Why Aren't There More Channels Like This?

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Timothy Cain

Timothy Cain

4 ай бұрын

I talk about the reasons you don't see more game developers doing channels like this one, and why I don't do more interview chats on this channel, and why it took me so long to even make a channel like this one.

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@GypsumGeneration 4 ай бұрын
It's frustrating to see the void of game dev youtube filled mostly by people who lack professional experience, let alone decades of director level experience. It's hard to take seriously advice about how to plan and budget a project from someone who is 22 and has one indie credit that sold ten copies to their name. Not that their experience isn't valid, but it means a lot more when someone has been in the trenches for 30 years.
@mattc7420 4 ай бұрын
Or, you know, gamers who have never set foot in an office lecturing about a billion dollar industry.
@ouroldhouse3674 4 ай бұрын
@seanothepop4638 4 ай бұрын
We're approaching an age of slop for videogames. We will get what is established, same and innovation is absolutely not rewarded. I don't think somone coming out from an office that supports that is going to give us something new or fresh.
@bytetapestry 4 ай бұрын
"Those who can't do, teach" It's nice that the original titans of game development reaching retirement age means some of them are finally getting the time to pass that on.
@MrRudiMentary 4 ай бұрын
Game dev youtubers are more youtubers than they are game devs. Their motivations are to produce development content regularly rather than catalogue a legitimate production.
@gilgamecha 4 ай бұрын
Tim Cain: "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe..." ❤
@xyhmo 4 ай бұрын
Thanks to youtube, those moments are now recorded for posterity, like… teapots in rain. (Where is my Oscar.)
@mikepalmieri4989 2 ай бұрын
@@xyhmo its in will smiths hands, go kiss it :P
@brianhood2363 4 ай бұрын
One good reason that you left out, for why there aren’t more channels like this, is your originality, openness and your gift for storytelling. Your philosophies seem to flesh out stories to their fullest. The list of people who have both your experience, and the ability to put it into concise monologues, is probably fairly short. I, for one, sincerely think your videos deserve to be stored with the Library of Congress. I’m sure there are far less relevant things saved, than informative stories from an industry leader, in the early days of computer technology. Thanks, Tim From Everyone
@RobotReg 4 ай бұрын
Why arent there more channels like this? Because you're one of a kind, Tim 😉
@whiterabbit3533 4 ай бұрын
you got it
@adgd 4 ай бұрын
There's Tim and Sakurai (Kirby Creator and Smash Director). Also Chet Faliszek has also started doing videos (ex valve). There really aren't a lot of experienced people that want to put themselves to the lions.
@MAYOFORCE 4 ай бұрын
You know now that I think about it I think it's also just because the industry is still very young. There simply hadn't been enough time for most people to age enough to get bored and make youtube videos out of their retirement.
@steeltarkus58 4 ай бұрын
There's also Sandy Petersen (designer in the doom and age of empires series) but he talks more about physical rpgs and horror media
@MrMegaMetroid 4 ай бұрын
​@@MAYOFORCEthe gaming industry is about half a century old at this point and noone needs to reach retirement to do this sort of thing, what? xD
@MAYOFORCE 4 ай бұрын
​@@MrMegaMetroidFirst of all, half a century isn't that long for an industry. Compare it to movies, which have lasted over a century, or music, which lasted almost as long as mankind itself. In the grand scheme of things, the fact that some of the oldest and most influential games that laid out the groundwork are made by people who are not only still alive but are still working shows it's relatively young age. Second of all, just because I said people hadn't gotten bored and made videos in their retirement doesn't mean you have to be retired to make videos, that's a "penguins are old TV shows" kind of accusation.
@austinglueck2554 4 ай бұрын
Josh Sawyer also makes a lot of (really good) videos on game design
@mattomwit 4 ай бұрын
I really appreciate you are willing to spend your time to create this channel and share the knowledge preferences and thoughts. Thank you.
@GypsumGeneration 4 ай бұрын
Seconded, making a channel like this is GOAT activities
@Lensardawnn 4 ай бұрын
I've worked in the industry since 1995, so almost 30 years now. After the first 5-10 years, I realized I knew everything and it was awesome. Salad days! Over the following 10-15 years, I realized I actually didn't know shit. Which was pretty humbling. Now 29 years in, I feel a lot more confident about what I do and don't know about the industry. But I am so fucking bitter I'm not sure how productive it would be to share my experiences. It's so unbelievably hard to make games that it's amazing anyone is able to ship anything at all.
@brianviktor8212 4 ай бұрын
Regarding the business side of it, that's sure its own topic. Leading people is also its own topic. Regarding game design itself, it is indeed challenging, and hard to pinpoint what is good and bad. From the view of a player, there are some games I consider good, which I barely play, and then there are games I consider mediocre, which I play a lot. To create something that is actually "fun" to play is a mystery. I am working on a space combat/exploration game that has quite a large scale. I mean it will be an MMO with billions of solar systems in a galaxy, with the plan to also generate other galaxies in the future. A lot is done, a lot still needs to be done. Currently I am working on the MMO server application. What I think is key is to create the best possible basic gameplay rotation. To make basic activities fun - like combat and exploration.
@mandisaw 4 ай бұрын
The bitterness is a major hurdle, maybe more than the NDA/"we don't talk about Bruno" issue. A lot of folks who leave the games industry didn't do so entirely willingly, either due to layoffs/closures, burnout, bias, or their changing life-demands being incompatible with below-market wages & crazy hours. And then there's the love-hate relationship between game-makers and game-consumers... People turn on their heroes very quickly in this space.
@SyndicateOperative 4 ай бұрын
Regarding it being hard to make games, I assume you're referring to commercial/bureaucratic restrictions? (i.e. business management). As far as creation itself goes, it's just a matter of talent.
@charlesmartel3995 4 ай бұрын
The video game industry is like the music business. A cesspool of greed and idiocy.
@exterminatus_now 4 ай бұрын
Tim, your insight and experience make you a gem, not even counting the common sense and pragmatism you bring to the industry. You clearly just want to make fun and interesting games first, all the rest comes second, and that's why even if there were more dev channels out there, you'd easily be the most interesting to watch for a good majority.
@Mayhzon Ай бұрын
Just the fact he's the "Troika Games Man" to put it bluntly makes him a legend. They had unique games and unique concepts and stood out to me even then, when I was just a 12-year old middle schooler.
@kanstantinkazlou 4 ай бұрын
Regardless, I'm happy that your channel exists. It's such a special insight into the industry!
@kyoujinko 4 ай бұрын
Exactly, I was looking for a comment like this. Im really happy this channel exists.
@Raspredval1337 4 ай бұрын
I'd also add a reason I think is valid: not that many people have been on both sides: a gamedev and a project manager\team leader\gamestudio owner AND who have been doing it for that many years and have up to date industry knowledge as well as general bits of wisdom. That a pretty unique perspective, not that many people have that
@randomrandom450 4 ай бұрын
Yeah most people who've been doing it for long as either quit gamedev or climbed up the ladder enough to be disconnected with the reality of gamedev or never did climb up the ladder so nobody knows who they are, so nobody cares about what they have to say.
@dogauslu 4 ай бұрын
TL-DR: Thank you for these Tim. Your channel has been my daily driver for a while now. As a 35 year old rookie, slowly transitioning from motion & graphic design space, I find myself neck deep in impostor syndrome every-single-time I try to build something "simple" (I'm doing the air bunnies here as you read). When you take the time to share your experience, it almost always signals me (I bet I'm not the only one) that it's O.K. to not know a LOT of things, and it's ok to feel lost, incompetent and insecure. I tell myself to "trust the process" and get back to learning, trying, failing, building, rinse & repeat.
@Cvoxalury 4 ай бұрын
Just wanted to say, I'm one from the 'listening' crowd, and I appreciate your videos *a lot*. I commented on just a few before, but most of the time I just feel satisfied with the content already, and don't really feel a lot of questions coming up. So while I'm not contributing to the positive comments, this channel has become one of my routinely watched ones for all its insight and, surprising to me, relatability; and the channel's atmosphere. Thank you for doing all this.
@raccoon-formality 4 ай бұрын
Hello, I know this is unrelated to the topic of the video, but Thank you for doing this. I got linked to your "Stop Making Excuses" video in a gamedev discord server and I binge-watched all of your videos after that. This place has become a safe space for me. Somewhere I can come to escape from polarization, hyper-consumerism and angry gamers. I can just absorb the consistent, positive attitude. So yeah, thank you for instilling confidence in this hobby I have
@aNerdNamedJames 4 ай бұрын
Also think it's worth reiterating in these comments that there ARE other "big deal" veterans of the industry who offer this kind of thing, just that it's more often in the form of published memoirs. People can look up Jon Romero's and Sid Meier's if they want concrete examples.
@christopherr.561 4 ай бұрын
Here is a drive by snipping comment, I love your videos and appreciate what you share with us. It truly is a highlight of my day. :)
@gilgamecha 4 ай бұрын
Hi Tim, it's us, everyone.
@andreasolsson4539 4 ай бұрын
I love this comment. Every video i scroll down to see it.
@View619 4 ай бұрын
Simple answer? It's because having decades of experience and giving advice on this level isn't something most people will do for free. If people want to learn about what you've discovered during a long and successful career, that usually comes with a price. Tim is probably an exception to that rule when compared to his peers.
@rabbitcreative 4 ай бұрын
The motivation to not share comes from seeing people as obstacles to your own success. Competition is inherently destructive.
@View619 4 ай бұрын
​​​​@@rabbitcreativeOr people want to be paid for their time/effort spent learning lessons that most aren't even aware of. It's why experts are invited to conferences for talks, instead of just creating content for free. Especially when that time spent sharing could be used for something else. Competition has very little to do with it.
@mandisaw 4 ай бұрын
There's a certain distinction between giving back to the community (volunteer work, basically), and being milked for free-labor. Tim can basically do this as long as he wants to - until/unless he doesn't want to anymore - and talk about whatever strikes his fancy. I get the feeling that he'd have the same little convos if you just happened across him in the park outside GDC. Meanwhile, a major corporate entity (or well-funded startup) expecting "free consultation services" on topics of their choosing, on a defined timetable, with contractual requirements/milestones - that's theft of labor, essentially. It's the difference between choosing to stay late after work to cheer on a colleague, vs your boss telling everyone they expect you to stay for unpaid OT. Totally different.
@EJ-cf3hg 4 ай бұрын
As an owner of a BB-tier company, all points in this video hit the nail on the head as to why I don't produce more "blog" content or write a book about my niche that many have suggested I write. I can spend that 3-5 hours a week with my family, hobbies, housework, or even putting more work into my games. All of which I believe are better options. Keep up the good work, Tim. You make cleaning the kitchen more tolerable. :)
@UnkieNic 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for talking frankly about this. There are so many legitimate reasons to avoid doing something like this I'm surprised people even ask. Thank you again for being willing to be out here like this, us regular watchers really appreciate it
@aersla1731 4 ай бұрын
The assumptions part is one of the reason I tend to rarely engage in any form of discussion around things in the internet. Seems to be a common troupe with people that disagree or want to argue about something where they make up this whole elaborate talking point not based around anything you said or could be implied with what you said. I guess you can call that a strawman, they just aren't worth engaging with. Anyway I think I have said this before, but I really appreciate your opinions and perspective, it's the main thing that drew me into the channel.
@whiterabbit3533 4 ай бұрын
@dwightgodding686 4 ай бұрын
I don't know if I have seen any other channels like this, but a lot of Matt Colville's Running the Game videos have a similar feel. It's about tabletop RPGs rather than game development, but because of his interests and career trajectory, there is some overlap. He has also talked about something I have heard Tim mention a couple of times. The first was that a fun game has problems to solve and the player has to come up with the answer. The other one is the bit of advice about incentivizing the behavior you want. Reward the player for doing the things you want them to do. Offer a carrot, stick optional.
@nickpasta4490 4 ай бұрын
Hi Tim! Game dev here! Love what you’ve been doing. The games industry could use more public transparency, and I’m happy to see you join the ranks of John Romero, double fine, and Sakurai!
@JasonStorey 4 ай бұрын
I'd also add that there is an overlap problem of skills to create content around something and skill at the thing itself. Some people are very talented but are incapable of communicating it. Others (like myself) are mediocre at the skills; capable enough to get by, but excel at the communication. From my experience more often than not the spectrum falls that the kinds of people who devote themselves fully to something and learn valuable things, are rarely the same kinds of people that can articulate thoughts about it to others (the curse of knowledge) and as there is no real transferable skills to presenting or teaching, really struggle at that area without dedicated study into it. As you have mentioned yourself, social skills in tech are already a thorny line, its surprisingly involved to make your thoughts cogent and be able to present them in a way people would want to listen to and hopefully learn from. Personally I enjoy teaching but that constant feeling of being misconstrued calls to question all the effort into content creation and it doesn't surprise me that people who often feel misunderstood in their day to day dealings wouldn't want to open the floodgates at a global scale.
@KiraBox1001 4 ай бұрын
Hey, I appreciate your videos. I've been in the industry 10 years (mostly as a contractor). It's really refreshing to hear your takes, and I'm enjoying learning from your experiences.
@jhonwick2233 4 ай бұрын
Hey Tim! I've discovered your channel in the past couple of months. You've been the mentor I needed to take my gamedev career further. I needed guidance, insight and inspiration. You've given me all of these in your videos and continue to do so. Couldnt have done it and continue to do it without these. Thanks alot, you're a legend to me.
@pris1883cr 4 ай бұрын
I really appreciate this channel. Both the history aspect and the advice aspect are excellently done. I find the advice helpful even as a software engineer not involved in game development. You say that these videos does not take that much time to edit but what about planning out the script? That can be equally time consuming. Or are you perhaps just going of a few pointers for what you want to talk about in each video?
@sudsy3 4 ай бұрын
This has become one of my favorite gamedev related channels. You paint a picture of complex subjects so effectively, with every sentence adding depth and clarity. I was surprised to hear about so many people misinterpreting your words.
@FrostsForge 4 ай бұрын
Happy to sit and listen. Thank you for producing this content!
@colinanthony2011 2 ай бұрын
Tim, I love what you say about keeping this channel mostly timeless (instead of just like interviews). Such a neat concept when you think about it and it’s one of the things I love about this channel. I can click on any random video I haven’t watched yet and it feels just as relevant and interesting as any other video on the channel, regardless of when it was uploaded. This has quickly become one of my favorite channels on this entire site. Keep up the amazing work.
@JellyJman 4 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for these Tim. You’re a great guy
@mellit6630 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for another great video, Tim! I look forward to these everyday and they are super inspiring. And for these exact reasons. It's really a "lighting in a bottle" feeling that all of the cross-sections of all of the things you discussed are happening with your channel. You are truly one of a kind, thank you as always!!
@Mordrevious 4 ай бұрын
I’m so glad you did make this channel. All the insights are so cool and enlightening and it’s so valuable to get information from somebody who has done these things professionally for so long.
@touchtablet3364 4 ай бұрын
Thx for all Tim! You are precious and golded! Thx again from a french player 🙏
@jpage505 Ай бұрын
I love what you're doing!! Its much appreciated!! Always look forward to your videos!!
@interfusor 4 ай бұрын
That was very insightful Tim. I'm really glad you are doing this; I've been watching since the first episode. Hopefully other semi-retired or retired devs will do something similar.
@tannermiller3967 4 ай бұрын
Hey Tim, I really enjoy the time you take in explaining the many topics you have covered on this channel. It makes me appreciate game developers and what they go through. Thank you!
@queenofbadjokes9413 4 ай бұрын
It's kind of reflective of the general behaviour of beginning / advanced game devs vs seniors. In the beginning you are full of ideas and energy and want to get recognized and validated. There are a lot of beginner level game devs that then make a lot of video content about beginner level game development. Few make it to become seniors and therefore fewer videos about senior level experiences in game development. Even as someone who barely makes it to an advanced level, it really surprised me how little there are design related and architectural videos. A lot of content is centered around how do I make component X (as fast as possible) and not how it has to be designed to fit into the rest of the game. A lot of videos have this game jam feel. Which is fine but not what I was looking for. On that note: Thank you for your channel :D. And that you talk about so many of your experiences and notes of game development, it brings me a lot of value!
@FrostedSentry 4 ай бұрын
Very happy to have discovered this channel recently! Thanks for taking the time to do it ❤ 🎉
@jesuschrist194 3 ай бұрын
This channel, and you, are awesome! It's extremely insightful as someone who wants to be a professional game designer, just a straight-up talk from an actual accomplished game designer, you're truly unique in this! please keep it up man! and thank you for all the wonderful times in your games!!
@deanwilliams433 4 ай бұрын
Love your honesty Tim. Almost 100k subs man!!!!
@hogsqueezer8169 2 ай бұрын
Hey Tim. I loved your comments about nuance and the differences between employees and team members that can cause frustration. Perspective is such an important thing, and I think it’s vital to always try to keep that nuance you commented on.
@karisalonen12 4 ай бұрын
I enjoy Fallout and Arcanum a bit more after finding your channel. All those moments spent on those games have a little more flavour now after hearing about what has been involved in creating them. Huge thanks to you and for your effort on this channel.
@shockmethodx 4 ай бұрын
I think your contribution to the space and that discussions around games has been well worth the wait.
@manfrombc5162 Ай бұрын
I really appreciate the tone that you take with all of these videos. As someone who has never had aspirations of getting into game development, but does play many games, it is really neat insight into the process and perspective from a game creator who has done it for longer than I've been alive!
@occupationalhazard 4 ай бұрын
I love your videos and promote them a lot on other platforms. What you have to say is insightful and you have helped me grow as a game developer. I do wish other industry legends would do videos like this. Joshua Sawyer, whom I also love, has started making videos, but not as often and not with as direct topics as you have, so far.
@Orpheus159 5 күн бұрын
In another life I’d love to be a game developer, gave up most of my computer programming skills after minoring in comp sci in college. Tim’s prospective and experience and the deep dives into specific elements is such a thrill to live vicariously through.
@danielcastiglionipanero3396 3 ай бұрын
I love your channel really for being so kind and honest. It's not as common as it seems. And as an extra you are also an incredible person with its own merits (that's other thing not so common)
@MechPoblete 4 ай бұрын
Why I love your channel, maturity, experience, and nuance.
@Kroogles 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for doing these videos. The shelf life is going to be much longer than five or ten years, the windows you provide into your wisdom and experience are truly invaluable.
@joaluar 4 ай бұрын
this channel has a great impact in indie devs; i hope you can make some chatting with other not only the veterans but aswell new generations
@dragontear1638 4 ай бұрын
Another interesting video, I enjoyed listening to this, once more thank you. Paraphrasing here while quoting you; "Not putting people in a catagory; here's our hero, here's the villain, just people doing the best, who are trying to figure things out." Is also something that could apply quite well for writing, be it video games or films, accepting there's nuance, and the potential for bad actors, including any 'protagonist' irl or otherwise isn't all-knowing and without fault.
@EternalAnomaly 4 ай бұрын
Tim, thank you for sharing your experience. It puts my heart at ease. I’ve been in the industry for 15 years, but I feel like everyone else is way ahead of me. It feels like I should’ve accomplished so much more in that time. Your perspective gives me hope and a reality check. I guess I didn’t realize that this is just the start of my journey and I still have a ton of things to learn. 😁
@PompousDingo 4 ай бұрын
Fun video Tim! You, Josh Sawyer, and Masahiro Sakurai have become big inspirations for me as I begin to get into the games industry. Big thank you!
@Colyde25 4 ай бұрын
This is why I love your videos, very professional when talking about the harder stuff but also have a nice way of saying F u to the people that know who they are. I will not be finding another video tomorrow, staying right here until your next upload.
@progressSH 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for this wonderful video, it reminds me that I should get started making videos already! Much love, progress
@TheLastLineLive 4 ай бұрын
I’m glad that you do this channel Tim. I really do enjoy seeing the developers perspective, first channel that I watched like that was probably David Jaffe.
@L1QU1D4T0R_ 3 ай бұрын
I am AAA level designer. You covered most of the reasons I don't have a channel or blog. I feel it and this makes me appreciate your work even more. One thing you didn't cover thought :) You are very intelligent, interesting person, patient, honest and fun. It feels like you are a friend sharing his experiences. Not many people talk that way. That is besides of course your huge knowledge in game dev. Thank you.
@zoes7434 4 ай бұрын
Just hearing the behind the scenes thinking about games you love by the people who make them is wonderful
@MDKII 4 ай бұрын
Hi Tim, thank you for all the insight on this channel, including this video. I will have been working for 12 years in the industry next month and I definitely feel I'm in the position of "I know some things well, but not others. At least I know where to look for what I don't know." I try to be open with people as much as I legally can, and offer insight and anecdotes to educate folks who aren't into gamedev. Hoping I last a few more decades and I can get on your level. I always refer others to your channel as one of the best and most genuine sources of gamedev knowledge.
@Vault5Dweller 4 ай бұрын
Tim, I applaud you on this channel. As a non-developer, but someone with a strong interest in games, I think you've done a remarkable job talking through major concepts in an accessible way. Thanks so much for your games -- Fallout forever -- and for your channel.
@dinohead2 4 ай бұрын
Wow. There are many more nuances than I would've imagined. IMO this is worth it, because I believe you have at least 90% or more of our full support. I hope I'm not wrong lol. But there's a handful of people with so much knowledge and availability. Most channels wouldn't even scratch the surface. Tim is such an open individual in this channel.
@neshdj 4 ай бұрын
"This is time to listen and do not talk" -- I cannot like this video more ... this 100000000000x THIS!
@SilverionX 3 ай бұрын
You've hit the nail on the head again, Tim. Especially about veteran game devs not wanting to expose themselves to talking on a KZfaq channel. Given the nature of the internet and the fact they're probably already recognized and a risk of affecting future job prospects, not to mention public backlash, there's almost no benefit and a lot of drawbacks for them. Which is why I'm very glad to have you on here. A gold mine for future game devs and a treasure trove for the rest of us.
@MatLinnett1 3 ай бұрын
I'm not in game dev, but I'm at that 25 year point you note where I've seen a LOT in my chosen industry, and if I were to talk about it now, a lot of it would be negative. You're bang on. Lots of love to you Tim, and keep doing what you're doing!
@REXanadu 3 ай бұрын
Every time I asked this question to others, I always thought this form of talking about experiences on video games took little to no time compared to the Sakurai videos or GDC talks. However, I completely forget how long it takes for people to get their thoughts in order to talk about them for any length of time - let alone to put them on video Thank you again for the work you do to educate and bring your thoughts and perspective to everyone here Here's to hoping I don't forget this lesson as soon as I post this😂
@user-pk4hn1uz1k 4 ай бұрын
I'm glad you mentioned you're focused on making timeless content rather than reacting to current events.
@lenorkhide2873 4 ай бұрын
I don't have any experience in the game industry, but I really enjoy your stories and hearing about how the sausage gets made. It often makes me think about how similar or dissimilar it is in my work
@sukapow 4 ай бұрын
You gotta hate "people" to understand it. A introvert understand it very well. I meant one introvert once in my life. Scary part was she talked to me very clearly. That's signal me, she trusted me. It's still scared me.. Most people today don't care about other people about their life or feelings. Tim is a rare good human being but he suffered with a lot of dumb people in his life. It's just make their life miserable to be around with. Having a game developer job doesn't make you smart. It's a really risky job and career go into. You can loose your job fast and be broke. We already seeing the layoff today. It's hard to trust people.
@Mayhzon Ай бұрын
I caught that when listing the bad things that would have tainted your perception, you didn't bring up bad audiences. Made me chuckle a bit. :) Anyway, good video with a lot of reason behind it. Stepping forward and putting yourself in the public light is never easy.
@nathanielguggenheim5522 4 ай бұрын
Man, being a game dev since forever, i can so much relate to that guy. Keep it up, Tim!
@soupbeans8379 4 ай бұрын
I’m really thankful for your channel and I love your personality but people should also know that there are a lot of indie devs on KZfaq with great information as well. Also GDC is a mandatory if you like to hear developers talk about their experiences.
@im_4wsum 4 ай бұрын
you have alot of wisdom, i know your focus is mainly on game development, but alot of it can be used in every day life aswell. just how people are, and how things work is very helpful. although that's not your goal i appreciate how you speak about things and handle things...
@jgracak 4 ай бұрын
Hi Tim, been watching your channel since the beginning, I consider Fallout 1 and 2 one of the best games of all time, replayed them many times (loved your post-mortem at GDC). I think you nailed it with why there arent more channels like this out there, and I would add that most content creators wouldnt go for this format because it doesnt attract a large audience, but it does attract people that are very passionate about gaming or the game development process.
@glyphknightmax 4 ай бұрын
Listening to you talk about being in the industry for 20 years just... Ruins me. Knowing just how much you don't know is such a wonderful thing, and here I am, duped into a degree I didn't want, held at arm's length from the industry I always wanted to join, and only at 30 years old am I finally able to put my efforts into breaking in... Your channel has been a real blessing ever since I found it
@ineligible2267 3 ай бұрын
I think you're in a unique position to weigh in on this considering you've managed a company and also been employed by them for several decades, you offer a far more comprehensive perspective that younger people haven't the experience to possess - appreciate you sharing your views on more niche subjects like this. Until my mid-20s I also struggled with the nuance of understanding the different types of people in the world so I certainly understand where you come from with the grievances that can stem from such a viewpoint, far more consternation than I imagine you need while also running a company's day-to-day operations.
@extremepayne 4 ай бұрын
While it’s true that there aren’t many channels like this, I am very thankful two that we do have are you and Sakurai. You two have worked on such different types of games, in different countries, and thus bring very different perspectives, which is really nice to have. And both of you are industry veterans
@BlackJar72 4 ай бұрын
I just know I came to this channel because I agree with 80+% of your game philosophy and taste related content; the how the actual AA / AAA industry works content being an interesting bonus that I won't talk about in terms of agreement since I've never worked in it. There are a fair number of channels talking about similar things from an indie perspective (often by people without much more experience than I have), but find myself not agreeing much on taste and philosophy and so don't follow them.
@DraycosKda 4 ай бұрын
Playing through the Outer Worlds again, can't wait for the sequel! I really enjoy your videos
@ccl1195 4 ай бұрын
Hi Tim, I liked the video. Thank you for making every thing you make here. I think those of us who actually listen to you (as best we can, we're all human after all) really do see the incredible value these lectures offer to us, because of your smarts, your authentic experience, your communication skills and storytelling, and any number of other helpful things you bring to this work. I am an independent designer making my own small things in Unity. On your first point here about feedback and peoples' behavior, I think this is a weird time to be alive. As you well know, everything needs to be polarized now and everyone is very reactive. People are rude, snipe-y, and any number of other words, toward me all the time on the internet too, and yes, it has caused me to not post as much. I hope some day soon we get to the bottom of why everyone is so hostile today and find a way to slow it down. On your other point about experience, I'm very grateful for yours, because I know you are a vetted and authoritative source. While learning Unity on KZfaq, I quickly found out that there are tons of people making advice or tutorial videos, and really shouldn't be. There are even "best practices for game design" type channels, where if you do a little digging, you find out the person doesn't even make games! They're just a critic at best. I do think everyone has a right to their opinion, you don't need to be a director to say something in a film didn't work. But I do have a problem with people passing themselves off as authorities in fields where they really have no right to do so. Thanks again for your awesomeness.
@R-YR29 4 ай бұрын
You should do the chats as maybe a once a month or so treat for everybody! That way, it doesn't overtake the channel but still adds some long form content that people clearly love from you
@theebulll 4 ай бұрын
This channel has quickly become one of my favorites.
@gilgamecha 4 ай бұрын
Every notable game designer should copy Tim's format.
@jsivonenVR 2 ай бұрын
Yet I find many devlogs and “rookies who made it” interviews insightful as they tend to struggle with the same dev struggles as I do. Aka “making game easy, marketing game hard” ☝🏻😅 But guys like you Tim are rare and cherished artifacts we covet 💎👀
@jeffstevens9491 4 ай бұрын
Brother, all you do is speak facts. I've been testing large scale, billion dollar software programs for 15+ years now. I see your same issues in my career field. Software that can kill people if it doesn't work right. There are big problems that seem to be getting worse in the workforce in general. People are going into problem solving careers who don't like to solve problems or find actual collaboration difficult. The best I can hope for is to mentor new employees myself and hope I can influence them to be an accountable hardworking person.
@Adamthegeek70 4 ай бұрын
Because there is only one Tim. Smart , nice, honest , and at the point in your career where it is safe to say things worth saying.
@broomstickog 4 ай бұрын
Wait.. you're telling me Tim isn't subbed to Mark Darrah from Bioware?! I know you dont want to do interviews but just a conversation between legendary crpg developers would be amazing!
@TheRedFourteen 3 ай бұрын
This is the crossover the world needs
@charliek5964 4 ай бұрын
Nothing to add. Just another good video. Some of the details does remind me of doing a PhD though.
@michaelg9121 4 ай бұрын
keep up the great videos Tim!
@zeroinfinitify 4 ай бұрын
your channel is a treasure and i dont even work in the industry, i m just a gamer
@lasjames7516 4 ай бұрын
were lucky to have you, its appreciated
@randomanalogue 3 ай бұрын
The no-nonsense documentary style informative vids are what attracted me to this channel for the most part, Mr. Cain's legendary status in the industry notwithstanding. But I won't pretend to understand *everything* you say, much is way above my education level. When I was a young adult in the late 90's, I wanted to be a game developer, I had played games like Fallout (my first CRPG) and wanted a life of 'playing' video games, and making a comfortable living as a side benefit. Like the young people of today that want to be content creators, there is glamour attached to the profession, yes. But there is also a lot of insider knowledge to uncover, and hard work to be done as well, something I was completely (and blissfully) ignorant to. Only after I took college courses in CAD and 3d modeling did I realize the depths to which the profession extends. Without getting too long winded; "You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all the people all the time." (Hmm, sounds like something Sulik would say somehow). Keep fighting the good fight, always glad to see a new video pop on this channel.
@jamescomer8701 Ай бұрын
You should collaborate with Pirate Software. You've probably seen one of his shorts, but he's been in the industry for 20 years, worked for Blizzard, left to work for the government hacking power plants, then I believe he worked with Amazon Games. Now he's an indie dev and brings a lot of industry knowledge to the public. He's a really intelligent and kind person.
@cmdrclassified 4 ай бұрын
I really enjoy our morning coffee together, Tim. The world is a better place with you in it. o7
@geraldmaxfol2959 4 ай бұрын
Making 5 videos per week is huge deal it's natural that others devs struggles doing his job and maintain a KZfaq channel thus I think this channel's value is incalculable for game lovers, journalists, developers and academics, so thank you for efforts.
@tomaszfic1094 4 ай бұрын
"If you dont have a lot of expirience with something this is propably a time to listen and not talk". I just love you Tim for that. Working in game industry is hard, making games is just miracle, and listening people who know what they are doing makes whole this implosible process of designing and making games much easier. At least from my expirience as designer.
@philbertius 4 ай бұрын
Appreciate this channel! I try not to comment excessively, but your videos are always insightful, which leaves me wanting to say something. Hopefully not a nuisance! EDIT: consider this a formal request for an advice video to the frustratingly “super passionate” employee archetype, lol
@Anubis1101 3 ай бұрын
Yea I figured this was the case. I'm really glad we have you here, because views into the industry are fleeting and often centered around the latest drama. Don't get me wrong, I'm really glad devs like Thor from Pirate Software are speaking about their experience, but I wish we got more like you who talk about the various processes and philosophies behind development.
@Tailmonsterfriend 4 ай бұрын
Speaking of this "code of silence," as someone who'll be celebrating two decades in the industry this year, one thing that bedevils me to this day is how on Earth company leadership comes up with sales targets. A very common refrain in the industry is "Here's our sales target, oops we missed the target, now we need to do layoffs." I think there must be some math they do to square development cost versus breakeven revenue, but in practice this often feels like targets are set up in such a way that the board can say "Well you didn't meet this (unrealistic, but who cares) goal we set up for you, so now we'll give ourselves multi-million dollar bonuses while we lay off your colleagues and cut your bonuses in half." As an industry veteran, what's your insight into how sales targets are calculated, and is there anything you'd recommend the industry change to make missing their targets less painful?
@whiterabbit3533 4 ай бұрын
as someone with absolutely zero knowledge about that, it sounds to me like a premade "reason" to not have to make up excuses later in case you need to drop people. on the other hand i could imagine that such unrealistic high numbers are needed to bait investors or similar. not saying i believe thats right btw, dont quote me on that 😅.
@whiterabbit3533 4 ай бұрын
but interesting topic id love to see covered
@DaRkPlUm 4 ай бұрын
I hope I'm not misunderstanding you here Tim! I think that the hardest part of any creative industry is remembering the humans involved in their production. Especially from a consumer perspective, I've seen other consumers throw around vitriol in a way that's obvious that they have forgotten that the "things" making their favourite games might have kids of their own, bills to pay and dreams to achieve. For something that can be so creative and wonderful, it does also seem to be a very thankless job sometimes. It's the reason I decided not to continue pursuing a games career.
@BLACKopzplayer2009 21 күн бұрын
Love ya tim, another great topic! Great shirt too!
@JB-pu3oj 4 ай бұрын
A talk between Tim Schaefer and Tim Cain would be so awesome. Both are Legends in the industry and share this attitude of openness and honesty.
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