Why Golf Instruction is Stuck in the Dark Ages. Holy Grail of Golf®

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Overhand Golf

Overhand Golf

Ай бұрын

🏌️Ready to Learn The Holy Grail of Golf™? Start Your Training Today!
The glitches are on purpose if you haven't figured that out already. The non-glitchy version is available on the website.
Golf should not be a struggle. Golf should not be hard. Golf is easy if you know the secret. Start playing golf well. Gain confidence and have more fun playing golf.
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Holy Grail of Golf® Website: OverhandGolf.com
#holygrailofgolf #overhandgolf #effortlesspower

Пікірлер: 93
@lageronimo8012 Ай бұрын
Golf CIA messed with your video feed a bit. Still great advice.
@thephotographer539 Ай бұрын
Exactly what I was gonna say!
@michaelbittel2618 Ай бұрын
This is brilliant. I am one guilty of swinging hard trying to increase swing speed and "pulling it thru". I went out into my simulator and applying the force in the correct direction as you describe and within a few minutes had picked up 3 mph of club speed while the ball direction was better. Have to work to "break the habit" but this is superb!
@deronburrus5924 Ай бұрын
Only Count Yogi really knows and everyone else is just practicing and trying to be like him. Elegant long and correct every single time.
@leepetersen4082 Ай бұрын
VERY WISE WORDS! great video!
@jloo2135 Ай бұрын
These truths once hidden are now revealed. I shall go forth and break 90
@norbertdrust9009 27 күн бұрын
I’ve been using this idea that you’re sharing now for about a year. It works with every club and keeps the ball in-play and pars are easy to make if your putter is working
@thegolfguy68 Ай бұрын
I have been a fan, believer, cult member of yours for many years. I wish I could effectively express myself. The premise of understanding the intended direction of force (my words) is incredible. Once you see it and feel it you can’t un see it.
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
Ain't that the truth! Then you think back, "... how could I have ever thought of it any other way?" And it's so easy once you get it. Too easy really and that's why I called it the Holy Grail of Golf® I played with a guy the other day and he was kinda angry after watching me drive. He muttered, "It's like he's not even trying ..." I hear that from a lot of people and I tell them, "I'm just using the club differently than you are."
@johnc7888 14 күн бұрын
Hey Greg some guys love swing as fast they can but some wanted to swing so can hit it on the sweet spot or path, it is so interesting that what really speed vs hit it on the sweet spot would equal to? How’s about how one should judge on their own to balance between the two.
@HolyGrailOfGolf 13 күн бұрын
You've hit on a concept here that I'm already working on a video about. Basically the golf swing is simply learning how to swing the club as fast as we can and allowing it to crash into the golf ball.
@thomasfraser9072 Ай бұрын
Personally at the transitional part of my backswing/ downswing I use my trail right shoulder connected to my right upper arm to quickly rotate downward/ inward ( never outward/ inward in order to strike down hard on the imaginary ball behind me. This is done in conjunction to using my alternating knees and hip socket to shift my body back and forth ( preventing my body from swaying) as I swing my modern club. I hope you get new viewers to buy your product because what I have seen in the past it was all good. Cheers and good luck. 😊🥂👍
@Slainte-Mhath Ай бұрын
There are a few highly distorted sections of this video 2:33-2:47 3:58-4:06 4:52-4:57 can you fix it please. is this where you say what the swing direction is? Is it the Steve Austin 10 to 4 direction or....?
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
I know. I did it on purpose. Sorry, I'm trying to get people to go looking for more information. KZfaq no longer promotes me because everyone who watches stops watching youtube and goes and swings a club. So, my clickthrough is basically zero and youtube hates that. I used to have 144k views per day and now it's just ~1000. If I put the video out whole ... it would happen again and actually get worse for my channel. If that makes sense ...
@Slainte-Mhath Ай бұрын
So for someone who watches the whole video, can link me to the video with it. TBH I think I know and am looking for confirmation. I believe if I turn back without swaying, transition, at which point my hips are around square, my shoulders and torso are still say 45 deg from square I swing On the line of the shoulders and the rotation and release will bring the path to the ball with a squared clubface to the path. (depending on my grip) So is this correct or have I still got it wrong?
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
@@Slainte-Mhath It's all about having the correct intention and it's simply not what everyone thinks. The golf club is a very unique tool like no other we're familiar with. Literally no one knows how to use it. Everyone thinks they do but clearly they don't because it works incredibly well for some and almost refuses to work for others. People say to me all the time, "It looks like you're not even trying." My answer is, Yeah, that's because I'm swinging in a different direction than you are." Most people are mystified by that because they never thought about what direction they should swing. They naturally assumed it was in the direction of the desired ball flight, but it's not and that's what makes a golf club such a unique tool. Also, it's really fun to use once you do understand how it works.
@zman4116 Ай бұрын
@@HolyGrailOfGolfso basically what Ernest Jones said ?
@peterlelas8700 21 күн бұрын
How about ball position at address. Thank you,for your instructions, you have opened eyes to the secrets to the golf swing
@tomtays149 Ай бұрын
Years ago I learned a ton about club design from the guy who built/ground the clubs for the players of the top iron maker at the time. He did mine. I asked ‘why don’t you include an owners manual with each set?’ His response was that as soon as the golfer misapplied the information they’d blame the maker. Understanding on an intellectual level and applying the same physically are most often far apart. Keep strong on your message and to hell with all the slick production values from crappy teachers.
@rickherring3392 Ай бұрын
So funny I stumbled on this. Im 64 struggled with over the top move my entire life, A chance meeting on the range with a guy 3 weeks ago who told me. "your swinging the wrong way, pick up the club and think of it as a baseball bat. swing hard around you" So in sort order I I started thinking of golf as hitting a baseball right between first and 2nd base. I feel as though the end of the club is a bat and i almost feel as the toe must be pointing straight up (but its not) and you are so right you MUST put on the brakes with the left leg and stop the rotation. I rarely hit more than 200 yard drives, in the last 3 weeks with this method I average 230, and I have hit a 265 yarder on more than 1 occasion. My problem is I stripe my Driver and fairway woods, I have not found a way to translate this to my irons. any thoughts?
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
Yes! You're almost there. You're where many better golfers are, you've almost go it but it's still just a feeling. You just can't quite put your finger on what exactly is the magic move. Many good golfers aren't really sure of how or why their swing works when it does but they love when it does. Once you learn what exactly is is you need to do and how and why the golf club works the way it does it all becomes incredibly easy. This is what my website is all about. Irons, fairway woods, driver ... they all work the exactly the same when you know how to use them properly. Also, you should be hitting it 265+ on average. I'm 68 and still driving greens ~290 - 300. Once you know how the club works and you can depend on it you can really start swinging for the fences! It's so easy that once you learn it you can't believe you didn't figure it out for yourself.
@highlanderthegreat Ай бұрын
im 70 and i still play with the ping eye & ping eye 2 clubs i bought back in the early , early 80s
@HolyGrailOfGolf 29 күн бұрын
Classics! Matching serial numbers?
@highlanderthegreat 25 күн бұрын
@@HolyGrailOfGolf yes all matching
@joem2745 26 күн бұрын
You put the fun in damental.
@johnnybravo9087 Ай бұрын
Hi G, question: when you direct your swing toward the target line, what point do you intend to stop applying force to the club? Is it about shaft horizontal?
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
You don't. You simply lose the ability to do so. I'm making a video about this too. When the club reaches a certain point it's starts moving faster than you could add force so from that point on you're just holding on and going for a ride. It's like trying to push a car down a steep slope if the car is already going faster than you can run, you can't push it.
@bobcunninghamgolf 28 күн бұрын
Let it happen, don’t try to make it happen!
@stevedriscoll2539 Ай бұрын
For me I would hate to have died after having played the game for over 50 years and never to have had an understanding of what the hell produced a good shot, but I almost feel like a thief also (or that the internet is the biggest thief of all time) because you gave me the most precious gift for free (other than the 35 bucks I sent you last year). I can't stay broke for long in my golf swing. If ever I am broke, I am instantly (and as you said "miraculously") fixed as soon as I think of that incredible "holy grail" concept that I witnessed from your video around two years ago. I hope you will somehow, someway get compensated for revealing the "whole ball of wax" to we who work our fingers to the bone and live check to check and don't belong to country clubs (and have broken minds and bodies from decades of painful and merciless labor). Simply saying thanks is woefully lacking as a repayment for what you have done for me.
@terryholloway9930 Ай бұрын
I thought I saw a target on your back look out buddy
@bobsanders8030 21 күн бұрын
You're making me think.
@davidflinn7516 Ай бұрын
love your videos, only other instructor teaching this is Dan Martin. check out his material, it might help how you teach your method
@HolyGrailOfGolf 16 күн бұрын
Oh sure, I know Dan. We're not quite the same but he's one of the only instructors I agree with.
@deronburrus5924 Ай бұрын
Moe Norman bows to Count Yogi. PERIOD
@dfg8851 Ай бұрын
I've watched your channel in the past and I like(d) it. I don't know how KZfaq works but I can give you my opinion. Whatever your reasoning for putting in those glitches, it is a terrible idea. My instant and very strong reaction was to switch off. If I hadn't already looked at the comments, I'd have switched off immediately If you are getting views, do some research on how to get more views. There's just as much KZfaq content on that as there is on golf My thoughts are that if you give a lot away for free then you will be successful. To get people to the point of revealing the critical information, then obscuring it will only achieve one thing, which is to lose viewers I however have subscribed because I see that you are try to get a good message out. I suggest you repost this video without the glitches
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
@dfg8851 Thank you for taking the time to comment. I wasn't sure about the glitches but I thought they were kinda funny. Maybe everyone doesn't have the same kind of luck I do, where things like that will happen exactly over the good parts. I just need to do something to improve my clickthrough rate. Everyone who watches my channel goes out and swings a club and youtube hates me for that and won't promote my channel any more. I went from 144k views per day down to 1500.
@teddythodo3302 Ай бұрын
Whoa weird glitch lol
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
The glitches are on purpose. I hid the best information. A normal version is on my website.
@teddythodo3302 Ай бұрын
@@HolyGrailOfGolf lol fair enough!!!
@AaaBbb-rs9jz Ай бұрын
The content does not deliver what the title says. Every time it almost does, the picture and sound are garbled. Appreciate if you could supply a link to the missing info or unscramble it somehow.
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
Ok, I get it. I did that on purpose to make people go looking for more. I used to have 144k views per day on youtube but because my content is easily understandable and compelling people watch and then immediately go out and try it. So youtube records that as "clickthrough" and mine is nearly zero so they no longer promote my channel. Every time someone watches my channel they stop watching youtube. What I'm advocating isn't rubbish. I'm explaining and teaching exactly how the golf club works and how to use it properly. It's incredibly simple and amazingly effective which is why I called it the Holy Grail of Golf®. I'm not a rich man but I have a million dollar idea and I'm doing the best I can to get it out to people and make a living too.
@DavidNums Ай бұрын
Pretty sure you just don't get it. I've watched countless videos of OG and none have technical issues. This conceptual approach is spot on.
@AaaBbb-rs9jz Ай бұрын
@@HolyGrailOfGolf OK I see where youre coming from. Maybe I was a bit harsh. But maybe also you could add a link or something to the missing info (or unscramble it in this original video) Anyway I have edited my original comment to be a bit more conciliatory. Thanks for the explanation.
@terryhollis4132 Ай бұрын
@wildessex8615 Ай бұрын
Mate... don't fight the system. Embrace it. I'm not endorsing the KZfaq algorithms, but life is more about "groups" than "grails". Your channel IS one of the best. But reference and push your peeps towards other channels. "I like how *** does this. have a look at them." "I think XX has it wrong, this is why. Don't take my word, have a look at what they say and then try both etc. etc. etc.." It's not rocket science. TBh it's just sharing the love, telling us what other guys are getting right and you can't do any better... and sometimes... challenging and taking on those same big boys who are great but dont always get it right: Zengolf, Milo, BeBetterGolf, Chris Ryan, Clements, Dr Kwon, Russell Heritage. etc. etc.. Good luck, mate. I'm very grateful for all your help. xx
@HolyGrailOfGolf 29 күн бұрын
I hear you and I wish I could but there’s only two or three instructors that I agree with - Martin Ayres, Dan Martin and … I can’t think of the other at the moment. Literally everyone is attempting to teach golf backward - by examining and copying the results they expect to produce the cause and it’s futile and ridiculous. It’s like saying Djokovic has a 120 mph serve so to be better at tennis just do that and as we all know, it just doesn’t work that way.
@wildessex8615 29 күн бұрын
@@HolyGrailOfGolf Ok, mate. But you only heard half of what I said. Keep up the good work. And thank you. I've learnt a great deal from you. x
@shaynebernard Ай бұрын
Haha it seems you were hacked by the club and ball manufacturers. Stay safe.
@ayotollaofrockandrolla7219 Ай бұрын
Just study side arm pitchers. Copy that and the look is all over
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
You'd think so, but no. I'm working on a video about this concept as well. Although parts of it are true there are assumptions made that are incorrect.
@johnvillano9809 Ай бұрын
postions are "moments in time" and dont have to be exact club face is square for a millisecond....anyone teaching from ground zero should never be near a full swing driving range until they learn a wedge and how it works thats how i teach it and it works .....i am not certified or claim to be good at golf but ive enlightened many (for free too)😂
@empowermefitness618 Ай бұрын
Keep it short and efficient and get to the point.
@Tcrook Ай бұрын
The pros keep the truth hidden as well because if everyone found out how simple it is, they wouldn’t be very special to a degree. Somehow they figured it out from good instructors who knew how to swing the instrument directionally correct, the rest of their skill was developed with time and application and then tested in battle on the course.
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
Good point. I'm working on a video about this topic as well. I don't think even the pros know what they're actually doing - they only know how to do it. Which is why they practice so often. To them it's just a feeling and that feeling can change or disappear at any moment. It happened to me years ago. I was a +1.3 and suddenly one day I got the shanks. After shanking 5 or 6 or more shots in a row I suddenly realized I had been playing so well for so long that I had no idea what it was that I was actually doing. It vanished in an instant and I had no idea how to fix it. I wanted to cry. I'd been playing for 20 years and suddenly I couldn't hit a ball. I say this because I've heard pros like Ian Baker Finch say he lost his swing and that's why he retired. That tells me that even the pros don't actually truly know what they are doing - they only know how to do it. Oddly, this is one of the things that makes golf so compelling. When we play well we aren't sure why and the same is true when you play badly. Golf is like a slot machine that you never know when it's going to pay off or why.
@Tcrook Ай бұрын
@@HolyGrailOfGolf that makes a lot of sense. That’s actually really what we’re seeing in some of the top golfers today who are off track relative to their past success (Ricky, Rory, Jordan etc….). I have been searching for a swing for 4 years and tried your swing direction and it worked and then I started seeing the same pattern in the pros wondering do that actually know what direction their swinging or is it just grooved patterns from their youth. Golf instruction is not good at all today and that’s why I’m glad you simplified the right concepts. Truly glad I found your content.
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
@@Tcrook I know it's a bold claim but I truly believe I will change golf instruction in the future. Unless of course this information has been purposely suppressed for decades. I'm working on a book and several other things. I don't know if I'll get the credit when it does happen but I'm already seeing some of my methods being advocated by several other teachers and several instructors have told me they teach the Holy Grail of Golf® swing. Finally, yes, I know what you're saying about watching the pros. Once you know what to look for you can see it almost any good swing. Tommy Fleetwood and Juaquin Neimann do it so well.
@user-ph1nc7ux3u Ай бұрын
If you really want to get paid Take the Jake Paul route and challenge Robert Johansson to a boxing match I would buy that ppv But seriously good luck
@HolyGrailOfGolf 16 күн бұрын
I think I can take him. One of my favorite workouts is with a boxing "headache bag."
@user-ph1nc7ux3u 16 күн бұрын
@@HolyGrailOfGolf My money is on you He only works out his mouth
@njd9143 Ай бұрын
The reality is golf is extremely difficult to teach, only thing an instructor does is show your talent level
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
Talent has little to do with it. How would you explain that every child who knows nothing about physics or golf can pick up a club and figure it out in 15 minutes? Are they all talented? No, children don't have a superficial knowledge about how the golf club works like adults do. If you're using the club properly it will refuse to work properly. It's simple physics.
@njd9143 Ай бұрын
@@HolyGrailOfGolf you contradicted yourself, you said kids know nothing about the golf swing yet still progress quickly? That's called talent. If you didn't have anything to sell to people, you would agree with me.
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
​@@njd9143 ​ I think we agree, actually. It's kinda silly to say or assume that children are more talented than adults. We were all children once. We didn't lose our talent but we, adults I mean, have been corrupted by something we're completely unaware of called "superficial knowledge." It's an unconscious belief that you understand something that in reality you do not. (I'm working on a video about this.) Anyway, the "superficial knowledge" is unconscious so it's deep seated and never questioned. That SK (let's call it) is the belief that you fully know and understand how the golf club works. So adults apply that SK and to their chagrin it doesn't work, so they often blame the club as being faulty or malfunctioning rather than questioning their SK. Adults don't even know they have SK so they never examine or question it. I always find it fun to watch the look on someone's face when I ask them, "what direction do you swing?" It's like a short circuit in their brain. It's something they've never thought about before but they have a firm belief, or an SK, but now, because I've asked that question, they suddenly don't want to give their honest answer and struggle to think of what might be the correct answer and when they can't come up with one they revert to their honest answer which is, "that way ... toward the target." So my point is that SK is ruining most everyone's swing before they ever start, whereas children don't have SK so they get great results quickly. Thanks for the comment. Intelligent questions and debate like this helps me figure out the best ways to explain this stuff.
@JamesBBKK Ай бұрын
Asking a pro how to hit a golf ball well is like asking the handsome guy how to get girls. Just be yourself, bro.
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
I thought you were going to say, "... like asking the handsome guy how to be handsome."
@vektacular Ай бұрын
1000 years??? No way
@HolyGrailOfGolf 16 күн бұрын
Actually, about 1400 years ...
@vektacular 15 күн бұрын
@@HolyGrailOfGolf I didn’t know that….thats Amazing really.
@benicklas Ай бұрын
Unsubscribed… just another money hungry clickbaiter trying to push you towards a his ridiculously overpriced website….use to enjoy your videos… disappointing…
@christophernuzzolo5977 Ай бұрын
Almost all instructors really never make a noive play better. So yeah I agree. Waste of money.
@neckupfitness3274 Ай бұрын
People can't teach you what to do..they can only teach you what THEY do. That's the issue with golf instruction. A million different ways to say the same thing....confusing the amateur golfer and making it harder to figure the game out. It seems easy for a minute, then some other "golf pro" says do this, and down the rabbit hole we go! People like to major in minors.....talk a lot and define their own terms, yet the swing is a simple body movement with a stick.
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
Every golf instruction begins without a basic fundamental. I just made another video about this. It's called "superficial knowledge" and every adult has it without knowing that they do.
@Galaxieman Ай бұрын
The intentional GLITCHES pretty much destroy all the `cred you built up over the years......
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
What glitches? I'm kidding ... I need to get more youtube exposure without giving away everything for free. I could stop the video and say "the rest is on the website," but I think that's worse. I thought this was kinda funny. It's like my DVR cutting out just when a playoff starts. I'm trying ... I know golf not advertising or promotion.
@JamesBBKK Ай бұрын
@@HolyGrailOfGolf It is funny. But frankly I came by for more of the cartoon girls.
@MrThehardway 22 күн бұрын
You must be new to his channel…90% of his content explains proper swing direction!
@bomogo1840 Ай бұрын
Sorry I don't buy it. To prove you are right, please do the over shoulder lessson of your students so we can see it's really a grail as you said.
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
I have plans for that but I'd rather you discover it for yourself. I've taken down the main videos from the youtube channel that explained it all in detail, but there's still plenty there that explains the concept. Also, there are literally hundreds of comments from people saying they watched and then went and played the best round of their life. I started the paypal account because so many people were so grateful for what they learned that they felt compelled to compensate me.
@JohnDoe-hn5nl Ай бұрын
I would’ve subscribed to your KZfaq channel and continued to watch content and spread it, but the glitches and you trying to sell your website made me dislike the video and never passed out to anyone ever good job👍
@swisstrader Ай бұрын
Kind of annoying glitches in vid. I get that you want to have ppl visit your website, but still…
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
I'm trying ... I can't just give everything away for free.
@shanewilliams1216 Ай бұрын
@@HolyGrailOfGolf WELL it sure didn't work for me, I'll never go to your web page. Could hardly get through your video, just fast-forwarded through it trying to see you're so-called secret., I'll stick with Mark Crossfield's KZfaq channel as he says and SHOWS the same thing, and his content is free!!! He is making BIG money off his KZfaq videos and has been for years. He is focused on helping people with their golf swing instead of asking for money, If you were half the teacher you thought you were you would be showing all the people you have helped with their swing using YOUR technique, the money will come, you are too stuck on making big money IMO.
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
​@@shanewilliams1216 Well, this is just a teaser video. So, I'm not surprised if you got the idea wrong. Anyway, if you have ever actually learned anything useful from any of those instructors you mentioned stick with them. I have literally never seen them advocate for anything that you can't find in any old golf magazine from the 70s or 80s. I was giving the idea away but everyone keeps telling me, "that's a million dollar idea!" Also, a lot of people insisted on giving me money, saying I taught them more than the most expensive coaches in the world. (Yes, several people have said they'd seen, Butch Harmon, Ledbetter ... and didn't learn a thing.) Anyway, I guess I can't make everyone happy. Thanks for the comment.
@SaintKimbo Ай бұрын
The problem with Golf Instruction, is that EVERY Teacher says, "the problem with Golf Instruction, is blah, blah,blah...." How about talking to people like they are Adults, instead of patronizing them? Same old, lame old.
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
Who, other than me, has said there's a problem with golf instruction? I have never heard a single person say that. How am I patronizing anyone? I'm so confused.
@SaintKimbo Ай бұрын
You state that, "most Instructors use a Pro or a good Player, to show the Novice, what a good swing looks like,......then they show positions and advocate for the Student to try and get in to that position.....", No Golf Instructor has done that since the Fifties. lol. There's heaps of Golf Instructors on KZfaq who all have their own spin on what to do, and most people, like me, are aware of them. This is what is patronizing about your presentation, you talk as if no one knows anything about the golf swing, like everyone watching is a complete clueless Beginner. I get what you are trying to do, but it's just unnecessary and a little annoying. I think you are on the right track, there's just a few important steps in your process that you are missing.
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
@@SaintKimbo Thank you.
@kevincullen3155 Ай бұрын
A new level of obnoxious. There has to be a better way to drive people to your website other than jumbling the video.
@Lamma-bighitter Ай бұрын
This guy is full of crap. I guess that is why he's "teaching" at a farm.
@HolyGrailOfGolf Ай бұрын
When you discover I'm not full of crap come back and we'll talk. I chose the "farm" because the driving range is too loud and people always want to talk to me.
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