Morning Tea With Kenton -- Building Nests
Morning Tea With Kenton =) -- Our Fears
Morning Tea With Kenton -- About Caring.
The Strangest Wild Food In the World?
Mirabelle on Inside Edition =)
Day of Gratitude Challenge!
2 ай бұрын
The Eclipse Mind
3 ай бұрын
This Breath
4 ай бұрын
How To Overcome Fear Of The Dark
Our Favorite Family Meditation
"Become a Superhero" Challenge
@eaglet6703 5 сағат бұрын
I need a condition to hot weather tutorial.
@alexrc7333 9 сағат бұрын
Indeed! I really like to go into the deep forest and just stand by. After 30 minutes, it becomes so immersive; the sounds, the scents, all the wildlife that goes about. It is humbling and beautiful. Abput trees, it amazes me how the roots act as a complex network of communication between many species; fungus, insects, microorganisms. We (as society) tend to be amazed by developements in science and technology but seldom do we pay attention to the biological wonders out there. Trees are like hotspots in the wood's network of communications! Have a great week!
@trixie9867 15 сағат бұрын
@TheNomadicSol 16 сағат бұрын
Seeing you enjoy it makes me excited🙂 Thanks for sharing!
@M00Nature 17 сағат бұрын
Yes, there is so much going on in the natural world that we are still learning about. Everyone can contribute to this learning. There are many citizen science projects online where you can enter your observations such as Cornell’s NestWatch, Project Feederwatch and eBird. There are many others like iNaturalist and Journey North. It is great to share your observations with others all around the world even if you do have to do it on a screen. Of course if you are staring at a screen all day you won’t be outside observing all the wonder. 😍
@Mahaprajnaparamita 17 сағат бұрын
As I was in the garden this morning, I noticed that some millet heads had been excised from their stems by the deer. Before this I had thought it simply an act of wanton cruelty, like a host of soldiers trampling the fields of unlucky farmers, but a thought arose that perhaps it was in fact a horticultural technique meant for perennial grasses that the deer had misapplied to annual grasses (resulting in their subsequent death). When we human people grow rhubarb in the gardens, we cut off the flower stalks so that their leafy growth is more vigorous. The same applies to perennial grasses-when they do not use effort on making seeds, more goes to making tender leaves for the deer to eat. Deer practicing horticulture? This puts an entirely new perspective on the issue. Either the deer people are trying to get rid of or weed out the annual grasses, which they don’t like to eat, or they are slow to learn (just like us) and are trying to apply the technique to the wrong plants. So the issue is that one garden is being tended by two gardeners with conflicting gardening techniques. When I wrote “use effort” I originally had written “expend energy” because it is a clichéd phrase, but that phrasing is so dissociated and cold, and doesn’t conjure a living, conscious plant. Yesterday, I also was weeding and came across a yellowjacket nest while unaware of its existence. Its existence became quite evident before long. Most of the other human people around me would label them as evil vermin, but because of different attitudes I am happy that they are there. There is a quote, but I forgot the origin and exact wording. To paraphrase very roughly: When there are no wolves, mountain lions, wasps, and poison ivy, then human beings lose care, and the ecosystem begins inevitably to decline. But having these fierce neighbors able and unafraid to defend their own homes, it tugs me back into an active and assertive world that we are living within and not simply experiencing.
@WhirledPublishing 18 сағат бұрын
Trees become more wise and full of life - as the years go by - overflowing with spirit. Plants and trees and flowers and fruits and vegetables and nuts and seeds can sense our emotions, read our thoughts and respond - just as water does - and also the minerals in the rocks and stones and mountains - this fact is documented by numerous independent researchers in books titled: The Secret Life of Plants ... also the mushrooms ... many books and researchers expose all this ... while the vast majority of humans are so detached from the reality of this world as to be rendered insane.
@richardbonner2354 18 сағат бұрын
Kenton, at 5:04 ... "We can imagine that, that's a more complex, 'machine' activity..." (a Tree Gen-erating a chemical that's attracive to a particular Predator's Natural Adversaries.) {And the famed "Mechanical NightingGale" of the Orient's mythological Culture IS a remarkable 'machine'... yet it's got NUTHin' on the wonder and majesty of an authentic NightingGale singing.} .... although to me, It seems as though the Sugar Maple is marshalling Natural Allies in It's fight to exist and thrive..., as peacefully as is possible, in a Whorl' with voracious enemies. 🙂 Rick Bonner Pennsyltuck
@richardbonner2354 18 сағат бұрын
From an olde English Folk song, 'One Mornin' in May' : 🎼🎶 "O Soldier, kind Soldier... I'd rather hear Your fiddle at the touch o' One string, than to see the Water glide'n, or hear the Nightingale sing..."🎶 An excellen' tune to whistle while wanderin' the Woods. Although..., the Birds will have to laugh at You an' Your pathetic efforts. Yet, We're tough enough...; We kin take a lil' .... "mockery" from a Mockin' Bird. 🙂 Rick
@WhirledPublishing 19 сағат бұрын
Birds in Hawaii are very very loudly and excitedly singing early in the mornings - I wondered what all that chatter was about so I listened very closely - this is what they were singing: You would not believe the dream I had!
@shawn6306 20 сағат бұрын
i konw most believe being addicted is like a drug i disagree with that because it don't matter if some of us choose to take a break from technology or anything else we still going to be addicted to something else too like nature that is still addiction to me and i don't like the majority always say stay away from the screen stop being addicted to technology being told what to do being force take a break from it because i don't wanna do that because it won't make me happy at all i always hate being force to do certain things i don't wanna do because i love embrace being addicted to most technologies i love because it makes me happy i think there is nothing wrong if some choose to be addicted to technology it's not bad unhealthy thing to me i think it's good natural thing to me if some choose to be addicted to technology just like i'm ok if some choose to not be addicted to technologies but i know there will always be some that are not ok some being addicted to technology and some will be ok some that are ok some being addicted to technologies as long we respect everyone's free will being open minded as long we respect everyone's free will decsions because i agree resonate most say there is no right or wrong decsions path as long it makes some of us happy but if it doesn't make some people happy than that's when i can agree is when they can found something else to do that do make some of them happy and as long we are not forceful close minded disrespectful making some stop being addicte if some if some don't wanna stop being addicted i just want to share my difference point of view perspective
@WhirledPublishing 18 сағат бұрын
I'm addicted to the pursuit of truth and peace, kindness and helpfulness - and because of all the cruelty in the world, all the bitterness and deceitfulness and all the haters, I mostly keep to myself - so I pursue the truth and peace and kindness and helpfulness online - I appreciate your comment - however, some tech addicts are self-destructing on video games, porn, as keyboard warriors, etc.
@froglizard6135 22 сағат бұрын
I really enjoy hearing birds in the morning. It's so much better than an alarm clock
@ReWildUniversity 20 сағат бұрын
Couldn't agree more =)
@danielhill7149 22 сағат бұрын
I honestly don't feel that we give enough consideration to the consciousness to the other species we share this world with. Dogs mourn the loss of loved ones in a similar way that we do. I think there may be a disconnect in that we can't experience the world through the life of a tree, dog or insect. Next week I'm home and I'm looking forward to some low tech time! Love you my friend 💚
@ReWildUniversity 21 сағат бұрын
So excited for you to have that time, dear friend! It will be fun thinking of you getting to wander out among the trees =)
@Mahaprajnaparamita Күн бұрын
I remember being in the forest one fall with some hairy wood mint. The mint plants’ main stems had died, but the branches were still alive, and they were forming aerial roots. The now dead stems would flop over, planting the little plantlets into the soft mud where they would take root.
@ReWildUniversity Күн бұрын
Oh, what a beautiful plant =) I didn't know it could do that!!!
@Mahaprajnaparamita Күн бұрын
Yes! And they’re rare in our area as well-as far as I understand they’re more common in the right habitat further west where you are, but here it is just one particular wonderful mountain as far as I know. So it makes it seem particularly special-a rare plant with fascinating means of reproduction. When I saw them I helped plant a few more of these peculiar plantlets in the mud around the mother plant.
@trixie9867 Күн бұрын
one thing I love about your videos is how I don't have to rush to adjust my volume as the video starts - usually there is loud intro music on the typical yt video
@richardbonner2354 Күн бұрын
I love it when out wandering..., I light upon a Lady Bird -- could be a Robin or a Blue Jay or a Finch or a Cardinal or even a Falcon -- twittering with Her Partner : " You an' I, She says, are gonna play a new game today. It's called, let's build Us a Nest." And the Fella invariably says something like, "Well why..., when there're so many OTHER fun things that You and I could do, would I wanna do THAT?!?" "You want to build a Nest with Me, SweetHeart, because that's what I want to do. And You know.... what I want to do is what YOU wanna do. Am I right?" He invariably cocks His head up to the left, pondering..., then to the right, considering His Honey's proposition, before tweeting back to Her, "You're right again Dear; let's You an' I get down to it." 🙂 Rick Bonner Pennsyltuck
@M00Nature Күн бұрын
I have been a bluebird box monitor for many years. The nest building is very interesting but what really amazes me is how the parents are able to take care of the tiny naked hatchlings so tenderly. It is such a privilege to see their growth and development and be a part of helping the birds be successful.
@ReWildUniversity Күн бұрын
We have some bluebirds as well! Just one pair in a box we made. Must be fun that you are actually doing monitoring. I bet you know those birds well =)
@SoccerToBePro Күн бұрын
Very inspiring! One’s life can be similar to a bird’s nest - chaotic yet resolute
@upstny Күн бұрын
To be able to peer into the secret lives of animals, as well as plants, is a gift. Every spring a pair of robins builds a nest under the eave of my house on top of the hardware that anchors the electrical cable to the siding. I am very over-protective of the space surrounding the nest during their stay. When the young have fledged, and I am fairly certain a second brood isn't in the making, I take down the nest and marvel at its construction. It's a perfectly round cup made of mud and dry grasses that the pair seem to "throw up" in a matter of days! I take pleasure in knowing that the eave of my house offers mom protection from the capricious spring weather as she warms her eggs ps. really enjoy teatime Kenton. great way to set the tone for the day
@ReWildUniversity Күн бұрын
That must be so fun to see them nesting. And I really appreciate you sharing that you enjoy these morning teas!!
@theapocilip Күн бұрын
Their nest building powers are amazing lol. I hang up my ladder one day, the next day go to grab it and there’s a big ol’ nest on it with eggs inside. My first though “who put this here?” Lol
@ReWildUniversity Күн бұрын
Ha! That's so funny -- they are definitely quick!!
@davidwayne5152 Күн бұрын
Nature is amazing😊
@concertinamadrigals4058 Күн бұрын
Last summer, I was visiting a local tourist attraction, featuring a view of the Olympic Peninsula, from Vancouver Island, and happened to catch a Raven and a juvenile Bald Eagle, chasing one-another over the treetops, catching and dropping a piece of rope. I don't expect that most people are aware that animals play, just as humans do. It's amazing to watch, when you're fortunate to see it happen.
@ReWildUniversity Күн бұрын
What a sight! That must have been amazing -- play!!!!
@chrisjones3688 2 күн бұрын
Dude got skills
@Nadine-nd4in 2 күн бұрын
A few years ago, I let go of what I call my irrational fears, e.g. the fear of my airplane crashing... But on the other hand I value what I call rational fears, that are helping me to realize a dangerous situation, I wouldn't want to miss them. If I am uncertain, if a fear is "rational"l or not, I pause and wait for my intuition to tell me, if I need to do react to it or not. If I decide to move on, I accept the possible consequences as something I want to experience. Instead of fear I focus on trust, gratitude, being responsible for everything, that happens to me, and on being honest with myself. I try to reflect on my feelings. So the fears of not belonging or not being seen or valued often are only needs formed in my childhood, the fears of a little child, not relevant any more and I can let them go und move on with trust and accepting me / a challenge. I trust that everything that happens to me has something to do with me. It's ether an experience I kind of choose or an opportunity to grow or it happens because I postponed something I should have done earlier (and I always know that). I know my personal underlying basic big fears and accept them. And I want to face them and grow together with them. So that's the goal. It does work sometimes... haha!
@ReWildUniversity Күн бұрын
Oh wow, there is so much good stuff in your words here! Great reminders, and such a great way to see how fear is very much the proverbial double-edged sword =)
@DOLEWDREW 2 күн бұрын
I actually sometimes hum on both the exhale and inhale but the inhale hum sometimes sounds more like a cow🙄🤣🙃‼
@SuperOrbiter 2 күн бұрын
It´s hard to believe in a video with that many cuts! The other thing is that the modern Human is not that strong to survive such events in compare to these guys who handle such conditions for the price of a much shorter life span ! The fact that he had no option to cook water and add some natural oily herbs from needle trees, is disturbing me, because after a night without any sleep, food or water, which a body is screaming for, is really hard to believe that this is no problem. His body is in a very alarming situation which needs hot water to handle that dangerous event!
@Aloha4You 2 күн бұрын
How come no shivering? I shiver when I’m that cold.
@ReWildUniversity Күн бұрын
GREAT question! Shivering is a reflex, but it is a controllable one. Mentally, we help our students to "relax into discomfort". You can try it yourself next time you are shivering -- just imagine that you are letting the cold come into you fully, and cease resisting it. You may find that (if only for a few seconds at first), you can suppress the shivering reflex. When you do, it can sometimes make you, oddly, more able to adapt to the cold.
@Aloha4You Күн бұрын
@@ReWildUniversity wow thank you for explaining that. Thats amazing. I will try this. Mahalo and aloha!
@ReWildUniversity Күн бұрын
@@Aloha4You Aloha, my friend! We spent part of a year living in Hawai'i, and have such fond memories =) Do give it a try and tell me what you experience! I feel like when we don't shiver and "relax" into cold, it kicks another aspect of our metabolism into gear. But be patient -- it does take some practice! =)
@Aloha4You Күн бұрын
@@ReWildUniversity That’s all so amazing. I’ll do it! That’s great that you got to experience Hawaii. Very special place.
@trixie9867 2 күн бұрын
yes i remember your thing with airplanes 🐾
@trixie9867 2 күн бұрын
@7:50 yes the media does make things so much worse - highlights all the worst events - i think during covid lots on new youtube channels surfaced that were about 'prepping' - i think just basically fear p0 *RN
@ReWildUniversity 2 күн бұрын
Ideally people will start to tire of the drama and try to look around at their actual experience of other people. I think then we'd find that yes, sometimes people are mean or downright cruel, but that the vast majority of people are helpful and look out for one another. =)
@trixie9867 2 күн бұрын
I think it does all come down to ego.
@trixie9867 2 күн бұрын
I had to rewatch the video twice just to try to understand the one comment where Rebecca was a problem. Maybe the commenter confused your friend with fears with Rebecca?
@trixie9867 2 күн бұрын
@2:06 'how your caught between...'
@ReWildUniversity 2 күн бұрын
That must be it! Lol! I rewatched as well, trying to figure that out. It's always good for me to realize and remember that our words are always going to be interpreted, and that try as we might to communicate an idea, people will (probably always) color one's words with their own meanings, ideas, and story. In a way, that's a beautiful thing, that we all have our own stories. And a good reminder that when we are interpreting anothers' words, it's always good to doubt our own interpretation and ask further questions -- sometimes, then, we might come closer to understanding the person we're communicating with =)
@trixie9867 2 күн бұрын
i notice fear is such the influence in most people's life in these big cities - and its like a contagious disease that spreads like wildfire
@ReWildUniversity 2 күн бұрын
I don't have much experience of the city -- you are a city dweller right now, correct? So perhaps you are seeing aspects of human nature that I'm not. It would be interesting to learn more about what you're observing!
@trixie9867 2 күн бұрын
@@ReWildUniversity I don't mind sharing but at the same time I don't want to spread too much negativity. In general people are very jumpy and untrusting - cautious just the same way people were when the twins were in Reno, NV. Specific examples might be lots of video cameras up, people park their cars as close as possible to their homes even if it means blocking sidewalks and inconveniencing others for their benefit. Furthermore its common for people to sit in traffic an hour a day.
@mary95517 2 күн бұрын
I have now even stopped listening to music that much,but the songs i heard long ago,they’re not getting off my mind,I can’t sleep without a song inside my head,i can’t do any task,no matter what i do the whole day,each new or the same song gets stuck inside my head for 24 hours,i need help!!!
@ReWildUniversity 2 күн бұрын
They will definitely stick. Mindfulness is key -- the more we meditate or become aware of our mind's activity, the more we put ourselves "in the driver's seat" of where our attention goes. If you consider how much misery it can cause to have out-of-control songs playing in our heads, I think it's well worth it to consider a regular meditation practice that could turn that around. Not sure of your situation -- there are lots of free resources online, and often groups you can join in your area, but if you want to explore one-on-one meditation coaching, I offer coaching at: =) Kenton
@M00Nature 2 күн бұрын
I agree that the best antidote to fear is to examine it courageously. My biggest fear is catastrophic climate change. I have joined an online community that helps me examine that fear and develop skills to deal with it. Rewilding is one of those skills so I thank you for your wonderful videos on this topic. Rewilding helps me develop more capacity for joy, creativity and connection. ❤️
@ReWildUniversity 21 сағат бұрын
Yay! So great that you found a supportive community -- that is SO helpful in facing things like that!
@Simplicity-888 2 күн бұрын
Check out Mace Energy Method
@fpchauvette9664 2 күн бұрын
“Rebecca’s” not the problem. You chose to assign yourself to her so you are the problem. Not “Rebecca”. Assigning yourself to someone is putting or having designs on that person. That’s not natural. That is taking an energy and claiming it to your own self without authorization.
@ReWildUniversity 2 күн бұрын
So curious as to where in this video you perceived it suggested that Rebecca was a problem? I spoke of her as someone who was practicing a powerful positivity lately -- and that I could feel an emotional pull toward that person's mood, but also an emotional pull toward Rebecca's positivity. So Rebecca, in this case, is actually being my helper, keeping me more positive. =)
@davidwayne5152 2 күн бұрын
​@@ReWildUniversityexactly,bro.Thank you for discussing this.The tea looked delicious!😊
@artistnumber12 2 күн бұрын
Rational fear is a necessary gauge to live a healthy life. I fear most those who fear what they’re told to fear.
@ReWildUniversity 2 күн бұрын
So interesting to think about -- "who fear what they are told to fear". Scary indeed, in the sense that when we're told to fear something, we often won't examine it any further -- fear kills curiosity and wonder and more gathering of information. Which could easily mean a mind that blindly follows, and never stops to question.
@artistnumber12 2 күн бұрын
@@ReWildUniversity exactly, and all they need is some confirmation bias, even from a stranger or a bot and they’re hooked. #sophistry
@ReWildUniversity 2 күн бұрын
And that confirmation bias is all too easy to come by today =)
@artistnumber12 2 күн бұрын
@@ReWildUniversity anger porn
@trixie9867 3 күн бұрын
I usually don't drive my old Chevy truck - but because I have a smog check soon I'm driving it every day. Get the year old gas out of the tank run the engine. Day one I didn't like not having a/c but the more I drove it the more I liked it. The tan interior had a pleasant earth tone. The old crank windows and the manual transmission made you feel more connected. Lack of a/c made me feel more part of the outdoors with the windows down. I appreciated the small things too: thoughtful dual sun visors, a decent radio for the time and how the radio would say on even after you turn off the car - only stopping when you opened the door. Falling in love again? Closest I can come up with at the moment.
@ReWildUniversity 21 сағат бұрын
You brought back memories of an old Ford 150 I used to have. I could fix almost anything on it, because it was still a machine rather than a computer, lol! =)
@drew-gray 3 күн бұрын
The 10 minute observation window after eating is such an underrated piece of advice! So powerful, Kenton! And it speaks volumes if you just listen. As I've shifted more and more to quality food over time I have naturally started feeling, or maybe just noticing these little affects and how it makes me feel. Very profound. Appreciate this video.
@ReWildUniversity 21 сағат бұрын
So glad my friend! Food can be such a tough one, but I really do feel that our bodies are such good guides =)
@trixie9867 3 күн бұрын
i love the 'negative exercise' love the 'positive exercise' - its very helpful to live a more grateful life
@trixie9867 3 күн бұрын
🐾 3 күн бұрын
I got this knife ... on Amazon for around $30. ( 07-20-2024) I am good with that price, because as a budget knife & it is everything you said. The knife fits firmly in the case. NO REAL COMPLAINTS ! .... I did choose to modify mine a little bit. Where the handle flares out there at the end. I took the wooden handles off. Chose to round it off a little bit. I left it flare. I just got rid of the points. I can still use it for chopping like you were talking about because it still has a nice rounded flare on it. ( Especially with the lanyard ) NOW made the handle more smooth and rounded. BUT THAT WAS A PERSONAL CHOICE ! .... Also because it was 1066 carbon steel I did oil the sheath a little bit on the inside. To help cut down on moisture. Even after oiling it. The knife does not slip out of the case. I'LL BE HONEST I USE THIS AS MY MAIN KNIFE. ( I carried a total of three blades in my pack. But when I go out I have my modified version of this. On my belt ( main knife ) Have a neck knife ( A simple quick knife for quick cuts ) Then I have a medium-small Skinner. ( That I only use for skinning ) I like using the right tool or the right job. To spare my blades. I WOULD GIVE THIS KNIFE 4 ****'s maybe a smidgen more. Because it could be a little better. BUT FOR THE PRICE ! .... It's very difficult to beat. As you said, it does feel more natural too. So Would I Recommend It ! YES I would indeed.
@MaryVanRooy 3 күн бұрын
Yassss!!!! 👏🏼 this inspired me to write down lots of things I am so grateful for.
@ReWildUniversity 3 күн бұрын
Woohooo! Thank you for sharing gratitude today with me, Mary =)
@M00Nature 3 күн бұрын
I always enjoy hearing the birds singing around you in your special spot. Today I thought I was hearing a red-headed woodpecker. I don’t get to hear them often where I live but I do have a relationship with the downy, hairy and red-bellied woodpeckers in my neighborhood. I keep a hot pepper suet cake hanging for them year round. I have a little garter snake who lives by my front door and chipmunks that live in the stone walls near my house. I greet them whenever I see them. There is always something to love and enjoy through the changing seasons. It only takes a minute to “see” your wild neighbors and wish them a happy day.
@ReWildUniversity 3 күн бұрын
So glad you enjoy their chorus. When you mentioned the hot pepper suet you taught me something -- I had never heard of that before! And a garter snake! We love our snakes, and have a few around the house that we recognize due to their special coloration.
@HaxUK 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for your insights Kenton. I've found that gratitude can be strong for even the most challenging of situations and people once they're gone because you recognise the importance that those challenges played in your life. Having an attitude that everything is a tool for growth can shift even the darkest time into a possibility. It's interesting that a lot of the time we really only appreciate things when they first appear and when they're about to disappear. I think this is because the mind tends to react to and anticipate change, therefore, the quality of our attention is heightened at these times. It's this attentiveness that give the quality of 'being in love'. I think it's widely assumed/accepted that it's the object of our attention that we love but really when you are truly attentive, you are in love with anything and everything. These times seem to be scarce for most, and come about when for a brief moment the mind can be quiet and just, as you mentioned, perceive things fresh as they are. The challenge is to see things fresh when we've apparently seen and 'known' them for a long time. The reality is that the surroundings and people in our life our fresh every moment - the mind just turns them into knowledge out of habit, which can be especially limiting for relationships. I try to incorporate small rituals of gratitude throughout the day so that it becomes natural to look at life with gratitude. One thing I do is look at my food for a minute or 2 before I eat it, consider the amount of time and effort that has gone into it being here in front of me and feel a deep appreciation that in a few hours, as if by magic, it will become my body. Putting your hands together in front of your heart and looking at something with strong emotion can create wonderful feelings of love and gratitude also. I am grateful that you make videos Kenton, that we can converse like this with minimal effort and that we live in an age where it's easier than ever to help others. Here's to a day filled with love and gratitude :)
@ReWildUniversity 3 күн бұрын
So much goodness in your words. I want to express gratitude back that you are being here for these videos, and taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences =)
@richardbonner2354 3 күн бұрын
M' MAN. Thank You, Kenton...; I'm takin' up..., what You an' Rebecca are lettin' down. Not "buckets o' sand"...; ceramic bowl-fulls o' Livin' Water. (With delicious, chewy, great-textured goodies in it, even!) 🙂 Rick Bonner Pennsyltuck
@ReWildUniversity 3 күн бұрын
Ha! My friend, you always make me smile =)
@richardbonner2354 3 күн бұрын
@@ReWildUniversity as do You me, me Frien'. A hongry Feller's (hongry..., yet still growin' strong!) jes' gotta Love them vital minerals an' Annie-Ox-a-dance in air.... 😁 Rick
@drew-gray 3 күн бұрын
This was lovely to meditate on this morning! ❤
@ReWildUniversity 3 күн бұрын
So glad you liked it, my friend!!!
@nordicclimber1090 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for the wise words Kenton 🙏 I wish you and the family a great day! We got some great weather here in Norway today so it will be enjoyed in the garden with book and a cup of coffee.
@ReWildUniversity 3 күн бұрын
Wish I could join you! A friend of ours who is a world traveller and has been to something like 50 countries just visited Norway and says that it is now her #1 most beautiful country in the world.
@nordicclimber1090 2 күн бұрын
@@ReWildUniversity Wow! That makes me very happy. I feel very lucky to get to live here. I never get tired of roaming the local mountains and fjords ❤
@MaryVanRooy 4 күн бұрын
Fun to listen to these! Thank you for sharing. Good point about the water. Tomorrow I will also pay more attention to how mystical this clear liquid is. For me, I’ve often been annoyed at the sounds my mom makes when she’s gulping and/or eating! She is with me at the cabin and today I felt so grossed out at the sounds she made whilst chewing and swallowing food & drink! But something that really snaps me back to reality is the thought that one day she will be gone and I might actually be sad that I was so grossed out by these noises.. and perhaps I will wish I would have been more chill and at ease and just appreciate my mom for who she is.. in her entirety & with all her funny aspects/“quirks”. Afterall, everything is temporary apparently, so I might as well just chill and let those noises pass through me and perhaps even smile! It is silly, but it’s actually been quite the challenge for years now! As I write this, I laugh! But in the moment of it happening, I can actually feel angry toward the chewing/gulping sounds she makes!! Peculiar, but it’s the challenge to surrender to!
@ReWildUniversity 3 күн бұрын
Oh wow, I've felt that same thing before!!! CHEW CHEW GULP GULP. The day I turned it around for myself is the day I started to pretend that the loud chewers were dragons (or some other creature of a munchy nature), and that somehow made it fun instead of off-putting. So glad you could see what I meant about the water. Sometimes I just sit and stare at that stuff and feel like it's the most beautiful, magnificent thing I've ever seen. Now, you've made me thirsty and I'm going to go get a glass! =)
@ReWildUniversity 3 күн бұрын
By the way, just checked out your channel and subscribed. I love what you're doing!
@BigFoote2024 4 күн бұрын
I find myself to be judgmental, why do people paint brick houses, they're being thoughtless parking like that, why do people cut down beautiful healthy trees, etc. I try to remind myself "let he who has never parked hastily cast the first stone". I also add a little Sly Stone, different strokes for different folks, that tones that down.
@ReWildUniversity 3 күн бұрын
It's funny, because painting bricks could be seen as so minor in the big scheme of things, but it can get to me, too =) I think it's something about our human tendency to want to "fix" things that are either a) not broken in the first place, or b) problems that we created for ourselves and then busy ourselves with fixing, only to make more similar problems later on!
@BigFoote2024 4 күн бұрын
You talk about worlds. I remember going to a high school marching band competition my son was in and being blown away. Scores of different schools, many (including ours) were from out of state, and some with way over a hundred members. I started to imagine the hundreds of thousands of dollars (more likely millions) in uniforms, instruments and lessons. I began to call encounters worlds-of-their- own. Here was this happening I had no idea was taking place. They're all over if you look for them.