Why Trends Are Getting Shorter
Why Cars Today Suck
21 күн бұрын
The Air Up Bottle Is a Scam
The RISE of Maximalism
2 ай бұрын
The Cologne Industry is a SCAM
The INSANE World of Strollers
How Parking Lots RUINED America
The TRUTH about Supermarket Salmon
Why the Glass Bottle FAILED
4 ай бұрын
The TRUTH about Meal Replacements
The TRUTH about Decluttering
How Coca Cola STOLE Santa Claus
How Fake Trees TOOK OVER Christmas
The TRUTH about Doc Martens
6 ай бұрын
Why is Le Creuset SO Popular?
The RISE and FALL of Avocados
The RISE and FALL of Black Friday
Why Temu is a NIGHTMARE
7 ай бұрын
The PROBLEM with Toilet Paper
@chantalreneehayles7976 Сағат бұрын
tbh target literally looks and feels like if sears and walmart had a baby
@DonVal86 Сағат бұрын
Even though I’m a life long musician and a music teacher I finally listened to vinyl tonight. Not being able to skip a song and enjoying an album from beginning to end is what I’ve been missing. I missed the days of my adolescence when I listened to cassettes and would read the lyrics and credits. 👍
@Roos_m 2 сағат бұрын
Love your humour! Lots of love from the Netherlands 😂
@bestsony4933 2 сағат бұрын
I bought a leather jacket from value village and I regret it big got it for $15 got it dry cleaned and polished for $135 dam I could of got new for $99 😢
@M-yb1cc 3 сағат бұрын
Normies gonna norm
@KoreyThatcher 3 сағат бұрын
This is actually good news!
@audrablue515 3 сағат бұрын
I do a lot of thrift shopping. I like sewing but new fabric so insanely expensive so I buy sheets, pillow cases and doona(duvet) covers from thrift store. I also like men’s shirts as they are mostly cotton or cotton poly blend which are easy to sew. But men’s shirts are now upwards of $12 each in some stores and they have been donated so WTF? Also “vintage” Hawaiian shirts are selling upwards of $75. It’s ridiculous. I’m better off buying new or in the case of sheets and pillowcases for fabric, going into Kmart or even Aldi when they are having huge sales and getting new stuff for cheaper than in the thrift stores.
@wetlettuce8215 4 сағат бұрын
problem with every trend, its overly done
@auggiedoggiesmommy1734 4 сағат бұрын
There is no impending recession.
@christopherlydon-sr1gu 7 сағат бұрын
It's crazy it's marketed to children.
@vincentbryan1962 7 сағат бұрын
As a person who works on cars. I have 3 cars. 1999 geo metro. 2000 Chevy cavalier and 1962 impala lowrider. Cars today suck. They suck. They built them with money in mind. Parts today have plastic instead of aluminum or metal in the engine because basic is cheaper and it doesn’t last. Open up your engine you’ll see, plastic everywhere. Cars today deliberately make it hard for you to do simple things like change the fucking battery so you HAVE to take it in and pay so much money because they designed it that way. It’s evil it’s sad and it sucks. I won’t and don’t ever want to own a car passed 2010. I feel like the 90’s and early 00 were the sweet spot in cars. Simple enough to work on it yourself yet just enough tech to make it somewhat comfortable. The more computers that they put into these cars the more than can fuck up. Does anyone have a iPhone 4 that they use today? No. It’s the same thing. Now my 62 impala. I really got to see how times have changed from the 60’s to the 99. No air bag. No ac. And I love it.
@lynb1022 7 сағат бұрын
Thrifting sucks now because it's (mostly) no longer "thrifty". Those of us who've been buying secondhand for decades did it out of necessity, an appreciation for quality (pre-80s clothing usually made better and/or easier to repair), and not being embarrassed about being low-income in the first place, despite being looked down upon by others. All unlike the new round of reseller parasites buying up the good stuff to resell it for 10x more in their "boutiques" to their poverty-porn LARPing followers.
@lisawicks8205 7 сағат бұрын
Can we talk about the resellers going in and buying everything up?
@peterdinklage2892 7 сағат бұрын
Aren't you the guy that fucked a pie?🥧
@robertcampbellii9787 7 сағат бұрын
The only thing I don't like about "minimalism" is that the people who promote it are usually the very "religious" (Christian)
@fffanm 7 сағат бұрын
I get most of my clothes from "tianguis" here in Mexico. They are weekly markets where locals put their own stands on the street to sell anything they want, usually paying a small fee to a community manager from the neighborhood. Many stands use a "paca" system, where the sellers just buy second-hand clothes in large packs - clothes "de paca". Sometimes they don't even know what's in the order, just how many items it includes, and the overall quality. They open the bags on large wooden platforms, and put a set price for items from that specific "tarima", which can range from as low as 5MXN (0.37CAD) to 350MXN (26CAD) or more, for items like sneakers. It's very exciting to just dive in the enormous mountains of clothes and finding the most unlikely things. I've bought Adidas and Nike training tees and shorts; NFL jerseys; Express, Tommy Hilfiger, Vera Wang, Nautica, Ralph Lauren shirts; Calvin Klein and Victoria Secret underwear; etc., for very low prices. Most items sold are in bad condition, but it's a matter of knowing how to thrift to find the treasures.
@AMPProf 7 сағат бұрын
No the chinese t shirt recycling machine is
@anythingbutmyname5803 8 сағат бұрын
The point system is so complicated (for anyone who has lower than 2nd grade math skills)
@68wrko 8 сағат бұрын
Really stupid sorry, leather is best, it breaths, last longer and conforms to foot. Just you the hides that are thrown away from cattle used for meat and you ahve the problem solve. Just wayyyyy to much over reach here. FYI, the original Stan Smiths were so much beeter than the junk ones out now, they just dont last!
@matthewduff-tytler2332 10 сағат бұрын
I don’t shop thrift store because don’t like used clothes because of mine allergies. And knows value village is over priced. H&M and bluenotes and winners and urban planet is cheaper to finds clothes plus it band new clothes. then value village is more prices for used.
@Silentkittey 10 сағат бұрын
Yup everything in the video said is exactly right on every single thing that is happening now and what will come in the the later future. I’ve rarely bought $100 clothing/ shoes anything but being pinned against a wall what was exactly described in this video absolutely nothing is cheap at all anymore. But when I finally in my life bought the “brand stuff” fell apart after one use or wash…… now and days no thrifting so you all can have overpriced crap now I’m done. I just use what I found in the 90’s thrift stores and yard sales and repurpose them now.
@Will_Moffett 10 сағат бұрын
How do you make sure there are no bugs in your thrift store purchases?
@twalatka 10 сағат бұрын
I throw on some jeans or cutoffs, a tank top or a sweatshirt, and hiking boots to go hiking. Screw the fashion show idiots.
@eddiespaghetti54321 10 сағат бұрын
I only go to Target if they have something I need that other stores don’t have or if it means not having to go to fucking Walmart, the only fucking retail chain in America that doesn’t take contactless pay and that takes like 10 years to check out 3 items because there’s only 1 register open and all the welfare recipients have carts overflowing with prepackaged junk food and they insist on having long conversations or arguments with the cashiers or for some reason can’t figure out how to use their debit/credit cards and so now there’s a line extending well into to the produce isle.
@keithn4304 10 сағат бұрын
I feel like there could be a channel on TV and KZfaq that (24/7) just explained how a majority of cheep things we buy made in China are from inhumane sweat shops, forced and child labor, and prisoners doing time for low level crimes. AND... U.S. Consumers would still buy it.
@kateelam675 10 сағат бұрын
Congrats on the new baby!! Best to your family!! Great video, I have been sick and on a "Future Proof" binge :)
@Boredblacksheep 11 сағат бұрын
I truly believe that Macklemore's "Thrift shop" had a cultural impact and removed a lot of the taboo around thrifting. There were artists that refused to collaborate on the song & video because it was "beneath them"
@nicholaslangheld8394 12 сағат бұрын
If you don't trust your tap water, advocate for more funding to your public water system and action to remove whatever is your concern. We have multi million dollar systems across the US that are going to mean more than a 20$ filter; that you don't change when you should. Just drink freaking water, hydration should not be that complicated; we have been doing it for millions of years.
@That2003show 12 сағат бұрын
If africa dont hop on it ,its not a trend
@briarcliffbabe 12 сағат бұрын
It all depends on your local thrift market. I know the “good” places and the “bad”places. I am still getting great deals on nice clothes where I live. But I am in the Midwest. I also see the “bad” deal shops and I don’t shop there, EVER. I still have places to get deals and consider myself lucky. I am not a reseller…just a well dressed buyer.
@nicholaslangheld8394 12 сағат бұрын
Another option is don't use either, don't let long dead Victorian royalty influence your modern holidays. Just put up lights, garland or green decor plants like holly etc... Limit your self to one gift per person and just exchange them with each other of over Christmas meal. Maybe go outside into nature and engage with it and just spend time with the ones you love. You don't need much more than that.
@roar 12 сағат бұрын
Trend followers are so cringe
@TheUnforgiven013 12 сағат бұрын
Honestly great video! I think this encapsulates how I feel about it; I consider myself "casually" minimalist, in that I try not to accumulate tons of stuff, but mainly I just pay attention to what I buy. I really think about my purchases before making them, and I donate things that I don't use or like anymore so that I can make room for those conscious purchases. I've never had tons of stuff, but I've never had a lot of living space so even a small amount of stuff could get overwhelming, which is what got me started down that path. I realized after a while though that I was obsessing over not having stuff in the same way that people obsess over having it; I was constantly thinking about what I could get rid of, how I could pare things down, how I didn't need this or that even though I liked it... it came from a bad place and bad experiences in my past. Once I got rid of that mindset of racing to the bottom, I find myself with a decently large but carefully curated collection of things that I like including figures and keychains and misc things that are "useless". Obviously I still end up with random crap here and there, but it gets cleaned out as I go so I don't worry about it. I just don't want to have things lying around that are not being appreciated or used--it's clutter to me and could be actually good for someone else!
@sabbdadlei 13 сағат бұрын
I work at a second hand store here in Sweden, and we have a TON of clothes! I think we have about 800 clothes just in store and more in boxes in the back. But the problem with a lot of these clothes is.. You understand why the person didn't want to have them anymore, and so much just gets thrown in the recycling bags.. And because I now work at a second hand, I have also started to shop more at second hand stores. But it's really hard to actually find anything that fits because the majority is in Small sizes and I wear Medium to Large clothes, and the rest is just ugly or not my style. Another second hand in downtown have also raised their prices on both clothes and items wich is not worth for me to buy when I can buy the same item for the exact same prize but new instead.. The whole deal with shopping in a second hand is because it's supposed to be cheaper, not more expensive! The second hand I work at have good prices (so far) and I hope we can still keep the lower prices! And also, I like more old items and clothes and these types of clothes are very rare to find. Sorry if my English is not the best!
@jennie7 14 сағат бұрын
Shein has infiltrated thrift stores. My aunt just passed away from cancer last month and she loved thrift stores. Please stay away from thrift stores because they’re full of toxic, cancerous clothes. Shein and Temu should be banned in the U.S.. Unfortunately that will never happen and all we can do is avoid the thrift stores and avoid influencers that make money off those poisonous clothes and products. So sad that in modern day, people still buy from sweatshops. I’ve seen live videos of how bad the conditions are for those workers at shein and Temu. They work for Pennie’s on the hour. You have to be a certain kind of evil to support those stores because shein and Temu are responsible for the uptick in cancer. It’s best to buy from reputable companies than to buy clothes that are harmful and clothes that were made by literal Chinese slaves. I understand why some people go to shein, because usually those people have had unnatural surgeries and they require special clothes to fit their bodies, but it’s still no excuse when you can just get your clothes tailored instead of choosing those online stores. Be safe. Thrift stores are so full of those harmful products
@epsileth 14 сағат бұрын
I have a reusable coffee mug, and a water bottle, both insulated stainless steel. Keeps hot or cold as needed, and not throwing away paper or plastic. Stanley is a fashion trend now, only because a viral video showed ice in a travel mug, after surviving a car fire. Any smart coffee chain has their own travel cup, for free branding and to possibly offer the money saved in the cup as a discount for the customer. And a quick note for tea lovers, the reason glass is most commonly used for travel, is that stainless steel gets a bit funky after a serving or two. A soak in unflavored denture tablets can help.
@bookworm1956 14 сағат бұрын
I've always functioned like this. I buy some new stuff, good quality, and wear it to death, then if it is really a favourite piece use the pattern to alter something thrifted. I buy thrifted things if they are nice quality, either my size or bigger, then alter them to make them smaller. I'm not good enough at sewing to do the inverse, but it works for me.
@leannerae 15 сағат бұрын
Sounds like this is the male version of Target 😂
@leannerae 15 сағат бұрын
I thought this was gonna be about hats in general, watched it all the way because of the marketing and the culture of the shop and now I really want one of these hats that I never heard of before! 😂
@epsileth 15 сағат бұрын
Smaller glass coke bottle, made with cane sugar and chilled. Perfection.
@crazy4beatles 15 сағат бұрын
Ironically the part about intentionally (a warped sense of it) I think led to a return to consumerism. Or rather it was weaponized to sell stuff. A lot of shopping is online and pushed on social media. So much of the messaging is about treating yourself, about making your home uniquely yours - in other words with the intention of giving you something that blank white walls don’t give you. Think about all this talk of aesthetics - it’s about looking the part. And buying all the little things that in conjunction let you live the dark academia or cottage core life. 😅
@DanPocketRocket 15 сағат бұрын
Best deals seem to be on fb marketplace
@Pnda420 15 сағат бұрын
The daily intake is 400 milligrams of caffeine daily. you would only need two prime drinks till you meet your max intake. Or if a teenager is drinking it their max intake is 100 milligrams of caffeine daily. Witch they probably are from how it’s marketed
@grundgesetzart.1463 15 сағат бұрын
An idea how to flavour the water with little sugar: two tablespoons of tamarind paste (put it in hot water until it dissolves, then squeeze it through a sieve, removing the fibres and kernels), sqeeze two limes, put some mint leaves and cane sugar to your liking (or leave it out altogether). Add 500 ml of cold water. This is a drink the kids really enjoyed. Well, until flavored water got banned in school, lol.
@grundgesetzart.1463 16 сағат бұрын
I live in Austria and work as an elementary school teacher I saw many kids using this air up nonsense. It was huge during last year, right now I don't see them much. The Vienna city council banned soft drinks and "flavored water" from the elementary schools. That this stupidity came from Germany, is not surprising.
@Ischaemicdisease 16 сағат бұрын
Just had my 1980 boots sent to Dc Martens for new soles, they look amazing compared to the new pairs I bought recently and more comfortable.
@Dermie 16 сағат бұрын
It would be interesting see some scientific studies about cheap sunglasses being bad at blocking UV light. Generally, it is thought that it is more difficult to create polycarbonates that allows UV light through. I know those are not certficated, but you don't need a certifaction to block UV light :D Sounds like Luxotica mantra.
@what_sherface5573 16 сағат бұрын
I’m proud to say it’s been a year since I’ve been to a Starbucks 🎉
@esme_melody 10 сағат бұрын
proud of u!!! :D
@Crazea 16 сағат бұрын
As with shopping anywhere, if it's overpriced, just don't buy it. Works for me every time.
@Yesica1993 17 сағат бұрын
Oh, goodness, I come to look for information and get in the comments and everyone is already disagreeing and correcting. I honestly don't know what to believe anymore! I just want cookware that WORKS and has minimal toxicity when heated! Sheesh.