First Look at Creep Camps in Stormgate
Chicken Supporter Pet
14 күн бұрын
Firestorm Fog of War Shader
21 күн бұрын
Stormgate Opening Cinematic
Meet the Frost Giant Team
7 ай бұрын
To the Next Ten Years of RTS Games
Chicken Time
Жыл бұрын
Stormgate: Valentine's Day Teaser
@allanshpeley4284 2 сағат бұрын
Well that'll be a yikes from me, as the kids say.
@eduardodealbacejudo2010 2 сағат бұрын
Van a doblar el juego al español como los RTS antiguos?
@waboose64 3 сағат бұрын
playing broodwar in its late golden age is what got me into rts as a kid, being apart of the zerg revolution with jaedong at the helm, those were some good times. sc2 was alright but it never felt like the original. this has some classic vibes with a modern feel from the looks of it. ill be playing at launch.
@CatKingCole82 9 сағат бұрын
I cannot WAIT for this game! Played every single Blizzard RTS. My only regret is I didn't get a chance to do one of the voices in the game.
@randybobandysc2711 10 сағат бұрын
Incredible job, really loved hearing this.
@laca6499 11 сағат бұрын
This video needs WAY more attention!! Thank you, Frost Giant Crew!!
@joelchua1637 20 сағат бұрын
Waiting for the idiots be spewing, “you don’t know how marketing a RTS really works”
@amonraboga 20 сағат бұрын
No Man's Sky launch vibes!
@vladoz9299 21 сағат бұрын
Looks great! Still Starcraft 2 one of my favorites (but hard game to be good at)... but this new game could change things. If i could play few games with friends, now and then, and they will enjoy it and want to play it, it would be good. Keep it up!!!
@hanheelee2383 Күн бұрын
왜 하필 카카오냐...
@starithm Күн бұрын
Better netcode! Less lag! Global matchmaking! 😮👍
@iheuzio Күн бұрын
You should improve upon the contrast with the UI imo, it is a bit too hard to see.
@movte Күн бұрын
Sry i have a question will this game be pay 2 win? Or how does the free to play mode lworks?
@user-ur4nl6dq2x 19 сағат бұрын
1v1 is F2P with paid cosmetics, pets; no P2W in any form. 3vE Co-op is mostly F2P with paid extra heroes, cosmetics, pets. 3v3 will apparently also have heroes so that is a question mark if it will be P2W. Campaign will cost money. Editor is unknown at this stage if it's F2P.
@jordondavis89 Күн бұрын
I really appreciate this company’s efforts to make RTS games more accessible to “non-skilled” players. One of the things that always annoyed me about playing RTS games against other people is the tendency for people to just play by the “meta” and if you don’t play that way, you can’t win. I’m really looking forward to seeing these other game modes they are talking about. Can they can break the tendency of people to find one way of winning and just keep doing that? Keep up the great work!
@MárioLAvellar Күн бұрын
Here comes the ones who Will surely dominate.
@ezzokenan1943 Күн бұрын
am expert player on strategy games been playing aoe 1 for 24 years I hope I can have access to this one I know I would be soo good :d
@HighLanderPonyYT 15 сағат бұрын
Aug 13th is free access.
@DAMND3Xx Күн бұрын
Cannot wait! See you all the 30th!
@johnsnake3467 Күн бұрын
Good vibes
@JonRobTom Күн бұрын
Firebathero's StarCraft students Hy (히엉^^7) and Linga (링가._.) showed up and played the game. Not surprising because I already watched Firebathero play the game before on open beta during Steam Next Fest.
@lordhelix1458 18 сағат бұрын
Firebathero is the greatest human to have lived
@calebrobinson6406 Күн бұрын
I have high hopes for RTS. Hope this game has something special ❤
@Frodonsake24 Күн бұрын
@fprohauha Күн бұрын
The lan vibes is great!! 🎉
@miloshp7399 Күн бұрын
Wow this could be big.
@kisaul-co4nl Күн бұрын
@HighLanderPonyYT Күн бұрын
I wish this use of the word influencer was abolished forever.
@Handle35667 Күн бұрын
It’s here to stay. The sheeple and NPCs crave influencers, and there are always those happy to take advantage of others. Even if the terminology changes, influencers and the impressionable influenced are part of human nature.
@HighLanderPonyYT 15 сағат бұрын
Idc if it stays but just call them YTers or whatever platform they're on-ers.
@dudeguybro Күн бұрын
I've always found it fascinating how StarCraft became this cultural phenomenon over in South Korea, and now Frost Giant is trying to push their (very similar) OG title over there, as well. Clearly these devs, as we know, have connections back to the 90s bringing RTS to Korea. Awesome stuff, dude!
@KabertaKneeGr0wCxntman 23 сағат бұрын
i always found it fascinating how they couldnt come up with 3 new factions you have the best team in the world (probably) and they still cant be creative enough to have unique cool factions someone explain this phenomenon to me? is gaming just dead out right or? they literally just copy and pasted zerg/human/protoss ffs man. how hard is it??!?!?!?! i can give you 12 unique factions right now all completely different look up "endless legends" and check out those factions. now thats art. only way they make up for that failure IMO is if we see multiple more factions come out (potentially a dozen after a few years?) and they have META's like league of legends does it basically. which wont happen guarantee it
@arasgee9184 20 сағат бұрын
@@KabertaKneeGr0wCxntman At first I also thought that the factions are copy-pasted, but as time went on, they've started to grow on me.
@Omguserr 19 сағат бұрын
@@KabertaKneeGr0wCxntman If it's going LoL route than it's going to be shit so better not. Creative people who create good stuff usually get bought by big companies and their talent is buried there, same with new inventions - companies just buy them patent and keep them so it doesn't interfere with their current business model. If more stuff was open source and all people would work together we would have so much better games and not only games but a better world too
@LimaTravel Күн бұрын
damn how about some games with some good casting? i wanna see the game not random people
@wrinoO Күн бұрын
wrong channel
@pknepps Күн бұрын
Try Farm Man Official. He posts casts almost daily. There is also a Tastosess cast out there somewhere
@byun1119 Күн бұрын
corn music
@user-ur4nl6dq2x Күн бұрын
Cara should be made an honorary South Korean at this point 😂
@SoumyadeepChanda Күн бұрын
Wow this got me hyped!
@trufflepudding4704 Күн бұрын
I am buying a gaming laptop just because of u guys 😂😂😂
@user-ut8gu7lz2j Күн бұрын
@trufflepudding4704 bro it's a super light game so far u don't need more than a ryzen 4500g to play it
@trufflepudding4704 Күн бұрын
@@user-ut8gu7lz2j i was thinking something like i5 , 16 gigs and 4050 ... hope thats enough.
@CognitoTanKhaiiHuitkh9917 9 сағат бұрын
​@@user-ut8gu7lz2j I thought it has a system requirements of Nvidia rtx 1k?
@user-ut8gu7lz2j Күн бұрын
This feels like stepping in starcrafts shoes once again. Brings me back to 1998
@Handle35667 Күн бұрын
Except Blizzard tried to shut StarCraft down in South Korea, so you mean it feels like the exact opposite right?
@user-ut8gu7lz2j 22 сағат бұрын
@Handle35667 na man, blizzard just tried to open up the game for everyone else, and that ended up backfiring
@Handle35667 16 сағат бұрын
@@user-ut8gu7lz2j no. Blizzard tried to shutdown the Starcraft e-sports scene from continuing as it has since inception when they launched SC2 in a bid by Blizzard for greater control and profit. Rent-seeking. They lost in court, and to the extent they succeeded, it was only to inadvertently shrink the SC2 e-sports scene in Korea to irrelevancy. Blizzard tried has a long history of trying to rent-seek. Multiple WC3 mods are example of this, including DOTA. Why do you think why killed WC3 mods when they launched Reforged, and trot out EULA for all their games where users agree to give up all intellectual property rights?
@benjamin1503 Күн бұрын
Where was Tasteless?? What a bad son
@FrostGiantStudios Күн бұрын
Tasteless is running the Stormgate Tasteless LAN in just a few days! August 3-4. Twitch.TV/TastelessTV Player lineup here:
@kaosce Күн бұрын
A great job there but I feel like it misses a bit of contrast. I'm thinking of something like Goldenaura in the current SC2 map pool
@JokeofAllButts Күн бұрын
This new protos I really dig
@akroo Күн бұрын
Can't wait to play Stormgate next week ! What I am hoping for is the possibility to have the assistant AI reminding you that you should do this and that rather than doing it for me. I think I'll learn better this way
@miloshp7399 Күн бұрын
Lookin better every t8me. Respect to devs and artists.
@bass2092 Күн бұрын
I really wish the art style went more to Starcraft rather than Fortnite/Pixar/WoW/Overwatch mix but oh well... I'm still grateful for this and looking forward to playing it on the 30th!
@Ready2pwn-kc5xp Күн бұрын
love your work
@gustavctresselt6192 Күн бұрын
Great work so far. Would love for the landscape to look more "miniature world"-like and less Catan-like. Ie. some "iconization" of the landscape is definitely important for the RTS-feel, but not to the degree where everything upon overview is slotted up in an isometric grid. Keep up the good work!
@Channel5Gaming Күн бұрын
Hope we get more focus on 2v2 and 2 player co-op. It's tough to communicate with 3 players, yet alone get everyone on at the same time.
@KabertaKneeGr0wCxntman Күн бұрын
for those 3 (or 4 is it?) legged frog tank things that launch the energy ball maybe allow for enemy units to target the legs and take them out. when all 3 are taken out it is immobile unless repaired (obviously it would also, if only targetting the legs, be knocked down to like 1/3rd health anyways) creating a strategy of knocking out a leg (or two) and SLOWING it down. or hindering its ability to unsiege and siege hire me
@KabertaKneeGr0wCxntman Күн бұрын
WARZ? make it WORZ
@KabertaKneeGr0wCxntman Күн бұрын
please dont have melee PVP with heroes please dont have melee PVPV with heroes please dont have melee PVPV with heroes!!!!
@user-ur4nl6dq2x Күн бұрын
There are no heroes in 1v1 PvP. There are heroes in 3v3 team PvP and 3 player Co-Op PvE
@KabertaKneeGr0wCxntman Күн бұрын
i will never surrender and give up! the boyscout's code! teemo! never give up never surrender and always report people! FOR HUMAANNITTY :-) TEHEE jk fuck that lmao! infernal rules. wipe out humanity lets. fucking. goooooooooooooooooooooooooo
@KabertaKneeGr0wCxntman Күн бұрын
i know nobody sees it (unless they're nephilim of course or extremely well versed in gaming and other knowledges that would be required to produce true art) but everything they're doing is right. and when SC2 came out first by the time it was like 2,3 years in it had totally changed (for the better in all ways even graphically) this game will revitalize RTS games again. jocks/preps/normies will be playing them like they did back in Halo Wars era when jocks only played call of duty or NBA2k games. also the future of gaming lies in warcraft 3 custom maps housing unbelievable hidden gems also the future of gaming lies in creating map editors (like halo forge from reach) or other "make your own game" sort of programs where you dont even sell a game. you just give people a dumbed down super user-friendly "editor" of sorts that even a 9 year old could work. p.s. to those who get rich off of this please send me 5k$ or something and hire me
@allanshpeley4284 21 сағат бұрын
This game will not revitalize RTS. Players will spike in August, September, October and then drop off heavily in subsequent months. Frost Giant Studios will then run out of money and be forced to close up shop or lay off most of their workers to keep the servers on.
@rushattack1 Күн бұрын
Looks like sc2. Looking forward to watching it
@ismasekkate9607 2 күн бұрын
5 days, can't freaking wait!!!
@geraldezeafulukwe3652 2 күн бұрын
This game looks awesome. Can't wait to dive in. The gameplay vibes remind me of the Gates of Pyre intro video I watched.
@danielskrivan6921 2 күн бұрын
Pre purchase now? Thought the game was going to be F2P?
@user-ur4nl6dq2x 2 күн бұрын
1v1 PvP, co-op with base heroes, editor are F2P on 13th August 2024. Campaign missions, extra Co-op heroes, cosmetics, and preview access on 30th July 2024 are monetised.