Why are Half Life’s SFX SO Funny?

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Simon Zinzovski

Simon Zinzovski

Күн бұрын

About 3 years ago “Half-Life SFX” videos started really popping off. People would take the sound effects from 1998’s Half-Life and dub them over movies, TV shows, cartoons and cat videos. There is a reason these videos are so funny and in this video I break down the sound effects to try and find out why.
My Website - simonzinzovski.com
My Soundcloud - soundcloud.com/simon-zinzovski
My cover of Hazardous Environments (The Valve Theme) by Kelly Bailey - soundcloud.com/simon-zinzovski/hazardous-environments-cover
Some original, Half-Life inspired, music I made for this video - soundcloud.com/simon-zinzovski/half-life-type-beat
Kelly Bailey's interview with The Gaming Library - web.archive.org/web/20111229022934/thegamingliberty.com/index.php/2011/08/26/creating-a-mute-icon-ex-valves-kelly-bailey-talks-gordon-freeman/
A more in depth video explaining digital audio by David MacDonald (well worth watching if you are interested in nerdy audio things) -
• Sample Rate, Bit Depth...
‪@Hellmord‬ 's channel (which has more Half-Life SFX videos on it) - www.youtube.com/@Hellmord/videos
Get tf out (the Test Chamber) by ‪@googleygareth‬- • Get tf out (the Test C...
00:00 Intro
00:29 Sample Rate
01:53 Bit Depth
02:49 Why LoFi audio is cool
03:48 Artistic Intention
05:25 Example 1 - Black Mesa Transit System
05:57 Example 2 - Rocket Launch
06:42 Example 3 - XEN
07:28 World Building
08:10 Conclusion
#halflife #sfx

Пікірлер: 490
@followingtheroe1952 10 ай бұрын
I think its also cool how the sounds blend with the soundtrack: the weapons are percussive, the alien sounds are cutting, and the health/armor stations sound like vamps to their own soundtrack
@SimonZinzovski 10 ай бұрын
yeah when the musical moments happen the sound palette blends so well with the sound design
@SimonZinzovski 9 ай бұрын
bro how you gone live like that ?
@fridgefreezer9529 3 ай бұрын
This dad pun gonna make someone experience heart attack
@G_Matto_shorts 2 ай бұрын
​@@TAREEBITHETERRIBLE yo you got some good dad jokes
@MagnetismR 10 ай бұрын
I always adored Half-Life's sound design. It inspires me to create soundscapes and effects of my own. This video is a god send. An enormous part of the continuity between the first and second game is Kelly Bailey's sound design. He makes up the audible soul of Half-Life, and it wouldn't be half as charismatic without it.
@SimonZinzovski 10 ай бұрын
I 100% agree my friend, also thank you for all your interesting comments, I have enjoyed reading them this morning 😅
@brymsd8895 Жыл бұрын
The pacing of this video was fucking superb banger as always
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
thank you for the continued support bro, i try and make em better every time
@julianbruno1436 Жыл бұрын
Just for the record, you keep delivering high quality videos that I enjoy watching and want to thank you for teaching me something new with a fresh perspective. Thank you. -Julián
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Thanks for coming back for another video brother 💕
@VanBourner Жыл бұрын
I remember playing HL1 when it released. I was freshly 7 at the time. And I was scared shitless of the zombies so I just roamed around and never caused resonance cascade after doing it once (I legit died to the first headcrab about 8 times before learning I can just run past it and aiming in games was never my forte but back then it was even worse). As a result I had friends among the scientists. Back then you did not really have the luxury to get another game and HL was just so pretty looking that I pretended I am a scientist going to work and spent like 3-4 hours on rainy days, just roaming around the facility. Pretending I am doing experiments, going for a lunch etc... As a result hearing so many of these 11k lines are like hearing friend's voice again (Source uses higher resolution sound IIRC, probably why it felt a bit off to me). I remember being so amazed how lifelike the game is. I could not speak a word in English back then so I pretended that we are talking about stuff with my friends, thinking they said something about their family when they were talking about their ties. As a result I never thought of the sound design this way. I heard the sounds so much in my formative years (I did eventually play the game when I was like 9 and much much much braver, also able to speak basic english) that I never really notice how obstructive and unreal they are. And the sudden shift to Xen is probably why I always felt so uneasy and unhappy there. Another great video about sound, something that many (including me) have overlooked so much in past or taken for granted only to figure out later on that sound (and sound design) is the warmth of the world's embrace.
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
VanBourner back again dropping the compelling comments! Thanks for sharing your stories, it always reminds me how human the connections are that art makes. Half-Life is a beautiful and iconic gaming experience and i think it is really worth celebrating and exploring what makes it work
@VanBourner Жыл бұрын
@@SimonZinzovski Thanks for making great content, as someone who used to grind youtube a bit (albeit 10 years ago when the landscape was entirely different) I know the pain of fighting the algo and appreciate the effort and production quality you have. And also bot begging for likes and subscribes. That resonates with me, but I know that it works so I won't mind when you eventually start doing it out of necessity. Btw will you start a patreon?
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
I think I will eventually launch a Patreon, but I don't want to do so until I have something valuable to give people in return for their support (behind the scenes content, extra videos, idk cool stuff like that)
@VanBourner Жыл бұрын
@@SimonZinzovski fair enough :)
@christinap.4745 Ай бұрын
Honestly I dunno why but this is so cute omg, it really does go to show that even the simplest things in games can be appreciated so much
@lightbringerpip Жыл бұрын
I can’t get over how passionate you always are with the subject, and with how entertaining you edit it all together too. Always gives me a good few chuckles while learning something new about sound design all together. It feels awesome being here for the (mostly) start up of your channel and I only hope it goes up from here!
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
I couldn't make these videos if i wasn't passionate about it! Thanks for the kind words, and I'm really thankful that my silly video could make you laugh
@TheBucket666 Жыл бұрын
I love your videos, not too long, not too short, really cool effects and they are covering stuff i have no idea about. keep doing your thing man!
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Hell yeah thanks dude, the positive comments really make all the effort worthwhile
@vikyantakinawa5450 Жыл бұрын
Your channel has grown so fast in such a short period of time, and you keep making some fantastic videos! Keep up the good work!
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
You are too kind, I really appreciate the support friend :))
@VanBourner Жыл бұрын
he found a great niche that is really missing on youtube. There are few channels that discuss sound and sound design, and when they do they do it for movies or TV shows. But rarely for games, and honestly it is surprising to me that nobody really filled the role earlier (of course the production quality plays a big part of it and Simon has a mix of hbomberguy and GeneralSam production quality). Only shows that no supply does not mean lack of demand.
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Those are some very generous comparisons! I really want my videos to provide something that people can't find anywhere else, so that they are worth the viewer's time
@VanBourner Жыл бұрын
@@SimonZinzovski you're suceeding, I give you that :)
@bodybuilding6955 Жыл бұрын
в e🎉😂 g😂😂❤🎉😂🎉😂❤😂❤🎉🎉😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤😂❤😂🎉❤😂😂🎉🎉❤🎉🎉 е 😂❤😂🎉🎉❤😂❤😂😂 😂❤😂❤ ❤❤ vggg ❤ ❤ ❤ q h q ❤ ___[..[ й ❤ й й й й й ❤ в й А й й фф❤ф й в Й фффу фФ ❤фФ ФФ й йЕФ фФФф й ФФФф фффф йффффФФФффйффс а й фффф ой уй й Йф ффСйЙ фф❤йффуффффффйкФ❤фФффффф й ффФ фффф ффффФф Ф❤ фффсффйфффЙффффффффйфффФфффтФфФффффФКфФФФфйФфйффффффффф❤фФфффФфЙффффкфФ❤вфйф❤фФф ф й фйффФфйф❤ФфффффффффФфФФфФФфффйф фафффф❤ ф❤фффффф❤ффффффйфФ фффЕйффффФфффФфффФефффФфйффффФф❤ффф ф йффффф феффффйфЄффтфффффффффффффффффффФфффффффффффффффффффффФ ффффффФффффффффффФфффффффкфффффффФфффффффФфФффффффффффффффффйфффффффффФффффффФЙФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФфффффффффФфффффффФфффФфффффффФФФФФФФТФФФФФФФФФФФФФСФФФФФФФФфффффтффффффффффффффф ффффф фф йф фффффффффффффф фйФфф фффффф сфтфффффф фчфф ф ф фф ффсййф фффф Фф ффф ф сфф ффсййфффуфффф фффф ффф❤ фафф фф фф❤ф ффф й ффффффф❤йфйф ф ❤фф йф❤й йффффй йф❤ф❤фффФффйффффффффффффффйффйй йфффф йфйфф ффффйф ффффффйфф йфффф йффффф йфф ффф фффф ффффйфс йфф ффф ф ф❤ ффф фф ❤ йфф ф ❤фф ф йфф й ф їх йфф фф фф й фф Ффф фф ффффффффффсфтффф фф ффффффф ф ффф ффффФф. ф фффф фф ф ф ф ф Фф фф ф Ффф ф ффф фафф ффффф ф фф фа фффф ф ф фф фф ффф фф фф ффффф фф❤ йфйаафтфйтс ффффф ф ф ффф фф ф фффф ффффф сфйф ЕФІРІ йф ффф ффф ффсййффуфф ффффф йфф йфффффф ф фйффффй фффффффф ффсййфф фф фф фффффффф ф ффф ск фффффффффсффф фф ф ффф фффф ффсй фйффффйф ффффф❤ ф фф ф ф фф ф й ф ф йфф ф йфйф ф ф фффф ффф ф фффФф й йф ф йффйФфффффф ф ффф фф ф ❤ф ффффффф ффФффф ф й ф ффф фффффф ф фффф фа Фф ф ффф ф ф ф ф фф ф фафффк ф як ф фф ай фффф Фф фф фффф ай ф фффф ф ф ф кффсффф ффсййфффФффтфсффф ф ф ф Й Ай ф фф ффф фф ффф фффф фф ффф ффффффф ф ффффйффййфффкфй йфффф Ффф фф ффсййфйффффффф ффЙфф фф ффф ффф фффффффффф фф ф к фф ффффффф фф сЙсфффйффа ффффф сфф йффффйф ф й фф Фффф ффф ффф ффф фффф Й фффффФффффффффсффф фффффффффкфффффс фффффффй йфф фффффсфффф фф фф ффффсфф фффф ффвй ф фефффЕффффс фФфффф ф ФфсййьфФфсюф ай фФфФффффффффф ф ффффф ффФафффффффФффФф фффф фф фаффй є ф ЙФфф ффФфффйффф ф ффффф ф Ф Ффйфф фФфффффФ ф й йМ ф йФфф й ай ффф фф сфф ффффФ фффФфффффффффффффффффФфффффФфффффффффффффф кффффффффффффффффффффффффффФфйтсфф фффф ффффффффф ф йффф❤ ффффффєфффффффФфффф ф ффффф ффффф фффЕй фффф ффєфффффффйффффф Фс❤ ф фффффффф фффЙф фаФ Ффффсс ф ай ффФффффф ффффф йф ф ф❤ффФСуфф фффЄфффФФффффффф ф фф фф фффФффффффф фф фффФ ф йфКфф ф чи ффф ф ффффф ффф Ффффф ффффф Ф ф фф ф ф фФф фффффф фффй❤ фффффффффффФф Ф ф й фффФ ф фф ффф ф фффффф ф ф фф ффф фффффф ффФ фф ффйфффФйффффффйфффй ффСй йфф Ф ффффйффффффф ффсЙйф фф ф фффффф фффФфффффс ф ффффФф ф ф ф ффф сфф фффф ф фффф фф йФфффф ф йф ф йФй фф фффф ффф ф ффффф Ффф Ск с фф сффф ффййффф ф фф фФС ф ф ф ф й фффффФфф ф ф ф Сф ф ф фф фй ф ф фаффф фф ф йф ф фф ф сфф фф ф ф ф фф❤ Й с ф фф ф ф ф ф ф фф ффЕС ф Сф ф ффф ффф ф фффф ф фффф у ф фшффф йфф ф ф йсф є ф фй ф ф ййййй ф❤Ффф фафф ф й ф ф ффф сфф фф ф ф фффф ф ф ф фФ ф ф с ф фффс ф ф ф Ф ф ф йфС ас в йф фСйфф ффа ф Ф ф ф фф фФф фф ф йф фффф фФ ффф Йй ф ф Ф ф фф фффФ сфф йф ф фа ффф й ф с Фф с ф фф йфф ффф ф ффФ фФ йййййййййййййййййфФф фффйоу Ффф ф фіоффе Ф й Ффф фффй ф ф йсФф йфф й ф йфф фйФФ ффф фф ффффй фффффс ❤ффф фффффффффйффФфФйФффФйффФЙфФ❤фФффффффє❤фффй фффйййй фффй❤фФффййййФ фйЙф фФ ффйййййййй йфф фф фййййййтй аййфй ффййффф qa aq❤a a ❤ a squareqqqqqqqqqqq aq❤aa a aqqqqq aqqqmmq a a qqq q qq qq q q d e q q qq q q q qq q lqq ❤ ❤ q q ❤ ❤ ❤ q q ❤ ❤ ❤ є о ❤ у у у у у у овв уун уувв р у о р о у у у у р ❤❤а й й й ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ й й й ❤ ❤ й ❤ ❤ ❤ у ❤ р ❤ й й❤ и й у й йй о ❤ й й йа ❤ й у ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ й й й т й ❤ й ❤ и ив ❤❤ й вбув ❤ т й ❤ й сй в й ну й ❤ й й ❤й йй уйй й ❤ ЙЙ Й ❤Й й йЙййсЙййййййййййй❤йЙ❤ЙЙфййФЙйй йййййЙф йййЙйй ййЙЙЙЙЙЙЙййфЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙфййййФйвФййййййЙйййЙй Й йфЙй Йй у йФйй ❤ йй т фЙ❤❤ р Фа фффф ф❤ф
@krenzzie7290 Ай бұрын
1:39 Caught me off guard so hard, hearing a Half-Life voiceline in non shit quality just makes my brain go "DOES NOT COMPUTE"
@danielfisher417 9 ай бұрын
The editing on this video is really exceptional.
@SimonZinzovski 9 ай бұрын
thanks dude, glad you enjoyed it
@diamondhamster4320 Жыл бұрын
Amazing video as always. Really highlights how important is super recognizable and memorable soundscape to longevity of any media product especially a video game.
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
The effect sound has on media isn't always obvious, but it is always huge (i think)
@Mattowel Жыл бұрын
Gordon have to hear all of this, he's a highly trained professionals Jokes aside your editing and vfx is always spot on and how you explain your research is always clear and easy to understand something that are complicated to explain. And the way you use analogy is a nice example. I got a question tho how you most of the time found some topic to research and talk about.
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
My brother and I usually workshop a few ideas based on the games we are currently playing or really loved in the past. The most important thing is that I am passionate about the idea, because I think that enjoyment will translate to the viewer's experience of the video
@yuin3320 Жыл бұрын
As someone who just adores learning about the theory and usage of all manner of craftsmanship and techniques (whether it be games, movies, what-have-you) this is such a fantastic channel. This is basically like if old school Extra Credits focused on video game audio and soundscapes. Such a wonderful thing to see explored in so much depth
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Yo thank you for the kind words and the v v flattering comparison. I'm really glad I could make a video that you would enjoy :)
@mekarum Жыл бұрын
Great video throughout! The sound quality explanation was super clear; made me appreciate the sound design even more. No sound feels like healing like *SCHWOOOWUHOOOONWHWOOO*
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Half-Life sounds are built different fr
@lusterinekennedy2396 Жыл бұрын
I absolutely like this video of yours, I can't help but watch it over and over again.
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
I absolutely like this comment of yours, I can't help but read it over and over again 💞
@pixelizednofiltery.t.6584 Жыл бұрын
Love your content
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Ight ima keep making it then
@MoeMoe-ti1ut 9 ай бұрын
Your cover at the end was so cool, great job ❤🎶
@SimonZinzovski 9 ай бұрын
thank you dude! glad you liked it :))
@texxel1787 3 ай бұрын
i literally love your content so much
@SimonZinzovski 3 ай бұрын
thank you, hypno cat ❤️‍🔥
@FighterZ72 Жыл бұрын
Very good stuff my dude! Keep up the good work with these hella insightful vids and I guess *ear* opening experiences.
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
thank you grim, i live an ear based lifestyle for sure👂
@nirvana613 Жыл бұрын
You don't fail to impress, another awesome video ! So great to see a new channel start off so strong and keep bringing high quality content, really looking forward to seeing where you will take us next !
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Glad to see you commenting again! I really appreciate the support, it makes me very motivated to keep making things :)
@vovabelik0v Жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot for your clear artistic goal of making videos look and sound incredibly cool! ❤
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Ayyye thank you thank you, im glad it came across ✌️
@notartyom8915 Жыл бұрын
mate you're a legend for producing these great videos at the rate you have been going at. this sound design stuff is something I've never really thought about before. also I think this video hit a pretty great balance with the goofy editing, not too over the top like the fallout video. keep it up mate, I'm loving it
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Thanks dude! I was definitely trying to strike a balance between my last two videos, keeping it funny while not being too overbearing. Glad I could make sound design interesting for ya ✌️
@swissmagic Жыл бұрын
Keep it up, I’m loving these videos
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Heck yeha, I will keep it up for sure
@swissmagic Жыл бұрын
@@SimonZinzovski I would also like to see your guitar covers in maybe an unlisted video in the description of the main video, I liked the valve song thingy you made
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Yo thank you thank you, the full cover is free to download on my soundcloud (which you can find in the description), but a full unlisted video of my guitar playthrough is not a bad idea at all
@wheatpuncher27 Жыл бұрын
very eloquent! well put and easily understood. loved the footage of you actually playing the music at 8:12, gorgeous instruments (:
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
ahah thank you wheat puncher, I think it is really fun to engage with the music of a series, you learn a lot about it in that way
@DoctorBreenBB 10 ай бұрын
SFX in Half-Life not only very recognizable, they also have gameplay function too, monster sounds for example very distinct, which allows player to know is specific monster is alerted without seeing it, Houndeyes have loud charging sound so player know if they are attacking him if they sneaked up behind, same with monster sounds from Doom 1-2, they have alot of shared idle sounds, but alert and die sounds are distinct, so player know if some dangerous enemy as Baron of Hell is alerted or died without seeing it. Also modern games, lets take new Dooms and Black Mesa remake of HL imho have worst sound design, sounds aren't distinctive as in older games, in Black Mesa Houndeye charging sound is similar to rest of their sounds, and in new Dooms monster roars also similar between each other, so they worse gameplay wise, and artistically wise they sound really generic, like something I heard alot in other titles, comparing to sounds from other games.
@SimonZinzovski 10 ай бұрын
I think you make a very good point. A lot of art design in gaming has shifted towards favouring realism (with the idea that it will increase immersion) but I feel like the more abstracted quality of video game art assets that are struggling against technical limitations can sometimes create a more vivid experience
@Wade.K.Savage Жыл бұрын
Another banger. Keep up the amazing videos, Simon!
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Thanks Wade! Always good to read a comment from you :)
@Wade.K.Savage Жыл бұрын
@@SimonZinzovski My pleasure dude. All the best.
@Vistalgia Жыл бұрын
Your videos are a breath of fresh air, man! I aspire to just drop bangers with all the extensive research and depths you’ve gone through the editing process. And let’s not forget your music either! Your SoundCloud deserves more attention!
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
I'm really glad it resonated with you Vistalgia, and thank you for shouting out the SoundCloud as well ahaha
@Tailset Жыл бұрын
Another banger of a video from our boi! Keep them coming brother!
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Aye I gotchu, thank you for sticking around 💕
@kacperjestfajny Жыл бұрын
Thats just great :) I'm super happy that i found your channel :)
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Ayeo i'm glad to have you here, i wouldn't be making videos if no one was around 🤷‍♀️
@joakazket Жыл бұрын
Amazing as always ! I really like a good sound design in a video game or any media in general.
@mitya_music Жыл бұрын
came here to support you once again! thanks for beautiful videos Simon
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
thank you for the love dude it really means a lot 🙏
@BopBibbly 11 ай бұрын
Great video! I love the editing, the explanations of sample rate and bit rate. The little detail of using lambdas instead of A's. The great cover of Hazardous Environments and that drippy, Half-Life type beat. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!
@SimonZinzovski 11 ай бұрын
Ahhh thank you!! This is for sure the best video i've made so far, but the next one will be even better !! Thanks so much for the support :))
@TwoSouthFarm Жыл бұрын
This channel is amazing
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Stoppp, you are too kind my friend
@myspace2001 Жыл бұрын
I really don't like a lot of music/sound related YT video essays, mostly cos many people waste a lot of time & keep regurgitating content, but Simon Zinzovski keeps me entertained the whole way through & I always learn something new & interesting. Even the stuff I already knew is interesting because it's accompanied by funny pictures and stuff
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Shout out to all my Di Drews out there, even if they abandon you in a ballet lobby they still keep it 💯
@drbone4287 6 ай бұрын
really creative editing! i like it. GJ
@SimonZinzovski 4 ай бұрын
thank you doctor !!!
@kawaiiasfucc 5 ай бұрын
its nice to see someone considering this and explaining detailly
@SimonZinzovski 4 ай бұрын
thank you for seeing !
@miserablepile 2 ай бұрын
The crowbar sound is like the metal pipe falling of its time
@loganireland3113 Жыл бұрын
your music is badass man, keep up the great work!
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
I think you are the first person to describe my videos as badass, so thank you for that 💪
@JordyShortRibs 8 ай бұрын
Bravo! Fantastic video! Well researched, written and edited. Can imagine this was a big project to put together. Thanks for making it! Instant sub 🎉
@SimonZinzovski 4 ай бұрын
thanks for the support Jordy !!
@-Zbrozlo- Жыл бұрын
Great video, very interesting and well put together! Keep it up!
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the love leszy, i WILL keep it up :)
@dagabbx 5 ай бұрын
watching videos with half life sfx is genuinely funny to me, and maybe there is a bit of nostalgia, half life was a part of my childhood and one of the first games i ever played. amazing video im gonna sub to your channel asap 🎉🎉
@SimonZinzovski 4 ай бұрын
half life really is nostalgic for me too, such an amazing game
@AramilsMusic 2 ай бұрын
This analysis is so awesome. I am glad your new upload reminded me of it. Content rich, great way of explaining and pacing your analysis with creative editing as the icing on the cake. Delicious.
@SimonZinzovski 2 ай бұрын
ahha thank you! i'm glad i can provide the cake 🎂
@6IGNITION9 4 ай бұрын
Great video. My favorite type of HL1 SFX memes are the ones with cats. For some reason they go together really well.
@SimonZinzovski 4 ай бұрын
brother, don't mention cats, i have three cats, too much of my life is cats
@nekakagiggle Жыл бұрын
You really nailed it with this one.
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Thanks JR, I appreciate the support
@joshy-noha Жыл бұрын
damn these videos are great, glad I found you! Your editing is top notch and your insights are great!
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Glad to have you here Joshua!
@bantanigeala6760 9 ай бұрын
That is hilarious to watch! Thank you for making those explanations a fun!
@SimonZinzovski 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for engaging with it!
@TheEpicSands Жыл бұрын
Underrated video. I hope you will get 1 million views! 🙏
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Thank you friend Vladyslav, the support means a lot
@Star1000120 Жыл бұрын
Another great video from you, I'm glad to see you're getting lots of views! It really wouldn't be the same if the voices were more clear and realistic, and it was really cool to learn how they got the voices to sound like that (and how it can recreated). It was really insightful. Thank you for the video, it had solid editing that made me smile a lot, and it brought back memories of watching my dad play Half Life when I was younger. Hope to see you playing music more in your future videos too!
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Thank you Star! I really enjoyed reading your comment, so thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I'll absolutely be playing and making more music in my future videos 😁
@0range_Rktten_-jm1iz Жыл бұрын
Dude, your video editing style is really funny.I really like it!😊
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
hey thank you 0rnage, i appreciate the love
@lordfinesse8611 Жыл бұрын
great video like always
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Thank you, my lord
@tuvmackyt6281 10 ай бұрын
Omg I have to say something before I go. I heard those sounds in cat videos which I found hilariously funny, and it made me want to know the origin. I then discovered half life AND BOOM I found your video about the topic I was so interested in. Great quality, great art direction, that's me subbed before the end of the video :) Thank you!
@SimonZinzovski 10 ай бұрын
hell yeah! Glad I could give you some info on the topic. Do you think you'll end up playing through half life?
@HornedBee Жыл бұрын
Awesome as always
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Too kind 🙏🙏
@haavikwood290 Жыл бұрын
I never understood sample rate completely until this video, great video and great editing!
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
I'm glad I could help convey the concept! There is a lot to it that I didn't cover, so if you're a total audio nerd I would recommend checking out Dan Worrall's channel, specifically his video on oversampling
@hazelXin223 Жыл бұрын
Get you to a million subs. Let's goooo
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
ahaha damn fam I appreciate the support (and the ambition lmao)
@hazelXin223 Жыл бұрын
@@SimonZinzovski this is quality stuff. I like your edits. It's informational, and it's about subjects we all love lol
@coldbumby Ай бұрын
your videos are so good
@the_washington_monument_am9714 10 ай бұрын
Welp, this might be my new favorite channel ❤❤❤
@SimonZinzovski 10 ай бұрын
omg thank you 💕
@SofyaBlitz Жыл бұрын
This is one of my top favorite channels on youtube keep it up b!!!!! xD
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
You are too kind my friend, thank you 🙏
@darthace7815 3 ай бұрын
It's very interesting, as an HL fan I learned so many things. Thanks for the video.
@SimonZinzovski 3 ай бұрын
thank you for watching and enjoying it! :)
@re_medy Жыл бұрын
So glad to see you keep making videos. I think we are witnessing the launch of a channel with a million subscribers. Good luck friend! p.s: nice jacket
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
ahaha thank you for believing in me! (also, i've had that jacket for almost a decade now)
@mramour Жыл бұрын
Keep going! Nice video!
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Thank you fam, I will keep it up 💪
@GeneraluStelaru Жыл бұрын
My god, Simon! What are you doing?!
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry, my channel is under complete military control
@DSlyde Жыл бұрын
Well crap, now I've binged all your videos in a single day.
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
go on then, which one was your favourite ?
@DSlyde Жыл бұрын
@Simon Zinzovski I've been a Fallout fan boy since I was 5 and the music is god tier, so definitely that one, but the standard of quality was great all round.
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
@@DSlyde ayeo thank you my friend, well done on getting the world record speedrun for watching all my videos btw
@jacksonelh Жыл бұрын
LOVE these videos. I was introduced to the channel by your fallout video. love the editing and the focus on music. great shit and love to see an aussie bloke shining
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Cheers as Jackson, there really aren't that many Australians in the world so it is always good to represent
@jacksonelh Жыл бұрын
@@SimonZinzovski seriously, love to see it
@AJK156 Жыл бұрын
Dude you got the best editing style 😂
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
you're too kind cuz :))
@Vermicularchive Жыл бұрын
The lad himself is back with more knowledge!
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
welcome to some big brain audio hours 🧠
@Cavenor Жыл бұрын
He did it again. The mad man kicked my ass with another high quality video. If you taking any suggestions and willing to return to the Mark Morgan topic, I'd definitely recommend Planescape: Torment ost.
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
👊 you know i gotchu bro, i bought planescape torment like last week, i just gotta find the time to play it now...
@xX_wiLLiam_Xx Жыл бұрын
😔 he didnt use the get ur butt in here intro epic video tho
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Your butt still arrived though 🤔
@bannanas117 3 ай бұрын
That hazardous environments cover goes HARD
@SimonZinzovski 3 ай бұрын
thank you dude! i really enjoyed playing that one, very much in my favourite style
@abelkorenyi4316 Жыл бұрын
Quality content, as always.
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Tryna stay consistent with it 🫡
@fotozero 3 ай бұрын
Great video, subbed
@SimonZinzovski 3 ай бұрын
thank you dude! glad you enjoyed :)
@AbsoluteGuardian Жыл бұрын
This is the first video I got an actual ad for that I decided to click on and I don't regret it one bit.
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Thank you 💗
@leventozkayali 11 ай бұрын
Nice vid mate, subbed
@SimonZinzovski 11 ай бұрын
Thank you my friend 🤝
@om3g4z3r0 4 ай бұрын
Here have a sub, you earned it.
@beH3uH Жыл бұрын
Very good breakdown of the sound effectts of half life and why they are so iconic. I checked your other videos, you might be interested in another, more modern game that focuses on sound design called Hunt: Showdown. Their sound effects and the way they manipulate headphone audio to create realistic 3d environment is top notch and nothing like i've heard in other games. I think they deserve some attention.
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Amazing! Thanks for the suggestion, i will totally look into it :)))
@noticeme503 Жыл бұрын
Nice vid man 😁
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
thx, i have noticed u
@heliax9924 4 ай бұрын
Your editing and skill at explainin is marvelous , i know almost nothing about sound design and i learned tons from here You heard this a lot prabably but i am suprised you have so little subscribers
@SimonZinzovski 4 ай бұрын
Thank you my friend! I’m really happy to hear you got something out of it !
@MobileGames_Yt Жыл бұрын
Nice video editing
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
thank you homie
@smagel6543 6 ай бұрын
this guys editor is awesome
@SimonZinzovski 4 ай бұрын
this guys editor is me, so thank you :)
@sssummmak Жыл бұрын
Dang it Simon, I am so glad I subscribed after your first video, tbh when I was clicking on your channel month ago I expected to go binge watch bunch of videos cause your edits were good and it looked like you were doing youtube videos for some time. Surprised this channel is new yet the informative value and production is really good... Keep it up!
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Thank you bro that is a massive compliment! I put off making a youtube channel for a long time because I wanted to make sure I could produce quality videos before I started uploading. I appreciate the support 🤝
@SigurdGR Жыл бұрын
Just watched the video and got a wish to replay HL, being deepened into its atmosphere largely made by those very sounds!
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
You should! It isn't crazy long and it is still a lot of fun (source: i played through it again this month in prep for making this video)
@ShotJon 6 ай бұрын
What a great video.I learned something. Thank you.
@SimonZinzovski 4 ай бұрын
yay! that was the goal!
@chungyblungy570 Жыл бұрын
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Okay chungy, I will continue, but only because you asked
@OriginalItsFly Жыл бұрын
another GOATED video
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
ty ty ty🐐👀
@calliecuddlefish2361 4 ай бұрын
your editing is some of the best i've ever seen, dude. keep it up. love your videos, your fallout one most especially
@SimonZinzovski 4 ай бұрын
hey thank you!! i appreciate the support and the love
@pravkdey Ай бұрын
Nice! Subbed!
@tarkisiaball676 Жыл бұрын
you:time to choose galym: i go? l4d and half life galym: i go half life
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
my brother galym, based and truth pilled
@DragonSych Жыл бұрын
Did you just start out a while ago? This is pretty High Quality. Rare for new Channels. I wish you success.
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Thank you friend! I started making videos in January of this year
@fosty. 10 ай бұрын
Top work
@SimonZinzovski 9 ай бұрын
thank you fosty. 🤝
@i.hate.swedish.ISRAELUBERALLES Жыл бұрын
Best editing ı ever saw
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Thank you boss, im tryna get better every time
@madbear1111 Жыл бұрын
What a fantastic video man, always excited when I see an update of yours in my notifications! Love your music too, both the covers and your original tracks, if they were on Spotify id be jamming them constantly! Will there a video of you covering the soundtrack and other sfx of the second game sometime within the future? keep at it Simon, KZfaq stardom will come soon!
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the love my friend. I'll put my music on spotify when i make something better for you ahah (although all the music i make in these videos is free to download on soundcloud if you would like to). I don't currently have any HL2 plans, but it is such an iconic game that I would be surprised if I don't discuss it eventually !
@madbear1111 Жыл бұрын
​@@SimonZinzovski How exciting! I will be sure to put the music into my car! I'm sure what you've got cooking will peak the curiosity of your other viewers and myself :)
@mikecotton-russell9401 Жыл бұрын
Great video again. I feel like game sound design now often loses the iconic and recognisable aspect in favour of making it realistic. Good example is the starcraft series. Every sound in the first game is perfectly recognisable whereas the second is just full of generic noise to fill the void. Looking forward to what you come up with next!
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
I made a short talking about some of the music in SC1 but i didn't take a look into the sound design, it is a killer sounding game tho. There is for sure something to be learned from an older era of gaming
@mikecotton-russell9401 Жыл бұрын
@@SimonZinzovski yea I saw that. was great. Terran one is such a good track. I've tried to write tracks in the same vein but to not much success. keep up the super interesting videos :-)
@sniperguaxinoob 2 ай бұрын
a perfect video about perfection!
@flamsey 6 ай бұрын
Drill Instructors from Half Life Opposing Force are also cool
@originalph00tbag 11 ай бұрын
I love that Eno quote. Along those lines, my favorite sound to experiment with is mp3 compression artifacts.
@SimonZinzovski 11 ай бұрын
I am a heavy artifact enjoyer
@supersnow17 8 ай бұрын
WOW the example you showed of the higher quality voice line absolutely blew me away! Have you considered doing that with all the voice lines and making a mod for HQ voice lines?
@SimonZinzovski 3 ай бұрын
That actually already exists! Here it is: www.moddb.com/games/half-life/addons/high-quality-upscaled-sounds-for-half-life-xash3d-only Also, thanks for the comment and I'm glad you liked my example :)
@averageartist10 28 күн бұрын
that high quality guard voiceline caught me off guard
@amimirmimir512 6 ай бұрын
i really like space invaders extreme's sound design as most of the sound effects change depending on the stage you're on making the already good songs even better
@SimonZinzovski 4 ай бұрын
shout out space invaders
@AdamPuntigliano Жыл бұрын
Simon you have such good fucking output, the quality of your videos and the topics are so fucking great, your taste is great, your performance great. You are now my favorite channel. You seem like a great guy to have a beer with you smexy guy you. Keep it up please.
@SimonZinzovski Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the love Adam, if you're ever in Melbourne we can have a beer anytime 🍻
@AdamPuntigliano Жыл бұрын
​@@SimonZinzovski I'll make it a life goal
@framebadger 8 ай бұрын
All good and true, but it's the performances of the scientist voice actors combined with the lofi audio. They go from pompous scientist to melodrama in a heartbeat, which is just funny.
@SimonZinzovski 4 ай бұрын
very good point! they are iconic performances
Simon Zinzovski
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