@iyibu01 7 күн бұрын
Read " in the light of truth" by Abdrushin . Clear and simply explains the danger of excessive intellectualisation
@BlackKitsune_05 21 күн бұрын
I'm sixteen and I know I'm straight xD
@stevengoldstein114 23 күн бұрын
Since the idea of homosexuality is NOT a disorder, how can you legally treat it? There needs to be some legitimate treatment. Jordan has no established evidence to support this theory and has a habit of overselling his expertise and gets caught. . Well here is something to consider. Jordan is guilty of PRIDE, VANITY, ENVY, GREED, and WRATH. Look at how he started trying to deceive the courts in 2009 regarding the Sordi case. At the same time Jordan will not address that DURING SUSPENSION, LICENSEES MAY NOT PRACTICE PSYCHOLOGY OR REFER TO THEMSELVES AS PSYCHOLOGISTS. As indicated above in "Probation," suspensions are considered disciplinary actions associated with probation orders and, as such, are public information and provided to consumers upon request. Jordan is a Jim Jones or David Koresh wannabe. He is an entertainer not a psychologist. Because he sells books and videos and lectures, THAT IS NOT THERAPY. He needs to address his bad conduct in courts in the case of Case 1 Sordi v. Sordi, 2009 CanLII 80104 (ON SC) he defamed a parent in court. In the case 2 R. v. Pearce, 2012 MBQB 22 (CanLII) he tried to free a murderer. Then in the case Peterson v. College of Psychologists of Ontario, 2023 ONSC 4685, he tried to avoid taking responsibility. He also tried to interfere in a family court case in Montana, the Kolstadt case, where there was a GAG order, he unprofessionally diagnosed a minor without interviews or assessments, and tried to defend unfit parents.
@lucianmaximus4741 23 күн бұрын
the brain is satan -- the body is GOD
@LAST-KNIGHTS-888 25 күн бұрын
The "human beings " of this planet 🌎 are NOT ready nor evolved enough yet. But INEVITABLY we’ll get there 👍👽🛸💫
@LuisFlores-mc2tc 29 күн бұрын
Whos to say we can't place demands on ourselves in a technologically advanced socialist society?? Why would've there still be chaos and uncertainty still? Wouldn't the problems we face shift to creative and innovative ones??
@topazcicada Ай бұрын
I have schizoaffective disorder, and when I took psychedelics it triggered a psychotic episode that was involved me losing my hair. Interestingly, it wasn't during the peak of the trip, but rather the come down. I came to the conclusion that I was completely alone in the universe, and I felt totally afraid and very cold. I think it's less of the substance itself but rather the revelations of the substance that cause mania and psychosis in individuals, which is why you'd need to be in a good headspace in order to take them. Amphetamines are dopamenergic which is what schizophrenia is in the brain-an overabundance of dopamine.
@lesliemcalpin1152 Ай бұрын
Uhhh is it me or do others think in both and one other thing: like nothing but blackness and a swirling sort of dark gray void where I gather my thoughts from…..I hadn’t really thought about it until I told my counselor how I sometimes can read what I hear and think in my mind snd see pictures of scenarios clearly…
@stefanagiovlasitis2669 Ай бұрын
I do not belong here, but I am here. Shit, I have a better chance of having a conversation with a French man.
@thesolojourney8955 Ай бұрын
Lack of sleep by itself can cause it. Sleep deprivation psychosis is a real thing, that when the shadow people come out or you enter their world.
@geoffduke1356 Ай бұрын
Thinknits the opposite Right looks at what it’s eating and the left looks as who’s gonna eat it!?
@PikUpYourPantsPatrol 2 ай бұрын
This guy is a simp
@evanfield5016 2 ай бұрын
David Hume baby, refuting materialists scientists since the 18th century(Aquinas refutes Hume tho)
@ToPAwDDeR1846 2 ай бұрын
So it means My right hemisphere is dead probably
@jainfreeman9587 2 ай бұрын
He's so handsome
@jainfreeman9587 2 ай бұрын
Jordan B Peterson u rock
@atulthakur9401 2 ай бұрын
@babyblue7798 2 ай бұрын
my issue is that i see every letter of every word when spoken by someone else.
@freedomworks3976 2 ай бұрын
One of my kids dated a trust fund baby. It was great fun at first. Then she noticed the person couldn’t accept some of life’s average challenges ,,, then realized the person needed psychiatric help. Then my kid told me “ when you have nothing to work for and nothing to fight for your life has no meaning “
@obsempiregarage8156 3 ай бұрын
This is interesting. Why can I imagine anything in my head. And it's clear as day. For example. I can picture the crowd in front of him in my own image, and every thing is clear. I can zoom in that image and give everyone a face. I can turn up and down the lightning, change the color of the seats or even make it rain. I'm just learning now that not everyone can do this. Wtf
@gingerballsjosh1 3 ай бұрын
This is the cure for OCD, and I dont mean flicking the light switch on and off 7x before bed - i mean crippling OCD, negative rumination. The thoughts bother you. But once you disconnect the anxiety from the negative thought, they lose their power.
@rryanreid 3 ай бұрын
I think like a conversation in my head. I'm amazed that not everyone does this.
@BrandonRohe 3 ай бұрын
Psychedelics can easily trigger manic episodes. No, a psychedelic trip isn’t exactly like mania, but I’ve had countless manic episodes caused by psychedelics. Psychedelics were the single biggest trigger of my episodes. I have far less episodes now that I don’t use psychedelics. In fact, the antipsychotic I’m on is an antagonist of the very same serotonin receptor site, 5HT-2A, that the classical psychedelics are most active on as agonists. Of course stimulants can trigger mania easily as well. Psychedelics can, in some ways, help a bipolar diagnosis, but they often come with risks that can easily outweigh the rewards if the psychedelic use isn’t managed perfectly.
@mohammadsaeed3494 3 ай бұрын
Thinking to me is feeling. You feel than it’s converted into words or images
@ajayjangid9311 3 ай бұрын
You know everything will make sense … every word has so much hidden information … so much depth …like its verbal pronunciation converted into symbols and then compared with other symbols of diff culture …finding similarities and blah blah … thats how that word irrespective which has passed through generations from one culture to another … irrespective of their ancient practices … i always so ignorant … like i know this yeah i have read that … i can explain u better … but never appreciated how that idea came into that persons mind … how of a devil is he …who thinks of that reoccuring thoughts all day and night … how will i improvize them to make more sense and reach out to others … its always easy to cut someone and add ur thing without listening… thats our generation biggest problem coz of these random short content addiction … we fill up our subconscious mind with it and that low iq content becomes our reality
@elsenored562 4 ай бұрын
Is the UK ban only for minors (who might be compelled by their parents against their will), or does it include adults diagnosed with same-sex attachment disorder?
@nevadadias108 3 ай бұрын
Same sex attachment disorder? Were you not listening to what jordan was saying?
@stevengoldstein114 23 күн бұрын
That diagnosis is NOT recognized as a REAL disorder in fact it is not even listed in the DSM took same sex attraction out of the recognized disorders in 1973 and is not recognized as a pathologically issue.
@m73459 4 ай бұрын
So true
@MarkAnthonyVanWiemeersch 4 ай бұрын
@TheKrisCloud 5 ай бұрын
Path to develop Anterior Mid-cingulate Cortex
@Astrophile2345 5 ай бұрын
There is no evidence or reason to his claim though.
@joshuafritz1386 5 ай бұрын
Im surprised that he doesnt use the lens of the soul. Its in your toolbox Jordan.
@khroullo 5 ай бұрын
When I think about my future I think in pictures
@christopheryannatone4406 5 ай бұрын
It’s L, G, B, and T. Adding to it makes it seem exceedingly more ridiculous than the original marginalization of the initial 4 sub groups. Now pedos or “M.A.P.s”are even trying to umbrella themselves in with LGBT folk and I do think I speak for just about all of us (not just gays and the like, but straights as well) when I say WE AIN’T HAVING THAT ‼️
@conorhannigan1905 5 ай бұрын
Skyrims a metaphor for life I guess
@v.k1303 5 ай бұрын
Me currently at 16yrs 🙂
@Neptunian65 6 ай бұрын
No. Ppl can be boring talking about uninteresting stuff. Maybe in a therapy session its different.
@user-cq5me9dj2g 6 ай бұрын
I don't understand how you could be the 'boring' person simply because you're bored. Yes, it's feasible. But what if you simply don't have a 'connection' or they are a narcissist and have monopolized the conversation? This sounds like bollocks to me. It's NOT always your fault if some bores you. C'mon.
@SaltAndSeeds 6 ай бұрын
Wrong. You can
@littleblackcat813 6 ай бұрын
Chaos theory
@realchurch2693 6 ай бұрын
No, men want to impregnate women and are trying to attract them to accomplish this goal.
@monika4531 6 ай бұрын
I think in Words but I also use Paint sometimes.
@rinnemollema5826 6 ай бұрын
but people don't talk to me lol
@R3l3ntl3sss 6 ай бұрын
There are 2 conscious’ in your body. There is the mind (ego) which control the brain, and the spirit (actually you) which can influence the mind but is more or less just along for the ride. The mind doesn’t want you to know it’s separate from you, it does all sorts of tricks to keep that illusion going. Once you know of it you can build a relationship with the mind your potential becomes limitless. Know that there is a lot of money and influence being put towards keeping that illusion going too for most of the population. Those in power are aware of this truth and know they can exploit it. It used to be knowledge that was passed down from generation to generation. Probably had something to do with religion.
@crystalzunigasantin6315 6 ай бұрын
Remember that some women/girls arent like this and don’t want being treated like sex Object, but this woman in particular brings all women down. Respect modest decent women not undecent unmodest women. Not every girl/woman is like this disgusting steriotype woman.
@samlazar1053 6 ай бұрын
Hyperboreans....Mythical utopian GIANTS who are friends whit GREECE
@trashaccount5106 6 ай бұрын
An attempt to translate JBPs free-associative talking style into a succinct write-up: Question: What is Jordan Petersons view on the UK government banning conversion therapy? Answer: Conversion therapy mistakenly assumes homosexuality to be a disease and has no lasting effect. While being heterosexual makes for an easier life, its important for (young) people do discover themselves through talking to others and being true to what they are really like. No comment on the ban. Points made: 03:48 Homosexuality is not a "curable disease", though life is easier for heterosexuals. 01:20 Young people are generally confused about their sexuality. Talking with them aids them in sorting themselves out. 02:54 Peoples personalities vary. Some people are gay, and conversion therapy would harm them. 02:12 Conversion therapy is imposed extrinsically and therefore has no lasting effect. Only intrinsic motivation enables lasting changes in clients. 00:12 On public talking points: Conversion therapy is implicitly inferior. Reason: It's an "alternative" idea, and "alternative" is implicitly subordinate to "mainstream".
@pluviophile1988 6 ай бұрын
Disagree button 👇👇👇
@engage_ent281 6 ай бұрын
Black magic and Schizophrenia. Its all Gods doings.
@claudiamanta1943 7 ай бұрын
I am fairly certain that I don’t think at all (all available evidence supports this statement). 😄 Seriously now- I have never thought in words. I could never do that, so translating everything inside my head in any language is excruciatingly frustrating, slow, and clumsy. I strongly dislike using words to say anything outside the automatic and banal fairly meaningless words and expressions (‘How are you? Fine, thanks. Nice weather’ type of conversation). One word in a sentence with or without the non- verbal aspects, and the whole becomes something different with a different reality. Crocheting external realities with words is very, very frustrating. I can forever agonise over choices of words- until the other just leaves or sometimes I forget what I wanted to say 😄 Words are SLOOOOW, empty shells, ossified ‘things’ that rattle like dead bones. Words, for me, are clothes that are too tight for ideas. I can visualise a general picture or in minute detail or both at the same time, but only when I want to visualise something. I just draw the focus to the surface and vividly ‘visualise’ a whole multi-sensorial ‘thing’ or just visual elements, for example. Or several and play with them combining them in different ways- rotate visual elements, listen to the specific music or noise they make in different combinations, sniff the trail of scented noises or shadows or feel the texture as well as feel the overarching feel of the whole thing, etc. For me, there are layers upon layers of entire auditory- visual- kinaesthetic- emotional sets. Even when I take a walk in nature, on my own, without any other people around, I can switch between several ‘modes’/ sets- the same tree I am looking at can be a different tree moments later, though I know it’s the same tree. I imagine it’s like switching between parallel universes or several movies superimposed running concomitantly. Imagine when I am speaking to one person or, worse, when I am with several people 😞 I instantaneously and globally perceive (fairly accurately) the set each of them (almost invariably each has only one)- how they perceive+ what they perceive+how they think+ what they think+how they feel+what they want+ many other things ON TOP of my own internal and external experiences. Imagine a Venn diagram and me making terrible efforts to find the area of intersection so that I can even start communicating with them. Also, for each person there is a core structure with situational/ contextual overtones. You should see/ feel/ perceive for example two or more people who don’t like each other even though both of them are convinced that they’re best friends! It is genuinely EXHAUSTING despite (or maybe because) my efforts to suppress most of it (which makes me suppress also the basics I shouldn’t). I am an extreme introvert, but not by choice; even with minimal human contact I am genuinely exhausted. A bumblebee on a leaf or a ray of sun is not the same from a moment to another, let alone people 😕 The cherry on top? Each global perceptual set has several storylines. People talk about reframing, but I struggle with choosing a perceptual frame/ reality AND a story for it, one to make sense to the others, too. Alas, most of the time is impossible or it’s so damn constricted, so downright boring and basic that literally makes me lose my will to live. There was a time when I thought that I only have an overactive imagination, but quite a few times what I ‘just knew’ turned out to be factually accurate even in the constricted reality. So, yeah… it’s amazing and fun… until I have to interact/ intersect with the only one world of others which is extremely poor perceptually and conceptually. I’m suppressing so much that I will implode one of these days 😄 (I laugh, but it’s tragic, really. And I am completely exhausted).
@rhysbarker50 7 ай бұрын
When the person you hate says something great
@keifer7813 7 ай бұрын
Why do you hate him?
@rhysbarker50 7 ай бұрын
@@keifer7813 Illogical opinions on Israel/Palestine, Purposely misconstruing governmental actions/ societal problems to better fit his agenda, constantly dog whistling to the far right as a means to make money. Among other things.