When Poker Coaches DISAGREE

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Carrot Corner - Poker Education

Carrot Corner - Poker Education

2 ай бұрын

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📜 Video Description 📜
Carrot Corner Coach Justin Liu comes onto the channel to give me feedback on my game as I play 100 ZOOM in real time on PokerStars. We disagree about several spots and have a healthy debate about the right play. In some situations one of us convinces the other that he's right and in other spots we agree to disagree.

Пікірлер: 59
@zakapiorlololol 2 ай бұрын
The video would be a lot better if you showed what solver would actually do, instead of arguing about it. You could spend that time talking about more true ev stuff about the hands.
@GaliReax 2 ай бұрын
I think arguing about it and then showing what the solver would do would be a great addition to this format. I wouldn't completely skip the human discussion personally, I think there is a lot of value to gain from conversations like these and bouncing ideas off of one another, but I do agree with you that showing what the solver would do would be great.
@CarrotCornerPoker 2 ай бұрын
I am planning to make a video with my thoughts in game and then a quick solver analysis soon. I think it’s a great format.
@insomnyteq 2 ай бұрын
I agree to a point. You need to learn how to find the answers and skipping to the answers doesn't teach anything, but it would be nice after the discussion to have the solver output.
@jliupoker 2 ай бұрын
Always a pleasure Pete - I think on all three hands the truth lay somewhere in the middle of our initial intuitions, and all were fascinating spots that require more thought than the time constraints of live play allow to get right.
@CarrotCornerPoker 2 ай бұрын
This is usually the way when there are opposite opinions.
@FizzyToni 2 ай бұрын
You gut the 65s COvBU spot on!
@mikhail4 2 ай бұрын
These type of videos are great. Would be great to see you both coaching clients in future videos.
@teeraw-vt5gc 2 ай бұрын
That 54 hand feels pretty bad.. your oop with 5high vs a range thats going to be too merged checking back alot of rivers with also some reverse implieds on the flush completing outs. Doesnt seem like a winning call at all
@PhonyBologna 2 ай бұрын
Issue is if every time the straight completes villain POTS it, never checks back, and we are ALWAYS good, which is optimistic to say the least. I am ignoring the node where we jam and get his stack... We complete about 17% of the time, so 17% * 47 BB = 8 BB of additional 'equity', so the turn bet would effectively be 12 into 32 (+8 up from 12 into 24), so we then get to about 27.2% equity to continue, which means we are STILL losing. So we'd need to earn over a PSB on average to continue here every time, from OOP. Only way we can justify this is if we had say 54 with a heart, and justify donk overbet pot as an exploit on a heart river and know villain overfolds in that line to make up some of the EV. The key here is upping the win frequency, so if we now also bluff on those 8 other hearts (assuming we have a single heart in our hand for 'balance'), that adds us donking on 19% of flush completing boards, and 8% of straight completing boards (maybe, I could lean never bluffing straight completers vs fish) and if so only when 9 comes in, likely never when the 3 comes in as it doesn't improve enough of our range, that would be a better checkraise). I don't hate playing this aggro, but we have to build donk overbets which aren't a thing in theory... but I don't mind making as we'd be calling here with flushdraws too, so we'd be balanced in a sense as we have a lot of BD flush draws that continue too on the turn for half pot... and since fish over check back, I think building a donking range on draw completing rivers is reasonable and can be balanced to some degree.
@CarrotCornerPoker 2 ай бұрын
​@@PhonyBologna If our average extra gain on the river (above and beyond what pot would already be) is for example 20bb more from Villain's stack which is less than half of the ensuing river pot which becomes 48bb then we require 12 / (24 + 12 + 12 + 20) = 17.6% pot share to call the turn or in other words around 5:1. Our hand isn't far from this. I might have underestimated how often river goes x-x here in game and ignored implied odds on heart rivers too much, but I think it's at least close to a call if not a winning call. To see what's wrong with your analysis: if as in your example, we earned a pot sized bet on the river from Villain everytime we got there, then we'd be calling 12 to win (12 + 24 + 12 + 48) as the PSB is now guaranteed every time the straight comes in and can therefore be treated as in the pot already the times we get there. In this case we'd need 12.5% equity to call the turn bet. Note in this analysis I am already assuming that we win 0 the times we don't improve, and so there is no need to divide the extra implied odds money by our equity as you're doing here - to do so is to say that when we get there, we only get our turn equity % of whatever the pot ends up being and this is flawed as we have nearly 100% equity on straight completing rivers, not 17%. By treating the pot as lost the times we miss the river, we are already accounting for the fact we have only 17% equity.
@PhonyBologna 2 ай бұрын
@@CarrotCornerPoker wouldn't we be losing 12bb 83% which is -9.96bb of the time then when winning we need to 17% * X = 9.96, so doing basic algebra pot would have to be 58.58, so you're right in the pot odds perspective. So as you said 10.58bb on average then minus rake so let's say 12bb to go in on average into a 48bb pot when we call and check... That seems winning, assuming reasonably villain always 1/3 pots in position at 16bb and always folds, which is pessimistic. I retract my statement.
@TheOnlyToast 2 ай бұрын
How much worse is fold pre compared to the call? And is JTo a better or worse call?
@sheriefelsayad5578 2 ай бұрын
It is pretty bad , its just a fold on the flop actually not even on the turn. You have to call 5 bb to win 20, so we need 25% equity which we dont have. Plus multiway pot, plus OOP, I dont know how you can coach people if you play like this. But okay.
@FastPitch357 2 ай бұрын
I gotta say Pete, seems to me you had a bad case of the try-harditis. But what I loved was seeing what Justin has been teaching in the subscription service getting applied in real time. In the sim I ran, AQcc is indifferent between fold and call. Interesting spot! Edit: refined my sim for the AQ hand it is pure calling. Even the dead suit AQ is continuing most of the time.
@jeegee-cx7ss 2 ай бұрын
Still watching the video, but Pete was correct in the first two hands. Even more so exploitatively on the second hand. The 65s gets raised, and the kq, kj suited doesn't. Make sure to check sims to verify what coaches say, because their intuitions aren't always correct.
@FastPitch357 2 ай бұрын
@@jeegee-cx7ss my sim for the 65 hand says it’s a pure fold. I used 100nl 100bb ranges from GTO base. I can go further into the parameters if you want. Either way, what Justin said was spot on. Solver folds 62% of the time, hands like 65s pure folding. Peres comment about wanting the direct gut shot was also dead on. 65s pure fold and 54s nearly pure raise.
@mackerhacker76 2 ай бұрын
Great video gents. Loving the closing songs! ☘️
@TheMiningProbe 2 ай бұрын
On the 56dd hand, on the AA4 board Button vs cutoff 3bp the ONLY bluff raises are pocket pairs in GTO
@alexanderciresa162 2 ай бұрын
kudos for uploading this
@riffin632 2 ай бұрын
I ran all these hands so here’s my analysis. I like writing this out as it helps me think about the hands. Hand 1 45o I can’t run multi-way but with a 17% chance to hit you need to win 20 additional big blinds on average when you do hit. Its unclear to me whether you do vs a merged fish but this is what the argument should be about. Hand 2 56s Justin was pretty spot on that the solver only chooses low pocket pairs with the boat draw to raise and pure folds almost all non pair hands. Pete however was also right that 56s is indifferent and actually does make it 20bb 0.5% of the time folding 95.5% and BU has to defend almost all pocket pairs and a few non paired hands to 20bb so I can absolutely get behind this being an exploitative +ev raise as villan will need to defend a lot of non paired hands to Pete’s 13bb size which probably isn’t happing. Hand 3 AQs AQs is indifferent between all 3 on the flop but mostly calling and indifferent between raise and call on turn but mostly calling again. This is quite a standard spot and I’m very surprised Justin thought this would be a pure fold on the flop as he’d be folding way too much if he’s folding AQs Hand 4 This hand was really weird. The CO here isn’t just meant to build a donk but literally meant to just go ahead and range donk 1/3 which surprised me. If you go down the very very rare+unreliable path that did happen Pete is essentially right that you can’t fold any showdown hand apart from TT/JJ which are both indifferent with awful blockers. Nice video guys
@jonathanhenderson9422 2 ай бұрын
Nice to know my instincts were right on the AcQc hand. I leaned call/call too, and I think exploitatively both are better as IME players aren't great at meeting the correct bluff frequency in these tight configurations (just as they tend to overbluff wide configurations). I've also learned that calling nut flush draws with overs is usually (not always) better because of the strong implied odds + strong pair draw. Bluffing lower flush draws is better for the opposite reasons. That heuristic doesn't always hold, but it frequently does.
@CarrotCornerPoker 2 ай бұрын
Really good analysis, thanks for writing this up.
@cydrus2856 2 ай бұрын
@@CarrotCornerPoker I am just wondering on hand 3, if you had position would you just call instead of jamming on the turn and then shove river if villain checks on a blank? I had the same node yesterday and I call turn with my flush draw ATs and chickened out on river blank, my opponent won with AQo lol
@user-hh7qz1su6d 2 ай бұрын
Justin is very strong at range analysis, how about getting a protocol based course on the sub
@charlieyhp 2 ай бұрын
AQcc is pretty high up among unpaired hands, the worst of the batch would be random suited broadways that we defend a 3bet, which are quite a lot
@fedea82 2 ай бұрын
What's the name of Justin's channel Pete? I couldnt hear him right
@detalores 2 ай бұрын
Yeah listening to the different view points was definitely interesting but almost all of the points being made were based on GTO yet we never got any solver action for any of the spots??! That doesn’t make much sense lol.
@GokuTheSuperSaiyan1 2 ай бұрын
I too would call with 54o there. One thing to note about chasing draws when given bad pot odds is that it is less valuable to do this against bluffy opponents who wont pay you in the event you hit. There are a large variety of recreational players out there, and against the more extreme bluffy ones you'll end up wanting to fold spots like these.
@chrisungoed8793 2 ай бұрын
Nothin x/r on AA4 other than 22-33 as bluffs
@Mathemagical55 2 ай бұрын
Not even 55 and 56hh?
@chrisungoed8793 2 ай бұрын
@@Mathemagical55 yea at low frequeny
@enijize1234 2 ай бұрын
Hand 2- 45o bb defend multiway- I instant went to x/r turn as bottom of range check raise. If villain are tagged as tough i might start folding this with some freq. Hand 3- 56s- i would gangster this and x/r vs btn. Most pool doesnt meet correct defense frequency. If i have player tagged as reg i wont take this spot. No reads im going Hand 4 aqs- calling flop 100% vs half pot bet. If its a fold its exploitable which might be correct vs pool. turn check calling vs 1/2 pot. Im certain algo calls these 2 streets. On river i would only call pair or better. Hand 5- TT- Im getting owned by these bet sizes clap clap villain Overall a really good session. Some weird and cool spots.
@grologrolovic4193 2 ай бұрын
AcQc is a mix otf vs 0.5P on 9s6h2c . Although Solver prefers the 0.75P cbet size in this spot. Greets from your friend GTO Wizard.
@cmc0605 2 ай бұрын
wizard agrees with Pete on the AQcc hand, at least up until the semibluff jam. Pretty much calls all the way through.
@robertmoeller6871 2 ай бұрын
65dd hand does not seem as bad as it was made out to be, however idk what data points to in this config, my intuition tells me you don’t have enough FE, but i don’t think xr is a mistake
@jliupoker 2 ай бұрын
It’s definitely closer than I thought, but pure folding in my sim. I agree I made it sound worse than I should have though!
@GaliReax 2 ай бұрын
I agree. Something about that 65dd hand made it look like a great flop raise in my eyes. I haven't checked the spot with a solver though, but I struggled to comprehend why it would not be a decent raise in this spot. :)
@robertmoeller6871 2 ай бұрын
@@GaliReax SPR is p low
@GODofFM 2 ай бұрын
mtt player here, and in that spot we have a super standard xr with 65s in that kind of situation, definitely better continuation than QJs JTs kind of holdings; and I see a lot more fe in reality than in theory given the pool going to overfold that node; but I'm not really sure it applies to cash games without ante structures so seems super close but difficult to evaluate at first glance
@paulgibbons-keynotespeaker 2 ай бұрын
Justin is a NIIITTTTTT... anyhow AQcc is like call 80pct flop, even without bdfd... turn is 70pct call 15pct CR small, and 15pct fold - interestingly kq with bdfd mixes flop call and mixes SOME check jam turn
@Jacobson-dp7gg 2 ай бұрын
Sorry to say this Justin guy comes across as someone who’s geeked out on solver rabbit holes (yet still inaccurately predicts the threshold on every hand in this video) but has no clue how poker actually works and how to make money. Does he even have a winning graph to show?
@maxwelllittle5291 2 ай бұрын
To be fair in the 54o turn spot there is a decent chance that call is very close to 0EV, and against recreational players the uncertainty is larger than usual so it is not surprising that two strong players disagree.
@GODofFM 2 ай бұрын
I think against recs (and not only) in particular there's no uncertainty as you have pretty decent pot odds with implied odds; when hitting your outs on the river you have to get only 45% of the pot (roughly) to breakeven while you can potentially win a lot more. Frankly I was surprised to hear there were arguments for folding there
@sheriefelsayad5578 2 ай бұрын
​@@GODofFMactually Im surprised they only discussed the turn because this hand would have been a fold on the flop already. We only have a gutshot on the flop, backdoor flush is just never live. On the flop we need 25% equity to continue, which we dont have. Plus we are out of position, Plus multiway pot. So you're not even printing a zero. Its - EV
@KingsOfCardio 2 ай бұрын
Close to 0ev? Prove it.
@GokuTheSuperSaiyan1 2 ай бұрын
​​​@@GODofFMaccurate analysis. About 50% pot in bets has to be made on the river on average in the event you hit, for it to be a 0 EV call. One thing I've noticed is that chasing draws when given bad pot odds is that your implied odds aren't as strong if you're against an opponent who is bluffing a lot
@Mathemagical55 2 ай бұрын
It's close to 0 EV in the sense that -2 BBs or -3 BBs are close to 0 BBs.
@Mathemagical55 2 ай бұрын
The 54o hand is bad and a good example of where players leak money. It's not a call pre, or even close. Even if a solver proved the call was +0.1 BBs, no human can play well enough post-flop to realize it. The flop call is questionable because the pre-flop raiser has the option of check-raising when we obviously have to fold, having dropped another 5 BBs. On the turn we have 8 outs and while the chance of the villain having 59 or 9T is negligible there is certainly some chance of a backdoor flush. Let's say we have 7½ outs which means about a 1 in 6 chance of hitting. So we'd need our call to take the pot notionally to 72 (for a sixth to be worth paying 12) which is 24 more blinds we'd need to win from villain - on average! Since it will go check-check most of the time that's extremely optimistic and not really achievable unless we're against an absolute beluga who'll both bet and call it off. All of this ignores the opportunity cost of playing the hand and distracting our brain by playing a difficult spot when we could have just folded pre and seen several more hands, one of which will be profitable to play.
@CarrotCornerPoker 2 ай бұрын
On Preflop - We're not playing vs solvers, the other humans also have to play well to make our call -EV and there is at least one known weaker player in this hand. I don't think it's as clear as you think that calling preflop is significantly losing. I'm not convinced it's very difficult to play most of the nodes that follow a defence of 54o in ther big blind. Most of these nodes are just simple x/f spots, some are flop huge and check-raising and others are just close decisions about whether to call a bet. Sure we can make some mistakes, but so can the rec when he flops top pair vs. our two pair etc. On flop - I think the flop is closer than I thought in game. I would estimate that when the turn is a 3 (8.5% of the time) we are entitled on average to a pretty big pot in this situation. There is also some small-medium chance that we see the river for free which adds a bit more equity. If our average reward reaches 50bb or so when we get there, then the flop call can very easily be winning. In game I neglected the branch where UTG raises. I think this is super rare but definitely lowers our realisability a little. The main issue I take with your analysis here is the 'another 5bb dropped' part. This focuses only on the risk and not the reward. If this flop call is losing then IMO it's by a fraction of a big blind, to cite 5bb as a loss is misleading and equates to just focusing on only the branches where we miss. Of course we lose in those branches that's a given whenever you have a pure pot odds/implied odds chasing spot. On turn - I don't think 24 more big blinds is that unreasonable a target for the river. There are some branches where weaker players bet/call river here and because our outs are pretty innocuous cards, I think this will be reopened often than you do. I take the point that the turn half pot sizing leads to more river checks than a bigger size and I do think I overestimated in game how often river gets reopened. You say 'unless Villain is a Baluga' - when this is the case we have enormous EV so even if you only think 10% of recs are 'Balugas' these have a large impact on the EV of this call and we shouldn't ignore the possibility because it's a rarer type of fish.
@zeljkotokic100 2 ай бұрын
Wtf is with this ur coach, he doesnt know what he is talking
@GaliReax 2 ай бұрын
I think you are getting nowhere with poker if you have this sort of mentality mate. Poker is a fluid game, it's not black and white, and if you fail to absorb value from these open-ended conversations between two guys, no matter whether you agree with them or not, that is completely your fault. With that said, on a more serious note - nothing that either of these guys said in the video is a pure blunder. There were some differences, but to say that any of these guys doesn't know what he is talking about is straight up incorrect.
@trapsification 2 ай бұрын
Should I look at subscribing to GTO wizard before buying the Carrot poker school when Justin says at the start that new players should learn theory before anything else? I have a small bankroll and not sure which would be more beneficial for me to use
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