What I Want from a Persona 4 Remake

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3 ай бұрын

Here's a fun little behind the scenes fact for anyone who finds that stuff interesting. Originally at 23:30 when I start talking about Persona 4 the Animation the song that played in the background was supposed to be Sky's the Limit, P4A's first opening them followed by key plus worlds, the second opening theme. However in the final version of the video I played Best Friends from Persona 4 Arena, and Dance! from Persona 4 Dancing All Night. The reason for the change is because Sky's the Limit got claimed and the video was blocked in 248 territories... After reading that I went back and replaced both of the P4A tracks. key plus world didn't get claimed but I wasn't taking any chances and decided to just replace both of the anime tracks.
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@ClickPointXX 3 ай бұрын
Ok, I’ve gotten so many comments about this that I’m just gonna address this here. I DO NOT HATE THE P4 CAST! All I said is I prefer the casts of 3 & 5. Kanji and Naoto are 2 of my favourite characters in the whole franchise and I also really like Yu, Yosuke, Rise and yes even Chie. In the video all I said was that I thought Chie was a bit unnecessarily dickish to Yosuke at points and to tone that down, outside of her dynamic with him I actually really like Chie. The only characters I have a legit problem with (of the party members) are Teddie which I don’t really think I have to justify, and Yukiko. But as I said in the video, I DO like Yukiko in her social link, she actually has one of my favourite social links among the party members. My problem with Yukiko is that outside of her dungeon she almost all of her lines in the main story boil down to one of 3 jokes: She laughs a lot, she’s shockingly blunt, and she’s inhumanly oblivious. Which I just feel is a gross underuse of her character and frankly annoying at times. Now I’m sure some people who are regular viewers of mine will know that I’m actually a massive fan of Haru in P5, so you might wonder why my problems with Yukiko don’t apply to her. There’s 2 main reasons. 1. Haru’s lack of focus felt more like a consequence of when she was introduced in the plot rather than a consequence of lazy writing. Haru joins right as shit’s about to hit the fan story wise so once everything goes down the story has more important things to focus on (that doesn’t excuse Morgana getting a bigger spotlight than her during the Okumura arc though). Whereas with Yukiko is just felt like they didn’t wanna bother coming up with anything interesting for her and just decided to make her a gag character past her initial introduction. 2. Haru got a fantastic showing in Strikers, having the entire third arc of that game essentially dedicated to her, plus a bunch of other fun moments throughout the rest of the game. Whereas Yukiko’s characterisation only got worse in the spin-offs. TL:DR: Why do P4 fans jump to conclusions so often?
@husainvasanwala1930 3 ай бұрын
Good Video man, agree 100% on all the points. keep going, you make great content!
@DrPantsMD 3 ай бұрын
Insane takes on the cast.
@rustyfruitsnacks9475 18 күн бұрын
It always shocks me when people don’t like Chie, that’s best girl right there 😢
@Boogie445 11 күн бұрын
P3 was more strict early half of the game with social links if you wanted to do a new game complete social link run and 4 have a better curve I feel but I see what you are getting at. The Dojima part is that I wish you could make him an ally early, like show him the midnight channel, take him into the TV world or something.
@Xenokey_blade 2 ай бұрын
I'm gonna need people to hear me out on this one, but one thing that sort of disapointed me about Reload is that they had a good opportunity to connect P3 to the spinoffs, so I thought it would be cool to get SOME kind of reference to Labrys. I fully understand why they didn't do this however, considering at the time of P3 she was stuck in some old Kirijo lab in Yakushima. The only opportunity they'd have to do that is in the Yakushima trip and even then it would just seem a bit shoehorned in for no good reason. Although in P4's case, they have the PERFECT opurtunity to do a similar thing but it would actually work. (PERSONA 4 ARENA ULTIMAX SPOILERS) P4AU confirms that Sho Minazuki watched the Investigation Team AT LEAST through to them confronting Adachi and also just watching them live out their lives in Inaba. I think it would be a great idea if say for example when you're inside the Midnight Channel, you could spot him hiding away in the dugeon interior or hidden in the background of surtain cutscenes (Inside and out of the Midnight Channel). I think it would also be neat if you could spot him around Inaba as an NPC, like hidden in some back alley in Inaba or Yasogami High and retreats when you try to talk to him or after a small interaction with him. Now im not saying make him significant AT ALL, make it so that the player has to go out of their way to find/spot him, but I think it would be nice for those who played P4AU. The only major issue is that im not entirely sure where Sho Minazuki lies legally between ATLUS and ArcSystem works, so if hes legally owned by ArcSystems they might not lend him over. I may be talking a load of crap but P4A/P4AU is my favourite Persona spinoff and Sho Minazuki is my favorite spinoff character, so this is something I'd really appreciate.
@ClickPointXX 2 ай бұрын
That was actually something I thought about while putting the notes together for the video. The only reason I didn’t put it in is because I can’t see this being possible in a way that wouldn’t feel super forced. Not to mention it would kinda ruin the impact of the reveal that Sho was following them the whole time for people who play this as their first P4 game. I kinda have the same thought about referencing Labrys. While it would’ve been cool to have her referenced (I do love me some Labrys after all 🤣) but it also wouldn’t make sense to reference her since no one is supposed to have any idea that any Anti-Shadow weapons still exists besides Aigis.
@beefcakz_1 3 ай бұрын
Brilliant video, I agree with nearly all of the points but still really don't want a Persona 4 remake yet
@07Remy 3 ай бұрын
Last thing I wanna say is the Yosuke romance is definitely needed imo but a Kanji romance isn't need due to Kanjis arc was all about him being seen as gay which confused his whole sexuality imo kanji isn't gay personally and like you said it would confused the whole Kanji arc
@ClickPointXX 3 ай бұрын
Y’know now that you mention it I didn’t even think about how that would send mixed signals to new players. That’s actually a really good point. Personally I think Kanji’s bisexual but yeah maybe a romance isn’t such a great idea.
@GigasGalvantula 3 ай бұрын
I think Kanji just wants someone who accepts him for who he is more than anything, regardless of gender.
@Xenokey_blade 2 ай бұрын
​@@ClickPointXX Also Don't forget the fact that Kanji is supposed to have a crush on Naoto, both when he thinks she's a boy and when he finds out she's a girl (I know there's a Naoto romance, but it isn't really made clear wether she reciprocates Kanji's feelings or not so it doesn't REALLY contradict anything). Although the Yosuke romance is definitely needed, as much as I love Yosuke as a character his story is incomplete without it.
@GigasGalvantula 3 ай бұрын
eeeeeeeeee the party thing, i actually like the party here more and ngl feel like you prob missed abit about the party, i'd reccomend checking out ladyvirgilia and hiding in private's videos on the p4 party they are alot more in depth already then you think they are, Lady's has japanese context in mind as well. if ya got the time, but i won't force ya either, just a recommendation.
@ClickPointXX 3 ай бұрын
I’ve seen most of those videos and I understand the symbolism and all that stuff plus what they mean from a Japanese perspective, I just don’t think any of that matters if you have to watch a video to understand it. I’ve gotten a lot of comments about my thoughts on the cast and I’m starting to think people think I hate P4’s cast when I most certainly don’t. Naoto and Kanji are 2 of my favourite characters in the whole franchise (I even made an entire video explaining their arc’s in detail when that whole snapcube thing went down), and I also really like Yu, Yosuke, Rise and even Chie, I just with she wasn’t as much of an unnecessary dick to Yosuke as she is. The only character’s I legit think are badly written are Teddie (because come the fuck on), and Yukiko, but even then like I said in the video I DO like Yukiko in her social link, I just think her writing in the main story after her dungeon is super lacking and repetitive, always boiling down to the same 3 jokes of: She laugh, she blunt, she airhead. And I think her character can be so much more than that.
@GigasGalvantula 3 ай бұрын
@@ClickPointXX I 100% think you do miss the point of why Yukiko is like that post her shadows defeat there is a well structured reason for it, I think you are missing, I'd actually reccomend Meti not the bad guys short video on yukiko as he's not a typical persona video creator so that video may of went through the cracks unlike the others.
@GigasGalvantula 3 ай бұрын
@@ClickPointXX also Kanji and Naoto great taste in favorites, I do also genuinely disagree at least with the serious part of Teddies arc, I think its handled better then Morgana's, however the rest of the game he is insufferable so I sort of get it.
@ClickPointXX 3 ай бұрын
I don’t think it’s as much me “missing the point” as it is me just liking different things in characters than you. You can preach about how there’s some deeper meaning behind why Yukiko is the way she is and that’s fine, but if that’s not conveyed properly in game to the point that someone has to watch a video to properly understand it then I don’t think it’s fair to say I “missed the point”. I’ve played P4 3 times, watched the original anime twice and played all the spin-offs, I think I know how I feel about these characters by now.
@GigasGalvantula 3 ай бұрын
@@ClickPointXX I actually think hers if fairly obvious even without videos to add context, I think it's the most blatantly obvious arc in the game. so no i def think you did miss the point.
@ryanhatfield8602 3 ай бұрын
Basically you just want persona 4 to be more like other games and lose its entire identity
@ClickPointXX 3 ай бұрын
At no point in the video do I suggest any changes that would change persona 4’s core identity, it still sticks out from 3 & 5 in many ways. Wether that be it’s themes of truth, much more light hearted tone, it’s unique setting, or the whole murder mystery set up, all things that are unique to P4 and not in the other games. My goal here was to in vision the best possible version of Persona 4 that would compliment all the things that make it great.
@07Remy 3 ай бұрын
Despite disagreeing with you on a lot of points this is a great video Personally I think for Persona 4 Remake they should incorporate some of the great elements from the anime adaption I think a great way to improve Yu is by making him suffer with abandonment or just suffering with being alone due to him always having to transfer schools and his parents always working aboard which could make the whole Nanako and ending parts hit harder and expands his character
@ClickPointXX 3 ай бұрын
Honestly the beat way to improve Yu is just to add all of his personality and struggles from the anime. He’s such and interesting character in that show and Ren in P5 is proof that you can tell an interesting story through a character that doesn’t talk.
@fierytigergaming8112 3 ай бұрын
@@ClickPointXX And maybe, if you have max level courage - allow Yu to show Dojima that his claims about the TV world are legit - and if you choose this, change the scene slightly
@07Remy 3 ай бұрын
I heavily disagree with you on the cast point Yukiko has a lot of character she's air head who constantly is extremely harsh with her comments without meaning so Yosuke and Chie have a great brother sister like character connection to say the P4 Cast is the worse is insane imo Persona 5s imo is really weak Morgana, Makoto, Haru and as much as I like Ryuji he's just Kanji and Junpei combined into a singular character just not as interesting as them
@ClickPointXX 3 ай бұрын
Honestly I think a big part of why P4 doesn’t resonate as strongly with me is because I don’t find it’s themes to be as interesting or relatable as the themes of 3 and 5. 3’s theme of death and the value of life is so interesting to me and genuinely made me reconsider how I looked at certain aspects of life. And 5’s themes of rebellion and standing up against injustice just resonated with me on a personal level due to experience in my personal life. Meanwhile 4’s themes of truth never really made me think in a significant way beyond the mystery in the game so it was just inherently less memorable to me. When it comes to the character stuff that’s entirely personal preference. I see where you’re coming from with Chie and Yosuke but I just think their dynamic is a little too toxic and hostile at times when compared to something like Junpei and Yukari’s relationship which was much better handled imo. With Yukiko I just don’t find her character appealing outside of her S.Link like I said, I don’t doubt that what you said was the intention but I feel like it’s not executed properly and she ends up feeling like a caricature of what she’s actually supposed to be. With the P5 cast while I do agree that Morgana and Makoto suck I feel like Haru gets a bad wrap. She actually suffers from the same problem Yukiko does in that she’s great in her S.Link but doesn’t really get enough representation in the main story, however the main difference for me is that Haru never felt like a gag character whereas like I said Yukiko’s whole “laughs uncontrollably at the drop of a hat” schtick got tiring REALLY fast. Plus Haru was awesome in Strikers which at this point has just completely redeemed her for me. With Ryuji I feel like saying he’s just a mixture of Kanji and Junpei is a disservice to his character. While I do agree that he’s not as interesting as either of them are, I do think that his backstory of being a star runner who’s future was stolen from him is enough to set him apart as his own character. Sure he has the delinquent schtick like Kanji and is your typical “bro” character like Junpei, I don’t think those aspects are what define his character, what defines his character is his loyalty. Anyway, sorry if this came off as pretentious or like I was trying to force my opinions on you. I’m just trying to explain why I feel the way I do about these things in more detail and I guess I got kinda carried away. Maybe I’ll make a persona characters tier list so I can talk about my thoughts on these characters more in depth because writing this reply has made me realise I actually have a lot to say on that topic.
@ryanhatfield8602 3 ай бұрын
Persona 4 is my favorite game of all time so I think all these changes sound bad
@ryanhatfield8602 3 ай бұрын
I don’t think the main character should have a personality they are silent protagonist after all that’s why I like persona a 4 protag
@ClickPointXX 3 ай бұрын
I’m not saying to give him a full on personality, I’m just saying to make him stand out a bit more when compared to the protags of the other persona game, who are also silent but have little fragments of personality to set them apart from the endless crowd of silent protagonists in games. Something I think Yu is lacking in the main P4/P4G.
@ryanhatfield8602 3 ай бұрын
If you hate the game why would you want it changed for people that love it
@ClickPointXX 3 ай бұрын
First off I literally said in the video that I don’t hate the game, I even said that there actually isn’t that much about it that I would change from a gameplay perspective, all I said is that it was my least favourite of the modern trilogy. I still like it just not as much as I like 3 & 5, especially 3. Second, I’m not “ruining the game for people that love it”, I’m just throwing some ideas out there as to how I think a remake could improve some of the issues I had with it. None of my changes were even THAT substantial, the biggest one’s were probably the ones I brought up from some if the characters, but as I said in the video I understand that a lot of people are gonna disagree with me on that, and a lot of people have which is fine.
@gwydionyu8769 3 ай бұрын
First off, fantastic video you've made here, I usually don't communicate under youtube comments but this opened discussion made me want to throw my own two cents about this particular game and I'm glad that I'm not the only one who felt the way they felt about the P4 group, that is being pretty damn weak compared to how it's predecessor and it's successor handled it. There's a lot I want to go through in here so excuse me if it's all going to be all over the place. So the biggest issue I have with the writing of this game is that a lot of the jokes either don't land or are outright uncomfortable as hell to watch, the constant physical and verbal bashing towards the male party members was also head-scratching to observe, making the female counterparts seem like deadass demons made in human flesh sometimes. And yet to this day it seems like a lot of people treat it as hilarious or peak writing when it's only just humiliation fetish done in the most eyebrow raising ways imaginable. The girls pushing the boys into the river off a goddamn cliff and the hot springs must be one of the biggest offenders in my eyes. I also agree with a lot of your points in here: Chie can be as endearing as borderline unlikable sometimes and that has mostly to do with how the writers completely forgot what her character is even supposed to be like after she confronted her own shadow in Yukiko's Castle, something they later down fixed in P4Arena like they did with basically most of my problems with the P4 cast. Yukiko is pretty much a nothing burger who's sole trait is laughing at unfunny stuff and/or act cute for the audience, anybody trying to convince me otherwise are either lying or coping. Lastly but not least, someone you didn't mention but I personally have a major gripe against, Rise. The whole idol thing was always something that never interested me, but I really liked how the game tried to tackle the dark underbelly of that sort of job, hell I even liked Rise up until a certain point, how the image of her celebrity self was completely different from her real self was pretty interesting to have. That is, until they threw it all away to get our resident cute-quirky and loud Idol party member on the team, whom also acts like a total stalker towards us the player if we have no plans to ever romance her to begin with, acting possessive around us and be generally really insufferable all around really. With me they completely botched her character making a sudden 180 at the end of her arc, I would've much rather had more Rise for the rest of the game than her Risette self. Here comes with what I don't particularly agree to an extent: This might be a controversial take to the point it might be taken in the wrong way, but I legit think that Yosuke and Kanji not having a romance option is best to be kept that way. Now what do I mean by that? It's not that I'm against the idea of gay, bi or even pan romances, far from it, it'd be pretty interesting to see it but this being Japan I HIGHLY doubt that'll ever happen. But the real reason I'd have to disagree with that is simply that the romance option doesn't fit either of them imo. Yosuke remains in complete shock by the death of the person he loved and keeps loving throughout the entire game, trying to do you-know-what by the end of it for the sake of revenge even, so romancing him would not only feel out of place but also would go against what his character was all about. Also, the tent scene was never something I considered anything more than pure silly early 2010's teen gut reaction to the dumbest of shit, I'd like to remind people that they went out to camp right after Kanji's dungeon, so his fear is not something I'd say is justified but at least comprehensible for how they decided to write him as a silly goof who goofs things up every now and then, regardless of his scrapped romance route. Kanji also wouldn't fit the bill for how unbelievably in love he is with Naoto, I personally can't for the life of me romance her when I know for a fact my boi is head over heels for her, Atlus teasing the ship even further in Persona4Arena makes it canon in my mind, and therefore, a pre-determined couple to respect. Plus their dynamic together is absolutely great and I love how Kanji loves her regardless of what she looked like from afar, he's got a crush on her for what she is like, similar to how Junpei and Chidori end up with each other for genuine interest rather than anything else. Therefore, in my humble opinion, making a romance option for Kanji when there's so much Kanji/Naoto stuff going on throughout games just does NOT feel right, regardless if you see the man as bi or not (which I personally don't but that's a whole another lengthy discussion to make.) As for what I'd like for the Remake to do with Persona 4: First things first, rewrite the whole script. A daunting task but a lot of these dialogues just ain't it anymore, especially the ones trying to pass as funny when it barely was even back in early 2010's. Make the female cast more likeable and far less aggressive towards your homeboys, their personalities can shine in other ways than just shit-talking or verbally bashing Yosuke all the time. Remove the hot spring scene, it's only distasteful to watch when you know who was truly in the wrong at the start and how it escalates at the end for no real reason than trying to be funny again. Make Rise switch between her two selves more often and not hammer down on her Idol persona *too* much, as for the rest of the things that I don't like about her is completely subjective so I'd leave that up to the devs to decide what to do with. Focus harder on the main premise of the murder mystery plot. The game oftentimes goes way off-road with its filler dialogues with the Investigation Team doing anything but actually Investigate. I'd personally would love to see the gravity of the situation hammering down further as it goes, such as bodies actually piling up regardless of the effort you trying to put in, giving a sense of danger to the murder mystery plot would improve the game a lot and wouldn't remove anything from its dumb, silly moments. A good balance between the two to maintain P4's identity would be my most desired outcome for a possible Remake in the making. And that's it from me, I hope the long wall of text didn't bore you but I just had to get this off my chest, I hope this can be an interesting read rather than coming off as somewhat bitter and hateful to the game. It is definitely my least like Persona game, I'd even say I straight up don't like it in certain scenarios, but I wish nothing but the best for the Persona franchise to blossom, and right now the one that needs immediate plot and character overhaul is definitely Persona 4, if they give it the same treatment as they did with Reload it'd be a banger of a Remake.
@warrenkeith360 3 ай бұрын
I have to disagree with your take on the party but hey it is what it is. I dont want them to change but chie being less of an asshole would be better. Yukiko is perfect and i wont have you slander her lol. But my least favorite team of the three is P5 group simply because i dont like 2 of the members as opposed to the other games where its only one person per group.
@ClickPointXX 3 ай бұрын
Yeah I was expecting my takes on the cast to be controversial, honestly most of it comes from a place of love since I really want to like these characters (Teddie aside).
@warrenkeith360 3 ай бұрын
@@ClickPointXX understood. It's preferences so no issues. But Yukiko is my favorite girl so I had to defend her haha.
@ClickPointXX 3 ай бұрын
@warrenkeith360 I respect the waifu hustle 😂
@mocheccino 3 ай бұрын
not having a kanji romance was a crime
@Yourmoms12345 3 ай бұрын
I feel persona 5 is fun. In 3 and 4 they left out the fun.
@GIR177 3 ай бұрын
Brainless All out attack spam isn't fun and P5 still devolves into that at the end of the day
@muffetmissulena6540 3 ай бұрын
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