Why I dislike Japanese Storytelling in Video Games

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7 жыл бұрын

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@Starsinger67 7 жыл бұрын
Funny that all three games that you mention are developed by Platinum Games.
@MMOStein 7 жыл бұрын
Platinum doesn't create the lore/story for many of these games, they are just contracted to design the combat system which is what they specialize in.
@FF18Cloud 7 жыл бұрын
MOStein I'm really feeling this dude only played ending A of Nier automata to say half the things he did and to consider Nier Automata is of this... it has them, but... that's the point... at least, if we were to try to analyze this game as an ART form as he so precariously stated games are in his LATEST video... I like his opinions on things like Titanfall 2, but man, I really need to hear what he thinks of Nier Automata... like, there are shitty things in the game, characters not fleshed out, and so much random bullshit but definitely, it's storytelling is not one of them...
@lunerblade13 7 жыл бұрын
well he did say that he is behind on nier automata.
@SlyTF1 7 жыл бұрын
Platinum games is TRASH.
@sorawild33 7 жыл бұрын
SlyTF1 Trash just like you, eh?
@Mars_over_seer 7 жыл бұрын
Exposition, exposition and exposition. Japan writing has this thing of stopping the story dead in its track to give us detail about the world which I'm okay with if it makes up for it but it mostly a waste of time since the exposition can be inserted in a better place or slowly feeds info as the story progresses. That's one of the problems I have with one of Japan's writing.
@Mars_over_seer 7 жыл бұрын
SHAWKLAN 27 Mostly why some of my favorite mangas are western inspired like Berserk and Jojo
@quinnvoneinzbern4589 7 жыл бұрын
DrIvanRadosivic >Skyrim PTSD
@MoSenpai 7 жыл бұрын
I blame bad adaptations. Most anime is adapted from manga and novels, where you have to have exposition. When they're adapted, they just don't know how to trim that. There are definitely enough anime that don't do that ( Hibike! Euphonium, A Silent Voice, Tokyo Magnitude 8.0, Cowboy Bebop), but because of the way they've been doing it up till now, they even do it in shows that are completely original, without source material. Re:Creators is probably the worst offender this season. The directors that are influenced by Western movies, like Naoko Yamada and Shinichiro Watanabe, have made great shows and movies without extensive exposition and will probably pave the way. Not only are their shows of high quality, Yamada is working with the most self-sustaining studio in the anime industry. If there's one studio that will stay afloat in 10 years, it'll be Kyoto Animation.
@Mars_over_seer 7 жыл бұрын
Some animes are adapted well Like Yu Yu Hakusho and FMA.
@dawson6294 7 жыл бұрын
Ever heard of Dark Souls?
@dewaeryadi7776 7 жыл бұрын
at least japanese game developers still creating game as an artwork and not plagued with illiteracy, political correctness and lack of creativity like the western counterpart
@marcelobonnet544 5 жыл бұрын
Well said. Or brainless shooters were everything is dark and all you do is kill innocent people.
@magnuscritikaleak5045 3 жыл бұрын
HADES is a far better Indie Game than whatever Indie come out of Japan.
@dewaeryadi7776 3 жыл бұрын
@@magnuscritikaleak5045 lol, nice joke, you guys in the west are so used to garbage games that something like hades makes u very proud
@DaShonuff 7 жыл бұрын
That's why it takes eight episodes to see a fight play out in DBZ.
@filibertoperez1342 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah Japanese media is fucking wierd and bizarre but that's kind of the charm. Japan is the only place where I can get this type of content like who the hell would make a game about a 6 foot tall hot british woman who's a witch that uses her hair as clothing,weapon and a portal to summon powerful demons from hell to fight angels while not knowing who she is, not in America , but i see your points.
@braevinmaund1210 Жыл бұрын
what i personally hate most is that nearly every single fucking protagonist that isn't a dommy mommy like bayonetta is a god damn underrage beta male twink as long as they don't try to cater to western audiences, which is very, very sus to say the least. getting major pedo vibes. and it's not just the protagonist. more than half of all characters in anime and japanese video games are fucking underage. like why? it's just weird, and it's not for me. i get wanting to play as a heroine who looks like a supermodel, i get wanting to play as a muscly military dude, i get wanting to play as an op god, but why in the flying fuck would i ever want to play as LINK? or should i say twink. with his suggestive moans he makes every time he does anything ever. it is honestly disgusting. fuck you japan.
@Lord_Deimos 7 жыл бұрын
I fucking hate anime for the exact same reasons. Unfortunately the same stupid, pointless stuff carries over to their games. I really like all the games you mentioned FROM A GAMEPLAY PERSPECTIVE, but i just can't take them seriously even for a minute with all the random shit they threw in there.
@oopirates96 7 жыл бұрын
Tyrant check monster it's old anime but really good horror psychological thriller it's not one of those cute anime it's long but worth it.
@maribel1828 7 жыл бұрын
Other than nier automata there isnt really any reason to take bayonetta or vanquish seriously. This is platinum we're talking about here after all.
@cybercatalyst9396 7 жыл бұрын
This was a very brave video to make. Even though I find all the opinions you just laid out there utter trash, I find it fantastic that you, unlike many other youtubers, actually took a risk by saying something people don't like to hear.
@urglefloggahthethird1202 3 жыл бұрын
I couldn't possibly agree more, Japanese storytelling, particularly in games and anime, is shockingly nonsensical, and even when it tries to be realistic and grounded, or at least gritty, (Metal Gear series, Death Stranding) they either come across as utter nonsense or retcon their previous instalments into non-existence in order to explain the latest plot hole. Even the game that introduced a great many non-Japanese to JRPGs, Final Fantasy VII made no sense past a certain point when I originally played it back in the late 1990s, and many years later downloading it from the PlayStation store I gave up pretty early as the story just wasn't engaging. Western roleplaying games that came out around the same time (the Baldur's Gate series, Planescape Torment) had solid stories, hell, even the hack and slash stuff like Diablo made sense and had some interesting, but easy to understand twists and turns, even if the story wasn't sterling, but JRPGs seem aimed at people with the common sense and critical ability of the average dead gerbil.
@assasinsjeff Жыл бұрын
That’s why I watch very less anime. The only anime I’ve watched in the last two years is Vinland Saga
@absw6129 4 жыл бұрын
As far as the "show don't tell" rule goes, there are some japanese video games that handle it really well. Silent Hill 2, Dark Souls, Bloodborne etc... Those games really know how to deliver exposition without forcing it down your throat.
@absurdturk Жыл бұрын
Except Dark Souls and Bloodborne don't actually have a story in the sense of having a "plot." Yes, they have lore; a lot of it in fact. But not an actual plot that's driven by characters.
@absw6129 Жыл бұрын
@@absurdturk if we define "plot" as a character going against obstacles in pursuit of a goal, I think dark souls, at least DS3, makes a pretty clear plot. The ashen one awakens with the mission to reignite the flame. On their way, they encounter various obstacles (gundyr, twin princes, various levels etc...), meet some friendly allies (firekeeper) and as in any good plot, the hero will be forced to make a really difficult choice at the end that decides the outcome (rekindle or not? Kill Firekeeper?). All basic elements of plot are there. They're just not spoonfed through on-the-nose exposition
@absurdturk Жыл бұрын
@@absw6129 When I mean "plot" I mean characters with defined personalities, motives, that appear throughout the story where...I think you know what I mean.
@LordDoom10 7 жыл бұрын
>That Last point. The musical "Boss fight" cut scene in Devil May Cry 4 comes to mind.
@low2833 7 жыл бұрын
It's crazy, my wife and I were just talking about this last night, I completely agree.
@cappedminer369 2 жыл бұрын
What do you think of Killer7 and death note
@yapyongliang7665 7 жыл бұрын
There's a good anime I can recommend to you, Gamertron. it's called 91 days. It inspired by the age of mafia and such. it has none of the annoying tropes that you mentioned. you should watch it.
@absurdturk Жыл бұрын
Yeah, but 91 Days also doesn't have interesting characters, which is a big flaw in a *drama* where you're meant to be invested in the characters.
@NoName-fj3pi 7 жыл бұрын
I'm a huge fan of anime and I respect your opinion and I agree with a lot of your points. However, most of your points, although true, are the reason I love anime. I don't see why so many people disliked this video... everything you said was well thought out and you didn't make fun of anyone.
@yogashima3 7 жыл бұрын
Had the same feelings about Japanese games, there not bad, but the characters/storyline is always just weird, out of place, or just "meh". Thanks for producing this video GameTron!
@rafaelalmeida8155 7 жыл бұрын
i respect your opion :-)
@sonicmeerkat 7 жыл бұрын
i was honestly expecting "fanservice" for the last one. IDK why, it's a gaming video not an anime one but that just popped into mind.
@pithyginger6371 7 жыл бұрын
i'm not here to hate, but i wanna point out a few things. growing up in a thoroughly asian (taiwanese) household, it is indeed true that a lot of the stuff we do has some sort of symbolic thing behind it. I find it kind of annoying too. Second, that show dont tell thing... i think its rlly limited to shounen action anime... i mean, that doesnt rlly happen in other kind of anime... Third, the weird shit is fan service i guess? btw, all the anime u mentioned r shit... idk about u but i prefer slice of life stuff, try some of that out... idk if u hav, but barakamon is a personal fav. Edit: i kinda understand where ur opinion comes from
@domymbd 6 жыл бұрын
Persona 5 changed my live (and point of view) about Japanese culture
@shortafroman4 7 жыл бұрын
"The pointless bullshit." I'm not really positive how to approach this because it is ultimately just an opinion. There isn't much objective to point out there, but I'll try either way. The weird shit within Japanese culture is reflective of their culture in the same way that OUR weird shit is here in Murica. If you don't think we have weird shit, take a moment and consider the scene in the first Avengers in which Hulk punches Thor in the side of the head during the invasion. There's no real reason for him to do that in such a serious situation. You could sit there and consider all the ramifications of that action such as "what if Hulk broke something of his with that punch? What if it knocked him out cold?" For the story, it's a pointless weirdshit moment that (despite being motivated by petty childishness) didn't HAVE to be there for the plot. Very much in the same way, I believe a lot of the "weird shit" we see in Japanese media is created from the same stand point. It's just a joke. I don't think Japan cares about Western sensibilities, so to a Japanese audience, a minigame about staring at a chick may be hilarious, and the rewarding weapon is icing on the cake of a great joke. The moments in which those things show up in a videogame tend to, imo, fall into 2 categories. 1: A joke. The point of it is to pull you out of the story a little and remind you that you're playing a videogame, and the devs are effectively giving you a little chuckle- or possibly even an insight to their mindsets. Games are made by people, after all. One of my favorite moments in Nier: A is (*slight spoiler for one of the endings*) when you can get a Mackerel, yes the fish, from Jackass. She tells you that it's probably fine to eat. When you check its description is pretty much tells you "this will kill you," and if you eat it, your android body congeals and hardens effectively, and you die. The game ends. So in this wonderful story about the depressing struggle of a never ending war that you never had any control over in the first place, 2b or 9s can drop dead because they ate a fish. "And it was delicious." If you put that in the category of storytelling, you're being foolish. That's a dev's joke from their desk to you. HOWEVER. 2: A convolutedly complex but still valid character development moment. When [REDACTED] Shows up in Nier: A, he's... missing features. But his character is immediately established in the absolute weirdness of the situation, and he even opens up a plot relevant "door" with his antics, and after that you don't see him for a while. When he shows up again, he does note the original moment in which he met you, but the sheer weirdness of everything about him overrides any question that could be had about how he functions. Without knowing the background lore(which I didn't my first run through), the moment was just a hilariously weird goof in a way only a Japanese game can pull off. But after looking up and learning the lore of the past game? Who he was? Is? His place in this universe? I was baffled. They flawlessly inserted him as a complete joke, one that was hilariously confusing to newcomers, yet for someone who's been with the series, a triumphant thing to see. Every line he states, his personality, the way he interacts and sees the world gains a new light when knowing the lore. Also by god he's a scary one when you actually know who he is. And his age. BUT he was still perfectly in place in the game without that knowledge, and what comes later with him (likely after a few endings and higher level just to be safe...) is perfectly in place either way. THAT SAID, it's not always good. It's like any trope. Hulk punches Thor and it's hilarious, Batman punches Superman and everyone groans because of how shit the buildup and pay off was. Anyway, sorry for the long message. I suppose my point is... Try to loosen up? The intent of the weird stuff in Japanese games is generally for laughs, not for serious storytelling. And in a GOOD Japanese story, you don't see that trash trope of *character is sweating and on one knee* "Kisuke is tired...!" "Really? No shit--get the hell out of here!" "Bobby is going to kill us all!" "DAMN STRAIGHT I AM!" "Bobby shot me!" "IN THE HEAD. HOW ARE YOU STILL... UGH." That's just bad screenwriting/storytelling. Nothing Japanese about it outside of them happening to do it the most. American media does it all the time. Hell, I don't remember which movie it was, but I remember laughing out loud in the theater as ...something destroyed a satellite, then a "secret base" and in a overseeing room, some commanding officer was like "She destroyed our secret satellite and our base! How did she even know about that?!" OH RIGHT, SUICIDE SQUAD. HAH. Sorry, longwinded. Anyway, I respect your opinion, but I'd recommend just trying to roll with the joke as it shows up (unless it's something pervy, then just ignore it. Japan likes its pervy things)
@DJWeapon8 7 жыл бұрын
"I'm always angry." And as getting back on Thor for the helicarrier fight.
@shortafroman4 7 жыл бұрын
The point isn't that there *is no legitimate reason* for him to punch Thor. The point is that it, objectively, is not a good choice to smack your teammate in the climax of a massive battle. Ultimately it works well *because* there is a legitimate reason that is laid out properly before that point, but in the end it's a similar thing with some scenes in Japanese games/stories. Weird stuff doesn't always come outta left field. Most of the time they do, but...
@HyperRealityChannel 7 жыл бұрын
Atleast someone is trying to be civil
@shortafroman4 7 жыл бұрын
=3 Hey, I love every single aspect of Nier: Automata to death, won't hate someone if they don't tho.
@AntiNihilist 7 жыл бұрын
shortafroman4 it's a little too silly how often I heat dumb criticism like this for Japanese content since I dropped all American content, except some movie series because they lack unique ideas and decent pacing. at least Japanese story telling is unpredictable and silly. by silly I mean a funny scene that doesn't include fart jokes, repetitive dialogue, asking questions no one has answers for, and having cameos that mean nothing. while japanese shows can have those things occasionally, it's mostly in content for teens or younger, unlike the same issues in American shows for adults. laugh tracks are also the worst thing in most sitcoms today
@darkindragon 7 жыл бұрын
Dude Bayonetta just wanted to have fun in that scene, Bayonettas a playful character.
@burra007 7 жыл бұрын
It was stupid though. Just like the Michael Bay's TMNT elevator scene
@miket7869 7 жыл бұрын
i thought that was the best scene in the movie :\
@burra007 7 жыл бұрын
Youra kid Youra Squid that speaks volumes of the quality of the movie
@ParanoiaGentlman 7 жыл бұрын
its helps the fact the game is not taking itself seriously.
@LallyOfTheValley 7 жыл бұрын
@mrblazeapound7856 7 жыл бұрын
Does this include DB Xenoverse 1and 2, and AoT Wings of Freedom?
@TheGamerTronShow 7 жыл бұрын
Never played those games.
@mrblazeapound7856 7 жыл бұрын
TheGamerTronShow Oh. Ok.
@robadc 7 жыл бұрын
When you mentioned the anime you watched I kinda facepalmed. Not for newcomers, some are just objectively bad to top it off.
@quinnvoneinzbern4589 7 жыл бұрын
"Seven Deadly Sins" Its amazing how you accidentally find the worst stuff there is out there so EASILY,it's like you've a curse or something. To be honest I think there's no difference with Eastern studios when it comes to your complaints but it's just that Anime like Dragonball Z and Evangelion are more obvious about it. Great Video,I respect how well you explained your opinion
@joffasaurfinch 7 жыл бұрын
Jakey Vanguard Pilot Alright I deleted my comment chain because it got toxic, uncivil and too unorganized. If you want, I am willing to continue the conversation here or we can just agree to end it here. Your choice.
@quinnvoneinzbern4589 7 жыл бұрын
Joffasaur 1.Saying "people" still implies the majority,if you are talking about yourself and the people that with you *only* then you are required to specify that. 2.Peoples feelings getting hurt is not a major issue that needs to be discussed more than other real important issues,people can be racist to anyone and that's the truth so evey guy needs to learn to toughen up and get over a couple of insults when on other men are dying in wars that are being ignored. EITHERWAY these cartoons are still dated and irrelevant
@joffasaurfinch 7 жыл бұрын
Jakey Vanguard Pilot Alright, I'll agree that I should have used I more often. About the feelings thing, I disagree whole heartedly. Its not about feelings, its about racism. Which is a very real and very dangerous thing. Racism stops people from getting jobs, its gets people shot and killed. The cartoons, just continue that trend and try to make a mockery of actual problems. Do people die in wars? Yes, because that's war and thats awful and I am proud and honored by their sacrifice. That doesn't mean that problems like race issues should just be ignored because people are dying.
@quinnvoneinzbern4589 7 жыл бұрын
@joffasaurfinch 7 жыл бұрын
Jakey Vanguard Pilot Whoa chill, I gave you the option of just calling it good and parting ways.
@RinGoGuntheR Жыл бұрын
I don't share most your thoughts but I do respect them c:
@Boulder7685 7 жыл бұрын
As with a lot of things in life, if I can tolerate something, I'll typically just accept it as what it is. Nier: Automata, for instance, has some totally bizarre, goofy, and completely unnecessary moments, but that's because it's Nier: Automata. It just comes with the territory. It's no better or worse off for it, it just makes it what it is. I don't know if I have low standards, a high degree of respect, or I just live to experience what something has to offer. If I genuinely don't care, then I move on and ignore it and that's that. Few cases will arrive where I don't at least respect any media for what it is at a basic level. That's why I respect anyone's opinion that doesn't encroach on another's.
@AVWUVU 7 жыл бұрын
Boulder7685 Yeah, you explain how I feel perfectly. For instance the part where he talked about the bayonetta dance, I disagreed. I mean I understood it as it's something that character does and it's part of her personality to mess around so why take it so serious? It's not a serious game either much more comedy action than anything else. Maybe it's because I have experience and watched many forms of anime and movies but if you don't care or just understand the characters then it's easy to watch.
@Rainbowhawk1993 7 жыл бұрын
Aniah Vu Same here, I haven't played Bayonetta but I grew up with Tonomi and Yu-Gi-Oh so I know several elements of Japanese media that I accept. (Though I was caught off guard when I saw the scenes in Super Sentei that weren't used in Power Rangers) I guess it's up to toleration because GamerTron grew up with Seinfeld while I grew up with some Americanized Japanese media.
@AVWUVU 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I understand what you mean. I grew up with all kinds of media and culture so I kinda grew tolerant of almost everything I watch even if it sometimes doesn't make sense. From tradition Chinese to Japanese films to american films, I have watched them all and kinda just accepted whatever I see.
@PERSONAfan01 7 жыл бұрын
I feel you man. In fact the last paragraph reminds me of the bullshit the BBC tried, or is one of the many groups still doing, to pull with their little "documentary".
@Boulder7685 7 жыл бұрын
Blahblah, I'm sorry man, but this is why the English language requires the use of proper grammar. I can't tell at all what you're trying to say, and whether you're agreeing or disagreeing, or adding to, or whatever the case may be. If you're saying that my idea of acceptance is something of a problem in the grander scheme of things like politics, don't worry: This only applies to various forms of storytelling media. Please don't take my words and throw them somewhere totally unrelated, since nothing here is about politics. If you wanna talk to me about politics, start by actually asking my thoughts on politics. You'd see that I care greatly about the areas of government that I care about, like gun rights, but this is neither the time nor place for that kind of talk. I guess it's my fault for not mentioning it in my original post, but I'm also all for pushing the limits of modern society and coming out with awesome, new, and unconventional products. I'm all for (properly) representing and exploring bigger, controversial topics in life through said methods. An anime came out just recently called Saga of Tanya the Evil that raised some controversial questions about our idea of God, and brought up some interesting ideas on the subject, and I absolutely loved how it did it. The only reason I say I just experience things for what they offer is because video games are a still fairly new medium when it comes to success and sitting on the public spotlight in any good capacity. Some people demand things that are just too much for modern technological and human capability to handle, and as such refuse to look at some products whatsoever (looking at you Destiny) even though they still have their own uniquities to bring to the table.
@t0pdoc 7 жыл бұрын
You should make a video talking about Killer 7. Now that's an exception in Japanese Storytelling.
@Salwarehouse 7 жыл бұрын
1:56-2:14 This kind of self-awareness and intellectual honesty regarding subjectivity is disappointingly uncommon. Kudos.
@furyberserk 7 жыл бұрын
I thought the thing you had in common with Nier Automata, Vanquish and Bayonetta was they were all made in part by Platinum.
@rikorobinson 6 жыл бұрын
You are right. On every point. And at a certain point, "good writing" is objective. It's why the Fast and Furious films are wildly popular, yet despite there being a million of them, they've never been awarded anything. Popular doesn't equal good...
@omgazr0 7 жыл бұрын
The Bayonetta nitpick was the only one that really raised my eyebrow, because the whole thing is the token mirror match trope and it was done in DMC3 granted after the boss fight is when they did a little lame ass shimmy, Zelda (has a hard on for it) and Metroid also did it.
@Sledg0matic 7 жыл бұрын
Actually, the dance-off does have a point. It's the same reason why the musical 'Annie, Get Your Gun' has a song called 'Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better'. They were having a British Witch version of a dick-measuring contest. Keep in mind that this is coming from someone who has never played the game. It's just glaringly obvious from the context of the situation. The previous scene alone well establishes that she's got a massively arrogant ego. So when she comes across an enemy trying to cop her style, of course she's going to call them out on it. With her BODY LANGUAGE, Bayonetta was saying, 'You think you're a sexy witch? Well I'm THE sexy witch'.
@goranisacson2502 7 жыл бұрын
All I'll say is that I wish you had given actual examples for the first two flaws like you did with the third, since that would have helped me understand the complaints a lot more. I kinda agree with you on the point of "random weird out of nowhere" stuff. Japanese stories CAN have humor that is based on dialogue or word-play or slowly building up a chaotic situation piece by piece until the zaniness on screen is both completely absurd AND easy to understand since you see where it's coming from... but they very often don't. At times these supposedly funny scenes feel like they come out of nowhere and are then summarily ignored, leaving you scratching your head because it doesn't feel like they meant anything or had any point to it. My uneducated "armchair anthropologist" theory is that Japanese society seems to be ENORMOUSLY strict and stiff. Everything seems so orderly and regulated by a metric ton of unspoken rules you must know or disgrace yourself, and there is no way to just ask what they are because Japanese language seems to treat anything straightforward as automatially super-omega-extremely rude. So think about... let's say "The Office". (God I hope you have seen The Office) Part of its appeal is to let us roll our eyes at seeing the inanity of modern corporate life exaggarated and lambasted for what it is. We get an understanding wink, someone who says they get how dumb and contra-productive it all is, but we deal with it anyway because that's just life. Japanese humor doesn't really feel like it can ever be this blase or laid-back about itself. Every joke must be SUPER-WACKY and out of nowhere, come and go at breakneck speed. It kind of feels like... they're ashamed of themselves for laughing. They want the release a joke brings, they want to have a moment in which they get to laugh and be elevated beyond societal bullshit... but they don't want it to last TOO long. They don't want it to linger, they don't want a joke that will stay with them and occupy their mind because how dare they use time they could spend on something useful on something so wasteful as "building up to a joke" or "letting a joke's unspoken assumptions linger and develop after it's been told"? Disgraceful! No, better to just throw it in as fast as possible, have it over and done with as soon as possible, and then just continue on our merry way. Now I totally pulled this out of my ass, I am no anthropolgist and most of this comes from the negative image I have of Japan as an extremely formal and soulkillingly stiff culture as a whole. It is an extreme, and I am totally open to there being nuances of it that I just don't get- that it's all a matter of not seeing the proper references that brings context to the humor. But I see stuff like manzai, and many a "humor" anime, and, well... after a while you just gotta come to a conclusion based on what you've experienced. But on the other hand, I will also admit that you CAN also aim a lot of your complaints at western slapstick cartoons as well. The Looney Tunes are FULL of the stuff, but do you still like them? Honest question, I've no idea if you just cathegorically dislike slapstick or if you are okay with some of it. If you do, what is different from Looney Tunes out-of-nowhere zaniness compared to Japanese out-of-nowhere zaniness? A lot of humor relies on cultural short-hand, after all. References we just don't get unless we¨re mired in the culture from which it came. You could argue there are differences between the specific WAYS Western and Eastern stories are random and zany, but in this video you just describe how Eastern stories are wacky without really specifying how THEIR wackiness if different than Western wackiness. So I don't know if you are down on wackiness IN GENERAL, or if you have some specific beef with just Eastern wackiness. Though PS: Bayonetta had a dance-battle because some bish stepped up looking exactly like her, and she wanted to show that SHE had the most swag. So it was an impromptu dance battle with an impostor. It's essentially the whole "Bugs Bunny sees someone dressed up like him in a doorway but acts like it's a mirror and starts making funny faces seeing if they replicate it, and then ends with him smacking their heads in with a hammer". I'm not saying it always makes sense, but I am saying that Bayonetta IS more or less a Looney Tune and the story operates on that level. So it isn't too weird, from that perspective.
@mischake 7 жыл бұрын
at the end i really expected your leave-a-like-rambling to devolve into literal "bla-bla-bla" xD
@cameronleach5475 7 жыл бұрын
Great video with a good opinion though laughed at your first reason. Overt symbolism and allegory is why I love the Godzilla series so much. I dare you to watch Shin Godzilla after it releases in August. Fantastic film which perfectly encompasses all your complaints.
@BeardGrizzly 7 жыл бұрын
this reason is exactly what has me mixed on most of my eastern games... I need a good reason to play them. it's also a reason I love dragon Ball, because who needs to know more than "punch that jerk!!"
@maribel1828 7 жыл бұрын
Nier automata is actually really good and bayonetta or vanquish werent meant to be taken seriously in the first place so they get a pass for me.
@Summer_Tea 7 жыл бұрын
My big problem with Japanese storytelling (and it bleeds into gameplay as well) is that everything is just so....Yolo. I really can't describe it in any other way. It's like, here's a pirate anime but there's weird fruit powers and all sorts of bullshit like triple sword techniques. Or here's a trading card game anime but monsters and shit are coming to life and it sometimes stop being turn-based and resembles more of a pokemon fight or something. Japanese storytelling is so yolo and never grounded in reality. Even in a fantasy setting I want there to be a very consistent internal logic that resembles reality.
@user-ms7ez6tu7b 7 жыл бұрын
Japanese storytelling is different from you americans. Duh.
@jhyarellesilver8397 7 жыл бұрын
What a depressing video. But then again I like anime and games from Japan, weeb or not. But I know one absolute truth that you can bank on and cannot deny. Anime was never designed for anyone outside of Japan. But I'll make it personal, it was not made for you and you in mind. It became popular because it was different and out of the ordinary. But just like everything else it has its tropes and stereotypes based on where it comes from. Symbolism, wacky expressions, sexually free from western taboos and all that is native in Japan and they are free to express it in what ever way they see fit. You are pretty much talking to a brick wall, but Amendment 2 is at your'e side to say what you did, as is mine to respond. Frankly I think you and guys who think like you is why we had an JRPG or Japanese game drought a while back. To much bitching and whining about tropes or "I don't get it" had some publishers in Japan said "fuck it" "no games for you" and guys like you bitched about why aren't we getting any more Japanese stuff. Anything that does come out from Japan has to be scrutinized and most of the damned time butchered before we can we even get it be cause it was never meant for us. It has to be localized, meaning it has to altered in a way for our dumb asses to get and understand it. I kinda find it funny at times how even the trope filled cheesy as hell high school romcom anime can have a deeper meaning in plot and dialogue than million dollar Oscar winning western movie. Don't believe...watch "Your Name" Kimi no Na wa. I've devote too much time with this...I ma drop the mic here.
@SleepyRulu 7 жыл бұрын
Jhyarelle Silver I agree
@maribel1828 7 жыл бұрын
Considering the direction japanese games are going i hope that this mentality may change in a few years or so. Japanese games are on the rise and i feel that people just need some adjustment so give it time and hope for the best. Dunno about anime though. Maybe if we could get another cowboy bebop then people's mentality will change.
@amuro9624 6 жыл бұрын
it's funny cause he says he doesn't understand the unnecessary weird shit but that's all the charm of it. western stories are always so conservative that it's just boring.
@ryan2flyin 6 жыл бұрын
This video puts the nail on the head
@joecoolmccall 7 жыл бұрын
I don't really read or follow much Japanese or Anime type media, but your first point about the issue of "symbolism" and need to have vast cultural background knowledge for a clear understanding is quite odd- since many of the greatest pieces of western literature often require just as much understand of culture as what you seem to be complaining about.
@TheGamerTronShow 7 жыл бұрын
"complaining about"? Excuse me? I'm not complaining about anything. Where did you get that from?
@siekensou77 7 жыл бұрын
lol... front mission evolved? that is by DoubleHelix.. wasnt inhouse squaresoft. it was a western dev title..
@Spicypuff 7 жыл бұрын
Ayy ninja blade. Such a fun and underrated action game.
@TheGamerTronShow 7 жыл бұрын
It is :-)
@Spicypuff 7 жыл бұрын
And it came from Fromsoftware no less.
@Isegawa2001 7 жыл бұрын
+TheGamerTronShow Do you think Metal Gear is an exception?
@abovethelaw4417 3 жыл бұрын
All from soft games are super trash
@erin5048 7 жыл бұрын
Don't beat yourself over with this. If it's not appealing to you, just don't force yourself. It's sad that you had to make so many disclaimers, because you knew people don't know how to discuss.
@mrblazeapound7856 7 жыл бұрын
If you want a really fantastic anime to watch? If you haven't, Watch AoT season 1(25 episodes) and 2 (12 episodes)! Season 3 comes out 2018.
@Plutoburns 7 жыл бұрын
little weird that the only thing you linked between Bayonetta, Vanquish and Nier Automata was they're from japan and not that they have the same developer. A developer who isn't known for their skillful storytelling (nier is an exception cause it was written by Yoko Taro).Bayonetta is in the broad strokes a lot like Neon Genesis Evangelion, a pseudo spiritual war story that doesn't actually mean anything and is an excuse for awesome fight scenes. Vanquish is a pretty blatant take down of Gears of War. Nier has the best story of any game this year, but its doesnt start unraveling its brilliance till later. Not gonna really dispute your points cause A) your not WRONG and B) it is just your opinion of how these tropes strike you. But I do think this video could have used some work. You didn't really give concrete examples of what was bothering you until the third point. I mean, i totally know what you mean when you say the side characters over explain shit; thats every battle anime from Dragon Ball Z to Yugioh. BUT, it would have been good to have more concrete examples in the video. Maybe even some clips. I personally think what a lot of us like about Japanese stories IS how weird and not "american" they are. Ive been BATHING in western media my whole life, nice to get another perspective for a change. The Killer is Dead developer made another game "Killer 7" that you should check out because the WHOLE DAMN GAME IS JUST SO FUCKING WEIRD!~!! From the gameplay to the "story" its just one energetic non-sequitur after another and you just cant look away. Saints Row 2-4 did something similar where the story is dumb and weightless mostly, but you just keep playing to see what wacky shit happens next. Anime Recommendation: try "Outlaw Star". fun space romp with a story arc it sticks to.
@leomagus2813 7 жыл бұрын
How the fuck did I know you were talking about aldnoha zero. That freaked me out.
@yannickluecker3983 7 жыл бұрын
Your third point is a draw in my book XD However, your first two points were pretty understandable. I even kinda agree to your second point.
@maribel1828 7 жыл бұрын
I dont really get his point on symbolism though. He acts as if knowing these references are vital to your experience. Exposition i get and weird stuff i can understand.
@Archimagus 7 жыл бұрын
Holy fuck... I try and tell my friends, who all love anime, that I don't like it, and they look at me like I'm crazy. I was beginning to think I was alone. Thank you.
@Porphyrios9856 7 жыл бұрын
Want a really good anime to watch? *Cowboy Bebop* is your best bet. Great story, great characters and no stupid exposition. In fact there is no exposition in the first episode that tells the characters back story until much later.
@quinnvoneinzbern4589 7 жыл бұрын
David Garcia He's seen it,i liked it aswell
@burra007 7 жыл бұрын
I should watch Cowboy Bebop. Been hearing nothing but some good shit from it, and I've only watched the movie XD
@quinnvoneinzbern4589 7 жыл бұрын
Midnox I haven't watched it but I know about it and it looks really good,there's also the *AMAZING* intro that adds to list of good stuff
@oopirates96 7 жыл бұрын
David Garcia i would say Monster,Great teacher Onizuka,Berserk,91 days,Baccano are shows i would recommend.
@foodomanthemagnificent2650 7 жыл бұрын
My favorite episode the one with the space monster from the fridge...
@mrblazeapound7856 7 жыл бұрын
I fucking love Bayonetta.
@marshallfarstad3770 7 жыл бұрын
1:17 liked the video because of that
@Sorrowdusk 2 жыл бұрын
🤔 Curious....wonder what he thinks of Elden Ring
@austinkuchar7125 7 жыл бұрын
hey gamertron I respect your opinion and u have your taste and other people have theres
@ghg1976 6 ай бұрын
I agree with you. While I enjoy a lot of japanese-styled games, and the graphics and gameplay are fun, the storytelling is pretty lame. Over the top, cliche, characters, predictable plots and usually a lot of convoluted subplots that never really pan out, make sense, or matter. These days I tend to stick to western RPGs if I can help it (my one guilty exception is the final fantasy series).
@kiriavatar123 10 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for articulating what I've been feeling about anime and japaense video games for so long, I just couldnt put my finger on it. Final Fantasy 7 remake and my. God just any anime on crunchy roll. I could say one piece but really it's every anime.
@Selvares 5 жыл бұрын
thanks for saying that, i thought i was the only one
@collin2401 7 жыл бұрын
I appreciate this topic and agree with many of your points, but your arguments would benefit from the use of specific examples. For instance, when you say that Nier Automata tells without showing, which scene(s) or plot points are you referring to? I understand your desire to avoid spoilers, but that desire makes your logic difficult to follow. Also, Bayonetta and Killer is Dead are supposed to be weird. That's kind of the point. :-P
@mostsatisfied1053 7 жыл бұрын
Reason is a little silly. Little bit of contradiction, but your opinion is fair enough. I feel like you just haven't found enough of the good stuff, which is unfortunate. I could be wrong, I dunno.
@21swords76 7 жыл бұрын
super hero movies, t.v. shows and comic books also have weird shit all of the time but u'll keep watching/reading those won't u.
@Randomlyrandomnss 7 жыл бұрын
21 its all about perspective though and personal experience
@21swords76 7 жыл бұрын
yes but he's being a huge hypocrite when he makes these types of videos. did john snow not come back to life after being dead
@reneesoryu3650 5 жыл бұрын
You’re the one who is assuming he’s watching those. Nice tu quoque btw
@HellGod67 7 жыл бұрын
9:10 That's called "you must do what you must" son, it's life.
@LurkerPrime 7 жыл бұрын
While personally a dating sim does sound stupid to me, I looked up the dance scene from Bayonetta and it reminds me of a scene from Devil May Cry 4 where the main protagonist Dante, has a conversation with a villain/boss in theatrical style. There are stage lights, dramatic pauses, everything! And while what they're saying has some subsistence to it, the way they perform it is completely unnecessary...AND I LOVE IT! If you truly want to enjoy illogical moments in video games and anime like these, in my opinion you need to turn your brain off. Tell the logical thinking part of your brain to just take a nap, and enjoy the show! "Hey, that guys sword has an engine in it, and when he revs said engine he does more damage." Is it logical? No! Does it look cool? uh, YES!
@johnvonshepard9373 7 жыл бұрын
i agree so much.
@PapaCharlie9 7 жыл бұрын
"Western game" and "western movie" includes Europe. Europe is, after all, the foundation of Western culture. So you don't have to say "western and european games". That's like saying, "western games and western games". If you want to distinguish non-european western games, you can just say American games. ;)
@joshnorthall13 7 жыл бұрын
In most cases I prefer japanese storytelling as I enjoy the whole over the top stupidity of it with things like dmc and bayonettta also the characters in most japanese games are a bit more relatable like i find Noctis from ffxv a lot more relatable than military guy 229834737
@tonyinfinite5174 7 жыл бұрын
midgetnffc hey military guy 2 etc is my favorite character.
@joshnorthall13 7 жыл бұрын
Tony Infinite he gives so much emotion and is real relatable
@tntrigued5011 4 жыл бұрын
FFXV sucks tho
@newrecru1t 7 жыл бұрын
Please tell me you've at least given *_One Punch Man_* a chance?...
@TheGamerTronShow 7 жыл бұрын
When the english dub is on netflix, sure.
@quinnvoneinzbern4589 7 жыл бұрын
New Recruit One Punch Man is SO GOOD but the whole thing is really just a big comedy so some people make the mistake of thinking it's going to be serious and end up confusing themselves
@newrecru1t 7 жыл бұрын
+TheGamerTronShow I've heard Netflix took down the dub version of OPM for some reasons, you might not be able to check it out for some time on Netflix...
@litesaberkunai789 7 жыл бұрын
New Recruit I tried I just cant stand his bald head.
@quinnvoneinzbern4589 7 жыл бұрын
Vin Deisel and Dwayne Johnson want a word with you
@romanace3432 7 жыл бұрын
Fire emblem has awesome storytelling, (except fates).
@irtazaazam2573 7 жыл бұрын
Jacob Fortin ehh I mean, Awakening was ok. just, wasn't the most interesting.
@mariotennisman 7 жыл бұрын
Echoes does it better
@romanace3432 7 жыл бұрын
Irtaza Azam the beginning was awful but half way through is great.
@romanace3432 7 жыл бұрын
Mario Bouchard echoes is awesome I played it.
@romanace3432 7 жыл бұрын
Irtaza Azam awakening was my first fire emblem I have some nostalgia with it.
@effive7817 7 жыл бұрын
I'm personally a big fan of "show, don't tell" As long as the story doesn't require, as you put it, "homework" from some outside movie/book/source. It's for this exact reason Marvel/DC stories I tend to dislike.
@lordinquisitor6233 7 жыл бұрын
Gamertronshow , I understand and you are entitled to your views, personally I only like a few animes and most of them are westernised like jojo bizarre adventures which literally takes the mick out of most of your criticisms and helsing ultimate which is badassary incarnate (both of which I'd recommend) but like I said , it's your choice
@lordinquisitor6233 7 жыл бұрын
To be fair the reason I like jojo is because it's partially so weird but it can take itself seriously
@lordinquisitor6233 7 жыл бұрын
I mean I don't concider myself a weeb as I don't worship Japanese culture
@quinnvoneinzbern4589 7 жыл бұрын
Thomas Wightman JoJo is built on weird yet entertaining things: RERO RERO
@Mars_over_seer 7 жыл бұрын
Have u read Berserk and Vinland Saga?
@lordinquisitor6233 7 жыл бұрын
Jakey Vanguard Pilot me and my friend agree it is the best anime ever
@kokku-san4584 7 жыл бұрын
An anime you should try seeing is Maria the Virgin Witch. If you can get past the light sex jokes and fanservice, it's quite fun. Especially if you like medieval combat. It's more realistic than any Western movie I've seen.
@CaptFrost-ed8ij 7 жыл бұрын
5:24 - Oh that's a reference to Dragon Ball Z!
@darethrylls9747 7 жыл бұрын
Holup, EDF is supposed to have a story?
@ineednochannelyoutube5384 5 жыл бұрын
No. Its all an elaborate joke.
@gweevelicious 3 жыл бұрын
For some reason, when I first read the title of this video, I excluded "Why I dislike" for some reason. It's like my brain doesn't want me to be logical
@mr.niceguy1095 7 жыл бұрын
Did you ever try MGS ? I heard that game series have 'amazing' story telling.
@thapoint09 7 жыл бұрын
MGS is still pretty "weird" storytelling-wise.
@urglefloggahthethird1202 3 жыл бұрын
No, it's not. It consists of retcon after retcon to cover up the latest plot hole and the story feels like a comic book that has been going for way too long with deaths, characters suddenly not being dead for idiotic reasons and the whole thing written by the most celebrated hack and fraud in gaming. I'll pass.
@dasmowenator Жыл бұрын
I'd like to see a version of this video where he explains WHY Japanese storytelling is like this -- I agree with all of his examples here, but I just want to understand where it all comes from
@yoru1951 7 жыл бұрын
The fact, that the Story is so complex and you need so much background knowledge is one of the reasons, why these type of games are so appealing
@irllcd13 7 жыл бұрын
If you think that shit is complex, then you're not a thinker. That's the thing, you don't need all that information. It's what writers call worldbuilding. Most of the time, it's completely unnecessary information that would be better left vague or absent.
@marcelobonnet544 5 жыл бұрын
@@irllcd13 No. It seems the Japanese like doing their world building "in-story" while Westerners do it on encyclopedias. For instance, One piece does most of its world building "in-story" while Star Wars hires are writer to create a mythology. In the West there's a obssession with self- containment of having the story stand by itself and everything not relevant to telling the story is cut out.
@blackspiderman1887 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with this guy. This is the reason I dont like the story of kingdom hearts 3. I dont know what the heck is going on.
@dason5408 6 жыл бұрын
I'm a fan of Japanese games but I agree with all of your points
@natashagalaxy7228 7 жыл бұрын
That like to dislike ratio though
@TheMrfoxguy Жыл бұрын
Weebs be mad
@vagelisn2209 7 жыл бұрын
on 3rth point you want a answer about the weird shit in anime. mean, have you heard the word "fap"? that's why they are there. your points are objective not subjective and i agree even though i am watching way too mach anime. You sould wach the old anime like gost in the shell or evangelion or play the persona series. they still have fanservice but they try much harder
@brucenatelee 7 жыл бұрын
I think the Bayonetta dance off was to see who is really the legit Bayonetta, comparing each other's ability to do such a style that maybe the original is capable of, feeling out how the copy is like the original. Think about looking for a weakness in the fake, I guess. And maybe you don't like the pervy Killer is Dead gigolo mode, but to some, it's just fun(ny), and a side thing to do besides just the main game. Like Gwent in the Witcher 3... yeah, I went there.
@GruesomePizza1992 7 жыл бұрын
The pretty much sums up why I don't like hideo kojimas stories I like the mechanics of the games, but not the story it self.
@noahgrenier1933 7 жыл бұрын
I can recommend Full Metal Alchemist and Tokyo Ghoul as amazing anime. Just like any entertainment market there is a lot of shit and anime is no exception, but like any entertainment market there are those gems that shine so bright that your life is changed after seeing it. these two shows are that for me. I am a big fan of anime but there is a lot of weird, crazy, and just plain poop out there, but you just gotta find the right one for you.
@dxtremecaliber 2 жыл бұрын
this is what im saying for those who saying "anime is shit now" they just watching the wrong anime cuz they are many good titles just last year 2021 and this year 2022 lol same with game arent fun now wtf
@tydariusjackson5158 7 жыл бұрын
Yea I'm with you on the Japanese games but anime ain't got shit to do with games like you said on another video that game developers put so much in they game anime developers do too it's even harder because each episode are put together one paper at a time and drawing five pages is like five seconds which they have to make 20 minutes a episode just think of all the fucked up drawings they had to throw away
@magnuscritikaleak5045 3 жыл бұрын
This comment did not age well. Look at Genshin Impact.
@brucenatelee 7 жыл бұрын
All are also Platinum games, masters of Japanese action games.
@Echo1608. 7 жыл бұрын
There is always a good use of symbolism, and bad uses of symbolism. And which can always lead to good story, or bad story. I'm not even that huge of an anime watcher, but I've seen a lot of bad anime. I see the same problem you do, to many times where an anime which has all this stuff, that goes nowhere. Aldnoah.Zero was one of those animes, I got most of the way through the first season, and then dropped it. Because I was getting annoyed with where the story was going, and how the mechs were animate.
@LadyTsuki 7 жыл бұрын
While I tend to love Japanese games and some anime, I do see your points. Though I will say that in the case of anime, some of that "he's tired" when you can see it is a translation glitch. They'll say phrases which are similar but not as blatant, but will just get translated that way cause it's the closest we have. On that note... wow you found like the worst anime ever! :P Not your fault though, there's tons of crap out there. I do think a lot of it comes from the Japanese having very different mindsets. You have the traditional "perfectionist" type Japan, and the over the top quirky Japan... sometimes they mix because that's just how societal evolution works. What I tend to enjoy about Japanese games are the characters... they're generally more unique, and in games like Persona, a bit more realistic. They also tend to be more colorful and nice from an artistic standpoint. And of course, yes some of the gameplay is awesome. I love Bayonetta's gameplay, among others. So yeah, you make good points, but I like them anyway. I'll represent the even-headed crowd I guess. ^^;
@nikolapetrovic4814 2 жыл бұрын
AS much as i love Dark souls games (and now Elden Ring) i don't understand them at all and don't care enough to invest time to figure out it's convoluted lore. I play the games for cool gear and cool battles
@comedycorpse9768 7 жыл бұрын
Why are people disliking ?
@Carrisonfire1 7 жыл бұрын
I agree with all your points, I can only think of one example of a Japanese story I enjoy (the story, there's lots of games I like) is Metroid (excluding Other M). Even a "staple" franchise like Zelda doesn't appeal to me with it's story at all (and the last game I enjoyed was Twilight Princess on GC, Wii version is garbage). The appeal to me is the exploration and actual gameplay. I'm not much of an Anime person for the same reasons. When you remove the interactivity I can't enjoy it anymore. As a kid I watched DBZ and Pokemon, and most anime i've seen since comes off as too "kid friendly" now or just to weird to make sense.
@Brou15O 4 ай бұрын
I agree. As i get older, i lose interest in anime in general.
@priorwitness 7 жыл бұрын
Really enjoyed this. I've come to a similar realization myself. I purchased Bayonetta when it went on sale a year or so ago. I bought because of how well received it was. I think I made about an hour or so into the game and I just couldn't take it anymore. Far too "weird" of a game for me. The action was phenomenal, but the story was so off it killed it for me. The exact same thing happened for me with Nier: Automata. I bought it since most of the KZfaqrs I trust loved that game. So I downloaded the demo, and it looked promising. The story on the onset looked ok, but the action in the beginning sold it for me. Then about 6 hours of my life later, the game just got weirder, and weirder, and WEIRDER to the point where I put it down, and said, "Enough!" I won't say the game was terrible to me, but the story, again, killed the game for me. Too many things happened that made no sense to me. So I sold it, and moved on to something else. I'm playing Horizon on PS4 right now, and that in my opinion is a million times better of a game than Nier was. But it is like you said as it is all about opinion. Most people seem to like these games, but I think I've finally come to the realization that for the most part games that involve Japanese story telling is just not for me. It's nice to know someone else out there shares the same viewpoint.
@priorwitness 7 жыл бұрын
Jay Santo right. To each their own! At the end of the day there are a ton of really good games to play and with so much time in the day if a game doesn't grab me right away I'm moving on. I've got such a backlog of games I want to play, games I want to replay, and games coming out soon that if it just isn't clicking for me I'm moving on.
@NaviRyan 7 жыл бұрын
why would story telling be so different between Japanese anime and west tv shows and games well it's simple it's what they want to write that is inherently that doesn't mean that one is worse than the other or that they shouldn't be inspired by one another such as yojimbo and mad max so what is the difference between the audience that requires different objectives while writing for a show or game well the audience is individualistic so the main character needs to be if not relatable likable to the audience while in japan they are very self conscious and courteous while these traits are also the same the characters personality is extreme it is less this is who I relate to this story centers around this crazy character and or setting just look at rpg's to jrpg in skyrim you can create your own character while in nier your character is set in a larger story by the creators the one game I would say bridges the gap in rpg's is dark souls you can create your own character and they die a lot and the creators don't have a story you have to go through you simply kill over powered monsters and bosses reading about the story at your leisure and boy did it make them a lot of money
@jpickens189 7 жыл бұрын
For me, crappy Japanese tropes are enjoyable because they are novel. Western media has an equal number of problems, but I experience them daily in my actual life. I don't need to see them in my entertainment.
@wattsify003 7 жыл бұрын
I'm not saying this anime are innocent in the topics that you meantion, but best anime i've ever seen has been Ergo Proxy, Samurai Champloo, Death Note, Trigun and obviously Cowboy Bebop.
@alansmithee2012 7 жыл бұрын
I came in expecting my opinions to be challenged, I came out thinking "I agree with pretty much everything in this video and I cannot come up with many good counterarguments".
@kogorun 7 жыл бұрын
Bayonetta scene is both a riff at wuxia (think kung-fu films) with characters showing off their prowess in forms (katas) before a fight, and opportunity to show that she's the best at weird strip-tease fighing magicks. GUESS YOU DIDN'T GET THAT REFERENCE, TOO.
@niemand7811 Жыл бұрын
Pffffff....... I got you until a certain point. The "dance thing" in Bayonetta is simply for show. And damn we love to watch it as we might be simply beings despite our efforts to hide our ancient sides.
@suprememememachine4508 7 жыл бұрын
Another thing I've noticed, at least in most Japanese anime, is poor character design and development. I've seen many of these anime snake really interesting worlds to go off of, and in terms of worldbuilding they do rather well, but character wise I feel the overwhelming majority just fall short. Very rarely have I seen an anime that had a main character I actually enjoyed. Most of the time I feel we just get shitty, uninteresting characters be the centerpiece of a story and just make it unbearable to watch. An example I'll give is Strike witches. Essentially, humanity is being rapidly beaten back by a mysterious aliens foe until they come across a way to enhance individuals with mechanized equipment and magic to finally regain it's land. It's also set in World War II, allowing for some excellent storytelling. Unfortunately the series is hamstringed by having absolutely fucking awful characters. There's also a bunch of fanservice and the series ended up lacking pretty heavily.
@albertalmodal4331 7 жыл бұрын
I thought Bayoneta was all about being goofy as hell though?
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