Why Wiper Deco Is WORSE Than Its Base Kit

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Back when Wiper Deco was announced, we were terrified that it would bring about a new age of missile meta. Now that it has been out for a while, I want to take a look at Wiper Deco and discuss why, despite having missiles, it isn't considered as strong as it's base kit
Path of the Wind - Langrisser I Remake
Soldier - Langrisser II Remake
Errant Knight - Langrisser II Remake
Intro - 0:00
Why We Were So Scared - 1:02
How Deco Loses its Identity - 2:41
Why Identity Is Important - 4:18
My Perfect Support Wiper Kit - 6:42

Пікірлер: 53
@DHVF28 5 күн бұрын
You make a good point in that wiper deco trying to be a rat and a support player is unsustainable in the long run, but I think that idea also kind of ignores the benefits of having a weapon as flexible as wiper deco in a team comp. While it wouldn’t be smart to have wiper deco be your only support option or your only aggro option, pairing it with one of each of those roles in a team comp will let it help ease the degree to which everyone else on the team has to lean into their role. For example, if you have a comp with a wiper deco, a splat dualies, and an NZAP, the wiper deco can let the other two weapons deviate from their roles for period of time. They can take on the rat role when the dualies want to play supportively with crab or stay back and better utilize their kit if the NZAP sees a good opportunity to take a fight. The way I see it, team comps can either fully lean into the weapon identities that you mentioned in the video where everyone has a set role that their weapon excels in, or structure their comp around flexibility where multiple roles can be played by multiple people. This latter option is where a weapon like wiper deco will succeed and make the most of its still-very-powerful kit.
@gamesrules1223 6 күн бұрын
I mainly main wiper and nova, when wiper deco initially came out I had fun with it being a new way to play the weapon. Over time though now that I have 5 stars on it there are really 2 big issues with it, Wiper with beacon is fine, except that now it can no longer poke long range weapons like it could with torpedo, relying on its teammates to help push in (especially against skilled eliter players) 2. While missiles are supposed to solve the issue above, not only did the special nerfs make it harder to get your special, but the special itself is not the greatest. At higher ranks like X rank 2000+, missiles rarely ever get kills and are just use to make the opponents scramble. This is still hard to use in solo queue where it’s difficult to coordinate with your team to make this actually more useful. For me personally, 7 out of 10 times missiles just don’t do anything or instead help push the enemy team into attacking us (for example a camping back line is now moving forward with its team) which just feels horrible cause it felt like we had the better advantage before I used the special Overall I think if wiper kept torpedo and had missiles then it would have been what people expected.
@salmonder 5 күн бұрын
I do agree with most of this, but one thing you said bothers me. A weapon can fill two roles and be good. For example one of the strongerst weapons right now, snipewriter, is both anchor and support, and that's exactly why it's better than other cooler options. Also you usually don't want multiple support weapons in your comp and that might be one reason why non cooler supports are not that common rn. The main reason wiper deco is not seen that much is because of the beacon. It's not that it doesn't support the "rat" playstyle, because it does, and it has nothing to do with it's ink consuption because if you are placing a beacon, you are not in a position to fight anyways. It's just that the main weapon needs a sub that can help it take fights because of it's poor dps which it just doesn't do
@AstroOcto 5 күн бұрын
The funny thing about this is that I main the weapon and see where you are coming from. It's not used so much in competitive, which can be fixed. This is why I want to push this weapon further so I think seeing this video will help me a lot by letting me know why this weapon isn't used so I can make whatever disadvantages you have listed my strengths with the weapon. Edit: I also think that the playstyle that fits this weapon the best is utility because I can basically fall into every role except backliner. It be aggressive, support, midline etc. And it can be utility due to missiles and beacons. So maybe people aren't using the weapon, right? (Not trying to be mean)
@kingbray88 6 күн бұрын
X rank video you need at least 10 times the amount of subscribers for this kind of quality. Shit all i do is make fnf covers. Your vids are original, informative, & nice to watch. Keep up the good work dude 👍
@onewingedakira 5 күн бұрын
Thankyou. Will do
@Chocuphir 6 күн бұрын
As a Wiper one-trick that reached 3000XP only because of Wiper, I absolutely agree with this video. I recently hard grinded for the Gold Missile badge on this thing and it was not fun to play long before I did so. The main reason being is that if you're trying to play as effectively as possible with this thing, you simply just don't have the time to do what you need to do without sacrificing something. Beakons are neat but you often have to give up the vanguard position just to put them down, wasting time and opportunities to push up further. Missles are nice but the cooldown makes it so that you get a lot fewer missiles than Hammer. Couple this with having absolutely nothing to help your Kill Time and you're going to miss a lot of kills that Viper (V-Wiper) could've easily finished off over 2 seconds ago, enemies will just kill you before you kill them, or you'll just barely miss a kill which Wiper really cannot afford sometimes. It's a good weapon for training with just the main weapon but there's a reason this Splatana is often called the worst one. (Which honestly, in the class, it is, but it's still not a bad weapon.)
@skyguysZ 5 күн бұрын
this video popped up in my recommended and it mirrored my exact thoughts that I've had of this weapon since it was first ANNOUNCED. I remember when people were terrified of this kit because... well, it's missiles. The 190p points for special datamine worsened concerns and people thought the game would die. But what I saw is that it had no bomb to help with painting, poking, walling out, etc. As you laid out here, wipers are not painters, they are skimishers that annoy the opponent directly. Missiles, although a solid special, is the antithesis to wiper for the same reasons you listed here. Wiper fights best up close, missiles work best at a distance and provide recon support for your team. Beacon has the exact same issue as mentioned. If this exact kit was on a backline... then I'd be terrified for the state of the game. Excellent video btw.
@Rosellei 6 күн бұрын
It was my first ever 5* weapon 😢
@Rubellite-jq2kg 6 күн бұрын
You can like what you like, this video was likely just made based on how the weapon fares in a competitive setting (or even top/high level PvP, like X rank)
@onewingedakira 5 күн бұрын
I was just trying to use wiper deco as a catalyst to talk about kit synergy and team comps. play and 5* whatever weapon you want
@djinkling306 5 күн бұрын
I been a Wiper Deco main. But when Sizzle season came out the mint and Charcoal Decavitator is my new Splatana main. But i Still love The Decavitators and Wiper deco.
@redshell1 5 күн бұрын
TLDR: I'm bias for aggro Beakon weapons so I disagree but good video. Wiper Deco fulfills a good niche where it can complement one-two other slayers very well. A great comp for it rn would be something like Machine Neo, 52 deco, and N-Zap. These weapons want to run in and play around Cooler, then Missiles help displace the enemy team and combo well with Zooka. The reason you don't see this though is because Wiper Deco is currently in a similar spot to Tetras, where it wants to play very aggressively but can't keep up with other weapons because of Cooler. This playstyle is very specific and can't be placed in many weapon comps but I think it's important for Splatoon to have weapons like Octobrush Nouveau and Wiper Deco because they enable unique comps that would not be possible otherwise. Although, it would be nice for there to be more kits so people that don't enjoy the playstyle aren't forced to play it. Overall I like the video. It brings up a good conversation about what makes a good weapon and why different things work. I'm just very bias for aggro Beakon weapons because I enjoy them so much and I've had a lot of success with them on my team Duck Gang/Motif. Hopefully one day Wiper Deco can see use again, but the meta is going to need to shift for that to happen. Keep up the good work.
@onewingedakira 5 күн бұрын
tyty. You make some good points that I didn't consider and I do have to agree. When I first started scripting this, I never actually intended it to be about wiper deco but ended up using wiper deco as the catalyst for the convo to centre around. I wanted it to be about kit synergy and how a synergistic kit can be good despite individual pieces being kinda bad in the meta (inspired by people asking why I prefer inkbrush nouveau despite it having hammer). I think that if I didn't try to add it to comps where it clearly didn't fit and instead tried taking the approach of trying to figure out what comps it WOULD fit into, I could've given a more rounded and favourable view on the weapon kit while still being able to bring up the points of weapon identity that I wanted to. potentially even exploring those points with more nuance Thanks for the in-depth feedback tho and i'm glad you liked it despite the bias for agro beakon weapons
@VGF80 Күн бұрын
The biggest shortcoming with this kit system is that it relies heavily on there being plenty of kits per main weapon to go around, which there certainly isn't enough of. Still no third kits, and most of the kits that do exist have terrible synergy with the main weapon (cough cough neo sploosh cough cough custom well string cough cough) Nintendo was more focused on adding more unique weapons over adding new kits and I think that approach was detrimental for Splatoon 3 long term, as it basically deprived us of the vast amount of different playstyles that we just won't get to see. My hope for Splatoon 4 would be to prioritise more kits over new weapons.
@onewingedakira Күн бұрын
That has to be my biggest issue with the kit system too. there's so much room for fun and unique kits that can really transform a weapon but since each weapon so far only has 2 kits, we don't get to see any of that. Which is quite disappointing since all you really need to do is attach a pre-existing sub and special to a pre-existing main weapon. tho i am a believer in 3rd kits and hope we get something good should the release them
@sleeplessarcher 6 күн бұрын
Nice vid! The presentation was clean (good quality mic and gameplay) and your analysis is very sound.
@onewingedakira 5 күн бұрын
tyty! nice to know my efforts are paying off
@Helix_1366 5 күн бұрын
I am a wiper main and have been since I picked up the game, I 5 starred the base kit a while ago and now I'm working on Deco. I agree with many of the points made in this video because to me the Deco kit feels like it's having an identity crisis and doesn't suit my wiper playstyle that well. Beakons are a fine sub for wiper, the thing is that it takes too much of the ink tank to use than I'd like. I'd often end up focusing more on beakon placements than I should throughout the match, adding more complexity to the weapon. Missiles are fine too, but they force me into a position that I don't like, being at the far back of the map, and their cooldown is just not worth it in my opinion. I can get 4-6 Stamps per game on average with base wiper, while Deco only gets about 2-4 missiles. With the base kit, it allows me to go in and protect myself when I need to, torpedoes are great because they allow me to spot enemies or just give them another target to aim at in a fight. Stamp is a more versatile special than you might think, and I've honed my skills on getting the maximum value out of the special, something I cannot say for missiles (because it is a very simple special in practice) Overall, wiper deco compared to it's counterpart is much more vulnerable and harder to use effectively, and the payoff isn't even worth the effort. Once I've 5 starred it I don't think I'll be using it much afterward. (Also, I'm not much of a competitive player so maybe take my words with a little grain of salt. I personally don't hate wiper deco, I just consider it inferior to the base one.)
@half-elf9555 5 күн бұрын
I think you severely understated just how bad the aoe nerfs were for missiles as a special. When wiper deco first came out during the ballpoint meta, it did see a lot of use at all levels of play, mostly because it was objectively the best missiles weapon. Missiles also had a lot of synergy with inkjet because it would locate enemies and deal reliable chip, allowing the inkjet to get easy kills. Missiles + Inkjet basically guaranteed your team a significant amount of map control. I think the aoe nerfs made it really hard for the missiles to deal meaningful damage, and inkjet in general fell out of the meta for several reasons. With the missiles being much worse and Wiper Deco's main synergy with ballpoint no longer being relevant, Wiper Deco just kind of fell out of the meta. I don't really think the kit was poorly designed, I just think missiles are just not in a state to be worth running on a comp at this point.
@Smug-Sonic 6 күн бұрын
I thought Ink Storm would make for a good support kit as well. The storm obviously displaces the other team well, but the damage of the rain can easily turn Wiper into a 3-shot, and also the healing buff lets it swing at a distance without being chipped out by an Explo or Blobber.
@yoshikai64 5 күн бұрын
What makes this hybrid issue worse, is that vwiper can act as a temp support. Torpedo is a great supportive sub that can assist teammates with fights. Furthermore, the main alone can put out good range pressure with it's vertical. So the main selling point of the deco kit can already be accomplished with the vanilla kit. plus if you want a hybrid support with beakon, dualie squelchers will provide far more value since chumps can actually be used in aggressive positions due to the fast deployment speed
@seraphishiro1970 5 күн бұрын
Crazy analysis def earned my sub
@kristiankalinic2663 5 күн бұрын
Q: how bad / how much would it affect the meta if beakon's ink efficency got buffed?
@onewingedakira 5 күн бұрын
I honestly think it's dumb that beacons cost as much as they do and i think they should get a cost buff regardless. it wouldn't help the longer ranged ones too much but it would defo help out the short ranged beacon weapons since it'll help their uptime and let them play further up with their beacons imo
@tapoutt_ 5 күн бұрын
wiper deco was a VERY frustrating reveal for me, seeing as i was playing a lot of the original at the time. beakon and missiles could work for the weapon, but not together. the worst part is you KNOW the next splatoon is going to have beacon wiper again lol
@onewingedakira 5 күн бұрын
honestly beacon wouldn't be that bad if it didn't cost a whole 75% of your ink tank imo. my only issue with it is that using it implodes your uptime. if it gets it again in the next splatoon, beacon better cost less
@silly_dev1025 6 күн бұрын
S tier video 🔥🔥
@onewingedakira 6 күн бұрын
Thankyou! A lot of work went into this so I'm happy it came out well
@Velocity_6410 6 күн бұрын
This is one of THE videos of all time
@enric0392 6 күн бұрын
I think Ink Storm would be an interesting special pick for a supportive wiper especially after the storm buff
@Ringoismybirdo 5 күн бұрын
Still waiting for stamper to get buffed tho
@Noteturtle90 5 күн бұрын
I wish wiper got a strong support special **that benefits from being up close** like storm or cooler, with something like a splat bomb. I really think the diaper kit had a good idea, but just didn't get the right tools. Missiles and beakon don't synergise with it at all. It's alright synergy on goo, but that weapon sucks. Beakon is just sad on it. Not extremely bad, but very sad indeed. That or just make hammer a good special so that viper can thrive with decav and stamper
@Chloian 5 күн бұрын
I thought this was the Prochara video
@Clefablestarz 5 күн бұрын
Id love burst on wiper but screen is just not that good for it imo, something like a ink storm or even a tacticooler if we're lucky would assist it and your team more, as inkstorms healing properties and tacticoolers.. everything, are great supports for mobile weapons like wiper
@onewingedakira 5 күн бұрын
I wanted to give it storm but I remembered that prochara gave it storm in his dream kits video and so thought screen would be an interesting alternative that we haven't explored yet but still preserve's wiper deco's identity as a skirmishy supporty weapon.
@UCDitto 6 күн бұрын
I actually like the Deco because of the Beakon, with it able to get in fast and be annoying with it. And tenta Missiles are fine for me, but if the base Wiper didn't have Hammer, I promise you that Deco wouldn't see the light of Day I actually love that a Splatana got a Bubbler, because I liked weird sets like that
@onewingedakira 5 күн бұрын
I love weird sets like that. one of my dream kits is hoping inkbrush gets a bubbler purely because of all the weird plays you can make with it
@FaisalBashir1 26 секунд бұрын
@adorabunny2538 6 күн бұрын
>Why Wiper Deco Is WORSE Than Its Base Kit Hey, HEY! Leave my Diaper alone 😡😡😡😡😡😡😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@GlowSquid77 5 күн бұрын
7:17 Why Not Point Sensor and Splattercolor Screen? Sure a burst bomb is good for combos but the main weapon can do that as well be a threat. I would make screen 200p with my kit and with the kit you have I would say 210p or 200p because of burst bombs. Edit: Screen can combo well with Wiper too so 200 or 210 is better.
@onewingedakira 5 күн бұрын
The point of my kit was to give it tools that preserve wiper's identity but can be used supportively and i just don't think point senser does that. burst bomb gives it damage combos so it is still incentivised to go in and look for picks but have the option to be used supportively when needed. point sensor doesn't really do that imo as they can be easily spammed from range and don't reward wiper for being closer to the enemy. Tho i'd agree that if we gave it screen, we wouldn't want it to be too cheap. 200-210 would probs be a good margin
@GlowSquid77 4 күн бұрын
@@onewingedakira I see why. The main thing about my kit was that it was more about screen combos and also you make a great point here an indirect hit from a burst bomb can award wiper in many ways. when it comes to my kit sure it doesn’t award wiper well but when screen is up it blocks your and your opponent’s vision and sensor is just to mitigate the weakness of having screen. But kits aside I think your kit preserve wiper’s identity very well as you made a secondary kit that makes the kits feel like a Yin (Support) and Yang (Aggressive) that can both be seen in competitive play.
@Alakrio 5 күн бұрын
Schlawwg is not prochara (deco is def better at least for solo but I vastly prefer vwiper so much that I even main it)
@kosame3236 5 күн бұрын
W vid
@yurareigiryu 6 күн бұрын
These swords are trash without a bomb and I'm tired of pretending they're not.
@mollylarsen9812 19 сағат бұрын
@onewingedakira 16 сағат бұрын
@existencehurts7930 16 сағат бұрын
@@onewingedakira G
@onewingedakira 15 сағат бұрын
@chonflis3834 5 күн бұрын
I cook with deco yall are just bad
@lazdahuman 5 күн бұрын
I can almost guarantee this is a competitive player on a higher level than you. In higher levels, the weapon falls apart.
@nigelpisswater420 5 күн бұрын
I love the wiper deco
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