Why Do So Many Christians Suffer and Unbelievers Succeed in Life?

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Core Christianity (Sola Media)

Core Christianity (Sola Media)

4 жыл бұрын

Why do so many Christians suffer in this life, while lots of people who don't know the Lord experience blessing? Michael Horton and Pastor Adriel Sanchez discuss this question. For the full episode subscribe to our podcast on iTunes or listen at CoreChristianity.com. Do you have questions you want to be answered on the program, call us at: 1-833-843-2673
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@KaimaVixen Жыл бұрын
This hit home for me. I have desired to have children and a loving spouse. I have watched men who broke my heart get married with children and friends who are not believers have joy. I have see. So much pain in my life and sometimes I do feel like I’m being punished.
@KingJonathanThe1st Жыл бұрын
Christianity means you’ve raised your standards too high. You want these kind of standards? Then go to a church and meet a guy with such high standards. It simply does not exist anymore. Also, you’ve conformed to these standards. You DONT have to conform to Christian standards.
@KaimaVixen Жыл бұрын
Your comment was full of opinion and not perspective. Not looking for answers if projection but discourse. Good day.
@KaimaVixen Жыл бұрын
Your comment was full of opinion and not perspective. Not looking for answers if projection but discourse. Good day.
@KaimaVixen Жыл бұрын
Your comment was full of opinion and not perspective. Not looking for answers if projection but discourse. Good day.
@KaimaVixen Жыл бұрын
Your comment was full of opinion and not perspective. Not looking for answers if projection but discourse. Good day.
@SoberIrishman 2 жыл бұрын
When i lived for sin, i had 1000s, cars, women, friends etc....when I gave my life back to Christ in 2017, all Hell came against me....job loss, car loss, fiance loss, family, friends.....everything. yet I have God.
@stevenscotto5428 2 жыл бұрын
Same here brother I used to have everything beautiful house new cars Carribbean vacations u name it Then I fell in love with Jesus I was in church 4 days a week and became a lead singer there well 4 wks after I sang 1st song it started everything came against me I was betrayed in business long story short I lost everything house cars wife bank acct credit all of it gone to this day I'm struggling badly live in small studio Drive 10 yr old car and I'm all alone These things have just about driven me insane is this my reward for loving god I hate to say it but I had a wonderful life Before being saved how does this make sense I never got it never will I'm beaten broken hanging by a thread
@SoberIrishman 2 жыл бұрын
@@stevenscotto5428 we should share stories bud.
@SoberIrishman 2 жыл бұрын
@@stevenscotto5428 it is because we live in e demonic world. I have come to terms with that. I am still rebuilding and just took a nasty fall yesterday while cycling. God protected me however from worse harm. Praise Him each day. I think those that God loves, He will bring us low to Humble us. Be humble, be full thanks and Ask Him to please restore you to a portion of what you had. He has kept me afloat, not rich, only worked 10 weeks this year aside from uber, i work IT. Pray on knees. Ask Him to help, cry aloud if you need to. Beg Him to help. I have had many nights of crying out for help. God bless.
@davidjonathannn950 2 жыл бұрын
@@stevenscotto5428 ur pretty dumb if u haven’t figured that one out
@timothypaul446 2 жыл бұрын
@@SoberIrishman Thank you for your testimony, this is true to me in some aspects. I have been unemployed also for almost 4yrs I do not know what to do even until now. I feel so useless, and my mother once told me before that maybe this is because I left Catholicism and did not pray to Mary, but I am firm that what is written in the Bible is the only truth.
@mr.d.572 4 жыл бұрын
I was reading Psalm 73 last night because I'm going through a new round of intense suffering and uncertainty. What makes it harder is that none of my Christian friends or non-Christian family goes through anything remotely as bad. So it feels like a very lonely journey most of the time.
@finetunes5286 3 жыл бұрын
I feel the same.
@mr.d.572 3 жыл бұрын
@@finetunes5286 And....that perfectly describes my week last week. It was a rough week and I felt very alone.
@finetunes5286 3 жыл бұрын
@@mr.d.572 His grace sustains me. Often I feel like Jacob and say "all things are against me ". Please listen to the sermon "Discipline of the the darkness" by Adrian Rogers, one of the great preachers who loved the Lord.
@gazagxrlx2974 3 жыл бұрын
So you want them to suffer because they don't believe the same thing as you?
@mr.d.572 3 жыл бұрын
@@gazagxrlx2974 Obviously you didn't read my OP. Otherwise you wouldn't be asking such a ridiculous question.
@ByAndreDke Жыл бұрын
For that reason.... why are we even born? It makes no sense. Most of us are here on earth just suffering.
@jayson8026 Жыл бұрын
That's my question as well and no one can give me an answer. That god of the bible just want to see people to suffer. Like me when I was sa believer i suffer alot, depressed and had anxiety. But when I stop praying and destroy the bible, I felt the sense of freedom. I'm way better now compre before. That god/jesus will only prevent you to become successful in life.
@leertesebeirge2310 Жыл бұрын
Right I wish I was never born into this world just to suffer. What is the point of this?
@smB447 10 ай бұрын
😢 we exist to worship God ...without Him we are nothing but dust.
@mahladie48 9 ай бұрын
People stop allowing the enemy (Satan) to fool you. If you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, when you die your riches are in Heaven not here on earth. Satan is fooling your mind when you feel that you are lost and depressed and you feel that GOD has betrayed you. No HE hasn't, continue to trust and believe in GOD. Remember, there is a Heaven and there is a Hell. Satan will be destroyed at the end of time and he knows this. He know this going to happen so he is trying to get as many people he can (by any means necessary) to fool your mind so you will be destroyed, along with him as well. Please read the bible, don't destroy it. Pray, Pray and Pray. Ask GOD for the understanding you will need to know that Satan is trying to destroy your faith in HIM.
@IramCoercere 6 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠@@jayson8026Pain is not only a thing that naturally exists in this world, but something that is needed in this world. We can only go trough refinement through pain. We learn patience and character says the bible trough pain and suffering. Even the Son of God in his human form needed to learn obedience to the Father trough pain. Hebrew 5-8 During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. 8 Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered 9 and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him 10 and was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek. „Made perfect“ means also complete. James 1:4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing” (NKJV) So to become complete, lacking. nothing.We need pain, Pain is necessary!
@moondustgirl2132 2 жыл бұрын
Another purpose of GOD for our suffering is to develop our character (Romans 5:3-5) and to wean us from the world, that we may not be too attached to it. This is, after all, not our real home (Hebrews 13:14). I myself am going through what seems like a never-ending wave of suffering that it makes me long for my heavenly home even more. Though of course, it's also being with the LORD and finally seeing Him face to face in all His glory. But i won't pretend it's just that coz no normal human being would want to keep on suffering, and we all want an escape from the pain.
@margrose5 3 жыл бұрын
I see selfish and hedonistic people having so much and celebrating their material things while unselfish people with Christian values have painful issues and suffer depression and anxiety.
@youngneo2956 3 жыл бұрын
That's what I don't get.
@stevenscotto5428 2 жыл бұрын
Yep that's right makes no sense
@SoberIrishman 2 жыл бұрын
@kimmyjean1577 2 жыл бұрын
You enjoy life now and lose it forever, or you sacrifice your life now for Christ and live forever.
@margrose5 2 жыл бұрын
@@kimmyjean1577 I don’t think it’s an either/or.
@karabosebowa9836 9 ай бұрын
He actually doesn’t have an actual answer hence the long explanation. Truly something doesn’t balance out, I’ve seen so many believers suffer while kneeling down in prayer hoping for a miracle only to just survive. It’s sad to watch, I’ve seen my mom pray for years about the same things and receiving bare minimum or nothing at all. Something just doesn’t balance out. A very important question.
@bcaide1614 2 жыл бұрын
I am really struggling right now and have been for a while. Multiple times in my life i’ve been suicidal but never like now. I just don’t understand why it has to be a constant misery while we live on Earth to be happy in heaven.
@KK-de5ty 2 жыл бұрын
Keep praying, God loves you. Philippians 4:6
@katluann Жыл бұрын
Makes it Pretty rough to believe God is no respecter of persons!
@bcaide1614 Жыл бұрын
@Hope Floats thank you so much. i am just now looking back at this post from half a year ago and your comment actually put me in tears just from how powerful it was. really needed this now.
@bcaide1614 Жыл бұрын
@Mz. looking back at this post i can truthfully say it’s not easy and there are good and bad days for sure. but it’s not like being “realistic” (negative) about your life makes it any better. i have felt a lot better and closer to God lately just by praying each day and talking like if i was talking to my best friend. also all the other self care things like journaling and sketching or just getting back into an activity that you enjoyed when you were younger for at least 30 minutes a day.
@katluann Жыл бұрын
I can’t complain as much as I want to. My husband had a severe aortic dissection and was on life support six months and talked like some one with a really bad stroke. Had even one person dropped the ball he would be dead and he got a surgeon who knew what he was doing. I fought daily against east coast doctors usually Muslim and I don’t care what their beliefs are! Everytime they hounded me about DNR they said no one lives after this severe a dissection! I said I know but Jesus is coming! Jesus will heal him. He better be alive when he gets here! If you keep bothering me I will call down angels on your head! My friends said he saw them everywhere and two behind his bed so tall their heads hit the ceiling. He said they were watching hard when the doctors started bothering me about a DNR. So six months later they said he probably would never speak well again. I came back on Monday and he said in flawless English they never come check on me! I couldn’t get the ICU nurse to come because she said I just imagined it. I said everyone in his room now. The doctors needed to sit down. They said this is not only impossible it’s not our doing! I said I know! Who did this? They wouldn’t say Jesus they just said a miracle. So I don’t think I would ever turn on my Jesus who I loved since birth. But he came and was with me through all the nights they said he would die. He survived full on septic shock three times. I now know that Jesus and angels are always there even in the fear!
@KK-de5ty 2 жыл бұрын
We come to God for salvation not success or financial freedom. If you come to God for material things you’ll be disappointed. The blessings are spiritual: salvation, deliverance, forgiveness etc. God can make you successful but that shouldn’t be our motif for worshiping God.
@scubbastevebeats275 Жыл бұрын
I'm with all of you. I have people straight up tell me it's good you believe in God but they believe more practical. Their loves are fine. They can go on trips, nice car etc. This year alone has been very rough. Suffering to an extreme. I'm faithful to God and just wonder why is he putting me through this. I felt like he was mad at me or something.
@elizabethqueen8784 2 жыл бұрын
Losing my family one by one too soon , they are too young. I suffer brain tumours . I still evangelise online when l cannot go out of house. I can intercede in prayer for the Salvation of the Lord in my town and country...and include the world.
@sikeajax 2 жыл бұрын
So beautiful of a soul you have
@babylove2chambers45 2 жыл бұрын
you doing all that and god doesn't heal you? wow!
@Vessel_of_honour 5 ай бұрын
These stories sound like God betrays his people. It doesn't strengthen our faith at all, it's terrifying and depressing
@LONEWOLF-rq5tl 3 ай бұрын
​@@babylove2chambers45That's pure ignorance to say and GOD has already given you the gift and breath of LIFE so what exactly does he owe you???🤔🤔🤔
@LONEWOLF-rq5tl 3 ай бұрын
​@@Vessel_of_honourThat's your opinion unfortunately!
@stevenscotto5428 2 жыл бұрын
It's so hard living in this world what a horrid place it's all about money nothing else only money it's really disgusting While so many sleep in the street And no one cares cause they have no money I'm so uncomfortable here UT actually is painful to just live sleep is only escape
@ravenraven966 2 жыл бұрын
Steven, you have expressed my exact sentiments. I'm struggling with my faith
@user-uk7vc9rc5p 2 жыл бұрын
@@ravenraven966 aàq11111
@andrewdiaz5107 Жыл бұрын
@@ravenraven966 hey if you need a friend Iam here
@j.c.5999 Жыл бұрын
God blesses some Christians constantly. Even ones who aren't very nice people. Other Christians receive little to no blessings or favor. Their life is constant suffering and they feel cursed. God definitely plays favorites. As for who He shows favoritism towards makes no sense.
@LAVISH_KILLA 8 ай бұрын
So true and that is why most of us have issues having faith/hope to much favortism etc. Smh im so over it.
@caidendaniel24 6 ай бұрын
For God does not show favoritism. ~ Romans 2:11
@sukruoosten 6 ай бұрын
@@caidendaniel24 hahahhahahahahahahaaha NONSENSE for DAWID had 18 wives riches was a KING en ruled en lived a SUPERB LIFE en most can only DREAM of that kind of life !!!!!! for me i shall ALWAYS PRAISE GOD EN HIS SON rich ore poor family ore alone i dont care BUT god does choose favorism
@MOMMIES_BASEMENT.SINCE.1992 17 күн бұрын
​​@@caidendaniel24did ya hear the one about Jacob he loved but esa he hated? Jacob was a 2 timing dog. Go figure. Oh, and then there's the whole Cain and Abel thingy too. But whatevs. Who keeping score.
@idance0001 2 жыл бұрын
Because they are living their best life right now, they get their rewards in this world. We as Christians are just passing this world and we have eternal peace in heaven and the new earth in the presence of God almighty
@BapeGangMember Жыл бұрын
And that sucks eggs. Hope I don’t live to 120 if that’s the case.
@milanC4659 Жыл бұрын
The sad part about it is not everyone going to make it in heaven only a little bit of people that is it 😢!!!
@BVetriwin7308 Жыл бұрын
@@milanC4659 no who ever believing jesus they will inherit heaven
@noelpratikhasda2479 Жыл бұрын
One of the big reason for believers downfall is laziness. After being a born again believer we should continue to progress through our works not only by prayer. We should be active physically mentally and spiritually. We should not misinterpret the Bible like To have faith in God doesn't mean we should be lazy . Believer in Christ doesn't mean to be a fool but rather be harmless like a dove also wise as a serpent.
@_A_G_1 5 ай бұрын
Ya know it's true... Believers in Christ do get lazy sometimes. And we need to be active spirituality and physically . I can honestly say the bible is hard to fathom sometimes and religious people have ruined it making into something its not. Because of the fact its so hard to understand, the enemy has used that as a way to have some many fake believers make it mean whatever they want it to mean and that is what makes me not want to even read it. Like as if it was changed by man so much now by 2024. When was the first Bible ever written? i gotta research that. But just hard to imagine it hasn't been changed it clearly has when it was translated into different versions and languages.
@mosissun3370 Жыл бұрын
So why does the bible say. We are the head and not the tail. I am a christian and I don't feel god's blessing in my life. Everything goes wrong and I'm getting so depressed and tired. I sometimes think gid forsn't love me as he says😔
@watitduful Жыл бұрын
Because a lot of churches are ran by wicked people spreading messages such as this to you. Why do you think they overemphasize the idea of suffering and conflate wanting something for yourself as being against Jesus and lacking faith? Look at it like this, they preach that yet they are living fat themselves driving nice cars, living in nice houses, having the freedom to make life choices and etc. Meanwhile, if you or I say we want to take a vacation, go to a certain college, want to get married, etc. then it means we’re not content and lack faith lol. See how that works! That’s why I stopped listening to garbage like this and attending institutional churches a long time ago. I’m tighter with Jesus than I ever was sticking in these dead man made churches. The institutional church is just a satanic pony show full of people who are trauma bonding, projecting their regrets on others via being too preachy and using fear as a means to motivate performance based faith. Then there’s those who are predators that could care less about Jesus and His Gospel. Why do you think these people always have an excuse for the corruption in the institutional church with its most vital victims being children? Because they could care less. That’s why. Being “imperfect” only goes so far. If the institutional churches are hospitals then the congregants need to stop ignoring their treatment plans and stop turning away their medications so to speak. What’s the point of being at the hospital if you ain’t going to make an effort to abide by the treatments lol? Makes no sense to me. Go live your life and do you. God bless and peace.
@teegreen3909 Жыл бұрын
Jesus wasn't a Christian
@jakesaquarium199 6 ай бұрын
I just domt understand why im miserable and suffering almost every day of my life. I have constant nightmares that dont go away. My only car keeps breaking down. I lost the only good job i had. Even if i prayed, read the bible, tried living as a christian much as possible i felt nothing and nothing changed. Honestly thinking He has turned away from me. No matter what i do im broke financially and mentaly. At 24 i have a bad back and issues with my nervous system. Family members dissowning me and wanting nothing to do with me. I begged multiple times and prayed multiple times for God to take me home so i wouldn't suffer. And yet here i am. I just want to know why has He allowed satan to ruin me like this. Meanwhile the evil people have a family, a good car that at least works, a good job, good health. When i finally get to go home. Im going ro say one word and that word is .... why?
@TitoValcrist 10 ай бұрын
Why do we have to live on earth if God wants us to go to heaven? What's his purpose? Why do we suffer now? Does God delight in these suffering? I don't understand. If he loves us, why does he constantly test us? Can you do the same if you have real life daughters and sons? Can you see your son or daughter to suffer? Of course not, right? Doesn't make sense. Don't get me wrong. I believe in God. But I am not a blind believer. I will ask questions if I see something.
@Vessel_of_honour 5 ай бұрын
Very very very very VALID questions
@Thatgirl12-fp3uq Ай бұрын
Yes, don’t be a blind believer. You will get resentful for being a blind believer
@DF13939 Жыл бұрын
Then how is the wrath of God on them if they get to be happy and we suffer? The wicked are doing well on my job site and I Mess up often asking God for help and nothing.
@retrowearclothingapparel5230 2 жыл бұрын
I was watching video of near death experiences and atheist went to heaven and conversated with the most high they was describing the beauty and the love that they felt when they passed over. Some of them even said they talked with Jesus. So I don't know what to think about this one.
@Yet333 2 жыл бұрын
Folks... I’m here seeing all your comments... feeling all your pain and agreeing w all your valid questions. Please SEE that these guys are here not to help or advise or even “ bless”. They are nasty religious opportunists. Bless you all. Truly.
@BlackholeJET369 Жыл бұрын
It's not about clothes and cars..... It's for the basic needs 😭
@jewishbride5010 2 жыл бұрын
We are blessed to have Christ, praise God! In accordance with this word and ecclesiastes 7:15, 2 corinthians 6:14-18 I loosen the rigtheous from perishing in rigtheousness while loosening the wicked from prolonging one's life in wickedness, while the rigtheous and wicked will not have any unequal yoke and common share, in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah!
@neleh2990 Жыл бұрын
I feel in such a fallen world that unbelievers would succeed easier. Why would the enemy feel the need to attack unbelievers quite as much? He wants to corrupt this world more and more . But we need to stay strong because when Jesus returns(if we carry on being righteous) He will know who were are and rescue us from this evil world. Xx
@_A_G_1 5 ай бұрын
🎯 why would the enemy need to attack the non believers..exactly. they have no idea who Jesus the Christ is, they don't know God and the enemy has no need to attack them.
@Vessel_of_honour 5 ай бұрын
​@@_A_G_1the enemy attacking believers isn't the issue. The issue is WHAT IS GOD DOING ABOUT IT??????
@misharif2742 Жыл бұрын
My son and I are the only Christians in the whole relatives and all my relatives have lived way better lives compare to us! Blessed be the name of Lord God, kind of universe and glory to his name forever more!
@_A_G_1 5 ай бұрын
I will say.. it seems the same for my family but if you have a deep look into whats really going on and its not always so black and white. Theres either witchcraft going on in those homes or stealing, cheating on their spouses, undermining schemes to make money, selling drugs.. theres a lot of things we don't know that they keep hidden and they dont have God in their life. So as much as I and my immediate family suffers, we rather be ourselves good hearted people who genuinely care about people, who do what we can for eachother, who don't shun or turnaway from one another if we had a fight. We love each other through the hard times and suffer together. Nobody gets left behind or forgotten. I know a lot of people who don't talk to their immediate family members over some petty things. I rather know and have God's love in my heart and family then pretend to be happy and live an evil triffling life showing off material things.
@Vessel_of_honour 5 ай бұрын
​@@_A_G_1a lot of these people aren't evil sinners, they're not doing anything sinister to make money. They're married to normal people and they're doing their best to get by. While others who were successful in their legit business embraced Jesus, got born again but now seem to be losing everything because they went all in with Christ. It's not even because their business was shady and illegal so why should they be losing stuff?
@user-nt7ec8ix5r 4 ай бұрын
I have been in a bad season off and on for 20 years. I’m a Christian for 38 years. What is the beauty of Christ? Yes He will stain us and every day I live psalm 23 verse 1. I shall not want. We must be grateful for the little things: roof over my head a bed and food in my stomach. The Bible says I will not be delayed for one second what does that mean? He’s going to come through for us and what the devil stole we will get back time, finances places, and things keep the faith say the Lord.
@bflix2224 3 ай бұрын
Keep the commandments pay your tithe and help the poor this is the secret for christian prosperity.Speaking from experience trust me😊
@Thatgirl12-fp3uq Ай бұрын
What kind of prosperity. Because there are different types. More often than not, Christians are too vague and too scripted.
Ok. How much do I owe you?
@spiffymongo4030 Жыл бұрын
When I was very young, our church made us watch a movie about the rapture and the apocalypse. Ever since, I've been terrified of getting a decent career, owning a home, chasing my dreams, or having anything good in my life, because God will send me to hell for loving the world. But my life sucks so badly, that i just can't see any difference between my shitty life on earth, and hell. Why should I even bother living anymore? I feel like killing myself.
@mikemike5973 5 ай бұрын
Has things improve?
@micahrutland9021 5 ай бұрын
There's nothing wrong with loving the world. If God didn't want you to enjoy life, why would he even put you here?
@TREY_CHAMBERS_95 2 күн бұрын
@@micahrutland9021I do not know what He Did Not Kill Satan before he created Adam
@wretchedsaint9191 3 жыл бұрын
To make it simple, Christians shouldn't ever be looking for an easy way out or a way to success. We should always keep ourselves fixated on God. God can most definitely bless you with riches. But that can be as simple as having a loving family, a roof over your head and food to eat. As a Chrsitian, I can tell you that you can't take a lot of good advice from a get rich seminar. I went to a seminar that was all about getting rich and making money and everyone there claimed to be a Chrstians and even a pastor came to speak and all he spoke about was money and success. That's not the gospel. A lot of Chrsitians aren't rich because of their personal choices. Are you living in debt? Are you changing bad spending behaviors? Are you learning how to save your money instead of spending it? Are you safely investing it? It's not about trying to become successful. It's about obedience to God. If you put those same principles into your income and job you'll find out that you can save money. Even if you don't make much. Live humble. If you work at a fast food restaurant and drive a 30,000 car, that's going to drain your income. If you spend money on eating out instead of meal prepping and can't afford to eat out, then you're irresponsible. Don't try to become successful by focusing on money. Be obedient to God, live humble don't spend what you don't have, be content with little. Drive an old car, pay it off quick, save your money. Now instead of a 400$ car bill that's 400$ a month in my savings. That'll add up. That's how you live as a Christian. In obedience to the Lord in all ways of your life.
@steveshelton3081 2 жыл бұрын
So we shouldn't focus on our problems and try to work them out? I'm confused at this point. Do nothing and have faith. God does nothing. I get screwed and am a lot of trouble and debt. Try to handle things yourself, it gets worse and nothing works out. Ever. What's the point?
@wretchedsaint9191 2 жыл бұрын
@@steveshelton3081 I really don't think you read my comment if that's what you got out of it. I said you have to work hard and can't take short cuts. Quit looking for the get rich quick schemes and quit complaining and worrying. Obeying God will help you in your daily life in every aspect and can even lead to success and wealth. But that's all through hard work and it all depends on your attitude. The point I was making is if you think you need a Mercedes as soon as you can "afford it" then your priorities are out of place. We should all strive to work hard and have a mindset that is focused on eternity. Not on how many big, shiny things we can get in this world. God gives everyone certain talents and even callings. And through obedience of his examples and lessons you can be successful in anything you do. It takes the right attitude and a God centered heart to understand what that means. For example, I'm working hard to move up in my company and even going to school, to further my understanding as a machinest on top of that I'm also studying theology and trying to work in a church. My wife and I purposely drive older used vehicles that we take good care of to stay away from car payments, and we are slowly getting ready to move into our first house. We've already got plans to have it all set up and paid off in 10 years so we aren't under a mortgage. On top of that my wife teaches students online, is a stay at home mother of 3 and is also finishing her masters degree. All of that is super hard work and can be incredibly overwhelming. But we stay focused and obedient to God and trust him. It's never easy, you will make mistakes and getting to the top isn't going to happen unless you trust God. Both my wife and I could have chose not to follow God, not have kids and could have taken career paths that made lots of money and we could have focused on status and ourselves and that would make life easier. But we didn't want that. We want to obey God and trust his path. Even if we have to work hard and be careful and be humble. Meaning not always having nice clothes or nice cars, ect... Hopefully that helps make my point.
@BeeFace279 2 жыл бұрын
Now this was a word. I needed this. This should be published in a book written by you
@trekn8808 2 жыл бұрын
Great reply mate. Only way to heaven is to live and think like Jesus Christ.. that's a hint for everyone. Jesus was modest not extravagant Jesus was poor not trying to be rich Jesus worshipped his father not the evil things. So if you think you are going to heaven because you work a 9-5 I'm sorry but that's incorrect. God bless all
@trekn8808 2 жыл бұрын
@@steveshelton3081 that's your devilish brain. You lust too much
@TitoValcrist 10 ай бұрын
I don't know why automatically, rich and healthy people who doesn't get sick are labelled as wicked people. I don't get it. A lot of rich people that I met are good in heart. Is this controlling people?
@joshuayanyu Жыл бұрын
If you think it makes sense, we must not only believe it ourselves, but also spread it to more people. Evangelism is not only the job of pastors, but also the responsibility of every believer. This is also the aspect that the Lord values most when ascending to the kingdom of heaven.
@nate2748 3 жыл бұрын
In conclusion this guy has no idea
@rhondapavlakovich788 4 жыл бұрын
You guys are so refreshing! God bless✝
@CoreChristianity 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Rhonda, we really appreciate your comment. We just recently started posted video and hope its a great help to those searching for answers about the Christian faith.
@earlneethling2569 4 жыл бұрын
Under the Dispensation of GRACE ,we as the body of Christ must work to earn a living.God is not going to open up the heavens and pour out a blessing that you will not be able to have enough room to contain it..God is not fighting your battles or removing any of your challenges.. What GOD promised ISRAEL in Deuteronomy was not written to the BODY OF CHRIST.. Most Christians are lazy and expect miracles and super natural breakthrough in their finances. Christans are also being decieved by their pastors .
@Vessel_of_honour 5 ай бұрын
​@@earlneethling2569take your time to read comments, people were doing well in business until they gave their lives to Christ, most of us complaining are into legal business. Nothing shady or sinful. We have had income, quite steady. But upon being born again, we seem to be LOSING EVERYTHING. And you're talking about laziness? The issue I'm spotting with Christianity is the blame game. It's always something else we aren't doing or haven't done right. And you keep going but God isn't showing up
@MOMMIES_BASEMENT.SINCE.1992 17 күн бұрын
That was a real ball scratcher, Rhonda.
@MOMMIES_BASEMENT.SINCE.1992 17 күн бұрын
​​@@Vessel_of_honourehhh, try having the inside of your head cooking and frying out for 10 yrs and counting due to the demonic. To the point where at one point your hair was LITERALLY being fried out of your head and you'd pick singed hairs off of your hoodies and t shirts. Not to mention smell burnt hairs. Smelled like I had my head over a flame. That went on for almost 2 of the 10 yrs CONSISTENTLY EVERY DAY AND NIGHT 24hrs a day around the clock w no breaks. My hair grew back but still.... Add parental alienation on top of all of that plus having your own mom steal 40k in cash out of your bank account, etc etc destroyed your credit on and on we go. Not to sound insensitive, but cry me a river toots.
@RedemptionMinistries77803 3 жыл бұрын
Amen Ecclesiastes gives some more balance to this. Context context context . I have hematuria woke up this morning in excruciating pain (understatement) disability denied again so had to call in lasted all day just stopped an hr ago. 🙏🏽
@resellingandcaliforniadrea8210 Жыл бұрын
Jesus never intended for us to suffer .. he never says that in the Bible .. there were many men and women of God in the Bible that had Great wealth .. God desires for us to have an overflow just not worship it over Him... Our character also has to be in alignment with Jesus.. I don't think any unbeliever is ever intrigued to become a believer when they witness Christian's always broke or suffering .. it doesn't help .. but the character and Gods Iove does reflect to others and shows our peace and strength through our sufferings..
@austinroberts6229 Жыл бұрын
I have a non Christian friend who has a beautiful young "Christian" girlfriend. She is so good to him. I know another person who is a Christian but can't get a Godly woman to spend more than a date on him.
@Sam-dc9bg Ай бұрын
This is intentional, it's just how things work in this world.
@hdasfk1716 Жыл бұрын
I’m still at a lack of understanding…
@Rollacoastertycoon 11 ай бұрын
Because there is no answer we just make things up to feel better. I think god is with us but I don’t think he intervened humans caused this. God is alive but I don’t think he is here with us
@RicardoRodriguez-ch9rr 2 жыл бұрын
Question, if God is all knowing , why would there be judgements. God thought of you and saw your life before God created you and your death. God knows your sins. So is God just making fun of you by mocking your sins that he already knew you were going do before he created you? What's the purpose of judgements?
@teegreen3909 Жыл бұрын
I'm getting confused
@thelovelyjerald 9 ай бұрын
Just because you’ve turned your life around doesn’t mean your not going get back what you put out.
@markthurst9751 Жыл бұрын
I dont obey god in lots of ways and i still suffer. I just assume i am damned either way i go so why try.
@chinnanong6938 Жыл бұрын
Yes... I experience first hand. Those evil people that scam and hurt me are living a fantastic life. I am broke and suffering non stop... I feel there ain justice in this world and there isn't any God... If there is .. he only protects the evil and wicked.
@Isaacj_money 11 ай бұрын
I am suffering so badly because I am a Christian demons won’t stop attacking my brain I am just a child suffering and it’s so bad and the reason why I am doubting is because there is so much religions and then at the same time demons are attacking and I have been going threw this for so long
@leewoolis7619 5 ай бұрын
im born again and suffering! Will God take all these things into consideration on judgement day? 😞
@eagleeye182 Ай бұрын
The point is that everything is predestined and your "free will" is an illusion.
@babylove2chambers45 2 жыл бұрын
If jesus PAID IT ALL, wasn't that enough? why do I have to suffer too? Christianity sounds like BAIT and SWITCH.
@Yet333 2 жыл бұрын
100% agreed
@watitduful Жыл бұрын
UH OH! Be careful, you’re actually using discernment and putting two and two together!
@putgodfirstinyourlife4196 Жыл бұрын
Exactly my thought last night... Why would Jesus pay it all for us and still need to suffer. If we are serving the Lord the way we should, why should everything we do in life have to go through trials and tribulations and much suffering. I'm still trying to understand that and still can't. Aren't we the ones serving the Lord allowed to eat the best fruits as it stated in the Bible?
@Thistoxiclove Жыл бұрын
This still doesn’t answer the question as to why the non believers are blessed. Like sure they’ll face judgment when they die, but why is God blessing them so much on earth when they don’t believe in Him? Makes no sense
@BTCministries7 Жыл бұрын
It actually does make sense. If they never repent, I’m going to hell so they may as well enjoy what they have on earth because eternity is forever.
@NajePapers Жыл бұрын
It don't make no sense because basically it's like you doing good in life is a sin being successful is a sin basically
@Thistoxiclove Жыл бұрын
@@NajePapers It's not about success and money - i'm moreso talking about the nonbelievers who are genuinely happy. The people who are in healthy relationships getting married and having a family. I see those as blessings from God. Then there's me who loves the Lord and is living according to His will and I'm alone all the time and keep getting hurt over and over. That's what I don't get.
@NajePapers Жыл бұрын
​@@Thistoxiclovefirst of all I didn't say anything about money you did second avoid being successful being happy and comfortable people are weird
@Thistoxiclove Жыл бұрын
@@NajePapers that made literally no sense and I’m not sure why you’re getting cocky and defensive for no reason
@Anson7777 2 ай бұрын
The ONLY thing our Jesus Christ Lord cannot do is get any HUMAN to love Him, despite all hell unleashed against that human. SO, I've learned that no matter how much comes against me Satan can never steal my free will to worship Jesus Christ even in the midst of Injustice, family betrayal, abandonment by friends , bad health, etc. ..... I have given up asking God why .. now I am just going to praise him every minute of every day and say okay more suffering? Great;! It just gives me another opportunity to praise you and I think it makes the devil very angry
@janelledavis8309 Жыл бұрын
I have always asked this question but never got an answer!
@_A_G_1 5 ай бұрын
I feel like no one Can Answer It. 😢 only God.. and until that day we gotta keep crying to him and hoping he will get us through the next pain and suffering and bless us with loved ones around while doing it .. 🙏 ❤ i have found myself saying "Your Grace Is Sufficient Lord God" while i am feeling like I'm going to pass out in pain. God shows us mercy and grace and strength everyday.. he shows us his love everyday because the kind of evil Godless people out here is horrible.
@DerekPK Ай бұрын
Pray for me. I’m going through bad period. My ears is hearing bad.
@margrose5 3 жыл бұрын
Those united to Christ will suffer. Well, I guess I need to focus on the eternal.
@AL-ri6bk Ай бұрын
cuz their reward is in this life
@NarrowPath_7 3 жыл бұрын
Unless its a case where we are not truly Godly. Thats all i can think of @break my law.
@pagen5219 Ай бұрын
Jesus purified us and when we realize it and that we can focus on that and we have worth, WE KNOW JESUS IS THE WORTH but when we realize we have worth and we can focuz on that and our virtue he made us,,,,,,THE DEVIL GOES NUTS AND HITS US WITH ALL,,,,,,,HE DOES NOT WANT US focusing on what JESUS MADE US AND TO WANT TO BE MORE LIKE OUR LORD,,,,,
@saidufofanah2210 2 жыл бұрын
This is an easy answer for me. Religious people like to pray for/on everything, while maybe non religious folks do the work. If you want to lose weight, what do you do? Do you pray or do you put a plan of action together? That’s how I see it.
@LuckyJackson2020 Жыл бұрын
incorrect but nice try
@Thistoxiclove Жыл бұрын
No? Like I was a great partner and had my heart broken and spent the last year and a half very alone while others who don’t believe in God are happily married and having babies. How are they working harder than me for that? Hard work has nothing to do with it
@teegreen3909 Жыл бұрын
No dip Shid
@NexaTrade 2 жыл бұрын
so they don't know why
@Lsr000 Ай бұрын
The truth is, most of the wicked suffers and lots of believers prosper. We christian should have more honest conversation and critical questions about our faith. Of course it's not based on mistrust but rather to not keeping our sensitive questions and inner struggles to ourselves. It is to gain understanding and freedom
@camilleize Ай бұрын
No one is perfect. People don't understand whether you call it karma or reaping what you've sown, when one sins, there will be punishment for it. It may not happen today, or tomorrow, but it will happen. Now for those who seem that their suffering is an everlasting thing, that if it's not one thing it's another back-to-back, there's more going on than merely reaping. Sometimes, it's generational curses for what our forefathers have done. The bible says that the sins of the father is visited onto the children. In that case, prayer, and even seeing a priest to cast out the demons that have joined our bodies through sin is the only way. It only takes a small sin for a demonic spirit to enter our bodies and that demon can wreak havoc in our lives so it needs to be cast out and we need to close off our actions from any sin. Prayer, fasting, reading the word and speaking life unto ourselves will rid our lives of demonic forces. Speaking life unto ourselves means watching what we say because the tongue is a powerful force. We can speak blessings & curses unto ourselves without knowing it. Despite how we feel, even if it's a small headache, we're to say that we're healed in Christ name and act like it. If the pain is severe, and we take a pain pill, still say that. That model should be used in every area of our lives. If we see a huge bill, we should say that all my needs are met according to God's riches in heaven. If a relationship is failing, we should take it to God in prayer and when done, walk away thanking God that it is done and act like it. The acting out in every circumstance if referred to as FAITH. Faith without works is dead. The evidence of faith is already in the atmosphere but in order to receive that evidence is acting as though the mountain has been removed. A true believer who practices these things are actually content though they may not be rich in material things, they are rich in spirit and they cast off evil in Christ name rebuking anything that attacks our flesh. Just as we feed our bodies with food, we're to also feed our spirits with the word of God. Starving the spirit is a dangerous thing because without fasting, room is left for demonic forces to have their way. There's all types of fasting. We can refrain from food & water for a day or several days. One can fast from sweets or meats or whatever their favorite food is. The more often the better. Christ fasted for 40 days and didn't die. God kept Him alive because of His fast. Now those who are taking medicine and need to eat & drink should consult a doctor before fasting. Take the medical situation to Christ who is the captain of our salvation and lay it at His feet. Walk away as if you're already healed and act like it. Despite how you feel, refrain from saying how you feel, instead say the opposite or at least say nothing at all. God bless.
@mila7809 5 ай бұрын
Any proof for this? Can we see that?
@user-pk6gm9ib1k 5 ай бұрын
Nice modified comedy central logo
@lorayakol226 10 ай бұрын
*PSALM 73*
@fruitful7753 2 жыл бұрын
It's all about the first born rights. I have seen gay married first born prosper greatly at everything they do. And I have seen devout Christians who are not first born, or married to first born live in extreme hardships and poverty. Genesis 4:7, God told Cain he had rule over his brother Abel. This is the first born blessing.
@sukruoosten 6 ай бұрын
no ! as jacob was chosen as is abel chosen !!!! cain is another road to GOD but not chosen as a people to rule for eventually SHEM goes to middle east/ YISRAEL LATER
@sukruoosten 6 ай бұрын
that part of ruling is about beating his sin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cain sinned en killed his brother en thus was let go
@fruitful7753 6 ай бұрын
Jacob was chosen and he died in Egypt as did all his sons for 430 years, 7 generations. After Joseph died they all became slaves. Pharoah asked Jacob how old he was, what did Jacob tell Pharoah???
@fruitful7753 6 ай бұрын
Esau was conquering kingdoms, he was never affected by the drought. We see Esau took the kingdom from Nimrod as he chopped off Nimrods head. Even during the time when Jacob came to meet him Esau had vast herds and wives, a great nation as was told to Isaac.@@sukruoosten
@agelessghoul1660 Жыл бұрын
You guys are talking about godly people and sinful people.. what about those who don’t believe in god but are good giving loving people, I know a guy who is married has kids a great career, man of science who works of helping finding cures for illnesses.. a good guy again doesn’t do church etc.. how is it that he doesn’t go life struggles… and I’m no way wishing any upon him or his family again a good guy who I care for.. but on this topic the godly goes thru trials, the sinner succeed but what about the good people that are non believers?
@christiantrucker6296 Жыл бұрын
Jesus said "No man is good ALL have sinned " A mans "Good Works" will NOT get him/her into heaven. If so then The Death of Jesus was for nothing. HE is THE ONLY WAY TO THE FATHER ! Even Mother Teresa for all her GOOD deeds if she wasn't BORN AGAIN as Jesus told Nicodemus she did not enter into heaven. It's not about the good you do it's about the Great Thing Jesus DID !!!
@shomshomni2314 Жыл бұрын
If that man doesn't go through any struggles he will likely never seek God which is what Satan wants. God seeks to mould virtuous people. Suffering is not a bad thing in the grand scheme. It purifies and refines us.
@BeeFace279 2 жыл бұрын
Remember that Jesus suffered, so are we supposed to be excluded when a man gave his only begotten son to save our souls... I think not, i do not want to suffer but ill do whatever jesus requires of me
@Yet333 2 жыл бұрын
That is the biggest lie ever.... nowhere in the Bible does it say we have to suffer because Jesus did.
@BeeFace279 2 жыл бұрын
@@Yet333 i couldnt hear you what you said?
@Yet333 2 жыл бұрын
@@BeeFace279 being an ignorant BOT , I understand your problem
@Yet333 2 жыл бұрын
@@BeeFace279 you speak wonderful English too🤫
@BeeFace279 2 жыл бұрын
@@Yet333 thanks im an English Major
@reg4321 9 ай бұрын
I should have been a floating spirit in the cosmos, rather than being born.
@sapereaudeart3664 3 жыл бұрын
Nah ur still gonna get judged bro. Man dies then comes judgement.
@annabertuna1805 9 ай бұрын
God's never ever done anything for me.
Man let's be really real for a second... Vast majority of ppl who claim Jesus aren't saved. Don't read too much into my comment. It's very simple what I'm saying.
@swedendive 2 жыл бұрын
God believers NEVER EVER answer questions that proof there is no god
@danielclingen34 Жыл бұрын
are you trolling?! As an American, I find it very hard to believe that you actually believe what you are claiming. Your claims are so tone deaf& is the opposite of any good testimony that would draw people to the faith. Not sure I mentioned the outright lie that is “every other religion, other than Christianity believes in karma” you even proceed to contradict yourself on that claim immediately after.
@user-zx1pc9eq8w Жыл бұрын
Unbelievers don't succeed in the social circles. Saying you're an atheist is a sure fire way for people to cross themselves in the presence of Satan.
@mrtblackmann9874 28 күн бұрын
Simple, cause people who are successful in life don’t need to cope with Christianity lol. Do you really think one would console themselves in a Bible or the “word of god” if they had a lavish life and harem of women?
@pagen5219 Ай бұрын
Jesus filled the law, we areof the new, stop preaching law, none could keep it right,
@StevenWindermere-dx5sw 9 ай бұрын
Cause christians need to humble themselves thats why Lazarus was probably a poor beggar Jesus lovedhim but he probably needed to be humble he probably was arrogant and disobedient.. Thats why God decided to bless a more sinful and arrogant person with a mansion here on earth and let them be rich...instead ofGod helping Lazarus he let him suffer infront of the rich mans house you know to teach him a lesson in humilty cause Lazarus strikes me as a person that was too full of themselves non God fearing and arrogant john the Baptist too he needed to learn hunility thats why God let the wicked Chop his head off thats the perfect punishment that will teach them a lesson( sarcasm intened obviously it aint right and i don't wanna hear nothing else about it stuff stupid dont make any logical sense i also aint in the mood to hear his ways are higher thanour ways and his thoughts higher than our thoughts i feel like them and many people were done wrong I aint gonna day bu God but id like to know where there help was at..Etc..Im not worried about being rebukedby God for feeling that way at this point i done been through too much already they didnt deserve to suffer like they did it not right life aint fair like that sometimes its unfortunate
@harriedsloth4399 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe God is a sadomasochist and His best lovers are his biggest and longest sufferers, like Job, John, and Jesus. Maybe that's why He made everlasting Hellfire - just to watch them burn. "Brace yourself like a man" and prove your love for Him. Like He said about Paul, I will show him how much He will suffer for my sake. Or how He prophesied to Peter that He would be bound and led to crucifixion. There more pain you can stuff down your throat without vomiting, the better a Christian you are - sawn in two? Excellent! Raped to death? Glorious! Oh how wonderful...
@NarrowPath_7 2 жыл бұрын
False teaching @ "I won't be judged" false. All will be judged whether ur serving him or not.
@earthangel3240 6 ай бұрын
God is full of ish! Im tired of believing just to keep suffering
@Beethovan 18 күн бұрын
You are telling such a lie. Asaph didnot see Christ on cross.
@Vessel_of_honour 5 ай бұрын
This guy just did word pun. Said a bunch of nothings. A bit of here and there and everywhere but nothing concrete
@deathwish0000 Жыл бұрын
This nihilist would enter the chat but there's no purpose.
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