What NASA Doesn't Say To Us!
14 күн бұрын
@michaelcopper7635 19 сағат бұрын
Loved it all, favourite the Omega😊
@traumonsneed3002 22 сағат бұрын
Idk if anybody can see in the pics took by hubble and web of the asteroid…if you look at the side with web and relax your eyes a little you can see features and a outline of how big it is
@desybaker3938 Күн бұрын
What aliens
@al2207 Күн бұрын
Betelgeuse is way too far to have any of your false fear-mongering disaster , 642 light years away
@joethomas4940 Күн бұрын
Super nova is a star that exploded right? So if a super nova was viewed and " measured" in the '60s then viewing it today it would "apear" larger? Is this what we observe?
@cherylbristol5144 2 күн бұрын
Oh great with all the vast distance measured in light years, we all have time to live, die, live , die, live and die again and again.
@jimdevlin2138 2 күн бұрын
just thinking about the distances and numbers involved makes my head hurt🤕
@MyronTurner-qy4km 2 күн бұрын
Remember will never see it unless it blow up 700 years ago
@johnstones66 2 күн бұрын
7 trillion miles doesn't even reach the nearest star, let alone a distant one. A single light year is nearly 6 trillion miles. 1140 light years is obviously many trillions, but still not "a colossal distance" in stellar terms, as our galaxy is 100.000 light years across.
@dzeyo651 2 күн бұрын
im not impressed by figuring out a few gasses exist on a planet, not enough to start fantasizing about life everywhere, which always presupposes it spontaneously generates .. something we've never seen under ideal conditions like say, here on earth lol ...
@tlk3012 3 күн бұрын
Look like China 🇨🇳
@drytoast1755 3 күн бұрын
When you gonna show us the aliens?
@daleeasternbrat816 3 күн бұрын
It's Climate Change! Look at how our Fossil Fuels are wrecking that poor star! We have to eat Bugs and live like Animals to Save that star. Well....
@DanielHedrick-co4zy 3 күн бұрын
They don't know how close by about 400 light years? What?
@donald2665 4 күн бұрын
The impact of even this massive Star will effect "The Universe" very little. Within a diameter of near by Star Systems that are near by relatively, then there could be effects. No one seems to ever mention what systems might be on the circumference and within it of the explosion envelope.
@koppulalazarusprabhakar6483 4 күн бұрын
Yes , it's very much possible for 'Life' to be found on this exoplanet. All the basic elements required for growth and development of life,seems to be present on it. The scientific community must try to develop another telescope more powerful than JWST which can show case the reality and eliminate all doubts ....and certainly we are not alone in this vast expanse called the universe.....
@ukirfan 4 күн бұрын
send a pico satellite using solar sails powered by earth bound lasers. we will see the reality in 16years as solar sails have potential to reach 1/4 the speed of light.
@archimedes2261 4 күн бұрын
Last 😆
@davidarundel6187 4 күн бұрын
Guess if this is true , m spirit , may see this , once its full developement is complete in some 750 + years or so
@Zhavlan 4 күн бұрын
❤❤❤Здравствуйте. С помощью «ГИБРИДНОГО гироскопа» Вы сможете совершать научные открытия; по астрономии, астрофизике, космологии, высшей теоретической физике,... Обращаюсь к Вам с предложением на совместное изобретения ГИБРИД гироскопа из некруглых, ДВУХ катушек с новым типом оптического волокна с «полой сердцевиной из фотоно-замещенной вакуумной зоной или (NANF)», где - свет в каждом плече проходит по 48000 метров при этом, не превышает параметры 40/40/40 см., и вес - 4кг. Предприятия по выпуску "Волоконно-оптических гироскопов" может выпускать ГИБРИД гироскопы, для учебно практического применения в школах и высших учебных заведений. Эйнштейна мечтал измерить скорость поезда, самолёта - через опыт Майкельсона Морли 1881/2024 г., и только тогда, опыт будет выполнен больше чем 70%. Это возможно выполнить с помощью оптоволоконного ГИБРИД гироскопа. Вот исходя из выполненного более 70% опыта Майкельсона, возможно доказать постулаты: Свет - это упорядоченная вибрация гравитационных квантов и доминантные гравитационные поля корректируют скорость света в вакууме. (Мы, не ищем эфир, мы увидим работу квантов гравитации) В итоге увидите *теорию всего* в простом учебном устройстве и новую рулетку, чтобы измерить Вселенную. 30/05/2024
@alex79suited 4 күн бұрын
We might find that supernova aren't singular. What i mean is in a given galaxy stars may form in bunches, and depending on those stars the time between each going into this faze on a universal time scale. Might be like popcorn on that scale. Any planets close to the star, or say an asteroid belt that could be seriously disturbed?
@Rich-fi7kg 4 күн бұрын
It seems as though we will never see the big bang now...
@erichoesein6749 4 күн бұрын
Ze hebben ons al lang in de gaten.
@erichoesein6749 4 күн бұрын
Zijn we op zoek naar problemen? We kunnen niet eens in harmony met elkaar leven op aarde.
@Killerator80 5 күн бұрын
If Betelgeuse did explode tomorrow, we wouldn't really know about it for another 700 years, right?
@klaaturivera3746 5 күн бұрын
if this telescope can nearly see the beginning of time it should right down to the surface of this planet and see a flea.
@mltnetwork 5 күн бұрын
This is really good...thank you for this awesome video...WOW, our universe, as the ancient WORDS have statement, is unlimited, because the creator has no limits!!! WOW!!!
@doug2424 5 күн бұрын
@jucardi1 5 күн бұрын
interesting, but it's not surprising, scientist don't find it unlikely for primordial life to be found in other planets, in fact that might be more common than we think. What some scientist find unlikely (but possible) is to find intelligent life which requires millions of years in evolution. Still it's a fascinating discovery if proven to be true
@Papa_Doug_Taylor 5 күн бұрын
This is all our fault! I kept telling them, "Don't say it!! Don't say it again!!". But, noooo, they just kept saying it. NOW LOOK!!!! Toldja so!!!!!
@skyeye5150 5 күн бұрын
So the great dimming actually acurred about 640 years ago.
@DuderinoDeux 5 күн бұрын
It's life Jim!
@vandalorian8777 6 күн бұрын
It may have exploded hundreds of years ago
@scottbuchanan3461 6 күн бұрын
Jupiter is acting weird because NASA has stolen one of jupiters moons and made a base there to drop atomic weapons into its atmosphere and other in appropriate and illegal experiments and are and were and still are being told to stop.
@2002ZRX1200R 6 күн бұрын
724 light years 🤔 so we are seeing what happened 724 years ago, not 3 minutes ago. Got it.
@user-jb3wd9hz4m 6 күн бұрын
Any time in the next few thousand years.
@martinjdyoung 7 күн бұрын
We've seen the Nova, Now for the Supernova.
@shaddouida3447 7 күн бұрын
James Webb has the ability to look very far into space, and therefore, very far into the past. Indeed, although light travels at the dizzying speed of 300,000 kilometers per second, the Universe is so vast that some images that reach us today are billions of years old!🌠🌌
@kevinhead6464 7 күн бұрын
@crazytonguecat 7 күн бұрын
This is a real banger!!!😃😀👍🏻
@crazytonguecat 7 күн бұрын
You came back with a great one!!! Thank you this is excellent work!!🙏🏻🙌🏻👏🏻👌🏻
@laszlojaksa 8 күн бұрын
Isn't 8.5 million years for a star like really young? I mean, Earth is what? 4.5 billion years old, dinosaurs went extinct 64 million years ago give or take. Or this is relative to the type of the star and for a red giant 8.5 million is super old?
@floydfelder3580 8 күн бұрын
This is not going to effect us in anyway,this star is just too far away 😊 anyway God is in control 😊
@robertbenkelman947 9 күн бұрын
It is interesting that physicist Michio Kaku has never mentions the Big Bang Theory because Kaku's worldview is deist. He said there has to be something out there that’s controlling the Universe. But he doesn’t elaborate anything further.
@TheR3negadeMaster 9 күн бұрын
Anyone else think of that midget black dude when they mention beteljuice?
@youtubeconnollyfamily 10 күн бұрын
I love space. It always just boggles my mind. When you realize we live in just one galaxy the Milky Way. Then there are more galaxies in space than specs of sand on earth. How can you not say there is no organic/intelligent life out there somewhere? You literally can’t. There are so many galaxies that our telescopes cannot even see.
@Zookeeper. 10 күн бұрын
Anybody knows how to get a taste of this Beatle Juice? Seems ho-so-toasty 😎
@illeaglez 10 күн бұрын
prolly why the universe expansion accelerates. supanovaz yo. my theory
@margokronzer4985 10 күн бұрын
😅images from the telescope of the cosmos and all its components it looks to me like images of the human brain! Think about that. So, god?
@aracoixo3288 10 күн бұрын
🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 0:35