What was the worst rule your school ever enforced?

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15 күн бұрын

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@chrismerrell7957 13 күн бұрын
School staff: 'you have to have a doctors note to go pee more than 3 times a year' The local doctor: 'I regret to inform you that, unlike yourself, student is in fact human and must be allowed access to the bathroom as needed.'
@raymondstandley8760 12 күн бұрын
Sarcastic/passive aggressive doctor's notes MUST be more of a thing
@DarkKnightofIT 10 күн бұрын
​@@raymondstandley8760 Due to legal Bureaucratic BS I had to get a Doctor to sign off on the fact that I _exist_ and he literally wrote in the report "He thinks, therefore, he is." Along with a bunch of other smarmy stuff that achieved the goal of saying I exist.
@jdlech 6 күн бұрын
Also - massive OSHA violation.
@assman693 5 күн бұрын
@bingus_number1 Күн бұрын
I would go regardless of doctors note or lack there of. Its better to pee in the sink then sink in the pee.
@TheDixieDerg 13 күн бұрын
Due to some legal requirements, my old high school rule book had a rule stating that possession of a nuclear bomb was a 10 day suspension. In addition to whatever the FBI, CIA, ATF, etc. would do to you. In addition to this, mine did the closing bathroom thing. We looked up the geneva convention, and found that banning water technically violated the genva convention, and thus the school was technically commiting warcrimes. Speaking of warcrimes, during a lockdown drill the chemistry teacher told us to weaponize the chemicals in the closet on any terrorist that entered the building.
@nukey18mon 13 күн бұрын
Fucking bullshit
@memeboi18 13 күн бұрын
God forbid students have hobbies :/
@agentclank8183 13 күн бұрын
I can probably guess but what year was this?
@Clipdump8484 13 күн бұрын
W chem teacher
@AfricanLionBat 13 күн бұрын
Why do people say BS like this. The Geneva Convention only applies during armed conflicts and occupations and only applies to active participants. It doesn't apply to schools and their teachers/administrators. Schools have a duty of care and that can be expressed by pointing to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and other common sense legal obligations without having to look at the damn Geneva Conventions like an idiot while thinking you have the school in a gotcha moment.
@roxcyn 12 күн бұрын
Zero tolerance *HAS TO BE* the dumbest rule of all!
@ryancampbell4119 12 күн бұрын
My school did away with that and you know what happened only the people who started the fights got in trouble and not the person defending themselves
@Robodinomon 12 күн бұрын
Yep all it taught me was that I have to seriously harm my fellow students in a fight as a posed to just protecting my self.
@GogiRegion 10 күн бұрын
A kid hit me, I pushed him, and then they started punching me so bad I had to be checked out for a broken nose. Both of us got 3 days suspension. Worst part? Had I hit them instead of pushing them, THEY WOULD HAVE GOTTEN A MORE SEVERE PUNISHMENT. My school not only had it so that you both got in trouble for fighting, but that your punishment was determined by how severe the other person’s actions were.
@jswayne7546 10 күн бұрын
It's unrealistic, unreasonable, and unfair.
@ngarcia103 10 күн бұрын
Because it was never properly enforced.
@Danbecker000 12 күн бұрын
My school also had the, "If you get punched in the face you will be suspended for being in a fight," rule. Basically: "Okay, let's put the bully and the kid he's bullying in the same detention room during recess; that'll solve the problem."
@ngarcia103 10 күн бұрын
My school was worse. As someone who's been bullied, sometimes it'd be ONLY ME in detention for being on the RECEIVING end of the bullying. Their idea was that the victim should "just ignore them", and that if I didn't, I'd get in trouble for "retaliating". I'm a grown man now, and still trying to unlearn that all that bullying was my fault.
@Allantitan Күн бұрын
@@ngarcia103so basically by that logic you could have walked up to said bully and punch them and they couldn’t retaliate without being suspended
@frosted_glaceon5513 12 күн бұрын
Actually, someone has died from a rule like that. Ryan Gibbons died from an asthma attack when he couldn't come inside from recess and get his inhaler fast enough because he was forced to keep it locked in the office. He apparently tried to carry a few on his person, but they were all confiscated. I was terrified this would happen to me if they took my inhaler, so I always hid it in my backpack and only took it in the locker rooms or in a bathroom stall if I needed it.
@lucindawelenc2191 12 күн бұрын
@@frosted_glaceon5513 he was Canadian? That's a wrongful death lawsuit in the US.
@francinetitherington4060 8 күн бұрын
There are anywhere from 100's to 1,000's of child deaths at schools over stupid stuff like this but the big coverup was in place.
@physiqueamateur 12 күн бұрын
The girl whom they forced to dye her hair is insane, like “you must modify yourself to conform” is so dystopian.
@francinetitherington4060 8 күн бұрын
Has a friend that was suspended for a week when she showed up at school with a blonde streak in her hair. She was not allowed to return untill her hair was all a "Natural Colour." Her Mum took her to the seaside for the week! Also had a dress code rule that your skirt must touch the floor when you kneeled. If it didn't, you had to go to the office there they sewed a strip of crepe paper on the hem and you had to wear it all day. Thankfully that was relaxed by my senior year.
@kyze8284 6 күн бұрын
@@francinetitherington4060 "your legs might be distracting, so we're going to tape this loud *crinklecrinklecrinkle* WHAAAAAT? WHAT DID YOU SAY?! SPEAK UP! I SAID WE'RE DOING THIS SO YOU DON'T CAUSE A *crinklecrinklecrinkle*" Flawless
@UTR-ul1pt 13 күн бұрын
At my school, we were required to stand and recite the national anthem, the pledge of allegiance, and we had to make a prayer to god EVERY DAY. This took about ten minutes out of my second period class each day, which would always cause us to have to do a lot of make up work by the end of the year, because we basically had to lose and entire period of time each week. My math teacher absolutely DISPISED this rule, and for good reason, he would teach during the time we were supposed to be doing the whole deal, leading to us actually having a year where we didn't have to speed through a bunch of lessons at the end of the year. Because he was a teacher for all grades at the high school, i was excited to see him next year for math class, but when i showed up to his classroom on the first day of junior year, there was a different teacher. THE SCHOOL HAD LITERALLY FIRED HIM BECAUSE HE WANTED TO ACTUALLY DO HIS JOB.
@GiordanDiodato 12 күн бұрын
lemme guess, school in the southern US?
@storyteller2882 12 күн бұрын
@@GiordanDiodato Just an evangelical religion-based school anywhere. Los Angeles in this regard would be no different from Chattanooga.
@Samopps 12 күн бұрын
Good school u get to pray that’s good
@Fanculo_Tutto_Di_Questo 12 күн бұрын
​@Samopps No the fuck it's not
@storyteller2882 12 күн бұрын
@@Samopps You get to pray in public schools, too. The difference is that you are not forced to put on a semblance of praying or risk expulsion.
@LFanimes333 12 күн бұрын
The image of a director chasing a random dude for half a mile just to tell him to take his fucking hat off is hilarious. I actually respect this guy.
@kyze8284 6 күн бұрын
A man of focus, determination, and sheer will...
@chrismerrell7957 13 күн бұрын
You know, for an institution that's supposed to help kids develop their brains so they can live a better life, the faculty seems awfully content to not use theirs.
@TheChibiGingi 12 күн бұрын
"No retaliation" Basically, you were told not to fight back if someone assaulted you. The whole "two wrongs don't make a right" bs and half the time the one who struck back in defense was usually punished harder than the one who started it.
@ResidentMilf 12 күн бұрын
What that tells me is, if someone attacks you, fight back harder because you're going to get in trouble either way and you may as well send a message to anyone else who might attack you.
@empressmarowynn 9 күн бұрын
When I taught in a middle school they had that awful rule so any time I caught a kid being bullied I would immediately put a stop to it and 100% go to bat for the victim, even if they fought back. I was bullied all growing up with no one standing up for me so I'm not about to let that slide, from kids or admin.
@Storytide-dz1rb 12 күн бұрын
Wow, this video really highlights how out-of-touch some school administrations can be. The rule about closing all bathrooms for a week is especially ridiculous-how did they expect students to manage? It's a great reminder that we need to question and challenge illogical rules.
@bothermenone 13 күн бұрын
My old middle school banned drawing stuff in class because there was this kid who was special needs but got zero tolerance because he kept making a series of drawings about threatening to take over the school with "fart bombs"
@Gyropathic 13 күн бұрын
Did he call himself Silent but Deadly?
@GiordanDiodato 12 күн бұрын
I heard that
@ladybeavanerdventures 13 күн бұрын
I will never understand how it is legal in America to require a hallpass to go to the toilet or revoking rights to use the bathroom because in any sane country (sorry america) that is seen as against human rights for natural bodily functions and can be dangerous to hold in as well
@ZephyrusAsmodeus 3 күн бұрын
Straight up, I know people who have soaked chairs in kindergarten because they weren't allowed to leave for the restroom. These really strict rules undoubtedly have untold stores of trauma they've inflicted in kids, I'm sure.
@Illusion517 12 күн бұрын
Personally, if my child got assaulted and the schools only reaction was to suspend them, I would be contacting a lawyer
@ResidentMilf 12 күн бұрын
My daughter's school wasn't *that* bad, but she did get suspended for "ganging up" because she was defending herself and a friend helped defend her. There's video of the fight; this girl attacked my daughter in the hallway unprovoked, and my daughter used the minimal amount of force necessary to end the fight (just like I taught her), and because her BFF jumped in to defend her it was determined not to be self-defense. All three girls were suspended despite only ONE girl being the obvious aggressor. It was later determined that this girl attacked my daughter because she was told my daughter was talking $#!t about her (she wasn't) by someone who *didn't like my daughter's boyfriend.* Some people's kids...
@lucindawelenc2191 12 күн бұрын
@Illusion517 Both of my daughters were assaulted at different times and in different ways. Both times the Juvenile Court got involved. #1 had her contact lens drops replaced with bleach. Fortunately another student was decent enough to warn her before she put them in her eyes. The girl was made to copy all the information on the label of the bleach bottle 25 times. #2 went to the aid of a friend who was being physically assaulted. Friend's back was badly injured, requiring physical therapy. Daughter was knocked unconscious resulting in a minute or so of amnesia, and had her lip split. 25 years later, she still cannot remember being hit, only waking up on the floor. The school whined that they could only suspend him for 3 days, so we parents called the cops and filed joint charges. Kid got 60 days in Juvie. The judge didn't quite call him a liar, but she did say "I believe these girls. I don't believe you, young man."
@annetterobinson4358 12 күн бұрын
In middle school, bandanas were banned because they were “gang affiliated.” One poor new girl had a cold & was using an old bandana as a handkerchief. The assistant principal yelled at her in the hall over it, making her cry.
@dnkmmr69420 9 күн бұрын
why do schools associate hats and shirts with gangs
@acanadian4785 13 күн бұрын
We had a no tolerance policy for bullying in my high school. The student body would literally shun the bullies
@HanaDubs 12 күн бұрын
We do too but they never actually stop you from being bullied
@nameless...................... 12 күн бұрын
in that case, if the consequence is the same, why not make it worthwhile?
@SuperiorFanBase 11 күн бұрын
Did it work?
@aoopsl 7 күн бұрын
In my school they also had a “zero bullying policy” but the people in the office bullied the teachers
@SkinnerNoah 6 күн бұрын
@@acanadian4785 my school was kinda like that, but it was also common for 5-6 people to gang up on a bully if it came to a fight. A student from another school at a football game once tried to fight a scrawny asthmatic kid, and somehow ended up getting beaten by several of the band kids
@lucindawelenc2191 13 күн бұрын
Not my school, but my daughter's. School said that her asthma inhaler has to be locked up in the office of the school nurse -- who was only there 3 days a week. You can't breathe, kid? Sorry, the nurse isn't here until tomorrow. Ad to that, it was a big, spread-out school with several buildings. So they expected her to walk potentially several hundred yards (often in very high heat and humidity) while she was having trouble *breathing?* Hell, no. We got her a doctor's note and she carried her inhaler in her bag.
@TotalNoobAtEverythin 12 күн бұрын
My school had the same rule. They expected me to walk across the entire building while having an attack so bad I was seeing stars. Thankfully once I explained how stupid that was to the dean, they let me keep it in my backpack
@GiordanDiodato 12 күн бұрын
I would have sued
@lucindawelenc2191 12 күн бұрын
@GiordanDiodato had the school said one single solitary word to her about it, there would have been hell to pay.
@Zynt0xik 13 күн бұрын
I went to a rather... peculiar private school during grades 5-9. The school was kindergarden through 9th grade, a total of 86 students. No homework assignments allowed in any grade. We had one mandatory "nature day" a week. All teachers had to be certified in "Non-violent communication". The school was a "parent owned collective", meaning all parents owned a small part of the school. But the strangest rule though was that lunch (this was in sweden, so free lunch for everyone) was home cooked vegetarian food only. Not all children in the school were vegetarians, so eventually some of us older kids got frustrated that we never got to eat meat, so we started collecting signatures to petition for *one* day of getting a meat option per week. The result became a funny compromise because the older students who started the petition had to start taking "home skills" class as part of the mandatory Swedish curriculum at the time anyway, and what better way to do that than to literally have these 13-14 year olds cook for the entire school once a week and if they decided they wanted to add a meat option for that day they were free to do so under the condition that there still would be a vegetarian option as well. It turned out to work surprisingly well, and all parties were fairly pleased with the compromise.
@khazanys 12 күн бұрын
I love this! How did you practice skills without homework though? Esp math and foreign language
@Zynt0xik 12 күн бұрын
@khazanys easy enough, they dedicated time in the school day to study and practice under teacher guidance. the reasoning for no home work is that we generally don't expect adults to "bring work home". Human brains can only really concentrate so much and children, just as adults, should be entitled to their free time to recover from the day. and if you wanted to practice stuff at home during this free time you were free to do so, but it was not mandated by the school.
@ResidentMilf 12 күн бұрын
​@@khazanysStudies show that homework doesn't actually help if the school has dedicated practice time during class.
@Lyrebird.Rainwing 13 күн бұрын
My past school banned paper and pencils in the cafeteria. Not because of vandalism but because "people kept leaving them in the cafeteria!" I was like 1 of 3 people who even brought paper and pencil to lunch I hated that school.
@jeniferdavis1594 13 күн бұрын
Worst rule my school enforced? No tank tops or shorts above the knee. For context, I was living in the Mohave Desert in BFArizona, where it was normal to be 90-110* F for the the majority of the year. From 6th grade up I had to live in that hell hole, it was torture. Also, the “no tank tops” rule wasn’t applied to the boys. I guess an exposed female shoulder or kneecap was too distracting for the boys. That was 20 years ago, and now my child is about to enter 6th grade. We were recently given a “dress code” for next year and, despite being in a completely different-predominantly liberal-state, the rules are still more or less the same. Note, these are US public schools with no required uniforms. I had hoped by now they would be teaching the boys impulse control and stop blaming their bad behavior and grades on “girls distracting them”. Pathetic. Edit to add, we weren’t allowed to wear sandals or flip-flops either. They also had some issue with hats and bandannas, so no one was allowed protection from the blinding Arizona sun. Not entirely sure what they had up their asses, but I’m fairly certain the “no tank tops or shorts” rules were only enforced because the teachers were pervs, and the bullshit reasons that “exposed girl shoulders and kneecaps were somehow distracting the boys” was purely an excuse they used to not provoke the male teachers. Either way, I hate that the rules were only enforced for the girls. When it’s 90+ degrees and the school is more concerned with the “distractions” of boys, despite it being at the detriment to the comfort of girls, it a major issue. It says a lot about the lack of progress towards equality in the US. As a female student it pissed me off that I had to suffer through running a mile and other P.E. outside because normal exercise clothes might tempt a boy to act out. As an adult it pisses me off more when you factor in the insulting implications that all the boys were simply too stupid and primitive to handle the “irresistible urges brought on by exposed shoulders”.
@KayPrescesky 13 күн бұрын
Yep. My assistant principal had a habbit of coming up and touching the girls on the shoulder to "see how wide our sleeves were". He was a perv.
@xTrivago911x 12 күн бұрын
My high school was reasonable compared to the hellhole some of these stories depict. The only bullshit about the otherwise relaxed dress code was shorts needed to be authorized after winter. It was ok in march with summer temperatures, but september/october arrives with temps almost as high during the afternoon, and you were forced into long trousers. That's in a city full of concrete that's also next to a river, where the sun is outright lethal. Humid weather, a really strong sun, and long trousers don't go well together. It's the only thing that actually annoyed me about the derss code though. It was otherwise fine and I could follow it effortlessly. Just black or blue bottoms and a plain white or school designated T-shirt. The school T-shirts were dropped eventually, but it was still fine to wear them if you had them like I did. If you went with the plain white T-shirt, there was a place that sold the school's logo so you could stick it into your T-shirt. If you wore a skirt, you had to wear shorts below, but I think that makes sense anyways, besides, skirts weren't that popular in the first place, myself only seeing a few girls wearing them. Still, not being allowed to wear shorts when the heat went back up in summer. That's plain stupid if you ask me. And no, I was not gonna wear a skirt. They have no tactical advantage whatsoever, which is something I always disliked about a lot of clothing personally, especially skirts, skinny jeans, and short shorts, like only covering half of your thighs. My choice for a while was cargo trousers for winter, and cargo or oversized denim shorts when I could, and it still is, despite not being in high school anymore. Cargo pants have the mobility, cold resistance, and durabilitybfor any situation. All I know is that, if the world is ending, and I need to run at full speed, my clothes won't be a problem for that, unlike crappy skinny jeans, which would never allow me to unleash the full power of my spine breaking thighs. Even then, despite how relaxed the dress code was, most didn't care, and the only one that actually followed it to the letter was me (afaik at least), which kinda made me into a model student alongside my scores. If you know me, you know who I was.
@Sarah-gm9tq 12 күн бұрын
Makes me wonder are these rules for the children or the adults sake
@zekova 11 күн бұрын
​@@xTrivago911xSpine breaking thighs! 😂❤
@leighjade1233 12 күн бұрын
I an atheist, experimented with religion in high school and decided to practice wiccan for a while as it was more worshiping and looking after the earth rather than a specific deity (from what I read, please don't come for me). The RE teacher was Catholic and once went on a tangent about how wicca was fake and disgusting as it worshipped witchcraft. My class, who knew I was practicing, turned to me then told off the teacher. It made me back off religion as a whole. This was in the UK. The teacher was later bullied by almost the whole school when a fb group was discovered of kids talking crap out of her and wanted her sacked. Not because of me but she hated almost all religions other than her own and was generally nasty to everyone. She also had a weird obsession with dolphins.
@lazyryan3766 12 күн бұрын
Dolphins are notoriously sadistic
@tineboes2726 13 күн бұрын
Oh, this video unlocked some of my core memories… In elementary school, in the later years I sat on the upper floor, meaning we had to all use one staircase to go down to recess. We’d have to wait at the top of this staircase for about a minute every time so the teacher could check they weren’t missing anyone. Not that much of a problem, as only one or two classes would have recess at the same time. The problem came that there were classrooms next to that staircase, and apperantly there were complaints about noise while kids were going down to recess, because we were kids going down to recess, obviously we weren’t church mouses. Then the school decided to ban ALL TALKING while going to recess. If you thought this wouldn’t work because we were young kids, you’d be correct! The stupidest part of this rule is that while all teachers enforced it, they only did so on the other classes. If you got caught talking by your own teacher, you’d get a stern look. If another teacher caught you, you’d be missing 5 minutes if your recess. I remember a girl bumping into me while we were waiting, saying sorry really softly, and I whispered: it’s fine. We both had to wait on our recess, and we also had to stand apart, otherwise “it wasn’t a punishment”. That school also had some weird rules around healthy eating. In my country, it’s normal to bring in food on your birthday to celebrate with your class, usually a thin slice of cake, some popcorn, etc. The school decided that you could only bring in unhealthy treats if you’d asked your teacher for permission, but every kid just asked for permission and nothing changed, because I don’t think the teachers had any ground to say no on. In the last year, they also got lots of new rules about what kind of food you could bring in for lunch as part of a health program, but the rules were so strict my mother actually said: “this is how kids develop anorexia.” There were so many complaints apperantly, that the school backpedalled the very next day.
@deadguyfromlost3776 13 күн бұрын
My middle school segregated us by gender at lunch, and we were punished for months for being “too loud” in the cafeteria so we were forced to sit silently 1 or 2 students per table. There were way more girls than boys, so some girls would be exiled to the boys side. Also pencils were banned for a month because of the “Charlie Charlie challenge”
@sydspuppets 13 күн бұрын
man in fourth grade i was bullied until i wanted to reset irl. i cried infront of teachers, and told them about the bullying and they did nothing. eventually my mum pulled me out of that school and homeschooled me. now i’m heading to a public/private school for the first time in three-ish years!
@technothehedgehog203 13 күн бұрын
I wish the best for you in the school many wishes and prayers from a random kind stranger lol ❤🙏
@sydspuppets 13 күн бұрын
@@technothehedgehog203 thank you so much ❤️
@marcoantoniosenzanoarteaga1857 12 күн бұрын
Best of my wishes for you on your new school
@Sharkdude1010 12 күн бұрын
Learn boxing “just in case”
@sydspuppets 12 күн бұрын
@@Sharkdude1010 LOL
@pinecoe 13 күн бұрын
9th grade, they banned hats in classrooms. The reason stated was "they could be used to conceal weapons or drugs." However, backpacks were still completely unrestricted. Brilliant.
@sparrowEP 10 күн бұрын
what they expect: i have gun and drug in hat reality: i have in backpack
@TikkaQrow 13 күн бұрын
9:32 Period Appropriate Paints? You mean LEAD paint? heck if old enough, Arsenic paint. I thought we banned LEAD paint from being used for any reason...
@spiritwolf3103 13 күн бұрын
This was my first thought as well, mainly lead.
@thekarlkeeper8727 11 күн бұрын
The government banned lead paint for use in 1978. I don’t know what the rule is for historic buildings, but I don’t think it’s much different.
@TikkaQrow 11 күн бұрын
@@thekarlkeeper8727 turns out, yes if a building is deemed historic lead paint may be used or even required www.hud.gov/sites/documents/lbph-20.pdf
@sterlingodeaghaidh5086 8 күн бұрын
They are more referring to the colors, lead and arsenic paints aren’t even made anymore let alone sold or legal.
@jessiejames1641 12 күн бұрын
I was a teacher, I’m sure some of my old students would have things to add to these stories - but on the nurse line. I sent a student to first aid, she had a fever (which was the first indicator for a bad flu that was going around) she was feeling really unwell and wanted to go home. After about 30 mins, she came back to my class, told me she had been put in the first aid room and didn’t see anyone after that, so she came back. I let her sleep on the floor in my jacket at the back of the class. An HOUR later, I got an email from the nurse to tell me that my student had left first aid, and told me that I shouldn’t be diagnosing students (I just said she might have a fever). I told her that I knew the student had left as she had been in my class, and saying that she may have a fever wasn’t a diagnosis, it was an observation. She didn’t like me because I criticised the fact that no one at the school, including her, were qualified to run a school first aid room. It forced the school into sending her for further training. Too bad she never seemed to use it. I had students (especially the boys) ask to not go to first aid, that they just wanted to let me know that they weren’t feeling well
@GiordanDiodato 12 күн бұрын
how did she get that job
@stargazer378 9 күн бұрын
About why nurses seem to be talked about more in these threads, I dont have a conclusive answer, but from my own experience I noticed that alot of school nurses are basically the dregs of the medical industry. I worked as a janitor for many schools and i can confidently say, with proof, that 40% of the nurses were hired purely because no one else applied and schools are legally required to have one.
@bingus_number1 7 күн бұрын
I feel so lucky to have competent nurse.
@ngarcia103 10 күн бұрын
My elementary school basically said that when if someone is being bullied, the onus is on the victim to "just ignore it", otherwise the victim would be in trouble for retaliating, while the bully got nothing. I got in trouble WAY too often for being on the receiving end of such bullying.
@drakostheemeraldswordsman8691 12 күн бұрын
i got a detention once, for some asinine reason i cant even remember. they put a desk in the office, had me sit at it ALL DAY, and told me i was not allowed to do ANYTHING. not even school work, just sit in the chair. doing nothing. for an entire school day. the receptionists felt bad for me, an adhd kid with autism, being forced to do that. they called it purgatory.
@Kylie_Conley 13 күн бұрын
We had the first female football player in the history of our high school get expelled a semester and a half in for bringing a full water bottle of vodka. She got called to the office cause the SRO heard about it and because I tutored her in two classes she gave the bottle to me, I very quickly threw it away. We also had drug dogs search the school either weekly or biweekly.
@sparrowEP 12 күн бұрын
whats next? "people in gangs breathe so if u breathe thats gang affiliation you get detention"?
@129140163 11 күн бұрын
Don’t give them ideas!!!
@jenniferhart559 4 күн бұрын
And a quick Google shows just about all standard colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, black, white, and grey) being affiliated with different gangs. There are more than just the red 'bloods' and blue 'crips'.
@bingus_number1 7 күн бұрын
Once i had my copy of Fahrenheit 451 confiscated because it wasn’t approved. Oh the irony.
@Fresher-qx9rk 11 күн бұрын
You’re definitely the best of these story creators. You actually take the time to read them yourself instead of using an AI voice, and you even give your input, unlike these lazy creators that just have an AI read the text and that’s the whole video
@Solesteam 13 күн бұрын
49:50 Not allergic to smells, but strong smells bother me, really bad. A perfume in a closed up car ride because it's winter and we need the heat and can't open the windows? I get nauseous. Same for cologne and car fresheners...
@japanesejackalope 13 күн бұрын
Schools hate bags because you might have a weapon. That’s why most places force you to have a clear or mesh backpack. It’s dumb how far they’ll go though.
@KayPrescesky 13 күн бұрын
Mine told me to split my 50 pound book load over two backpacks and carry them both on my back one atop the other. How is that going to fix their problem of assigning 50 pounds of books to a 4th grader? The books were in braille, for clarification. Also, they were trying to avoid allowing me a rolling suitcase for a backpack because then all the other kids would use one and "That's not fair".
@RobHorrorLive 12 күн бұрын
As soon as they say "religious" I already know it'll be trouble.
@dianasakura4743 12 күн бұрын
5:00 plot twist: they’re siblings/cousins/related Screw you, school! Lemme sit with my brother so I can kick his ass in Mario Kart!
@captainplacard9666 11 күн бұрын
My son's elementary school had a zero tolerance policy on bringing knives to school. My son was sent to juvenile (ARRESTED) for having a plastic knife in his backpack to cut up his apple. Yes, this was the plastic cutlery set that are given out from fast food restaurants...
@lcoq19 12 күн бұрын
This just reminded me that I briefly went to an intermediate elementary school (3-5 grades) and we had 10 minutes for lunch and no one was allowed to speak, at all. The principal would stand at the end of the long lunch table we all sat at and make sure no one talked. But then, at the end of the 1st quarter, that same principal took every single kid who made Honor Roll (all A's for every class) to McDonald's for like 2 hours. He bought everyone a meal- either Happy Meal or Value Meal, whatever we wanted, on his own dime, and then we got to play in the outdoor play place. It was amazing, although it was the hottest day I've ever experienced at 112°F! I moved across the country soon after that event but still remember how nice the principal turned out to be outside that prison-esque cafeteria at school!
@Solesteam 13 күн бұрын
46:10 Fun fact: Considering where many biblical events took place, you can't draw most people from the bible cause they were likely a bit tanner than the average white or peach colour person. Heck a few of Noah's sons were probably forbidden images at that school.
@GogiRegion 10 күн бұрын
I always think about how if Jesus visited America today, he would be discriminated against and assumed to be a terrorist.
@PurpleRanger12 12 күн бұрын
My school(s) learned pretty quickly to take situations dealing with myself and my siblings seriously when they otherwise would brush it off (I’m talking about bullying and not fully following a 504 plan). It’s one of the few times my mom’s Karen tendencies came in handy. If I remember right, my little sister had one teacher that was being inconsiderate and unhelpful after my little sister was in the hospital again. My little sister was/is a damn good student, hard worker and does well in classes. Teacher wouldn’t give any extensions despite there being a medical note. Administration and that teacher did not have a good day when my mom went to the office about that…
@brandonadam1665 13 күн бұрын
Queensland Australia currently bans mobile phones across every primary and high school state-wide.
@farm7379 13 күн бұрын
Not my school, but a religious middle school my high school friend went to. Some rules i can remember on the top of my head are: 1. Boys sit in the front half of the class and girls in the back half, because boys one day must lead girls in family 2. Girls may not sing in presence of boys, since girl's voice will stir lust in boys 3. Boys may not look to girl's face unless it's necessary, since it'll stir lust in boys
@spiritwolf3103 13 күн бұрын
I'm surprised the school didn't ban girls in order to prevent lust in boys
@KayPrescesky 13 күн бұрын
Sounds like the whole "men can't control themselves" bullshit. Someone at that school needs a hard drive check and a date with a woodchipper.
@techz4080 12 күн бұрын
My middle school had a rule if you said “Gyatt” or “Skibidi Toilet” you would get a red card and responsibility room visit. 😅
@RobHorrorLive 12 күн бұрын
I kind of like this rule.
@CatManReal 13 күн бұрын
I don't see no tolerance policies as bad, I see them as an opportunity for excessive force. It's a question of whether or not you want to get suspended for a week for doing nothing, or suspended for a week for putting the person in a hospital. Often times there isn't a change in the punishment, so go all out.
@memeboi18 12 күн бұрын
If you don’t fight back, you get suspended for a week and people are still going to pick on you because you seem like an easy target. If you dislocate the aggressor’s shoulder by throwing them into a locker, you get suspended for a week and nobody is gonna try that shit with you again
@jenniferhart559 4 күн бұрын
Yep, may as well make the pre-determined punishment fit the "crime" of defending yourself!
@sharonrinkiewicz3940 13 күн бұрын
In my elementary school, we had to recite the pledge, sing "America the Beautiful," "Star Spangled Banner" and have a moment of silence. This was public school. Girls were not allowed to wear shorts, but boys could. Girls couldn't wear skirts above the knee. 59:30
@richardherndon451 12 күн бұрын
I think knowing why a rule exists is also as important as knowing the rules.
@karlispovisils5297 13 күн бұрын
With all the stories of evil/incompetent school nurses, I'm glad my private middle school was next to a health clinic, negating the need for a nurse.
@totallynotpakka 13 күн бұрын
i love your pfp
@karlispovisils5297 13 күн бұрын
@@totallynotpakka thanks!
@oliverer3 12 күн бұрын
​@@totallynotpakkaCan't help but Luke at it!
@RedVortex.official 12 күн бұрын
I went to a really catholic primary school, (at least for the students, some teachers seemed to just not care about their own rules) and the principal was highly against energy drinks and coffe and such. One day one of my friends bought a can of Red Bull, *before school started, outside of school grounds, from his own money*, but made the grave mistake of throwing it away in the bin *just outside* the school gate. And since he wasn't exactly a good kid, he almost got expelled for it. Also, since it was a catholic school, there were a lot of other kinda crazy rules too, like prayers at the beginning of most classes, forced 1-2 hours long school plays on holidays, and kinda forced church every sunday (but to be honest only a few people really went, who were mostly forced by their parents). We didn't have a dress code tho, apart from some basic rules, like nothing too revealing, or nothing that was too anti-catholic Also the principal literally said "I won't care who/what started the fight, you were in it so you get punished", and she was serious about it, even if you just tried to calm them down you would get scolded for like 30 minutes straight. I don't think I have to say that basically everyone hated that principal.
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan 8 күн бұрын
My School also had the rule to Suspend everyone involved in a Fight regardless of if they were the Instigator or the Victim... They Suspended a kid that was viciously Bullied (and his Bully) because the Bully punched him...the Victims Father was one of the Provinces NASTIEST Civil Lawyer and Sued the Unholy Howling HELL out of the School, School Administration and School Board for Suspending the VICTIM of an Assault instead of calling the Police to report the Assaulting a Minor...he also called CPS and the Police on the School for failing to stop the high number of fights that happened... The Principal who created the No Tolerance Policy was forced to Retire (15 years early) and Permanently Barred from holding ANY position of Authority in ANY School in Canada...I don't know how much money he was awarded by the Court but it was a bundle...
@bingus_number1 7 күн бұрын
He dropped this 👑
@Pokefan8263 12 күн бұрын
Couldn’t listen to music outside while your walking to class. The stupid security guard blocked me from going to class and I had to go to the office all the way on the other side of the high school campus and missed half the class I was heading to. Thankfully some parents complained and they stopped enforcing that stupid rule.
@AresWalker8 10 күн бұрын
The no boys and girls sitting next to one another. A pair of siblings should have kept doing that to get the parents involved. That way the school has to explain why a brother and sister can't sit together.
@phoenixmalam5888 11 күн бұрын
For story 32: I've had a crappy nurse before. I suffer from chronic migraines. I've had *multiple* nurses deny me ibuprofen or tylenol because i was faking it, or I just wanted to get out of my class. I didn't i was in pain. This one in my middle school said she wouldn't give me pain medication anymore for my *chronic* migraines.
@thegoldencrystal9677 13 күн бұрын
I feel like some of the kids that were in the years below me in high school would complain about how, starting my second year, you had to register for a locker. They wouldn't assign you a locker. The reason was because somehow everyone that regularly used lockers had the ones in what we called The Butterfly Hallway, which was the busiest hall in the entire school, since it had one cafeteria exit, two full stairwells and one half stairwell, plus the stairs leading to the buses. The hall made me claustrophobic my freshman year, and I had a class in the hall. Sophomore year onward was a lot better. Also allegedly the class before mine started there with the rule that teachers had to escort kids to the bathroom and to lockers. Apparently the year prior kids would cause a ruckus in the bathrooms. And during dances teachers got stationed in the bathrooms so students wouldn't make out in there. Oh! And my freshman year my grade ended up causing the split grade assemblies (guys in one, girls in another) because some stupid kid brought a water bottle of vodka and was passing it around.
@ruala1579 12 күн бұрын
Where I live, all the schools have to do a fire drill every year. In my high school in each class I had a map of the route you had to take to evacuate in case of a fire. One year we just took the obvious route of going out to the main door because literally the class we were in was in front of it. When we returned to class the principal came and scolded us for going through the main door. Apparently we had to go to the playground, which was on the other side of the high school, in fact our class was the furthest from that. And I find it even more stupid because there were doors in the hallways that closed automatically in case of fire to separate areas. How were we supposed to go if the doors were closed? The only path that could be followed was the emergency stairs, which lead to the main door.
@jdlech 6 күн бұрын
Years ago my daughters school sent a newsletter to all the parents. It said they were going to send anyone home if they came to school wearing any gang colors. Parents would be called, etc.. So I compiled a list of all gang colors in North America. Not so surprisingly, it covers just about every color and color combination you can imagine - including black, white, grey, and even clear (see through). I sent this list to the principal, the superintendent, and all members of the school board with a note that I 100% fully support their policy and expect them to enforce it for ALL gang colors. Not to my surprise at all, the policy had been abandoned before the first day of school began.
@timetravelingtraveler 12 күн бұрын
My highschool banned going to the WC during classes. That's normal, I know, but not even for girls on their periods. This sucked because it was a school for 16 year olds and above, so that was a huge deal. Then, as everyone who needed to go to the toilet in the last 3 hours had to go at once during break, they thought everyone went there to vape and so it was banned for good. So "someone" happened to kick open every toilet in the entire school. Those remained broken for the rest of the year and never closed again.
@Wolfie54545 12 күн бұрын
I understand kids are crazy and need to be contained because of the fact that their minds are not developed, but I swear these rules are part of the reason kids resent authority. Also legally, at least in the United States, teachers need to know where every kid is at any given time so hall passes make sense. Edit: “American” schools are so strict? Man I live in America and my schools only had basic rules for dress code like “no super short shorts. No vulgar imagery.” Other than that it was normal stuff. Except for middle school. Fuck those staff.
@enderger5308 3 күн бұрын
My middle school had one absolutely moronic rule that I single handedly got changed. We had to walk in one direction in the halls. On paper, these rules can decrease chance of collision. In practice? You were walking into a wall of students entering and leaving the main loop towards PE. The fix? Reversing the loop so the wall of students was on the other side where there wasn’t a hallway. And that’s why implementing a rule like that requires thought.
@LoganverseS1 20 сағат бұрын
Okay, Story 31. That. Is. Fucking. Illegal. Not allowing a person to access basic necessities is considered a crime and torture. Doing that to a minor would add child endangerment onto that charge and that would go out to the whole staff for being accomplices to torture and child abuse, technically. Oh yeah, torture and child abuse (if it really was that bad at your school) could be added as well if the staff was that unlucky. Unfortunately, charges cannot be pressed anymore but that is definitely something
@RandomN0ah07 12 күн бұрын
my old high school had a rule a few years before I joined that girls had to wear a skin colour or white bra. If you got caught wearing a coloured bra you got detention I believe. My mum's friend constantly got caught violating this rule and eventually all the girls got together, took off their bras and made a pile in front of the school. A rule they had when i was there was no one could wear undershirts, at all. it was an Australian winter, 5 degrees, and we only really had biker jackets. I got yelled at for wearing a black thermal undershirt and got told I was a bad student. I've never been suspended and the only detention I ever got was not wearing my sports shirt for three days in a row
@fans9695 12 күн бұрын
@TMK411 12 күн бұрын
My high school didn’t have many strange rules (mainly because it was really soft and didn’t take students too seriously in either direction) but I think the silliest things actually come from the punishments, or rather lack there of. You see there was no detention while I was there, or really anything like it. Most of what they would say was just hollow threats, the main one being catch up work, “if you don’t do your work now then you’ll have to do it during break” that kind of stuff. So that created this dynamic where it didn’t really matter what a student did because they would just be met by hollow threats that the school may or may not actually act on. And regards to the catch up work, well… break and lunch were pretty boring, the school was tiny so there were constantly people everywhere, if you weren’t part of one of the big, highly extroverted friend groups then there was nothing really to do, meaning it was actually good to get work during break for some students (including myself) because it meant there was something to do. Or in other words the staff would be like: “ooh, if you continue to refuse you’ll do it in break” and some students would be like: “yes please”
@jenniferhart559 4 күн бұрын
That reminded me of my senior year in high school ('92). I'd always been a good, quiet kid with a B+ average. I also had about a 45 minute commute each way (lived way out in the country), so I could do some homework on the bus, but preferred not to for penmanship reasons. Sometimes, the school would have mandatory hour long 'school spirit' assemblies that I was never keen on attending (I generally felt OK about the school, but didn't have any emotional attachment to it or its sport team's shenanigans). I asked a few teachers if I could just go work on homework in the library or their empty class; they all said assembly is mandatory 🙄 So, I'd plop myself front and center on the bleachers, and resolutely work on my math homework, butt firmly attached to the seat (wouldn't do the wave, or get up and cheer). I really liked math, so was able to drown out the chaos and focus on the problems. Nothing ever came of it, but I guess I wanted the principal and admins to see that some people have more important things to do, and can't be forced to conform to their idea of 'fun.' (I was SOOO ready for college when I graduated!)
@jimwormmaster 12 күн бұрын
Story 79 makes me pretty mad. I knew some of the special ed kids in my high school, and for the most part, they were some of the nicest, most tolerant people in the school. I got along with some of them better than I did the others. Plus, they deserve to be able to have friends too.
@sazashleigh 12 күн бұрын
Part way through my time at high school we got a new principal who decided to up our uniform policies (they already way too strict for a public school). Two particular things were considered extremely stupid by the student population, and both somewhat backfired: 1) Our uniform shoes were brown leather T-bars. The principal decided that she was unhappy with how scuffed up some peoples shoes were. Rather than just asking students with scuffed up shoes to polish them at home, or even issuing citations, she decided to have shoe polishing stations installed around the school so that if she or another teacher saw that your shoes were scuffed they could send you to go polish them straight away. Now, this doesn't sound so bad in concept right? Except that they stocked the stations with the cheapest brown shoe polish they could find - it wasn't the same colour as the shoes and was infact more red than it was brown. Anyone who used it ended up with their shoes looking worse than they had in the first place. Also, since most students had to move between buildings throughout the day, if it was wet outside the polish ended up running and staining the carpet wherever they walked. 2) Our winter uniform included an ankle length kilt. Almost everyone ended up wearing something underneath (tights, leggings, sweatpants, etc) for additional warmth/comfort (the kilt material could get really itchy, especially when it rained). One of the most popular options was pajama pants. It didn't really matter, because as long as they were tucked into your socks they couldn't be seen and nobody would be the wiser. When the new principal found out about this she issued a rule saying no pajama pants, which again sounded reasonable, until she started demanding that teachers actively check that people weren't ignoring it. This policy only lasted about a week before the school was inundated by parents complaining about how inappropriate it was for teachers to be asking students to lift their skirts up so that they could see what was under them.
@jackcurl2005 11 күн бұрын
It seems like education should be the point of schooling. These schools are teaching something, but it is not something any legislator will decide can be rewarded by a useless test. With all of the emphasis one everything except actually fostering a learning environment that has been shown within the past 50 years to be effective, one might get the idea that administrators and higher get rewarded for all of this non-education-relevant behavior, that compliancy is the goal of education. There are so many great teachers that are not allowed to do the education part of their job it's ridiculous.
@Mavendow 12 күн бұрын
"No bending paperclips." I made a book carrier entirely from paperclips. It wrapped around the books, connected into a square at the bottom and top (for rigidity), and had a handle on two sides for easy carrying. Getting the books was as simple as unhooking the paperclips on one end. It definitely infuriated every admin who saw it; they'd stare daggers at me as I walked down the hallway.
@Mavendow 12 күн бұрын
Oh, I forgot the "after-school electives are required" rule. Yes, you _had_ to take at least one after-school elective. Shut that one out of my brain because it was so stupid.
@lizbriar9565 9 күн бұрын
The no lotion rule, kids can get around that by using unscented lotion (which is a thing). Also maybe schools that opt to ban backpacks should at least allow clear backpacks. There are some on Amazon that’re labeled as heavy duty (plus I’m assuming they could allow kids to decorate them with an identifying sticker or two provided that they don’t cover too much). Also, if kids really wanted to hide drugs or a weapon in their bag, all they’d have to do is hollow out a book (which is doable even with a backpack ban so there’s really no point)
@empressmarowynn 9 күн бұрын
The horror stories about nurses are sadly way too common. At the school where I used to work we had this nasty one. She was so mean to the kids and acted like it was a massive inconvenience to deal with a kid who was puking their guts out or running a high fever. Like lady this is your freaking job! Then they started having her come only three days a week. But the issue was all the inhalers and diabetic supplies were kept locked in her office. So if she was out to lunch or a day she wasn't there those kids were screwed. It only took one time of a diabetic 8th grader not having access to his insulin during lunch for them to start keeping those things in a filing cabinet in the office. The office staff were lovely and had no problem with the kids coming in for their stuff.
@Error403HRD 12 күн бұрын
Dude, in college you pass at 60%. It's not a good pass, but it's a pass. In high school (and Junior/Middle and Elementary too) you pass at 70%. That principal is dumb as fuck if they thought raising an A to 95 was "preparing them for college"
@carcrazynik 8 күн бұрын
Worst rule my school ever enforced was when I was a JR in high school back in 08. I'm gay and had a boyfriend in school who was a year younger than me. A sophomore. Only Jr's and seniors could attend prom unless you got a couple ticket which would allow freshman and sophomores to be allowed to attend. My school refused to sell us a couples ticket because their policies stated a couples ticket could only be purchased for 1 male attendee and 1 female attendee and they just couldn't get around the policy. So my boyfriend didn't get to come to prom with me. The only person in a relationship at prom where my significant other couldn't. To make the moment even worse, I had a fun time dancing with a bunch of my friends. One of those friends was also gay but we had ZERO interest in each other. Well my boyfriend found out we danced together and dumped me. Lovely Jr prom night. 🙄
@RockandRollsince1992 12 күн бұрын
Eventually we were not allowed to use headphones or mobile phones during break. It's 15 years ago, but even back then teachers thought we wouldn't socialize anymore when we're on our phones/mp3 players all the time.
@Solesteam 13 күн бұрын
3:19 Just cause you get a perfect grade it's gonna cause God any problems, heck, if a sinful human is able to get their act together and achieve absolute perfection in all regards despite their mortal state, I'm sure *_he'd have tears of joy_* and have them penned down in a new book of the Bible and give them unending life on the spot. But even the goodest of people unwittingly make questionable decisions, but they're not guaranteed to be related to schoolwork! Any ol mortal human can get perfect grades with the right balance of rest, recreation and retention! (And the balance doesn't even gotta be perfect.) This is somebody's education record we're talking about! Their future! (Or so they say in school... I kinda was swept up by the how you do in school determines the fate of your life thing and kept things above a B at lowest whenever humanly possible so I'm unsure, though my success despite decent grades is... questionable... at best.)
@JoshuaB-wu8pk 13 күн бұрын
@gemcorker3982 13 күн бұрын
True, but it wasn't about celebrating the students' abilities or about how God would dig it. it was about trying to "humble" these young women to stop them from growing "prideful" and "arrogant." (I mean, self-confident & not reliant on external validation for their self-esteem. Cos you KNOW they would NEVER reduce a perfect 100% to a 99% at a Catholic BOYS school.)
@mastersingleton 12 күн бұрын
I went to an Anglican High School where the school dress code is even enforced on public transport before and after school by Transport Monitors and School Staff; if a student is caught breaching school dress code on public transport they got a verbal warning for the first offence and a demerit after the second offence. If a student got 3 demerits they get after school detention.
@Raz0rsEDGE 12 күн бұрын
I singlehandedly got dodgeball banned at my elementary school. I'll explain, dont worry. Remember those old dodgeballs that would escort your senses to god when hit in the face? The REAL rubber balls that left bruises upon impact? Thems the ones. My principal decided we were being too aggressive with them and told us to stop throwing the balls at each other. So I kicked the ball at her. It ended up clobbering her in the face. I got suspended and a new "Aggressive Behavior" branded onto my record lol. Same day the principal declared over the PA system that dodgeball is no longer allowed. It's been 26 years now and dodgeball is still banned there.
@ResidentMilf 12 күн бұрын
Dodgeball should be banned at all schools. It's just a way for bullies to get away with hurting people without getting punished. Whenever I hear someone say they loved dodgeball in school, I just assume they were a bully.
@shadeblackwolf1508 11 сағат бұрын
I heard once of a school confiscating a friend's laptop.. and getting sued for grand theft... it was a braille screen laptop for a blind kid, and the school broke it. It was brand new, and they'd only just started getting rolled out in the country. He was approved for blind aid tools, and this laptop had all several of his school books that did not have a physical braille version loaded.
@radiantred4158 10 күн бұрын
The more I listen to this, the more I realize how much other adults try to control kids like fricking Sims. Some of these rules are truly heinous. And then controlling COLLEGE students- legal adults as far as I can tell- is ridiculous. Rules are rules, sure but some people are crazy. This is why I DON'T miss being a kid. The lack of control and being subject to the unchecked whims of weirdos in the education system is enough to make me love my retail job and beg to pay a mortgage.
@canadalovesanime3137 3 күн бұрын
My high school had two rules I remember. 1) no band tees. 2) girls HAD TO wear short shorts for gym. Those things barely cover your backside. I refused to wear them. I refuse any shorts at all, and would only wear sweatpants. The school tried to give me after school detention. I was a bus student and lived 13 miles from the town the school was in. My father was livid that they forced me to miss the bus. He was even more livid when he heard why I was forced to miss it. He threatened legal action against the school for trying to force me into shorts. He even went as far as to call the teachers and principal "perverts who like looking at children". I got to wear my sweatpants!! He also insisted that I wear band tees to annoy them.
@kimhohlmayer7018 13 күн бұрын
We never had school nurses. I’m 65. The same system still had no nurses when my son went to the same school many decades later.
@ParanoidMarvinMk2 12 күн бұрын
Honestly, the nurse thing doesn't surprise me. Most nurses go into the field because they care, but a not insignificant minority do it because they enjoy the power trip. Who can you control more than small children? Combine that with the fact that a school nurse is not the most advanced or difficult nurse job, and you often get school nurses who couldn't hack it in other jobs, and aren't exactly the cream of the crop. Then... there isn't much room for promotion and it doesn't prep them well for other nursing jobs. So, they just... stay there... forever.
@ResidentMilf 12 күн бұрын
The mean-girl-to-nursing pipeline is real. Most nurses are compassionate, empathetic people, but those that aren't, whoo boy...
@thicctictac3762 9 күн бұрын
“Wear your gang colors to school day” is CRAAAAAZY 💀
@MystiqueRisingSun 12 күн бұрын
Uniforms! PUBLIC school system. Why? Teachers were sick of teens saggin' (waistband of pants below their hips, usually showing off their underwear). The school system wanted high schoolers to know how to "dress properly" for interviews and such once they graduated AND to prevent bullying. Okay, seems fair. Except... 1 - They started the uniforms with KINDERGARTEN children! (The year my oldest started school, actually. Following year, those in K and 1st wore them, next year, K, 1st, and 2nd Graders, etc.) Side Note: Bullying still happened. A group of SECOND graders (7 and 8 yr. olds) were bullying one little girl for not wearing her yellow button-down shirt that day. Apparently it was a thing all the girls in that class agreed on the day before. 2 - They were STRICT with colors. (4 colors for button-down shirts, 2 for sweaters, 2 for pants, 2 for shoes, 2 colors for socks, and 1 color for jumpers.) 3 - The first FIVE YEARS, there wasn't a store within a 50-75 mile radius who had uniforms in stock past AUGUST. August is when kids here start the school year here! Your kid grows a size or two during the year? Their pants look like capri's and their long-sleeved shirts suddenly become 3/4 sleeved and short-sleeved shirts became tank tops...and both also became crop tops. Yeah...that's "professional" looking. They gain or lose a significant amount of weight? Even worse. We won't get into shoe sizes here (which happened - THREE TIMES - to my son in one school year. School is 9 months here, with a 3 month summer vacation.) 4 - Going K to 12 (13 years of school in the U.S.), yep...that meant...it took TEN YEARS (K through 9th grade) before the kids who "needed to know how to dress" actually HAD to dress "properly". 5 - The year after my oldest graduated? They stopped doing uniforms. But it was the same thing again. That year's new Kindergarten class could wear whatever they wanted, but 1st graders and above were still stuck in uniforms...next year, K and 1st graders could wear whatever, etc. *P.S.* Uniforms were also deemed as a "good thing" - by the school board - because it meant parents would save money and wouldn't need to do laundry as often. (Yeah, here we go again...) 1 - Uniform items were NOT cheap. Cheapest item was often a pair of $10-$15 shoes from the dollar store, but those rarely - if ever - lasted the whole year. (Oh, and they still needed "regular shoes" for gym day/recess, too.) 1 full uniform? Easily $100-$125 for boys, $125-$150 for girls. 2 - While the schools did have spare uniforms for kids whose families were in various government assistance programs, it was first come, first serve...and the schools never even bothered to tell the parents! Kids from poorer families were constantly getting dress coded for not being in uniform, when their parents couldn't afford the uniform! 3 - Even families that COULD afford all the uniform bits and pieces could still usually only get 1 or 2 "full" outfits per kid. (We are in a middle class area, having 2-4 kids is normal). 4 - Exactly HOW did the school figure having to wash "play clothes" AND uniforms was saving us money? We now had to do TWICE the laundry! Including using twice the electricity, twice the water, and twice the laundry soap...never mind fabric softener...since - of course - the material used for the uniforms didn't allow for washing with regular old jeans and t-shirts/hoodies. WORST. RULE. EVER!
@Dugga49 4 күн бұрын
Similar story to story 7. In middle school an administrator stopped a classmate of mine on his way to class, unprovoked, for “wearing a pink shirt”. This was the early 00s so dude’s wearing pink wasn’t super common. The administrator said it was “related to gang activity” and for him to never wear it again. The shirt had no logos or anything obscene. Nothing in the dress code says “no pink for boys”. Many of us heard the altercation so it wasn’t hearsay. So as a form of protest, a bunch of us went to buy pink shirts to wear on that Friday and it really picked up speed to the point where the whole 7th grade was in on it. Not everyone could get their parents to buy them pink shirts so a few of the more well off guys bought a ton of pink armbands to hand out. It was such a success the administration made an announcement apologizing to the guy and commended our solidarity. Mr. Administrator guy was beside himself in anger though. For a relatively poorer area public school, this was the highlight of the school year and dude was heralded a legend, despite not really doing anything lol.
@brare45996 13 күн бұрын
I went to a religious private school in 3rd grade. They had uniforms, and notably all girls had to wear either a skirt or a dress. One time we had “crazy clothes day” where you were allowed to wear whatever you wanted, but I was sent to the principal and given a skirt because I wasn’t wearing one 🙄😂 You also had to sit out for the first 5 minutes of recess if you went to the bathroom, and one time I got 10 minutes for going to the bathroom twice
@shadeblackwolf1508 11 сағат бұрын
I'm in a country where a belief is growing that homeschooling is abuse against the kids, they have a right to learn how to interact with other people.
@JensMorrison 12 күн бұрын
Men and women are different. It's not sexist. Its basic biology.
@RealTheScienceCat 15 сағат бұрын
they can still sit together tho, and both should get punished the same, no?
@JensMorrison 14 сағат бұрын
@@RealTheScienceCat I don't remember what specifically I was responding to, but I'm tired of people acting like men and women are biologically identical. We're not. Both are equally valuable. But we're not the same.
@IlusysSystems 12 күн бұрын
Eastern EU prussian cadet style school: meh do whatever, just don't be stupid. 'Murica freedomland(eagle sounds in background): No breathing on school property. I wonder why you have school shootings....
@ThunderClawShocktrix 9 күн бұрын
this like this A school basically said that when if someone is being bullied, the onus is on the victim to "just ignore it", otherwise the victim would be in trouble for retaliating, while the bully got nothing.
@maxameleon 12 күн бұрын
Our school has a “hands off” policy. We arent allowed to touch eachother. At all. No high fives, fist bumps, hugs, anything. Because its “sexual harrasment”. We also aren’t allowed to bring backpacks to class
@maxameleon 12 күн бұрын
I’m pretty sure this rule was put in place because they got into some kind of legal trouble, and also nobody follows this rule. Only a couple teachers enforce it
@bobczech7774 10 күн бұрын
Story 21 reminds me of the one school where shorts were banned, and someone literally JOKED about boys wearing skirts, so a group of boys wore skirts to school and the rule got changed. 😂 Almost no difference.
@debrajahnke5904 12 күн бұрын
Girls having to wear dresses in Minn in the dead of winter. Fortunately they soon dumped that. Have to note it was in the early 60s. My son was attacked in school by another kid who said straight out that my son did NOTHING. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time but my son still got suspended because he was involved and there was no tolerance policy. I understand the need for the no tolerance policy but they need to look at each situation. Of course this school councilor was known for telling kids to just quit school becose they weren't going to make it anyway.
@Gogoseit 10 күн бұрын
thank you for such a great channel, especially with this long form content. my internet has been MIND NUMBINGLY SLOW and videos like this are what is keeping me sane, since I can just minimize the window and just listen with minimal interruptions since it only needs to load the audio (for clarity not all browsers do this, but it's a feature of the browser I am using)
@TobiasClips7734 9 күн бұрын
The recess monitors OH THE RECESS MONITORS. When I went to elementary school, I experienced three different head recess monitors. The first was Mrs. Brainard, However I personally knew her, so I called her by her first name, but kept the Mrs. part. So, I called her Mrs. Michelle. And as a recess monitor? Oh, she was fine. But then, our librarian Mrs. Merramin left, and Mrs. Michelle became the new one. And she read every grade, the same book. So, in fourth grade, she was reading us The big bad wolf and the three pigs or whatever that book is called. Not too bad, but girls ALWAYS went first for EVERYTHING. “Girls, line up first.” “Girls, head to the tables first.” Girls. Girls. GIRLS. That was annoying. Oh, and you talk above a near silent whisper? No more talking at all for he rest of the class! And keep in mind, this was LIBRARY for PRIMARY SCHOOL. And you draw or write ANYTHING on the back of the paper? Well, she’ll be sure to drastically exaggerate the situation to your parents. When Mrs. Michelle left the position of head recess monitor, we needed a new one. So we got, Mrs. Marble. And we all HATED this woman. Oh, and on her first day, she no joke, couldn’t say the word “friends” and one of the backup monitors had to say it for her. When there was conflict, which happened A LOT. Most of the time, first story she heard was the truth, and the other person could not make their plea. It was either that, or the dean’s office. How fair. One time, me and an ex-friend who I was still friends with at the time ran into each other while we were playing Freeze Tag on one of the playgrounds. It hurt, but not badly. Someone told Mrs. Marble, and her course of action was to BAN FREEZE TAG UNTIL WINTER BREAK. Me and my best friend made up many knock offs that were the exact same thing but with different terms in an attempt to bypass the ban. But of course, snitches. After only a few days of Mrs. Marble being head monitor, you couldn’t walk through a hallway without hearing the phrase; “Mrs. Marble has lost her marbles.” Oh, and did I mention she was a BUS DRIVER? Because, she is. I never had her as my bus driver, but I can’t imagine the people who had her liked her. Me and my best friend came up with a term for the few who liked Mrs. Marble, “Marbles.” If word got out you were a marble, total social isolation. Mrs. Marble was so hated, a REBELLION, In PRIMARY SCHOOL, was formed. My best friend created it, and I was a member. There were many plans to get revenge on Mrs. Marble for being a horrible monitor, and one was ACTUALLY EXECUTED. Basically, my elementary school had five areas you could be on during recess, each WTH two different names people called it. Zone 1/the little playground. (This name didn’t age well when it got renovated and became larger than the other playground, so everyone called it Zone 1) Zone 2/the blacktop. Zone 3/the big playground Zone 4/the soccer field. Zone 5/the middle grass. Basically, everyday it was a 50/50 if Mrs. Marble would allow the soccer field. One day, it wasn’t, for no reason as usual. So, the entire rebellion minus a few chickens (about seven eighths of the grade) immediately stood on the soccer field and stayed there the whole 25 minutes. It felt so good to stick it to that woman. Eventually, the rebellion succeeded when a few students found out by overhearing some teachers that Mrs. Marble would no longer be head monitor due to “Student Complaints” I’m not sure if we drove her to her breaking point or if she was fired because of our complaints, but that was great. The word spread like wildfire. But maybe we shouldn’t have been celebrating, since the new head monitor was just as bad. Ms. Ester. Also, a bus driver I never had. She, was horrible. One time, due to dehydration and an extreme amount of running, I FELL TO THE GROUND, UNABLE TO GET UP. My friends are awesome, and stopped playing the game and helped me up. My ex-friend I mentioned earlier was still friends with me at the time, and he walked me to the double doors to get me to the nurse’s office, while my best friend got Ms. Ester. According to my friends, while I was in the nurse’s office, my ex-friend was PUNISHED for helping me to the double doors. Another time, a kid called me the R WORD. OK, I’m normally not a snitch, but everyone has their standards. I told Ms. Ester, and DO YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT THIS LADY DID? She asked me if I was stupid. I told her, “No, I don’t think so.” She replied with: “OK, problem solved.” In conclusion, head recess monitors suck, goodnight everybody!
@mightyocelot 7 күн бұрын
~23:15 "By grade 11, they were happy as long as you showed up wearing pants" 😹
@aidanwaggoner9118 10 күн бұрын
oh yea the principle at my school acused me of lying when I GOT MY ARM BROKE BY ANOUTHER KID
@alexoakleymusic6850 21 сағат бұрын
56:45 as a British person, let me tell you now, they did NOT clean the shoes, nor would they clean the spare PE kit for in case you forgot yours or, heaven forbid, you wore something other than navy joggers and navy polo shirt. The irony? All the spare shirts were white shirts.
@jacklansdale77 12 күн бұрын
If the school requires equipment for a required subject they should supply the equipment.
@ResidentMilf 12 күн бұрын
I agree, but every time a politician says "I'm going to cut taxes," people cheer and vote for them without thinking about the ramifications of such a choice, and as a result US schools are chronically underfunded and can't even afford to pay teachers a living wage, much less supply children with the things they need. Can't speak for other countries.
@RikkuMaraschino 12 күн бұрын
We had two uniforms summer and winter which was just a long sleeve shirt the blazer rule is crazy
@davidvanhorn3340 2 күн бұрын
I was in first grade in 1965-1966 school year, and at recess, due to the tv show, the most popular form of play was Batman. Our school banned it, never said why, just "No more Batman"
@rwbyab7423 12 күн бұрын
Zero tolerance policies for fighting in schools were awful. I got cornered by some punk kid and surrounded by a crowd of onliokers and had to basically fight for my life. Of course I was suspended for being involved in a fight, like I asked for that?? Fuck that noise.
@starfrey 4 күн бұрын
My school banned hats because of gang affiliation. I needed to where a hat because I had a brain tumor that affects my eyes. The nurses refused to give me a pass even with a doctors note and gave me a fake one so I would stop bothering her. Found that out the next year when I went to get it renewed. The new nurse gave me a real one.
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