Wrasse only reef tank with 9 Wrasses how it works - part 1

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6 жыл бұрын

Wrasse only reef tank with 9 Wrasses - part 1

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@bozo4761 3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful tank. I have 7 wrasses ,2 tangs,3 dwart angel ,4 claunfish ,grama loreto, and all them live in harmony. I feed them 2-3 times in day.
That is a Red Coris Wrasse......he is one of my favorites....I have had him for several years....he was only a inch long when I got him... LOL...😁
Hi Artur! I do have some snails that live in the sand and are nocturnal. I also have several brittle and serpent stars that also come out at night. With Wrasses like I have I can't have any shrimp, regular snails that are out during the day, or crabs. They would all become a quick question expensive lunch! 😁
@scurvy3810 6 жыл бұрын
Awesome! Would love an all Wrasse system! Ive got 4 in one tank and 5 in another. Hoping. To get 10 into my next upgrade.
Hi Artur! It is normal for newly acquired sand sleeping Wrasses to bury in the sand for several days upon introduction. 8 days is a bit long, but my Moyers Leopard buried for three weeks when I first put him in the tank. A couple things to do.... don't go looking for the Wrasse in the sand and disturb him.... second make sure the Wrasses are not being bullied by other tank mates, and third keep frozen Mysis or the food you have on hand thawed out and ready to go. When you do see them out make sure and toss food in there. Remember a fish that eat is a fish that lives.....
@RogueAquariums 6 жыл бұрын
Nice that you're able to these wrasses together. I love wrasse myself. 👍 what size tank are they in now?
@christemple6311 4 жыл бұрын
My dream tank!
Thanks Chris! Always a work in progress! LOL! 😁
@arturmi100 5 жыл бұрын
Hi My peacock wrasse stay in a sand for 8 days now. I saw her 9nes after 3 day then she dived in a sand . I don't know where is she at the moment. What do you think ? And baby red corris hide for second day now . Is it normal ?
Yea you should....for yrs a I always had angels, tangs, and Blennies with Wrasses....I had a tank issue and lost my angels and Blenny, so now I have 9 Wrasses, and I decided to keep it all Wrasses! Any ideas on which Wrasses you will put in your tank?
@evandevita7664 3 жыл бұрын
I have a little ornate leopard in my tank :)
@jakobmichael97 3 жыл бұрын
Your wrasse tank is awesome! I have always loved these fish and If I start a marine tank again in the future I will definately do a wrasse tank too. Have you tried breeding wrasses? How would an ideal setting for that? Just one male and one female in a tank?
Hi there! Thank you! You should definitely do a wrasse tank! They are my favorite fish. I have never tried to breed them. I do have 3 blue star leopard wrasses, but they are all female. I am hoping one turns into a male. The best thing to do is to buy a group of them, like 3 females and one will turn male. Make sure you have at least a 2 inch sand bed. They sleep in the sand!
@jakobmichael97 3 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL yes, I always read about wrasse living in harems under natural conditions. Would be an exciting project, If I decide to start a marine tank again I will definately give it a try! I especially love the different corus wrasses and I might even try a mediterranean setup with coris julis.
@arturmi100 5 жыл бұрын
@i_cant_think8947 3 жыл бұрын
My dream is to have atleast one leopard wrasse in the future but I have a 20g tank at the minute (18”x12”x18”) so that dream I highly doubt will happen in the near future especially with how I have a pinstripe wrasse, dot dash blenny, and a yasha goby the naoko wrasse that’s in is temporary till it’s big enough for the 4 foot tank with 4 other wrasse (Scott’s, Iridis, Jade and Lubbock’s) along with a bristle tooth tang that’s peaceful with newcomers in the tank
In that size tank with a Thalasoma species like the moon Wrasse you should be fine. Keep in mind though that they get big, and can eat smaller fish.
Sure Artur! 1. Red Coris Wrasse 2. Earmuff Wrasse 3. Melegris Leopard Wrasse X 2 4. Blue Star Leopard Wrasse X 2 5. Yellow Coris Wrasse X 2 6. Solar Fairy Wrasse 7. Male Melanarus Wrasse 8. Moyers Leopard Wrasse
@arturmi100 5 жыл бұрын
@johnatella8498 9 ай бұрын
So, you don't quarantine your wrasses. I did three. I was told to use a low level dose of copper, but it was, I think, too much. Wondering why you don't put them in a non-medicated quarantine tank. Also, do you recommend any for a FOWLR tank with snails.
Nope I don't QT any wrasses, or any of my fish. I know it is risky, but I am not a fan of copper even in low doses. In a FOWLR tank with snails you have a lot of Wrasse options. Fairy and flasher wrasses would leave inverts alone for sure. Leopards are pretty good with inverts too, but with Leopards make sure you have a sand bed! 🙂
@dizzlerizzle2775 3 жыл бұрын
how many gallons and would you think the red coriise would luve with a red fairy wrasse
Hi. I would say a juvenile would be ok in a 75 gallon for a while, but would need a 180 gallon as a full adult. They get really large when full grown. I had a fairy wrasse with him with no issues.
@johnatella8498 9 ай бұрын
Is pool sand okay for wrasses while they are in quarantine? I am trying to limit new diseases as I can't medicate with copper due to Wrasse/copper sentsitivity.
As long as the sand is a small grade. Like I use Fiji Pink sand in my tank. It has to be pretty fine sand so they don't get injured when they bury.
@SkyDaddyExpress 5 жыл бұрын
I would like to get a moon wrasse for my mixed 220 gallon. Should I do it? ....
Yeah in a 220 they would be ok. Keep in mind a lunar Wrasse can get really aggressive!
@us2tohell 3 жыл бұрын
How long did it take for your red coris wrasse to change color? Thanks
@Paul Rubinchik Hi....he started to change at about 3 inches or so.
@jorgillotoys8484 5 жыл бұрын
What type of wrass is the one that looks red with yellow tail
@i_cant_think8947 3 жыл бұрын
Red coris wrasse
@glub9075 23 күн бұрын
I know this is an old video but early on you say that the yellow 'coris' wrasse and the red coris wrasse are in the same family, they are not. The yellow one is Halichoeres chrysus and the red one is Coris gaimard. So different genus, the coris wrasses get alot larger, are more destructive and more agressive. Just wanted to point this out
@glub9075 Yeah that video is way old. I totally misspoke in that video. I have kept both the Coris Gaimard and Halichoeres Chrysus, I favor the Red Coris, I do respectfully disagree that the Red Coris is aggressive and destructive. In my opinion Thalasoma wrasses are much more aggressive. That is my experience, and of course every fish is different with their own personalities. So I personally refrain from using blanket statements about fish in this hobby, nothing is 100%. 😁
@glub9075 23 күн бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL yeah the red coris wrasses are okay but some of the other ones from experience arent super friendly. I was just meaning like in comparison to halichoeres wrasses. In my 500 gallon I had a spottail coris wrasse and it would pick up rocks and drop them like a triggerfish so it had to be rehomed, I have had similar experiences prior with other wrasses in the same genus but the red coris from my experiences seems to be the most peaceful.
Hi! Thank you! They are in a 80 gallon......😁
@deusarlenu6185 4 жыл бұрын
Do u think this would be doable in a 50 gallon tank but lower scale like around 4 or 5 wrasses?
@deusarlenu6185 4 жыл бұрын
Smaller types of wrasses
@@deusarlenu6185 Yeah for sure that can work! Pick the smaller Wrasses, yellow Coris, Leopards, fairy or flasher Wrasses....they would all work. Make sure you pick ones that don't top out over 5 inches or so when fully grown! Hope that helps! 😊
@deusarlenu6185 4 жыл бұрын
@deusarlenu6185 4 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL also one more thing is this tank still a thing today if yes can u make a new video about it?
@fadetoblack.- 5 жыл бұрын
What's your opinion on a dragon wrasse in a full-blown reef tank.
Hi there! In a Reef Tank I think a Dragon Wrasse would be fine. The only thing to keep in mind is they will eat shrimp, hermit crabs etc. I keep some snails and serpent stars that are nocturnal so my Wrasses leave them alone! Nice choice... Dragon Wrasses are cool looking Wrasses! 😁
@fadetoblack.- 5 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL you think I could get by with no sand on the bottom I'm doing SPS bare bottom
You would need some sand in there because they sleep in the sand and hide in the sand when scared.
@fadetoblack.- 5 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL I heard they can adapt to sleeping underneath a rock. I had one 22 years ago. But I just couldn't remember the behavior patterns. Do you think they would adapt without the sand?
IMO you could try it, but it is natural for them to sleep in the sand in the wild, so by not having sand he may or may not adapt. You could place a Tupperware container of sand in the tank for him to sleep in if you are doing bare bottom, or possibly consider a wrasse that doesn't sleep in the sand like Fairy or Flasher Wrasses, or any of the Thalasoma Wrasses.
@CastlesInValley 5 жыл бұрын
Hello but wanted to inquire Do you have any shrimp or snails in your tank. Thank you
Hi there! Nope I have no shrimp, but I do have nocturnal snails that stay in the sand all day and only come out at night. Also I have several nocturnal serpent stars too. Any other invert the Red Coris Wrasse will eat.
@CastlesInValley 5 жыл бұрын
WRASSE REEF CHANNEL thank you so helpful love the way wrasse look but I have shrimp cleaner peppermint fire and nausarius snails including turbos and hermits so I love wrasse but just don’t want these guys getting eaten after all this time. I m Looking for a wrasse that will not eat them but all have a bad rap and the ones that are maybe safe are not that colorful. But again million thanks appreciate the time. If you know of a good looking wrasse please let me know of course I know each fish is different. Thanks
@@CastlesInValley hi there! Thanks and you are more than welcome! My Solar Fairy Wrasse is reef safe and won't harm inverts....stays very colorful too. You might want to look into fairy or flasher Wrasses. Very invert safe with lots of color! 😁
@@CastlesInValley Leopard Wrasses are safe with shrimp and snails!
@BonesSaw1979 3 жыл бұрын
I just got a sailfin fairy wrasse in a 45 gallon. Was looking to add another pest eating wrasse (smaller). Any suggestions to avoid aggression?
@Toolio Jones....Hi there! I suggest a Yellow Coris Wrasse. Peaceful and hardy. Nice looking fish too!
@BonesSaw1979 3 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL canary wrasse? I know people get confused between canary and coris the two
@@BonesSaw1979 LOL! Yeah sorry, I am used to Yellow Coris, but yeah a Canary Wrasse would be perfect for your size tank. I have had several over the years and all have been peaceful. A great community tank member, and good for a smaller tank. 😁
@BonesSaw1979 3 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL thanks! You have a great tank and wonderful fish.
@@BonesSaw1979 Thanks a bunch! If you ever have any more questions feel free to ask! I love Wrasses, and I have had some really great ones, but some are very aggressive! Make sure to stay away from the Six Line Wrasse. They are pretty, but little demons.
@BoY860 3 жыл бұрын
Which one is the big wrasse?
Hi there! Unfortunately my large Red Coris who was about 9 inches died last year. So I no longer have a big wrasse. My China Wrasse and Earmuff wrasse will get to he 9 inches or so when fully grown, but they are still young. They ate slow growers.
@AbsoluteZero6714 3 жыл бұрын
Red Coris and Yellow “Coris” are not from the same family. Red Coris (Coris gaimard) is an actual Coris while the Yellow Wrasse belongs to the family Halichoeres. It’s technically called the Canary / Yellow Wrasse, with the “Coris” only a reference to its bodily resemblance with the true Coris wrasses. Nice tank BTW! How did you lose your other fish though. :(
Hi Andrew! Yeah you are right. Here in the Midwest we call them Yellow Coris instead of Golden Wrasse. Yeah last February I left the cover off my tank for a few minutes, found my Red Coris behind my tank a few days later. I was bummed. Had him for almost 5 years.
@AbsoluteZero6714 3 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL Sorry to hear about your loss. :( That hurts especially when you’ve had a fish for so long, but regardless of that it hurts. How long have the rest of your wrasses been with you for? And I’m very familiar with the name Yellow Coris by the way. :) See it a lot on Reef 2 Reef and elsewhere.
@@AbsoluteZero6714 Yeah Yellows are common and cheap. I traded mine in. My other Wrasses have been with me two years on up to five years .
@andym209 4 жыл бұрын
How many can you have in a 330 litre
Hi andym! That's around 87 gallons....so depending on what other fish you have, you can probably get 5 or 6 Wrasses. If you get smaller ones you can probably fit a few more in there. Just watch for aggression though.
@i_cant_think8947 3 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL I have a tanaka possum wrasse in a 60 litre (15g) tank but if I ever upgrade (we have a 3ft 75g or so tank in storage) what wrasse would be best with that? I also have a yellow head jawfish and yasha goby
@@i_cant_think8947 Hi there! In a 75 gallon tank you could go with Flasher Wrasses, Fairy Wrasses, a Canary Wrasse too. Or any of the leopards as long as you have a sand bed.
@i_cant_think8947 3 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL okay, thanks :))
@portwolf2293 5 жыл бұрын
How deep should the sandbed be?
Hi Jeremy! I good depth would be a minimum of 2 inches deep for sand sleeping Wrasses. I keep mine 2-3 inches deep.
@portwolf2293 5 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL thanks for the reply 👍
@@portwolf2293 you are welcome!!! 😀
@mimounaoulghazi 2 жыл бұрын
@ThatCarGuy 4 жыл бұрын
Im getting a melanurus wrasse and a ornate leopard wrasse. Will be introduced to tank 2 days apart. Melanurus first.(today) and getting the ornate on friday. Hopefully they do well. Most forums say they should do okay. But all fish are different.
They should get along great. Both are great fish!!! 😁
@ThatCarGuy 4 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL Thanks for the response, the ornate leopard wrasse is really stunning, so i can't wait. Amazing to see so many in a single tank(yours)
@@ThatCarGuy I can't wait to see pics of yours! Wrasses are my favorite! They are so active!
@ThatCarGuy 4 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL ​ Ill try and take a video, hopefully they come alive and don't hide to long. Where i got it from already sold out on the Ornate leopard wrasse the day after they listed it loll so hopefully it comes alive and well(one of the issues is its not the best wrasse for shipping, gets stressed easily from my research) and they don't have anymore to reship if it does come dead. (ill get a refund but i'd rather have the fish haha)
@@ThatCarGuy absolutely! I would love to see it! Both of them sleep in the sand. But with my male Melenarus he didn't hide in the sand when first introduced. But all my Leopards hid for a few days. So don't get worried if you don't see them for bit! LOL! Have plenty of mysis on hand. My Leopards love mysis. Get them eatting ASAP! I am excited for you!!! 😁
@flashkandy 3 жыл бұрын
Is that a Red Serpent Star?
Yep it sure is! 😁
@flashkandy 3 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL I have 10 or more wrasses in my tank and also a Red Serpent. I get worried about my Hardwick eating it sometimes. Lol
@@flashkandy LOL! Yeah my Red Coris Wrasse ate some legs off him, and eventually finished him off. I haven't bought a Red Serpent star when I moved everything to my 200 gallon. Too costly to end up as dinner.
@xieulong 4 жыл бұрын
My new Yellow corris wrasse is still under the sand.. it's been 2 weeks.. wtf?
Xieulong......that is kind of long.... don't give up yet though. I had them go as long as 3 weeks. How did you acclimate him? Yellow Coris Wrasses are pretty tough.
@xieulong 4 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL I have the bag floating in the tank, then every 5 mins I put in a shot glass worth of aquarium water. once the salinity is close... into the tank he goes lol. I thin it maybe the Melanurus wrasse bullying him or something.
@@xieulong oh I gotcha. That is possible. They are both a halicoris ( I think I spelled that wrong...lol) species of Wrasse. Has he eaten at all....or has he just stayed under the sand? I had a yellow Coris stay under 6 weeks one time. With Wrasse aggression it is 50/50. Some times they work it out, other times they don't. But Melenarous and yellow Coris are less aggressive, so they would be more likely to work it out. They key is for your yellow Wrasse to come out more and eat, plus get used to the Melenarous.
@xieulong 4 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL I havent seen him since putting him in the tank. Went for the sand right after he checked out the tank for like 20 seconds. He's probably coming out at night when I sleep. There're plenty of pods so I dont think he'll starve. We'll see I guess.
@@xieulong Hang in there! I know it's tough....that's the worst part of buying sand burying Wrasses. Try Leopards.....I used to loose sleep after adding them to the tank. Especially how much they can cost!
@bozo4761 3 жыл бұрын
My wrasses also eat nori (seaweed )
Mine too! LOL!
@ajiarofah7633 2 жыл бұрын
Wrasse is hardy fish of marine parasite
Hi! That is correct. They are pretty tough as long as you get a good specimen!
@anthonybohr4775 2 жыл бұрын
Fish seem to have some parasites bothering them they are rubbing off of sand and rocks
LOL....a lot of people have that mis conception when it comes to wrasses. They bounce off of the sand in search of food. If you have ever been diving wrasses in the wild exhibit this same behavior. Also the wrasses I have, leopards, anampses, coris, halichorus, are unlikely to get skin parasites due to their thick slime coat.
@CrazyConure 2 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL Not true. Your blue star has flukes. It is not searching for food, it is scratching.
@@CrazyConure I am sorry to disagree with you, my blue star and non of my fish have flukes.....you could easily Google wrasse behavior and find that is how they search for food. I have had my wrasses for several years. Flukes kill relatively fast.
@adampakla 4 жыл бұрын
see your fish flashing off the sand, look like you might have ich
Adams mustang....if you knew Wrasses they bounce off the sand all the time, it is a natural behavior for them, that is one way they look for food! 😁
@adampakla 4 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL well I learned something new today..thats cool thanks for the tip
@@adampakla Anytime! Yeah that it is common with Wrasses because they are always searching for food in the substrate. In the wild if you drive or snorkel you will all kinds of Wrasses bouncing off the ocean floor or digging in the sand! LOL! 😁
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