Y/n Routledge x Jj Maybank x Pope Hayward

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@esmexblack 10 ай бұрын
Part 2 cause I'm bored 😅 Pope: you still have feelings for JJ right? Y/n: No...Yes...Maybe...I..I don't know Pope: why don't you just tell him? Y/n: He broke up with me for a reason Pope Pope: He loves you Y/n Y/n but he has never been in love with me, Pope: I... Y/n: Pope it feels weird to be talking about this considering me and you just broke up Pope: Y/n, when we started this I knew you were in love with JJ and you knew I loved Kie, I think we both know we were just heartbroken and wanted someone there Y/n: Yea...you're right, I'm sorry Pope Pope: don't be sorry, its mutual and we'll always be best friends right? (smiling) Y/n - Always (smiling) *You guys do the pogue handshake and you head inside the chateau while Pope makes his way home, as soon as you get inside you feel someone grab your arm* Y/n: omg you scared me JB John B: sorry I just have a favor to ask Y/n: sure what's up? John B: Do you think you can stay at kies tonight? Y/n: Sarah? John B: Yea.... Y/n: .... John B: Please Y/n *sighs* okay fine John B: thank you I owe you one Y/n: You owe me way more than one John B: You can go now Y/n: how polite *You gather your things and head to kies, you are about to knock when suddenly you see someone coming out of her window* Y/n: Jj? Part 3 in the comments
@sarahbilicki 10 ай бұрын
@sarahbilicki 10 ай бұрын
HEYYY I SAW IT BEFORE!! it was so good! remind me!
@esmexblack 10 ай бұрын
❗️PART 3❗️ (it was erased when I put it in the original comment) *Jj sees you and his eyes widen* Jj: Y/n! What are you doing here? Y/n: I came to ask if I could sleepover Jj: John B kicked you out again little routledge? (he says cheekily smirking) Y/n: I VOLUNTARILY left I definitely did not get kicked out of my own...omg I got kicked out of my own house Jj: Took you long enough to figure that out Y/n: Shut up (you say rolling your eyes playfully) so your turn what are you doing here? Jj: I...I was just Y/n: You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, it's alright *You both just stand there in silence for a bit until you decide to break it* Y/n: Anyways I should... Jj: Wait, uh I don't think they'll let you stay over Y/n: What? Why? Jj: They put kie on lockdown because she got home "later than curfew" (he says rolling his eyes) Y/n: Well thats just great (you say throwing your hands up) Jj: You can come stay at my house if you want to Y/n: I... Jj: I don't mind, I mean you've done it before Y/ns mind: Yea when we were dating Y/n: I don't think thats a good idea Jj: I'm not letting you wonder alone cupcake so you either get on the bike or I drag you on Y/n: (you bite your lip anxiously) okay fine but I'm driving Jj: Yes ma'am (he says soluting) Y/n: And...umm...please don't call me cupcake Jj: Oh uh yea sorry I didn't Y/n: Its fine don't worry about it *You grab the keys and go on the bike, Jj soon follows, and while driving you feel Jjs arms go around your waist* Y/n: what are you doing? (you say nervously) Jj: Do you want me to fall? Y/n: No... Jj: Then you know what I'm doing *You take a deep breath deciding to try to ignore the warmth around your waist and focus on driving, soon you arrive and Jj slowly removes his arms from your waist sending chills up your spine, you take one more deep breath before heading inside* Jj: My dads not here so I'll take the couch Y/n: Or I can take the couch (you say grabbing a blanket) Jj: I'm not gonna let you... Y/n: I'm not giving you a choice (you say giving him a death stare) Jj: You always have to be so stubborn don't you (he says rolling his eyes playfully) Y/n: Took you long enough to figure that out (you say smirking quoting him) *You both start laughing and then suddenly you look up to see Jj staring, you can't help but stare back, your heart starts racing as you look deep into his oceanic eyes, memories start racing in your mind about every time he looked at you like this, those now bittersweet memories. You stayed there for a while until the day of the breakup came into your mind, everything shattered, you looked away, silently scolding yourself* Y/n: Umm I'm tired, imma head to bed Jj: Y/n I... Y/n: Goodnight Jj: I'm sorry I hurt you *Jj walks away leaving you to your thoughts keeping you awake* Y/ns mind: How dare he apologize now and how dare he still have this effect on me (tears start to form in your eyes) I can't do this *You get off the couch and pack up your stuff, quietly leaving the house, you look back a tear falling from your eyes, as you start moving forward you feel a hand cover your mouth* ???: Don't scream Part 4?
@sarahbilicki 10 ай бұрын
@@esmexblack yea!!
@sarahbilicki 10 ай бұрын
@@esmexblack ohh yea that is! they’re really good tho!
@mackennajohnson Жыл бұрын
I still have some tear cause I cried watching this
@Just-Another-Obx-Editor 11 ай бұрын
me tooo
@Aaliyah_Sturnilio Жыл бұрын
Why did I actually cry
@Giulssturniolo143 Жыл бұрын
@ImaginebeingyouLOL 11 ай бұрын
No crying it said all your tear had been used up! Angel-2023 Ps: if you didn’t know it’s a joke
@Editsmarada Ай бұрын
FUN FACT: the girl who plays Kiara ( Madison Bailey ) came to my school track meet earlier this school year!! And outer banks is filmed in my state!! My friend mom works on their set!!
@Itsxstarz Ай бұрын
@Itsxstarz Ай бұрын
Why did she come
@avocadokitty907 Ай бұрын
@Just-Another-Obx-Editor Ай бұрын
@Editsmarada Ай бұрын
@@Itsxstarz her relative goes to the school
@urhomie-mz7hy 11 ай бұрын
Pope:well I have to go bye y/n see you tomorrow.(you bang your head against the wood) Y/n:how could I be so stupid no one will love me I’m ungrateful peace of shit that need to just kill her self I mean look at me compared to kie no wonder jj chose her I’m fat and ugly and worthless. Jb:no you are not you are my perfect little sister and always will be and who cares what they think I love y/n and don’t you forget that okay.(he hugs you while you just cry then jj and kie comes over to tell you something) Kie:omg what happed enough about that well guess what me and jj are officially dating. Y/n:I have to go. Kie:what’s your problem can’t you be happy for someone once in your life gosh.(you turn around and walk up to her and say) Y/n:what do you think I’m going to do I just got broken up with and your dating my ex it’s not a bad thing but I’ve also got issues okay and my dad our dad just dispersed and I don’t know where okay and my anxiety makes it worse so sorry for not saying I’m happy for you and one thing you should know I hurt myself what do you where this came from so there you go I’m happy for you is that what you wanted to hear me say!!! Kie:yes Part three???
@davidjohnson6150 11 ай бұрын
I need a part three
@urhomie-mz7hy 11 ай бұрын
Y/n:you are the most kookiest person I have ever met! Kie:dramaaaa.(you trun around and punch her she falls down and you get on top of her and beat her up) Jj:y/n get off her. Y/n:okay but one thing I hate her I did so many good things about her bu- Jj:you just yelled in her face about your life. Jb:before y’all came over here she was saying bad stuff about herself an- Y/n:don’t tell them like kieara did drama and I don’t like that shit so yah I’m leaving. Jb:she said no wonder Jj chose kie she’s perfect and I’m fat and ugly and worthless she wanted to kill herself. Jj:why? Jb:did you just not here me or what! But there’s more to that story. Y/n:I’m going on the boat ride and I only want jb to go. Jj:bye y/n. Y/n:bye jj?(y’all get on the boat and here someone scream for help and you go over there and see a little girl drowning so you go and save her) Y/n:are you okay. Y/lg:umm I don’t know. Y/n:do you know where you live. Y/lg:the rich side of the island.(you take off and jb comes up to and asks) Jb:how did you learn to do that. Y/n:I’m a lifeguard. Jb:I’m actually going to admit that’s a good job.(y’all go pass jj and Kie making out you look at jb then rool your eyes) Jj:why are y’all going that way. Jb:where going to drop of this kid after y/n saving her she’s a lifeguard. Jj:okay see you when you get back bye cupcake. Y/n:bye. Jb:are you okay kiddo. Y/lg:yes and where here. Y/n:you live with rafe? Y/lg:no I’m toppers little sister. Y/n:oh okay well bye(y’all head back and see a party going on) Jb:oooh party. Y/n:what the hell happened here. Jj:I envied people here.(you go in your room and see two random people kissing) Y/n:hey little shits get out of my room! Jj:y/n what’s your problem like your different every sense we broke up. Y/n:we’ll maybe I don’t want people kissing in my room! Y/n:I have to go. Jj:no I want to know what’s bothering you so much because I miss the old y/n that got high with me and drunk and surf I miss her. Y/n:come you wanna know. Jj:yes I do. Y/n:okay so when pope broke up with me I couldn’t even cry but I was heartbroken and he asked why wasn’t I crying well because all of those tears were used up. Jj:by who. Y/n:by you jj and I j-just can’t with you sometimes and I hate to break it up to you but when we got drunk or high we where flirting and no way and hell I’m doing that to kie. Jj:… Part 4?????
@urhomie-mz7hy 11 ай бұрын
@@davidjohnson6150 it’s out
@briiii5688 11 ай бұрын
@@urhomie-mz7hypart 4 please!!!!
@urhomie-mz7hy 11 ай бұрын
@@briiii5688 I will
@Just-Another-Obx-Editor Жыл бұрын
Please subscribe and like! I would really appreciate it🫶🏻 edit: Dayum! 7.3k view and 547 like! Tysm everyone!🫶
@mollyfeingold13 11 ай бұрын
Love your profile pic lol
@Just-Another-Obx-Editor 11 ай бұрын
@@mollyfeingold13i love it too 😂
@IloveBrownie-and-Buddy 10 ай бұрын
@maleia_atkinson 10 ай бұрын
I would’ve broken up with u a long time ago.😂 I mean.. it’s JJ MAYBANK. HOTTEST GUY IN THE OBX.. NO THE WORLD❤
@Just-Another-Obx-Editor 10 ай бұрын
@BonzaiRhy 4 ай бұрын
​@@Just-Another-Obx-Editor rafe is a close second
@OuterbanksP4L. 6 ай бұрын
at first, I didn’t understand then I realized, and I started crying
@The3Amigas-bp4vr 6 күн бұрын
Part 2 because I can't fall asleep 🤗 Background info : You and Jj were tighter for 3 years until he cheated and and still has never told you just broke up with you so you think you did something wrong. After you and pope started having feelings and started dating for a year until po started to have feelings towards Kiara Pope : why aren't you crying - Y/n : I've been threw this with to many people ..... I'm just used to it . Pope : I'm sorry ...... I just don't wanna be Jj and cheat so I thought this is better ? Y/n : wdym Jj cheated ? Pope : Jj cheated on you multiple times during your relationship with random girls and then Kie so he felt so bad for not telling you so he just broke up with you and never told you then to,d usto not tell you - oh wait I'm telling you are I ? Y/n : oh .... I'm ganna go to the beach .... - You'd run over to the beach wearing a white bikini with jean shorts - Topper : you look fine as always Y/n : I'm always running into exes ugh Topper : I'm your favirote tho right ? Y/n: topper your one of like one hundred so idk- .... wait. What do you want ? Topper : look. I'm trying to impress this new girl at figure 8 academy so I was wondering since you owe me for acting like your boyfriend so you can get Jj you can act as mine. So I can get this girl ! Y/n: fine..... Topper : starting now ? Y/n: fineeeseeee - as you slid off your jean shorts revealing your small white bikini he would look you up and down - Y/n : I know I'm hot . ( you'd laugh playfully ) - he would pick you up and throw you in the water - Y/n: TOPPERRR! - Jj would walkover - Jj : hey..... Y/n : hey cheater . Jj : how do you know ? Y/n: doesn't matter . Topper: Jj I think bows goodtime to go Jj : what are you twoback together or something ? Y/n : well topper asked me out to midsummers just now- Jj: what did you say ? Y/n : maybe, why does it matter ? Jj: I'm ganna go- Topper : I'm ago over to rafes later loser Y/n : later thortan ! Part 3????
@LeilaniPemberton 3 ай бұрын
Was is this making me cry
@P4L-OBX-sr1fv 3 ай бұрын
If I was lucky enough to date JJ and he broke up with me I would be to hurt to ever love or date anyone ever again Not just like the first boyfriend oh I’m devastated but like the i prolly need to go get professional help cause I’m dying inside kinda thing Or If he died I would need someone with me at all times to keep an eye on me and I would possibly need to go to the mental hospital to keep my self alive ❤❤
@urhomie-mz7hy Жыл бұрын
Why am I crying man this is just so so idk
@Just-Another-Obx-Editor 11 ай бұрын
@Emslife12 11 ай бұрын
@Kendalgoins Жыл бұрын
You should do more of pope ❤❤
@Just-Another-Obx-Editor Жыл бұрын
I will hopefully in the future!!!
@Just-Another-Obx-Editor Жыл бұрын
Just posted one of pope!❤
@KristinaLemasters 9 ай бұрын
JJso hot
@Lucy_Editz1234 Ай бұрын
@Notyourglxmorousgirlxo Жыл бұрын
Part 2!
@Just-Another-Obx-Editor 11 ай бұрын
someone wrote a pt2 its pinned
@Notyourglxmorousgirlxo 11 ай бұрын
@esmexblack 10 ай бұрын
I made a part 2 and 3 if you wanna check it out?
@rubygriffith13 Жыл бұрын
what happened
@urhomie-mz7hy 11 ай бұрын
We broke up with jj and so did pope
@emma01749 9 ай бұрын
Part 2 P:why dont you go talk to jj. Y/n: i would but he likes kie so it wouldnt change anyrhing P: Oh... Im so sorry but I need head back my pops is probably worried sick Y/n: its ok im going back home anyways bye pope P:Bye y/n (Does handshake) At the chateau: Y/n: oh Hi john b quic.. Jb: can you go to kies maybe I'm having sarah over Y/n: oh. Yes of course let me go pack You get there and you see jj and kie joking and having fun. You get sad and just walk off when it finally gets dark you decide to go to a park. Yn: why am i just not good enough for anyone? Why? ?: youre good enough for me y/n Yn:Rafe what are you doing here Rafe: its my dad i just came here to get some air and then I saw you and I came over. Do you want to talk about it? Y/n: No not really I just want to sit here (He sits next to and tou pit tour head on his shoulder.) Y/n: thank you rafe. U want to listen to music? Rafe: of course and im happy i saw you ive been upset recently Y/n: do u want to talk abt it? Rafe: no thank you. ( yall end up falling asleep) At the chateau: Kie and Jj arrive together Jb: hi wheres y/n .. kie? Kie: i dont know why? Jb: she was supposed to go over to your house last night bc I had sarah over? Kie: oh no I dont know where she is. (Jj is worries about you. What you dont know is that Jj was at Kies to ask adive to get you back.) Back at the park Rafe: good morning.. I cant believe we slept on this bench. Y/n: but it was comfortable Rafe: yes it was. Do you want to go get breakfast? Y/n: yes please Rafe: maybe we could talk about what happend Y/n: yeah At the chateau: Jb: where is she at? This was all my fault. Kie can we go back to your house and see if shes there Kie+jj: yes lets go They arrive at kies place They are looking and jj sees something Jj: guys her braclet i mdae her its on thr ground why did she take it off. Jb: I dont know nut it was her favorote braclet ever (At the restaunt:) Rafe: can we just have 2 pancakes and water please Waiter: yes coming right out Rafe: So are you ready to talk Y/n: umm where do I start.. Ok so basically Jj and I used to date but then he broke up with me. I dont know why. but a couple of days later i really missed him and i was crying and sh and all that. But one day pope saw how sad I was and asked to go talk. Then I realized I could talk to pope and he could talk to me. So we got together secretly but then we just broke up yesterday. ( you started to tear up and he relalises and gives you a hug. (The other pogues see and jj gets upset and walks away so do the other pogues) Yn: thank you rafe but I should get back Rafe: ok just call me whenever At the chateau: Jb: y/n we were so worried why did you not go to kies. Jj+kie: we were so worried all you could do is just stare at pope and he knew someting was wrong Pope: guys let her go ( he takes you to your room and aits on the bed) Jj get jealous and so does kie Pope: will you tell me please Y:n yes so I went over to kies bc jb had sarah over and I saw that jj was over there and all the flashbcaks hit me. So i took off my braclet and I left. And i bumped into rafe and we talked i told him that i used to sh P: what.. bc of jj Y/n yes i loved him and he went to kie Pope storms put the room and goes to jj and punches him P: how dare you you played with her feeling anf she hurt herself because you left her you hurt her so bad and you also went to kies after I told you I had feelings for kie . But that didnt matter anyways did it you care about yourself and only your self. Jb: goes ti check up on you and he sees you crying and he just sits next to you and hugs you ypu asked what happend Jb told you and you got worried and went out there to check it. Kie was with pope talking to him and you saw them kiss and hug but the you looked at jj who was already looking at you sadly and you saw his eye and ran to grab the first aid tou topd hime to go inside with you Y/n im so sorry i really am Jj: no i am i didnt know and im sorry Yn: its ok He kisses you amd you kiss back and you realize that you are in love with him and he realizes the same. The end if you want more just comment plz
@Just-Another-Obx-Editor 9 ай бұрын
love. you should continue
@Wolf_1616 8 ай бұрын
This is so good! You should totally make another part! If you do make another part can you pls tag me??
@Carolinefhfjfjfiejebdjkdfiof 8 ай бұрын
Plssssss make More i love this🩵🩵🩵🩵
@Aaliyah_Sturnilio 11 ай бұрын
Did JJ die or did we break up 😢
@Just-Another-Obx-Editor 11 ай бұрын
It’s up to you! But for me he died
@Nancy-zr2zs 11 ай бұрын
P2 please and if you do tag me
@Just-Another-Obx-Editor 11 ай бұрын
@@Nancy-zr2zssomeone wrote a pt2 its pinned
@urhomie-mz7hy 11 ай бұрын
@@Just-Another-Obx-Editor I thought it was just a break up for the video I didn’t know he died that just a dark turn
@Just-Another-Obx-Editor 11 ай бұрын
@@urhomie-mz7hy lol it can be whatever
@Misspankow 10 ай бұрын
K I like Pope but not in taht way..
@Just-Another-Obx-Editor 10 ай бұрын
yes me to
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