolution designed us to do after all
@zaidkhan857 2 жыл бұрын
When are we going to see one of your famous huns video love you work
@TheFallofRome 2 жыл бұрын
That’s going to be finished soon. I have all the episodes done
@cliffordjensen8064 2 жыл бұрын
Nice video. I liked your point about our understanding of history being based on very incomplete data and evidence. The veil of time is very thick indeed and our understanding of the past is more guess work subject to change than most people would like. My take on the current subject is that the army of this period was mostly mercenary, depending on tax revenues from the whole empire for their pay. This was a very fragile system which could not survive much external shock, such as multiple barbarian tribes entering the empire in order to get away from the Huns. The various quartering schemes used to pay the army were stop gap measures doomed to failure. This stands in stark contrast to Rome of the early Republic which was able to survive multiple setbacks due to having a large population of small land holders willing to fight out of a sense of patriotism.
@hyokkim7726 2 жыл бұрын
I've been pondering what the Republican Rome could have done to maintain that system, instead of Marian Reform. The patricians could have collectively, and proportionately paid the Plebians for the duration they were away from their land. The plebians would have been grateful, generating a good will for the future. The patricians as a group would have had compliant Plebs, in turn, less riots, better for everyone, no wannabee dictators arising with Pleb support. The plebs still would have been allowed to collect booties as a bonus, this would have made the plebs less greedy, since they were already getting paid for the duration they were away from their land, meaning less hardship for the newly integrated population to Rome.
@stewartdalton3298 2 жыл бұрын
And he we go folks. Another great history lesson with the historian craft guiding the way. Hang on folks and look out because you may just learn something new. 👍🇦🇺🤔
@TheFallofRome 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@stewartdalton3298 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely all good here. I could only read so many books as a child in the school library and time was spent between outside sport and rainy day reading. The image of long forgotten battles by ordinary people and unique individuals who through sheer luck, fortunate circumstances or just bloody good at what they did. Now I can focus my attention to the awesome work that you do (and all the other people, working behind the scenes). I can almost feel and see. The madness of the Roman Empire in today's society. And me...? I'm just a plep.... Awesome work. Mr Historian Craft. 👍🇦🇺
@daringdare5078 2 жыл бұрын
They Romed off.
@andreascovano7742 2 жыл бұрын
A sad topic, but necesary to understand. I have a question. Would Charlemagne's empire be considered recognizable to "late romans"? It had had various administrative divisions, a bureucracy, latin terminology. It seems to me the bigger change to western europe than the barbarian invasion is the breakup of the carolingian empire. There there was far more decentralization and insecurity. I wonder if we can classify the medieval period arriving at different times. With the byzantines entering it first, after the islamic conquests, the English second with their conversion and the Europeans last with the disolution of the "frankish-roman empire"?
@TheFallofRome 2 жыл бұрын
That’s absolutely an argument some have made, and it’s one I buy into, to a degree. There were absolutely elements of continuation in the Carolingian Empire from Late Antiquity, and probably many Roman aristocrats would have found it…maybe not exactly the same but certainly similar to a degree
@Anatolius1010 2 жыл бұрын
Really interesting analysis of the Roman Army! Would you say that late roman army faded and transformed because the institutions gradually decayed over time (in the way that roman power faded in northern gaul) - a parallel fading with the roman state? So to hypothetically or broadly give an example of what would happen to some of the units - you would have military units who show up for the pay, but theres no pay master or bureaucrat to give you the pay because the roads have become too dangerous to actually transport the coin. These units therefore fade and/or seek service with local strongmen who have the resources to feed, pay and equip these soldiers into their own personal Comitatus. And then you get figures like Aegidius or other Roman nobility who have essentially become militarised leading a mishmash of forces consisting of remnants of Limitanei, Ripenses, Comitatenses units with private Bucellarii of different identities.
@TheFallofRome 2 жыл бұрын
Yes absolutely! The end of the Roman Empire in the west was a process, not an event, and in many ways-like in the example you provided-people didn’t even notice that it was gone until one day they woke up, and it wasn’t there
@boby34121 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheFallofRome Are there any better documented cases of state collapse that people could use as comparisons for the roman example, just had a thought about comparing it to warlord era china and the way the Qing army splintered into regional armies/gangs. I don't know much about either and obviously they are very different, but do you think using examples like the Qing help explain what collapse/splintering may have actually looked like seeing as how we have more sources for something like that rather than classical or ancient examples
@thesnake2620 2 жыл бұрын
@@boby34121 The breakup of the Soviet Union although very different has some interesting aspects like the breakup and splintering of a huge military and the widespread proliferation of its arms. I have no evidence but I suspect something similar may have happened in the post roman world with new warlords now controlling previously state armorys and fabricae and individual soldiers previously employed by the state selling off their equipment. Strong men seizing positions of power previously held by beurocrats employed by the state and also movements towards other national identities other than " Soviet" may be similar to the new identities emerging in the Western Provinces. Also the living standards generally got worse for people living in a post Soviet world however they did have more individual freedom similar the Western Roman Empire.
@Ruben_n45 2 жыл бұрын
So i didn't really understood, (i'm French so english is not my first language) but as i understood from the video is that the roman army made a fusion with the various tribes that remplace Rome authority. But my problem is, does the roman army, After the end of the empire in 476 was still "fighting" for the western empire or did it just blend in with the barbarians who adopted a romanized administration style (Sorry again for my english !)
@michaelnorris2765 Жыл бұрын
One of my favorite historians, David McCullough said that history is a literary art.
@victorelting220 2 жыл бұрын
I just found your channel last night while I should have been sleeping. Great stuff! This channel has elite content. Also love the hair!
@TommyHanusa 2 жыл бұрын
So would an important difference between late roman and medieval society be how separated civilian and military systems are? in a way the medieval society has the 'lord' as a military leader and well as a civilian leader (probably for justice, laws, taxes, economic development and other administrative duties). in contrast, the roman society separates these duties, generals lead armies and aristocrats/administrators perform civilian/religious duties? I also want to say something about how medieval society evolved from a trend toward a centralization of power; but I'm not quite sure where to go with that.
@TheFallofRome 2 жыл бұрын
That would probably be one of the key distinctions, yeah. The power structures in Western Europe and (eventually) Northern Europe, totally change by about 900 into something the late Roman Empire wouldn’t have recognized. Could you clarify what you mean in your second paragraph? I could probably recommend some reading material
@raptor4916 Жыл бұрын
@@TheFallofRome how did the medieval world of systems of vassalage etc transform into the modern one of depersonalized states?
@PackHunter117 2 жыл бұрын
So the Franks were a Germanic tribe? Also how would the Romans have viewed marriage between Germanic barbarians? Or in the east Arabs or later Turks with Romans or Romanized Greeks?
@ericponce8740 Ай бұрын
The Roman Army of Late Antiquity was a formidable fighting machine. Yes, they lost a few battles, but they also won numerous engagements against the Germanic tribes.
@geordiejones5618 11 ай бұрын
The consistent high quality of Roman commanders between 500 BCE and 1000 CE really makes me most interested in guys like Nepotianus, Marcellinus, Aegidius and Syagrius. They all fought under Aetius and/or Majorian but we know so little about what really made them stand out. Syagrius for example defended his father's territory in northern Gaul for 20 years sandwhiched between Franks and Visigoths but we know nothing about how he went about border control or geopolitics.
@nalusan Жыл бұрын
the end of the western Augustus is not the end of the western empire as the Ravenna administration (household? whatever the correct term is) existed until Justinan ended it. So that ended the western empire in the view of the eastern part. I think that should then also be our view.
@LordWyatt 2 жыл бұрын
If I took a shot for every ‘however’ or ‘but’, I’d be dead. Of course this is typical in Late Roman History😂👌🤔
@bfrehksdhf 2 жыл бұрын
I'm interested in what happened to the centurions. I can't find any writings in regards to their fates. We're told they were an essential component in the resilience of the legionary system. I can imagine the disappearance of this class had a lot to do with the breakdown of unit discipline and the structural integrity of the army.
@cliffordjensen8064 2 жыл бұрын
I suspect that they never really disappeared, but instead formed the basis of local militias all over Europe. So much of our society is based on Roman models, and our military is no exception. In a way, the Centurions live on as the NCO’s in our army today.
@RoundenBrown Жыл бұрын
They became the Brotherhood of Steel and roam the irradiated wastes!
@dshock85 2 жыл бұрын
Which leads us to the mess of the last 1000 years of petty world wars, the cold War, communism etc...I wonder how things would be if it was the east that fell and not the west..
@talisikid1618 Жыл бұрын
Even worse. But that was never a real possibility. And it’s no worse now than back then. Funny how people conjure up fantasies of some utopian past.
@Ulyssestnt Жыл бұрын
I would think even post 480 they looked for a long time to the emperor in the east as the nominal head of state.(as it were)
@frankmitchell3594 Жыл бұрын
It would be interesting to hear how the Roman Church played into this. Was it organised in parallel to the new military organisation or was it still administered from the centre in Rome itself?
@marsillinkow Жыл бұрын
So basically in modern lingo, a skill issue
@ComradeArthur 2 жыл бұрын
Whole lot of books titled "Hitler" in the upper right corner. How many books with "Hitler" in the title do you have?
@TheFallofRome 2 жыл бұрын
I’m not sure. It’s the main subject I focused on in college, so quite a few
@osea5000 2 жыл бұрын
Only a pedant would fault your Latin
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