An Overlooked Atlus Artbook
4 ай бұрын
Persona 5 Tactica Is A Good Game
Final Fantasy 16 Is A Great Game
Etrian Odyssey HD Is A Good Game
Metaphor: ReFantazio Is Real
@el3743 16 сағат бұрын
I seriously cannot digest this game storyline 😢 i will sell my game 😂😂
@Nintentips. 19 сағат бұрын
I have a really hard time disliking or finding flaws in any part of this game. I know there there but this game means way to much to me and was too fun and I’m pretty jaded at this point gonna admit lol. Even watching this videos I’m like shoot I agree with that but you know I don’t care 😂
@Nintentips. 20 сағат бұрын
They definetly did this so people don’t accidently buy the wrong version at launch of veagence plus it doesn’t matter since the og game is on the vengeance cart anyway.
@nexusvine4475 Күн бұрын
9:57 flash warning, please
@nexusvine4475 Күн бұрын
10:19 I also noticed how did Akechi even do mental shutdowns? Do the random people just have a palace?
@nexusvine4475 Күн бұрын
5:55 does anyone know how to get the Jack Frost plushy
@ParakeetDSi Күн бұрын
11:55 Funny, given his new battle theme being called "No Hypocrisy"
@nexusvine4475 Күн бұрын
4:09 I found out that he is not required
@gornothdragnbone5898 Күн бұрын
I'll definitely accept that my personal bias leads me to disliking Morgana (don't hate him though). I had an abusive relationship with someone who constantly would make demeaning jabs at me because they were incredibly insecure about themselves. He's got a genuinely good arc, but i do not have time for abusive people like that in my life. I definitely find it funny that the dumbass gets punted, but it isnt deserved. I don't think people like that EVER deserve active abuse, but Morgana is a bunch of pixels with no feelings so im fine laughing about it in this case.
@carlosmelendez8317 2 күн бұрын
I can't decide which game to start first Like A Dragon IW or Persona 3 reload???
@lewis9s 2 күн бұрын
“Thank you Shin Megamei Tensei Vengance”
@GeekToMyNerd 4 күн бұрын
Eternal Punishment was my first SMT related game
@GeekToMyNerd 4 күн бұрын
As an aside about the DDS games, they are VERY relevant to the kind of media coming out at that time, I don’t want to get too into it, spoilers, but it’s pretty great!
@lucascoffey1290 5 күн бұрын
I'm fine with the new direction in art style and everything but my only problem with the trailer is beat's outfit, I wish they would've kept the actual character design closer the the original because what the fuck is beat wearing 😭
@makotonarukami7468 6 күн бұрын
This further confirms that O.G. V was never 100% ready due to "19-COIDV", and it makes more sense to remove it.
@papabear6611 8 күн бұрын
How is it everywhere I’ve seen people hate Morgana. I actually quite like him, put that hate torward Ryuji, he’s a prick
@IAm.Messmer.Brother.Of.Malenia 10 күн бұрын
as someone who just found SMTV due to the recent release of vengeance i have to say, it is pretty damn nice how different yet how similar they feel. combat too. one is for the story focused people and one is for the combat focused people but *both* games provide those experiences, just at a different ratio it's genius honestly and i really hope that this means SMT6 will happen after P6. and then we have metaphor coming. i found this company at a good time 😆
@BlueLightningSky 10 күн бұрын
This should have been DLC but since it's not You know what this is like: Selling Super Street Fighter next to Street Fighter. And nothing is more scummy than selling Street Fighter at a discount when Super is already out.
@dabillya6845 11 күн бұрын
why do you bring up editing the video at the end of every single video.
@dabillya6845 11 күн бұрын
you are 100 percent wrong about the magatsuhi crit going into the next battle.... wtf?
@Manic06 12 күн бұрын
I dont loathe it. But the original look and style feels more at home since the whole look of the world and characters looks like graffiti ripped from a skate park.
@AxelWedstar411 12 күн бұрын
The less popular sequel to Too Much Water; Not Enough Persona.
@raulrojas9253 13 күн бұрын
So its been 3 weeks...were my Vengeance review macca? yes already beat the game 3 times and I am getting ready for some superbosses, but still where is my review????
@GilgaMax305 14 күн бұрын
Who the fuck cares? Vengeance is obviously the better option.
@GoddamnMYPstudent 17 күн бұрын
The best post-game JRPG content I have ever experienced, especially the final cup boss rush.
@24hr-Gaming 17 күн бұрын
I mean the comment that it's SMT fans salty about Persona being a bigger success is true. Every Persona game has had potshots from SMT fans that as an SMT fan I never really understood. Though I think SMT's approach to storytelling is worth criticizing. The premise of the games are largely the same. 5 does offer more customization but so far to me it doesn't feel that different from 4. And I think the bigger criticism is how static the demon compendium feels which feels like a waste. Metatron in one game is going to behave pretty similarly to Metatron in another game. With how they're willing to dive into different mythologies, I want to see them use it as more than window dressing and I feel like a lot of the spin offs have done a better job using what SMT has to offer as a franchise. That is one thing Persona has done well. Every game is different enough to stand on it's own, though some systems in 5 feel like they're there to just be there so I hope they're more bold with 6. I'm hoping Metaphor will push them to be more creative with what they have.
@Bones_Ex 19 күн бұрын
Persona 5 is. 10/10 BUT because of Morgana I’d rate it a 9/10. F**k Morgana
@sauceinmyface9302 19 күн бұрын
I'm in the "Don't mind" camp. It's less confusing. Also, this rerelease follows more of the "expansion" style rather than a remaster or remake. If you buy vengeance, and just play creation, you can think of it like playing the base game but after it got another patch. As much as it sucks that you can't roll back the patch, the vast majority of games don't let you access old versions of the same game, so it's not just Atlus here. That being said, I think this really should've been presented as a DLC. I don't mind if you only sell the new old game+expansion on the store, but people that already bought in really don't deserve to buy the game all over again for a patch and an improved story. It's not even like its for a whole new system.
@oddmon2167 20 күн бұрын
Hey lad from the past, SMT 7 wasn’t the worst, wasn’t the best but the second iteration just got announced so there’s that. Though SMT4 Remake was a moment! 🍻
@GoodnightBroadcast 21 күн бұрын
So after beating SMT V “Canon Of Creation” I feel like the endings should not be called that but instead be called “Theocratic Order” for Abidel and Dazai, “Pantheon of Chaos” for Yuzuru and Hayao, “Anarchy of Mortals” For Nuwa and Yakumo and lastly “Harmony of Humanity” for the secret ending The reason why is because of the meaning behind the names which is 1. Theocratic Order: This ideal centers on allowing God's singular order to prevail, with the world governed by divine will. 2. Pantheon of Chaos: Allowing multiple gods to rule, risking conflict for supremacy. 3. Anarchy of Mortals: This ideal involves destroying all divine throne, resulting in a world where humans must fend for themselves, free from the influence of gods and demons, leading to chaos and conflict. 4. Harmony of Humanity: Similar to the previous ideal, this one also envisions the destruction of divine throne, but leads to a world where humans live in harmony and order, without the presence of gods or demons.
@cassiedevereaux-smith3890 21 күн бұрын
Gotta say, I live the vanilla ending better. The Royal one is good too, but the first was so sweet.
@GeeNoTv19 21 күн бұрын
My of my favorite games of all time
@user-gn4jq1cw4r 21 күн бұрын
the thing is, i already have it
@cassiedevereaux-smith3890 22 күн бұрын
It's my favorite modern JRPG, full stop, and part of my top three with FFVI and Grandia. I LOVE it. Eff the haters, from my point of view this is as close to perfection as we've had in over 20 years. Your mileage, of course, may vary.
@Dinodio64 22 күн бұрын
30:29 Oh man, i am so pleased to tell they absolutely did not
@cassiedevereaux-smith3890 22 күн бұрын
I wouldn't say the series are totally different as many people do. I'd say it's *significantly* different. There are lots of similarities, but the differences? They're quite significant and worth exploring. But that doesn't mean they're apples and oranges.
@IrayaHitsomoyo 23 күн бұрын
O lol good what i have phisocal I gona be rich lol
@UnderAvg 24 күн бұрын
It's time. Review Shin Megami Tensei V: Deep Full Royal Breaker Overclocked.
@MomijifanLowKI 24 күн бұрын
I be in this game three times and I'm currently trying to beat it on my 4th playthrough.
@goddamnpavuk1099 25 күн бұрын
0:57 it's just a silly joke, I know. But I'm so tired of people depicting soviet union that way... Soviets and communist party were the embodiment of injustice, when people in power made the life miserable for other. For you all I might sound as a stupid guy ranting about politics ubder a 2 years old megaten video. But I'm just so sick of people using soviet union as some symbol of justice, while in reality it caused so much suffering for my people and dozens of other nations
@tacobelldumpster1538 26 күн бұрын
Some new leaked footage came out of the game, while it looks rough bc it’s a dev build, it gave me a lot of confidence that they know what they are doing.
@quboidgames6702 16 күн бұрын
Please tell me where the leaked footage is
@cavinggameing6991 26 күн бұрын
How wrong you were on the re-release it was a big upgrade story wise
@ajflink 26 күн бұрын
It's kinda like the Final Fantasy series where eventually you have to accept that what makes them part of the same series are the reoccurring elements. If you are not summoning and/or allying with "demons", it is not SMT probably.
@joeyjohnson5554 26 күн бұрын
Can’t wait for your video about SMTV vengeance story. I shared your complaints from this video and vengeance does a good job of addressing them.
@Marcustheseer 26 күн бұрын
I love the game it has all my favorite demons and angels in it from 3 and non.of the stupid new game plus mechanics. Only annoing part is when demons gain stats at the resting place you have to save and reload to get the desired stats same goes for leveling up. I wish they would let you pick what stats you want,but for the rest its a fun challanging game. Luckely you can mostly choose youre own charc stats
@jeezycreezy4220 26 күн бұрын
Little late to the party, but I recently platted the PS5 version. I love it! Playing it on a system that can properly handle the Unreal engine makes a world of difference performancewise and makes the experiance much more enjoyable. The new story route is really good, with both new endings being worth it. For a really fun time, talk to Pixie and Demi-Feind after you defeat him, you will not regret it!
@Marcustheseer 26 күн бұрын
am playing it right now as a newly released steam game and i love it,i played part 3 on ps2 and all the things that where annoing and lacking in 3 part 5 has all the good stuf and non of the annoing stuf. only slightly annoing thing is that easy mode can stil have hard bosses but thats more duo to having the right or wrong teams skills and levels,the game is very strategical. i like that youre main charc can change his affinity/weakniss and strengts but its abit annoing you sometimes have to use charcs you have nothing with just to beat a boss,would have been nice if you could change youre demons and engels affinity aswel. story is pretty desent with some twists i didnt see coming hyet some i did.