Things Overheard on Campus
5 ай бұрын
First Lady Jill Biden Visits GRCC
The Collegiate Live Podcast 2-14-20
Grand Rapids Pride Festival 2019
Festival of the Arts
5 жыл бұрын
Lord Dlew
5 жыл бұрын
Art and Bev's Bistro
5 жыл бұрын
@cgbach 24 күн бұрын
He was my friend’s teacher in Michigan!
@alive4627 Ай бұрын
Lovely lady!
@olympiawa 2 ай бұрын
I have a lot of respect for this man. Thank you for your service to the country. Thank you for what you’re doing for your students and community. I loved all this. Thank you Sir.
@camnsprencheria3225 2 ай бұрын
Geez this professor radiates a lovely sense of warmth and humanity!
@colleenjackson4227 2 ай бұрын
This was the best April 1st joke I’ve ever seen. And the professor was such a kind soul in how he handled the whole joke.
@ReinaMJvS 2 ай бұрын
Never seen this video before. It was hilarious! 😆
@moonlightsonata8176 2 ай бұрын
2024 and this is still the best April fool's prank and the best sport & gentleman reaction ever ❤
@mickeytollison 2 ай бұрын
2024. 77 million views.
@mandywhitton 2 ай бұрын
Love love this watched for the last 9yrs xxxxx
@mrhappy9979 2 ай бұрын
77m views in March 2024
@bryanblanks1714 3 ай бұрын
@AmplyAnimezing 3 ай бұрын
A prank is when everyone, including the receiver, laughs. The receiver having a negative experience isn't a prank to me. This was awesome. ❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥
@satisfactors 3 ай бұрын
shout out this cc for helping me out with my english comp 4 sources 🙏😮‍💨
@annaalfonsoo 2 ай бұрын
omg same
@MOSSFEEN 3 ай бұрын
I wonder where he is now
@leahsullivan9950 4 ай бұрын
The Fifth Media Key: Inspiring Through the media we create, we are able to inspire others and should be pointing the way toward Heaven. "By God's grace, we make media that inspires people towards their transcendent destiny." (Gan, pg. 84) Not everyone on social media can be inspiring. It really depends on who you follow. For example, if you follow someone who only posts things about themselves and all the fabulous vacations they've been on, while it's not exactly bad, it's not really inspiring either. One of the ways in which media can inspire people is by doing good and spreading the message of Christ and communicating His love to the people who follow you to give them a sense of hope that the all infinite God loves them too. "In addition, they serve both as a meeting place for teens to interact with other like-minded people and as showplaces for a teen’s artistic and musical abilities" (pg. 9). Through the media, we can also breathe into people inspiration, that is, to try new things and be more creative. "The world we live in is full of signs pointing the way to God. Some of those signs - like the order and beauty of nature - are built into creation. Other signs - such as music, art, and architecture - are made by us, with God's help. We create those signs, and through them, people find their way." (Gan, pg. 84) As media creators, we should do our absolute best to strive to motivate and encourage people to be their best selves. One way to positively impact your audience is to send good messages through the content you create to inspire and uplift others. The Sixth Media Key: Skillfully Developed The things you produce should be quality content. This media key is not the foundation for all the other media keys, however, "it is still a necessary ingredient for good media." (Gan, pg. 100) And we need to remember this as we continue to evaluate and create our own media. We are not only encouraged by the Church to "'be active in using all the aids to communication that lie within the media,' but to speak that language with knowledge." (Gan, pg. 102) In other words, skillfully developed means we should not only evaluate the media we watch, but that we should also apply the quality of the content we make, what we post on our social media platforms, what we comment on others' posts, and the content we film. "The quality of our content can never be an excuse for a lack of quality in our delivery of that content." (Gan, pg. 103) When we see things on social media that are gruesome, we are overcome with emotion and are able to put ourselves in other people's shoes - so to speak - and are better able to understand their reality. "Other reason for online social networking as revealed by the study is getting informed about current happenings" (pg. 19). In comparison to movies that are made for entertainment purposes, there's a difference between that and movies based on history. The Seventh Media Key: Motivated by and Relevant to Experience We are more eager to connect with others on media platforms when we can relate to it. Jesus is a good example of the seventh media key. "Jesus made His message relevant to the people of His day by speaking as they spoke, going where they gathered, and couching it in metaphors they could understand. Good media does the same." (Gan, pg. 118) All good media should be understanding and relatable to people's lives today. "Good media connects with us when it touches something in us, when it speaks to our own experience of need, love, fear, or want. It reflects the world as we know it back to us." (Gan, pg. 118) "Social Learning Theory (SLT), according to (n.d.), focuses on the learning that occurs within a social context. It considers that people learn from one another, including such concepts as observational learning, imitation, and modelling. Among others Albert Bandura is considered the leading proponent of this theory (Yu et al., 2010 cited in Mingle and Adams, 2015) said that “Social Learning Theory views learning as a social process that individuals will self-initiate, regulate learning and actively construct knowledge by acquiring, generating, and structuring information”. (pg. 12) When we learn from one another, we can relate on a personal level because there is that act of communication. Social media is the best way to communicate to others all over the world. And it's a wonderful thing that the Church uses to evangelize and spread the light of Christ.
@leahsullivan9950 4 ай бұрын
The KZfaq video titled How Does Social Media Affect College Students? by the Collegiate Newspaper talks about the students at their school and the how social media effects their academics. In this video, several students were interviewed and were asked about their experiences on these social media platforms. In addition, they also asked a professor of psychology, Frank Connor, why the social media platforms are affecting their students the way that they do and how to help reduce the damage it is doing to their education. The First Media Key: Balance When people are on the internet or a social media platform, they are likely to get distracted and lose track of their precious time. This is why when being on social media you need a good balance. A good balance is "our attitude towards media, our approach to technology. It serves as the foundation for all the other keys because it's most fundamental mindset we need to cultivate in order to use media wisely." (Gan, pg. 21) This requires us to "look at media from all angles." (Gan, pg. 21) In the study it states, "Social media such as You Tube Video work as a tool for motivation, entertaining and engaging way of learning for the tertiary learners," (Md Mahadhi & Faridah Ibrahim, 2017). This is a step in the right direction and trying to balance the different uses of media and not only using it for chatting and entertainment purposes. "It will also help in suggesting different ways of removing negativity about social media platforms." "It is a great way to stay connected with people, but you just have to know when to shut it down." (pg. 7) From this, we can see that, like most things, there are good and bad aspects to everything, including social media. Yes, there are some negative things about social media, but I think that the good outweighs the bad and makes social media worth it. The Second Media Key: Attitude-Awareness We need to be aware of the content creator's message that is being sent. "We're susceptible to the media's messages because we're sensory creatures...And virtually everything we will ever experience comes to us through the flesh." (Gan, pg. 38) There is a deviation, distraction and divided attention between social networking activities and the student academic work. It is observed that students devote more attention to social media than they do to their studies. In a negative light, social media can be harmful on health and behavior. A lot of the time people can take away a different message than you intended depending on the way you word things. "Since words can mean differently in different settings, social media has been noted allowing users to disperse their ideas, opinions, interests, programs, and others" (Abbare et al pg. 3). Our experience of the media affects us both in positive and negative ways. It can potentially influence the way we think and the choices we make. "We can't control what messages media makers send out. But we can control our awareness of those messages. We can be more than passive consumers, blindly taking in whatever ideology filmmakers or game designers put forth. We can be, and we should be. Our freedom depends upon it." (Gan, pg. 46) Oftentimes, the way people view the messages in the media are misinterpreted to coalign with their pre-existing beliefs and views. This is why content creators need to think about their audience to the best of their ability, so as to try and understand where they are coming from and see things from their point of view. They need to be able to "put themselves in their shoes," so to speak. This is key. The Third Media Key: The Dignity of the Human Person Social media is good for when people want to chat and catch up with old friends or when forming a new friendship. "Our life changes when we make a new friend or connect with an old friend via social networking sites." (Gan, pg. 62) However, people need to be careful as to not neglect or ignore the people present in their lives. "Our life also changes when we start neglecting our spouse for Facebook, when we spend hours each day on websites like Second Life, or when we forget how important it is to look in the eyes of the person we're speaking with, instead of repeatedly checking our email on our iPhones." (Gan, pg. 62) "It (social networking sites) is used to describe any website that enables users to create public profiles within that website and form relationship with other users of the same website who access their profile" (Abbare et al pg. 6). People need to be respectful of people and their opinions, whether that's in person or online, and give them the respect that they deserve. "A social media is an online service or platforms that focus on facilitating the building of social network among people who share interest, activities and background on real life connections. It is a website that allows users to share information within a selected group. It is a great way to stay connected and a convenient way to share photos from trips. It consists of a presentation of each user (profiles), social links and a variety of additional services." The things people post on social media platforms should bring people and communities together, while also showing understanding. It should enlighten all the ways in which it makes a person unique in God's beautiful creation. All forms of media should be in a positive, but unfortunately there are negative sides to it because people use it to hide behind a screen often to bully someone. "Cyberbullying has been an issue of concern with social networking site. An online survey based on 9-19 years old and above discovered that students received bulling comments online. Social networking, often include a lot of personal information posted publicly and many believe that sharing personal information and the easy communication vehicle that social networking opens the door to sexual predators" (pg. 8). All media should show both respect to the human person and also their soul. It is truly sad how lost some people are, to become so blind and not see the value and dignity of the person that they are hurting, and all because it usually means that they are hurting. To go so far as to ruin someone else's day is cruel and inhuman. The Fourth Media Key: Truth-filled "Media, properly crafted and used, can be a tool for conveying truth - truth about God, truth about the human person, and truth about each one of us." (Gan, pg. 68) This means that the media we watch, play, listen to, and read should be truthful. It should not go against God. We should keep ourselves accountable for the media we consume and walk away from it if it's not truthful or is harming us physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Not everyone is truthful when posting things to social media platforms, which is why you should take everything with a grain of salt and not believe everything you see and hear. "He pointed out that students waste their time through idle chats and other immoral acts" (pg. 10). Often adolescents believe everything they see on the media without doing the proper research. In today's day and age, people, usually adolescents, see something on the media without knowing whether or not it is fully truthful, and then proceed to mass share it on multiple accounts often spreading misinformation. When people hop onto social media platforms like Instagram for example, they forget that everything people post on their accounts are only the good times in their lives and putting together "their best self" (Professor Frank Connor, 3:44). It's easy to forget that and not to compare yourself to that person or sometimes multiple people that you follow. No one wants to post the hard times and all of the struggles they've had in their lives because social media for them is an escape, to instead be their happy, positive self.
@My_Hair_Is_0n_Fire_2023 4 ай бұрын
You can tell what a great guy he is that his first thoughts were how she must have felt & how sorry he was for her - no worry over his behavior.
@LifewithaVent 4 ай бұрын
If anyone wishes to know, Taylor Nefcy graduated with a Masters in Public Health from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and simultaneously received an Arts in Public Health certificate from the Center for Arts in Medicine at the University of Florida. In addition, she has a BA in Theatre and Business Administration from Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. In 2017, she got married. I believe she is currently a Community Youth Development Educator in the University of Wisconsin system.
@suziegriffith Ай бұрын
Thanks. She’s so adorable and appreciate the good news.
@MayimHastings Ай бұрын
That's awesome! What an impressive person! Thank you so much for sharing 🤍🙏🕊
@sigmarealm1111 5 ай бұрын
She's great.
@sandywinkler4057 5 ай бұрын
Loved the prank video it was so funny 😂
@sandywinkler4057 5 ай бұрын
I loved this prank video. It was so funny.
@Treshi0 5 ай бұрын
I don't know why this randomly appeared on my recommended feed, but this was an amazing recommendation by youtube! Loved the comics and great voice acting btw!
@johndickinson1605 6 ай бұрын
He didn't come right out and say it , but I am sure he was mortified and his first thoughts were about being sued and losing his job. But I'm not commenting to be a hater because what I think this video truly shows is respect and thanks. This prank was pulled off because the class wasn't worried about retribution and the fact they planned it and pulled it off indicates that they love you as a teaching professional. This wouldn't have happened if they hated you or your class and I wish there were more teachers and professors like you. Kudos to you and your genius pranksters.
@weeyee60 6 ай бұрын
The best prank EVER! 👊🏽 The Professors reaction was epic!!!
@weeyee60 6 ай бұрын
The material, the timing, & most of all, your reaction! 😅 Perfection!!!
@techGaloree 6 ай бұрын
I can tell u for free that not putting it up on the internet would have deprived the world of a great and splendid piece. The whole beauty of this is that it wasn't staged. Your approach prof, absolutely immaculate.
@st-Miin 7 ай бұрын
she is a good actress😂
@sigmarealm1111 5 ай бұрын
She's a smart cookie and pretty too. I just came out from under my rock this afternoon and saw the video of the prank for the first time today (2024). Loved her voice and tone before I even knew what I was watching. Well done.
@westchinaman 8 ай бұрын
A nice professor
@realhitman4519 8 ай бұрын
What a cool guy! And a awesome job to the students for a awesome and funny prank!
@yuelily 8 ай бұрын
he's so damn eloquent
@tiagomartinho77 8 ай бұрын
This how all teachers should be, i bet he takes pride in his work and students love his classes
@user-ql9wd7gn6k 9 ай бұрын
This only shows the love and respect they have for this teacher, and how comfortable they are in his class. What a wonderful teacher!
@rebeccafreelin7515 9 ай бұрын
What a great teacher!
@mandywhitton 10 ай бұрын
Well it’s Brilliant I have now watched it 1000 times now so Brilliant to see your reaction it was The best thing I watch so thank you the best teacher Mr Stephen Barrow Best teacher going xxxxxxx ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂lol
@mandywhitton 10 ай бұрын
I still watching it it’s Brilliant 9years later xxxx
@TheElecPlay92 10 ай бұрын
Can’t believe that April is almost 10 years old already! Hope April and her mom are doing well!
@jaideheta6821 Ай бұрын
@misc5831 10 ай бұрын
@John-dw6ru 11 ай бұрын
9 years ago. That makes her about 30. Where is she now? Children?
@yaacoubi 11 ай бұрын
76 Millions views until now... you're famous
@kathydavenport4422 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your service blessings be abundantly to you and all
@angelfishluva291 Жыл бұрын
It really took 9 years to find this beautiful prank. Honestly a legendary prank!
@chrislong2809 Жыл бұрын
That video came from a time before internet clout was the "thing" know, when you could believe what you're seeing and know that it's genuine
@nataliemay415 Жыл бұрын
They got you good. Too good not to share the laughter 😂
@jackraintree4351 Жыл бұрын
Her voice on the call was perfect she sounded nervous and scared so believable 😃
@jasonwong7140 Жыл бұрын
imagine if he said "that girl was a whore so it was totally on topic"
@aarteestmj4958 Жыл бұрын
You’d make a better model for a fine artist
@truthteller6161 Жыл бұрын
A true leader in the classroom and I suspect in the forces.
@Tomkat55 Жыл бұрын
Anyone else wonder where she’s at now?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@RUBICONTJ Жыл бұрын
75 million views as of April 2023 😂😂
@kwsanders Жыл бұрын
I just saw the original prank video again for like the 10th time. It is hilarious every single time. It has now had over 76 million views. Amazing professor with respect for his students.