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Broken Support

Broken Support

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❤ Wild Rift Content every day, Thanks for watching! ❤
00:00 Exposing Wintraders
02:25 Matchmaking Explained
13:28 How to solo carry
Played on iPhone 13 pro max.
Edited on Filmora 9
© Copyright by Broken Support ☞ Do not Reup

Пікірлер: 527
@BrokenSupport 3 ай бұрын
*You guys know i don't usually ask this type of stuff but could you please like and share this video? Maybe someone from Rito Gomes watch it and have an idea how awesome the matchmaking actually is in game?* Ly all! :)
@SojaRouge 3 ай бұрын
The chinese communist party has asked all chinese companies to corrupt, alter mind and drive crazy the western youth. It's been revealed for Tik Tok, even using AIs, but it's obvious that LoL and WR matchmaking is intended to generate as much frustration as possible for as many players as possible. What many people see as stupidity and lack of skill is in fact intended and planned.
@MrFright2010 3 ай бұрын
If we tell them like this, they might actually start applying changes. We that love the game shouldn't stop trying.
@ginger72 3 ай бұрын
I stucked in gold for two or three seasons because of this
@AnuDroid 3 ай бұрын
I don't think this will matter.. They are literally trying to kill the game outside China. Nothing else can be a reason for this to continue this long.
@francodegasperi3814 3 ай бұрын
It happened the same to me, the first two weeks after they "fixed" Matchmaking it was smooth sailing, a huge spike up. Then it just went back to normal, horrible teams and impossible games, deranked back to square 1, idk why but they reverted the changes unofficially without most people noticing
@someonenamedemad680 3 ай бұрын
The matchmaking killed it for me. I quit the game and i think it was one of best decisions i ever made.
@IXxhpnotiqxXI 3 ай бұрын
Same here. I refuse to deal with clown fiesta games 247 with literal braindead morons. Been alot better mentally for me quitting league as well
@qwerty11112 2 ай бұрын
Same, I stop playing for 2 months. Came back and played again. Its still the same. 8 out of 10 games is just a toss coin. Since i played adr its pretty hard to play negative kda like top sion. And playing sion or no kill is boring. So I just delete it. Its pretty hard since i bought a lot of skin but the game is infuriating.
@zz4165 2 ай бұрын
Same here bro. Now i only play arena. I am more and more happy when i see they literally make arena an “event” instead of an actual game mode. So stupid developers… They realized people play more arena/aram than actual game 😂 and their solution = make arena as event. Hahahahahaha i am so happy their game is dying. Idiot team. They literally shit on icefrog's beautiful idea. This is what they understood from dota imagine.
@ishaanrana3750 3 ай бұрын
I stoped playing this game and my life is much better not having anger issues after uninstalling it.
@husseinzogheib6212 3 ай бұрын
Me too 😂😂
@miranatasurya4428 3 ай бұрын
Man I can’t even work properly because a loss that makes no sense makes me in a bad mood, but I still play it help me bro
@zazazaaazzzaaz 3 ай бұрын
Ngl i stoped playing ranked 2 seasons ago and I slowly but surely going toward being good person again. I was literally worse person because of the constant anger and stress in ranked. From every season in grandmaster to casually going Aram and from time to time some ranked games when friends need help in grinding is an only way for me.
@jailinderozen9522 3 ай бұрын
Same mate, playing three games max , twice or thrice a week only in PvP because of Jhin, teemo and kindred. Rank is not worth your mental health
@Ehcko_666 3 ай бұрын
I guess I'm just lucky because I don't think I've ever been that tilted of any game for it to mess with me like that lol
@Emp_ty1 3 ай бұрын
riot out here be saying theyre fixing the matchmaking when in reality now its even worse
@bjcarbn7388 2 ай бұрын
They never fixed it any many ways so..... Eh
@DrDoom-zs9be 2 ай бұрын
Because their “fix” was to match on winrate more than kda and still punish u for winning.
@saellenx3528 2 ай бұрын
you just suck at the game bro. Platinum/Emerald is your peak, get over it.
@wonrei 2 ай бұрын
I got ai ally. Impossible to be person. Might switch to mobile legends same
@user-rw7ht2qk3w 3 ай бұрын
I legit don't understand Why they just don't do a LP system like on league. If you play with low mmr players and you win, you get more LP and vice versa
@BrokenSupport 3 ай бұрын
Yup… this would 100% solve the problem and players would stay on the ranks they deserve. Sad that a support player is forced to play another role in order to enjoy the game or find a party
@KenNewmanWraith 3 ай бұрын
@@BrokenSupportwell. It mostly fixes the problem, since people gaming their stats will reach a hard cap at whatever rank they reimplement LP. But the problem will still exist below that, and an inverse problem of players playing to maximize their stats (instead of winning) will exist above that.
@Hansen_0101 3 ай бұрын
LOL i predicted this would happen so i started playing inting strategy at the end of last season even tho i was losing but at least it give me smooth sailing to Master due to low mmr. Altho im forever stuck at 10 points now since my mmr is back to normal
@ericmantovani1835 2 ай бұрын
The problem is the engagement based match matching, they will force you to lose, and be punished for playing well
@DarkAngel11220 3 ай бұрын
Hi broken. Matchmaking in this game is the biggest failure, not to mention the reporting system. The truth is they don't give a shit that getting to rank requires brains, skill, just knowing how to click the next game. I myself lost 5 games in a row yesterday because someone in my turn was already 0:6 in the 6th minute and what can I do in the end? If it was still a platinum, emerald rank, but no, having a master feels like playing platinum or worse. The game is made for as many players as possible so they can make as much money as possible, because just look at the fact that skins for characters are repeated, in the sense that lux, ezreal etc already have a ton of skins, where khazix, ammumu, gragas haven't gotten any skins in a long time. Literally everyone is complaining about mm but rito is not interested in that and pretends everything is fine, unfortunately the game is losing more and more and soon the game will start losing more and more players because what is the point of playing something that punishes rather than rewards?
@darkhanaltynbekov8378 3 ай бұрын
Same bro... I freaking hardstuck plat 4 for last 100 games with 48% winrate. I got to master and could grandmaster if I wanted to few seasons ago, but now I am miserable with this balance. I totally understand u guys. I have average ~800 gold per minute and almost always win my lane, and even tho I am hardstuck. I don't even know what to do now. Should I finally uninstall it?
@piavu6020 3 ай бұрын
Exactly, that is why I quit this game. And as a Solo - Q support, it is very difficult to scale when your team doesn't care.
@cb6667 2 ай бұрын
@@darkhanaltynbekov8378if you’re hard stuck in plat then that’s Bec of you lol not youre team learn to 1vs9
@darkhanaltynbekov8378 2 ай бұрын
@@cb6667 "learn to 1v9" and "thats because of you"
@junioryoung9662 2 ай бұрын
​@@cb6667 dude what kind of argument is that? Winning lane at 800 means snowballing u don't read well do u?
@ZeroLovesDnb 3 ай бұрын
Thank you SO MUCH for posting this. I have been stuck in the “losers queue” for a week now. Been demoted 5 times in two days. 4 out of 5 matches are absolutely unplayable and maybe unwinnable. I was starting to go crazy. It’s really really bad. I just want to play but these teammates, on top of the never ending one-sided matches and losses are ruining my mental state and enjoyment of the game. I doubt Riot will do anything but more people need to shine a light on this. The matchmaking is absolutely awful and simply doesn’t work for some of us. Edit: meant to add another thing, for me, the game has also started autofilling me on 100% of my promotion and demotion matches. It’s actively trying to make me lose.
@affent1522 3 ай бұрын
Glad I am not the only one, the weird thing is that suddenly i began a losing streak. 8 losses in a row, in some of them i performed bad but in many I did well, had positive score as a support or top lane even got SVP and yet, just another defeat. I met one guy his name was feed or afk and no surprise, he did exactly that. Now I play only aram or events like the recent one " all for one" that was fun. From emerald 2 I am on my way to platinum, just 2 more matches 😂
@saket9331 3 ай бұрын
Lol i tilted from diamond 3 to platinum 1 in 500 matches with my main account, 300 matches with thresh and 60 s 33 a rating, 7k max score. Was stuck in emerald for about 450 matches, literal elo hell. Started a new account and got to diamond in 150 matches from gold. Its like ranked is mostly based on luck instead of skills like what teammates u get.
@ZeroLovesDnb 3 ай бұрын
@@affent1522 Exactly how it went down for me. Literally one match away from Emerald 1 down to Platinum 3! Playing every game honest, not being toxic, yet getting matched with the worst type of players. Now, my matchmaking times are averaging 3 minutes, jo matter if I'm grouped or not and there will be dead weight 4/5 matches. Win rate is now like 44% and have about 423 matches. Funny thing about your story, and this video, is that our ranked graphs probably all look very similar. Something is very wrong here.
@MannMacho 2 ай бұрын
Guys, just find someone to play with! This is the way
@ZeroLovesDnb 2 ай бұрын
@@MannMacho It definitely helps but after being stuck in the queue; it didn't matter so much and in fact lead to a poor experience for multiple players on my friends list as they were having to suffer through my bad games with at least one guaranteed "dead weight" player in every game. Thankfullly, I've been released from the cursed queue 2 days ago (was in hell for 2+ weeks), sadly season ends in 2 days. Ah well!
@chirag9584 3 ай бұрын
Bro this is 100% true.... I got demoted from diamond to emerald... I am getting 2/10 bot laners.... Junglers ignoring objectives and jungle camps and they farming minions.. And they blame me for nothing.... Bro why rito not doing anything for matchmaking..💀
@PanosMasman 3 ай бұрын
I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but I kinda feel better knowing that I am not the only one getting matched with "pro" players that throw ranked games in some way. Just today, I saw someone playing Pyke mid, who decided to throw the game after the jungler stole a kill that he had ignited (and would have finished according to his own words). He finished with 0/0/1 and 6 k gold by pretty much being afk and stealing the jungle and as far as I am concerned he has faced no consequences for acting so immaturely and unsportsmanlike. He was a smurf too, which surprises me. I would assume that smurfs and pro players in general don't loose their cool so easily. But no, let's throw the game over ONE kill-steal in the early game. And the funniest thing is, even if I go back to diamond or beyond, I will still meet professional a-holes like that guy that get away with trolling. Thank you RiotGames
@aintgotnoflaw 3 ай бұрын
These Smurf account need to be stoped idk how they can do it but it need to end this Smurf thing, they don’t care if we lose they spam games in order to not play with thier rank in their acc, they got me on my nerves every time they say im smurf like who gf? Play like it is to play and stop typing lol, I got u 100%
@jailinderozen9522 3 ай бұрын
Most of the time they are not even smurfs, they are just noobs telling lies that they are smurfs
@PanosMasman 3 ай бұрын
@@jailinderozen9522 I know that already and given what Broken said about how MMR works, anyone can be a smurf nowadays regardless of skill it seems and feel entitled to act like a jerk. The specific account that trolled me had like 200 games with the account being made over 600 days ago and reached diamond rank during a previous season (now it is on platinum and it will probably remain there if bro throws a tantrum over trivial stuff in every game). Clearly it was not a main account. Not that the stats of his real account matter to me. Smurf or not, a troller is a troller
@dpkd 3 ай бұрын
I don’t understand this ks thing as well. If I don’t do anything they might escape. If I hit then I might get the kill. During intense teamfight, how do you know how much damage does my skills thats supposed to slow them or cc them?
@reformierende_person 3 ай бұрын
i sometimes do smurfing bcz in case of newer heroes like talon and kindred it is impossible for it to become open in gm queue and i wanna test myself how good a new hero is so i have to play at a lower rank. in my case also its an ego thing where they would "lose their cool" and throw the game bcz they didnt like the way the game happened its not true, its just that they really dont care on the outcome of the game and they could afford a loss since its a smurf acc ​@@aintgotnoflaw
@drakehawk47 3 ай бұрын
I feel you mann… They should either increase the punishment and optimize violation detection or make significant changes to the ranking system. Tired of lose streak after win streak that I deleted game multiple times💀
@drakehawk47 3 ай бұрын
Recently, my team soraka went 0/9/0 while in another match, veigar comes to top lane with me taking my farm. Also there are these ashe support players in solo queue😵‍💫
@MrFright2010 3 ай бұрын
The latter being the least issue!
@ismailkilic2027 3 ай бұрын
and ashe solo laners against yone. i passed every seasons as grandmaster but this season is pain in the a.. actually. just reached master with blood and sweat.
@pokemonlover4894 3 ай бұрын
They should add the honor system from pc to wild rfit
@drakehawk47 3 ай бұрын
@@MrFright2010 mb I meant matchmaking system
@kimsy6256 3 ай бұрын
This messed up matchmaking was already exposed by daybreaker and royal several months. Glad that many content creators are addressing it.
@oOFrostByteOo 3 ай бұрын
I absolutely agree. I was briefly top 10 Evelyn a few seasons ago. I took a break and came back starting in platinum from rank decay. So I start going 20+ kills zero deaths for 10 or so matches and guess what? I get hard stuck in diamond because my teammates are so bad the enemy laners have 2-3 kills before I can finish my first jungle clear! Every game. How am I supposed to play when 2 or more lanes have 3 kills and half a turret worth of gold before I even come online? It's rediculous and transparent how the mmr works.
@fish4026 3 ай бұрын
Nowadays,climbing to dia 4 is such a big achievement for me and this is coming from a Grandmaster. Riots matchmaking is intense.
@fremzter 2 ай бұрын
As a former 5 time GM player, just trying to get to dia is really hard not because the enemy is good but the teams I get are so bad. I feel like Im the only GM player in the lobby playing with very low skilled players. It's so messed up.
@Sama-fh1cp 2 ай бұрын
​@@fremzter Just to make it clear, if Riot "fixed" their matchmaking most of your guys flexing about the fact that you were GM would be the losers. Why ? You probably would not be GrandMaster anymore. Indeed, 90% of the people who got to GM would not be able to get back to that rank because after season 2 or so everyone has been inflated to heaven. Ranks in wild rift just means that you are able to spam a lot of game in a defined lap of time. Boating about it is pitiful.
@saellenx3528 2 ай бұрын
​​@@Sama-fh1cpI played with multiple former GM and tbh they sucked hard. These guys reached those ranks when the game was still unpopular and level of average players low was.
@jonasfredvik3875 2 ай бұрын
Bro like if this would get fixed yeah sure some would cry about bring stuck in plat or whatever suddenly, but once this inflated god awfull fake rank was cleared out and ppl could get an actual new rank anchor that they do actually belong in and enjoy healthy matches everyone would be soooo much happier, is seeing a flashy gm icon that means absolutely nothing now on ur profile worth it? Hell no and everyone knows it. We all want healthy ranks again so we can find out where we truly belong...
@Sama-fh1cp 2 ай бұрын
@@saellenx3528 at this stage it just feels like the ranked you are/were never meant shit in this game
@Gambit_LeBeau 3 ай бұрын
The truth is Riot isn't going to fix it's rank system, it's pushing it's global server to die so it can solely focus on the Chinese aspect since that's it major source of income etc. Riot is gonna do it to themselves & it'll be a lost cause, everyone will go to Mobile Legends if they like these types of games & since Mobile Legends has opened it doors for countries to compete with pros what reason do they have to stay or spend money on a game that doesn't give back 2 it's community unlike Mobile Legends is & has been doing. I mean Riot gives nothing for streamers but Mobile Legends does & that's just a simple thing that's bringing light & showmanship to a game the streamer enjoys, so what do they really gain vs riot's every stressing incompetence. I left Mobile Legends for League & i can't play mobile legends anymore due to how clunky everything feels & how unrealistic it is, i mean why have a jungle role when a mm at lvl 1 can take a buff but in League without smite you'll die
@Psychopatz 2 ай бұрын
it also has a political side to it since riot is a Chinese company right now.
@farhatamnan3736 3 ай бұрын
Hey broken. I'd just like to say that even though I still want to continue supporting you, I can't say the same for the game itself. Being an ex-master that can't even climb back to emerald, I've had enough of these past few seasons and overall state of the game. But rest assured, I'm still supporting you with lots and lots of cheesecake. Here's to hope to that rito do something about this ❤.
@cherri_tsuuuu 2 ай бұрын
Used to be master too but now struggling to get to diamond 😢
@greysimoreno_ 3 ай бұрын
I quit the game a month and a half ago and I must say that I feel much better after quitting. I watch WR videos as if I were watching a sport, but I don't miss being a player anymore. I still enjoy content creators like you Broken, Ur sooo fun to watch ❤, but I don't think I'll ever play again. Really
@ZeroLovesDnb 3 ай бұрын
Another thing: Someone tried sharing this on the Wild Rift Subreddit an the mods are removing the video because it's a "repost" effectively censoring any discussion about this.
@Andypooh37 2 ай бұрын
lmao, mods in r/wildrift are a bunch of pussies. That sub is too freakin strict.
@mnstrvii7324 3 ай бұрын
Currently on my smurf in diamond. Had a player with 1200 games 2 mvp 10 s rating yet somehow still has a 48% win rate. That same player the season before had 320 games 1 mvp 0 s ratings, a 1.2 kda, 11% tfp with a 57% win rate. This game is beyond broken. I simply play without losing or winning in mind, just to improve mechanically playing micro intensive champs and trying to win my lane and snowball. The only place this game has an actual functioning system is in china, where they actually care about the player experience. In NA, EU, etc. they can afford to have the top 1-5% players quit, most of their money comes from the casual player base. In china they can’t, the competitive scene is huge and a large profiting body. The game UI is completely different in China; from in game voice chat, all chat, emotes, video displays for items/abilities, game mode/features, etc. they long ago stopped caring about any other region. Just thought I’d add some of this here given the topic. Thank you for your service to the community. Much love 💪🏻❤️
@tankster27 3 ай бұрын
NA is a casual region in general. You see this in all games. All
@Hubriss 3 ай бұрын
S12 ALL popular WR KZfaqrs are posting either China server content or just don't post. I think this speaks enough, how fucked up is the game for the better players. Correction - better performing players.
@blakealton5735 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for keeping up posting and bringing light to the issue! On a positive note I love jungle but have no idea what I’m doing lol 😂I’m super exited to learn about this role from you ! Thanks for the videos !!!!
@scrub8781 2 ай бұрын
Great video! I also love the game but now i have quit for some time already. But i remembered vividly of an example of how over performing at higher elos is actually really bad for climbing. I was a akali on trick who is Honestly not that great at the game, but was climbing much faster then my friends who i felt was much better and played better champs at a better role, but took 100s of games more to reach my rank. The difference between us is that i play 3 games a day and quit after a good win, but my friend keeps playing for many hours on end. And its quite noticeable how many more trolls is in his games then mine. On one day, i had a game where i got lucky and played better then i did before, having 20+ kills with almost no deaths in my diamond1 game. But the following games were the most disgusting experiences i had, being sent to autofill for 2 games in a row, then to another lane which im not the best at for another 2 games. And in all these games i had terrible teammates that shocked me. I was not very high elo but still, those diamond players on my team were noticeable worse performing than players whom i play with in plat. Almost no warding, top kept dying over and over before 8 minutes, jgs just afk farming, mid never tried to ping for really obvious roams, fighting and dying before objectives spawn, resulting in us never winning any objectives and just auto lose to eventual elder and baron combo. I probably should have asked for a lane swap, but even if i did, i dont think i can fight objectives by myself and one jger while my whole team is dead, or my top laner not playing front line, or running too far chasing enemy while the non tanky teammates dies, and while my adcs playing like absolute garbage and dying to poor positioning and not killing obvious low health enemies. Its super obvious that i have fallen victim to riot match making, as before for all my previous games for 30+ games spread over weeks, i had never faced this issue as i was constantly consistent in performance, having similar kds to, for example,12/8/10, getting A or mvp basically 80% of the time. Perhaps im just dumb and clueless as to what im saying, and maybe just unlucky, and that was a rare instance of bad luck, but i do kinda sympathise with good players such as yourself for having worse experiences then what i had on a daily basis, and still keep on going like a champ. Anyways I hope rito do something about this….
@rumers100 3 ай бұрын
Stopped playing since last season. Feel much better, relaxed.
@HitenJadeja 3 ай бұрын
@brokensupport your video editing has really improved. Keep it up. Love the timing and music changes
@angelogerricoredona1220 2 ай бұрын
Ever since I get back on this game on S9 reaching my highest peak of GM with 57% in 250+ games as an ADC in SEA. After S9, all hell break loose. I see players who die to the most basic of the basic reasons. Players who die by getting ganked when they see enemy jg going to them from THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP WITH VISION to lacking the knowledge as to how they should even play the game and what their job on their roles supposed to do. I see players on high ranks just because they have so many games enough to offset their negative win rates (because you had to be consistent and PERSISTENT just to have a rank high enough to be with the people of your skill who knows what they're doing just to have a peace of mind in this game) This shit has been going on for 2 seasons now and it's fucking frustrating as a player who actually likes to play the game with people who KNOWS how to play the game. Not just ran around the map getting lost and die. All because they're playing on auto pilot. Good players with good stats should be rewarded, not punished. This is also why the meta in jg rn is so heavily focused on champs who are fast on clearing camps and ganking (heca, vi, ls, xz, talon) because everywhere you look, there's so many mistakes to capitalize off. FIX THE GAME RIOT. WE WANT TO ENJOY THIS GAME NOT SUFFER FROM IT GODDAMN.
@BrokenSupport 2 ай бұрын
It’s sad when emerald games are more enjoyable than grandmaster ones..
@legowr 3 ай бұрын
Told ya! Sad this game is in the state like this 😮‍💨
@aphroditerose8232 3 ай бұрын
Oh Broken, I’m sorry it’s been rough for you this season. I’m right there with you. I tried reaching out to Rito and got the basic “there’s no losers queue just skill differences” explanation. Hang in there; we all know you’re a legendary player! Grateful for all you do! ❤
@jonasfredvik3875 2 ай бұрын
Actually had to lol irl about this one, im so confused if they actually have no clue about the share anger and frustration they are putting their community through or if they are actually just that unvapable of leading the game that they think this will be a good long term thing
@darkknight0972 3 ай бұрын
Love your videos buddy, I am a support and mid main, I watched your nami and senna videos, that helped me a lot, Love to see your content
@BrokenSupport 3 ай бұрын
@earlwhitney6120 3 ай бұрын
Damn dogg I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. I don’t really solo q anymore for this reason. Recently since I hit master I can’t hardly play a game where I don’t get auto filled into another role. I’ve learned a lot but that’s been my current issue. Never getting the role I’m best at…
@alanalexis19 3 ай бұрын
I was just wondering why all powerful broken cheesecake hadn't uploaded anything until now, well, heres why. Bruhhhhh 4 ADCs in the enemy team WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?, why some people are so allergic to just play something useful for the team?
@pokemonlover4894 3 ай бұрын
Kindred's main role is jungle and ashe can go support so the enemy team has 2 adc
@zakariarakhrour9158 3 ай бұрын
​@@pokemonlover4894no it's 4 adc
@joehanz9217 3 ай бұрын
They should make it invalid match if all player in one team using Marksman,
@pokemonlover4894 3 ай бұрын
@joehanz9217 kindred is literally a jungler as their main role and not adc
@pokemonlover4894 3 ай бұрын
@zakariarakhrour9158 nope it's 3 adc Kindred is a Jungler even in lol and riot literally that's it's a jungler
@jpik2 3 ай бұрын
Something is totally broken. 5 games in the row as Nami SVP...(emerald). Changed for ADC, played really bad and started to climb up....
@Panagiotic_el 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for posting the vid man, it’s been a while I’m trying reach high but I stacked at plat 1 cause of these guys
@symkarnage5340 3 ай бұрын
Didn't some wildrift dev say they would fix the matchmaking due to the inting Sion strat and instead of actually attempting to fix it, are they going to remove hullbreaker in the next patch update as an easy fix?
@qayiyaxakwe6585 3 ай бұрын
I honestly feel your pain bro😢... I've won lane so many times only to have an afk Top or Feeding bot lane and Troll Jgl so many times I've given up on playing seriously and just play 2 games and log off
@thysweetlord 3 ай бұрын
Fr, the laning phase goes great and then when it’s time to come together and do objectives etc, the shit show begins
@noorc5616 3 ай бұрын
I'm glad you brought this up again brother You're absolutely right game is unplayable for the good try hard player Keep going man keep bringing this up You're our voice and we support you no matter what It's absolutely nonsense that I'm diamond 1 and You're too The skill gap between us is far in your favour yet the game puts us in the same rank The only positive thing in this matchmaking system is i got the chance to play with you❤
@souzaramon9522 2 ай бұрын
I feel that so hard. This is the first season that I actually tried to climb in ranked. 150 games until diamond 1 and almost 100 games to actually get master, I don't need to tell ya how much suffering I had, holyshit, diamond 1 is literally hell!
@gilredgrave3519 2 ай бұрын
Bcs there are so much smurfs, boosters, cheaters and wintraders👎
@SinisterBlade. 3 ай бұрын
That edit goes hard my man’s 🔥
@greyking6139 2 ай бұрын
Dude ur intro had me in fits n😂😂 not because I'm poking ya or trying to rubbish it but becoz I've played a lot of games with troll players so I know the feels 😂 love the vid by the way will keep an eye out for ya on the rift mate cheers
@Maximon808 3 ай бұрын
I feel you man 100% with this vid. I had a game where I was 6/0 as Talon 7 mins into the game and I was getting flamed by my arc bc according to him I was “getting too many kills”🤣. He also kept saying that since I didn’t share kills from my SOLO kills that we were gonna lose. Of course he also was mad that he tried to 2v4 first dragon while I got herald for free. Playing jungle is pure pain but someone has to do it.
@RVG026 2 ай бұрын
By the way i love your video bro,i am realy happy someone actually make video about it,i hope riot will change they matchmaking sistem
@martinator_videns 3 ай бұрын
Very refreshing Horse gameplay. Thanks Papa!
@FerrariPeek2k 3 ай бұрын
Playing this game alone is draining my mental so much. Since the Sovereign rank appeared, the road to increasing the rank has been very difficult. I mean, you must playing this game "1v9". Just finding a friend and rank up together. So that the chances of losing are small I really love this game, but the rank system is so bad
@kopp1924 3 ай бұрын
I think that the best matchmaking is the simplest : just match people with 9 random people from their rank I think it’s as simple as that we all want it like that and I dont understand how such a simple matchmaking is not implemented into the game already.
@ethanzhang9698 3 ай бұрын
Damn man, I can really relate to this, Thanks for the recent uploads hope the matchmaking gets fixed again. Or maybe just for all these wintraders and trolls to just stop. That might be the easiest fix for all of our problems. I mean like no way people in emerald can go 0/10. Thats the stuff which belongs in PVP or in low ranks because of the low skill level. This shouldn't be a problem but it is and thank you for addressing this.
@obivinci 2 ай бұрын
Same here. Matchmaking has been a pain. And to even add to my pain, I'm playing dragon in duo lane where i have to depend on a troll. I'm quitting for a while. I've had enough. Thank you Broken. It at least feels good to know I'm not alone.
@esme3869 3 ай бұрын
And what runes do you use on the gekarim?
@20vitek08 3 ай бұрын
For me I this is my first season when I can’t escape diamond as support main. 2-3 inters/afk/troll etc. every game. Even no win streaks during all season. Stucked diamond 2-3 and 2-3 win, 2-3 loose. And nothing depends on me and my skills. This season is the most frustrating experience I have ever had in video games. Nothing depends on you and your actions, nothing helps you, complete mess. I think this game is dead…game such this can’t leave.
@agoboxgamer 3 ай бұрын
Finally I have a movie to watch for a goodnight sleep, have a good day papa broken ✨
@ThaSty 3 ай бұрын
Great video! I usually take 100-150 games to get to diamond and 50 more to get Master. These last seasons, I needed to play more than 500 games to get to Master. My winrate this season is around 40-45% and I can't get higher winrate, just feel like it's impossible to save people that just runs in a Lux stun straight ahead at min 1. There is two explanation for that, one: the rank system doesn't rank people equally to their skills and knowledges levels. Two: People actually get badder and badder because of a rank system that doesn't allow place to genuinly learn in an efficient way. Sadly, i feel like the two options are true and only few people can do something about it. In a game, this is litteraly about the Minimum Viable Product. Their game became unreliable in a functiunning way because of this Mmr rank system (+1/-1 for all). I may be wrong but I don't think so I only hope that this kind of video saves the game I love. If u succeed in that quest, u'll become the ultimate support everyone ever wants!
@NuminousTattoo 3 ай бұрын
the soundtrack for extra god cheesecake power ?
@KenNewmanWraith 3 ай бұрын
I feel like, for the last 3 years, we were explaining that this was always like this, but streamers and KZfaqrs were always claiming that if you couldn’t climb, it’s your own fault for being bad. So, which is it.
@erylyanaellaryanaellanorna5405 3 ай бұрын
Exactly that. I've been playing WR since the beginning of it, always solo queue in ranked, and this problem was something that other people (and me) noticed very early on and everyone around was gaslighting that WE were bad players and the problem and our own fault. Now all say the same; feels very ironic but also bittersweet
@KenNewmanWraith 3 ай бұрын
@@erylyanaellaryanaellanorna5405 it’s funny tho, since people on Reddit are still saying things like if Broken Support can’t carry out of Emerald, they just bad at the game and like, lmao
@erylyanaellaryanaellanorna5405 3 ай бұрын
@@KenNewmanWraith Ironically enough, Broken was saying the same. Karma, I guess, but still feels bitter 🫠
@KenNewmanWraith 3 ай бұрын
@@erylyanaellaryanaellanorna5405 reaping and sowing, etc lol
@vinmisanthrope9719 2 ай бұрын
It's funny the same people who say you can't climb because you're a bad player are the same players that don't solo queue.
@krzystofrozwadowski2427 3 ай бұрын
Great to have you on our side Broken keep blowing that horn someone will do something about it eventuly. Not sure if you will have your hair still but yeah. Thank you for doin this BROken.
@Artanimous 3 ай бұрын
No need to be sorry, someone has to make these videos broken! And im really glad you made it. I've seen KZfaqrs make these smurf videos which is almost annoying cz we don't get such teams or we play premades. The dark truth is what you have posted today! And we support and love you for this. I've been commenting in rito almost every video to fix their matchmake but they dont listen. Hopefully they listen to you like nerfing rakan. I have stopped playing wr, i love this game but its unbearable and im surprised at how you're not bald yet XD thanks for making such video and talking about it. Felt like I'm not alone 💓
@jackalpwn42 3 ай бұрын
I've been consistently Diamond for many seasons, I hit Master and after that I had some life stuff happen and put the game down for a while. When I came back I had to climb through plat but getting past Emerald has been an absolute nightmare! Consistently I have games where we get ahead and then my teammates just start taking bad fights mid and not focusing on objectives. That's fine, I'm watching for them and I ping but getting people to group for anything has been like pulling teeth. I can't count how many games I have lost because of teammates just not listening to pings and fighting in stupid places where they get outmatched. Not to mention the fact i'll get in a game with almost all Diamonds, we'll trash the enemy team because i'm playing with better players and then the VERY NEXT MATCH i'm que'd with low plats as a reward for doing well. There seems to be no actual consistency in MMR when it comes to my games and despite my good playing, it does that seesaw of players. I get that I also need to play more matches but the difference is night and day from these last couple seasons and the ones before where I was climbing consistently. I get that I need to play more matches too but the quality of games feels like it's just been diminishing and it really frustrates me that I get paired with these players. I used to be able to mitigate losses with fort shields by playing well and losing the occasional match but earning those shields and going next. Now it just feels like almost every game is a loss. Makes no sense imo
@Amin4l 3 ай бұрын
It's the same here in the Brazilian server, bro. Today I'm a Tresh main thanks to your videos, love playing Tresh, making insane plays, getting good stats in general EXCEPT for my win rate, that has been below 49% for 4 seasons.
@atlan8083 3 ай бұрын
If its over 4 seasons you maybe focus on the wrong stats
@Amin4l 3 ай бұрын
@@atlan8083 I'd be glad if you could develop
@atlan8083 3 ай бұрын
Like if you wanna look at stats, the only game deciding one is gold per minute than bot turret damage and kda. It depends on the role you play obviously. As a mid, top, or jungle you should get 800-850 gold per minute, as an adc about 900. Supports about 700. Those are the amounts all top players in those roles have. But as with all stats, they don't win you the game, they just help you with winning it
@Amin4l 3 ай бұрын
@@atlan8083 Well, I usually don't even look at the stats, to be honest. I've just checked it out after seeing this video, because it's in the context. But I think you've got a point there.
@soulance8342 2 ай бұрын
What's sad is I reached this point of frustration over a year ago and nothing has changed...
@ryanlichiwai 3 ай бұрын
Play this game since S2, this is the season I have the worst winrate ever, 48,8%. Am I playing worse? No, I can say I play better than any other seasons, I start to have better marco and get better with my main, I get MVP/ S & A in 1/3 of the games, not mention how many svp I got. Every game you get teemo top, adc top go 0/8, and first time emerald peak adc in high diamond games go fight draven & thresh at lv1 with jinx, this is ridiculous how rigged is the matchmaking
@R3d_Ch4rl3s 3 ай бұрын
Well you said it all, i am not gonna share my expérience with all this system as it is similar to yours and many others players. So i will just say to you that i am currently visiting portugal. Doing a road trip from Tavira to Sagres passing by all the villages and then I am going to go up towards Odeceixe. It is a 2 weeks trip so imma enjoy your country as much as i can. If you have anything to suggest i should do i will be more than happy to receive your advices. Cheers bro and good luck in the rift. Still waiting your next videos like kids waiting for easter chocolate.
@oniikai 3 ай бұрын
Reshared on Twitter, Hope It gets some attention. You should be also on there, devs are more active on it.
@corwen1003 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video.
@losborneos9836 3 ай бұрын
Ayo for those who don’t know, Broken are actually the real Wild Rift’s Einstein. The fact that he deserve Nobel’s Award for reveal this shity matchmaking system🔥🔥 7:11
@taylorpayne1993 3 ай бұрын
The best Wild Rift video ever made
@alexx3796 3 ай бұрын
Until they make some reputation system or good punishment system this will go on. What to do other than maintaining our own sanity🥲 good video bud🔥
@jojo8292 2 ай бұрын
When tank starts getting to me I just mess around in quick play. Every now and then this game gets to me really bad. But I’m actually learning to control my anger in other situations not just this one. I think games like this can highlight areas of our life that need attention and it’s ok to play them so long as you recognize the problem and work on it.
@jojo8292 2 ай бұрын
Meant to say rank
@kseriousr 3 ай бұрын
Ofc that stat graph looks just as volatile as stock market. All moba games are rage merchants.
@BrokenSupport 3 ай бұрын
This is crypto bro 😂😂
@valdytapahing4456 3 ай бұрын
I feel ya broken, thats why i’d never played with ambition for the ranked up. I’d played for fun either my team lost or win. All i think is to play with strategy that u always taught us and i kinda found the exitedment in building the right item, right rune, and the right support even tho sometimes my team always did mario🤣
@valdytapahing4456 3 ай бұрын
What i believed is wr is similar to slot gambling, even if we try hard to play good. Rito will “balancing” that with bot player to addicted to try even harder for ranked
@bbyselina 3 ай бұрын
that’s crazy, I get off after 2 Ls great dedication
@marinapeli9478 2 ай бұрын
Broken I went grandmaster three times because of your videos!! Then took a break, and… I’m stuck diamond now because matchmaking got MUCH MUCH worse in the last two seasons
@alfredosanroman9534 3 ай бұрын
We support broken support hahaha love your videos
@dylannakandakarisugimoto6201 3 ай бұрын
It’s really good that wild rift influencers are talking about it, because it’s one of the biggest (if the one) problem in the game to discuss right now. Two season back DarkBreaker did a video about it. And many players posts exposed on twitter. I noticed also that I had first game of the day with good teammates. And then next game is trash. Lots of trolls at least two. So, usually is one win one lose. I has 162 games this season with more than 60% win rate. To climb to Diamond was “easy”, because I just used broken champions Dr.Mundo and trimdameyre. In low elos, I could carry the game with these champions winning 3x1 fights to take the dragon. But in Diamond, they’re really good players. It’s not possible to carry the game (mostly 3x5). I need the team to win. So now I just playing 1 game per day. Because I know next game will the trash. And I think everyone should do the same. The “system” must know that this doesn’t work to keep us. What keeps us is a fun game. A fair game. A fair game is not a game that you have to carry others. Riot needs to address this issue asasp. Simply do matchmaking by individual while developing something more complex to rank every action on the game.
@stefanoferracci8911 3 ай бұрын
Nice intro :)
@TheHIDREX 3 ай бұрын
I still play intting Tryndamere this season😂😂.is verry fun .i m a religious man,i don't want to kill somebody,only turrets and minions waves😂😂on my normal account I lost a lot of hair 😅.I will play next year probably on that one😂 nice video bro!❤
@bigcas5985 3 ай бұрын
Have you found out if the system works similarly if you qued with a duo or trio? If that makes sense
@benjamincohen9696 2 ай бұрын
I notice when it's soloQ it's total random with some team mate who have none experience about their champions . We Can see it during loiding sreen ( pre-load) before being in the Arena
@DareDare153 3 ай бұрын
Whenever I watch any of the videos. I’m always scared my name is gonna pop up of me doing bad.🤣 but then quickly get reminded that I only hit low masters and currently in diamond.😂 great game though!
@MrFright2010 3 ай бұрын
I get the feeling that the eternal MMR is partially to blame for some of the weird shit happening in ranked.
@daleryanaldover6545 2 ай бұрын
Hey, I explained before in some random yt comments about the match-making system. Actually, losing a match would drop your MMR, this is why aftwr losing many times a player can win again theoretically. The issue with the algorithm is that when you are on a winning streak, the MMR gets so high and the system fits small MMR players in your team to compensate for the average MMR for both teams. If the total MMR of the enemy team is 2k and your MMR is 1k, you will be paired with 4 other players that will compensate the remaining 1k. This means they each have roughly 250 MMR, now your team haa 2k MMR that matches the enemy team but team is so weak. Usually you can crush the other team by yourself but if they snowballed early, you will be in agony trying to save the game.
@daleryanaldover6545 2 ай бұрын
In a sense having winning streaks is bad due to how the algorithm work. Sometimes I play yasuo and lose when I have rank loss shield up so I could avoid inflating my MMR. Apparently I haven't reached master yet, only Diamond 1
@tr3792 3 ай бұрын
not the song from temptation island finland in opening😂😭
@yngchad6667 2 ай бұрын
i stopped playing when i got to master last year, it was hard af everyone kept inting and i felt like my whole lobby is inflated so it always feels one sided either we win or they do.
@leagueoftrollwr 3 ай бұрын
Ranked - 📉 ANGER ISSUES - 📈
@BrokenSupport 3 ай бұрын
That 🤣
@leagueoftrollwr 3 ай бұрын
@@BrokenSupport bwuhahahahhaahhahah
@TheKingBaphomet 3 ай бұрын
Nice intro man. This is Wild Rift resumed.
@mikeyk3548 3 ай бұрын
This is why I left this game and many of my friends who played did the same , I want to play wild rift but with such bad ranked system no way to touch the game or buy anything in, I also discovered an interesting weakness of legendary ranked mode last 2 seasons that allows stupid win trading quite easy happen ( never abused this to climb an undeserved rank but I investigated a bit the situation)
@mikeyk3548 3 ай бұрын
If anyone wanna know what weakness I find I'll leave here an explanation. Last season an irl friend who live in my city was master tier same time with me, we searched games at the same time in legendary rank mode and never been in the same team(idk if rito take in consideration the distance between legendary rank players), so we banned each other junglers picks and look at what everyone want to pick where, took our adcs picks for ourself and always going solo lane to 1v1 and clown around, we could even win trade but never bothered to do it since we were only commanders 4-3 so we trolled the games letting the other 4 more skilled in each team to find a way to win , a fix to this problem in LegQ is never letting people who are too close to each other to play into the same match but I know alot of players who don't touch that mode even having acces to it and its already quite exclusive for the most in the season since u have to hit masters first so this problem might not even have a fix relying on ethics of the player base lol, we tested for 10-12 games and the results were always the same
@deolindapereira7329 3 ай бұрын
@erfanmohaddes9504 3 ай бұрын
2:19 Victoryyy 🥹😐
@Thanos_Jax 2 ай бұрын
I have proven this in three dofferent server as well (SEA, NA and EU recently). Here is some things I have tried to expose the game system: 1. Deranking an Account I did derank my account from GM to Gold 4, but somehow I can’t manage to get to silver because the bota on my team just casually winning due to the enemy bots (Level 1 and 0) surrendered themselves. 2. Tried to climb back up with the same deranked account. I did managed to got back to Diamond in new season, but the cost was arguable unbearable for some players because I was put in the most phone smashing queues. 253 games, 179W/74L) 3. Stats Ignorance. Here I locked in Master Yi top with Lethal Tempo and Demolish. I went about 10/10/4 KDA in almost every game and still won. and YES, regarded to your video, the enemy teams gets way easier to deal with as your stats get worse, but you win. Instead, if you smurf your way up the ladder, your team will be forcing your winrates to back down at 50% or 60%. Thus, I was placed with morons and the enemy teams are mostly ex GM or Challs. 4. Gold Banking If you managed to get 1k gold per minutes (eg. At mins 10, you should be on 10k+ gold marks) on every game, you will be placed with better player base as well. I hope this could open a new way to WR player base globally. Cheers.
@paulzosimo4262 3 ай бұрын
got the same thing in my games, i said last time i got promoted to master the 1st time ever then went down to dia 4 real quick, seems like rito will just stop gap in a few weeks then revert back to the old matchmaking, last 3 games i got was winnable but there was always that 1 team mate who is always running around like a headless chicken, 3 loss streak for me 😂
@EmmL1223 3 ай бұрын
Welcome King Cheesecake
@tiana_ta 3 ай бұрын
Second! Sure will do 🫡 Cheer up, Papa Broken, we need your support (like literally) in Wild rift ❤
@chocokun_7930 3 ай бұрын
if u quit this game then i will quit too but as long as u keep playing and show us how to make cheesecake then i will be there always watch ur video and learning how to make better cheesecake...btw love your videos❤❤❤
@michaelmichael5724 3 ай бұрын
Hope your voice will be heard !! WR deserves a real matchmaking system and rewards good players ! I’m not as good as u are but i always finished Master every seasons and now i’m hardstuck in Diamond…
@user-gr6gm1ud3y 2 ай бұрын
As an alternative solution, there are two ways to fix this, maybe it helps 1-mmr (stats) are reset every season. At the new season start, like at the time im posting this, you can play inting sion for 50~ games. This will make your mmr/stats so low that you will be able to play normally for 500~ games without being paired with trolls. After this number the issue arises again tho. 2-you could make a new account and just int all the games vs bots until you reach platinum 4, your team will win the 4vs5 anyway as the system doesn't put bots in players teams to maximise retention (everyone has a 25 win streak there) then you can just play normally. With your stats that low, you can reach diamond in a few days, then you are able to play on your normal elo with any champ without this issue. Be sure to check on the first game in gold 4, the system pairs you vs humans for only one game before continuing as usual. If the queue time lasts for more than 10 seconds, make sure its vs bots before trolling😅 As a tip, when your team is ending the game, make sure to die at the fountain. It can chunk your kda on that game up to 50%, which is very impactful in the long run. Hope it helped. This is such a good game, its sad it has this type of money grinding politcis :(
@haebibi 3 ай бұрын
Stopped playing ranks after reaching diamond, the frustration and decay system is really stressful😂
@zapidoke 3 ай бұрын
Papa broken jg? Never thought I'd see the day.
@Ansha.Abdool 2 ай бұрын
This shouldn’t be like this.. Master isn’t that rank in which games could be such ez or unwinnable, they should be hard to play for both teams, but in modern WR…
@matthias8015 2 ай бұрын
I stopt playing recently. Always wins streaks, Lose streak win streak lose streak. It makes sense now. Mmr up starts a lose streak. Mmr drops, and you start winning again. What a broken system! Always suspected being punished for playing good. Now I know! Thx for the upload!
@Regulargu 2 ай бұрын
First off riot needs to see this and fix the matchmaking system second off they need to sponsor you cause your the GOAT
@hibarikyoya7580 3 ай бұрын
does it apply to SEA server as well?
@Miguemighzitsme 3 ай бұрын
I feel you broken support this always happens to me my rank is in higher rank that time like master 5-4 and all my teammates just always says that They say I'm bad at playing but I'm the one who brings them up in the game this is the reason why I stopped playing wildrift because my rank was at master but it dropped to Emerald 4😢 😢 You're not alone, I'm not alone either
@bellatrix5555 Ай бұрын
Another reason why i stopped playing is trolls and feeders they are everywhereeee not to mention people using hacks and they dont get punished. If i get tilted in a game and i go run it down to get back to my team i'll have 0 consequences.
@NashaatKabz93 3 ай бұрын
It's sad that the game offers so much entertainment especially when you have good players on both sides. When i play with my friends i have so much fun even if i lose. But when i play solo thats when the bad game experience happens. So now i only play pvp and when i see that i am the only good player i throw and go next and when i am with my friends i bring my A game and that is working for me. Thank you Broken for talking about this and keep up the good work love you bro.
@tankster27 3 ай бұрын
If there was chat after games I would flame my entire team for surrendering. Heck, I may get perma chat banned from doing this, and nothing would change.
@scorerunner 3 ай бұрын
10/10 editing skills
@akodotain 3 ай бұрын
"To win without fighting, That is the Art of War" 😂
Wild Rift: CAW, CAW, CAW...
Broken Support
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