@XBoom 2 сағат бұрын
@Sypaka 2 сағат бұрын
Give it a few years then we have some sort of useable BSD and another couple years and it will run KDE plasma.
@smallcube-zn2mm 3 сағат бұрын
In future people will say I use TempleOS btw
@IAintSeenNoNiggaHere 4 сағат бұрын
"very old thinkpad" man, that's a supercomputer compared to my X200S running Void Linux, haha
@sun_ada 5 сағат бұрын
I know some c, if I were to contribute/help you in Quantix, would you recommend me learn c in a better way first or can you give me some pointers ? I have never done software development and I am in my second semester.
@MadalinIgnisca 9 сағат бұрын
Year by year there are more people involved in FREE SOFTWARE. On the contrary, more current OSS contributed are going away from the software essentially required by the big corps and show the finger to them. We have 2 separate factions in the world of OSS: 1. the FREE SOFTWARE, like Linux kernel, Gnome desktop, MariaDB, PHP and many nice apps to be used by normal people 2. the Open Source software like MongoDB, Redis, Graylog, and many many more that provide zero benefit for normal people and small businesses. The 1st faction, gains constant new people, and keeps solid. The 2nd faction, because in the last years we realised how the corps are treating us, people that contribute for free to their OSS software, we are now showing them back the finger, just as they showed it to us with their shitty Business Open Source licenses. The only real FREE OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE is the one of communities only, and with GPL, Apache and BSD licenses families. The rest, can go away forever, we ain't need corps, we ain't need them.
@lain2600 11 сағат бұрын
4chan said Arch is a distro for pedos, is that true?
@streettrialsandstuff 13 сағат бұрын
Hey! Where can I find this wallpaper?
@bixel798 12 сағат бұрын
@@streettrialsandstuff I found it on an r/unixporn reddit post I’m not sure which post though, I think it was a post about dwm
@yuriythebest 13 сағат бұрын
I'm envious of the person who made it for having all of this free time. Good for him.
@bixel798 13 сағат бұрын
@@yuriythebest hahaha true
@porterhouse937 14 сағат бұрын
The great schism. I for one am TempleOS orthodox
@aaronleonard1337 21 сағат бұрын
On the contrary, I don't think this is a good idea. A lot of FOSS developers are not actually good developers, but instead contribute because they feel forced to either forced to for maintenance because nobody else will pick up the work and it'll cripple a lot of other projects and work, or because they feel forced to because everyone gives the questionable advice "contribute to FOSS for portfolio/CV projects". Additionally, FOSS is currently suffering from what I'd call a software pollution problem. You see this especially well with JavaScript Frameworks(which are a kind of FOSS). Every year a bunch of these frameworks get released, used and adopted, and every year a bunch of them also die off, and have maintenance killed. It's symptomatic of a broken web ecosystem, but also of how poorly tested the ideas and the designs are before they're used in the wild. It is very easy to have an idea, and relatively easy to execute on i., but to actually know it's good from a long time and a lot of use, takes a lot of time and most people want to throw whatever they have out there) Regarding money, eh, there's a lot of approaches to it. Selling compiled versions of your FOSS(Aseprite does this), selling support for server software is another. Additionally you don't really need to make implementations of things FOSS... an example of this is the difference between the IDTech engine and DOOM. DOOM itself isn't FOSS, but the engine powering it is and was used as a stepping stone for a lot of graphics improvements(moreso with the Quake engine which has its DNA in most modern 3D games). The other problem with FOSS is that a lot of the people preaching it, are imo ideologically extreme- this kind of extremism doesn't lead to pragmatic, sensible or well thought out choices(which as an engineering discipline, is a requirement). Additionally the other side of the coin too, is that preaching FOSS, tends to attract people who want to be preached to. In other words, advertising or propaganda, attracts people who it works on. It's from my experience and opinion, that these sorts of people easily buy into whatever's trendy at the time, and not good practice(people who use all the new features from the latest C++ version just because they can). With most things that are trendy... time will make the best argument for or against them. The last reason why, is that a lot of FOSS devs are treated like garbage- I had this experience from people who demanded me to upgrade a small library I wrote, and started cussing me out because I said I wasn't interested in upgrading it and that I'd be happy to review any PR they made and inviting them to fork it if they wanted.
@Seacle14 5 сағат бұрын
Good comment
@um8078 23 сағат бұрын
I use FOSS because they don't add bloat to software. They just do what they say they do. And they generally work better than the alternatives.
@um8078 23 сағат бұрын
hey bro what DE are you using it looks clean
@tylerdean980 21 сағат бұрын
@bixel798 20 сағат бұрын
@@um8078 Yeah it’s DWM
@treakzy_9594 Күн бұрын
"shrineos is a distro full of sin" hahaha
@hrqmonteiro Күн бұрын
The repo is archived already. Wtf.
@darkwolf_darkside Күн бұрын
I play all my games on linux
@perryzheng8372 Күн бұрын
@JeoshuaCollins Күн бұрын
If I ever end up making one of these, I swear to "God" I'm calling my distro exactly that: Heresy
@dominickrass8473 Күн бұрын
Nfw temple os has distros now😂 I might have to switch
@cardndmch Күн бұрын
removes the intellectual property, and you can copy-past all the drivers from the Windows in that shit a wonderful world that is not accessible
@um8078 23 сағат бұрын
@@cardndmch tf?
@iopyrb 16 сағат бұрын
@astrolemonade349 Күн бұрын
As much as I want to do that I need to put food on the table as well, FOSS rarely bring any money, you put lots of work and the only things you get are: corporate entities that bash you for not fulfilling their requests, people that force their opinions and guidelines on your project and the rest of freeloaders that steal your work and put their name onto it. Thanks, but until something changes I can't put the effort into that.
@GekoPoiss Күн бұрын
least principled dwm user
@DKLHensen Күн бұрын
The FOS devs we need are high end developers. With all due respect, not just some random 2 month bootcamp dev. It can be an academic person or self-taught, that does not matter, as long as the person has got a solid foundation. Take kernel development for instance. You really got to know what you're doing, entering that is difficult and reward is low. Professionally there are not many opportunities to be made if you are in a country where zero businesses are in need of a Kernel dev. I'm happy that there are Linux devs, because I love Linux. Gotta pay those bills, being a FOS dev is just not going to help out with that unfortunately. There are success stories, but there is lots of luck and timing involved, there is no clear template to follow. What do you think?
@user-eg6nq7qt8c Күн бұрын
You make it sound enticing. You will earn nothing, be rewarded with nothing and don't even try if you aren't already an elite dev. Not a great sales pitch!
@-Engineering01- Күн бұрын
How on earth the reward is low for kernel devs ? They are making bank, and their job security is rock solid. Just donate them, there already are so much more foss devs than you think, but they need money. Just donate project that you like, that's the best support to them.
@UsamaNadeem615 22 сағат бұрын
Think about it like this: contributing to open source isn't just about doing free work. It's like putting your skills on display in front of the whole world. Imagine if your code gets accepted into something huge like the Linux Kernel, Chromium, or React. That's like having a stamp of approval from the top minds in tech. People at places like the Linux Foundation, Red Hat, etc actually get paid to work on these projects full-time because they're so critical. It's not just about the money either; it's about the recognition and the impact your work can have globally. Plus, learning from these communities is like getting a masterclass in software development that no university can fully replicate.
@mahz2720 Күн бұрын
bro what's your zsh theme
@uuu12343 Күн бұрын
This feels like a general "why I use linux" argument over archlinux At its core, linux is just the kernel, the only thing separating distros is 1. The package manager 2. The support All distros are the same at its core
@lobotomite5463 Күн бұрын
i consider what comes out of the box too when choosing distro, lots of other ppl do too. display manager, de, and whatever else that comes with it. as for arch, i get to install wtv i want
@sneepsn00p7 Күн бұрын
I moved to Linux, The Mint distro. About a month ago. I love it! Learning how to fix my own problem though trial and error helps me understand what the problem is, besides just being a problem.
@bixel798 Күн бұрын
@@sneepsn00p7 couldn’t agree more 👍
@framepointer Күн бұрын
Jesus please fix the terminal font, it looks so thin and barely readable.
@jam560 Күн бұрын
i was chilling on arch for a about 6 months but honestly having to update so often started to annoy me. especially updating aur packages having to recompile it everytime. now i use debian and its perfect for me but i understand why people like arch
@bixel798 Күн бұрын
@@jam560 fair enough
@IAintSeenNoNiggaHere 3 сағат бұрын
Debian is the other end, it's a red letter day if you have an available update :D
@pookiechips6982 Күн бұрын
arch is good but.. i got tired of tinkering with it so i hopped on to fedora
@qhxiv5738 Күн бұрын
linux is for nerds
@DevangRPatel Күн бұрын
Joke but true
@jestyjoshua Күн бұрын
I like debian, opensuse, and void.
@bixel798 Күн бұрын
I’ve tried Debian, it’s ok I guess.
@Mario1vsSonic1 Күн бұрын
Void is the correct way to go. No systemD
@borscht7743 20 сағат бұрын
opensuse... not a big fan...
@IAintSeenNoNiggaHere 4 сағат бұрын
@@Mario1vsSonic1 also musl, 32bit version, separate dev and debug packages, xbps-src and so on. Oh, and it's an independent distro, not just some fork of Arch without systemd (like artix or nobara).
@trixer230 2 күн бұрын
Sorry man lets review some statistics. Open source developers getting paid by foundations are the lowest paid in the industry. Open source software, benefits only the consumer and the developer spends thousands of hours just to be told their software isn as good as x or buggy. No tech billionaire in the last 20 years was made through their software being open source from the get go, only after they made millions did they bother entertaining open source. The idea that open source is good for capitalism is laughable. Developers want to make money, they want to be paid for their art and they deserve it. Want to make a real solid change, form a company and make software that doesn't have all that "bloat" as you put it.
@besterspieler2285 Күн бұрын
So what? Is money earned by selling a piece of software a measure for it's quality? No. Of course tech billionaires aren't made from FOSS, but that's because they're out for the money and not for the quality of the product. That's capitalism for you. FOSS is the superior way to deliver solid software that works for the consumer, and that should be the focus of software development. The payment issue is just an unavoidable side effect of not focusing on exploiting customers, also the salaries one is comparing against in this field of work are absurdly high. There is too much money made with mediocre software. Furthermore you really seem to underestimate the broad usage of FOSS in big tech firms. Sure, not everything can be licensed, but you sure can steal from it without getting caught. So in that respect it definitely still profits capitalism through providing quality code sources.
@JWJ212 2 күн бұрын
Recommendation from a long time linux user here! Set some aliases for common commands (pacman, vim, etc) along with aliases for common directories like your documents and such. It makes navigating in your terminal emulator way faster and it wasn't something I considered for awhile.
@bixel798 Күн бұрын
Ok thanks, I’ll look into it!!
@JWJ212 Күн бұрын
@@bixel798 Sick, if you need any examples or inspiration I can link my file
@rushgaming7110 2 күн бұрын
Sigma 🤡
@andrewbig9806 2 күн бұрын
Wanted to contribute to open source, but never learnt to program. Would be fun to engage within a community and share useful programs that people need.
@DrinbevorBernd 2 күн бұрын
What is holding you back?
@phamthohongduong Күн бұрын
@@DrinbevorBernd maybe time and money/effort :)))
@andrewbig9806 Күн бұрын
@@DrinbevorBernd Time, also. Not sure where to start. There is endless of courses that are out there, not sure where to start not something I have done before.
@nothappyz Күн бұрын
​@@andrewbig9806 Looks like you're not really interested. If you are passionate about it you should find the time. Also are you just googling "how to code"? Find an area of interest (not just "programming") and go read what the experts suggest
@andrewbig9806 Күн бұрын
@@nothappyz I am. Well not really how I would put it. I've done some minor research and not sure where to start, there is so many options. Python, C, C++, C#. I would really like to try and automate things at work, maybe python would be of interest.
@win_ini 2 күн бұрын
despite the thumbnail, I thought this was about the Windows DWM (Desktop Window Manager) when clicking. I'm disappointed
@crazy_wwww 2 күн бұрын
switch to arch btw (i use arch btw)
@win_ini Күн бұрын
@@crazy_wwww obviously everyone knows Haiku is the better choice! =3
@rafaeloledo 2 күн бұрын
i use nixos btw
@rangeramg 2 күн бұрын
no i will use void linux
@cariyaputta 2 күн бұрын
De-snap Kubuntu LTS is the best for software development.
@um8078 2 күн бұрын
Hey I wanna ask how stable is Arch, if there's a super meeting would you trust it enough to run it on Arch? Cause I'm running Fedora because it's more beginner friendly, and I'm now thinking about switching to Arch.
@bixel798 2 күн бұрын
In my experience Arch is an extremely stable distro, I know there’s talk about how you can break it, I’ve only broken it on Manjaro never on actual Arch Linux. If your not doing anything extreme arch should be totally fine.
@um8078 2 күн бұрын
@@bixel798 but would you trust it enough to attend a job interview on it?
@methane1027 2 күн бұрын
I switched FROM Gentoo to Arch. I used Gentoo for 10+ years, and did a lot of professional work customizing it. Essentially using it as a base for a custom branched kinda distro -- inside video lottery terminals. I had a whole build system for it too, scripts to compile everything from source and to package it up all nicely. I don't enjoy Gentoo these days.. It made sense for me to use it then, because we had to prove and show 100% of our source to our clients and that it resulted into the binaries we supplied them. Gentoo made that easier. I love messing with my OS and make it do precisely what I want it to. That doesn't mean I enjoy sitting around waiting 4 hours for my browser to compile because it got a little security update either. The only real thing I appreciate in Gentoo over Arch today is a mostly philosophical one -- Their init systems. Gentoo uses OpenRC and Arch ... uses systemd, which I DO NOT LIKE OR WANT on my system. I just don't agree with what it's trying to do. I keep my system really minimal. I like to know what's happening and to have next to nothing running. I don't need a complex init. I don't want a complex init. I just want it to boot and leave me alone. Just give me a little script or two that maybe runs a couple other scripts. Nevermind all this hooking into everything into the system like a giant spiderweb strangling everything. Like you, I don't even run KDE or Gnome or anything. Just i3 as my desktop. I'm always doing most of what I need to at the command line anyhow. Like you, I even run the very simple 'st'. Anyway. I really don't understand how a nearly perfect distro like Arch does almost everything just the way I like it... except this major point. Sure, I understand... it's what people are using these days, it's what's popular.... but that doesn't mean it's good either, or that it's the correct way to do things.
@EntertheDragonChild 2 күн бұрын
Linux mint is a great entry for those with basic technology literacy
@bixel798 2 күн бұрын
@MultiMunding 2 күн бұрын
Use nix, my favorite yet
@bixel798 2 күн бұрын
I’ve heard it’s good but Arch is the GOAT
@bakasenpai2379 2 күн бұрын
good reasoning, but I still prefer Gentoo
@bixel798 2 күн бұрын
Fair enough, gentoo is goated, might use later on.
@eldyj 2 күн бұрын
I have infinite shell loading on my 2005 laptop from arch32 installer. I don't have such problems on any non-systemd OS'es. After all i hate systemd for being retarded on single-core CPU's. Now i use alpine linux on this laptop, not that long, only 1 year. I have 360mb RAM in total (128+256mb), and mostly i have like 10% RAM usage. About CPU, it's 1% when i have code editor and music player opened, my cpu is amd mobile sempron 3000+ (1.8ghz, single core, 32bit). I even managed to open web browser on that and watch some youtube in 480p quality.
@bixel798 2 күн бұрын
Alpine is good 👍
@eldyj 2 күн бұрын
@@bixel798 For most users musl libc could be a problem, but since i mostly compile things from source or they're already available in alpine repos i don't see any issues
@jestyjoshua Күн бұрын
give void linux a try in the future
@WaseemAshraf 2 күн бұрын
Wasn't this video about Arch Linux?
@TheLonelyMoon 2 күн бұрын
Almost a month into my Linux journey. An ex Windows user. My journey so far: Nobara - NixOS (im an idiot) - EOS - NixOS (double idiot) - Fedora - Arch. Been on Arch for a week, and yes, I distrohopped way too much 😬 I like tinkering, I couldn't get used to Nix, and installing Arch helped me understand Linux more. I'm loving Arch so far. Big community/documentation, opposite of bloated, and fun to tinker
@bixel798 2 күн бұрын
@DarinM1967 2 күн бұрын
Nope! I clicked on this because I was curious what you thought the best OS was. Linux huh? 😆 Sorry, sorry, not trolling. I'm sure a lot of folks think the same way, then again a lot of other folks, think Windows is the best. Truly subjective. I've tried both, and while I use, play on, trouble shoot, and supported the later since the 90s, until 2010, I know it ain't the best. Then again I've used Linux on and off since the 90s and it ain't either. Linux bets Windows with Security and networking, but Windows beats Linux pretty much everywhere else. OS/2 was very good back in the day. I heard AmigaOS, and BEOS were pretty good too, but Windows killed both as well as OS/2. Then there's MacOS. Don't know much about it, other than it's a modified BSD, which the later is more secured this Linux, though if I remember correctly isn't as easy to install and use. Again I'm not trying to start anything. Just clicked on the link out of curiosity and was hoping to find a new or obscure OS that I haven't explored it. Good luck with the channel. Sincerely. Later.
@netkv 2 күн бұрын
BSD is pretty much as hard to use as linux (well i can't say for sure, i have used only freebsd and netbsd, because openbsd refuses novideo gpus completelly (seriously why not atleast noveau like netbsd)), to install them is also quite easy as every of them has tui installer (freebsd even with mouse clicking) btw i'd be intrested what you consider to be best os
@DarinM1967 2 күн бұрын
@netkv For me, OS/2 back in the day, but MS killed it. Before that, I enjoyed PC/GEOS on DOS.
@LunarLexi-tl6bw 2 күн бұрын
well, currently in 2024, linux has absolutely no downsides, as it acomplish everything but better
@DarinM1967 2 күн бұрын
@@LunarLexi-tl6bw Really? It requires absolutely no terminal interaction when installing, and updating, and removing all desktop apps? The same with folder and file manipulation, granting, restricting accesses, like Windows has been able to do since 95? How about changing GUI features, exploring hardware and software settings, accesses, register values, if applicable? Also changing all system and hardware settings from GUI only? How about extensive built-in help and assessibilty features? All the above easily without any terminal interfacing? Which destroy can do all of that out of the box?
@netkv 2 күн бұрын
@@DarinM1967 intresting, i am too young to have ever used either OS/2 or DOS anything so i can't judge, but i've heard that os/2 was good
@ArefinKarim 2 күн бұрын
I used arch btw
@xinshengbing5743 2 күн бұрын
I personally use opensuse tumbleweed, in my opinion its much more stable and the open build service is objectively better than the AUR.
@CrittingOut 2 күн бұрын
I agree with you on using linux, but I don't really know why specifically you think Arch is better versus say, debian, or fedora. Also, saying things are "lightweight" and "not bloated" don't really mean anything to people who don't already know why linux is so much nicer.