What is triangulation?

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@islandgal1187 Жыл бұрын
My ex did (does) this. He lied to everyone in his "circle" and then worked very hard to keep specific people separate. His biggest fear was those people "comparing notes" and having his carefully stacked card house of lies come crashing down. Exactly what happened after I went full Nancy Drew on his lying ass. I met the other woman for coffee. We talked for 3 hours.
@stars19735 Жыл бұрын
yup yup yup. my so called “friend” would NEVER have his pawns in the same room UNTIL he was in a discard cycle. every single one of us were in the room together. new girl in-> he, i, and her are in a conversation. about trauma and gender dynamics. the very topic i’d been trying to address to him 1 on 1 for weeks. instead of reciprocating any care for all those hours, all those nights i stayed to counsel him and give good advice with his problems, my trauma, my pain was suddenly the prompt of a socratic debate-all covertly designed to belittle and humiliate me. snide remarks like “what is it about women that make them genetically predisposed to going to the psych ward” (i was just discharged, the reason why i was there was also because of how toxic and dysfunctional our relationship was), new girl is clearly appalled, calls him out on lack of empathy and the entire time he just looks annoyed. strange. when at one point he’d be so invested in me, my politics, my worldview and activism, even mirrored my feminist beliefs and intellectual pursuits. he asked me if i’d like to weigh in, eyebrows cocked expectingly, with the subtext of “let’s see what she says, is she gonna ‘bitch about it’ (verbatim), or won’t she (mirror his perception of me/projected shame/devaluation/people please/fawn-will she give in to me (it’s a test to see if i’m strong enough to say no to him, which he later snidely remarked weeks later when i stopped answering his calls). eventually it gets to a point where i just air out what i want to say to him, but just as i start, he gets up and starts moving around the house so i have to follow him, he then ushers new girl out, and now it’s just me and him alone. his demeanor instantly changes. it’s familiar. caring even. i didn’t know my brain was literally fried from ptsd symptoms then, but i suddenly just….lost whatever it was that i needed to speak to him regarding the relationship. and i dismiss it. we go on to hanging out as if things between us were good again. “oh yeah X is gonna be here (his ex, also discarded, he uses her for sex/manipulates her), she shows up, we get high, and he eventually starts playing videos of HIMSELF. and we’re just sitting there. watching him WATCH HIMSELF. X and i look and each other and we say “what the fuck are we doing here?” “weren’t we supposed to go to costco an hour ago?” says X. that’s new. he called me to come over because he “missed me and knows he hasn’t been spending enough time with me” on the phone. the message each one of us got were different. each promising something to lure us in. only to reveal he didn’t give a fuck about any of us. he just can’t handle being alone for even a second. pathetic.
@catIing Жыл бұрын
My father loved doing this and it really ruined my relationship with my sisters. To this day we're still working on healing from that but I honestly don't think we're ever gonna be able to undo the damage.
@darrenheapy1265 Жыл бұрын
My mother did that. And damaged us all that badly that there is no chance of any of us reconciling. The hurt the pain the shame and the regret. We can't get past it.
@tenningale Ай бұрын
@@darrenheapy1265 Same, narc mom is a triangulating liar and makes everybody suspicious of each other. I see right through her but not sure if the other people do. Everything is "wrong" with everyone else. Queen Bee Syndrome.
@8882amberd Жыл бұрын
Everytime I'm told what someone else has said about me, I immediately go ask if there is truth to what I was told and I also tell that person who said it to me.
@jacquiwmch Жыл бұрын
My mother does this role like the Queen of toxic, she's very talented.
@destinycampbell2244 Жыл бұрын
My step sister always did this 🙃 if she found herself in a group of three, she always had a favorite and she always had a pig. I was normally the pig, the mule. I did what she wanted or else she manipulated me, told false stories about me to my family, physically hurt me, or put me down emotionally.
@Shortstacksandticktacks Жыл бұрын
This is why its important to go no contact, or at least never be alone with them. Remove the option of, "They said/did this."
@tresdj Жыл бұрын
I honestly didn't realize that I did this, if one friend said something to me that they wouldn't say to another friend, often about the other friend... and the next time I hang with the other friend, I felt compelled to tell them what was said. I guess I convinced myself I was helping them KNOW what the other person REALLY thought about them because I would want that for myself if someone was talking about me, I rationalize 😢 I have struggled with having close friendships ,my whole life, I've been in therapy since I was 10, but I am learning more by watching your content than 30 years of therapy! 😅
@marshasimpson3453 Жыл бұрын
That is a tormenting & heart breaking situation which happened to me. My Ex manipulated & turned my 3 beautiful sons against me while I battled fibromyalgia & leukemia, move ou with legal separation, followed by the following years in and out of hospital for transplant, and Ex still harassed me with our sons. Toppes with a bonus of PTSD 💔😭 My Life has been destroyed and a nightmare. Such an evil demonic mental disorder. 👺👹
@friedoreoswithsugar Жыл бұрын
My step father and my best friends favorite tactics
@OnlyLoveIsWelcome Жыл бұрын
Triangulation is also extremely damaging to anyone but especially children💔
@evanmccue736 Жыл бұрын
I've known numerous women who do this. Never knew there was a word for it, though.
@teresajose2280 Жыл бұрын
My sister was my best friend my entire life. We had issues with our mother our whole lives. My sister raised me. No doubt about it. We chose to have no contact with our mother and that lasted about ten years. Until we were at our brothers wedding and we started talking again. Now….my mother has manipulated my sister and me to such a degree that we no longer talk. And I still don’t know why. My mother has played the victim since I can remember and she’s said something that’s made my sister not speak to me. What’s annoying is my sister knows what our mother is like, given we both didn’t speak to her for a decade for the same reason. But suddenly my mothers word is trustworthy and mine isn’t. I’m yet to find out what my mother has said to ruin this relationship I had with my sister. Neither of them will tell me. Said I already know….families man. You can’t live with them, then don’t.
@LML1415 Жыл бұрын
Omg I grew up with someone who'd steal from people and frame me (or other kids) to make herself more popular/a better person. She was so psycho
@lisakukla459 5 ай бұрын
In transactional analysis it's called "let's you and him fight."
@madamepsycho1 Жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@IsMiseAine Жыл бұрын
It can also be pulling someone or something into an argument that may or may not want to be there, like- everyone things that about you OR my mother also said that you were being really disrespectful etc I think it can also sometimes have a positive effect like- she told me she thinks you're a really good and kind person, i think anyone would love to hire you, you're awesome! It can be a thing, like- you even used a chair to hit me with (that's how bad you are!) I love the topic of triangulation!
@LilBowPink Жыл бұрын
There was a whole MLP episode where the boss was manipulating all his employees like this so he they wouldn’t leave his business and he could pay them less
@viktorkaye4611 Жыл бұрын
I feel like I'm put in this situation with my sibling and parents so I never know whats true at this point
@robinthepunk Жыл бұрын
I’m pretty sure 2 people tried to do this to me at the same time
@UnicornzRreal92 Жыл бұрын
so now I realize my ex... didn't just stop at the cheating... he would always go between my mom and I, doing this exact thing 😮‍💨🙄🙄
@claraberg1214 Жыл бұрын
Dude my best friend and I discovered a friend of mine did this to us when we were kids. She was jealous of my friendship with Bonnie (my best friend since 3rd grade) and do Julia fabricated an entire loe that Bonnie hated me and was trying to create a 'Clara haters club'.. this caused so much tension between Bonnie and I for years. But eventually we moved on and stayed friends. Fast forward to our 30's and Julia no longer speaks to me or her parents because her parents celebrated my 30th birthday with me. (Background: Julia now lives in Copenhagen (we live in the states) and had her first kid over covid. Her parents couldn't visit because health issues and COVID. And Julia is 10 days older than me.) So she was mad that they spent my birthday with me... I live 7 minutes away... she lives over an entire ocean... 😅😅 uhhh there's a big difference!! Anyways. The discovery of who Julia really is took me from 6years old to 32 years old to finally realize who she is. And it's sad. I still care for her. But I'd never trust her for anything again.
@e.paradigm7415 8 ай бұрын
I have a female classmate and I suspect she’s trying to triangulate me and a friend of mine. I guess you can say we’re the two most popular guys in the class and she immediately started flirting with me and I kind of fell for her, however since I was in a relationship already with an exgf that had BPD and perhaps traits of ASPD I was much more aware of the kind of behavior people with personality disorders display, so I was very cautious even though she was overtly flirtatious with me. Good thing I trust my instincts now, because I began to notice she would really try and befriend different men in the class and was overly touchy with them as well. She would try and make friends with the good looking men and the most charismatic or popular. She admitted once that she had no female friends, and it’s true, another woman tried to join our friend group and at first she would try and discourage it, I suspect now she kind of accepted it once she felt the girl wasn’t a threat to what it was she was trying to do. We all had a group outing and that’s when I figured what it was she was doing, the day before I heard from other classmates that she was being very handsy with my buddy and the day we all went out she immediately shot him down as I was there. She tried to get my attention so hard, often times I would ignore her because I understood her games. She even got jealous when I went to speak to a server about having them switch our tables, even though I was personable she told me that I was being flirty with the server, she didn’t like that one bit and immediately began flirting with my buddy, it seemed as she was trying to punish me just for speaking to the pretty server. She even told me that the girl really liked me because she flipped her hair (or something like that), i noticed that every time I would talk to a woman she would be quick to subtly criticize me in front of everyone even though her and I were just friends. She absolutely loves being the center of attention around the men, but I refuse to play that game and usually just stay away and ignore. As soon as my buddy leaves she immediately gravitates towards me and tries to flirt or gets overtly sexual in her conversations. Then when my friend comes back, she reverts back to her usual self. I have distanced myself a bit from the group, however I noticed that she’s trying to get me, her and my buddy alone from the group and once even subtly hinted of a threesome. I’ve caught this woman boldly lying a handful of times, even tried gaslighting me once in front of my friends. She keeps trying to have us 3 hang out, however when this happens I always tell her that I’m not sure with my busy schedule or I’ll immediately try and invite others. I just have to wait till the school semester is up before I can completely separate myself.
@HeatherGrace Жыл бұрын
My ex's side gf did this to my ex and I. They are both toxic and belong together imo
@2Ryled Ай бұрын
It can involve more. I saw 3 women going at it over a guy.
@khaosssssss1727 Жыл бұрын
'Flying monkeys', the rest of the mean girl gang.
@AckunaFritatta Жыл бұрын
My mom and aunts did this to me and my brother growing up and as adults During my healing journey I've gone no contact, my brother has not Its one of the best decisions I've made my entire life.
@catsncrows Жыл бұрын
Wow! I'm suprised my mother missed this in her line up of greatest hits though she did transfer golden child status to when a younger one came along so it had the same effect
@reneehouser2925 6 күн бұрын
Triangulation is a "tool" that's used by very messed up people to engage in alienation of affection of ANY 2 or more close bonds. It's step 1 in meddling, betrayal, infliction of pain, confusion, chaos, negative emotions and leaves permanent holes in relationships. The axe forgets- the tree remembers!!!
@thedragonoracle7627 Жыл бұрын
My mother let a toxic friend move in and they lost their mind because they couldn’t pit us against each other, since we discuss things pretty clearly and are very blunt people.
@Secretthewolf27 Жыл бұрын
My mother in-law! Don't worry my husband agrees
@Secretthewolf27 Жыл бұрын
My husband and I discovered it when we were having really big issues between us because of what his mom would say to me and say to him. We ended up deciding to talk to each other and figure it out from there. Of course, we both still listen to what she has to say, but we will go to each other and talk to each other about what was said and what the truth is
@sjking1111 Жыл бұрын
Oh shoot! I used to do that with my friends when I was younger! 😬😔 But I KNOW my Mom used to do that with me and my Dad. She hated that I was more like my Dad. And she would outright cause the strife right in front of us!
@sandyhagloch8766 Жыл бұрын
My dad and mum
@Rose8 Жыл бұрын
@triplejmom7826 Жыл бұрын
My father excelled at this. If not for the grace of God my sister & I wouldn’t have a relationship. Seriously.
@cesarbugarini499 Жыл бұрын
My mom af
@peayleebaron4147 Жыл бұрын
girlfriend.. my son... parent. she has totally triangulated us ...😭
@Shikaschima Жыл бұрын
So uh... may have kinda done that unintentionally. Hmm. Welp.
@C4L262 9 ай бұрын
I'm a bit confused. Are two people who have teamed up against me doing it because of my empathy, or is it just a narcissist playing both of us so that we fight each other, giving the narcissist all the attention?
@drdac-ey2uu Жыл бұрын
Is this something that can happen in young children (8-10)
@serenahiggins1849 Жыл бұрын
The goal of triangulation is to locate the position of an object of interest by using the radius of three points around that said object. If you know the distance from each point in the triangle around what your looking for, then drawing circles with a radius of those lengths will give you a picture of where your object is. Typically used with cellular devices.
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