You don’t have to do all the things

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Farmhouse on Boone

Farmhouse on Boone

4 күн бұрын

Thanks Wander for sponsoring this week's video. We loved our trip to the Michigan Shores! Create an account for the chance to win a 2-night luxury stay:
Farmhouse Favorites Sourdough (50+ pages with all of my sourdough recipes)-

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@kathys9786 Күн бұрын
Raised my children in the 80's. They were not allowed to stay out until the street lights came on even then. We had the same worries over our children as today's moms. Parent's need to learn to say no to their children. No computer. No cell phone. No video games. No running the streets. No overnight sleepovers. Take those things away and imaginations will soar.
@Graceking76 Күн бұрын
I raised my three kids in the 80s and even though we didn’t have to deal with social media, thankfully, we had our own problems to deal with. There was a lot on TV and in movies that didn’t reflect our values that had to be avoided. I live in a place where I couldn’t let my kids stay outside all day without me having them to check in every so often. Also, I was one of the few mothers who chose not to work outside the home and I faced a lot of judgment for that, which didn’t deter me but wasn’t pleasant. When I decided to homeschool my kids, which wasn’t common at the time, people acted like I had lost my mind! We had the “perfect” moms to compare ourselves to back then, too. They held down a job, ran PTA, had an immaculate home, and always had perfect hair and makeup, etc. 😂
@TJ-kz1ul Күн бұрын
yeah, lol my husband's brother and sister-in law did that---typical strict pastor parents who said no to absolutely everything. Their kids exploded with wildness when they turned 18, and snuck things behind their parent's back long before then. The only reason we found out about this is when our kids became old enough to be friends with their cousins and wow, did we learn stuff about their so-called perfect, pastor's family and what our nephews were really like!! The youngest nephew is 22 and we are very worried about him because he's making one bad decision after another. It's such a cliche to say what you are saying and assume you will end up with these perfect kids, but it doesn't work that way!!
@susannokovic7287 12 сағат бұрын
@@Graceking76 why no sleepovers! ? Never could understand those mom's!! 🤔Those were the best times for me and my friends. We're still close friends to this day and reminisce about how fun they were!!
@lemarge2140 11 сағат бұрын
@@susannokovic7287because a lot of abuse can happen behind literally closed doors. That’s why.
@My6monthtransformation_ 4 сағат бұрын
@@susannokovic7287a lot of abuse
@lindasewell1810 5 сағат бұрын
Wow the phrase you can do anything but you don’t have have to do everything stuck in my head. Retired three years ago and tackled homemaking full force and volunteering for everything. I’m ready to slow down and only do what brings me joy. Thank you Lisa for your wise words!
@tammyleviner3070 Күн бұрын
So much truth!! I was a youth in the early to mid 70's, graduated high school in 1982. When I was young we could ride out bikes for miles, be gone for hours, be outside all day back & forth to the neighboring houses playing with friends.. the were know cell phones! We told our mom where we were going, that's it! We could walk the neighborhood, even at dusk, all with no worries. But now, its almost scary for your kids to play outside! My daughter came up in the late 80's-late 90's. I could see the changes happening during that time. When my son was born in 1997..i had to worry so much more! And he wasn't happy unless he was outside playing with sticks & rocks, cared less about toys😄 But we moved way out in the country, way down a private dirt road that only came to our house or my FIL's. He was almost 9 and he was like a bird out of a cage! Although its awesome he had that opportunity to live his best life as a kid & teen.. its sad that so many kids had to have that constant eye on them. The world has become an evil, scary & mean place..sadly😔 While we do have all these amenities to make life much simpler, that doesn't change the fear we face over the safety on a daily basis. I hate to know my grandbabies have to go up in such a time.. and if the Lord don't return before, what will it be like for their kids??! The gadgets Weill continue to improve, but so will the evilness of the world. I raised my children in church and taught them all i could. The word says to lead them the right way, if they turn, they'll come back. I can attest to that! I think sometimes all the modern gadgets we have can hurt us as much as or more than help us! While phones ware almost essential, people, especially kids, can get into so much trouble with them, having the internet can be scary as much as it is grumpy. Of course washing machines or dish washers has nothing to do with this, but i was just thinking about it.. Honestly sometimes i think I'd rather be living the lifestyle, and raising kids, that was much more simpler & slower, less expensive & scary, back in the earlier to mid 1900's. When there weren't ALL these apps that people have to make things actually complicated, or TV programs or ads that to me cause more worry than it gives knowledge. Life has become a whirlwind of an anxiety! I agree, we need to go down to the bare bone basics way more often than we do! Information overload is so so real! The home & setting you guys stayed in was so beautiful!! The sunsets were dreamy! Good for deflating!😉 Your youngest is such a cutie pie! But all your kids are beautiful! I'm like you, I love seeing new places or visiting with family back in our hometown.. but at the end ox the day, there's no place like home! Which right now We're in the process of moving from Tennessee to Florida so we're staying with my son & his family til we find our own place, so home is not quite home yet🥴 Great Video! So much to think about, so many great points! Totally enjoyed!😊
@FarmhouseonBoone Күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing!
@LynetteB71 2 күн бұрын
I’m asking why do they need to track their babies every move? Billions of people living on the earth living happy healthy lives and were NEVER monitored every minute of every day! They are babies… enjoy the very fleeting moments. People need to take a breath and relax a little. So many other things causing stress in life… choose your battles!
@justfacts9649 2 күн бұрын
Because pedophiles and predators prey on the ones who can't protect themselves...if a mom is always around, the child is less likely to be kidnapped and abused.
@KLeonardM 2 күн бұрын
@LynetteB71 I totally agree. My Mom had 9 in the 50's and 60's and didn't even put on the TV during the day. I think most Mom's today have social media and keeping up with your friends is a big deterrent to what's in front of you. Choose your battles is so true.
@kaykay2622 2 күн бұрын
My daughter's doctor when she was born wanted me to write down Everytime she ate, peed and pooped. I would get yell at by the doctor because she was eating more milk then she should be. She kept telling me only feed her every two hours. Well when my baby is hungry she got to eat. I quit tracking the pee and poop because I thought one day when stressing over everything that people raised kids back in the day and didn't track anything. Mother's that can breast feed feed their kid who knows how much because it's not like you know how many ounces they get out of your breast. So tracking does nothing but stress a tired mama out more.
@anestassia6346 2 күн бұрын
@@kaykay2622I had my first baby last July and they gave me a pamphlet to track her feeding. If I forgot to write it down or was off with the feeding by 15 mins the nurses would scold me. I was already struggling with breastfeeding and getting baby to latch (kept asking for a lactation consultant who never showed up!) , I was healing from a 24+ hr labor and being told so many different ways in how you’re “supposed to” do this or that by different nurses! It was so stressful and left me feeling inadequate in such a vulnerable state. I’m having baby number two in August and I told my husband that if nurses start hounding/guilt tripping me and he sees that I’m getting flustered that he needs to intervene for me for the sake of my sanity!
@gloryunderfoot700 2 күн бұрын
It’s not so much that that’s what parents want to do, it’s what they have to do to avoid trouble. There’s a large number of stories of people having the cops or cops or whathaveyou called on them because they were inside doing something while their children played outside… There’s so many people making mountains out of mole hills, and parents are paying the price.
@AussieAngeS Күн бұрын
I’m in my 40’s and I can’t believe how much more busy my life is every day. I have so much more responsibility with family life, work, looking after my husband and 2 children and also my elderly parents as well. It’s really hard to do, but I’m finding the balance 🥺
@pamelamaurer2076 2 күн бұрын
I have watched you off and on over the years and I always come away with a calm feeling. I am a 58 year old woman with 3 grown children but I am a nanny for a family with 3 young girls ( 10 -twins and 8). I am still observing the world of parenting through their eyes. I think you are sending out a really good message. less is more in my opinion.
@patriciacinea3097 2 күн бұрын
I was a mother to young children starting in the later 80s. That era began the feeling of placing your child in after school activities, and juggling working outside of the home. The homework and extra assignments were heavy, adding to putting your child in music lessons/sports, etc. Life needs balance. Lisa, looks like your family had an enjoyable trip to the northern lakes region!
@YeshuaKingMessiah 2 күн бұрын
My oldest is 40. All 5 homeschooled. “Unbalanced” was key to our survival. No no no no no to most everything. We had friends galore too, including being the koolaid-mom-house. We did activities, over a decade of dance, “boy” skill acquisitions too Youth group, SS, nope Moms weekly Bible group, nope Overnight student camps, nope Game system, nope Tv, nope (rare shows or movies, we owned one - & a vcr!) Phones or even chatting online, nope On & on, nope Work, like physical labor, yep Biking to get urself around, yes Lots of time spent on & with younger children and older adults, yes Manners & civility, daily
@loriwhinery3210 Күн бұрын
I was a mom in the 80s and I’m so thankful my kids weren’t pulled in all directions, life was less complicated.They played outside and played a lot, we watched a little tv and I homeschooled when we were underground and I wouldn’t change a thing about it. My daughters are torn in so many directions with their kids and I say no thank you! Thankful for those days!❤️
@Shiryone 2 күн бұрын
I laughed when I saw the cappuccino machine in the back of the van. LoL My electric percolator saw many hotel rooms. Priorities!!! What a wonderful vacation. Truely blessed.
@FarmhouseonBoone 13 сағат бұрын
Haha yes! Nothing like a GOOD cup of coffee
@terriboccio6963 2 күн бұрын
Oh my goodness. My husband and I just had this conversation the other day that back in the day, we played outside for the entire day until called in for lunch and supper. And the freedom to just let kids be kids without monitoring them or worrying about someone abducting them just didn't exist, so to speak. It was such an easy and simple life.
@jessicabosco3009 2 күн бұрын
Then your generation should have done more to protect it. I monitor quite a bit now because of social media and half my neighbors have drug deals going on. So, even though I grew up outside riding bikes, reading under a tree, playing in a creek, I get it. But now parents/kids everything is different.. parents should have pushed back on certain things
@terriboccio6963 2 күн бұрын
@@jessicabosco3009 Sweetie, we didn't need protection. My parents lived in a very rural setting in the deep South and in a township of less than 300 people at the time. Crimes were almost unheard of. Sure, the occasional piece of farm machinery went missing every now and then, but that was about it. Like I said before, it was a simple and good life.
@kathys9786 Күн бұрын
@@jessicabosco3009 YOU push back! This is YOUR generation! Stop the blame game!
@katie7748 Күн бұрын
Tell that to my neighbors, all of whom have been 50 and up, who give me the side eye, threaten, or even call authorities on me because my children are outside unsupervised. They aren't loud or destructive. They are drawing with chalk or riding their bikes or making a fort under the trees or playing in the dirt writing their names. This happened in the semi-rural Upper Midwest, where we just moved from, as well as the rural South, where we just moved to. Years ago, we lived in a major metropolitan area and we had this problem there, too...but to a lesser extent, believe it or not. No matter where we live, there are too many nosy and/or paranoid people getting themselves involved where they were not invited.
@terriboccio6963 Күн бұрын
@katie7748 That is so sad. Unfortunately in America, people tend to be nosey and think they know everything. Wouldn't it be nice to live in a place where everyone got along? As a 61 year old female, let me apologize for those people in my age bracket who makes me look bad. Sending you nothing but positive vibes, my friend.
@jayneanderson8057 8 сағат бұрын
It was so fun to see your family enjoying Michigan. I live just an hour North of where you stayed. I have within a mile of Lake Michigan my entire life (65). Every day year round I am grateful to be spending my life in this beautiful place. Nothing calms me more than a good walk down the shoreline,,my favorite is in the winter. We are truly blessed. We just introduced our youngest grandson to the "big lake",,, he giggled as the water washed over his toes.
@Lisa-sf4fy 2 күн бұрын
More than 30yrs ago, we took our kids to Williamsburg. I went to an event where the colonial character was trying to decide between the traditional midwife or the doctor, who had recently begun delivering babies. She asked each attendee if they had chosen a midwife or a doctor and I was the only one who had a midwife. She asked me how it was, did the midwife stay with me, etc. By the end of the event, all these older women were saying they wished they had chosen a midwife. I've never forgotten that experience.
@kathys9786 Күн бұрын
My daughter had a midwife. Both times she ended up in the hospital. 1st time ended with an emergency c-section and 2nd time baby almost died. Both times were scary for both mother and baby. Happy you had a good experience, but SO glad my second daughter decided not to go that route.
@gabbygirl9600 2 күн бұрын
I used to have a lot of anxiety about taking my kid out in public. I started feeling more freedom in motherhood when I realized that other people’s opinions on how my child is behaving doesn’t matter. I’ll probably never see them again, and if they’re someone that wants to be in my life, they’ll love my child even when they’re having a harder time in public. That being said, I do discipline my child when it’s needed, there’s no acting out without it being addressed. However, sometimes children just make loud noises or messes. That’s part of the learning process as they grow. And instead of worrying about everyone else’s feelings, I’m going to worry about my child’s feelings first, and use it as a learning experience.
@jessiedietrich42 2 күн бұрын
So wonderful to go on vacation and still keep your routine eating your food . My husband and I went to a bed and breakfast and our bliss and grandchildren were there. It was so relaxing ! You have a precious family Lisa!
@donnaplumridge9769 Күн бұрын
I am a mother with children born in the 80’s and late 99 and 2000, and there was a huge difference. Like you pointed out in the 80’s definitely more layer back, but in the early 2000’s, there was a huge influence to enrol your child with all sorts of activities, especially at 2 years old! Luckily, I wasn’t influenced by them , I let my son pick what he wanted to do, without other parents thinking there was something wrong with me! Especially with school overnight trips. My son used to flip out, and I’m sorry, it wasn’t worth having my son have anxiety attacks! I just pick and choice my battles, and I’m glad I did, both are well adjusted adults, and both of them did overnight school trips when they were ready. And they thoroughly enjoyed it!
@jaymeclifton5173 2 күн бұрын
I immediately checked out the book you mentioned and have already almost finished it in one day. I became a stay at home mom two years ago and since then I have felt absolutely robbed of my peace being a home maker and mother with the extent of information and lack of real in person connections. Reading that book has been life changing. My husband is going to re read it with me and I’m already feeling a massive weight lifted off of my shoulders knowing I can choose a different path and her so clearly outlining options that I can put into practice. THANK YOU!!
@taylorplourde6481 Күн бұрын
I’m a new mom and have been watching your channel for over a year now… I’m honestly so inspired by your conscious shifts toward slow living and unplugging. This video hit just right for me. Thank you for honesty and commitment to sharing about your parenting, homestead, and life 💕 Also- your children are all so adorable! The little ones with all the wild blonde hair 😭 perfect!
@FarmhouseonBoone 13 сағат бұрын
Thank you so much!!
@tess5564 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for this reminder. As a fairly new mom I definitely fall in the trap of feeling like I’m falling behind and not teaching them enough and this was a nice reminder.
@DC-cd5tv 2 күн бұрын
I swear, the more babies you have the younger you look! I often mistake you for one of your daughters!!
@Nicereview763 2 күн бұрын
I completely agree, my tendancy is towards over researching and over thinking. I want to make the right decision although often that leads to hours of deliberation and then no decision made! Your little holiday looked blissful.
@wendyhall8834 2 күн бұрын
Lisa, I love and look forward to your videos. Your calm voice and wisdom, for someone as young as yourself, is a balm in 2024! The dresses your daughter has had on in your last video that was green and white, with green trim and the dress she has on here that is black and white are so beautiful!!! Did your other daughter make them? Lovely feminine clothes! Lovely video!!!!!
@franchescawetter8423 2 күн бұрын
What a beautiful video! A great reminder to keep things simple because there's so much beauty in that! And to be grateful in each moment... don't waste them worrying!
@Fawn62312 2 күн бұрын
I'm really trying to pull back and not do all the things this summer and no one is listening to my request. My niece and nephew are here for a few weeks this summer and my inlaws are planning one or two things EVERY DAY! I told them we'd join them for a few things, but not all of them and explaied why. They message and guilt trip if we don't go. I have explained that my kids are available to play at their house, but they won't be running around to a bunch of overstimulating activities. (I have neurodivergent kids). Now I'm the bad guy. But if that's how it has to be, then so be it.
@crystal482 2 күн бұрын
Stay strong! ❤
@NinaHagen-ym7ng 2 күн бұрын
My kids are neurodivergent, too. For me saying No to overwhelming activities was a game changer. Stay strong! I feel you ❤
@TJ-kz1ul Күн бұрын
I agree with the other comment, stay strong!
@lindakrieger6667 Күн бұрын
God is good. Don’t worry about tomorrow, he’s already been there. He will bless you. Enjoy your time with your children, it’s precious! ❤️
@Abeautifulmundanelife 13 сағат бұрын
Thank you for your encouragement ❤ it’s great seeing godly women live into their season and talents that God has blessed them with. Thanks! 😊
@emilywadman6113 2 күн бұрын
Be so proud of this adorable family and family life you've created! The picking raspberries and blackberries at the end made me smile! and your adorable baby in the highchair on the patio is so sweet. These moments go by too fast.
@hennieelmonaviljoen 2 күн бұрын
One thing I have learned too late that I worried about that I realized is not that important to always have such a clean home than spending relaxed time with the kids and having fun laughing with them a lot. Being just a bit more silly for the kids sake. And not worry so much about other peoples opinions.
@staciegreen9950 Күн бұрын
I recently had a day with my God daughter, picking lavender. I took a few pictures, but mostly we just enjoyed our day. We did crafts and went for ice cream. It was just the best day ever.
@mimiks3784 3 сағат бұрын
I admire the way you run your home and household! Some of it goes back to the way things used to be when my parents were kids and I think it’s great! My grandma had 10 kids and baked bread daily along with milking cows and the list goes on. Hats off to you! I can understand that you have to use social media simply because of your job on it. Otherwise, I would bet you’d probably not be online half as much with as busy as you are. Kudos
@sarabrunsvold2461 2 күн бұрын
Times are different. Some things are better, many things aren’t. What a wonderful vacation!!! You are a blessed family.
@elizabethsydnor5247 2 күн бұрын
You are so calming! Thank God for you!!!
@worldtravelerxoxo1201 Күн бұрын
I’m a new mom, I only tracked in the beginning because the pediatrician asked me a bunch of questions about feeding, poos etc but now that my LO is now 5 months and double her birth weight there is no need for me the track. I also track macros only because I’m pre-diabetic and diabetes runs in my family so I need to make sure I’m healthy to take care of my little one. I don’t feel pressure of social medial etc because I don’t let it ❤
@jessicaolson717 2 күн бұрын
I think I strugle with saying yes to everything in the home. We do not have our kid signed up for everything, our schedule of things outside the home is very limited. But I feel the pressure to do all the things in the home. Bake sourdough, have a garden, keep the home tidy, keep chickens, have home dairy, start a side hustle, homeschool, decorate. And I love it so it is hard to not try to do it all.
@swisschalet1658 2 күн бұрын
Ebb and flow, ebb and flow. No worries, that's normal.
@erinfagan405 2 күн бұрын
Even having grown up in Williamsburg, and like two miles from Colonial Williamsburg, I still wouldn’t call it a tourist trap! I love going back! So glad y’all enjoyed it ❤️
@CJR-bs7eu 2 күн бұрын
Oh jeez this is totally my mindset. Been married 44 yrs & raised 2 sons & this attitude made for a very pleasant, content & loving family. Of course I didn't have the Internet to influence me but there was TV & other things, that we just turned off. We did that for the sake of the children initially but we benefited also. It's a great idea to carry a book, good for you! I know I'm tempted to look up something that just crossed my mind & if Google wasn't there, I'd never had thought to look it up.
@debrahoeker8161 2 күн бұрын
As a Michigander, glad you enjoyed your time here. Lake Michigan does have beautiful sunsets.
@FarmhouseonBoone 13 сағат бұрын
we really did enjoy it!
@DC-cd5tv 2 күн бұрын
What a beautiful, and well-deserved, family trip.
@rebeccameng1195 2 күн бұрын
Not true. Moms in the 80s and 90s absolutely worried about their kids and we did NOT allow them to run for hours on end outside with no supervision. Now kids in the 60s and 70s, yes, they had total freedom but by the 80s, kids were disappearing more and safety became a real focus for parents.
@marybaker9401 2 күн бұрын
This was such an awesome and beautiful video! The place that you stayed on the lake was absolutely amazing! I have to say it was really interesting seeing you in a different kitchen LOL looks like the whole family had a wonderful time.... love you and your sweet family God bless you all and God bless America
@hockenberryholler3150 2 күн бұрын
Very awesome, I do agree, it was so much easier to live a free life with my babies in the 80's then it is now.... Hugs~ Lea
@hesterlyons4924 2 күн бұрын
Thank you! I'm a home school mom as well and I really needed to hear that today!
@mtheron100 22 сағат бұрын
We lived in Lesotho for 3.5 years, very isolated. No shops within 2.5hr drive, not too great cellphone signals. We went into town every 6 weeks and the rest of the time we just breathed. My older 3 had the most relaxed time, no outside pressure. No comparison about homeschool, clothes, milestones. I loved it and miss it every day.
@FarmhouseonBoone 14 сағат бұрын
Thanks for sharing
@lauraanderson6597 Күн бұрын
You were right in my neighborhood! Found Cottage is a mile from my home! Michigan is the best place to vacation in summer!!
@christileach4644 2 күн бұрын
Lisa, this is such a good word.❤ My boys are grown now, 21 and 19, and I was (and am) a work from home mama. I’ve often said how thankful I am that I didn’t have to contend with the information overload and especially social media when I was a young mother. Thank you for being an encourager!
@mc2120 2 күн бұрын
I deleted my news app, quit watching sensationalized videos and haven't ever had social media. I find it damaging, worrying and getting angry are not things I try to bring into my life. Thank you for touching on the negative aspects of our technology, keep life simple ❤
@zwiebster63 2 күн бұрын
I totally agree. Watching or following the news and the overwhelming amount of social media options is not good for my wellbeing. It makes me sad and it could cause maybe worse. So that’s why I protect myself and avoid those things!
@Ashgutierr 2 күн бұрын
Same. I started experiencing anxiety and realized it was all the bad news intake. When I’m in my own world taking care of my home and family, I can have joy and not have my mind somewhere else worrying about things I can’t control.
@zwiebster63 2 күн бұрын
@@Ashgutierr i think that we are very clever by avoiding the things that make us feel bad or anxious.
@shannonjones8165 Күн бұрын
You have so much wisdom. Thank you for all you do 🦋🦋
@FarmhouseonBoone Күн бұрын
I appreciate that!
@blounthomesteading5407 2 күн бұрын
I can’t wait to get your book. Thanks for the granola bar recipe. I have been wanting to try one and I don’t know why I didn’t think to search your blog!
@heidireynolds5598 Күн бұрын
I believe Colonial Williamsburg still offers Homeschool Weeks twice a year in the fall & spring. The tickets are very reasonable & it tends to be quieter and not as many people going during the weekday when most children are still in school. They have all the re-enactments and live demonstrations of butter making, glass blowing, etc… going on during the week, so it was fantastic! I went with two of my three boys and two other girlfriends. and their children, and we shared a room at the Great Wolf Lodge, so the kids had that to do in the evenings after we finished with our day at Williamsburg.
@judithbutler9695 2 күн бұрын
So beautiful! Wise words….as usual. Nice to get away. Home is the best ❤
@jendyson6729 2 күн бұрын
Oh I grew up in Michigan and I encourage everyone who hasn't ever visited one of the great lakes to go! Its hard to imagine a body of water that has waves and is so immense that is not an ocean. I grew up on a lake but going to Lake Michigan was always so much fun boogie boarding and building sand castles ~I have great memories. I am glad young parents are realizing its ok not to sign up for everything. Of course encourage whatever your children are passionate about but they don't need to be in all the sports/activities. The house you booked looked awesome, glad you all had a nice break!
@Mylightfilledjourney 2 күн бұрын
I agree! Michigander here!
@margaretvillalpando7722 Күн бұрын
Very good video! I liked what you said about parenting and life in general. I'm 65 and retired now for 4.5 years. I have two grown children (son and daughter) and 2 grandsons. I taught school for 6 years early in my career and didn't get married until I was 29. I totally agree that simplifying schedules is the key to feeling less stressed. Learn to say NO to your kids when necessary. I think trying to live a simpler life in general is good. I worked full time while raising my kids and our kids were involved in activities. We loved to travel on short and long trips as a family. In my opinion, kids like attention from their parents and grandparents. They would rather have attention than things. I am concerned when I hear about so many folks having anxiety and depression. I don't really understand why so many folks have those issues. We are so blessed in this day and age and in this country. I grew up in Wester NC as a poor country girl and didn't have many clothes or toys, but I appreciated what I did have. I agree with you in that folks tend to worry about too many things that don't really matter at the end of the day. Focus on what really matters. Feeling thankful we can afford healthy food no matter if it's all organic or not. Being able to feed our families is what is important. Just pray and let God take care of us and give us guidance.
@LizMee Күн бұрын
Lisa, thank you for bringing such beauty and wisdom to this space. Your videos are always so enjoyable and inspiring for me. The last two in particular have been just what I needed these last few weeks.
@roszcutler9724 2 күн бұрын
Good to see you all had a mini vacation Lisa. The older I get the less I can fit into each day so if I wake up, I thank God for the sleep I got (which isn’t much sometimes) and I read my Bible and pray then I can begin my day with baking bread etc and cooking. By one I’m fizzling and need to rest my back and maybe nap twenty minutes 😊 God bless you all😊
@meganemery6312 2 күн бұрын
Beautiful, calming, encouraging video. Thank you Lisa! ❤
@RobinScalf-ln9wj 2 күн бұрын
Loving that blue dress with the flutter sleeves! Also- noted your bravery to carry that massive mound of eggs with one hand. I held my breath! Haha
@ashleybowles0507 Күн бұрын
This video was absolutely beautiful. Beautiful words, beautiful video.
@nanar.8088 Күн бұрын
When I go away and return home I always says home sweet home! As we've aged we enjoy our home, no reason to travel and spend. Can spend local if so desire. Great video
@kallistoindrani5689 2 күн бұрын
I didn't even realise social media/smartphone use could be a problem for her too because she always seems very busy with cooking/cleaning/homemaking. I love these types of videos where she talks about stuff like this. I am not a mom myself but I also gain knowledge from her videos.
@Ashgutierr 2 күн бұрын
I think we all struggle with it even being really busy. I like that she said she doesn’t have certain apps on her phone, that limits a ton of time scrolling.
@katelijnesommen 23 сағат бұрын
Well, considering her (paying) job is social media, it's maybe not as surprising as it would seem at first glance. She's said that her website and KZfaq channel are the main (if not only) income for their family, so that also kind of implies at least some insight into the social media world and what her audience wants. That wouldn't be possible without having a social media presence herself and consuming content. She doesn't show us that directly so it's good of her to also talk about that part of life. She works incredibly hard in the home obviously, but she's also a video editor and social media influencer.
@lifeatthenutthouse 2 күн бұрын
I agree with you. We definitely cannot do everything. Life would be so much simplier if people would stop trying to track everything and be so rigid. We forget to enjoy life and Gods blessings. ❤lifeatthenutthouse
@wilmawagler5058 2 күн бұрын
I never had a baby monitor and my kids all grew up just fine. We love Colonial Williamsburg at one stage of life we went every year. Our children loved it too. We’ve gone some since there are now a bunch of grandkids they would just as soon go somewhere where they can be turned loose and play together.
@deblepley7755 2 күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed a lovely wonderful family time away ❤
@barbaraconnolly9000 10 сағат бұрын
I live in a small village in Spain. In the summer, the children and teenagers can still play outside. The teens live on their mobiles, but in fiesta season you will find groups of teens out until 2 am without parents with them, enjoying parties.. Parents come and get them or other parents bring them home after their parties. No high rates of teen births, happy children, happy teens, still having freedom to grow up without fear.
@maryaRa2 Күн бұрын
I didn’t think I could like your videos more, but lately you have become a lot more reflective and philosophical and I love hearing your thoughts! ❤
@DebbieBiddle-kn3cb 2 күн бұрын
Awesome road trip! Love that you took your meals. You were in our neck of the woods!! We live close to the Ark and the Creation Museum. Love, love your channel! Even at 69 I learn so much from you! Thanks!
@theresiamerglewski5845 2 күн бұрын
I’m from Michigan glad to see it treated you all well. ☺️🙋‍♀️
@flowerfarmerasmr1527 2 күн бұрын
Wow, I’ve never been to Michigan but it looks beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Growing up in a large family we didn’t take international trips like our cousins 😂 but my favorite summer memories are simple camping trips at the lake and spending time at my grandparent’s farm ❤
@MargieBenson-dv9ek 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for taking me along on your trips, I loved it. You have a beautiful family. God bless you❤
@donnajoss152 2 күн бұрын
Absolutely loved this one. You go girl! New mom's at any age just need to know it's ok to not be in the know of everything. It's ok to be normal and just do your own thing.
@suzie2080 6 сағат бұрын
Growing up in the 60's and 70's, the only way my mom would know I wasn't around was if I didn't show up at <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="720">12:00</a> noon for dinner or <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="360">6:00</a> p.m. for supper. I lived in a small town and knew absolutely everyone. It was great. Life was a lot less "dangerous" then, at least in my case. I could be in any extra curricular activities but back then parents didn't seem to have to be at everything. That was not a bad thing. We didn't know the difference.
@Ashgutierr 2 күн бұрын
One of my favorite childhood memories was Colonial Williamsburg. I can’t wait to take my kids for homeschool week this fall.
@ladykatietx 11 сағат бұрын
Oh my goodness that is an adorable baby boy!!
@mrs_vcarter 2 күн бұрын
I am so relaxed after watching and listening to this, thanks Lisa!
@janeweldon8874 2 күн бұрын
The trips look like a lot of fun! I have the same cups and saucers, love them!❤
@janicew6222 13 сағат бұрын
We loved Colonia Williamsburg. We also enjoyed Yorktown and Jamestown. Great for children.
@victorias5983 2 күн бұрын
Back to the basics , loved this video
@katelynnmccormick5019 2 күн бұрын
Baby is such a little chunker now, so sweet and cute! my youngest of 4 is 5 months right now and I love the chunky stage, although I miss the newborn stage so much.
@millirue 2 күн бұрын
What an amazing reminder! I can’t believe how big your baby has gotten oh my goodness!!
@jacquelynroe9036 Күн бұрын
Haven’t watched through yet but had to comment! There’s a great book called Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne. Highly recommend. At one point he mentions how we used to be far more concerned for children’s mental/emotional safety and less so for their physical safety (parents would be careful about what they talked about in front of the kids/listening to the news etc, but would be more likely to send their kids out to play unsupervised, for example). Today that has flipped. Kids have access to the internet, social media, and are often exposed to some of the heavy stuff going on in the world, but then are never let out of sight of an adult, are hovered over or prevented from doing something “dangerous” etc. It’s really fascinating to think about.
@FarmhouseonBoone 13 сағат бұрын
Thank you very much for sharing this with us!
@junesammy-robidoux2305 2 күн бұрын
Thank you Lisa for this video it came in just the right time. I was feeling very off and could not put my figure on what it actually was but listening to this I know exactly what it is. I need to detox from social media, to meet these so called standards and just step into my own version of motherhood. Like you said in another video a we are never too late. We each have our own unique journey and we can pivot when we need to. So I'm going to pivot, unplug and make my actionable plan to get to where I want to go and not where society says I should. All while enjoying what is right in front of me because tomorrow is not promised.
@gh6587 Күн бұрын
Wow, what a beautiful video! The music you played at the end was so lovely, it brought tears to my eyes. Thanks! 🥰🥰🥰
@YeshuaKingMessiah 2 күн бұрын
“No” is the secret to calm, happy families w/actually learning kids too No no no no no Nope Dad can learn to be the fall guy too while mom learns to say no herself THE SECRET to success. Boundaries of time, effort & energy bandwidth
@Lilsundrop Күн бұрын
The hospital was shocked when I refuse to keep any tracking of my sons nursing or poop 😂😂
@gabrielle5715 Күн бұрын
I'm 30 weeks pregnant, and I needed this! Thank you
@FarmhouseonBoone 14 сағат бұрын
@Smilealot62 17 сағат бұрын
Such a cute baby. And your gray dress is👗 pretty too. Glad you all had a lovely holiday 💛 God bless you & your beautiful family always 💛
@andreahernandez3264 Күн бұрын
Lisa!!! Been loving this content!!! So thankful for you and your family!!! ❤️
@cindicoon1273 Күн бұрын
Hi 👋 I live in Virginia & I absolutely love to go every fall & Christmas to Williamsburg ( I live about an hour away ) I see something different every time. It is a great place to learn a little history . Thank you for sharing your life with us 😊
@sfitzgerald6517 2 күн бұрын
Excellent video. We are constantly "on". Our phones have destroyed us.
@lindarobins429 2 күн бұрын
What wonderful vacation spot. Perfect for your family. That might be an every year vacation spot.
@StacyBeadle 2 күн бұрын
Those look like Bowerman’s blueberry donuts! I live in Michigan. They are the only donuts I eat! You were so close to where I live! I appreciate your videos and the content you share!
@maryabbott9680 2 күн бұрын
I love your wisdom Lisa. Thank you for your encouragement to all women out here! I can’t tell you how much I enjoy seeing your lovely family, watching the children grow as if I know them. Even watching you mature into a seasoned homemaker. You and your sisters are doing an amazing job grounding the next generation!!! God bless you.😊💓
@graberfarm6179 2 күн бұрын
Thank you Lisa , so encouraging
@ashleybowles0507 Күн бұрын
I live in VA and it is history rich, so many amazing homeschool field trips!
@wandagordon6453 2 күн бұрын
Beautiful trip! Glad y’all had a wonderful time! It’s nice to go places, but home is my favorite place as well! God bless y’all! 😀❤️
@debbiebuchanan2574 Күн бұрын
I went to Williamsburg several years ago . I loved it . I never thought of it has a tourist trap at all. Would go back
@stephencameron1709 Күн бұрын
What a wonderful trip, beautiful ! Thanks for taking us along. Agree with your perspective and always enjoy your videos. ❤️🙏🏻Val C
@DiannaBarbee 2 күн бұрын
Such wisdom! Crave more. So relaxing just goes by so quick!
@katush80 2 күн бұрын
Wow what a cool house and location! All the food looked so yummy. ❤
@joyweidental1227 2 күн бұрын
What a beautiful holiday video! Thank you so much for sharing! It’s obvious… your kids had a great time 👍🥳🥳
@CatherineKelly-zz5ry Күн бұрын
Great video Lisa, thank you! The place in Michigan looked amazing.
@kimberleyobier6756 Күн бұрын
Your family vacation looks like it was amazing! I'm so glad y'all got to do that. We live close enough to colonial Williamsburg where it is easy to do a day trip. When my children were growing up we had season passes several years in a row. I would take them down there and we would have a picnic on the green. They dressed as close to colonial as they could with whatever we could find at thrift stores... And then when they got a little older they would make their own skirts and bonnets. My son wore his tri-cornered hat lol We absolutely loved it. Colonial has changed a lot in recent years and definitely is more commercial however I think it is still an awesome place. In fact it is absolutely my most favorite place to go. I'm glad you found it enjoyable as well and I hope one day y'all get to come back!
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