You’re not mad at Rory, you want her Stars Hollow lifestyle

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Kendra Gaylord

Kendra Gaylord

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Video essay on Gilmore Girls: Walkability, architecture, and the downside to a town that never changes.
Gilmore Girls Costumers TikTok:
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Pedestrian Dignity's TikTok: / pedestriandignity

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@lowkeyproductions6681 Жыл бұрын
“They we’re getting breakfast, going shopping, and witnessing a murder all before school even started… and you can only do that in a walkable community.” I see no lie here.
@nc2227 Жыл бұрын
I know and they always made such an emphasis on hating mornings and it being hard to get up. How bloody early are they getting up to be ready, go out for breakfast and then go to her school half an hour away?
@meghansullivan6812 Жыл бұрын
Oh my god!!!
@m.josena4485 Жыл бұрын
@@nc2227 I mean I complain about thst too and still get up😭😔
@nc2227 Жыл бұрын
@@m.josena4485 yes same but are you getting up extra early to allow time to go to a cafe for a sit down breakfast and visiting your friends house all before work.
@baerbelleksa Жыл бұрын
@deathmaiden Жыл бұрын
“When a walkable community is something you can be priced out of, you’re being priced out of a livable life” preachhh 🗣🗣
@monshosepu9229 Жыл бұрын
I experienced something very similar when I lived in the city of Lyon in France last year. I lived in the "historic part" of the city called Vieux Lyon, and it was a dream. I lived with a French woman alongside my sister. The streets were cobblestones, and they were very thin, and it was only small businesses where galleries, grocery stores, historic landmarks, local restaurants, and so much lived. It was always vibrant, either by tourists or by the locals, both old and young, drinking and even dancing. I would go out to work for coffee, and I made friends with baristas and owners of small stores. I had never experienced something similar, even though I come from a walking city in South America. Moreover, the French woman has to be the nicest person I have ever met, she even showed me around, and as we walked, we met with her neighbors and friends simply by walking; everybody loved her, no matter the age. Ever since, I have pushed for that kind of lifestyle, and I see it so reflected in Gilmore Girls and other series that we love. I think everyone should experience a walking city with such a sense of community that accepts you with open arms no matter who you are. Completely changed my life.
@peytonsslime0181 Жыл бұрын
@zelie_stbh Жыл бұрын
i think its so funny and weird (for me) to see someone talking about this kind of lifestyle like that because in france everyone live that way and its just normal i never realized how different it could be for americans, i love seeing it in a new point of view
@katie7748 Жыл бұрын
I think we should have a choice in how we live.
@auspicious93 Жыл бұрын
That's so cool! I lived in Aix for 6 months, and my coloc was from Lyon!
@Pmccaff2009 Жыл бұрын
“If I could go to such a place…” This sounds beautiful.
@MoralGovernment Жыл бұрын
Taylor Doose is the heart of that town. He's painted as the bad guy but he is trying so hard to keep that small town charm and keep it from developing like all the others. All the work he puts into organizing those events! A thankless job that Jackson ran away from when he won the election. He also owns half the town.
@vedhashah8690 Жыл бұрын
@GorgieClarissa Жыл бұрын
i watched this show when i was just beginning to be a teen, so i saw taylor as just that annoying guy. but as an adult, boy do i crave all those things that taylor brought to stars hallow. there would be no stars hallow without taylor doose. all those unique events, just everything!! I want to livein stars hallow soooo much
@ieatgremlins Жыл бұрын
The fact that he owns half the town isn't great. He is a walking HOA, a total nightmare.
@aj7058 8 ай бұрын
@@ieatgremlins the reason the whole community can do things like eating out all the time and all the recreational shit they do is likely impacted by him keeping rents low.
@cholling1 8 ай бұрын
@@aj7058He does that by cutting costs through having only one employee (Kirk) across his dozen or so businesses.
@roxxyfoxify Жыл бұрын
I think it’s the same principal with Hallmark movies - extremely charming, cozy, walkable towns where everyone knows each other. That’s a huge part of what breeds the comfort and escapism of these shows, and reflects what we’re so desperately lacking in modern American life.
@sofiabravo1994 9 ай бұрын
This used to be the norm in the 50s the further we progressed in the wrong direction it eventually killed this lifestyle. It can still happen without the segregating. But at this point our culture is long gone. Economically and morally bankrupt but we do crave this it’s part of our God given nature to want a community way of life. We are not meant to be isolated, the downside of technology as well it made us lazy socially…
@pams3176 9 ай бұрын
Definitely! Our current suburban environment may be the main reason for the loneliness many of us feel
@halyketarrant Жыл бұрын
Wow. As an European, I feel a new gratitude for how our cities are (usually) built and organized now. I can walk everywhere in my little city too and I must say, I’ve always took that for granted. It’s normal here, but now I realize it’s not in many other countries. Can’t believe I’m realizing this at 25. Thank you very much for giving me perspective 🖤
@clairedrained Жыл бұрын
For real! I’m so jealous I’m from the US and I have to drive to get literally anywhere, the closest food place is 3 miles away and I live in a pretty populated state, it’s much less accessible in rural areas which is the majority of the Midwest and stuff. Truly I feel like I would be so much happier in a walkable lively community
@thatjillgirl Жыл бұрын
That's because your cities grew up before cars were a thing. Most of the more walkable cities in America are also from a time before cars. But a LOT of American cities are areas that did most of their developing in the post-car world. Cities were designed with cars in mind, and people started to favor living on quiet suburban streets away from the commercial areas because they could simply drive into town if needed. And nowadays, that trend has unfortunately led to many cities having a sprawl that almost demands frequent car use.
@soymilkman 9 ай бұрын
here in the hideous suburbs, the closest store (which is a dollar store, ofc) is a 45 min walk with missing sidewalk but is a
@Whoareyoupeople900 7 ай бұрын
Enjoy it! In the US you have to drive everywhere or you'll spend the whole day walking to one place.
@haleylquinton 7 ай бұрын
oh absolutely! I lived in Europe (the UK) for a while, and I could walk everywhere. It was amazing. It's not like that at all in the US. I'd love to move somewhere in Europe but y'all's immigration policies are really difficult 😂
@herrinvonribbeck Жыл бұрын
I actually think most of the towns in Europe are like this: walkable, grocery store nearby, with a historic townsquare and an even older church all in walking distance 😅😊
@adeladernarova Жыл бұрын
you are absolutely right, I live in such a city
@TheBombson Жыл бұрын
pretty open air museums at best or historic town centers with elitist residents 🤷‍♂ Never as charming as Star Hollows
@meghansullivan6812 Жыл бұрын
Oh my god for real! I live in Spain currently and when I read the title i was like damn my city is hella walkable. Fuck US car culture man
@Elena-tp9pm Жыл бұрын
You are correct, but still it's not the life of Gilmore Girls. I have like 3 coffee shops next to my house, a supermarket, everything I need...and I love it don't get me wrong,but still is not as dreamy as they picture it. I also have traffic, neighbours that I don't like. I love living in a European city but the way they picture Stars Hollow is still just a dream.
@scapegracer Жыл бұрын
I guess? But the town also has to be pretty small.
@deborahlawrence680 Жыл бұрын
Just shows all we really want is a walkable city with a sense of community
@deathmaiden Жыл бұрын
“the only girl in town who reads” is def how I fancied myself when I was younger watching this show lmao
@brigantiagirl Жыл бұрын
I love that I came for a Rory character rant and stayed for a discussion about historical changes to building zoning practices
@battlebugplays Жыл бұрын
I live in a small town in the California mountains. It reminds me a lot of Stars Hollow. We have a population of 4k. We dont have any chain stores or corporate stores. Everything is small business. We are so small we don't have a traffic light or cross walk. You can walk to everything you need in the town. We have a farmers market each week every summer with live music. The community is very tight. Everyone looks out for each other and supports each other. Its the definition of quaint. But it has a lot of draw backs. We have like 5 choices for eating out and thats it. Which is quaint at first but gets pretty boring pretty quick. Every one knows everyone which on one hand is great and makes it feel very safe but on the other hand isnt so great if you get a bad reputation or if you like privacy. Our town is too small to have a dedicate PD so we share our PD with the rest of the mountain towns which means it takes a lot longer for PD to get to you if you call them than it does in other places. A lot of people up here can be closed minded and set in their ways which can be frustrating if you are a progressive thinker. I think as an adult I can enjoy the quaint-ness of my town but as a kid it was so boring and lame. Like realistically the teens in Stars Hollow would be getting in to trouble out of boredom lol. Yet even my town doesn't have sidewalks 😭😭😭
@sandrae2398 Жыл бұрын
omg this sounds amazing (i live in a big city)
@kendragaylord Жыл бұрын
I always think its interesting that we don't see many other teenagers in Stars Hollow because they would definitely also be at all of the places Rory goes
@faycoleman9023 Жыл бұрын
@@kendragaylord We saw them in the first episode, so I genuinely think the teens have hangout spots that she doesn't go to or they avoid her.
@christinaaspen3800 Жыл бұрын
Ok where I need to move now 😭
@pabloescobarschanclas Жыл бұрын
okay, real talk, what sorts of job allows you to live comfortably in a small town like that???
@gogakushayemi Жыл бұрын
When I first moved to Japan, I soon realised I lived in Stars Hollow. Weird, unique events every other weekend... A library where most indoor stuff was held (with the highest number of books per capita in Japan, thank you!)... The one tiny grocery by the one stop light in the centre of town... We even had a Kirk!
@eidothea Жыл бұрын
Where in Japan is this?
@gogakushayemi Жыл бұрын
@@eidothea North Iwate, which is the second prefecture from the top of big island.
@samanthafranklyput Жыл бұрын
I would watch Japanese Gilmore Girls
@aj7058 8 ай бұрын
Love that for you x
@XatxiFly 5 ай бұрын
God I miss being able to cycle everywhere. 😭 My town wasn't even particularly convenient or idyllic by Japanese standards but it was still infinitely more convenient and idyllic than even the nicest places I've lived in the US.
@ivanamozart22 Жыл бұрын
“ Although there might be less traditionally handsome gruff men with a heart of gold per capita- there could definitely be more side walks” LMAO
@Daniel-rp7nb 2 ай бұрын
@jordyreads Жыл бұрын
I think it’s worth noting (to those who aren’t from the US) most Americans do not like or want to live this way. We are forced to based on the reasons she listed and more. It’s very disconnecting and exhausting to live in a place like that. What she said about being “priced out” of walkable places is so true.
@ZoeTowne Жыл бұрын
Gilmore Girls AND walkable communities?? This video could not be more up my alley! This is also what so many people really want when they dream of living in Europe. To live (as in inhabit) and to LIVE (as in go about your life and activities) in the same place!
@tahlia__nerds_out Жыл бұрын
Most small towns in real life will eventually have a point where the natives can give directions saying: “Oh, you want to get to the Caverns? Sure, I can help you. You’re going to want to go straight down this road until you reach where Bill’s Barber Shop used to be. You know Bill? No? Nice guy. Died a few years back. Never did listen to any doctors; got him in the end. So yeah, you turn right there and go until you see the The Greasy Spoon. The road sort of curves to the left at that point. Eh? Oh, you’re right, sweetie; it’s actually a Dominos now. These dang chains are gonna kill this town, I’m telling’ ya. I tell the wife that all the time… but that wasn’t what you were asking. Once you hit that blighted Dominos, you only have a hop, skip, and a jump to go. You go down a bit of a winding road for a spell. You’ll see on your right the house that Jackson’s idiot son burned down when he was drunk last May, but you won’t turn there. You’ll go about half a minute until you see a Stop sign and then turn left at the sign for the Caverns. Easy peasy. And parking is free! Don’t forget to stop by Bob & Myra’s Antiques on your way back. That’s us. Here’s our card. We’ll try to work some sort of deal for you; you seem a nice kind of fella. Enjoy the Caverns and welcome to Small Town!” That’s what Gilmore Girls seems to be missing. 😂
@kendragaylord Жыл бұрын
That is exactly my inner dialogue when I go back to my town, lol.
@simplesimply3753 Жыл бұрын
This is how I directed my hubby to my house on our first date. Yup small town girl here.
@achieachie911 Жыл бұрын
Like a Stephen King novel. I realize most of his characters speak like this bc they themselves live in small towns!
@chiaralinnea4335 Жыл бұрын
The bucket hat was such a look! But seriously, the whole setting was crafted so beautifully. Pure coziness and nostalgia. Realistic? Maybe not so much, but I do believe that it takes a lot of thought and creative planning to create an atmosphere like Gilmore Girls has. Perfect combination of aesthetics, music, and characters
@ambriaashley3383 Жыл бұрын
I do like the aesthetic but it was very, veryyy white. Even for Connecticut
@chiaralinnea4335 Жыл бұрын
@@ambriaashley3383 oh definately. One of the the main things that still irk me about it (plus some inappropriate jokes here and there - remember the sylvia plath "leaving the oven open" one). The show was veryyy early 2000's American TV in that sense
@user-ed7et3pb4o Жыл бұрын
You’re very, very right. I spent four years at university in Oxford, which is a very compact walkable city (not a campus; just a city that literally takes about 30 mins to walk from one edge of the historic university centre to the other). It was very beautiful, of course, but also incredibly vibrant and lively because of the mix of people that end up there (not just students). They were the best times just because it was the best place ever to live. Once you started to know people you would literally run into them everywhere, in the supermarket, on the street, even while punting on the river. As terrible/stressful as the studying aspect was for my mental health, living in such a walkable environment made me so so happy. I miss it a lot.
@cinnamong1rl590 4 ай бұрын
oxford’s architecture is sooo stunning. im sorry for the stress you felt, i hope you’re better now xx
@jampanda1568 9 ай бұрын
All towns in the Philippines are almost walkable like this. When the Spanish came, they had an urban plan which they applied to every town. Town center must have a church, market, school, municipal hall and plaza all around each other, and all the people and stores are built around the center. I live in a subdivision far from the center, but on Sundays you can take a quick bike ride there for Church, have breakfast in the market, hangout in the plaza, buy some fish and other foodstuff from the market, and then go home. It's pretty safe too. The police have a station near the plaza.
@bbycherub2420 Жыл бұрын
0:26 this part made me laugh so hard, the way it just cuts to you with a bucket hat and then it's gone lol
@prismaticqueenx Жыл бұрын
My hometown of São Paulo (Brazil) is a huge city, home to over 22 million people and 4th most populous city in the world. I spent my entire life in a very walkable 1950s neighborhood in a central area and I was shocked to learn that most communities in the USA aren't walkable. I can walk less than half a mile to reach a couple grocery stores, small business, the Saturday farmers' market, my former school, three gyms, the local mall, two subway stations and about ten bus stops. Most of my friends and cousins in their 20s don't even drive. Walkable communities aren't just a gift of ancient European cities and tiny little towns; they are possible for cities created in the 20th century, big or small, rich or poor, even in developing countries. An unwalkable city is unthinkable for most Brazilians, regardless of social or economic background.
@kendragaylord Жыл бұрын
Your hometown sounds like a lovely place! I hope walkable cities have more of a comeback in the US
@prismaticqueenx Жыл бұрын
@@kendragaylord Thank you, you're so sweet! Sometimes my hometown is more of a Gotham than a Stars Hollow, but that's part of the pitfalls of living in a huge city. It's an amazing experience, I wouldn't have it any other way
@snhojocat Жыл бұрын
Hi!! I’m a student here at the University of Iowa and I will say before you even mentioned the quote about how Stars Hallow and Iowa City are so similar - I kid you not, as you ratted off the key descriptions, coffee shops, small groceries stores, musical and art festivals, thought to myself “wow Iowa City is my Stars Hallow”! and i’m so fr it’s actually a dream, I love loving here so much! It’s pure autumn vibes all year round.
@butterflynerd0078 Жыл бұрын
I think walkability would help us connect more to others. We are the most disconnected we’ve ever been even though we have technology
@Yume03 Жыл бұрын
I live in Warsaw (capital city in Poland) and being able to walk everywhere is a norm here. I think it could be in US as well but you’d need to radically change how you look at urban design and planning.
@Blakmagic88 Жыл бұрын
Girl, I wish…I’m from Houston, one of the most unwalkable cities in the world…I hate it😅 too many Americans love their cars…
@applaudent2945 Жыл бұрын
NYC is the only walkable major city in the US. A lot of us don’t have driver licenses including myself. I love walking everywhere and not having to worry about parking or car insurance
@emilyencapsulated9540 Жыл бұрын
unfortunately....our entire infrastructure was built to be car-dependent and is not easily changed.
@michellen6356 Жыл бұрын
@@applaudent2945 Philadelphia is walkable.
@thisisnotausernameXD Жыл бұрын
Many cities in the Northeastern US are pretty walkable and people do walk most places. There is public transit that will get you to other places. It's definitely expensive to rent or own a home in these walkable places though.
@ryujinlacroix Жыл бұрын
My hometown used to be like stars hallow; walkable city, everyone knows each other, small businesses only etc. until like the late 2010s where businesses started to boom there so little by little it feels like a big city with all the cars and buildings… its sad.
@craftythembo Жыл бұрын
I've seen HOURS of video essays on Gilmore Girls but only like an episode and a half of the show itself😅 This video is the best take Ive seen out of them. I loved "If you're being priced out of a walkable community you're being priced out of a livable life."
@tahlia__nerds_out Жыл бұрын
Yay; someone else like me! I’ve never watched the show but really enjoy videos about it. I think I just really really love character analysis videos, even if I don’t know the characters
@joudsoudani181 Жыл бұрын
There’s this concept called social infrastructure, used to refer to places where people who live in the same area can exit together and do different things in shared space and it is said to be extremely beneficial for the residents and sometimes even lifesaving. Stars hollow really seems to have a beautiful social infrastructure
@katyavolkov4089 Жыл бұрын
There’s a town in Connecticut called New Milford and it really is nearly exactly like Stars Hollow. I lived there for a few years and I want to move back as soon as I can. The town really truly is just like Stars Hollow!
@emilyrahmanian3119 Жыл бұрын
that’s where the pilot was filmed!!
@beakeeper5243 Жыл бұрын
[Stares in Bridgeport] relatively walkable by neighborhood, but def not "Gilmore Girls" lmao probably more like "Shameless"
@pinkboots-ne6hv Жыл бұрын
The pilot was filmed in Canada.
@adambeck8180 9 ай бұрын
I love this Urban-Planning- based take on probably the most awesome fictional town ever. I studied Urban Planning, and I constantly consume articles on walkable cities. I think this video sums up those topics perfectly, using the best possible example.
@JESSiCO Жыл бұрын
okay i have recently gotten into the behind the scenes of urban planning so this was RIGHT up my alley and fascinating particularly about the grocery stores!! it makes me so mad to think what we could have such walkable towns, we all deserve a life like in stars hollow
@simplesimply3753 Жыл бұрын
Oh how are you researching urban towns? It’s something I’ve been interested in but unsure how to go about looking up more.
@JESSiCO Жыл бұрын
@@simplesimply3753 there's a great youtube channel Not Just Bikes in case you haven't seen their stuff! it was one of those randomly recommended videos for me and i got hooked. i basically just went on a binge watching a bunch of those videos and now go on rants to people every time i'm driving on a stroad 😂 haven't done much research outside of these videos but definitely should! but even just with those videos i've learned a ton!
@binkao2938 Жыл бұрын
Love that channel!!
@emilyencapsulated9540 Жыл бұрын
YESS! Have you seen any vids from "not just bikes" YT channel? It discusses urban planning, why american suburbia sucks, and what European cities--like Amsterdam--does right ✨ I dream of owning a townhome in a mixed use community
@user-ed7et3pb4o Жыл бұрын
@@emilyencapsulated9540 I love seeing NJB blow up, I’ve been following him for years now❤ I genuinely think he’s causing a mindset shift in our generation. I just hope I’m not deluded because I live in an algorithm fed Internet bubble lol.
@lemondrizzlecake7766 Жыл бұрын
okay when I clicked on this video I was not expecting a rant on mixed zoning, but I am HERE for it!!
@PSL_Lover2024 Жыл бұрын
I visited the set of Gilmore girls / pretty little liars. It's also nearby to the set of The Good Place. I actually loved visiting because it really opened my eyes to movie sets and how they make things come alive. In real life a lot of the houses are completely gutted and they just film the facade. So you will see, Sookis house for example and we're looking at the completed facade, but the interior is non-existent. It's wild to me, someone who doesn't work in Hollywood lol!
@everywhirlingplanet Жыл бұрын
I spent a few days in the stars hollow set working on setting up an event there & it was SO eye-opening! (Fun fact: there's a family of raccoons that live in the bell tower rn...)
@mariah9824 9 ай бұрын
Masterful how you start with an entertaining hook and use it to educate on a crucial topic (US's lack of mixed use zoning and walkable cities) -- you would make a fabulous teacher
@yoshisisland24 Жыл бұрын
7:28 its funny usually high school shows never gracefully move into the college years, it usually awkward and they don't think of any good additions to the original formula, but it worked perfectly in Gilmore Girls because the joke was that nothing changed, if she tried to be more social, either her mother would start crashing the parties, or Emily's and Richard's connections would have made them befriend people that weren't her type. so her life just resets to square one when moved there
@ethereallioness Жыл бұрын
i think this show was always meant to move into the college years because that is what Rory is always talking about and preparing for in high school. I don't understand how you can say Rory's life didn't change? I think she definitely grew when she went to college, the most pivotal part was when she started dating Logan and got mixed up with his friend group, and then she steals the boat with him and she has the falling out with Lorelai. That was an important part where she starts to find her way outside of her relationship without her mother. when they are reunited, I don't things are exactly the same, she's become more of her own person, even though she's still very close to her mother.
@yoshisisland24 Жыл бұрын
@@ethereallioness oh no I strongly disagree, first I don't think Rory became her own person when she was estranged from her mother, I think out of guilt she ended up acting more like her mother because she felt guilty they were in a fight, this wouldn't have happened if they were still in contact because Rory usually tries to balance Lorelei out, after that she leaned more towards her way. Second maybe the main reason Rory dated Logan was because Emily pushed her to, like with the other friends, and Rory was always reluctant with Logan, she was going to blow off Logan on their getting back together date and he only won her over by saving the day at the News paper, would have looked like a bitch if she turned him down after that. but the joke of the show is how codependent they are, so the idea that they didn't give her any space when she went to a new place worked out perfucelty for the theme of the show
@MominaArif111 Жыл бұрын
i did not know i needed this video but... the points made!!! i keep rewatching this show and the charm isn't dean or logan or jess, its the frickin grocery stores and cafes and what not!!!
@PeartFan76028 Жыл бұрын
My home town of Princeton NJ reminded me of this town. I wonder if the safe, nurturing town represented a sort of womb to Rory which she had to leave and find her own way.
@kahkah1986 Жыл бұрын
like it takes a village to raise a child, and Rory's family is social as well as biological
@violetnichols7465 Жыл бұрын
I live an hour away from princeton, and this is basiclally my town.
@krose6451 Жыл бұрын
I didn't know what to expect exactly based on the title and thumbnail but dang did I enjoy this so much. That you for sharing!
@kendragaylord Жыл бұрын
this is so nice, thank you!
@miriamconnor8821 Жыл бұрын
I totally understand what you're getting at here, Kendra. As someone who grew up in rural New Brunswick, I somehow simultaneously am nostalgic and envious of the Gilmore Girls lifestyle in Stars Hollow. The small town atmosphere is where the nostalgia comes in, but my village definitely doesn't have the diversity in businesses that Stars Hollow has. The nearest grocery store is half an hour away by car and we have no public transport to speak of. I really enjoyed watching your take on this. Thanks!
@butterflypooo Жыл бұрын
My university town (in Canada) was like this. As a student, I lived a 10 min walk from downtown where there was a Main Street, awesome restaurants, groceries, cute shops and other amenities. The uni campus was further away (10 min on the bus but a much longer walk) but that was its own hub. I really miss it, the parks, the trails, the museum and finding cool things at the shops. It’s a very different lifestyle. I think what u r talking about in GG is what a lot of people like about the show. It’s very European in that sense, or what Americans think Europe would be like anyway. I always hoped to live somewhere like that.
@avnib1581 Жыл бұрын
what town is this?
@YouCanCallMeChrys Жыл бұрын
I have always wanted to live in a stars hallow as an adult. With friendly neighbors and everything so close. But the more I travel, the more I realize like you said that sadly my version of real life stars hallow doesn't exist. A girl can keep trying though. Also all the hate that Rory gets in my opinion is just jealousy. I have always liked her even when it seemed like a lot of discourse didn't. I do hope they make another year in the life so I can see how she ended up.
@Ag.mar. Жыл бұрын
I think people expected perfection from Rory, but they got a human being who makes mistakes, and they disliked her a lot for it. To me, in the original series she never did anything that bad. And I don't think she bullied anyone, at least not before they bullied her, which is a lot more than I can say of most of the girls I've met. People be mean, that's the reality. In the ballerina case, she was just trying to do her job well, and people did tell her that she had overstepped.
@zvezdoblyat Жыл бұрын
@@Ag.mar. I don't think I hated her for lack of perfection, but I was so fucking tired of HEARING how smart she was, but never seeing it. I mean damn, a bad grade for a super smart kid who finds school easy is a B+ or A-. Not a D. It just seemed that everything was handed to her and she did fuck all with it. I love Lorelei, I hate Rory
@Ag.mar. Жыл бұрын
@@zvezdoblyat she didn't have it all handed to her. She had to study incredibly hard for it. If I remember correctly, she only got a D when transfering to Chilton, which was a school that was a lot, a LOT harder than the one she was previously in. She barely had any free time. She was top 3% percent of her class or somthing a year after getting to Chilton, what more proof could you want of her being insanely smart and applied? She read books that are extremely dense and almost no one her age read. And despite all of her hard work, her career in journalism went very badly (in a career like journalism, you need a lucky break to succeed, not just talent, I know because a know a decent amount of people who studied that). If she had studied law or medicine, she would have been succesful. I honestly feel very sorry for her. Now, Lorelai literally had everything handed to her, but she got pregnant at 16 and fled her house to raise Rory, and remember that the first years of Rory's life, Lorelai raised her in poverty, with absolutely no need to do so, it was HER decision to leave her parents' home. So, under your logic, you should hate Lorelai and love Rory.
@zvezdoblyat Жыл бұрын
@@Ag.mar. as a top 3% student, she should've easily been able to get good grades in Chilton. The work was more, and yes a bit more difficult, but seeing as how smart we constantly get told she is, she should've been able to handle it. As for reading dense books, that's nothing. It's just words on paper, any student at Chilton would've been able to read and understand those books had they been interested in doing so. If she was reading super advanced literature, foreign language books, or topics that cover complicated subjects, I wouldn't even argue cause that's hard af. But it didn't happen. Failing in journalism? Lucky break? She can easily get that because of the connections her grandparents have. Didn't they try putting her in college through connections? Same tactics would've just as easily landed her a job in a top journalism company. I personally prefer Lorelei because DESPITE the wealth, connections, and status she was brought up with, she became successful through her own hard work and willpower. Raised a kid with her own willpower. I can't blame her for wanting to escape her family. Everything was handed to her, but none of it was anything that she wanted. Instead of growing to fit into a mould, instead of raising a person who was forced into unhappy circumstances, she saw a way out and took it. And even after all that, she still went back to her parents because she wanted her daughter to be happy, and tried to be close with them since that's what her daughter wanted. Win mom
@CamilaPradaTV 9 ай бұрын
OMG Kendra, you've made me appreciate my little post-industrial Spanish town so much more. It's not particularly beautiful (or clean - a few ratchet people don't clean up after their dogs), but there IS a medieval church, little family owned grocery stores on every corner, lots of fresh produce and affordable cafes where you can have a daily "pincho" without breaking the bank. Always made fresh on the premises of course. EVERYTHING is within walking distance and everyone knows your name. This last point CAN be bad if you've gone through a break-up or a family member has died, or you just don't feel like being seen for whatever reason. The culture here is to constantly ask after your relatives and loved ones when meeting acquaintances in the street (which happens daily). Anyway, thank you for reminding me of the good things.
@VihaanManglani Жыл бұрын
@kendragaylord Жыл бұрын
This is one of the nicest comments!
@Orangebicycle7887 Жыл бұрын
I used to live in a small German town called Erding 45 minutes from Munich which reminded me of living in Stars Hollow. I absolutely loved living there and am now studying Urban design. Mixed use neighbour hoods are the current trend. Having experienced them first hand living in Germany I’m definitely a fan ( and a GG fan too 🧡)
@OranjeDiscoDancer Жыл бұрын
Therme Erding is Probably my favorite place in Germany. Corona has really slowed my visits...
@mt3930 Жыл бұрын
This is such a great video. I think you got it right about Rory being a growing person while everyone else stays consistent. I really hate how so many people see Rory as this horrible, spoilt person. She makes mistakes, but so do many of the other characters. It always stands out to me how Rory is consistently the bigger person with Paris and her Grandparents. At Chilton, Paris treats Rory horribly on multiple occasions but Rory always forgives her and is there for her when she needs it.
@anupambphoto Жыл бұрын
She is a spoilt person, She's an outcome of her surrounding and upbringing.there was a normalisation of how larger than life they treated rory and her future, that the human element of her upbringing with lorelai(who never really grew up either, and led her own selfish life, stunted by her own parents) and her parents(literally the face of conservative old money, gatekeeping elite)... its weird that to me paris became more humble as a person as time went forward and i liked her more (despite her absent parents, high expectations she believed she should achieve in order to be seen, and still an endearing connection with her caretaker/maid).
@ethereallioness Жыл бұрын
@@anupambphoto you're taking this show too seriously
@anupambphoto Жыл бұрын
​@@ethereallioness thats just my two cents, things that annoyed me as i watched it. light hearted things don't really get a pass from me, on these matters.
@laylaserizawa4538 Жыл бұрын
EXACTLY! I don’t understand all the hate she gets and the seemingly common opinion about her being super spoilt, I truly don’t!
@anupambphoto Жыл бұрын
lol the secret is everyone is horrible
@corbinarnold5998 Жыл бұрын
“When a walkable community is something you can be priced out of, your being priced out of a livable life”
@portlandsamber Жыл бұрын
I was not expecting architecture chat when I clicked and I'm so here for it. Instant sub.
@kamjc Жыл бұрын
I live in Park Slope, Brooklyn and one of the reasons I Iove it so much is because it’s a wonderful mix of residential and commercial. Super walkable, tree-lined streets, beautiful brownstones, park slope co-op, locally owned stores. Small town feel❤
@jackiebunting4000 Жыл бұрын
Small towns in Mexico are also walkable! There's the "tiendita" (the little store someone's aunt owns, they sell candies, breads, groceries) then the "tianguis" (outdoor marketplace).
@kiterafrey Жыл бұрын
I grew up in the Tumwater, WA suburb before it started dying off. It was bigger that Stars Hallow and easy to get to Olympia, WA which still has mixed zoning in many of the older areas. I felt so connected to GG because I grew up with a single mom (until I was 12 when I set her up on a date with a friend's dad who I trusted and they fell in love and got married) in a cozy town near a city. Until we got a Walmart it was wonderful. Walmart ended up killing off our local supermarket Mega Foods and our local pharmacy. Sadly, while saving for college had to work at that Walmart because it was all that was really left.
@ashleydobson1532 Жыл бұрын
I grew up in a community like this. It is absolutely incredible and I feel so grateful to have experienced this place when I was growing up. I have slowly been priced out of my hometown and the community I grew up in. This is a reality for many, and it is heartbreaking 💔
@ddchomeschool Жыл бұрын
I’m jealous that everyone in their small town is friendly. This is not my lived experience. 😂
@baerbelleksa Жыл бұрын
I grew up in a small town in the Midwest and it was same. Now I live in a small town in New England and the people are super nice. I really think it has to do with how progressive or conservative an area is, as conservatism is all about defending what is, not so much about openness to new ideas, other people
@eviemayvlog342 Жыл бұрын
I’m from England and this is so interesting !!! I miss local grocery stores, where I live there is quite a few but it’s usually where there are large communities. For example I live in Gateshead, there’s a large Jewish community here so there are more Jewish grocery stores. People shop on coatsworth road rather than going to a large supermarket as it’s round the corner.
@almaal2432 Жыл бұрын
I have started watching gilmore girls this year in January and became obsessed!! Its part of my daily routine to get back from work and relax enjoy my dinner and watch gilmore girls. And Im always like i wanna live the same way and wanna visit star hollow so bad🥲
@jemuldoon Жыл бұрын
I clicked because of the Gilmore Girl content. I stay because I appreciated your approach.
@thewewguy8t88 Жыл бұрын
I think you hit the nail on the head to why shows like this were so popular in the 90s and early 2000s people were jealous and wanted the characters life styles and watching shows like this felt like the only way to see and or experience the kind of life they had. But today with socal media and youtube and facebook and Instagram and tik tok people can see real people living this life style 24/7.
@jaimehoward9506 Жыл бұрын
Instant subscriber. Not because of Gilmore Girls, but because of your thoughtful analysis.
@MsAngrybutterfly Жыл бұрын
I bought a condo in a walkable community two years ago, and it was EXPENSIVE. I can bike to work every day, and do, I can walk to Target, or the pet store, or Trader Joe's, or the cute downtown, all for the low, low, price of twice as much as my friends paid for their four bedroom houses with pools, but they have to drive over an hour each way to work, drive to the supermarket, or pretty much anywhere they want to go. I never saw this show once, but boy are you right about sidewalks.
@yael5067 Жыл бұрын
great take, lovely video. I always thought Rory was flawed but not a huge villain like people make out - mostly it seems like a "bad look" that she lives a life so unattainable even in the most basic ways for most of us, and finds ways to mess up and be ungrateful sometimes. human, but irritating. the jealousy factor definitely resonates with me your punchlines and the editing of them were both excellent
@clarissarichardson9114 Жыл бұрын
It’s 💯 envy. I’m 51. Went to Yale. Lived in the Taft (real one not TV fantasy). It’s all class envy and deep deep bitterness that she had rich grandparents. Stunning ignorance of psychology and dynamics of wealthy families and the strings that come with it. I find it amusing that a bunch of pissed odd Gen Zers are critiquing the show , a show not made for them. A show that came out when they were not yet 10. Bizarre from a sociological standpoint.
@spookeymo 9 ай бұрын
i appreciate your take so much! Gilmore Girls is my biggest special interest and I hold those characters so dear to my heart, I have visceral reaction when people say "Rory is a spoiled child" or that she has FAILED. she didn't fail, she just started having more issues as she was growing up, which is very human! so I'm very happy to hear someone with a fresh take
@markthompson180 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate your practical real-life discussion of the benefits of walkable communities.
@jettqk1 Жыл бұрын
My Virginia small town has features like Stars Hollow -- a gazebo in the park, an event center built into a barn, and a Main Street with a variety of colorful storefront architecture from the mid-1800s. I live close enough to walk there in 5 minutes. We have a main grocery store just north of town but also two small markets and a gas station handimart all within a 15-minute walk. We also have a diner sort of lunch spot and several other restaurants and antique stores. The downsides are that most of those pretty storefronts are either vacant or have offices in them, we're limited on gift shops, and there's no public transportation.
@wilsonxcassie Жыл бұрын
As a community development student on my 7th or 8th rewatch of Gilmore Girls, thank god the algorithm brought me here!! I just wanna live my small town Stars Hollow dreams but make it ADA compliant because I ain't getting anywhere without curb cuts and ramps
@flufwix 4 ай бұрын
I remember my mother loyally shopping at the local grocery store until the store was forced to close because supermarkets opened and specifically undercut prices… until all the grocery stores closed then the supermarkets pushed up their prices.
@annabowden3087 Жыл бұрын
As someone who lives in a kind-of-walkable community I love where I live but I also live in fear as rent rises and I’m a mile away from a grocery store with fresh produce and dry goods - not just candy and chips I resonate with this so deeply
@megt9688 Жыл бұрын
As a European this opened my eyes to how convenient our towns are laid out. Everything I need is absolutely in walking distance and if it’s not it’s only a short bus ride to get there, which I realise now how abnormal that could be for other countries!
@baerbelleksa Жыл бұрын
I feel like you should do a whole series on every aspect of the world of Gilmore Girls...I can't bear to watch the show but your discourse is really fun
@beverlysanchez617 Жыл бұрын
As a urban planner I am loving all the zoning terminology you're dropping
@c.w.3226 Жыл бұрын
I live in Glarus, Switzerland. It's a bit similar, with a walkable town, lots of community events, a direct train to Zurich (The largest city in the country), a local public high school just a 5 minute walk from the train/bus station, 3 supermarkets a stone's throw from the train station, etc. Add in the occasional road closings for the cows being parading through the town with bells and flower headdresses, though.
@daniellemartin9896 9 ай бұрын
Ive always had a suspicion that ghost whisperer was fied on the gilmore girls set. I didnt realize it was something i could actually fact check.
@daniellemartin9896 9 ай бұрын
Ok just confirmed, same set AND gart of Dixie. Really explains why I felt so at home watching hart of Dixie.
@sofiem8936 Жыл бұрын
im so glad the algorithm showed me this video :) it's so enjoyable!
@HeatherRising Жыл бұрын
This video is fascinating! Great attention-catching title, while also being accurate and related to the content of the video. I love that you included some architectural and city planning nerdiness. Amazing. 👏👏👏
@kendragaylord Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your kind words. My dream is to be accurate and interesting!
@tamquamalteridem Жыл бұрын
i’m so grateful to youtube algorithms for recommending me your channel, loved your other videos too!!💞
@kendragaylord Жыл бұрын
thank you so much for watching
@jhazimih Жыл бұрын
You and your content are an absolute delight!
@LilyCraven1 9 ай бұрын
Such a pleasure to stumble onto your videos! Been binging them for a few days now!🎉
@MQZ17 6 ай бұрын
Since I started watching your videos I get so many "Rory rise and fall" "Rory turned bad" video suggestions lmao
@KL-rd9tg Жыл бұрын
Thanks, this was a really interesting video essay. I loved learning more about urban planning and architecture in the context of Gilmore Girls, like you breathed new life into a show I've watched way too many times to count!
@LifebyRosieJ 5 ай бұрын
This was so interesting, well researched and insightful!
@noak7193 Жыл бұрын
I feel like I got so much more information and insight from this video than I expected going in... This was a really good video, thank you for making it and sharing!~
@jensendsflowers Жыл бұрын
Having so much fun watching this video! Instant subscribe. A Gilmore Girls video unlike any other. I've been interested in architecture and urban design for a long time but haven't been sure where to start reading or watching to learn more in a fun way.
@TamaraSL Жыл бұрын
This is by far my favorite video with Gilmore Girls reflections!
@Dannybee3 Жыл бұрын
I loved this so much! Seriously loving your content so much extra recently!!!!
@kendragaylord Жыл бұрын
Thank you for saying so! Comments like this are the best motivators to keep it up
@Iwasjustwondering89 Жыл бұрын
Great video! You make so many interesting points that have never occurred to be, though I’m an avid fan of the show. Immediately subscribed 😊
@jennifercrews3175 Жыл бұрын
This conversation is fire. LOVE IT!!!
@iLikeDuckiees5 Жыл бұрын
I’ve watched many video essays on Gilmore Girls and Rory but this video is one of the best ones I’ve seen due to its accuracy! Really put things in different perspectives for me, and I agree 100% of what you mentioned.
@Jules_Dufresne Жыл бұрын
Woooow this video is your youtube breakout! amazing!!! congrats!! :) you gained a new subscriber, thanks algorithm. your content is amazing :)
@lauramoore8823 5 ай бұрын
I live in a pretty similar community and I've seen others, usually there's a small college thrown in. Mine currently is lacking the public transportation (there's almost nowhere within an hour of here anyway) and affordable food options, but I have to imagine the automat video covers how rare that is in 2024. You do look like the downtown of Ashland, Oregon, which happens to be one of these walkable places with a college.
@pongop Жыл бұрын
Amazing video! Interesting ideas! This helped me think about the show in some new ways. Great stuff!
@ashleynichole8687 Жыл бұрын
I live in Connecticut and can't think of anywhere I could walk to. There aren't any sidewalks and the closest store of any sort is a 20 minute walk away.
@coralinebea Жыл бұрын
This was a great video. I love that I came here for GG commentary and was pleasantly surprised with architecture, history, and new ideas. I appreciate that you made this and I subscribed. Your channel is interesting and I can't wait to see more 💜💜💜
@meghansullivan6812 Жыл бұрын
@emmaninakarina Жыл бұрын
Thoroughly enjoyed this angle!! Well done with this!
@kendragaylord Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@merrillt8387 Жыл бұрын
This is. Amazing. I thought I was going to get outfit inspo or a list of the classics to read or something. Completely shifted my mindset on where I’m living!
@kvakva78 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for that that perspective!
@LaModeDarling Жыл бұрын
Awesome analysis of why we love Stars Hollow! It makes me want to rewatch the show
@whitneyt1481 Жыл бұрын
Loved this video!
@chellestan 8 ай бұрын
So many of my favorite movies/shows are set in towns I fall in love with: Gilmore Girls, Runaway Bride, Steel Magnolia's, etc.
@sierrahall8791 Жыл бұрын
This whole video was just a love note to sidewalks, and I enjoyed every minute of it.
@originofspecies23 Жыл бұрын
THIS IS THE CONTENT I'M HERE FOR. A great essay. Subbed
@lfox_930 Жыл бұрын
I've always dreamed of living in stars hallow this will forever be my favorite show I watch it daily when I go to bed at night I will be so sad if netflix ever gets rid of it
@meghansullivan6812 Жыл бұрын
Yessss it is totally my comfort show
@chickyaria6406 Жыл бұрын
loved this!
@ryanmiller6605 Жыл бұрын
This is brilliant!
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