World of Warships Blitz - Italian premium battleship "Giulio Cesare" review

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Fun and Games with Terry

Fun and Games with Terry

4 жыл бұрын

To get me back into the groove, I'll be looking at the Italian super-heavy cruiser "Giulio Cesare" today. What do you mean, it's a battleship? No, it bloody well isn't - I don't know what WG were smoking :)
AnsiaOrchestra - Epic Battle Theme
Used with license
Funny Song by BENSOUND
Historical images are public domain

Пікірлер: 50
@kardy12 Жыл бұрын
Picked this ship up in the Black Friday sale and came across this older review of yours - I have to admit, it is still a fun ship to play with! The turning circle is actually good enough that I might try using propulsion mod 1 and 2 to get acceleration and top speed higher. Having the main battery mod 1 for better traverse also seems worth it, even over faster reload, as the speed at which this thing moves and turns is reminiscent of the Scharnhorst two tiers higher. Great ship to gather more commander xp for my Sansonetti.
@excelsior1018 4 жыл бұрын
Nice battle. Giulio Cesare is legit. I've done over 90k damage with her on many occasions. Very fun to play! I put both traverse mods on mine, and it turns crazy good. Thanks for the video!
@FunandGameswithTerry 4 жыл бұрын
As I've pointed out in another comment, the propulsion mod for me is there so I can accelerate out of a dodge, and have better deceleration as well. That's a personal choice, though - I can usually predict when I need to turn, so I can get away with one traverse mod, and speed up much faster out of the turn. Both traverse mods is a legit choice as well.
@angc214 4 жыл бұрын
I just got this ship from a reward crate and have been duly impressed by her. My first battle with her I had 4 kills and 3 citadel hits. Still lost the battle because the rest of my team did nothing.
@FunandGameswithTerry 4 жыл бұрын
She is a very, very good tier 5 BB, especially if you like playing aggressively. For me, the Kongo probably comes closest.
@Shadow-sq2yj 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, I got lucky from a crate as well, from a medium crate with 0.48%. my first battle had 60k damage and I think 3 kills.
@Gozar111 4 жыл бұрын
I’ve had her for a while and she is easily my favourite battleship. She hits hard, you can chase down and kill dd’s and punches well above her weight. She is normally my first ship for the day and she can literally turn a losing battle. Great fun!
@FunandGameswithTerry 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, I'm already using her as a "de-frustrator", just like the Yubari :)
@DPir1320 4 жыл бұрын
Don't normally buy ships outright, but it was on sale. Love this ship.
@FunandGameswithTerry 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, she's not overly expensive, and a seriously good mid-tier BB. If someone wants a premium, but doesn't want to spend outrageous amounts of money, that's a good choice (and it's not often that I recommend a premium ship).
@HighlanderNorth1 3 жыл бұрын
I'd be surprised if they put it on sale anytime soon. People are more than happy to pay full price for them it seems. Anyone know if WG has any intention of releasing an Italian battleship tech tree line?
@Shadow-sq2yj 3 жыл бұрын
I got lucky, I am a f2p player for now.
@wheels-n-tires1846 3 жыл бұрын
Love the Cesare... Might be my fav ship of all... When my cruiser or dd game is off, I can lways seem to get back in the groove with her!!!
@dudditz 4 жыл бұрын
Love it, 140 matches 84%wr 65%mvp 9,x destruction rate (27times sunk) 54k avg dmg Its a beast I use same modules Lower caliber also on warspite is good, in emergency you can do more then decent ap dmg on dd‘s plus its high arc so deck cita is easy Only thing it burns easy..but its np tbh
@FunandGameswithTerry 4 жыл бұрын
The Warspite has 380s on her mains, right? I love that ship as well, the punchy 380 are about my favourite big guns in the game. So far, I've been a bit disappointed by the 400+ calibre.
@dudditz 4 жыл бұрын
381mm cause why not 😋 Guess it takes a while to reach the north caro on your road, but thats my favorite t8 bb very strong in all aspects Im grinding for cleveland now, its a buffed up helena, helena and cleve are awesome aa support ca‘s and dd hunters, the brit t8 eddi got smoke so a keeper too for any ranked/skirmish
@FunandGameswithTerry 4 жыл бұрын
381 to one-up ze Germans, of course :) I personally can't stand the Edinburgh - she's very capable against anything except BBs. Wait until you get the Neptune, and suddenly a whole new world opens up :) I've been very underwhelmed by the USN light cruisers so far - yes, they're good against DDs, but I need a ship that can deal with any class, and so far the Dallas has been a disappointment. We'll see how the Brooklyn turns out. Yeah, it'll take a bit till I hit the NC - I'm not focusing on the USN BB road full time, I've been grinding with Bismarck, Shchors and some others (like the IJN CAs) in parallel, which is why things are progressing at a bit more pedestrian pace. NCs are scary enemies, that I can agree with :)
@dudditz 4 жыл бұрын
Dallas and brooklyn are stinkers, but its worth it to get a cool skirmish ca Even dallas, i dont use HE vs bb firechance sucks and ap lands on the deck doin more dmg
@FunandGameswithTerry 4 жыл бұрын
the alpha damage on these guns is just disastrous. A Dallas firing AP would basically amount to a Leander without torps and smoke screen.... I get that they're meant as support cruisers - screen BBs from DDs, long range fire and AA support etc. I just don't think that concept works very well in a fast-paced random battle. Most of the time, I find myself impotently pew-pewing away at enemy ships, and just not getting enough done to carry a game. Maybe they work better in a division, haven't tried that, but if I was to pit the Dallas against a Galissionnaire, for example, I can do serious damage to the enemy team by myself in the latter, if needed - not so in the former.
@flddoc2 4 жыл бұрын
Hi. I really like your informative channel. I really enjoy this game and you’ve helped me play better. I’d like to ask if you know of a way to get an Italian Cpt? I’ve got this cruiser, I like it but I can’t seem to find a Cpt and it’s more than a little frustrating. I’ve got an ass load (American ass load not the European :o) of every other type. I’ve tried purchasing a Cpt thinking eventually I’d get one but it’s upgrading the Cpt’s I have instead of giving me an Italian one. Any advice? Thanks for what you do. I go by KillerAngel in the game. Admittedly I’m not all that good but I think I’m improving.
@HighlanderNorth1 3 жыл бұрын
What you did at the beginning would get me in trouble with my last fleet, even though what you did was not only reasonable, it was good strategy based on what was happening around you. Instead of capping, you went left after your teammates capped, and while NONE of the enemies attempted to cap on their side. But my old fleet had 2 rules that MUST be followed: 1). Stay alive, DON'T die! 2). ALWAYS CAP, no matter what the situation is, and no matter what ship you are using(except carriers). So I was expected to take my Shchors into the cap, when low tier, against tier 8 battleships, cruisers, destroyers etc. Low tier, light cruisers ARE NOT good for sitting still while holding bases. But "that's no excuse" according to them, even if my team was WAY up on the ship count!
@Shadow-sq2yj 3 жыл бұрын
That's harsh. I think they should change that. But why the capping rules?
@TBB59c 3 жыл бұрын
Can you do a Konigsberg review?
@Richard1976 3 жыл бұрын
Got it today, it's OP.
@TBB59c 3 жыл бұрын
78k damage just in this thing! Probably one of the most overpowered tier 5 battleships
@TBB59c86 2 жыл бұрын
Hi I have something to ask you @Fun and Games with Terry So I had this ship like for a year and then accidentally sold it But when I went toy WG’s website to try to recover it and I started the VRT ticket Giulio Cesare didn’t show up in the select ship option so I can’t recover it Do you know any way that can help? Thx
@FunandGameswithTerry 2 жыл бұрын
Did you end up going through the World of Warships support? That's completely different from Warships Blitz, and they usually can't help. I don't know about the restore feature, but found this for Blitz -
@TBB59c86 2 жыл бұрын
@@FunandGameswithTerry ok thx ill try
@TBB59c86 2 жыл бұрын
@@FunandGameswithTerry oh thx ill try to have the gold for the ship slot thx man if this works i will thank you endlessly😉
@Vrunck 4 жыл бұрын
Here is an example of how powerful that ship was before WG adjusted her. This is a recording I made of me playing in a platoon of 2 Guilio Césare’s on EU server. 68k damage, 3 kills, 5 citadels, 3 modules damaged.
@FunandGameswithTerry 4 жыл бұрын
Nice one! Against the New York at, that's 1 full pen and 9 semi pens - definitely more than I get in the same situation today. And the citadel at looks like it went right into the forward magazines (or the engine room amidships, hard to tell from the video). Not something I've seen it do.
@vrajmodi3207 4 жыл бұрын
Terry plz make guide of gnesinue
@angc214 4 жыл бұрын
Gniesenau. He already did. Look up his past videos.
@FunandGameswithTerry 4 жыл бұрын
I've got a Gneisenau review here: It's a bit older, though, she's been buffed recently, so not all the stats are the same.
@thefidgetspinner2007 3 жыл бұрын
I can never sink that thing when I go against it
@Vrunck 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, use HE at long range and against destroyers. You can wipe out a dd in just over 1 salvo
@Vrunck 4 жыл бұрын
253 games with a 95.69% wr
@FunandGameswithTerry 4 жыл бұрын
Her plunging shells are actually quite good against same-tier or lower-tier deck plating, but she does struggle to penetrate things like the New York or New Mexico. Still, I get at least semi-pens with the AP, which still do more damage than HE semi-pens. Mid-range has been where she felt weakest so far, I'll try switching to HE for those, thanks. Also, she tends to overpen cruisers quite a bit, so maybe HE, especially against IJN CAs.
@Vrunck 4 жыл бұрын
Fun and games with Terry With the release of version 2.3, WG significantly reduced the hitting power of the Giulio Césare. Before this ship was so massively OP and hitting citadels didn’t require aiming at all in most cases. In RAZE we did platoons of 3 Giulio Césares for fun... Pizza boat seal clubbing we joked... It’s still a fun boat however, even though it needs a different approach. You should try this ship with ‘double steering’ installed in slots 2 and 3. Then she is really more manoeuvrable than some cruisers. With HE you can still citadel a BB at 8 km and also sets a decent amount of fires... -> platoon mate recorded this battle a while back
@FunandGameswithTerry 4 жыл бұрын
interesting. I obviously don't have pre-patch experience, since I just got her, and the notes for 2.3 don't mention anything I'm actually struggling a bit against light cruisers, getting a lot of overpens - I wonder if the change was around citadel layout. Some of those citadel hits in the videos you posted were ... yeah, questionable :) I haven't even tried the HE shells yet. I personally like the propulsion mod - rudder shift is good, but you're bleeding a lot of speed, especially when you're actively torp dodging (full-reverse + full shift and turn into the spread). Once you've dodged that spread, you're at low speed, and it's very hard to dodge a subsequent one. Also, propulsion works both ways - reverse is faster, so you "brake" faster.
@lukepae4452 3 жыл бұрын
16:50 you have seen shit if youve heard this music
@tamerlane3931 4 жыл бұрын
they nerfed it :(
@FunandGameswithTerry 4 жыл бұрын
Really? Do you remember which patch that was, or what they changed? I can't remember seeing it in one of the more recent ones.
@gordonlam5398 4 жыл бұрын
There isn't a patch note about the nerf but its accuracy is worse than the time that it just came out. You can check out other videos to see its great accuracy before it got nerfed.
@Vrunck 4 жыл бұрын
Hello Haddock... We have been playing this ship together often
@FunandGameswithTerry 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I've been digging through the recent notes, but couldn't find anything. Accuracy looks definitely monstrous in the videos I've seen.
@tamerlane3931 4 жыл бұрын
it used to get much more citadel hits ...i think it was the last patch...but it's still op t5 bb by far
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