Why Did Steve Jobs Die?

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Dr. McDougall Health & Medical Center

Dr. McDougall Health & Medical Center

12 жыл бұрын

Dr. John McDougall presents "Why Did Steve Jobs Die?" from the McDougall Advanced Study Weekend, February 2012.
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@m0L3ify 5 жыл бұрын
This is the video that convinced me to finally listen to Dr. McDougall and try going plant-based a year ago because I used to work in cancer research and I realized "Oh. He actually kinda knows what he's talking about." It got this former low-carber to actually stop and listen to a different point of view for a moment and got this scientist to actually sit down and look at the published scientific literature on diet. Once I did that, there was no going back. Changed me and my family's life forever and we've never been healthier. Thanks Dr. McDougall!
@acera2043 11 ай бұрын
You commented 4 years ago. Can you give a follow up. Thank you for your time! 💗🌱
@m0L3ify 11 ай бұрын
@@acera2043 Still plant-based and my wife's type 2 diabetes is still in remission. It only ever comes back when she eats too much coconut oil, so we avoid it. We realized after we started that we never actually liked eating meat, so we're enjoying the plant-based lifestyle immensely!
@acera2043 11 ай бұрын
@@m0L3ify Thank you so very much! 💗🌱
@m0L3ify 11 ай бұрын
@@acera2043 ♥
@Abrahamos 7 ай бұрын
​@@m0L3ifywhat do you supplement with? I'm still in my first year. I do omegas & b12
@ABQSentinel 10 жыл бұрын
I'm reluctant to post anything because I really don't want to get caught up in these "diet wars," but I feel that I actually have something of value to say. I, like Jobs, have a slow-growing neuroendocrine cancer. My cancer is essentially the same as his except mine started in my small intestines and spread to my pancreas and liver; I believe his started in his pancreas. These cancers are very rare, so rare that my oncologist had only seen 2 cases in 35 years of practice. I was fortunate to be able to travel out of state to MD Anderson to see experts on this particular disease. From what I've been told, this type of cancer has not been correlated with poor diet, smoking, alcohol abuse, or other common cancer-causing agents. This type of cancer seems to be highly influenced by stress. That makes a lot of sense since it is endocrine in nature. Steve Jobs was a life long Vegan, I was/am not. Like Jobs, my cancer was thought to have started 15 or so years before I was diagnosed (I was also mis-diagnosed for years). Prior to and during the progression of my disease, I was under tremendous stress. I believe that Jobs and I have this in common. Although Jobs' exposure to what McDougall desribes as a toxic environment may have caused his disease, there is no way, in my opinion, to know this for sure. Myself and others with this disease were never exposed to anything like that. With that said, I really don't believe his cancer was caused by eating soy for 30 years, as someone suggested. I can certainly understand the omnivore's desire to say so, considering that some vegans are quick to tell the meat-eaters, when they get sick, that it is their consumption of animal products that caused their illness. I've even witnessed some mean spirited vegans tell them that deserve to be sick! However, blaming Jobs' cancer on soy isn't fair. Only recently has soy been implicated in cancer, and that is specific to estrogen sensitive cancers, primarily breast cancer. Besides, I have rarely eaten any soy my entire life yet I got this cancer. Do I think diet can cause cancer? I don't think so. I do, however, believe that it is a factor in whether or not the body can "extinguish" cancer cells before they can proliferate. There is a theory that everyone gets "cancer" once or twice in their lief-times, perhaps more for those with a genetic predisposition. If a person has a healthy lifestyle, which includes not only diet and exercise, but stress management, proper amount of sleep, etc. then they will have a healthy immune system and the cancer will be destroyed without them ever knowing that they had it. So, even though Jobs had a healthy diet, his stress may have been a factor. I think it is important for people to have a healthy diet as part of a healthy lifestyle but I don't think that a vegan diet is superior to a healthy omnivorous diet. Both diets can be healthy and both can be unhealthy, depending on what people eat. The only thing that Jobs could have done better (and it may not have mattered with his high stress lifestyle) was eat less fruit. Most people, including experts, agree that sugars of any type "feed" cancer. People often take for granted how much fructose can be in some fruits. One other point that Dr. McDougall made that I do not agree with is that kidney stones are caused only by animal products. I don't believe this is accurate. My understanding is that a high oxalate diet is associated with kidney stones and that even vegans have gotten stones if they consume a lot of oxalate rich foods (and the highest oxalate foods are non-animal products). McDougall stated that he didn't think Jobs had kidney stones but Jobs specifically said that he would pass the stones (I assume he knew this for sure). I think he did have kidney stones but this resulted in his doctors not exploring any other causes for his pain. I had a similar experience with my pancreatic pain being misdiagnosed as a ulcer. It is unfortunate but, because this cancer is rare, doctors don't know to look for it as a cause of pain and other issues. I do want to say one last thing...I think it's atrocious that Jobs was convinced to eat animal products. As far progressed as his disease was, I don't think it would have (and it appears that it didn't) made a difference. In fact, with his strong convictions against consuming animals products, doing so may have contributed to his hopelessness and we all know that hopelessness can affect recovery. I know this is long and I appreciate that you are reading it. In closing, I wish these diet wars would stop! There are many healthy diets and not every diet works for everyone. What someone eats is important, of course, and some are healthiest being Vegan, others are not. I tried a Vegan Alkaline diet recently and, for ME, it didn't help. In fact, I got sicker. It may be a miracle cure for some, but because of my absorption issues, I just couldn't get enough tryptophan from plant sources. So, I went back to the healthy omnivorous diet that I have been on since diagnosis. It hasn't "cured" my cancer but my cancer hasn't grown at all (and it's been 3 years). Thanks for listening.
@raptureready5004 9 жыл бұрын
Interesting information, thanks for your thoughts. Have you checked out taking wheat grass juice daily? Hippocrates Clinic has huge success with this protocol.. also please research curcumin/tumeric it will stop the growth of cancer in its tracks. There are people on Amazon who had their cancer completely disappear. Also McDaniel Lifeline sells a product called Indian Herb which pulls cancer out of the body. The formula came to an Indian in a dream and it is amazing. Best wishes and God Bless.
@TheRealFufuchs 9 жыл бұрын
ABQSentinel I agree to a lot of what you wrote. I also think that stress management and a proper habit of sleeping influences health fundamentally. But from what I read, heard and experienced myself, diet plays the major role by far. I strongly, strongly disagree with the perception that "there are many healthy diets". No, there are not. Every species on earth has its standard diet, which is the healthiest of course. This is a fact plain and simple. Every human body works exactly in the same fashion. I know I'll not "convice" you, I just wanted to warn you to believe in this illusion. If you want to have a good book on a holistic attitude to science-based nutrition, I highly, highly recommend to you pick up The China Study. Another extremely good book on diet and lifestyle is 80/10/10. Have fun.
@ABQSentinel 9 жыл бұрын
Frederik Dortmund I know I won't convince you either but it's good to have the dialog and explore these issues. I thank you for your comment. Essentially, I agree with you that every species has its "standard diet" but I think with omnivores the precentage of different components to that diet can vary greatly...which is what makes them omnivores is the first place. I think the standard human diet includes plant and animal foods but proportions vary. I think we need "animal" protein for optimal health but the amount of animal protein can be minimal for some and can be in insect form. Even the frugivorous Orangutan and the "vegetarian" Gorilla consume a fair amount of insects. Populations have evolved in different geographical areas long enough that there have been genetic adaptations that have allowed people to derive nutrition from very specific, local sources and, even though people may be able to follow a diet that no-longer includes these foods, I believe they won't achieve optimal health unless these foods are included in their diet. I guess, you could say that I think that people should eat how their ancestors ate (not talking about going back to the caveman days) before the "modernization" of foods. So, if you're from the Philippines, find out what that traditional diet looks like and try to mimic that. I have read the China Study and wasn't impressed. As someone with a background in research, it was easy for me to identify his attempts at distorting his data. He makes too many assumptions, draws too many conclusions based on weak correlations, and even excludes key components of his own data. It's too bad too, because if he wasn't so adamant about trying to prove that animal products cause disease, he could have used his data to draw a much more worthy conclusion, that is, that "although animal products do not seem to be highly correlated with disease and, in fact, are negatively correlated with disease in some areas, it appears that humans can be healthy with very small amounts of animal protein which does not have to come from "animals," as insects appear to be able meet this nutritional need." Of course, he didn't study insect protein specifically but it is common knowledge that vegetarian cultures in China and India consume insects regularly (some by choice, others not...but quite a lot of insect protein is consumed "accidentally" when produce is eaten). I haven't read 80/10/10 but I'll try to get to that. Thanks for the recommendation. I've experimented quite a bit with my diet since diagnosis and I seem to feel the best (and my labs reflect this) with a diet of about 60-70% vegetables and good fats (I use lots of olive oil, coconut oil, and butter...yes, butter and coconut oil...I need this saturated fat) and 30% animal foods which for me is raw milk, grass fed beef, and eggs and chicken from pastured chickens. I rarely eat grains and I only eat a piece of fruit a few times a week as my "sweet" treat. Again, I appreciate your comment. Take care and be well.
@TheRealFufuchs 9 жыл бұрын
ABQSentinel I don't agree on humans being omnivores. We're frugivores if we look at our physiology. Fruits and vegetables give us ALL nutrition we need. It is simply false to assume a few thousands or even ten thousands of years lead to any significant genetic adaptation to certain foods. I find it quite fascinating how you have cancer and still consume oil. A refined, highly dense empty calorie which is - without dispute in the scientific community - referred to as a cancer and heart disease promoter. I find it fascinating that you consume henn periods which obviously contain a lot of cholesterol with even more obvious health consequences. It is amazing that you merely consume any fruits, the one type of food all humans love to consume unprocessed (yet you only "allow" yourself that treat only once in a while - what a life -.^ ). I mean, in only 14 months (!) I lost my light depression, lost 9 kg (now lean as), found my truest self, cleaned my skin, tremendously improved my fitness, recieved the gift of amazing digestion, became unbelievably more peaceful and loving and I can eat as much as I want of sweet, delicious fruits and great simple cooked dishes until maximum satiation (et cetera!). If I had cancer I would want to make serious changes in my life and maybe take a look at how to actually live to not get cancer. Farewell, brother. I hope you'll make it. If you need support at any point to live a healthier life, I'm here for ya (seriously, I started coaching for free).
@raptureready5004 9 жыл бұрын
Well my 2 cents for whatever it is worth is I am also vegetarian and I was duped into the soy thing for decades which ends up being GMO and I have morgellons now and actual plant life and parasites coming out of my skin. To support this inner dynamic of ecology one needs fungus which is hiding inside the body and the skin and is a precursor to cancer. Research Dr. Simonciini on you tube, Cancer is a Fungus..he is a very brave man to buck the system..plus these metals and fungus are dropping from the chem trails to add to the whole toxic soup...God help us...
@valnaples 10 жыл бұрын
THIS just bowls me over...thank you Dr. McDougall....my dad was an electronics engineer...graduated from West Point in '43...he soldered many many things and even had 11 patents in his own name...after my mom died in 1983, he was very depressed and then diagnosed with colon cancer in 1986...passed in 1988. I *USED* to think it was the depression about her death that impacted his immune system and triggered the cancer (which I do believe plays a role in our lives)...but now I think toxic metal exposure and such may have also played a part.
@TheRealFufuchs 9 жыл бұрын
With cancer it is not so much about the triggering, but the promotion. An unhealthy diet is the major cancer growth promoter, and depression may also have an promoting effect. You can be sure it wasn't "one thing" that killed your dad. A few things have to come together to lead to this result.
@valnaples 9 жыл бұрын
Frederik Dortmund yes, Fred, he was NOT eating healthy at all...I remember going up to his house with my 3 young sons to visit him and I cooked dinner for him...mostly veggies which he usually always loved (he used to grow his own 'Jersey tomatoes)...he did not touch the food...just kept chopping wood out there...will never forget it. I do believe he was punishing himself...my mother was alcoholic...and in 1983 she acquired some kind of virus and was very very ill at home...my dad thought it was the alcohol and blamed himself for not getting her to ER soon enough. So many *negative* factors here....thank you for your post.
@m0L3ify 5 жыл бұрын
This video changed my life. It was the first one I saw that finally got me to pay attention to plant-based diets and take the research seriously. I had been a low-carber for 15 years, but I had also worked in cancer research, and this video finally convinced me Dr. McDougall actually knew what he was talking about. That was in August 2017. It's interesting to see it come around into my feed again. So much of my family's life has changed for the better since then. Diseases healed. Health improved. My wife was convinced she'd die of her Type 2 Diabetes, but after finally going cold-turkey and trying plant-based, she was off meds in 2 days and has been in remission ever since. Thanks Dr. McDougall! We are forever grateful!
@contrarian604 Жыл бұрын
Can we get an update? I believe you were on the right path of low-carb, but switched to plant-based. There is nothing wrong with veggies, but carbs and fructose are the killers. Carbs feed cancer cells, and fructose is a direct toxin to the liver where it must be processed, no different than alcohol. I've personally cut out all my fruit consumption, and treat it no differently than a dessert or occasional treat.
@m0L3ify 11 ай бұрын
@@contrarian604 Still plant-based and still in remission.
@contrarian604 11 ай бұрын
@@m0L3ify plant-based is fine. It’s good if your cancer is in remission. The issue is the fructose in fruit and sofas. Fructose is a toxin to the liver, and a direct cause of fatty liver disease and NASH. Fatty liver affects at least 1/3 of the population, and is growing exponentially amongst children and teenagers, previously unheard of.
@m0L3ify 11 ай бұрын
@@contrarian604 Thanks, but I didn't have cancer, I did cancer research. My wife had type 2 diabetes, which is what has been in remission since 2017. I only mentioned the cancer research because that knowledge is what led me to finally listen to Dr. McDougall. That's all. I mean, eat what you want, I don't have a personal stake in your diet and I'm not going to take it personally if you disagree with me. You do you. Sure, high fructose corn syrup is bad for you for sure, but there's plenty of research showing that whole fruits are actually beneficial and that the sugars in them aren't released very quickly because of the fiber. If you focus on fiber and less on the pure sugars, you're going to improve your health, and if you want to do that through whole grains, legumes, and vegetables, go for it. Either way, eating whole foods is very good for you.
@ritmitch 11 жыл бұрын
That was so informative and I have such a better understanding of the growth of cancer in general. I pray that those who loved Steve Jobs see this or have read your newsletter. It would give them such peace. Plus, I think his healthy diet not only prolonged his life but gave him the mental clarity to be so industrious and creative.
@kaunas888 9 жыл бұрын
Of course Steve Jobs had to be made an example of. The Sick Care Industry is not going to allow someone as prominent as Steve Jobs to propose an alternative to their extremely profitable model. He had to be made into a fool on this topic.
@frankasensale6788 8 жыл бұрын
+kaunas888 ~ My thoughts precisely.
@YD-uq5fi 8 жыл бұрын
+kaunas888 I think he was too powerful for them to just rub out..
@Enstpannungsmusic 7 жыл бұрын
Or it is just because of trusting blindly all the years anothers one as Sick Care ind., Banking system, Governments etc. and we didn't take responsibility ourselves bc. it was easier for us and it is a lot of work to educate and inform ourselves. Many of us know that slowly and wake up and beginn to change it through changing themselves.
@Adjil59 7 жыл бұрын
Wow! This is an impressive piece of rationale, objective detective work. As a person I understand the clear logic and explanation given here. As a physician I support all these facts to be basically true. I hope that Steve Jobs family reads it and more importantly I hope that the autobiographer will have a chance one day to publicly retract his statements and set the record straight.
@forrestnunnelee7130 6 жыл бұрын
Devil's advocate a
@maryciulla3238 6 жыл бұрын
That 60 Minutes interview made Steve Jobs look like a crackpot. Living 30 years with pancreatic cancer is astounding, and I've seen people live for 2 or 3 years with it. It seems that his vegan diet extended his life. I'm sorry that good diet was taken from him at the end.
@kassi4837 8 жыл бұрын
this information is amazing. living 8-10 years after diagnosis is a miracle.
@GoGreen1977 5 жыл бұрын
No, it's not. I'm here 16 years after my diagnosis and surgery to remove the same type of tumor. Neuroendocrine is very different from adenocarcinoma pancreatic cancer. That said, every person is different, and obviously Steve Jobs was different!
@sugarbabylove1000 4 жыл бұрын
No she's right. You are an exception to the rule. My father died within a year of his diagnosis. My friend's mother died within a few months. Things have improved in recent years for many cancers we are told. But pancreatic cancer is an exception.
@DebisDesignDiary 12 жыл бұрын
As a vegan, I say thank you! main stream media has a warped view of the truth because they need to sell ads, and most of the adds on TV are.. hmm let me think, meds, burgers, soda. No wonder they jumped at the chance to call him foolish.
@dbb7286 2 жыл бұрын
I have to tell you, There’s something to being vegan for sure. I tried to eat keto which I couldn’t stand by the way, and I’d feel sick and gain weight! When I eat vegetables and grains I feel better and I lose weight. I don’t know, maybe everybody’s different, but it definitely agrees with me more.
@chekoukantu 10 жыл бұрын
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." Hippocrates
@healthyone100 6 жыл бұрын
@iswallowcumbecause4504 5 жыл бұрын
@solidust23 5 жыл бұрын
These things shall ye not eat... Leviticus
@susampson278 5 жыл бұрын
back in Hippoc's time, they did not have GMO, chemical pesticide in food, contaminated water with PCBs, air pollution, etc, So the question becomes: where can one find pure food? Food researcher Michael Pollen suggests veganism in his books...
@rucaskeeper666 5 жыл бұрын
rather sleeping a lot...Hippocrates insisted a lot in depriving sick people from eating and sleeping a lot...
@MJ-hl1kk 6 күн бұрын
RIP☦, Dr John McDougall💐. Yoh have paid homage to this brilliant man in your own, brilliant way, and you have left behind a glorious legacy for the world to benefit from, if it chooses to.
@scosoexterior9125 5 жыл бұрын
I am glad I saw this. I have not researched it but now I think back and remember hearing many of these things.
@Snuggs420 Жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with PNET last Feb when I was sent to the ER by an alert urgent care doc. Turns out I had a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor 13 cm by 20 cm in size, with several small liver metastases. Surgery removed it all, along with a good chunk of my organs. I had a wonderful surgeon. So no, a 10cm tumor does not always equal death.
@pamiepalm1 8 жыл бұрын
This video is great! Breaks my heart that so many people die with horrible guilt that is so untrue!!!
@ericwakker3988 6 жыл бұрын
That was a major eye opener. Thank you!
@elizabethschultz1276 9 жыл бұрын
This was so eye opening. Thank you for sharing.
@jaronby 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this explanation. From time to time people attack me on being Vegan and take one of my heroes, Steve Jobs, to prove their point. Thank you for pointing out that his cancer started already at a very young age, and even so his Vegan diet delayed his demise to this horrible disease...
@contrarian604 Жыл бұрын
Actually, you're completely wrong. Steve Jobs was a fruitarian from an early age. He was fond of apples and ate them frequently, and named his company after he had a tour of an apple orchard. You do realize that cancer cells feed off glucose only, and that a carb-reduced diet will suppress cancer and tumor cell growth and metabolism. There's nothing wrong with vegetables, however, being a vegan means you're probably eating a lot of carbs, and fruits which contain fructose, a direct toxin on the liver. Carbs and fruits should be consumed with caution, past middle-age. I plugged the numbers in the video into the online doubling-time calculator I found online and got different results, but the initiation of the tumor at such a young age should be a cautionary tale for those that consume excess carbohydrate, as regardless of the demonization of animal food products, there are no essential carbohydrates required by the human body. Nothing wrong with being vegan, but how much fructose do you intake daily, and what is your daily carbohydrate intake? I shudder to think. Vegans beware. The demon is processed food and refined grains, not animal meat and saturated fats.
@DaKeezl 7 ай бұрын
Besides that McDougall guy mentioning Jobs‘ exposure to chemicals at early age, let‘s not forget he did drugs between 1970-1974 including marihuana, LSD and hash. Plus: he was known for being a hot-tempered person and surely had a lot of stress. McDougall claims to know, that neither his frutarian diet made him sick in the first place nor contributed to his cancer growth. A vegan diet lacks key nutrients and must always be supplemented. I am NOT saying if Jobs had included animal fat and protein, that he would lived longer. We don’t know that! I just don‘t like this shit show of vegan propaganda. At around 24:30 minutes he talks about animal protein consumption is the cause for kidney stones. How come my vegetarian and salad and spinach loving neighbour developed nice kidney stones at age 57? Clearly she must have done her vegetarian diet so wrong and had to be a proper vegan, right? I want to see evidence for that ridiculous claim McDougall makes. Show the studies! 32:00 Hmm, Wozniak is still alive while being on a standard american diet… Then this annoying ongoing assumptions about when his cancer growth must have started. „Oh, we have that fancy equation that tells us exactly when his cancer growth must have started!“ Who knows which of them would have lived longer? Who can say that if he would have been operated earlier he would have died later than 2011? 34:10 McDougall thinks he knows what Jobs was eating (vegetable oils and fake meat because it is common vegan practice). Does he really know? „Oh, I think he was eating a healthy vegan diet!“ Maybe he had diabetes because of all the fructose (metabolized in the liver as we know) and that led to an unnormal cancer growth factor? What‘s one of the pancreas‘ main purposes? Making insuline. Diabetic patients have a constant elevated blood glucose level, so insuline is needed to get the excess glucose out of the way before it becomes toxic or leads to excessive AGEs. And he developed pancreas cancer. Hmmmm…. And where was that slide taken from saying that the stomach digests and absorbs nutrients? Absorption takes place in the small intestine. That is a huge facepalm to whoever wrote this. It was told Jobs had his gall bladder removed, so he had to be careful with excess fat (if he ever consumed fat, again we don’t know). Of course the was advised to eat protein after his first surgwry because he was losing body and muscle mass and protein is known to stimulate muscle growth. McDougall switches the title of the slides to „was forced to eat meat“ without there being a single text passage mentioning that. Now there you have it again. Vegan bullshit propaganda. Stick to the facts, otherwise stop indoctrinating people. 37:27 but still the cancer grew, didn‘t he? Is it because of a vegan diet? We don‘t know that! Was its growth slowed down because of the vegan diet? We don‘t know that. This all shows me that veganism is a religious belief system (see 7th day adventists). And I say“ Yes, in this case, the so called genius of Jobs failed. Full stop!“ don‘t be ridiculous, Mr. McDougall, with your straw man fallacies. One more thing: I love apple products! Thank you for making consumer products we all love and enjoy every day, Steve J. and Steve W.!!! ❤
@Justineatsfruit 5 ай бұрын
​@@contrarian604😂😂😂😂😂😂 you know these things for a fact huh 😅
@Justineatsfruit 5 ай бұрын
​@@contrarian604it's cute that you have reiterated information from carnivore Md and are his little puppet .. fructose is toxic to the liver? Lmfao
@learn-when-you-stop-talking 5 ай бұрын
@@Justineatsfruit. Justin, go look up fructose metabolism. Fruit contains fructose, hence the origin and spelling of fructose. Fructose is no different than ethanol, metabolized directly at the liver. You can get away with regular consumption at a young age, not when you’re older. Average tumor doubling time is 6-9 months. Steve jobs is calculated as 10 months, slower than typical probably due to his regular fasting. Fructose is a direct toxin to to the liver, only without cerebral effects as does ethanol. Go use your brain for once, look it up.
@farrokhfarr2694 4 жыл бұрын
i was one of Steve's classmates at one point. he was NOT stupid. all the subject's we all tried to understand with great difficulty would come to him naturally. the man was one of the kind and talked about his early death. he knew. simply a genius. god rest his soul. nobody like Steve will walk on earth again.
@pumacorp 5 жыл бұрын
I almost forgot thank Dr. McDougall and his long Journey of helping people and creating a massive amount of enemies in the medical field on his way. That's what you call a hero
@vistagraphsnet 8 жыл бұрын
To say Jobs was stupid is stupid.
@zeljkom.svedruzic8406 4 жыл бұрын
there are different kinds of smart, and different kinds of stupid. Life is not one dimensional function of one variable :-)
@carpediem6568 4 жыл бұрын
The "cure" for cancer is routinely expressed by medical community as living five years. Obviously, not a cure. I had a friend who's relative died from pancreatic cancer. The doctor told him it was because he was a vegetarian and didn't get enough protein. Then, I remembered what Dean Ornish, MD., said. Doctors receive one course in nutrition during medical school.
@GoGreen1977 5 жыл бұрын
I had surgery to remove a neuroendocrine tumor in 2002. I was 47 years old, born the same year as Steve Jobs. I had stomach gas pains off and on, sometimes severe and after a few years of trying to deal with them, I went in for an ultrasound for my gall bladder. In the process, a mass "on or near" my pancreas was discovered which led to a CT scan and a month or so later, I had surgery. The tumor was removed with my spleen and half of my pancreas. After 5 days in the hospital, I was sent home. I needed no chemo, no radiation, no other follow-up other than a CT scan once a year for 5 years and an 6-month check up with an oncologist during those years. The tumor hadn't spread and here I am over 16 years later, living an active, healthy life. The surgeon said the tumor had probably been there for a while since there was calcification present. I had no other symptoms except for the gas pains, which did not totally go away, but have diminished significantly. I had no more stress than most people. My diet was and is better than most Americans, but I still ate meat, sweets now and then, and not a lot of veggies since I've never liked them, but I try. I never smoked, anything, and was only an occasional drinker of alcohol. Cancer in general is very rare in my family and none of parents or grandparents died of cancer. How did I get the tumor, I have no idea. Why was it relatively easy to cure? Maybe I was just lucky. I was told from the time I woke up from surgery that my prognosis was excellent. And so far, 16 years plus, that's been the case. Overall, I've read neuroendocrine is very survivable and some people have no idea they have that tumor. In some cases, when an autopsy is conducted on someone who dies of something else, sometimes at a great age, one of these tumors will be found, having caused no apparent symptoms in the person. My Kaiser doctor insisted that I have surgery. Since I had no other symptoms associated with pancreatic cancer and a biopsy would have been difficult to do, I agreed since we all had to find out what I had. And so I did.
@IsabelJRP923 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the transparency.
@deepakhiranandani6488 Жыл бұрын
Wonderful. I stumbled upon this video today though I've been reading Dr. McDougall's books since years and have watched many of his videos in the past few years. Well better late than never. Thank you Dr. Mcdougall.
@ksuter200 6 жыл бұрын
After working in the Cancer field I can say that his surviving pancreatic cancer longer than 1 year after diagnosis is a feat in itself and highly likely to his eating a plant based diet. If he had had surgery back when it was first seen at age 48 he would have only had one year to live especially if he was eating animal proteins which are a giant stress on the digestive system, kidneys and insulin. His diet gave him many more years he would not have enjoyed. I only wish he could have done a month of water fasting and that may have given his body enough time to starve the cancer cells so that they would have died instead of him dying.
@ec3539 5 жыл бұрын
The extremely disrespectful and rude 60 minute coverage highlighted why after Jobs's initial death, there was this negative atmosphere about him. He was one of the greatest human contributors to mankind defamed for his fruitatarian diet posthumously. Imagine what horrors an injustice his wife and family went through with such negative swarms around his diet and choices when he should have been eulogized to the maximum. Great investigative work, Dr. Mcdougall! You gave Steve Jobs the credit due to him for living with pancreatic cancer for 30 years! That's amazing. I also feel sympathy for him that he was coerced to put his own values aside and eat shellfish and eggs. Let us not demonize the vegans. I have a feeling that the plants are not as nutritious as they were years ago and that fruits have been tweaked to be sweeter than ever. I think you could get fatty liver and gain weight from excessive sugars whether from candy or fruits. I believe they need to supplement DHA, D3, B vitamins such as B12, but other than that, they live by their conscience to truly leave a lesser footprint.
@jcee6886 4 жыл бұрын
Initial death?
@arontesfay2520 2 жыл бұрын
Your claim that plants are not as nutritious as they used to be is not true. If you think sugar from candy and sugar from fruits have similar effects, then you've clearly not read the literature. So many studies have been done on this very topic and the effects of candy/table sugar vs fruits is not even close
@snapsnapdik 10 жыл бұрын
I drank an incredibly shockingly amount of energy drink and cake and chips in my teenage years, combined with depression and medication for it. Could it be that my first cancer cell has started? And I eat a cooked plant based diet now, with exercise. Could it be that cancer is slowly growing in me?
@LP-7777 54 минут бұрын
@pamelavance648 3 жыл бұрын
Now a days people call others stupid when they don't agree with them We all have opinions but that doesn't mean we have to take other opinions on as our own it's called being an individual We have choices beliefs others can share concerns but it's still up to the individual to decide what's best for themselves It's sad instead of support he was being told and insulted in the end Beautiful smart man rip
@plantpoweredprophet 5 жыл бұрын
Fantastic breakdown! Thanks for sharing. I am not a fan of Mr. Jobs but I really was impressed by your research.
@melngo3285 10 жыл бұрын
R.I.P Steve Jobs. Hope you enjoy your moments in the iCloud.
@lupina015 9 жыл бұрын
I laughed. This is bad.
@calvinm3054 3 жыл бұрын
Lmao he’s going to hell
@thisisabhishekgoswami 3 жыл бұрын
not funny
@lindapesnell5723 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr. McDougall. ❤️
@danieladeglialberi6192 7 жыл бұрын
Such a beautiful job, Mr John McDougall, I really appreciate it. I'm so sorry he lived his last 8 years with this heavy feeling of guilt, while he did the best lifestyle choices. I wish he could have listened at your words before to die.
@mauricepowers3804 6 жыл бұрын
That was amazing!!! Thank you!
@MAIP3 5 жыл бұрын
I ws very moved by your wonderful and sensitive conclusion about the demise of Steve Jobs. Thank you,
@Lotusblume.8 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this!! 💜
@Siveth-ff3jy 5 жыл бұрын
Fascinating discussion , thank you for shining a different perspective, which I agree no regrets
@nancysueleske7819 5 жыл бұрын
I wanted to cry! Thank you for your insight to this complex situation!
@Hveragerthi 5 жыл бұрын
Not that complex. Jobe died due to cancer promoted by the powerful immune suppressing drugs he was on for his liver transplant. Not because of any diet or because of his surgery for his cancer or the holistic therapies he used. The drugs he was on are well known for causing and promoting cancer. So there was very little he could have done to cure his cancer since he had to remain on the immune suppressing drugs for the rest of his life.
@URIBENFILM 11 жыл бұрын
Fantastic speech, thank you for your knowledge and courage.
@isaaclong1659 8 жыл бұрын
Great presentation, thank you.
@martinabattistich387 9 жыл бұрын
great Conference, thank you Doctor!!
@lovestheanswer12 10 жыл бұрын
Such a beautiful yet clear explanation of Steve the Great's fate. Thank you so much Dr. McDougall. I, myself, suspected it was work related carcinogens right from the start. May we all be totally grateful for his huge contribution to this human race. Rest In Peace dear Steve...
@loveistheanswer5924 Жыл бұрын
Nice name. 🙂
@HazYyy 6 жыл бұрын
This is really helpful, thank you. To think all this time I made all these assumptions about Steve Jobs and his diet and why he died. I've actually been thinking about it a lot. Really good to hear Steve Jobs was a strict vegetarian. It's a shame what happened 😢
@madisona3907 5 жыл бұрын
Great presentation. Thank you
@susanbarbella3477 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this..it is huge
@LeadfinanceCanada 8 жыл бұрын
Well, death by veganism debunked. They took advantage of him when he was the weakest and forced him to shorten his life by eating meat. John Mcdougall is an incredible asset for humanity. I wish I can meet him one day.
@adahir100 8 жыл бұрын
he should have had the surgery, it might have saved his life, it was a better chance to do it earlier than later to survive. Medical treatment isn't all bad like some vegans think and I disagree with McDougall on this, who is not a cancer doctor and does not treat cancer patients. Some of the stuff here is manipulated, like the idea that surgery would not have helped if Jobs got surgery earlier.
@Taggez1 7 жыл бұрын
+adahir100 did you even watch the video? Surgery wouldn't have helped
@adahir100 7 жыл бұрын
Steve Jobs himself said he wished he got the medical treatments earlier. He was getting them at the end but it was already too late. If he got them as soon as he was diagnosed, nobody knows but there might have been a chance. But he chose to use diet only, not medical intervention. Veganism might be a cruelty free belief and lifestyle, but contrary to what too many extreme vegans preach it is NOT a cure for all diseases and conditions under the sun, and medical intervention is not the evil of the world in all (or most) cases where it is actually helping lots of people. Millions and millions of people around the world are better off because modern medicine is available to them, imagine what it was like in the past to have surgeries without anesthesia or serious infections, like pnuemonia, without penicillin
@luxintra5335 7 жыл бұрын
Did you even watch the presentation?
@gnagyusa 7 жыл бұрын
+LeadFinance.ca - Nobody is saying that Jobs died because of his diet. It was not the diet that caused the cancer, but he died because he went with *only the diet*, declining early surgery. If you are bleeding, and instead of stopping the bleeding, you decide to just take a pain killer, it's not the pain medication that kills you, but taking the pill *instead of* stopping the bleeding. If I tell you that you should stop the bleeding *first*, it doesn't mean I'm against pain-killers. ;) BTW, Dr McDougall is a well-known vegan diet apologist, so of course he would try to defend the diet... But, he totally missed the point. He's being defensive for no reason: as I pointed out, people are not blaming the diet itself... I'd like to see some independent / unbiased medical opinions on this, before reaching a conclusion. I'm not even saying that people shouldn't be vegans. Just don't do it *instead of* modern medicine, before it's too late...
@sandyc1333 5 жыл бұрын
Wow. Very well explained. Thank you for all the work you do. You are an amazing man and my biggest influencer.
@mabelh7305 Жыл бұрын
Bravo Dr. McDougal!! Thank you thank you for this video!!!!
@samitranjan123 10 жыл бұрын
very very good analysis...........loved a video this much after a really long time !!!!!!
@carolinemills7229 9 жыл бұрын
It's amazing how we can twist the truth or misunderstand it. Thank you for sharing!
@nortondone5311 7 жыл бұрын
I was a hearty meat eater just before May 9 2016. I decided to go meatless and low cheese. Come May 20th I decided to do a parasite cleanse. It was the most horrific thing I ever saw... I saw Flukes of all kinds (flat worm, they are not long and skinny but actually more square) When I decided to actually sift through my own feces that's when I saw these critters. I took pictures of them and researched what types they were. That's when it turned out each of these things were from the different meats I ate. I was a huge huge Ham eater from a very young age and that actually showed. I had so many pig flukes!!! Seeing all the flukes has completely healed me of the desire to ever eat an ounce of ham or ANY meat!!! I'm doing well not eating any sort of meats or eggs. Turns out that those flukes once they are in you they clog up the organs. Trust me they grow to very very large sizes. I 've seen some so tiny they look clear but you can actually see the shapes of the flukes. I WAS a strong Paleo follower Never again! I listen to the people the Lord has put into my life those are Dr. Robert Morse and Dr. John McDougall.
@user-qy6jb2vk8w 7 жыл бұрын
Ahhh haha. I see what you are trying to do there. You'd be better off trying to traumatize people with the footage of what goes on in meat factories. This just makes you seem insane.
@nortondone5311 7 жыл бұрын
... Say what??...
@user-qy6jb2vk8w 7 жыл бұрын
"When I decided to actually sift through my own feces..."
@nortondone5311 7 жыл бұрын
Meats NASTY!! I'M SO GLAD I STOPPED EATING IT!! No meat at all and I am feeling AH MAZING!!!!
@alonperlmuter5328 7 жыл бұрын
how did you do the parasite cleanse?
@BeccaCarterboost 7 жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you for this!!!
@coldwhitespring5004 4 жыл бұрын
This is awesome, thank you.
@strongwallers 9 жыл бұрын
Amazing analysis! He convinced me. This doctor understands the body and the immune system, not to mention his medical experience. Thanks for setting things straight. Must be a relief to his dear family. Wouldn't be the first time 60 Minutes gets the story wrong.
@elainenilsson5472 6 жыл бұрын
Very in depth explanation. But here is the million dollar question; Is there anything that could have prevented that one cell to replicate.
@Aneedanothaone 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for explaining the years from when cancer originates to diagnosis
@aundreadalrymple714 5 жыл бұрын
thank you for your kindness your insight consideration. good science Dr. McDougall. We so appreciate you🌟.
@Seanthecookchef 2 жыл бұрын
Absolute legend and inspiration for myself, family & my channel, keep them coming Dr.! This is the video that changed me forever!
@herbivorosaurus 10 жыл бұрын
Nice to see some reasoned argument and well thought through points about Steve Jobs' unfortunate condition, rather than blaming the victim. Thanks doc!
@kassi4837 8 жыл бұрын
my aunt was taken to this disease when she was 34, 2-3 years after diagnosis. She made no dietary changes and had more than one surgery.
@WeeklyFoodChallenge 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this.
@mickybyrne60 9 жыл бұрын
The thing I don't understand is why people think vegans are some sort of cult?! It ironic because we actually question what we believe in, we are concerned about our health and well being.
@mickybyrne60 9 жыл бұрын
usucdik oh, of course it's not just animal products that cause disease, but MOST do unfortunately. You see, I've made immense diet changes, including cutting out certain foods I'm intolerant to; bananas, soya milk... I also never cook oil, ever! In fact, I now don't even eat foods containing it. It's a isolated concentrated disease inhibitor. As a result, my acne is vanishing! Just one week without the stuff and my face is clear and oil free. I have to agree with most vegans, that people must be doing something wrong. You can get every single nutrient your body needs and feel full, satisfied. It's not just about not eating animal products, it's about being healthy.
@purplemutantas 9 жыл бұрын
Micky Byrne The way some vegans behave it might as well be a cult. The worst of the bunch seem to be the raw vegans.
@davidnunya4938 9 жыл бұрын
Micky Byrne People thinks it's a cult because it is a culture that is very fanatical. They have a very fanatical leadership. They attack people who do not hold their beliefs both physically and verbally. They attack people who previously shared their beliefs but had a change of heart both physically and verbally. They manipulate data to achieve their conclusions. They ignore any data that disputes their conclusions. They have conspiracies that any studies that refute their data were funded by companies/corporations that support meat eating but cannot back up those claims. They use ad hominem attacks against those who argue against them. They use bad science. They rationalize their own science. They try to force their beliefs and morals on others. Failure is the fault of the individual not the system. They try to manipulate their own believers How are they not like a cult?
@Chimsonovan 9 жыл бұрын
David Nunya Most vegans actually are against animal suffering and want others to comprehend, since eating meat, dairy, eggs is 99% for enjoyment, comfort and tradition. If you didnt find that out by now, you might have missed the point of the vegans you have had contact with, cant say why that is though. All you said can be applied to basically any immature, ignorant individual and in all fairness the internet is full of those.
@davidnunya4938 8 жыл бұрын
Chimon Yes, the term cult can be applied to many groups...cults.
@jolantakanya 8 жыл бұрын
This was the best lecture I've heard in life...profound..
@kmenza2592 5 жыл бұрын
I was dx’d 2013 and went through standard treatment for colorectal cancer (Pre dx I was eating 80% plant/20% meat) Because of the cancer treatment I cannot eat veggies/fruits/spices. I can understand the “hopelessness” of Mr Jobs as my daily struggle to eat to stay alive causes more misery which is unmentionable.
@djarnoldo516 8 жыл бұрын
Outstanding talk.
@magracyone3559 7 жыл бұрын
Anyone else see that ladie falling asleep @30:15 lol
@doesntmatter6483 7 жыл бұрын
MagracyOne lol
@federicolrobinson 6 жыл бұрын
@sugarbabylove1000 4 жыл бұрын
Lol.byes then she opens her eyes and looks at the camera as if thinking "I hope no one saw me" LOL
@musicvixen24 4 жыл бұрын
@psychcorp4449 3 жыл бұрын
This is a very intellectually consistent presentation based on good medical evidence and thinking. The origin of Steve Jobs cancer makes sense. Your presentation has made me more aware of being around potential carcinogens which may be the most valuable aspect of this video. Thank you so much. Stay safe and be well.
@mjowsey 3 жыл бұрын
Don't get a suntan.
@11235Aodh Сағат бұрын
If you're interested still, may i point you towards the videos of dr. Peter Rogers, they are very in depth into biochemistry and cancer/autoimmune disease/other common diseases.
@kathyfausett9301 7 жыл бұрын
After spending time in India, Jobs fully understood the reality of intuitive knowing. His biographer completely missed this vital point, and instead referred to it as magical thinking. Intuitive knowing is far superior to the intellect, as was evident when one views his contributions. This man was truly in tune.
@beanburrito8903 Жыл бұрын
We need you back out there.
@YouJN6Tube 10 жыл бұрын
I am a huge advocate of holistic health and healing, from diet to exercise to chi gong to meditation and so on. What is often overlooked is the emotional/psychological dimension. Steve was not even remotely close to being emotionally balanced or at peace. He himself stated that his cancer was the result of "stress" from running Pixar. With a balanced approach we can indeed do wonders to reverse cancer these days.
@cjr1881 5 жыл бұрын
Jay Newman Lol
@TechOutAdam 3 жыл бұрын
Steve Jobs is the best entrepreneur who ever did it. It’s an absolutely shame. Steve Jobs’ intuition was right his whole life. This is why you never ever let peer pressure tell you what’s right. “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” Steve Jobs
@arontesfay2520 2 жыл бұрын
Yes. Even as somebody, that's not a huge fan of Apple products, I can't deny Steve Jons' absolute entrepreneurial genius.
@TechOutAdam 2 жыл бұрын
@@arontesfay2520 Absolutely. I mean everyone has their favorites of course but Steve and Woz are pioneers.
@djmurphr 10 жыл бұрын
Wow, great information!
@Morticia147 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for setting the record straight and putting some light on facts.
@Seabasshunting 10 жыл бұрын
Great video, John. Thank you!
@Seabasshunting 10 жыл бұрын
Sound seems a bit low though.
@irenechang2734 9 жыл бұрын
My reading of the Isaacson biography led me to blame, also, the toxic pesticides and fungicides used for fruit tree sprays. Steve Jobs worked in his youth in fruit orchards, especially apple orchards. That combined with the Silicon Valley chemicals may have led to Jobs's cancer. Apples made have both made him and broken him. Thank goodness for the modern existence of OSHA and EPA to help limit the future suffering of today's employees. My heart goes out to the folks in Second World and Third World factories who have less protection. To the folks who try to write the TPP to minimize such protections, I have the greatest loathing.
@angusquake 9 жыл бұрын
My hunch also - exposure to pesticides when he was only around 18 (circa 1973-74) at the "All-One" apple farm in Oregon.
@amthom37 10 жыл бұрын
I am an RN and do believe his cancer started early in his life by the toxic elements he inhaled. Being a vegan did prolong his life as a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer kills one in 3-6 months and he lived for many years when he had not been diagnosed with it. Sadly, no MD told him that fact. Arlene Thom
@stanleykania7184 5 жыл бұрын
Dr. McDougall.. you rock .. your awesome.. wish you well.
@justcallmebookworm7543 6 жыл бұрын
Ah, now I know who he reminds me of! He looks a lot like and sounds even more like Sam Waterston from Law & Order!
@eastmansfitness1997 4 жыл бұрын
I love Dr. John McDougall for his love of truth and his endless search for the truth. Related to human biochemistry. I LOVE Dr. McDougall M.D. he is my major HERO along with Dr T. Colin Campbell THE CHINA STUDY Outliers
@maskhrje8424 5 жыл бұрын
Great lecture dr john
@scutfarkus8631 7 жыл бұрын
Dr mcdougall has examples in his own family of people who lived to a ripe old age on a SAD diet. His grandma lived to over a hundred, but she suffered in her last few years. Dr mcdougall father-in-law lived to 93, but had prostate cancer and suffered a heart attack a few years before he died.
@marira5930 8 жыл бұрын
Steve Jobs was definitely not a stupid person (else I'd like to be that kind of stupid!) and I think it's sad that people dismiss spiritual considerations as 'stupid' in decisions about health of the body. There is a lot of surmise in this lecture, but when you look at the interview that was shown and the absolute sales pitch for surgery in that, it needed to be countered.
@bikinggal1 6 жыл бұрын
I think Steve did the right thing! I hope I have the strength to avoid surgery and everyone telling me what I should do
@ericnoack1324 5 жыл бұрын
My brother complained of a sore back for years...................then went to a doctor about it at age 59 within one year he was dead from Pancreatic cancer .
@artfactory942 6 жыл бұрын
Great speech from a devoted doctor.Want to know how to delay the growth of Perkinson disease ?
@RJCooper2 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you John for all you do and for clearing up these unjust judgments about Steve.
@goodselections 5 жыл бұрын
Fasting seems to an answer to cure many deseases including cancer
@olaolga 5 жыл бұрын
Which didn't work in his case
@medinabello19 9 жыл бұрын
Excellent presentation.
@kenmarriott5772 5 жыл бұрын
The medical industry doesn't have answers for cancers. It's a painful and many times unsuccessful course. Insulin resistance - fatty pancreas could have been the cause along with a compromised immune system due to insulin resistance. Fasting may have cured.
@SpineGevity 5 жыл бұрын
I have always wondered if the fumes from melting metals while working on electronics may have been a key source of toxic exposure. I also wonder if the LSD he ingested in his twenties might have combined with the toxic metals to cause his cancer. Thank you for this presentation - Steve would be happy to know that many people might have a better chance of reducing their odds of cancer through such honest and logical forensic analysis.
@phuongngo5087 6 жыл бұрын
Great talk. Thank you for freeing Steve from all the false accusations. May he rest in peace now.💗✨🙏
@kevinehart 5 жыл бұрын
The woman sleeping @ 30:17 was classic as well as the moment she woke up and realized she was on camera.
@onniman 6 жыл бұрын
I'm really concerned about the regulations of electromagnetic radiations today. All cellphone users are carrying lot of radiation in their pockets. Even unborn babies are affected by radiations.. that is horrible. I wonder how much radiations were affecting in Jobs cancer.
@fadalmulamohmud189 6 жыл бұрын
If I was him I would not have done the operation as well, and I think he was still pretty smart man for this decision, Cancer can be healed naturally, following the right diet, and antineoplastons that destroys cancer within no time, Steve Jobs was one of the smartest guys in the world, his father originally descended from Syria, who got married to his American mother, to deliver this genius guy who impacted our life with his numerous technological contributions. He will always be in our hearts.
@pynaetlborelse1708 3 жыл бұрын
We should remember that you are a vegan if you live exclusively on Coke and Pringles. It would be interesting to know the specifics of his dietary habits.
@jphuang8658 6 жыл бұрын
Dr. McDougall, With an open mind, I have enjoyed reading and listening to your presentations in the past week after I am diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. In this presentation, you laid out a detailed time line. I have two questions: 1) would Jobs lengthen his life after his diagnosis should he have had gone on your diet? 2) Should he have started your tiet in his 30s', could he possibly reverse his cancer? I look forward to reading more of your materials. Thanks for taking my questions. Live with cancer Cary, NC
@jphuang8658 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the info. No, I didn't know this channel. I will definitely check it out. This is a new experience.
@solrossi_illustration 8 жыл бұрын
Brilliant Doc!
@WhisperInTheWeeds 10 жыл бұрын
News flash. He died because he was a human being. The last few minutes are beautiful. Thank you. He was a genius and no fool.
@jrapprentice 8 жыл бұрын
I don't always agree with McDougall but this is enthralling. If you strip this down to its bare essentials then the fact that Jobs had metastasis when he was operated on, nine months after the diagnosis, which killed him eight years later must mean that they were there before he was diagnosed. it doesn't matter how fanciful you think the 24 years old onset to be, the guy was doomed before he was diagnosed. A brilliant piece of analysis.
@mum3347 8 жыл бұрын
I believe that is what he said.
@matvright5666 8 жыл бұрын
Poor man. What a great presentation
@BETIBUTIChuyenGia 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this, Dr McDougall. If his cancer cell doubled at the speed of 3months, when would he have died? (could you please calculate) What would we have missed out in the i-creation? if he died much earlier, compared to the timeline of his (apple's) product under his time?
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