The Music Of Star Trek RANKED!
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Every Star Trek Series & Film RANKED
Russell Bates: The Complete Interview
Terrorism In Star Trek - Part Two
Review: Star Trek: Picard Season 1
Terrorism In Star Trek - Part One
Questions & Answers 1
5 жыл бұрын
@Zotemann 4 сағат бұрын
The species count is random, species 8472 is showing that. And even if it’s not random: the numbers aren’t for assimilated species, just for known species. Don’t forget there are unworthy species like kazon and ALL primitive species
@zzzubmno2755 2 күн бұрын
Nerds! this isnt real. Its a friggen tv show.
@TheVideomaster64Reborn 4 күн бұрын
The only Star Trek movies that I don't like is Star Trek the motion picture and the JJ Abrams Star Trek trilogy they just don't feel like Star Trek to me for a while I wasn't really sure about insurrection but it's really grown on me and it's one of my favorites now but anyway the motion picture and the JJ Abrams trilogy they didn't feel like Star Trek they're really boring and generic the only part I liked about Star Trek the motion picture was the robot Planet Voyager I thought the plot of the movie was stupid but the motion picture and Star Trek 2009 are gorgeous looking movies though
@TheVideomaster64Reborn 4 күн бұрын
This might sound crazy to you but Star Trek 5 the final frontier and Star Trek 9 insurrection are my favorite Star Trek movies then after that would have to be Star Trek 6 the undiscovered country Star Trek 8 first contact Star Trek 3 The search for Spock and finally Star Trek 7 generations my favorite Star Trek TV shows are deep Space nine and Voyager
@t.j.payeur5331 5 күн бұрын
This was horseshit.
@Awestefeld6612 6 күн бұрын
Just found this after seeing the Orange River video.
@Trekspertise 5 күн бұрын
@Anon0nline 13 күн бұрын
My hypothesis: Vger = Accidentally influences the Borg (they go seeking Humanity, which leads to their view of absorbing other species) Borg Collective = Q Continuum [in the future] (evolved after absorption of Vger+) Sha Ka Ree "God" = Last Remaining Human (sent back to the past to contain them, making it harder for people to reach them and free them) She Ka Ree = Prison made by the Q Continuum for "God" Nexus = Originally meant to entertain/distract "God"; drifted after billions of years, corrupted by "God's" past influence/interaction
@harrysatin5110 14 күн бұрын
A hero
@bbb4228 17 күн бұрын
I’d watch any other show 1000 times over Discovery.
@KevinMurphy0403 20 күн бұрын
It’s time we slew our human gods. Oh wait…..they don’t exist
@CoSmiC__VoiCe 20 күн бұрын
The numbers refer to the species the borg has encountered and known, not the number of species the borg has assimilated. For example, species 5618 are humans. One of their last discoveries, species 8472, could not be assimilated, causing the Borg's disaster.
@snigdhabhattacharya1690 21 күн бұрын
I cannot be bought with any amount of money or coercion Victor Krum. Klingons are lovely and I respect them but I’m very happy being a Vulcan. I will try to ensure a fair fight as much as I can. Right now pizza boy can still form coherent sentences but you can’t even do that anymore. If I may, the penalty kick should go to you. We have hosted many diplomatic summits in our island nation. Just make a formal request and I’m sure grandpa would be happy to oblige
@user-cq6fk5go3s 24 күн бұрын
I’ve always thought it was possible that assimilation wasn’t their primary goal but could have done so on a case by case basis ie if it made tactical sense.
@jayjay-71 25 күн бұрын
I read a tng book, can't remember the name, but it explains where the borg came from and they were originally lizard like... wish I could remember the book
@Retired_Medic 26 күн бұрын
This is amazing.....that you are pretending the Borg were all real. People could find this information after a future Nuclear War and treat it like the Dead Scrolls and treat it like fact.
@Rahab84 27 күн бұрын
My theory is that something like the first contact film happened. But with a different race and planet in the Delta quadrant, but couldn't go back further than 1 thousand years. They crashed on the planet maybe 4 or 5 survived and started assimilating it. Including a little girl that grows to become the queen. Then it got out of control quickly, that would explain the fragmented memory.
@desdinovamd 27 күн бұрын
How to make Start Trek racist and "decolonize it" (AKA remove white European heritage from it) without just saying it's racist. Too much woke pseudoscientific storytelling and too little fact. If you lack clarity as to whether European culture is superior in every way then perhaps consider immigration patters, minority rights pattern, value of human life across cultures and the freedom to speak your mind across the globe. Freedom which leads to invention, progress and ideas which propel civilization forward which was only possible in the context of agriculture, focus on family, community and national interest with peoples using their heritage and judeochristian set of values as common denominator. And also who invented slavery and where is it still being practiced. The notion that Mayans invented kevlar because they used woven "armor" is as logically absurd as saying that Native Americans invented battleships because they used canoes. BTW modern body armor includes steel plates but facts are not strong suite of the Left in the pursuit of Marxist Utopia. Too much Howard Zinn propaganda.. I know nerds are typically left leaning but bro.. And if this isn't enough then answer yourself a question: would you rather be conquered by Christians or Aztecs and get executed on the stairs of a temple? Speaking of historical accuracy Aztec city Tenochtitlan was established in 1325AD which is 500 years AFTER Romans conquered Iberian cities which existed there (German/Celtic culture). When Columbus landed in Bahamas on ships beyond the wildest dreams of "noble savages" their "ancient empire was only 167 years in existence. Let's stop making up facts for the sake of anti-west, anti capitalism, anti-white woke story arch building. With this established, Prime Directive is as respectful and color blind as it gets. It's a directive and absolute for a reason: to avoid tampering and temptation of conquest and abuse of the underdeveloped cultures. But for critical race theory and postcolonial theory zealots it is obviously not enough since only suicidal criticism of your own culture and heritage will satisfy the "critical lens" of the modern Woke Inquisitors. And even Start Trek with it's humanism, tolerance and multiculturalism is not exempt. Geez.
@Trekspertise 26 күн бұрын
You've drank so much Kool-aid that it doesn't seem possible for you to come back to normalcy.
@tombrown5508 27 күн бұрын
The Borg is exactly like the Federation.
@SquirmieWormington 28 күн бұрын
I don’t understand how anyone can be bigoted and watch Star Trek. It’s literally gay space communism but my redneck conservative stepdad eats it up completely blind to the progressivism supported by the writers
@robspadre5519 29 күн бұрын
What about the war they fought during the BNW era?
@scottishwarrior8014 Ай бұрын
What do you get if you cross a Borg and a dog … ?….borgacollie 😊
@patrickhanly7458 12 күн бұрын
A Welsh Borgi?
@ElizabethHanderson Ай бұрын
Review this after 4 and a bit seasonns, now that Michael is a captain.
@Trekspertise Ай бұрын
We are thinking about it
@tomitiustritus6672 Ай бұрын
He was responsible for millions of dead under a brutal occupation. He sexually exploited women from the occupied population. He personally ordered executions of civilians. He never came around to admit he was being a war criminal and later even doubled down and made it his quest to genocide the Bajorans. There is no conceivable case for Gul Dukat. He is a good villain for the show and he is fun to learn about over the course of the show, but there is no conceivable case for Gul Dukat, if you're in your right mind.
@francesvincent793 Ай бұрын
totally sickening
@Trekspertise Ай бұрын
Is this bigotry?
@simonrobson2293 Ай бұрын
I found the borg queen hot
@tomdm5464 Ай бұрын
You should revisit Lower decks and Picard! They get sooooo good!
@aleks1939 Ай бұрын
The Borg were a cool villain until VOY turned them into a bunch of wusses.
@stevenschwartzhoff1703 Ай бұрын
Kirk was quite quick to turn to sabotage/terrorism against the occupation of Organia.
@orionstark Ай бұрын
The Prime Directive is immoral because it presumes a collective identity for a whole species. Knowledge is something passed down from one generation to the next and shared between cultures. A child with access to the full breadth and depth of knowledge will grow to be a more self-actualized individual regardless of the quality of education their parents had. The one story that Star Trek needed to tell that it never will is The Federation meeting an analogue of The Culture. A multi-species union which sees interfering with less developed civilizations as the foundation for their moral right to exist.
@pixelomega3042 Ай бұрын
6:26 wasn’t Jadzia rather openly bisexual like the whole time she was on the show? Correct me if I’m wrong but I remember getting strong vibes that she swung for both teams
@SisavatManthong-yb1yn Ай бұрын
Z accounts!? U•°
@nedisings Ай бұрын
In the nick of time, he regrets that he has "no beach to walk on" with someone he loves. It really tugged at my heart.
@ChefDuane Ай бұрын
The Borg are like leftist progressives. No one knows how they came about but their parasitic hive mind seems to have always been around. They create nothing, they innovate nothing, they produce nothing, they neither manufacture nor create. They simply consume, destroy, and assimilate the host life from. When they run out of hosts they eventually they turn inward upon themselves in their lust for consumption and power. They will eventually destroy themselves. The trick is for that portion of sane humanity to survive long enough to see that day.
@kehreazerith3016 Ай бұрын
Dude you are delusional
@weirdnomad8868 Ай бұрын
Actually Guinan arrived on Earth in the 19th century. She was buddies with Mark Twain
@geonerd Ай бұрын
Having a Queen is bad enough. But what's with the lipstick?! That's SO wrong!! LOL
@AS-iv7kg Ай бұрын
Bro as far as TV ranks your on point but as far as the movies i never thought any1 would say movie1 was the best
@allanshpeley4284 Ай бұрын
For those without the chrome extension re-enabling the dislike counter, this video has a 25% dislike ratio. I would take this guy's opinion with a rather large grain of salt.
@24tanksalot Ай бұрын
From the Star Trek franchise, the romulans made the boarg.
@simonzinc-trumpetharris852 2 ай бұрын
Gimme dat Chromium leg..
@ChrundleTGreat 2 ай бұрын
If the Borg are 1000yrs old and they’ve catalogued 10,026 species that’s an average of 10.2-ish species a solar year. I think that’s a weak stat. I think they’re at least 5 x’s that old.
@CassieSchmidt-bz7vu 2 ай бұрын
hahaha I love the Borg
@Sideshowjav 2 ай бұрын
The music is a great put off. I stoped watching after 7 seconds. The narrater has no charisma.
@Great_Olaf5 2 ай бұрын
26:56 Nothing that uit have said up to this point has in any way convinced me that a non interference policy isn't a good idea. _And I already believe that a non interference policy isn't always a good idea_ You have succeeding failed to convince me of something 8 already believe, congratulations.
@manlystranger4973 2 ай бұрын
The Nexus does not show real events, everything in it is a complete fantasy. Kirk leaving Starfleet and Antonia are fantasies which never existed despite what Kirk in the Nexus believes. Like opium smoke, the Nexus has no reality and convinces the user that dreams are real. If the Nexus put you into your heart's greatest desire, Kirk would be on the bridge of the Enterprise surrounded by his crew and nothing Picard said could ever convince him to abandon his crew. Malcom McDowell could not face any portion of his real life and sought the Nexus to escape into a fantasy into which thoughts of the terrible things he had done in reality could never intrude. Picard fantasized about something he could not stand in reality, children. Picard loathed kids, probably because of his own horrific childhood experiences, something he shared with Kirk. Both Kirk and Picard were deep space explorers because there was nothing for them at home due to their deep emotional unhealable scars. They did not want familial relationships with anyone, although like all people they sometimes fantasized about what their lives could have been. This is why it was easy for both Picard and Kirk to leave the Nexus.
@troybailey6904 2 ай бұрын
The Vaadwaur look like a reptile Species
@texmiley5893 2 ай бұрын
I thought you handled that very well and very tasteful
@DPoner 2 ай бұрын
It’s not offensive you stupid Nerd get the hell off of Reddit and stop ruining all of our lore with your post-colonial takes and culture. Shit is so played out. Other than that nice video.
@dsmyyyth511 2 ай бұрын
Why are all Borg humaniid and no aliens
@Pax.Alotin 2 ай бұрын
Because Borgs are Rasciiist
@ashleyjaytanna1953 2 ай бұрын
Futile is resistance...grob
@infojunkie4989 2 ай бұрын
Anyone know what those lights (vertical ones on the desk)
@Trekspertise 5 күн бұрын
They are Luxceo lights.