Gears of War Ranked
2 ай бұрын
Superman (1978-2006) Retrospective
@merewynyard5813 17 сағат бұрын
@merewynyard5813 18 сағат бұрын
That's an American Accent Narrator 😳 🤣
@merewynyard5813 18 сағат бұрын
17 is my favourite..she's an Exotic Beauty with a Body to die for..I was in awe of that 1st Lady😅❤
@Outlier777 19 сағат бұрын
You seriously aren't going to take "attractiveness" into account? That's literally why these girls exist. How cucked can you get?
@merewynyard5813 19 сағат бұрын
Pussy Galore😅😅😅then URSULA ❤
@aster934 21 сағат бұрын
i totaly agree with the spectre ST ,but also Skyfall from Newman is nothing special. I prefer to hear the title melodie at the rest of the score "in the background". Love John Barry and Arnold for this. But i disagree with the goldeneye score. You have to listen to it several times to get used to it. Now i love it!
@stephenjarvis534 21 сағат бұрын
Its positive attributes got a little tainted for me when I listened to Serra's score for The Professional. I still like them OK, but I can't give the GoldenEye score more credit because Serra essentially just copied his good ideas from there over to here.
@aster934 20 сағат бұрын
@@stephenjarvis534 Good point. I have the Soundtrack from The 5th Element and there is some copy and paste there, too. But i love how Serra is mixing his synth parts with the Bond melody as he did in the tank chase.
@stephenjarvis534 20 сағат бұрын
Well.... You might be aware that the current version of the tank chase music in the film was not done by him, but instead was done by John Altman. I've never been a huge fan of Serra's version either, but I will say that Serra is a fine composer. The 5th Element is a solid choice, as is La Femme Niktia and The Big Blue.
@Isaacisaperson4677 21 сағат бұрын
1. Wrath of Khan 2. The Undiscovered Country 3. The Voyage Home 4 The Motion Picture 5. First Contact 6. The Final Frontier 7 Search for Spock 8 Generations 9: Insurrection 10: Beyond 11 2009 12. Into Darkness 13. Nemesis
@neiltaylor6645 Күн бұрын
Xenia Onatopp
@javierservigon Күн бұрын
I agree, I liked this movie. It's not the greatest but not the worst by any means. Brosnan's Bond is full of little subtleties, for instance, when he's confronting M and he's pissed at first but senses there's something else going on, he changes mood and asks her what happened. M who's such a strong character, she puts her guard down and confides in Bond. Also, the realationship with Q, it's truly a father-son type. I love that Q gives him advise.
@fmor4133 2 күн бұрын
It's not that a bombshell cannot play an academic but you don't buy her being a nuclear physics. Isn't that a contradiction?
@stephenjarvis534 Күн бұрын
@fmor4133 Her credibility isn't undermined by her looks; it's undermined by her acting. She can't sell me that she knows what she's talking about when she talks about her field.
@fmor4133 Күн бұрын
@@stephenjarvis534 I'm not an actor so can't judge anyways but I wouldn't know how a real academic would do it any different. She isn't hesitating or insecure saying her lines even that probably is more realistic in the middle of a heist or on a high speed rig.
@peterboeckmans7726 2 күн бұрын
This is Brosnans best movie. Yes I mean it
@SergioGonzalez-ew2po 2 күн бұрын
Sorry but the best James Bond soundtrack is OHMSS..Period.
@Deanhughes5707 3 күн бұрын
I'm glad you put Spectre very low. It's so bad. And I really hate to be negative with bond.. but Spectre is so empty. And the awful filter.
@MAXdori 3 күн бұрын
I had the same arc with Fallen Order - disregarded it at first then eventually played and loved it. Many of these are all time nostalgic favorites but I’m particularly glad to see Dark Forces II up high
@stephenjarvis534 Күн бұрын
@MAXdori I've since got the chance to play both Super Star Wars and the original Dark Forces. Honestly, I could keep updating this video every year given that I'm always looking to play older games.
@andrewmichaelscollectibles 3 күн бұрын
I think the title song for "The Man With the Golden Gun" deserves way more credit. It has that 70s groove but also fits into the film.
@matthewhernando2987 3 күн бұрын
What about Teri Hatcher?
@akshaytrayner1960 4 күн бұрын
Great overview
@darcyj19 4 күн бұрын
This is my favourite Brosnan and my #5 overall. It has nearly everything that one could want in a dramatic action film, as well as having Bond - and an excellent rendition of Bond. He is suave and charming, he is insightful and analytic, he is strong and heroic. Bond does more spying in this film than in ten other Bond films that could be named, he gets emotionally invested in what he is doing (as he does in OHMSS and TSWLM and Octopussy, two of which rank in my top 4), and he does Bond things like the escape from the Bilbao bank office window, the straightening of the tie when underwater in the speedboat, and the little flurry with the mooks at the bar in Zukovsky's casino. The title song has the silver medal in my ranking, and whilst Sophie Marceau is not in my top handful of Bond women for basic beauty she certainly delivers one of the three best acting performances from a Bond leading lady. My relegation of this film to 5th behind OHMSS, TSWLM, FRWL and GF is merely a matter of taste and preference. I do have one thing particularly against TWINE, though - Renard may not *feel* pain but that doesn't mean anything to soft tissue, and those hot rocks would still scald his skin. It makes him less believable, sorry.
@Stevofaves 4 күн бұрын
I watched this one non-stop on DVD as a kid. It was always mixed for me... I preferred GoldenEye but this was what I had, and it always struck me as being a very solid general Bond film, particularly for Pierce. I think I'm due for a rewatch!
@Makoto03 4 күн бұрын
I enjoyed the World is Not enough. I love the twist of a female villain and enjoyed the opening theme song by Garbage.
@Flashheartwoof 4 күн бұрын
Do you have a list of the single word nicknames for all the Bond films (Spy, Majesty’s, Diamonds etc)?
@stephenjarvis534 4 күн бұрын
@Flashheartwoof Don't know if there's an official list, but here's what I go by: 1. Films with short titles like Dr. No, Thunderball, and GoldenEye don't get nicknames. 2. Russia 3. Twice 4. Majesty's 5. Diamonds 6. Live 7. Golden Gun 8. Spy 9. Eyes 10. View 11. Daylights 12. Licence 13. Tomorrow 14. "World" or TWINE 15. DAD 16. Casino 17. Quantum 18. '67 (the spoof Casino Royale) 19. Haven't come up with anything for Never Say Never Again or No Time to Die, yet. The closest I can get are Never and Time.
@Flashheartwoof 4 күн бұрын
@@stephenjarvis534 thank you ☺️
@darcyj19 4 күн бұрын
@@stephenjarvis534 I go with acronyms mostly, although that can fail with single-word titles. For FRWL, YOLT, OHMSS, DAF, LALD, TMWTGG, TSWLM, FYEO, AVTAK, TLD, LTK, TND, TWINE, DAD, CR, QOS, NTTD, when used in context they are pretty obvious.
@TheT3rr0rMask 4 күн бұрын
Never minded the length. Thunderballs an easy film for me to get immeresed into, and even though a lot of the underwater stuff is too long I get wrapped up in the charm. It's such a product of it's time, treated dead serious and cool since it wasn't cliched yet. Bond was such a phenomenon at the time, and Thunderball aims to satisfy that allure more than any other. The plot is huge, the Spectre cast are fun 60s villains, they got over-excited showing revolutionary underwater filmmaking, and all of it has so much weight. Sure Goldfinger is the big icon of Bond but Thunderball is the true 60s super spy movie in my head. Not one of my favorites, but I love going into it from a historical context perspective.
@user-sq4jz9up6g 4 күн бұрын
Brosnan is great Sophie is gorgeous The opening is awesome still a bit disappointing
@TheT3rr0rMask 4 күн бұрын
The fix for Melina's ending: have HER decide to leave Christatos alive. Sure have Columbo finish him off, but make Melina think about Bond's words earlier, have her experience w/Bond since then form her decision. Doesn't take away from her cool-factor from taking out Gonzales, gives her a proper conclusion or arc.
@sebastianfitzptraick7395 4 күн бұрын
Eh.. it’s interesting but altogether listless. The locations and direction are just very uninteresting. Its story and twists feel very wishy washy. I don’t hate it, some good ideas here and there, Brosnan does a good job as always. Ultimately I feel TND is better because it at least moves at a far better pace.
@ricardocantoral7672 4 күн бұрын
I agree. This whole thing runs out autopilot. Ideas are presented but there's no life in them. The whole emotional angle feels like a bad soap.
@Paul_Whaley 4 күн бұрын
TWINE is a film that I really, really loved as a kid. Maybe it was the pre-title boat chase and the helicopters with blades, or just how cool Brosnan seems. However, it's fallen quite a bit as I've grown older. I do find it a bit dull. I don't really buy Renard and Electra as "lovers", and don't really enjoy Carlyle's performance all that much. Otherwise, I think that most of the cast are on their A-games throughout the film. I'm of the same opinion as you on the score. I prefer Arnold's work on TND/CS more than TWINE and DAD. This film ranks 15/27 for me. There's a lot to like, but I don't find myself wanting to toss it into the Xbox to watch it like a lot of the other classic films. Goldeneye and TND get a lot more love from me than TWINE. On the topic of folks evaluating things, I think you hit the nail on the head. People often have bias (which is part of being human), and use that as part of their ratings for media. On the Star Wars topic, I've been steadfast about disliking everything (theatrical movie) after Episode 6, and I'm someone who grew up with the Prequels. Heck, I only like the first half of Episode 6 anyways. I'll stop before this tangent turns into even more of them. As always, thanks for the review Stephen! Looking forward to the DAD one. That's a film that I have a soft spot for, warts and all.
@stephenjarvis534 4 күн бұрын
@@Paul_Whaley I found I have a bit more to say about that film than I anticipated, so the review is going to take a little longer.
@Paul_Whaley 4 күн бұрын
@@stephenjarvis534 It's such a complicated film to try and ascribe emotions to. I re-watched it back in May, and found myself charmed by it much, much more than on my last 3 or 4 viewings.
@AaronStark1993 4 күн бұрын
This is the Bond film that I think gets the most unfair amount of hate and criticism. It's top ten material for me. Granted childhood nostalgia plays a big part in my love of the film as it was the first Bond movie I ever saw in the theater at 6 years old. But even now when I watch it without my nostalgia blinders on I still think it's a solid film with a lot of merit. I consider it a big step up from Tomorrow Never Dies. I like how it went deeper into character and plot development and gave Pierce some more harder edged moments.
@henrykujawa4427 4 күн бұрын
I think this is the last one I saw in a theatre TWICE. Also, if I'm not mistaken, they've used "The James Bond Theme" in the end credits in nearly every film starting with this one. (I liked when they had 2 different songs between opening & end credits, those 4 films in a row.) I don't know why or how... but somehow I never liked "Elektra King" from the start of the film. Instinct? Who can say. When Bond SHOT her DEAD... I remember feeling thinking... "Boy, did she have THAT coming."
@NebLleb 4 күн бұрын
You know, I overhated on this movie, and I don't know why. The concept of Bond falling in love with the Bad Guy is, like Tomorrow Never Dies' plot of trying to start a war for ratings, genuinely genius. When I watch it again, it should be worth it for such a unique concept in the franchise. Why not have the main Bond girl turn out to be the villain? It's such a perfect way to end the Classic era... Or it would've been were it not for Die Another Day which left things off on a sour note. And TBH, the theme song, its corresponding music video and title sequence, and the James Bond theme remix over the credits couldn't have been better and I can't believe the latter was a substitute.
@KwangTheMongrel 4 күн бұрын
Necros should have been way higher
@ImperialStorm96X 4 күн бұрын
TWINE is a great film on paper, arguably the most interesting of the Brosnan era since it's more character focused like GE while also being far more ambitious. Unfortunately it isn't executed as well as GE and isn't a pure popcorn entertainment action film like TND so it ends up being often forgotten by the general public. I think most bond fans agree it's underrated though. Theres a lot of good ideas here that aren't quite that fleshed out that end up being used in future films for good reason.
@tashrif46 4 күн бұрын
20:14 the Man With the Golden Gun and A View To A Kill are just poorer films. Sir Roger Moore performance is not the best, the directing was alright but some of the production choices left a lot to desired. To me The World Is Not Enough is around the 11-15 range Bond film
@tashrif46 4 күн бұрын
16:48 Shirley Manson's vocals are incredible. What a great Bond song
@ricardocantoral7672 4 күн бұрын
Personally , it's the last one I have actually enjoyed.
@tashrif46 4 күн бұрын
@@ricardocantoral7672 you didn't like Casink Royale or Skyfall's songs?
@ricardocantoral7672 4 күн бұрын
​@@tashrif46 I didn't like You Know My Name. Skyfall was good but I can't say I loved it.
@tashrif46 4 күн бұрын
@@ricardocantoral7672 interesting
@tashrif46 4 күн бұрын
16:23 I think its a step up. I love the Gunbarrel sequence, the Bilbao espace, The Thames chase and the Caviar factory sequences. The score is unique and it gets the tone right. Die Another Day goes into some territory that even I cant explain
@ENLIGHTENMENT789 4 күн бұрын
The original story for this film was RISICO, but obviously the actual story was used in the EYES ONLY film, however the essence of the story where a a villain turns out to be a good man of conviction, with latitude the theme was used with Bond being the villain..
@tashrif46 4 күн бұрын
8:28 love Sophie Marcaeu in this. She has that venomous charm that most femme fatales have
@tashrif46 4 күн бұрын
7:44 Probably my favorite Pierce performance. He brings a lot of Dalton in this and I love it for it.
@astrosquirrel5038 4 күн бұрын
I feel the action kind of lets this one down. The more character-driven stuff is solid, but the action feels tacked on and forced in some places.
@ricardocantoral7672 4 күн бұрын
For me, the whole emotional angle falls completely flat. Bond is smitten with Electra and there's little reason why he would fall for her so badly. Yes, there's a Tracy similarity but the tragedy isn't there. Bond was compelled to save Tracy because she was suicidal. He fell for Elektra far too easily. M is suddenly unable to be objective and reluctant to admit that she used Elektra as bait? The M I saw in the previous films would have done anything to get Renard. As for Renard himself. Not only is he not the least bit threatening as a dangerous terrorist, he was also foolish enough to get used by Elektra. Also, that whole can't feel anything gimmick had no significance whatsoever. I was never convinced that it was something that made him tragic. The story itself is also highly convoluted. At one point, Renard kills the very man he needed in order to get access to the undergound nuke. Remember, Bond was caught because he didn't look like he was in his 60's. The action itself is not particularly well done. I suppose it's well produced but it often feels unfocused. As for Denise Richards, she isn't quite as bad as people say but she is nowhere near the best Bond Girls. Overall, this feels like a poor retread of On Her Majesty's Secret Service.
@stephenjarvis534 4 күн бұрын
@ricardocantoral7672 I would bring up that the tragedy is supposed to be Elektra's kidnapping. The situation seems to be an innocent girl caught in a horrifying tragedy who summoned the will to escape, and many people sympathize with that. That's not actually what happened, but I buy this makes Bond be a bit softer with her. As for M, she regrets leaving Elektra as a prisoner given her maternal instincts. Renard is taken by a woman who seduces him. I think it's all there, but if you want to argue it's weak and seems out of character, I think there's an argument there. As for the death of Doctor Arkhov, I didn't have an issue with it. The man adds credibility to their deception, but they don't seem to really need him, given that they just need to fool the guards long enough to get the nuke. So other than softening suspicion with the guards, he doesn't seem to serve much purpose, and Renard still gets away with the nuke without any help he would have provided. Lack of focus might be a good way to describe it. When I went through the film this time, I found everything was in the script that needed to be there, but just because it's in the script, that doesn't mean the movie conveys it convincingly. You are justified in not caring for the movie much.
@ricardocantoral7672 4 күн бұрын
​@@stephenjarvis534 With your explanation about what happened Electra, you illustrated yet another problem with the screenplay. Why did this all take place before the film? I always felt that this film began like it was in the middle of a larger story that the audience doesn't see. We get a dump truck of exposition about King and her daughter, the kidnapping, Renard, this all should have the pre title sequence. The last place a Bond movie start is in a dull office about some kidnapping we know nothing about. Now regarding Electra, I understand that Bond would be compelled to protect her. However, we were sold a love story between the two. Bond was smitten with woman. Again, I get she's supposed to remind him of Tracy but it just isn't convincing. Now, about M, my point is she probably she should have been less emotional and more objective about this whole situation. I think it's a disappointment that this the most we get of M in the series at this point and she is portrayed as being too sentimental. As bad as Die Another Day was, I think at least it got M right. As for Renard, I get that she was seduced by Elektra but I didn't really like that romance. That just felt like some kind of gimmick. Also, this thing about the bullet dulling his senses is just plain silly. Yes, I know it's a Bond film but this one was aiming for some kind of basis in reality. The problem with the death of Dr. Arkhov (unless I am confusing him with another character) is Renard kills him before the mission begins. He was the right age. The guy Renard ultimately set would have been caught because he was too young. He certainly couldn't have doubled for a man in his 60's. I think this was a highly ambitious film with good ideas. However, they went about it all wrong. The World is Not Enough is ultimately an inferior imitation of On Her Majesty's Secret Service.
@stephenjarvis534 2 күн бұрын
@@ricardocantoral7672 You know, I almost included a bit in the review about the film starting in the middle of its story.
@ricardocantoral7672 2 күн бұрын
​@@stephenjarvis534 It was such a weird place to start.
@BadAxeEntertainment 4 күн бұрын
Eh, I never really liked this one.
@Nine-Eight 4 күн бұрын
ok, now you have to give us a review of 1999's The Mummy.
@NealKlein 4 күн бұрын
@@Nine-Eight YES!
@stephenjarvis534 4 күн бұрын
@@Nine-Eight Never really occurred to me. I like the film fine, and I was considering doing another series of reviews after Bond, but this wouldn't fit in with that. I might be tempted given that a few seem to be interested in it. I'll keep it in mind if I need a break from Bond.
@NebLleb 4 күн бұрын
Um... Is it bad that I prefer this movie to GoldenEye?
@lorenzogranger1906 4 күн бұрын
The world is not enough one of the most underrated under appreciate it Bond movies in the series I love this bond movies so passionate much I feel like I'm on the island by myself loving this movie The world is not enough is one of my childhood favorites it is the Bond movie that got me into the series as a kid is a lot of things in this movie I like a lot Pierce brosnan Best performance at James Bond he is so confident compelling in this movie I like the storyline in this movie I love to twist of the Bond girl is the bond villain I love that angle to death Pierce brosnan and Sophie they got amazing chemistry Robert carlye Renard sympathetic character he is very interesting Judi dench m being part of the story is very interesting Robbie Coltrane Valentin zukovsky an amazing Ally Denise Richards Christmas Jones campy fun Bond girl of fun I feel like the criticism that she got for this movie totally unfair she is a fun character David Arnold soundtrack music 🎶 so amazing twine aka the world is not enough fantastic classic bond movies amazing awesome reviews of twine aka the world is not enough 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🙏🙏🙏
@NealKlein 4 күн бұрын
This is the first review that made me think, "Hmmm. I haven't done my homework." I remember this movie, but not with as much enthusiasm as you did. I remember how underwhelmed I was by the movie when I first saw it. I fixated on the direction so I found the last act annoying. Thank you. Great review yet again.
@stephenjarvis534 4 күн бұрын
@@NealKlein To be fair, I spend more time with a movie over a week or two than most would, so a lot of things I would have overlooked in the past demand closer examination. If my review helps you to appreciate a film more, that's wonderful. Even if not, I just enjoy giving each a closer look.
@NealKlein 4 күн бұрын
@stephenjarvis534 I have lived half a lifetime of getting pinged for being overanalytical. I have endured ridicule for attempting to construct a logically rigorous argument too many times to count. The lesson of your reviews for me is to remember to have fun, own my subjectivity, and steer away from judgment. I look forward to spending time re-watching TWINE because of this review.
@patwaters-actormoviereviewer 4 күн бұрын
I can't help but well up inside watching Desmond Llewellyn’s exit from the series in this film.
@lorenzogranger1906 4 күн бұрын
Greatness of amazing awesome reviews of my childhood life personal favorites James Bond movies adventure twine aka the 19 James Bond movies adventure the world is not enough one my favorite James Bond movies adventure I love this movie so passionate much Pierce brosnan best performance James Bond so amazing I love storyline twist bond girl is the main villain I love that twist I love that angle Renard he is a very interesting character characters he's being played buy Elektra King she is amazing villain Love Denise Richards Christmas Jones underrated Bond girls campy fun Bond movie I love David Arnold music soundtrack Shirley Manson opening title sequence theme song 🎵 childhood song this movie is very underrated in the series I love this movie to death yes it has his flaws is positive overtakes negatives twine is awesome Bond movie adventure 🤩🤩😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
@zacharyantle7940 4 күн бұрын
The main thing that really bugs me with this movi is the cinematogrophy. Adrian Biddle shot it, who did Aliens, Princess Bride, 1492, was up for na Oscar for Thelma and Louise, but it just looks so bland and made-TV-like. idk what happened here. The lighting is super flat, the colors are dull, most of the locations look like they were shot in overcast weather, and even just the camera movments and shot compositions are super basic and kinda remind me of a student film.
@stefanpp1155 4 күн бұрын
I agree! It's an ugly movie
@ricardocantoral7672 4 күн бұрын
I thought the film was photographed well and deliberately given a moody look to the whole thing. The camera work on the other hand is pretty conservative.
@sawnoff95 4 күн бұрын
Completely agree, it's my main gripe too. I think they were going for a gritter vibe but just comes off flat and lifeless.
@b.chaline4394 4 күн бұрын
A lot of people have called this one 'underrated', but in my experience that's only of the wider audience that tends to mix all later three Brosnan films together. A lot of Bond fans on the other hand seem to hold TWINE in high regard, and I wish I could count myself among them. Don't get wrong, it's a fun film that I enjoy watching, but it's nowhere near the classic or Skyfall-prototype that I often hear it is nowadays. My main issue with TWINE is that it never lives up to the incredible high-octane standard set up by the Thames chase; Everything seems tamed in comparison. And while other films like FYEO and CR have been able to make the most of a more low-key finale (scale-wise, at least), this one just does not manage to grab my attention with the more emotional elements at hands. I love Sophie Marceau but her chemistry with Brozza leaves much to be desired; Likewise, Carlyle is a great actor but he's tonally out of place with the rest of the film - or maybe Denise Richards is? Either way, something's off. In short, the more 'pulp' aspects of TWINE run cold past the first thirty minutes while the more 'intimate' parts can't quite reach the highs that they're aiming at. Which is why this film always ranks somewhat towards the middle, for me, while being one that I wish I loved instead of just liking it.
@garethjenkins9187 4 күн бұрын
Another amazing review. The James Bond series has had plenty of reviews and commentary, but I’ve found all your James Bond reviews to be consistently insightful and interesting above all.
@stephenjarvis534 4 күн бұрын
@@garethjenkins9187 Thank you. I've enjoyed doing them.
@magnusprime962 4 күн бұрын
TWINE has always saddened me because it had the potential to be one of the greatest Bond films ever. Brosnan and Marceau had dynamite chemistry, and the idea of Bond falling genuinely in love with a woman only for her to be the main villain is a brilliant idea. Unfortunately the filmmakers didn't trust themselves or the audience to go all-in. They set up a story that could have been up there with OHMSS, and then ran away in fear.
@NealKlein 4 күн бұрын
@@magnusprime962 Oh, well said!