William Lane Craig on Logical Positivism

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15 жыл бұрын

William Lane Craig discusses the rise and collapse of logical positivism in the 20th Century, with its associated verification and falsification theories of meaning.

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@LennyBound 15 жыл бұрын
Great find. Thanks for uploading. :-)
@crushinnihilism 9 жыл бұрын
Philosopher accepting the verification principle acknowledge that you cant verify the verification principle, but they do not think it is really important. They push a similar line as Hume when discussing the problem of induction. Yes, you cannot provide a good philosophical justification for it, but it still works. And some Philosophers push this line of reasoning: the verification principle, and induction, are justified by their results, or, simply put, the fact that it works.
@reijojaakkola8866 8 жыл бұрын
I always find it amusing that people claim the verification principle to be meaningless, because you can't verify it. I'am not a supporter of verification principe! But consider sentence "Today it will rain". This statement is clearly descriptive, but so is also this: "1+1=2". But if we consider the first and the second sentence, there is a clear difference, for the second statement is only a definition, while the first one is not. The first sentence makes a claim about the world. Does the verificationist principle make a claim about the world? Of course not. But a sentence "God loves the world" tries to do that. So why should we apply the same principle to both of them i.e. why should we apply verificationist principle on the principle itself. A better critism for verificationist principle would be for example that it refutes all statements about probability i.e. "The probability of P is n/m", because you can't verify this sentence!
@lucasdarianschwendlervieir3714 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, sure. But in that case, one would be arguing for the utility of the principle, rather than for its necessity in all cases. More often than not a tool can be applied only for a specific set of circumstances, rather than all conceivable circumstances. I think what has been criticized, and rightly so, is the taken of the verification or falsification principle as a swiss army knife. If you do apply it to every proposition, rather only some propositions (as Popper did when he applied it to only empirical propositions), then you inevitably have to apply the principle to itself.
@bubbillionaire2423 4 жыл бұрын
The problem is not that verification principle works or doesn't. The problem is that Truth/Knowledge does not NEED to come from Verificationism. The proposition was "Only Science/Empiricism/Verificationism can be used to come to knowledge or truth in the world." This is wrong because it is self refuting. Therefore, truth and knowledge can come about without these things. Logic exists even if the scientific method did not work. Logic exists even if observations had not been possible. Therefore, there are things, like philosophy, that can come to truth claims without these sorts of things.
@ScepticalAgnostic 14 жыл бұрын
The principle is true by definition; it is a definition of the phrase 'literally significant'. 'A statement is literally significant IFF it is empirically verifiable or a tautology' is no different to, say, 'A person is a bachelor IFF he is unmarried and a man'. In this, it is a tautology - as all definitions are.
@IR17171717 12 жыл бұрын
@cheekyclips that's a lot of money. how did you find that out?
@Mr_BDE 13 жыл бұрын
Where is this? Is this at Talbot?
@gusb232 14 жыл бұрын
@ogirv101 So you dont accept dualism?
@LesPaul2006 13 жыл бұрын
@thetraceur123 How do you know?
@GodTheHypothesis 12 жыл бұрын
@Kai84719 Well I'm sure where I made a blank assertion, I seemed to back up all my assertions with reasons but do feel free to point it out. I don't feel emotional about any of his arguments really, they're all incredibly unpersuasive to most atheists and agnostics I've ever met. If you think his arguments are so good (rather than he's just very good at presenting them), tell me which you think are the most convincing and I'll tell you what I think is wrong with them.
@lfzadra 13 жыл бұрын
@motomambo I´m not saying that what can be repeated and verified is the only way to knowledge. What I´m saying is that revelations, miracles and scriptures are unreliable ways to knowledge, and that is something we can verify. By accepting that truths coming from this sources are reliable, you are in fact being irrational, because we already know (and can know) that such sources are not reliable.
@Birdieupon 15 жыл бұрын
I loved the beard too. Is it just me, or did it make him look a little like Alan Rickman in Die Hard?
@sivertellingsen 14 жыл бұрын
@slitheringinterstate (Disregard my previous two comments. I'm posting from an iPhone and hit the post button by mistake.) Could you explain to me how the repudiation of logical positivism hinges on Christianity? I know it's hard to dumb down to the level of a pleb like me, but I'd really like to get the perspective of a smart fellow like yourself :).
@GodTheHypothesis 12 жыл бұрын
@Kai84719 Part 2 they realise that with a little philosophical argument, you can defend practically any position. But the fact is that in the past, philosophy was often on the forefront of knowledge. That hasn't been true for at least a century now. If a philosopher walks into a theoretical physics conference and suggests that certain interpretations might not be "logically possible" (something craig enjoys doing), the fact is they're just ignored.
@gusb232 14 жыл бұрын
"Logical positivism is not a tautology like the law of non-contradiction." Then is the statment god loves us a tautlogy or self evident? to answer the question at @2:50, NO. But we can futher critique his critique, Becuase what he is saying is that metaphyical statments dont require verification because not all statments require verification. There by undermining his own Critique, since Why then should we require falsification to be falsifiable? Shouldnt we want our ideas to be falsifiable?
@ScepticalAgnostic 14 жыл бұрын
Why not? The verification principle is a test to see whether something is literally significant. In this, the principle is a definition of the phrase 'literally significant proposition'. My 'comment' is not a proposition; it is a non-propositional statement, since it doesn't hold truth value. Though it has no place in Philosophy, it is useful in a colloquial sense, or to support a proposition that -is- empirically verifiable or true by definition.
@thetraceur123 13 жыл бұрын
@LesPaul2006 Do I know what? Be more specific, please.
@elooma 13 жыл бұрын
@slitheringinterstate I'm not familiar with the "terd" terminology is that similar to Tautology or Teleology, I'm a little intimidated by your intellect and your grasp of analytical philosophy.
@shandcunt9455 13 жыл бұрын
@ebeatworld thnx, as are you.
@andygsp 13 жыл бұрын
@ForceOfLight "Really?, how about challenge Craig into a debate and debunk him?" Why would I be debating Dr Craig on it? I'm AGREEING with him ???
@GodTheHypothesis 12 жыл бұрын
@Kai84719 Part 1 Well I'm not sure where you're getting youre information from, I'd certainly like to see it! In europe, philosophy departments have been shutting in lots of universities- at least 5 shut in the UK over the last few years. And as for people listening to philosophers, I meant academically- most scientists I've worked with have seen philosophy as practically "one of the arts" because it doesn't really produce anything of use. The reason people are drawn to philosophy is
@IR17171717 12 жыл бұрын
@theBartone9119 how can you possibly think that that's not been leveled at theists or highlights any kind of fallacy. firstly, you've mixed two arguments. the teleological argument is saying the universe is designed. one need not expalin a designer to see design. for example if we go to the moon and see a house, we can infer a designer without knowing it. secondly, theists don't purport to understand God, they say he's neccessary and OUT OF time and space
@gusb232 14 жыл бұрын
@ogirv101 ... Are you trying to say the FSM and YHWH are equally acceptable apriori truths? And NO Atheism does not provide a basis for science It is irrelevant since atheism is a word almost deviod of content , its simply a rejection of a claim. Do you think Socrates was irrational for not accepting Zesus as god? Or what about being an atheist in america before columbus, did the conquistadors make Atheism irrational by bringing jesus to heathens at the point of a sword?
@elooma 13 жыл бұрын
I find it funny reading peoples ignorant comments when their not exposed to academic rigger or a high degree of specificity in language, it's entertaining when they say Craig's argument are simplistic or don't make sense, even Dennet a world renowned atheist philosophers says that he cannot corner Craig on his logic he only has suspicions that he's wrong.
@astroboomboy 12 жыл бұрын
@GodTheHypothesis So you are arguing that people should not do rigorous studies of how media functions? That it is not a scientific field to study the way media is structured, how it influences our actions, and how we interact through its use? I'm majoring in linguistics and computer science, and I hear your kind of arguments all the time with my fellow students who have never opened a history, philosophy, or sociology book in their entire life, and it just gets so old after a while...
@ghandi8749 12 жыл бұрын
Because Logical Positivists would define a meaningful statement as a tautology, or an empirical hypothesis. So if you look closely at what they mean when saying 'A meaningful statement is either a tautology or a empirical hypothesis' is 'A tautology or an empirical hypothesis is a tautology or a empirical hypothesis' and that's a tautology itself. Again i'm not trying to say LP is not totally debunked because it is. PS- sorry for repeating the same sentence like 5 times in this comment :P
@PCGAMELIFE0 14 жыл бұрын
He sounds a smart version of Mr. Furley.
@astroboomboy 12 жыл бұрын
@theBartone9119 They do fail, but it's simply impossible for them to see the arguments against their assertions. But, I would say that the problem is with the nature of logic. You can make true propositions that have no bearing on reality, much like you can create mathematical models with as many dimensions as you like. The problem is that very few students understand the basic nature of logic and other axiomatic systems. The only think we can know is what we can sense/measure.
@GodTheHypothesis 12 жыл бұрын
@astroboomboy Part 1 I have no problem with some people doing media studies, that wasn't my point. The point was that more and more people had started doing these types of subjects (mostly cos they're easier) rather than the sciences and engineering (that are actually key to society). I have lots of friends that did media studies degrees and not a single one of them now works in the media. As for history, I'm a very avid student of history in my spare time- I consider these subjects things...
@dejanromih7913 3 жыл бұрын
Oh what? These subjects are easier? Logical inquires into metaphysics and ontology are simpler/easier? That might be so, but I think it's a bad point to argue that most people that do or subscribe to these subjects do so beacuse they are easier.
@GodTheHypothesis 12 жыл бұрын
@Kai84719 And in the hope that you don't just reply with insults- yes I agree that philosophy has a lot of potential students in recent years, that's not what I'm arguing. Media studies also has lots of students, people can be stupid. I was only arguing that hardly any academic discipline (especially science) really listens to philosophers, only other philosophers do. And the universities I know of are middlesex, northampton, keele, greenwich...
@IR17171717 12 жыл бұрын
@theBartone9119 ok if your going to split hairs they don't pretend to understand the spatio-temporal confines of a god, beyond fact its not in our universe restrictions. and i'm saying that the religious argument is that the universe is designed. your argument was that the universe was against the teleological complexity argument.
@astroboomboy 12 жыл бұрын
Name me one book from Adorno that will change my mind. I promise you I will read it, starting in three weeks after my dissertation is finished! All I have read from him I found intolerable, like his minima memorabilia (but that is probably a bad example). If you like Heidegger I recommend Schopenhauer, he will change your mind on Heidegger, and you will forever find a great mind that will illuminate so much for you!
@Gnomefro 14 жыл бұрын
@semperadlucem FYI: That's not a "scientific statement held as truth". It is, however, the definition of what science does - producing results based on the scientific method. So things that don't adhere to this will be thrown out. It's true that logical positivism is unable to bootstrap itself, but not because of laughable strawmen like that. LP combined with more some coherentist empistemology is essentially modern science though.
@SaerdnaOoOoo 11 жыл бұрын
1:00 First mistake. We sometimes call unfalsefiable propositions "no proposition at all" to further the extent of bullying out the bullshit from our society. Positivists mean that they are eye closening propositions out of fantasy that do not deserve to be called propositions, like in "proper propositions" although they are structured like propositions though they are unfalsefieble and absurd.
@thetraceur123 13 жыл бұрын
@LesPaul2006 If I'm sure I understand what you are asking, I know that Genesis is a symbolic written book because of the symbolic meaning of many things, the chronological order of events and that is backed up by Biblical Schollars. Even Jews didn't take it literal, it is almost only fundamental Christian Americans sadly enough.
@astroboomboy 12 жыл бұрын
@andygsp Today, however, there is a tendency back to a so called post-positivism. I think this is the only way for philosophers to get out of the mess they have been in since the 50s, and start doing some serious work rather then mere pseudo-speculations on the nature of god, the nature of miracles, and other metaphysical nonsense. Philosophy used to be scientific until they started all this nonsense about religion that is at best the domain of theology.
@astroboomboy 12 жыл бұрын
@GodTheHypothesis Actually, the Chinese have a long tradition of historians, and the popularity of the humanities have increased exponentially ever since the end of the cultural revolution. One of the reasons China is a ruthless dictatorship is because there are so few intellectual voices to counter it. I'm not arguing against science, it's my major, but I think the humanities are extremely important for our society to prosper.
@sivertellingsen 14 жыл бұрын
@slitheringinterstate Did you watch the video? All living analytic philosophers, most of whom are atheists and very few of whom are Christians, have abandoned theological noncognitivism. Craig's point here is universally accepted, and is in no way supervenient on his Christianity. Also, rephrasing an idea in a deliberately weird way? ("Spacegod" etc.) Really? It's schoolboy sophistry -- applicable to any theory, and (albeit "semantically compelling") indicative of nothing either way.
@ScepticalAgnostic 15 жыл бұрын
'This would remove great tracts of human statements' - referring here to metaphysics - is not a real objection. The theory of gravity removed great tracts of human knowledge, too - those of Aristotle. If what you say isn't open to testing (even in principle), and it isn't an empty tautology, what exactly are you talking about? You might as well have saved your breath, or garbled out random words, because the meaning is precisely the same.
@Featheon 13 жыл бұрын
@andygsp Good luck there. Most of these kids are still being run through a philosophy of science that is at least 50 years old. They never heard of Pragmatism, and the idea that the object of science might be experience rather than the unveiling of objective reality scares the shit out of them.
@GodTheHypothesis 12 жыл бұрын
@astroboomboy Part 2 ...that more people need to have a good understanding of. However, if more people were doing history degrees than science degrees- it would be disastrous. Historians don't drive societies onwards and make them better. If you go to asia, to the emerging countries, this is absolutely clear to everyone. Chinese kids don't study history- and they don't do media studies. They do science and engineering- they often outnumber europeans on science courses in european unis!
@shandcunt9455 13 жыл бұрын
What???? that was 4 minutes i'll never get back. He is like a professional Ray Banana Man Comfort.
@elooma 13 жыл бұрын
@Mthooz Using your word are you "Oblivious" Oxford University, University of Michigan, Notre Dame, Purdue, Saint Louis University, Queen’s University, that's just off the top of my head. These are the Universities that have Theistic philosophers heads of the philosophical departments or professors with tenure. Your observations are around fifty years old you must be reading some old books.
@lfzadra 13 жыл бұрын
@motomambo If you are saying that religion "works" because it can give emotional comfort to people, I agree with you. But I´m not talking about what is emotional convenient here, but about a method of knowledge that can help us to find true propositions about the world around. Religion is useless for such task, it does not "work". Revelations and scriptures are not reliable. The scientific method, altought limited in it´s scope, shows its reliability every time we use it.
@astroboomboy 12 жыл бұрын
@GodTheHypothesis Take physics for instance, or QM that you mention, the models still cannot account for even all the basic forces of nature, yet alone explain how matter produces such qualitative and personal states as consciousness. If the nature of our world is such that it cannot be predicted, then that is the nature of being, and we have to study it as it is. Social sciences cannot look for laws if there aren't any.
@sivertellingsen 14 жыл бұрын
@slitheringinterstate To reiterate, this isn't about
@gusb232 14 жыл бұрын
@ogirv101 Dammm. I said ALMOST, then explained it is a rejection of a claim , theism. NOTHING else can be deduced from this. Are Buddhist Metaphyical ? Becuase many are athiest. You are just repeating naturalism is irrational, your not givining reasons why. I assume your a dualist, So dualism preassumes atleast one reality (monism) So by your logic you are also irrational, since naturalism is a type of monism.
@polymath7 14 жыл бұрын
@slitheringinterstate Oh, so close! You had a nearly perfect comment going until at the end of your final sentence you commit a solecism and a malapropism with "garner" and "gleen" *grin* I'm just being a hardass. Well said nonetheless. ;-)
@gusb232 14 жыл бұрын
@ogirv101 Yes I think belief in re-encarnation is irrational, still they are atheist that believe in a non-physical soul. I dont see why assuming that a material world exists is irrational. Sure many realms of existance 'could' exist that dont interact with the physical, but if thats the case why should I assume such things exists. And Why choose choose YHWH over Re-encarnation, personal revelation? Both are equaly unsupported by evidence.
@astroboomboy 12 жыл бұрын
Without Descartes you would not have modern science or philosophy, so I have to always include him in any list of great minds. Yes, I will always (Always) change my mind when confronted with sound evidence based on good epistemological reasoning. Nietzsche I haven't read anything but his "beyond good and evil" which I liked. Heidegger, Adorno, and Habermas not so much, particularly Adorno who I consider a pseudo philosopher who just used fancy language, like Derrida.
@SocialAnathema 15 жыл бұрын
"Scarcley even a blip on the philisophical radar screen". Verification and falsification are still the most important methods of determining the factual value of a claim. This is not a throw back to the 60's and 70's as Craig seems to be telling us. Is he being dishonest? Maybe he's just unaware? But how could this be? He debates rationalists on a regular basis. As with other videos Willian Lane Craig has made, I realized at the end that he'd said alot, but told me very little.
@astroboomboy 12 жыл бұрын
I am not interested in Sam Harris (he is a popularizer of science, and a terrible philosopher). Hermeneutical studies do have a function, we use it all the time in linguistic studies to uncover historical traces in language, to find underlying structures, etc., but it is not a tool for understanding human nature. I don't know what to say to your last point, I will give you a list (maybe you will get my drift): Plato, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Schopenhauer, Mach, Einstein, Wittgenstein.
@superdog797 2 жыл бұрын
Guiding principles are not meant to be sustain their own integrity. They are supposed to be judged in terms of results.
@Tobi_237 11 ай бұрын
That’s a rich utilitarian rhetoric. So how do we come to KNOW these guiding principles, let alone if they are true, if we can’t even question their very integrity? Should we simply accept that they were given by God? Surely many would claim that to be ‘unscientific’🤔
@superdog797 11 ай бұрын
@@Tobi_237 Hume pointed out that for many animals there is a large realm of their "knowledge" that is nothing more than brute instinct. Humans are animals too and the fact of the matter is there is a lot of our "knowledge" that is ultimately rooted in nothing other than instinct. Whether or not one finds that self-evidently true idea distasteful or not doesn't have anything to do with whether or not it's correct - we cannot *prove* with logical a priori observation that scientific laws will not suddenly change, and there is, in fact, no logical reason to assume they will *not* suddenly change - from a sheer logical a priori standpoint, there is no reason to think that if I release a ball from my hand that it will fall down and not up (or not move at all). The _guiding principle_ that the nature of the observable world doesn't vary from moment to moment is not something you can "know" in the same way you "know" that mathematical proofs constitute truth, or the way one "knows" facts stored in one's memory, which is fallible. Put another way, the question you're posing has been answered before, and the answer lies in the fact that at the end of the day humans have certain patterns of thought so deeply ingrained in their biology that we cannot help but accept them. One cannot use empirical, observable scientific methodology to know everything we call "knowledge" because not everything is observable. But the question of "where does it all come from?" doesn't justify the supposition of some arbitrary external agent to grant us that knowledge. We just have to accept the self-evident notion that no system of thinking and knowledge will be complete and able to answer all of the possible questions it might permit somebody to ask about it. Even God itself would have beliefs or notions it could not justify - for example, if God exists, what could God say to the question: "Why does God exist?" What is God gonna say in response that couldn't be attacked in the exact same way Craig is applying here to critique logical positivism? Is God just going to say "My existence is necessary" - that's no different from just saying "accept that it's true." The whole point here is that the question of theism is actually irrelevant to the question of the rigorous and objective and stringent study of _epistemics_ but theologians like Craig just have difficulty accepting that because they want their worldview to somehow be comprehensive so that they can somehow offer it as an intellectually sound framework to explaining the nature of total reality. That's a mistaken thought process though because there will _always_ be a foundation that is not self-justifying in _any_ epistemic framework. Instead of trying to skirt that self-evident fact one would do much better to just embrace it.
@GodTheHypothesis 12 жыл бұрын
@theBartone9119 I believe WLC responds to this argument by saying that God is actually very simple. He's the master of having his cake and eating it too. When someone uses this kind of adaptive logic (you'll also see him say things like God has no need to be efficient so things that are badly designed can still be designed), it's quite clear that they have no intellectual honesty whatsoever. This is why arguing against him is a waste of time, he should just be ignored.
@Gnomefro 14 жыл бұрын
@semperadlucem And the thing is. When you have modern science that's proven itself in practice again and again, by its own standards of coherenec requirements it becomes self-bootstrapping. It doesn't produce "proof", but compared to areas that produce nothing at all, like "religions" it becomes laughable to go around demanding proof that there aren't other, non scientific, ways to know things, and think that this justifies making shit up. No demonstration=No power to convince others. The end.
@ForceOfLight 13 жыл бұрын
@andygsp Really?, how about challenge Craig into a debate and debunk him?. That would be BETTER instead of putting empty and stupid words on youtube.
@andygsp 13 жыл бұрын
@ThaddeusRobe "It is like the argument for God's existence by saying that everything must have a cause. Well, if God exists, then He too, must have a cause. What is God's cause? There is none. What is the test for logical positivism? There is none." Thats not a good argument. Dr Craig has a better one, how about the more plausible proposition "Everything that begins to exist has a cause". Well not only does that make more sense, it also means God doesn't need a cause since he never began.
@ghandi8749 12 жыл бұрын
I agree that logical positivism is a debunked philosophy but I object to the criticism that the verification principle is self defeating. I think that it is actually a tautology. If you look at what the verification principle says, namely 'a meaningful statement must be either a tautology or an empirical hypothesis' what you are really saying is that for a statement to have any meaning it must be a meaningful statement.
@thetraceur123 13 жыл бұрын
@slitheringinterstate Genesis is supposed to be taken symbolicly, the story of Adam and Eve is simply the downfall of man and mans rejection of God. The name Adam even means man.
@astroboomboy 12 жыл бұрын
@GodTheHypothesis If you think media studies is to criticize a tv-show then you have no idea what you are talking about. On of the most important thinkers of our time, Marshal McLuhan, is a good place to start if you want to understand the nature of how media functions, but most people don't even begin to grasp his ideas. Social sciences are not behind natural sciences, it's rather the nature of what they study that makes it so hard to make models of prediction.
@GodTheHypothesis 12 жыл бұрын
@astroboomboy Well I think they are too, but you can't really paint it all with such a broad brush. I mean you have a science like quantum physics, which is responsible for most of the modern world- and you have a science like economics - which most people wouldn't even think deserves the name 'science'. Same for the humanities. Learning languages is far more valuable and respectable than learning how to criticise TV shows.
@lnbartstudio2713 6 жыл бұрын
Locke. Toast.
@GodTheHypothesis 12 жыл бұрын
@astroboomboy Aha yes, "argumentum ad hitlerum". As for being able to understand how societies function, I might agree with you if I thought anyone did understand- in reality the social sciences are light years behind the natural sciences- human societies are just so unpredictable that the social sciences haven't really come up with much in the way of laws or theories, they just kinda gather data and comment on things that have already happened
@GodTheHypothesis 12 жыл бұрын
@Kai84719 Wow, that's possibly the best argument I've ever heard, a sheer assertion. Maybe dr craig doesn't understand argument and logic, which is why what he says makes no sense unless you already happen to agree with him. Please either think of something more useful to say or just don't bother!
@lfzadra 13 жыл бұрын
@motomambo You should test your assertion by jumping from a high building. After all, gravity may be false. Following what you said, there is no basis to believe that because something like gravity happens every time, it will happen when you jump. Revelation, miracles and scriptures are not part of the knowledge subset that we can accept outside the scope of the scientific method, because we already know that such methods of knowledge are unreliable to the highest degree.
@DerMacDuff 9 жыл бұрын
He is actually attacking a straw man because logical positivism is not the same as verificationism or falsificationism. Logical positivism is actually a position which supports Craig, because logical positivism says that results that can be derived from logic are also meaningful results, other then verificationism or falsificationism. And when it comes to ethics it is obviously also true, because what you can verify with your senses is already meaningful. There is no problem with that at all. I think philosophers were just scared of it because when you apply logical positivism to all of philosophy it would collapse to a tiny subject with only real meaningful results and questions, but instead they are just talking gibberish all the time and twist their minds on nonsensical questions. And logical positivism itself doesn't need to be verified because you treat is as an axiom.
@TheJeppesk 9 жыл бұрын
DerMacDuff It is true that he misrepresents the verification principle, as it is seen as one of the axioms of logcal positivism. However, logical positivism actively works against Lane Craigs agenda, since it defines all metaphysical discourse as meaningless. In logical positivism, there exists two kinds of statements (sorry if this is translated badly): Analytical statements and synthetic statements. Analytical statements are sentences that are logically meaningful. This means, that the sentence is true by the definition of the words used in the sentence. An example would be "I am the child of my biological mother and my biological father". This is always true because of the definitions of the words child, biological mother and biological father. Synthetic statements are meaningful sentences that are not analytical. These sentences must abide to the verification principle. An example would be "My bag is blue", which can swiftly be empirically verified of falsified. Since metaphysical existances and laws can not be empirically verified or falsified, the claim that these should exist is not a synthetic sentence. Neither is it analytical, as a claim of existance begs for empirical verification. In this regard, logical positivism works against Craigs agenda, since he is a firm believer and preacher of the existance and decree of God (which is a metaphysical existance). Metaphysics is simply deemed meaningless by logical positivism. Sorry for the wall of text. Feel free to correct me, if I made any mistakes.
@jeroenbakker52 13 жыл бұрын
This guy doesn't really say anything. Take the unfalsifiable statement: it all comes down to "if you say I'm right, that proves me right. If you say I'm wrong, that proves you wrong". There are many theories like that, such as: "if He doesn't answer your prayers, it is because you do not REALLY believe". You can't falsify a statement like that. Popper's falsification principle doesn't say that these statements are false, only that they are not acceptable in science.
@mussman717word 15 жыл бұрын
He should grow back his beard, like the one he wore on the night he debated Antony Flew. It made him look very intellectual, lol.
@LesPaul2006 13 жыл бұрын
@theyangist So let's attack the argument, then: William Craig, just like a good Christian. puts scientific truth at the same level of religious absolute truths, which is a dead wrong mistake; the knowledge gathered by science is nowhere as important as the application of the scientific method. Is not about establishing absoute truths. There's no such thing. Is only about seeking answers in reality and in reality only.
@Glassr91 13 жыл бұрын
judging by the commets, people are very ignorant.lol
@sivertellingsen 14 жыл бұрын
@slitheringinterstate As
@elooma 13 жыл бұрын
If you think your logic is so bright why don't you submit your arguments to one of the academic western Anglo philosophical journals that Craig is published in. You would then be considered one of the great living philosophical minds if you can counter Craig's arguments.
@SocialAnathema 15 жыл бұрын
Science and philosophy both work by way of the Socratic method. They are rational empirical ways of knowing things. "Non-scientific knowledge" has no special priveleges. It must still be scaled by the evidence. Philosophy gave birth to science. The two are not and can not be mutually exclusive. When a philosopher sets out to explain something that science has already delved into, he must deal with the established scientific conclusions. Ignorance ends the discussion. Why is this hard to grasp?
@99percentatheist83 13 жыл бұрын
@slitheringinterstate Yes, spoken like a true atheist. Instead of attacking the argument you resort to logical fallacies. First the red herring about the Biblical account of creation, this has nothing to do with the question at hand and only serves as a distraction. Second, the all too popular ad hominem, calling Craig a "turd polisher". Very sad indeed.
@geoffreyefloyd 15 жыл бұрын
LOL! ;)
@notnilccm 13 жыл бұрын
@xSilverPhinxx I have concluded that this guy cannot possibly believe a word that he says. I believe he is well paid and spends almost all of his time formulating difficult to follow circular paths of illogical psychobable. When you listen carefully to what he says, it is the same old arguments formulated in the most confusing way possible. This guy has found a new way to suck money off of those poor diluted church goers.
@lukedavis6711 11 жыл бұрын
By the verification principle "God exists?" clearly has meaning given a definition of God. This is a horribly misinformative lecture. It seems the real reason logical positivism is dead today is because of people like this teaching their students this nonsense, and that the real arguments against logical positivism are so intellectual and so numerous that logical positivism died by creeping normalcy. But it is still to be shown that any of these arguments truly work.
@ScepticalAgnostic 15 жыл бұрын
Craig misses out the fundamental part of logical positivism, and parrots the same 'it doesn't follow its own principle, lol' criticism that people level against logical positivism to prove their ignorance on the subject. 'Is this statement empirically verifiable?' is not a statement. It doesn't introduce anything new. 'The verification principle isn't empirically verifiable' isn't empiricially verifiable, true, but it is a tautology (which is also included in the verification principle)...
@elooma 13 жыл бұрын
I long for the good old days of Ayer, Flew, and Russel the atheist philosophers 50 years ago were a lot smarter then they are today at least you got a halfway decent thought through argument, though most of their arguments have been dealt with and have been overcome. You must be a dinosaur and not aware of what has been going on the last 35 years in Academic Philosophy.
@ForceOfLight 13 жыл бұрын
@bahramf Well, do it!, and stop wasting you time responding me with dumb responses.
@astroboomboy 12 жыл бұрын
@andygsp Scientific positivism has not been debunked. The movement known as logical positivism is gone because some of its premises where shown to be wrong, but much of its ideas have had a lasting impact on philosophy. There are many philosophers who are positivists, and almost all serious scientists are. The time when positivism was under heavy criticism, during the heyday of critical theory and literary theory, there was no answer to those critiques as cognitive science was still in infancy.
@GodTheHypothesis 12 жыл бұрын
This video is the perfect example of why people have generally stopped listening to philosophers over the years. Of course when you expand any epistemology to claim that it's universally applicable, it's gonna contradict itself. There really is no epistemology that can justify itself. It's far more useful to take specific examples and ask what's wrong with a given epistemology in that context. I don't know of any other epistemology that's acquired ANY knowledge, let alone the amount of science.
@ForceOfLight 13 жыл бұрын
It's funny how atheist believe that they got all the truth on theit sight, and talk like if they were more intelligent than Craig. But, suddenly, they are too coward and ignorant to challenge him into a debate, it's real funny to see this kind of coward people that just make critics on youtube instead of making a one one debate againist this people that they are blaming. I think, therefore, i cannot be an atheist!.
@xSilverPhinxx 13 жыл бұрын
@notnilccm He's a good debater, even though spits out only a spew of meaningless statements. Not letting others speak much, or address most of the string of points made is part of being a good debater when you only spit out meaningless statements
@theyangist 13 жыл бұрын
William Lane Craig doesn't know the distinction between the verification principle of meaning and the falsification principle of scientific truth. WLC has lumped separate viewpoints together as if they were the same claims. Popper was worried about mistaking tautologies for empirical statements. Positivists were concerned with meaningfulness of statements which had no verified or verifiable referents. These are distinct, and philosophers have only rejected the verification principle.
@ScepticalAgnostic 14 жыл бұрын
Please don't use fallacies (That's a clear appeal to the masses there). It doesn't suit you.
@victorscheff4407 9 жыл бұрын
He's confused.
@lordsong7 8 жыл бұрын
+Victor Scheff "He's confused." A statement that proves that yo uare confused.
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