@mazzmo77 3 минут бұрын
that's one ugly muthaf#####g ship,no just no.
@anonymuswere 2 сағат бұрын
considering most of the early refit mods, and many TMP's, simply used a copy/paste version of the P81 hardpoint (which was balanced as a weaker version of the Bone Stock ships), I'm suprised this didn't take longer. I remember having to go in and completely rebalance all the TMPs just to make them compeditive against the KM stuff.
@BigHairyKev 5 сағат бұрын
*Nice one!* ⭐😃👍
@RetroBadgerGaming Сағат бұрын
Thanks 🖖
@BigHairyKev 5 сағат бұрын
*Wow, some powerful battles!* ⭐😃👍
@Akuma2000 6 сағат бұрын
want request a ship battleTMP Federation class refit w/it's 2 torpedo launcher and it's three nacelles vs. the KLingon HeghToQ Bird of Prey.
@stevelapierre4776 6 сағат бұрын
😨oh gosh Admiral.. ok.. started with freaky sound and the Fleet arrives at Unimatrix 001 gosh.. and facing 3 Borg cubes.. crikey... 🤯wow I did not expect that, fleet of cloaked ships gosh...and mines finally.. oufff.. lol I use them often in my yes old PS2 game but works.. lol OMG.. gosh... right in the Borgies front yard. eeh.. where are Species 8472 when you need them lol. or Janeway's Transphasic torps.. gosh.. Is it me or the one saying '' Prepare all docking bays'' sounds like Dr. Phlox or the actor's voice.. hmm. 😨wow 30:40 it reads '' Shrike Class'' ooh.. too bad not portable device gosh.. Yes crikey I would say it is frustrating.. and all those Borg.. gosh.. Yes that is true.. ''Engage'' and right when Seven was about to say it, just the facial expression, looked like '' En'' must mean Engage.. not like one other that says '' Warp Me!'' lol.. 😨Like he said when he saw the Shock wave hurtling towards the Excelsior.. '' Oh My God... Shields, Shields..!'' eeh.. Too bad the Borg Queen's Unimatrix is too protected.. blow that up and bye bye Borg.. lol.. I think.. eeh..😨gosh Admiral.. at 59:48 lower left corner, gosh. you cleared out the Borg.. wow.. I knew.. Locutus , that conduit I knew looked familiar.. gosh and changed the timeline and seeing them all come out and that Future ship waiting, ouff.. gosh.. that was wicked, they went back in time and kaboomed , Locutus nice and came back.. gosh.. like a movie this.. wow.. LOVE time ships gosh.. I had a feeling.. wow Also, perfect name of the ship.. '' USS Premonition'' .. Bravo Admiral.. well done. gosh.. this was nerve racking.. My fingernails almost gone lol.. amazing ending and you did an AMAZING job.. gosh 2.5 hours , I think you must need a lie down after this.. gosh.. nice job.. Again.. bravo!!!!!😊🖖🥇🏆🥃*glass of Romulan Ale..lol. !
@preppertrucker5736 7 сағат бұрын
Problem is these ships are not designed far apart, Galaxy refit vs sovereign goes to Galaxy especially if is equipped with ablative armor and quantum torpedo launchers
@skyserf 10 сағат бұрын
4:45 The Registration subsystem 😬
@RetroBadgerGaming Сағат бұрын
@skyserf 10 сағат бұрын
Beautiful ships. I would love to see a TNG style series set in the time period and on an Ambassador class ship.
@nemesis-ty1wz 11 сағат бұрын
What about the dominion war refit enterprise D vs the Titan A
@2000toinfinity 11 сағат бұрын
Is there a graphics upgrade patch for this game?
@RetroBadgerGaming 5 сағат бұрын
Yes, bridge commander remastered vastly improves the graphics 🖖
@Plasmacutter- 12 сағат бұрын
That ship just didnt make sense
@markdiesel6843 12 сағат бұрын
Great video war galaxy class againt war ambassador that be 😎
@bidet1515 13 сағат бұрын
nice ! what is that game ?
@RetroBadgerGaming 5 сағат бұрын
Star Trek bridge commander 🖖
@teamdoghouse7920 13 сағат бұрын
I couldn't stop laughing as all those Warbirds began to cook off there at the end. That was classic.
@beecham85 15 сағат бұрын
Seeing the Discovery destroyed makes me beyond happy…
@PixelRoyalOfficial 16 сағат бұрын
Hey i was wondering if Kobayashi maru is compatible with this mod?
@RetroBadgerGaming Сағат бұрын
I'm afraid not, but you can have more than one bridge commander installation 🖖
@balrighty3523 17 сағат бұрын
1:12:06 Hey, that kind of looks like the Praxis moon explosion from Undiscovered Country. Makes you wonder if it really was just overmining that destroyed the moon...
@balrighty3523 17 сағат бұрын
1:05:44 Remember how the Premonition changed history by sending Picard back in time? Well, here's the payoff: Locutus must have seen that (in both timelines) and figured out that reproducing that tactic would serve him well. I love how tightly this game's story is written.
@balrighty3523 17 сағат бұрын
1:02:22 I get it. In Armada 1, you get more officers depending on your Starbases. It's Armada 2 that sets a hard cap (that you can expand by building officer's barracks on your Starbases).
@balrighty3523 17 сағат бұрын
44:44 Wait, this isn't Bridge Commander. Why is RBG having cloaking issues?
@naturelass 18 сағат бұрын
Flying starbase has 360 coverage on a doughnut shape along the horizontal we have seen in other vids that it's weapon arcs leave a gaping big hole above the saucer where ships can just sit and bombard it.
@balrighty3523 18 сағат бұрын
9:14 This is just so you don't scout out the Omega Containment Facility (wherever it is on the map) and use your Transwarp Gate to end the game right off the bat.
@balrighty3523 18 сағат бұрын
3:45 It's because his Worf is Maximum!
@RetroBadgerGaming 5 сағат бұрын
@chromemox3319 18 сағат бұрын
The scimitar is post Dominion war right? Scimitar should be more advanced
@EIixir 19 сағат бұрын
That's a good looking ship. Would have been great to see this on screen.
@EIixir 19 сағат бұрын
Damn that ship is ugly. Looks like some new Borg collective designed it with those blocky shapes.
@mrichar9 19 сағат бұрын
This makes negative sense....
@Makeyourselfbig 19 сағат бұрын
Of course the Jem'hadar don't bring their kids to the battle with them.
@Child_of_woe_1994 20 сағат бұрын
it would've been cool if they used the shuttle then it gets upgraded to the delta flyer
@Child_of_woe_1994 20 сағат бұрын
damn that world razor is op😮
@Child_of_woe_1994 20 сағат бұрын
is it possible to perform the Picard maneuver in the game?
@RetroBadgerGaming Сағат бұрын
Not exactly. Although you can do an in system warp and stop in front of the enemy ship. Just no 2nd ghost ship. 🖖
@banegearwolfgrim9013 21 сағат бұрын
That's a great Borg Hunter.
@brandoncase2894 22 сағат бұрын
this is a rip off from STFC( Star Trek Fleet Command)
@ExiledPiasa 22 сағат бұрын
Nice. How about Connie Refit Refit Vs Dominion Battlecruiser? Or, Vulcan 600m L cruiser w/ Andorian Kumari cruiser vs Klingon K’Tinga?
@meszarosp 23 сағат бұрын
That final blow was epic ... "Definitely feeling aggressive tendencies, sir!"
@insanusmaximus2857 23 сағат бұрын
Kinda looks like a Connie and a Miranda had a malformed baby.
@Kreachie Күн бұрын
I like both, although as a former STO player (had to give up my TV for Xbox with no PC.) I call it the “Nerendra-Class”, lore-wise that design came out shortly after the Battle of Nerendra III, for which it was named, to act as a supplement and improvement upon the Ambassador-Class design. STO-Wise the Starships Roosevelt and Endurance (Although in other sources its actually an Essex-Class, they couldn’t get that model in time.) were both members of this class, and both were lost at the Battle of Wolf 359 in mid-2367.
@kalofkrypton Күн бұрын
Love the ambassador. Not a fan of the prototype at all to be honest. While the ambassador looks like a nice fresh take on previous design elements, the prototype really is just a messy amalgam of bits of the galaxy, excelsior and conny refit classes.
@kadindarklord Күн бұрын
Before the video: That Section 31 Voyager looks... familiar... During: Yep. Side note, the first battle is basically the U.S.S. F. Scott Fitzgerald from Spectre vs the I.S.S. Voyager in the same movie.
@USSDef1ant Күн бұрын
Now I'm intrigued! I very much enjoy that fan series, even anticipating the fourth one being made. Though I am curious about the Mark II, the red one. That one should be interesting if Hexagonal and Greystar wish to create and publish it. For this one though, it's bloody awesome! Love the design, the colours, the arsenal and tech. Nice work fellas, and nicely done piloting RBG, always fun to see you doing the work fella
@UncommonKnowledge587 Күн бұрын
I like both these ships but, for me, the canon Enterprise C looks 'right' 🖖
@deaks25 Күн бұрын
The Courageous is one my favourite mod designs. Absolutely looks like the follow up to the Defiant as a small, insanely tough, well armed ship.
@tullyDT Күн бұрын
The only thing I didn't like about the official Ambassador was the Nacells they look too contemporary for a ship that is from an older generation
@stevelapierre4776 Күн бұрын
Just watched this again and the 32nd Century USS Gateway.. hmm.. has a saucer area ring so.. the name is Gateway.. wonder if a portal, since in the show we see the crazy future tech gosh.. instant transporter anywhere gosh.. so maybe.. just saying.. wonder this ship against the Ori.. ring against ring.. oh not the movie gosh.. had nightmares for weeks... lol!!😊🖖
@RetroBadgerGaming Сағат бұрын
It really does look like an Ori ship doesn't it? Yes, it sooo needs a portal in there. Maybe an Iconian Gateway? You could send enemy ships to the middle of Borg space 😂
@mobeasley8577 Күн бұрын
I love it. It just needs upgraded shields to really go up against the heavyweights.
@TannerCIS Күн бұрын
Seems like the real one fired 5 photons at a time while the prototype was 4.
@RetroBadgerGaming Сағат бұрын
I'm pretty sure the Prototype fires 4 from the front and 6 from the aft. So 10 like the actual Ambassador. 🖖
@stevelapierre4776 Күн бұрын
🤔I actually like the Prototype version better , both are nice but the Prototype seems more era link to me.. and Yes on the wall, gosh, I thought was the other one. good eye. gosh.. Geordi said.. '' The Ent D was made from scratch and whole new design'' so would make sense.. Looking facing the Ent C.. looks very nice , it looks good , but I feel the deflector is a tad big for the size of the ship, just saying. almost the width of the star drive.. just saying.. I would say the same.. even match.. Too bad saw the Ent C in that episode and a few seconds as the Ambassador flying side by side of the Ent D.. so. hmm hard to say.. still love the battle Admiral.. !!!😊🖖
@RetroBadgerGaming Сағат бұрын
The Actual Ambassador class we ended up with certainly was it's own design. Maybe that's not a bad thing? It's hard to deny how awesome the Probert is though. 🖖
@Forge17 Күн бұрын
The original Ambassador looks like a fitting support class ship sometime after the C was destroyed, but the Probert looks like a logical next step after the Excelsior.
@averyramstorf2483 Күн бұрын
This Voyager vs. 31st Century Discovery upgrade